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comsdctios 9-5, The City School End of Year Examination 2022-23 Student’s Name: Student ID: ‘Subject Teacher’s Name: School Name: PHYSICS 5054/12 CLASS 9 Paper 1 - Multiple Choice hour You must answer on the multiple choice answer sheet. You will need: Multiple choice answer sheet Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) Soft clean eraser INSTRUCTIONS © There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. * For each question there are four possible answers A, B, C and D. Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the multiple choice answer sheet. + Follow the instructions on the multiple choice answer sheet. * Write in soft pencil. * Write your Full Name, Student ID, Section, Subject Teacher's Name, and School Name in the boxes above. © Donot use an erasable pen or correction fluid. © You may use a calculator. © Take the weight of 1.0kg to be 9.8N (acceleration of free fall = 9.8m/s”). INFORMATION ©The total mark for this paper is 40 ‘* Each correct answer will score one mark. A mark will not be deducted for a wrong answer. © Any rough working should be done on this question paper. Invigilated by: Marked by: Marks tallied by: This document has 18 pages. Any blank pages are indicated, Tra ay Gebel! ied End of Year Examination, May 2023 / Physics-P1 / Ciass 9 Page 1 of 18 1 Ameasuring cylinder contains some water. A small metal block is slowly lowered into the water and is then removed. Finally a piece of plastic is attached to the metal block and the block is again slowly lowered into the water. The diagrams show the measuring cylinder at each stage of this process. 1 2 3 on 1-100 F-e0 80 metal block What is the volume of the piece of plastic? A 10cm? B 25cm? © 70cm? D 80cm? 2 Astudent determines the average speed of a bubble rising through a liquid at constant speed. When the student starts the stopwatch the bubble is at position P. After 2.0 the bubble is at position Q. What is the speed of the bubble between P and Q? A 3.2cm/s B 3.7cm/s C 6.4cm/s D 7.4em/s The City Tehel! nied End of Yoar Examination, May 2023 / Physics-P1 / Class 9 Page 2 0f18 3 The diagram shows a child's building block. Its volume and maximum height are determined. Which instruments are used? to determine the to measure the volume maximum height A baianos rule B | measuring cylinder rule c rule balance D rule measuring cylinder 4 The diagram shows a stopwatch, originally set at 00:00. When a car was first seen, the stop-start button was pressed. When the car passed the abserver, the stopwatch showed 01:06. How long A 1.06 seconds B 6 seconds € 66 seconds D 106 seconds The ty Sebel! Unified End of Year Examination, May 2023 / Physies-P1 / Ciass 9 ‘the car take to reach the observer? stop-start button Page 3 of 18 5 Acar accelerates from rest and travels a distance of 100m in 10 seconds. Which speed-time graph represents the motion of this car? A B speed speed 207- “mis mis" 0. 0 10 time/s c D speed speed “nis “mis” 10: 7 + a i i 10 time/s 10 time/s 6 On Earth, a ball is dropped and falls 2.0m in a vacuum. The acceleration of the ball at 1.0m is 9.8 m/s?, Om---—— ball 05m 1.0m 1.5m 20m What is the acceleration of the ball at 0.5m? A 5.0 m/s? B 9.8 m/s? C 15.2 m/s? D 19.8 m/s? 7 Askydiver reaches terminal velocity. Then he opens his parachute. What happens to the skydiver as the parachute opens? A There is a decrease in weight. There is acceleration upwards. B There is an increase in speed. D He comes to rest. The ty Sebel! Voted End of Year Examination, May 2028 / Physios-P1 / Class 9 Page 4 of 18 8 Which distance-time graph represents a body whose speed is decreasing? , A distance | distance 4 |--- c time 0. distance — distance 0. - 0 4 time poo™\ 0 9 Which expression is used to find gravitational field strength g? A mass x density B_ mass + weight C weight x mass D_ weight + mass 10 In which pair are both quantities measured in newtons? A force and pressure B force and weight mass and pressure D mass and weight 11. The mass of an object is measured on Earth. The mass is 5.0kg. time time The object is taken to the Moon. The mass of the object is measured on the Moon. What is the mass of the object on the Moon? A Okg Bmore than Okg, but less than 5.0kg Cc 5.0kg D_ more than 5.0kg The ity Sebel! Unified Ered of Year Examination, May 2023 / Prysles-P1 / Class 9 Page 5 of 18 12. Astone of mass 0.12 kgis fired from a catapult. The velocity of the stone changes from 0 to 5.0 m /sin 0.60 s. ‘What is the average resultant force acting on the stone while it is being fired? A 10N B 25N Cc 36N D 83N 13 A student sets up the apparatus shown in the diagram to find the centre of mass of the card small hole cork pin or nail stand. card string bob The student makes sure that the card, the string and the bob are all at rest. What should the student do next? ‘A Mark a horizontal line on the card level with the middle of the string. B_ Mark the line of the string on the card. C Pull the bob on the string to one side and release it. D__ Replace the bob with a heavier bob. Th iy Tebeel| Unie End of Yeat Examination, May 2023 / Physics-Pt / Class 9 Page 6 of 18 14 Acar moves in a circular path as it turns a corner on a horizontal road. The car moves at constant speed. car Peo direction of travel Which description of the forces acting on the car is correct? ‘A All the forces are balanced as the car is moving at constant speed. B_ The forces are unbalanced and the resultant force acts away from the centre of the circle. € The forces are unbalanced and the resultant force acts towards the centre of the circle. D_ The forces are unbalanced and the resultant force is in the the car. 15 Four objects are each acted on by only two forces, as shown. Which object is in equilibrium? A B c D 1.0N 20N 3.0N 4.0N 2.0N 20N 20N 4.0N The City Sebel United End of Year Examination, May 2023 / Physes-P' / Class 8 Page 7 of 18 16 uniform rod XY of weight 2.0 N has a length of 80 cm. The rod is suspended by a thread 20 cm from end X. A weight of 5.0 N is suspended from end X. thread x Y ~———______- 80cm Y 5.0N ‘A student hangs a 6.0 N weight on the rod so that itis in equilibrium, What is the distance of the 6.0 N weight from end X? A 6cm B 10cm C 26cm D 30cm 17 The extension / load graph for a spring is shown. The unstretched length of the spring is 15.0 cm. aft extension/cm load/N ‘When an object of unknown weight is suspended on the spring, the length of the spring is 16.4 cm. What is the weight of the object? A OSSN B 0.67N Cc 35N D 4.1N Tho City Tebel! Voted End of Year Examination, May 2023 / Physios-P1 / Class 9 Page Bol 18 18 A ball of mass 2.0kg is travelling at a speed of 12m/s. It moves towards an object of mass 3.0kg which is at rest. The ball hits the object and sticks to it. 12m/s 3.0kg 2.0kg at rest @ Which row gives the total momentum, and the speed of both objects immediately after the collision? total_ momentum speed kg m/s m/s A ° 48 B ° 80 c 24 48 D 24 8.0 19 An energy resource is used to generate electrical energy. ‘Which energy resource uses a transfer of gravitational potential energy to generate this electrical energy? A. geothermal B hydroelectric C= solar D wind 20 A steel ball is fired vertically upwards with a velocity v. The ball reaches a height h. The same ball is now fired vertically upwards from the same position with a velocity 2v. Air resistance can be ignored. What is the new height reached by the ball? Ah B 2h c 4h D 8h Fhe ty Iebeol!aitod End of Yoar Examination, May 2023 / Physics Pt / Class 9 Page 90f 18 21. Asolar panel is used to recharge a battery. The solar panel produces 0.80W of electrical power. The panel is 20% efficient. solar panel sunlight What is the power input of the sunlight onto the solar panel? A 0.16W B 40W c 8.0Ww D 16w 22 Acar of mass 1500kg has a speed of 20 m /s. It accelerates until its speed is 25 m /s. What is the increase in the kinetic energy of the car? A 19K) B 38h) c 170K D 340K 23. Abox of mass m slides down a slope of length / and vertical height d against a frictional force F. As the box slides down the slope, it loses gravitational potential energy and it does work against the friction. ‘Which row gives the loss in gravitational potential energy and the work done against friction? mass m stop loss in gravitational | _ work done against potential energy friction A mgd fl B mgd Fd c mg! Al D mgl Fd Tee ity Sebel! United End of Yoar Examination, May 2023 / Physics-P1 / Class 9 Page 10.0118 24 An object falls from a height of 5.0 m. Air resistance can be ignored. As it hits the ground the object has 750 J of kinetic energy. B 50kg Cc 75kg D 150kg 25. The diagrams show athletes training by stretching springs. Each spring has the same stiffness. Which athlete does the most work? one spring stretched one spring stretched by0.60m by 0.80m, two springs stretched two springs stretched by0.60m by 0.80m 26 As energy is transferred into different forms, it eventually becomes dissipated. What does this mean? A Allthe energy disappears B__ The energy finally changes into every possible form of energy C The energy spreads out among the objects and their surroundings D The total amount of energy becomes less. The Cty Tebet! United End of Year Examination, May 2023 / Physics-P1 / Cass 9 Page 14 of 18 27 Aweight-lifter raises a 2000N weight through a vertical height of 2.0m in 0.80. What useful power does he develop in doing this? A 800W B 3200W ¢ 4000W D 5000W 28 Four different liquids are poured into four containers. The diagrams show the depth and the density of liquid in each container. In which container is the pressure on its base the greatest? A B c D 40cm 200m Soom 400m liquid density liquid density liquid density liquid density =3.1g/om* = 1.2g/om* =1.3g/om? =0.8g/om* 29 Ablock with flat, rectangular sides rests on a table. The block is now turned so that it rests with its largest side on the table. How has this change affected the force and the pressure exerted by the block on the table Force Pressure A Decreased Decreased B Decreased Unchanged c Unchanged Decreased D Unchanged Unchanged Fhe Cty Sebel} Union End of Yoar Examination, May 2023 / Physios-P1 / Class 9 Pago 12 of 18 30 The diagrams show four divers at the bottom of four different swimming pools. ‘Two swimming pools contain fresh water and two contain salt water. Fresh water is less dense than salt water. Which diver feels the least pressure from the water? 31 A diver under water uses breathing apparatus at a depth where the pressure e is 1.25 x 105Pa, A bubble of gas breathed out by the diver has a volume of 20cm? when it is released. ‘The bubble moves upwards to the surface of the water. At the surface of the water, the atmospheric pressure is 1.00 x 105Pa. ‘The temperature of the water is the same at all depths. ‘What is the volume of this bubble when it reaches the surface? A 15cm? B 16cm? C 20cm? D 25cm? The ity Sebel! Unified End of Year Exarination, May 2023 /Physles-P1 / Class 9 Page 13.018 32_ The volume of a gas in a sealed syringe is increased. The temperature of the gas does not change. before change after change After this change is made, what has happened to the gas molecules in the syringe? A. They move more quickly. B They move more slowly. C They hit the syringe walls less often. D They hit the syringe walls more often. 33. Driving a car raises the temperature of the tyres. This causes the pressure of the air in the tyres to increase. Why is this? A. Air molecules break up to form separate atoms. B Air molecules expand with the rise in temperature. € The force between the air molecules increases. D The speed of the air molecules increases. 34 The size of a balloon increases if the pressure inside it increases. The balloon gets bigger when it is left in the heat from the Sun. cool balloon hot balloon Why does this happen? A The air molecules inside the balloon all move outwards when it is heated. The air molecules inside the balloon are bigger when it is heated. is heated. B € The air molecules inside the balloon move more quickly when D_ The number of air molecules inside the balloon increases when it is heated. The City Tehel! United End of Year Examination, May 2023 / Physics-P1 / Class @ Page 14 of 18 35. Ice is trapped by a piece of wire gauze at the bottom of a tube containing water. The water at the top of the tube boils before the ice at the bottom of the tube melts. Why does this happen? A Convection currents are circulating throughout the water. B Ice is a poor emitter of thermal energy. Water is a poor conductor of thermal energy. D Wire gauze is a good conductor of thermal energy. 36 The diagram shows the gap between a hot surface and a cold surface. The gap can contain air, solid iron, a vacuum or liquid water. ag gap ‘Which row shows whether heat can be transferred between the surfaces by conduction and convection? Conduction Convection A Air (gas) Yes No B | tron (solid) Yes No c Vacuum No Yes D_| Water (liquid) Yes No The ty Tehell sted End of Year Examination, May 2023 / Prysics-P1 / Class 9 Pago 15.0118 37 In which type of substance are free electrons involved in the transfer of thermal energy? A all liquids B all solids C metals only D plastics only 38 Hot liquid in a vacuum flask cools extremely slowly. This is because some methods of heat transfer do not take place in a vacuum Which methods do not take place in a vacuum? ‘A conduction and convection only conduction and radiation only B c yn only D_ conduction, convection and radiation 39 Ateacher demonstrates convection currents using a lighted candle in a box with two chimneys. She holds a smoking taper at point P In which direction does the convection current cause the smoke to move? B a4 c chimney. chimney] D The City Sebo! Untied End of Year Examination, May 2023 / Physios-P1 / Class 9 Page 16 f 18 40 The diagram shows a refrigerator. The cooling unit is placed at the top. The cooling unit cools the air near it. cooling unit] ‘What happens to the density of the air as it cools and how does it move? density ofthe air | movement of the air A decreases moves down B decreases stays atthe top c increases moves down D increases stays atthe top te ily Gebeul! ied End of Year Examination, May 202 / Prysics-P1 / Class 9 Page 17 of 18 BLANK PAGE The ity Toboll Urifed End of Year Examination, May 2023 / Physios-Pt / Class 9 Page 18.0118

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