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Mom’s Yearbook

I was just in my mom’s closet looking for my jacket when I came

across a box of her stuff from high school. Of course, I was curious,
so I opened it up and found my mom’s high school yearbook, “Class
of 1978.” It’s so funny! The hairstyles and clothes were so weird, and
all the photos were in black and white. And I can’t believe my mom
had big poofy hair and wore bell-bottom jeans. All the guys in the
photos had shaggy hair and mustaches, it was like something straight
out of a movie! Then I noticed something that made me pause, a
picture of my mom wearing a t-shirt with a band logo on it holding an
electric guitar. And all the girls she was with were wearing band t-
shirts and holding instruments. I can’t believe it! My mom was a
rocker in high school! I mean, you know my mom, she is so
responsible and always seems put together and wears classy clothes,
NOTHING like this. With every page, there were more surprises. My
mom at school dances, sporting events, and even one where she was
dressed as a cheerleader! I kind of feel a new connection to her.
Seeing her in a different light reminds me that she had a life before I
was born. I can’t wait to ask her about her days as a high schooler. I
want to hear the cool stories and see more pictures of her when she
was my age.

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