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Choose the underlined part that is grammatically wrong.

1. Justin (1) stayed up all night long (2) trying to (3) solve some (4)
physic problems.
2. When (1) I was young, I (2) enjoyed to go (3) for a ride with
mom (4) in her red pick-up truck.
3. Someone (1) says that a prawn (2) is edible if it (3) can be
peeled (4) easy.
4. (1) With online shopping, we can purchase (2) what do we need
more rapidly and efficiently; we can now deal with retailers (3)
over the internet (4) instead of waiting in lines at shopping
5. My grandparents celebrated (1) their fiftieth wedding anniversary
(2) at a mountain resort (3) where all guests (4) inviting could go
6. Before (1) to enter (2) first grade, (3) most American children (4)
attend kindergarten.
7. Central Park is (1) locate in the heart (2) of New York City with
(3) a large space (4) designed for people of all ages.
8. When I first married, my mother (1) used to dropped by
unannounced, (2) until one day I (3) suggested she should call
ahead (4) of time.
9. (1) Traditionally, puppet performances (2) are based on stories
(3) adapted from classic Thai literature, (4) for instance ‘Phra
10. Many injuries from animals (1) can be avoided by using
common sense, and (2) by teaching not only the pet to behave
well (3) but also teaching yourself and your children (4) treating
the animal well.
11. I doubt (1) whether he (2) will enter the doctoral program
this fall (3) because of his (4) financial problems.
12. The (1) living room was (2) enough large (3) to accommodate
two couches (4) easily.
13. (1) By the beginning of next year, (2) much of the people (3)
who live in that area may have difficult (4) finding employment.

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