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Defining Your Target Market to Creative Effective Communications

Barbara Barney

The article was all about targeting the specific market of businesses. As an

entrepreneur, one of the things that you must consider is your target market.

As stated in the article, to communicate effectively, business owners or

entrepreneurs must need to do four things: (1) define your target market, (2)

understand your target market, (3) develop your message, and (4) choose the

right message channel to reach your target market. In addition,

communicating with your target market doesn’t need to be difficult. In fact, by

the time you start developing your message, you should have a firm handle

on the needs of the market, which makes the job of communication much


As an observation, when entrepreneurs offer products in the market, they

decide what customer or market they were targeting to ensure possible sales

and revenue. Satisfying the needs and wants of your target market is a

competitive advantage of your business as your satisfied target market will be

the future advertiser of your products. In line with this, good communication

with your target market will build also a long-term relationship in terms of

communication with them.

According to Hubbard (2011), identifying a target market helps your company

develop effective marketing communication strategies. A target market is a

set of individuals sharing similar needs or characteristics that your company

hopes to serve. These individuals are usually the end users most likely to

purchase your product.

Hubbard, L. (2011). Difference Between Differentiated Marketing Strategy and
Concentrated Marketing Strategy. Small Business -

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