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HOME PAGE: Greeting in the glorious name of our God and Savior the Lord Jesus Christ

The Infallible Word of God the Highest School of Learning
“You shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you FREE” (Jn 8:32)
24 FREE Digital Christian Books written by Evangelist Harry A. Peyton


Immediate Annihilation, Eternal Torment, Torment for A Time and Then Salvation,
or Torment for A Time and Then Annihilation




The Doctrine of the Pharisees and Essenes: Eternal Torment
The Doctrine of the Sadducees: Annihilation
The Doctrine of Origen and Universalists:
Torment for A Time and Universal Salvation
The Doctrine of Ancient Rabbis and Christians:
Torment for A Time and Annihilation


The Hebrew Word “Dera’own” Does Not Mean Torment or Annihilation,
but Disgust or Abhorrence
The Greek Word “Krisis” Does Not Mean Torment or Annihilation,
but the Act of Judging A Person Concerning Their Innocence or Guilt
The Greek Word “Krima” Does Not Mean Torment or Annihilation,
but A Sentence Pronounced on A Person after Judgment Is Made
The Greek Word “Kolasis” Does Not Mean Torment or Annihilation,
but Punishment


The Torments of the Lake of Fire:
(The Torment of Seeing the Righteous in the Kingdom of God Happy and
Full of Joy, with Their Bodies Shining Like the Sun; The Torment of Being
Surrounded by Evil, Filthy and Vile People; The Torment of Inhaling Burning
Sulfur Fumes as It Burns Your Eyes, Nose and Throat; The Torment of
Knowing that the Lake of Fire You Are in Is Never Going to Get Any Cooler;
The Torment of Seeing and Feeling Your Body Burning; The Torment of
Having Your Body Full of Great Pain; The Torment of Having Worms
Erupting Out of Your Body)


YHWH, the One True God of the OT, Taught Annihilation
The Book of Job Does Not Teach Eternal Torment but Annihilation
The Prophet David Taught Annihilation
John the Baptist Taught Annihilation
Jesus Taught Annihilation Not Eternal Torment
The Apostle Peter Taught Annihilation
The Apostle Paul Taught Annihilation Not Eternal Torment
The Annihilation of Man’s Spirit, Soul, and Body Is Called Outer Darkness
or the Second Death


Jesus Taught that Some Lost Sinners Will Receive a Lesser or More
Tolerable Sentence at the Judgment than Others.
Lucifer, His Angels and Demons, the Antichrist, the False Prophet,
and Many other Wicked Beings Will Be Tormented in the Lake of Fire
for a Long Period of Time and afterward Annihilated.
Spontaneous Human Combustion


The False Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul Is the Foundation the Eternal
Torment Doctrine Stands
Ancient Jesus’ Name Preachers Taught the Soul Is Not Immortal
The Ante Nicene Catholic Clergy Who Taught Against the Immortality of the Soul
and Eternal Torment Doctrines
Noted Bible Scholars Have Taught Against the Doctrine of the Immortality
of the Soul


Jesus Is Eternal Life
God Is the Only Being in the Universe Who Has Immortality at this Present Time
Eternal Life Is Applied to All Three Natures of Man, Not Just to His Body
What Did Adam Lose when He Sinned, If It Was Not Eternal Life?
What Was It that Jesus Restored to Lost Humanity, If It Was Not Eternal Life?
God’s Children Now Have Conditional Immortality or Eternal Life
Some of God’s Children Will Lose God’s Gift of Eternal Life


God Had A Redemption Plan for Man before He Created Him
God’s Foreknowledge of Who Would Believe and Obey His Plan of Salvation
God Foreknew before the Creation of the World that the Majority of All Mankind
Would Die Lost, and Be Thrown in the Lake of Fire
How Long Is an Age?


The Origin of Lucifer’s Mystery Babylonian Doctrines of the Immortality
of the Soul and Eternal Torment

Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul; Lucifer’s Doctrine of the
Deity of the Androgynous Soul; Lucifer’s Doctrine of Sin and the Fall of the
Androgynous Soul from Heaven; Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Salvation through
Sex Orgies until the Soul of Each Person Can Find Its Other Half; Lucifer’s
Doctrine of Reincarnation of the Soul; Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Purification
of the Soul in the Fires of Hades before Each Reincarnation; Lucifer's
Doctrine of Eternal Torment of the Soul in Hades.

A Brief Summary of the Origin of the Zoroastrian and Babylonian Religion

What Does the Bible Mean by the Term Mystery Babylon; When and Where
Did the Mysteries of the Zoroastrian and Babylonian Religions Begin; Who
Started the Mysteries of the Zoroastrian and Babylonian Religions; Lucifer
Used Nimrod to Set Up the Zoroastrian Religion; Lucifer Used Semiramis
to Set Up the Babylonian Religion; Lucifer’s Babylonian Mystery Religion
Spreads throughout the World; The Babylonian Doctrines that Catholicism
Christianized before the End of the Fourth Century.

APPENDIX: Every Scripture Containing the Following Greek and Hebrew Words Is
Presented in One or More English Translations; Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text
of the Greek New Testament (BYZ); the LXX Septuaginta (Old Greek Jewish
Scriptures) edited by Alfred Rahlfs (LXT); and the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia
(Hebrew Bible, Masoretic Text or Hebrew Old Testament), edited by K. Elliger and
W. Rudoph (WTT) (P. 171).

The Gehenna Passages (P. 171)

The Valley of Hinnom Passages (P. 176)
The Tartarus Passage (P. 178)

Greek Words that Denote Endless Life or Time: (P. 179)

Aidos avid< ioj – Eternal, Everlasting, Without End, Perpetual
Akatalutou avkatalu,tou – Indestructible, Imperishable, Not Subject to Destruction
Athanasia avqanasi,a – Immortal, Immortality, Not Subject to Death
Aphtharsian avfqarsi,an and Aphthartos a;fqartoj – Incorruption, Not Subject to Decay

Greek Words that Sometimes Denote Time or Endless Life: (P. 185)
Aion aivwn
/ – A Noun – Could Mean a Present, Past, or Future Age or Endless Time,
Depends on Subject It Refers to, the Context It Is Used in, and the
Preposition Used with It.

Aionios aivwni,oj – An Adjective - Could Mean a Present, Past, or Future Age or
Endless Time, Depends on the Subject It Modifies, the Context It Is
Used in, and the Preposition Used with It.

Aionas of Aionon aivwn

/ aj tw/n aivwn, wn – Both Greek Words Are Nouns - Could Mean
Ages of Ages (i.e. A Long Period) or Endless Time, Depends on the Subject It
Refers to, the Context It Is Used in, and the Preposition Used with It.

Hebrew ‘Owlam `~l'(A[ - Greek Septuagint aionios aivwni,oj – Both Are Adjectives –
Could Mean a Present, Past, or Future Age or Endless Time, Depends on the
Subject It Modifies, the Context It Is Used in, and the Preposition Used with It.



Copyright May 30, 1996, by Harry A. Peyton under the title of “The Doctrines Of Christ.”

A Note from the Author

BIBLICAL HERMENEUTICS: The author emphatically believes that the

Word of God is INFALLIBLE only in the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE it was written in and
all translations of the Bible regardless of how good they may be are NOT
infallible. Since this is true, the author has performed Greek and Hebrew Lexical
and Grammar studies in all of his books, as well as compare scriptures in R.
Young’s Literal Translation, S. Morris’ Literal Translation, J. P. Green’s Interlinear
Bible, NAS, NIV, 1917 JPS Holy Scriptures (Jewish Publication Society), 1985 JPS
Tanakh, Hebrew Masoretic OT Text, LXX (Greek OT Septuagint), STE (Stephanus’
NT Textus Receptus), and the NT Byzantine Textus Receptus by M. Robinson and
W. Pierpont with the New King James Version of the Holy Bible.

The author whole-heartedly believes he has formed his beliefs firmly on the
truths of the Bible, and not on denominational teachings. In other words, a real
student of the Word of God must study the Bible with an open and unbiased mind,
comparing Scripture with Scripture and then allow Scripture to interpret
Scripture. This author uses the ancient ANTIOCHIAN LITERAL-HISTORICAL
METHOD of INTERPRETING the Bible. Therefore, the author will interpret all
scriptures in a literal exegetical fashion, unless the language and the context
demand a spiritual interpretation. I definitely believe that the Alexandrian
Allegorical Method of interpretation by means of spiritualizing most scriptures is
an abomination to our Lord (2Pe 3:15-16). This heretical method was made
popular by the ancient Jewish philosopher Philo Judaeus (13 BC-50 AD), which
was later adopted by most of the Ante-Nicene, Nicene, and Post-Nicene
Nicolatian-Balaamite Catholic Clergy.


God, the Lord Jesus Christ, gives His Salvation and His Word to all freely (Rev
22:17, Mt 10:7-8, 1Co 9:16-19), this book is given without charge. Therefore, fell
free to download it in digital form or copy it in written form and share it with
others. Since this book is copyrighted, the author forbids any alteration of its
contents, and the reproduction of it in any form for Marketing Purposes. This book
may be placed on anyone’s web page as long as the author’s Website Address is
attached to it and an email is sent to him stating the address of the website. This
book must not be used to sell a product. McAfee Site Advisor reviewed this
website and stated: “We tested this site and did NOT find any significant
problems” ( Therefore, this
website is free from any viruses!

THE AUTHOR’S WRITING PREFERENCES: All capitalization in quotes

from the Bible, History, or Commentators will come from the author. All quotes
from the Bible will be in dark red and from the NKJ Version of the Holy Bible,
unless another version is stated. The author in most places will quote verses from
the Bible instead of commenting on a verse and giving a reference; for he
believes that the written Word of God has greater power to inspire and enlighten
a heart to understand and act upon truth than the elegant oratory, comments, or
writings of any man. If any of the author’s books have been a blessing to his
beloved readers, and they would like to send a love offering, feel free to do so.

If anyone wishes to send any biblical, historical, or scientific materials

relating to the Bible, send it to: Harry A. Peyton; 148 Little Creek Hills
RD, Alto, NM 88312; Ph # 504-355-1221; Email address: Many of
the books written by the author are filled with Historical studies from the Ante
Nicene Fathers (100-325 AD), Jewish Rabbis (The Talmud), Jewish Historian
Josephus (95 AD), as well as other ancient historians.


Jesus Christ, our great God and Savior came to give eternal life to all who will
enter into a covenant relationship with Him through the New Birth and walk with
Him in Spirit and truth. This book is designed to reveal the truth pertaining to
God’s judgment, punishments, and hell. It is dedicated to all the courageous men,
women, and children of the present and past centuries who loved the Lord Jesus
Christ and believed his truths. I would especially like to acknowledge those who
suffered social scorn, loss of income, loss of property, imprisonment, torture, and
martyrdom for their faith in Christ’s New Birth message and their monotheistic
belief in Jesus’ Supreme Deity.


I would like to acknowledge my Lord Jesus Christ whose love, grace, and
inspiration made this book possible; may He use this work for the propagation of
His gospel. I also would like to thank Bridget Joseph for her loving and invaluable
assistance in rubbing out some my grammar errors and ambiguous phraseology. I
would like to give a hearty thanks to Dr. H. L. Ruata for his labor of love in
translating this book from English to the Mizo Version of the language of India,
and for his suggestion to increase the number of references in the historical
chapter of this book. This Doctor of Theology has served his God as a UPC Pastor
for 14 years and was a District Superintendent over some of the Churches in
India. Dr. Ruata has also served his people and nation as a Cabinet Minister in the
State Legislative Assembly twice, that is, in 1986-89 and 1994-98. I am very
happy to call this Preacher, Bible College Lecturer, and Author a fellow-minister
in the great Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Beware of False Prophets: Beloved, permit me to ask you, why did God’s
children in Jesus’ day reject the truths He taught them? Did they not have God
Himself as their preacher and teacher? Did they not believe in the one true God?
Did they not believe that the Bible was God’s Holy and infallible Word? Did they
not attend church every Sabbath Day? The answer is obviously yes to all these
questions, so why did many of God’s children not believe the teachings of Jesus?

The answer can be found in Second Corinthians 4:4. This verse reveals that
Satan blinds the minds of those who do not believe the truth, meaning any of the

truths that are taught in God’s Holy Word. How did Satan blind the minds of the
believers in Jesus’ day? He accomplished this by using false prophets, who may
be or may not be honest and sincere, to fill their minds with false beliefs. It was
for this reason, Jesus warned all believers to: “Beware of the leaven of the
Pharisees and of the Sadducees” (Mt 16:6). What did Jesus mean by the term
leaven? In verse 12 the Bible gives us the answer: “Then they understood that He
did not tell them to beware of the leaven of bread, but of the [false] doctrine of
the Pharisees and Sadducees.”

Even though some of these false prophets dazzled and mesmerized God’s
Jewish Children with their oratory and teaching skills, their doctrines were still
false. Our Savior spoke of these deceived prophets when He said: “In vain they
worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men…. Making the
Word of God of no effect” (Mk 7:7, 13). It is quite evident that these deceived men
followed the traditional teaching of some of their forefathers in their organization,
and as a result they also became false prophets.

Therefore beloved take heed, for even though a teacher may be able to paint
beautiful spellbinding word pictures, or a preacher may be able to speak very fast
and give fiery orations, this does not necessarily mean what they are preaching
or teaching is the truth! Evidently not everything these Doctors of the Law and
pastors taught was a lie, for Jesus told them: “Brood of vipers! How can you,
being evil, speak good things” (Mt 12:34)?

Since Jesus was the new and unknown preacher in town, who resoundingly
taught the Bible antithetically or contrary to the theologians, pastors, and
preachers of His day, the people chose to believe the teachings of their pastors
and religious organizations instead of His teachings. It must have broken our
Lord’s heart! It saddens me to say that this is exactly what many sincere
Christians do today, when they hear or read some of the truths that were taught
by Jesus and His apostles.

When I understood how Satan blinds the minds of believers, I soon developed
a healthy fear that maybe I was not studying the Bible with an open and
unprejudiced mind. I subsequently reexamined all my beliefs. I then discovered
that three of my beliefs were incorrect, and I needed to repent and change them.
Even though I was afraid to change my beliefs, being an Apostolic Pentecostal
minister with a BA in Theology, I made up my heart and mind to walk in the Light
as He is in the Light. I also came to the realization that I am NOT married to the

doctrines of any preacher, church, Bible College, or denomination, but to the Lord
Jesus Christ, who is the Infallible Word of God and the Truth (Jn 1:1; 14:6).

Beloved, if you and I expect to hear Jesus say to us: “Well done good and
faithful servant” (Mt 25:21), then we must not be afraid to change our beliefs,
when we perceive that they are not in agreement with the written Word of God;
for the Bible, not men or organizations, is the only source of absolute truth. Let us
not forget, the people who hated the teachings of Jesus and His apostles, were
not the sinners among the Gentiles or the Jewish people as a whole, but the
Church Officials such as: the High Priest, Doctors of the Law, pastors, and
priests, who were entrusted with leadership positions. These church officials
were more dedicated to the traditions of their organization than they were to
almighty God and His Word.

Therefore it is senseless for us to make any man or organization our infallible

teacher, regardless if they call themselves: a pastor, a Doctor of Divinity, an
apostle, a prophet, a prophetess, the pope, the holy one, or the little flock. Every
believer needs to love and respect their teachers, but they should never place
them on a pedestal and worship them as their infallible golden calf, whereby
everything that comes out of their mouth is: “Thus says the LORD.” Most
believers are not aware that this is idolatry and God hates it.

Beloved, when God saved me and delivered me from this kind of idolatry, I
made a vow to God that I would never again place my faith in any preacher or
religious organization, but only in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Infallible
Word. I promised my God that I would not believe anything about the Bible, until I
could personally pray about it and search it out for myself!

God gave His Children the responsible of knowing truth and judging what the
truth is. Because God does not want His Children to be deceived by Nicolaitan
pastors, teachers, and organizations, He commanded all of them to: “PROVE what
is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (Rom 12:2, KJV); and
“PROVE all things, hold fast that which is good” (1Th 5:21, KJV); and “STUDY to
shew thyself approved unto God, a WORKMAN that needeth not to be ashamed,
rightly dividing the Word of truth” (2Ti 2:15, KJV).

According to the great apostle Paul, the Berean saints explicitly followed
these God given commands, for he wrote: “Now the Bereans were of more noble
character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great
eagerness and EXAMINED the Scriptures EVERY DAY to see if what Paul said was

true” (Acts 17:11, NIV). In other words, these believers did not allow their love
and respect for Paul, or any other teacher, prevent them from examining their
teachings with the written Word of God.

A favorite saying among those who have been deceived by false prophets is: “I
know this teaching is not of God because it brings in confusion.” Therefore many
believers will follow the example of their deceived teachers, for they also will
place a literal meaning on the scriptures they want to believe in, and a figurative
meaning on the scriptures that seems to bring confusion to them. Because they
are NOT willing to change their beliefs, they will NOT look for an interpretation
that will harmonize with ALL the scriptures on that subject; therefore they would
rather believe a lie, and spiritualize away or totally forget about the scriptures,
which seems to bring confusion to them. Hey friend, it is time to REPENT for
handling God’s Holy Infallible Word in a dishonest fashion!

Since our God and Savior commanded us to: “Buy the truth, and do not sell it”
(Pr 23:23), pastors and saints who preach this great gospel, should always
remember that there is a price to pay to walk in truth! Rejection, loneliness, and
heartache are often a part of this great price; nevertheless everyone, who truly
loves our dear Lord, will always be willing to pay any price to walk with Him in
truth! Therefore, I encourage my readers to open their hearts and minds, as they
open their Bibles in search for the truth.

I furthermore admonished them to believe that God said what He meant, and
meant what He said. In other words, God intended that we believe and
understand “Every Word” He used to express His infallible thoughts or teachings
(Psa 12:6-7; Pro 30:5; Mt 4:4; 2Ti 3:16). God NEVER intended for His Word to be
interpreted by the imaginations of the mind of mankind; it makes no difference if
they are called pastors, prophets, prophetesses, the anointed ones, or Doctors of

The Bible is a Book inspired with all of mankind in mind, and God intended
that it should be read, studied, and understood by all of mankind, not just a
selected few, for it is one of our Heavenly Father’s great and precious gifts to us.
The above guidelines can be found in my book entitled: The Infallibility of the
Bible and How to Study It.

Therefore the author of this book is asking his beloved readers, to prayerfully
read this teaching to the end, so that they may comprehend the entire teaching.
After doing this, then dissect and examine this book by looking for a HARMONY in

all the scriptures that I use, and also the scriptures you know of that pertain to
this subject, as both of us interpret them in a LITERAL fashion. After you have
done these things, then judge for yourself the validity of this teaching.

Beloved, truth is the greatest gift of love that any preacher can give to those
who listen to him or her speak, or read his or her writings. The more truth any
child of God places in their heart, the more of Jesus they have, for He is the Truth
(Jn 14:6). Beloved, you cannot say you love Jesus and not love the Bible, for
Jesus is the Living Word (Jn 1:1) and EVERY WORD in the Bible is His Words, that
is, in the original language it was written in. My prayer for you is that the Lord
Jesus Christ, who is both the Son of God and the Almighty God, will open your
heart and mind to understand His message of truth. With all the above truths in
mind, let us begin our SEARCH FOR TRUTH!

Your Servant in Christ,

Harry A. Peyton

From the time Adam and Eve fell from grace, God, the devil, and man, have
spoken profusely about death, life after death, judgment, and hell. Judaism,
Christianity, and pagan religions have taught much about these topics. Man has
written volumes of books pertaining to these subjects. Many have claimed that
God has given them dreams and visions of the after life and the horrors of hell.
There is only one book in all of creation that can reveal to us the absolute truth
about these sacred doctrines and that book is the infallible Word of God, the Holy

The Bible is the greatest source of Truth this world has ever known. It is not
just a truth, but it is the Truth. Every scripture as it relates to any given subject is
the guiding light that every Christian uses to judge truth, for the Word of God is
the final authority regarding the validity of anything that claims to be truth. The
Bible is a magnificent work, profound in structure and inerrant in content. It is the
only source of absolute truth when it comes to knowing the Creator. Death,
eternal life, the true nature of God’s judgment, and His retribution against sin can
only be understood through it.

The Bible is God’s expressed word to mankind, His written will that He has
bequeathed to all who have become, or want to become, His Children. Every word
on its holy pages is God-breathed. This is why there is such an incredible and
phenomenal harmony in every book of the Bible, in spite of the fact that it was
written over the span of many centuries. Anyone who loves and studies its holy
pages can easily recognize the true Author of it. Truly, the Bible was indeed
written by the Mastermind of the universe, the selfsame One who made man and
spoke the worlds into existence by the Spirit-Words that came out of His mouth.

The author has not written this book in an attempt to convert anyone to a
church or an organization. Instead, he wrote it in response to one of what he feels
is Christianity’s greatest tragedies: the failure of most of its religious institutions
to understand the doctrines the Mortality of Man’s Soul and its Annihilation after
its time of Torment in the Lake of Fire is completed. They have mastered many of
the great doctrines of the Bible, but when it comes to these, the majority of
denominational preachers have failed to study it with an open and unprejudiced

The author does not profess to be a fluent writer, but he does avow to be a
Man of God who has spent over a thousand hours in the last forty-three years
studying every facet of this subject. He has read many books from Christian,
Jewish, and Pagan sources. He has discussed the subject of hell with many
ministers, not for argument’s sake, but for the sake of increasing knowledge. He
firmly believes that one can learn more from those who hold opposing views than
those who agree. This gives one the opportunity to objectively inspect every
facet of the opposing perspective, as well as re-evaluating his own.

The author has entered into these discussions also because he loves people,
and he does not wish to see anyone believing the lies of the Babylonian Religion.
The apostle Paul must have believed this because the scripture declared that he
disputed: “In the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in
the market daily with them that met with him” (Acts 17:17). Josh McDowell, in his
book entitled Evidence that Demands A Verdict , speaking of Biblical apologetics

‘Always be prepared to make a defense to anyone who calls you to account

for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence’ (1Peter
3:15). The word defense (Gk. apologia) indicates ‘a defense of conduct and


Throughout this book, the author will lay aside his theological biases and
present a book based on investigative research. After 43 years of studying the
subject of hell and the doctrines that are related to it, the author can honestly
say he does not believe it exactly the way he did when he first started. Some of
the conclusions he has reached are distinctly different from the earlier and later
Catholic, Protestant and Pentecostal viewpoints. It is also different from the
Universalist, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and Seventh Day Adventists teachings on Hell.

The author is in agreement with some of these religious systems, in their

belief that sinners will stand before the Lord Jesus Christ and be judged for the
sins they committed in their bodies. He, like them, also believes that all lost
humanity will be cast into to the Lake of Fire whereby they will experience great
physical and mental torment. The author’s disagreement with some of these
denominations is in their teachings on the immortality of the soul and eternal
torment. These doctrines have their origin, NOT in the Word of God, but in the
Babylonian Religion, which is called “Mystery Babylon” in the Bible. His
disagreement with some of the other denominations is in their teaching of
immediate annihilation, whereby sinners can escape all penalties of their wicked

He believes in the Biblical teaching that the length of time each sinner is
punished will be different, for God’s judicial sentence will be in proportion to the
crimes that were committed in their body. Everyone would agree that true justice
is for the punishment to fit the crime. Therefore, some will be tormented in the
Lake of Fire for a very short time, others a longer time, while the very wicked will
be there many thousands of years. After the set time of punishment is over their
body, soul, and spirit will be burned to ashes.

If sinners came to the realization that every sin committed in this life against
God and their fellow man only adds to the time they will spend in Gehenna Fire,
there would be a lot less sin in the world. The doctrines of Eternal Torment and
Immediate Annihilation actually encourage sinners to sin. The sinner, who knows
about the doctrine of Eternal Torment, cannot believe that God will be unjust
enough to torment the majority of the human race in hell for Eternity. Therefore,
they lose their fear of God and believe the Bible to be a fable.

The sinner who has been deceived to believe in Immediate Annihilation has no
fear of God’s punishment in a future life. Therefore, their motto in life is: “Let’s
eat and drink [and be merry], for tomorrow we die” (1Co 15:32 NAS; Lk 12:19-20).
The Bible teaches that “Gehenna fire, the Lake of Fire, torment, burning, gnashing

of teeth, perish, destruction, burned to ashes, melt like wax,” and all other words
denoting the penalties of sin are what God declared, for God said what He meant
and meant every word He said.

Let always remember it is: “Impossible for God to lie” (Heb 6:18). Every sinner
will indubitably receive the exact amount of punishment he or she deserves. For
the Almighty God declared: "The wicked will not go unpunished," and “He that
doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong that he hath done; and there is no
respect of persons” with God (Pro 11:21, NIV; Col 3:25). These verses are just two
of the scriptures we will examine in the chapter entitled: “God’s Just Retribution
against Sinners.”

I cannot help but believe that there are preachers in every denomination that
understand certain truths about the doctrine of hell but are fearful to preach it.
They may be afraid of persecution from other preachers, or from their church
organization, or of financial loss. The author has no axe to grind with any
preacher in any denomination. He realizes that most them who preach eternal
torment, like himself who preached it for years, do it with a biased mind.
Therefore, they do not, and will not, examine every scripture on this subject with
harmony in mind. As a result, they only study the scriptures they know teach
torment in the Lake of Fire or teach annihilation according to their belief system!

In this section of this book, the author will ask many thought provoking
questions that he will fully answer and explain in the chapters to come. What is
lost man’s destiny? Have you ever wondered why there are so many different
teachings or diversity of beliefs in the religious world pertaining to the doctrine of
hell? The word “Hell” stands in the minds of many as a synonym for Eternal
Torment. Does the Bible teach the doctrine of Endless Woe? Does it teach
Immediate Annihilation after death or the White Throne Judgment? Does it teach
Torment for a Period of Time and then Universal Salvation for all? Does it teach
Torment for a Period of Time and then Annihilation? Which one of these beliefs is
really the truth?

Are angels and humans Eternal Beings? IF God created man as an Eternal
Being, that is with an Immortal Soul, as some theologians teach, how can He be a
loving and merciful God, for the Bible reveals that before the foundations of the
world, God foreknew who would be saved and lost? The apostle John speaking of
God’s omniscience, which includes His foreknowledge said that the “NAMES” of
all those whom Christ knew would enter into a covenant with Him, both in the Old
and New Testaments were: “Written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the
world” (Rev 17:8, 13:8).

Since Jesus knew from the beginning of time whom would receive the promise
of Eternal Life, would it not be foolish to believe that He made men with Immortal
Souls knowing that more than 95% would die lost! It certainly seems unthinkable
that a loving and omniscient God would do this. When one thoroughly examines
the teaching of endless torment, they will come to the conclusion this inhuman
doctrine defaces the character of God by robbing Him of His love, mercy, and

They will also see that the teaching of Immediate Annihilation rob God of His
holiness, justice, and wrath? If Eternal Torment is true, how can God be just if
moral and wicked sinners receive the exact same punishment? What about the
millions of moral men, women, and children in Eastern and other world religions,
whom have died without hearing the name of Jesus, will they be Tormented in
Hell for Eternity? If any preacher teaches they will give me book, chapter, and
verse in the Bible and I will believe it.

Some, like Origen (200 AD), teach that God in His infinite love and mercy is
going to save everyone in all religions because of His death at Calvary. If this is
true, then why did Jesus command His children to: “Go ye into all the world, and
preach the gospel to every creature?” He then continued by saying: “He that
believeth and is BAPTIZED shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be
DAMNED” (Mk 16:15-16). Jesus also declared: “Except one BE born of Water and
the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God!” (Jn 3:5, ASV). This is why the
apostle Paul passionately preached: “If our Gospel be hid, it is hid to them that
are LOST” (2Co 4:3)! These are just three of many scriptures that teach no one
can have Eternal Life without entering into Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection
through the New Birth.

How can lost sinners who DO NOT having Eternal Life have their mortal bodies
burn in the Lake of Fire for eternity? IF endless suffering is true, how can a sinner
receive an incorruptible and immortal body that can never die, when Jesus
promised this gift to His Children (1Co 15:42, 50, 53-54)? Our sweet Savior died a
horrible death on Calvary’s cross so He could give His Loving and Faithful
Children an Incorruptible and Immortal spirit, soul, and body. Will Jesus also give
these great and precious gifts to the lost that do not know Him, or those who
hate Him? How can this possibly be true?

On the other hand, if Immediate Annihilation is true, where is God’s justice if
there is no punishment for sin in the life to come? This doctrine robs God of His
just retribution against sin. God’s promise of wrath against sinners would be
nothing more than a lie. IF this doctrine was true, this would mean men of great
power and authority, such as kings, emperors, popes, demons, and Lucifer
himself, who have committed great atrocities against human beings, would go
unpunished. This would be totally unthinkable!

This would take wrath and vengeance out of God’s Almighty and just hands
and place it in man’s hands, which is something God forbids! Fear of present and
future punishment has kept many of men, in all ages, from becoming intolerable
devils on the earth. In fact, without this fear, civilization would collapse into
anarchy many centuries ago! Wikipedia encyclopedia gave a basic belief system
of the teachings of many religions on Hell when it stated:

In many religious traditions, Hell is a place of suffering and punishment in

the afterlife. Religions with a linear divine history often depict Hell as
endless. Religions with a cyclic history often depict Hell as an intermediary
period between incarnations…. Other traditions, which did NOT conceive
of the afterlife as a place of punishment or reward, merely described it as
an abode of the dead…. Punishment in Hell typically corresponds
to sins committed during life… The Christian doctrine of Hell derives from
the teaching of the New Testament, where hell is typically described using
the Greek words Tartarus or Hades or the Arabic word Gehenna…. These
three terms have different meanings and must be recognized. Hades has
similarities to the Old Testament term, SHEOL as ‘the place of the dead’.
Thus, it is used in reference to both the righteous and the wicked, since
both wind up there eventually….

GEHENNA is used in the New Testament as a metaphor for the final place
of punishment for the wicked after the resurrection. TARTARO (the verb
‘throw to Tartarus’) occurs only once in the New Testament in II Peter 2:4,
where it is parallel to the use of the noun form in 1 Enoch as the place of
incarceration of 200 fallen angels . It mentions nothing about human souls
being sent there in the afterlife…. Some Christian theologians of the early
Church and some of the modern Church subscribe to the doctrines
of Conditional Immortality. Conditional Immortality is the belief that the
soul dies [SLEEPS] with the body and does not live again until the
resurrection. This is the view held by Orthodox Jews and a few Christian

sects…. Annihilationism is the belief that the soul is mortal unless granted
eternal life, making it possible to be destroyed in Hell. 2


The Doctrine of the Pharisees and Essenes:

Eternal Torment
The first teaching on hell is doctrine of the Pharisees, who fervently and
vehemently taught eternal torment. The Pharisees were a group of Rabbis that
lived in the time of Jesus, who hated Him and fought against His teachings.
Josephus, the world-renowned Jewish historian who lived in the first century,
spoke of the Pharisees’ doctrine of hell. Josephus (95 AD), a Pharisee, in his
history of the Jewish people entitled: The Works of Flavius Josephus wrote: they

Believe that souls have an immortal rigor in them, and that under the earth
there will be rewards or punishments, according as they have lived
virtuously or viciously in this life; and the latter are to be detained in an
everlasting prison, but that the former shall have power to revive and live
again; on account of which doctrines they are able greatly to persuade the
body of the people.3

The Pharisee Josephus in his discourse to the Greeks stated:

In this region [meaning Hades] there is a certain place set apart, as a Lake
of Unquenchable Fire, wherein we suppose no one hath hitherto been cast;
but it is prepared for a day afore-determined by God…. For all men, the just
as well as the unjust, shall be brought before God the Word… [Who] shall
come as judge, Whom we call Christ…. [He will inflict on those] lovers of
wicked works eternal punishment. To these belong the unquenchable fire,
and that without end, and a certain fiery worm never dying, and not
destroying the body, but continuing its eruption out of the body with never
ceasing grief; neither will sleep give ease to these men, nor will the night
afford them comfort; death will not free them from their punishment.4

Hippolytus, a Catholic Bishop who lived in 225 AD, speaking of the Pharisees
and Essenes doctrine of hell says:

They acknowledge that there is a resurrection of flesh, and that soul is
immortal, and that there will be a judgment and conflagration, and that the
righteous will be imperishable, but that the wicked will endure everlasting
punishment in unquenchable fire.5

By the time Jesus started His ministry, the Pharisees had adapted the pagan
beliefs of the immortality of the soul and eternal torment. Because of these pagan
teachings, our dear Lord had a hard time reaching His people with the truth.
Jesus definitely warned His people not to believe in Satan’s false doctrines of
hell. This is why He told them to: “Take heed and beware of the leaven of the
Pharisees and of the Sadducees…. Then understood they how that he bade them
not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the
Sadducees” (Mt 16:6, 12).

It is a shame that many good preachers have been ensnared by Satan to

believe these false doctrines of hell. There are about six scriptures that
theologians use to teach Lucifer’s immortality of the soul doctrine, which use the
word “eternal” or “everlasting”; they apply these scriptures to the Biblical
doctrine of torment in the Lake of Fire, so they can teach Lucifer’s doctrine of
Eternal Torment. We will thoroughly examine these scriptures in the chapter
entitled: “At the Judgment, God’s Sentence on Each Sinner Will Be Final with No
Future Appeals.” Not one of these scriptures or any other teaches the doctrines
of the Immortality of the Soul or Eternal Torment!

Those who teach the Pharisees’ and Essenes’ doctrines of the immortality of
the soul and eternal torment today are the Catholic, Protestant, Trinitarian
Pentecostals, and I am ashamed to say many of the Apostolic Pentecostal
Churches. These doctrines rob God of His love, mercy, and justice! It also makes
Calvary of no effect by teaching that all human beings receive Eternal Life or
Immortality at the natural birth. God’s gift of eternality can only come from Christ
through the New Birth! This will be discussed in more detail later.

The Doctrine of the Sadducees: Annihilation

The second teaching on hell is the doctrine of the Sadducees, who taught
immediate annihilation of soul and body at death. This group also lived in the
days of Jesus who refuted their teaching. The Word of the living God stated: “The
same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him” and
questioned Him on the resurrection. “Jesus answered and said to them, ‘You are
mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the
resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of
God in heaven.’ But concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read
what was spoken to you by God, saying, ‘I AM the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living”
(Mat 22:23, 29-32).

Jesus based the doctrine of the resurrection on a verb tense, which was in the
present tense and not the past tense; in other words, Jesus did NOT say “I was
their God when they were still living”. This passage of scripture will be examined
in more detail later. Because these blind religious teachers did NOT believe in the
resurrection, they were “Sad you see”, maybe this is how they got their name.
Josephus says they taught:

Souls die with the bodies… but this doctrine is received but by a few.6

Hippolytus (225 AD) spoke of the Sadducees’ doctrine of annihilation when he


They deny that there is a resurrection not only of flesh, but also suppose
that the soul does not continue after death…. (They insist) that after death
one expects to suffer nothing, either bad or good; for that there will be a
dissolution both of soul and body, and that man passes into non-existence. 7

Those who teach this doctrine today are the Jehovah Witnesses, Seventh Day
Adventists, and others. They teach immediate annihilation, either at the point of
death or when the lost are thrown into the Lake of Fire after the White Throne
Judgment. This doctrine robs God of His just retribution against sin, and makes
God’s promise of vengeance and wrath a lie.

The Doctrine of Origen and Universalists:

Torment for A Time and Universal Salvation
Those who follow Origen’s doctrine of hell are the third group. Origen was a
Catholic priest who wrote commentaries on the Bible around 230 AD. Origen
taught that the fire of hell will purify the sinner from sin and he or she will be
saved afterwards. Origen wrote against the Pagan Priest Celsus. He wrote:

It is in the precincts of Jerusalem, then, that punishments will be inflicted
upon those who undergo the process of PURFICATION, who have received
into the substance of their soul the elements of wickedness… But the
remarks, which might be made on this topic, are neither to be made to all,
nor to be uttered on the present occasion; for it is not unattended with
danger to commit to writing the explanation of such subjects.8

Since men are born united to a body, whether to suit the order of the
universe, or that they may in that way suffer the punishment of sin; or
because the soul is oppressed by certain passions until it is PURGED from
these at the appointed period of time, — for, according to Empedocles, all
mankind must be BANISHED from the ABODES of the BLESSED for 30,000
periods of time,’ we must therefore believe that they are entrusted to
certain beings as keepers of this prison-house. 9 Professor Adolph Harnack,
in his work entitled History of Dogma, revealed that Origen:

Rejecting the doctrine that souls sleep, Origen assumed that the souls of
the departed immediately enter Paradise, and that souls not yet purified
pass into a state of punishment, a penal fire, which however, like the
whole world, is to be conceived as a place of purification. In this way also
Origen contrived to reconcile his position with the Church doctrines of
judgment and the punishment in hell.

Like Clement, he viewed the purifying fire as a temporary and figurative

one; it consists in the torment of conscience. In the end all the spirits in
heaven and earth, nay, even the demons, are purified and brought back to
God by the Logos-christ, after they have ascended from stage to stage
through seven heavens. 10

The Universalists are chiefly those who teach the doctrine of “universal
salvation” today. They believe sinners will experience torment in the Lake of Fire
for a time and by the end of their torment the fire will have purged these sinners
from all their sins. At this point, every sinner will be saved and hell will be done
away with. This doctrine robs God of His salvation! If mankind can be saved
through their own physical suffering, they do not need the sacrifice of Christ. This
means man becomes his own savior.

The Roman Catholic Church universally adopted part of Origen’s doctrine, that
is, 1) souls of the righteous immediately go to heaven at death of the body; 2) all
lost souls, who were not wicked, go to Hades and stay there until their sins are

purified by the fires of Hades! This doctrine of works does away with the blood of
Jesus as the only way for lost souls to be purified from their sins, and makes
salvation possible to the lost by their own sufferings in Hades!

The Doctrine of Ancient Rabbis and Christians:

Torment for A Time and Annihilation
The fourth teaching on hell is the teachings of some of the Jewish Rabbis of
the past, especially Rabbi Hillel’s (30 AD). A well-known Christian theologian,
Alfred Edersheim, in his great work entitled, “The Life and Times of Jesus the
Messiah,” revealed that Rabbi Hillel, a noted Bible scholar and contemporary of
our Lord, believed in torment for a period of time and then annihilation. Edersheim
said it this way:

In regard to sinners of Israel and of the Gentiles it [the Talmud] teaches,

indeed, that they are TORMENTED in Gehenna for TWELVE MONTHS, after
which their BODIES and SOULS are BURNED UP and scattered as dust
under the feet of the righteous; but it significantly excepts from this
number CERTAIN CLASSES of TRANSGRESSORS ‘who go down to
Gehinnom and are PUNISHED there to AGES of AGES.11

This doctrine was taught by many rabbis of the past and is still being taught
by some rabbis today. Certain Apostolic Pentecostals of today and the past
taught that each sinner’s period of torment in hell would be different. The length
of time anyone is tormented in hell will totally depend on the sins he or she has
committed in the body: for some a short time, for others a longer time, and for the
very wicked thousands of years.

After each sinner has been thoroughly punished for his or her sins, he or she
will be totally and completely destroyed. This is the only interpretation in which
God’s attributes of love, mercy, forgiveness, foreknowledge, salvation, judgment,
and punishment can be interpreted in a literal manner and harmonize perfectly
with each other. In the history of both Judaism and Christianity, there have been
noted preachers who have taught similar views to that of the author. Professor
Hermann Olshausen, writing in the nineteenth century on church history, stated:

The learned author, in his examination, confines himself to Justin Martyr

[150 AD], Titian [160 AD] and Theophilus of Antioch [180 AD], who teach,
upon the point in question [the immortality of the soul], substantially the

same things…. The Apologists, who taught the mortality of the soul, by no
means believed in absolute annihilation [immediately] after death…. They
rather believed that at death, there was only a loss of consciousness [or
soul sleep].... We must concede to those fathers, that it is nowhere
expressly taught in the Scriptures, that the soul is immortal. 12

The noted protestant Professor Walter Martin, in his book, The Kingdom of
the Cults, speaking on immortality wrote:

The English word ‘immortal’ has among others a peculiar meaning of ‘not
mortal.’ However, in most circles and also in theology, the word generally
carries the meaning of ‘exemption from death....’ Contrary to the belief of
some, there is NO REFERENCE in Scripture that can be given to show that
man or his soul is immortal. To go even one step farther, there is NOTHING
in Scripture that states anything or anyone is immortal but God Himself….

We see here that in the two places [1Co 15:53-54], where ‘athanasian’ is
used in reference to man, it is clear that it is an immortality that is to be
given in the future, NOT one possessed at the present time. Similarly, when
an ‘aphtharsian’ is used here and in Romans 2:7, [it is] ‘something sought
for,’ and 1Pe 1:4, ‘reserved in heaven for you,’ it is speaking of the
incorruption of man to be given at some future date [to only believers],
NOT possessed at the present time.... Only when immortality or
incorruption is used with God, is it in the present tense (1 Timothy 6:16,
1:17; Romans 1:23). Therefore, to say that saints are [now] immortal, if by
immortality we mean athanasian or aphtharsian, we are NOT Scriptural. We

In other words, Dr. Martin using clear and precise language declared that only
God has immorality, both in the past and now. This can only mean that God’s
angels, Lucifer and his angels and demons, and the whole human race are not
immortal or eternal beings. At this present time, God is the only being in the
universe that cannot be destroyed. Drs. Timothy and Barbara Friberg in their
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament defined the Greek word
“athanasia” as:

Immortality, endless existence, opposite to qnhton, [death] (what is subject

to death).14 [Dr. James Strong defined athanasia as:] Deathlessness. 15

Since Dr. Martin used First Timothy 6:16 to prove that God is the only being in
the universe that has immortality at this present time, it would be beneficial at
this point to quote it. Paul, speaking of God, said that He: “ALONE is immortal
[athanasia] and… lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can
see” (NIV). The New American Standard Version says it this way: “Who ALONE
possesses immortality.” Since the Word of God cannot lie, this must mean that
God’s earthly and heavenly Children at this moment have CONDITIONAL
IMMORTALITY; this will be examined and explained later. In the resurrection, God
will give the gift of Eternal Life or Eternality to His faithful angelic and human
Children as a Permanent Possession.

Somehow the word “only,” which is the Greek word “monos” in the above
verse, does not seem to have an impact on preachers who read it. I have
asked many of my preacher friends this question: “What part of the word ‘only’
do you not understand?” The Bible emphatically declared that God is the
“only” being who cannot die, who “ALONE” has Immortality or Eternality! This
means no other being in the universe now has Eternal Life but God.

I have asked my preacher friends to give me one scripture that teaches

angels are eternal beings. They could not! They felt so foolish. Like so many
others, they ASSUMED angels are eternal beings because they have existed
for many ages. This verse will be thoroughly examined in the chapter dealing
with Eternal Life. All of God’s angels and earthly children at the present time
have Conditional Immortality or Eternal Life, which they can lose if they do not
love Jesus until the end of their life! Dr. James Hastings, a renowned Bible
scholar in his work entitled, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics speaking of
annihilation wrote:

Annihilation was an idea not altogether unfamiliar to our Lord's

contemporaries, not to mention apocalyptic writings.... Annihilation has the
indubitable advantages of 1) being possible historically; 2) of giving an
adequate meaning to anionios (Greek): ‘the wicked are destroyed forever;’
3) of providing for the final extinction of all evil, moral and physical; 4) of
thus establishing the absolute and unchallenged supremacy of good. 16

Even though their have been many noted Bible scholars in the past who have
taught similar views to the author, most of the denominational ministers of this
century still hold on to the Babylonian\Catholic teachings on Hell. The author
hopes that these few authoritative quotes, of many more to follow, will help his

readers to open their minds and inspect this book without religious biases that
will distort their judgment.

God’s awesome or sublime purpose for creation, before time began, was to
have a bride that would “agape love” Him. To this bride, and to this bride only, He
would give the power to become eternal beings. His threats of just retribution in
this and the afterlife is His way of securing harmony and peace on earth for His
bride, whereby men would respect the rights of their fellowman. If my readers
would keep in mind GOD’S INTENT IN CREATION, which is God desires all beings
He created to AGAPE LOVE Him, this book will help illuminate their minds to
understand God’s truth pertaining to Eternal Life and Hell.

Any person studying scriptures on the subject of Hell, who has not allowed
their beliefs to blind their mind with bias, whereby they cannot study the Bible
with an open and honest heart, will acknowledge that there are specific
scriptures in the Bible, which definitely teach that the wicked and the lost will be
tormented in the Lake of Fire (Mk 9:43-48, etc). On the other hand, they will also
acknowledge that there are many scriptures that teach the destruction of man’s
spirit, soul, and body in the Gehenna Fire (Mt 10:28; Ps 37:20; Job 20:7, 1Co 15:5

The ultimate prize every true Child of God in both the Old and New Covenant
sought to receive from God is Eternal Life (Tit 1:2; Mk 10:17; Lk 10:25)! Eternal
Life can only come from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Endless Life is what He
died on Calvary’s cross to give those who would AGAPE LOVE Him to the end of
their life (Jn 3:16). Now the Bible teaches us that there are other benefits of
Calvary, that is, forgiveness of sin, the promise of heaven, and so on, but God’s
gift of eternality is the true prize. Therefore, there is absolutely no way God will
give Endless Life to sinners, unless they believe in the Gospel of Christ, repent of
all their sins, and enter into Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection through God’s
New Birth Covenant.

Does the God of heaven, who is perfect in all His ways, have attributes that
some believe are less than perfect? Some preachers find it almost impossible to
harmonize God’s attributes of love and mercy with His attributes of justice and
wrath, which contains God’s punishments against sin and sinners. Are God’s

attributes of justice and wrath really attributes of imperfection? The answer is an
emphatic NO, for all will agree that God’s attributes are perfect in every way.

Anyone who has given God’s attributes of justice and wrath any serious
thought can easily see in them God’s protection and security for the human race.
What kind of world would we live in if we did not have laws, a group of people
enforcing those laws, and another group of people judging and punishing the
violators of those laws? Without these laws and those protecting agencies, we
would live in a world filled with anarchy. Who would want to live in a world like
that, where hate, murder, rape, stealing, and every other atrocity against mankind
is the normal order of the day?

Preachers, who believe in immediate annihilation after death, do not believe in

the Biblical doctrine of God’s just retribution. God promised to repay all
injustices, which man has done to his fellowman. Almighty God said in His Holy
Word: “He that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong that he hath done; and
there is no respect of persons” with God (Col 3:25); for God: “Will by no means
clear the guilty” (Exo 34:7); also “Vengeance belongeth unto Me, I will
recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. It is a
fearful [i.e. frightful] thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb 10:30-31).
God promised in His Word: “The wicked will NOT go unpunished” (Pro 11:21, NIV).

Jesus, speaking to religious hypocrites in Matthew 3:7 said: “O generation of

vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the WRATH to COME?” He also said: “He
that believeth on the Son has Everlasting Life; and he that believeth not the Son,
shall NOT SEE LIFE; but the WRATH of God abides on him” (John 3:36). The
prophet Job, speaking of God’s wrath, said the eyes of the wicked: “Shall see his
DESTRUCTION, and he shall drink of the WRATH of the Almighty” (Job 21:20).
Paul declared: “The WRATH of God [abides] on the children of disobedience” (Col

God vowed to judge all men, for the scripture says: “It is appointed for men to
DIE once and AFTER this {comes} judgment” (Heb 9:27, NAS). This is why the
apostle Paul reasoned with Felix: “Of righteousness, temperance, and judgment
to COME” (Acts 24:25). King Solomon warned sinful young men of God’s judgment
when he wrote: “Know that for all these [sins] God will bring you into judgment”
(Ecc 11:9, NKJ). Solomon admonished all men to: “Fear God and keep His
commandments…. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every
secret thing, whether good or evil” (Ecc 12:13-14).

Jesus warned all sinners of judgment to come when He said: “I say unto you,
that EVERY IDLE WORD that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in
the Day of Judgment” (Mt 12:36). Since God declared that He will judge every
sinful deed or act everyone has done, every useless or worthless word that has
been spoken, and every evil thought one has meditated on, which is not repented
of and under His Holy Precious, Sinless Blood, the punishment or sentence God
will pronounce at the Judgment must be in direct proportion to the sins they have
committed in order that God be a just God.

Conclusion: Since God promised to right all wrongs, to repay all injustices,
and to take vengeance for all crimes anyone committed against his fellowman,
God’s attribute of justice, which contains His promise of punishment and wrath, is
a good attribute and not evil; for it is God’s way of keep the world from anarchy,
and keeping His Children’s spirit and soul free from resentment, bitterness, and
hate for those who have done them wrong!

The following Scriptures do NOT teach the doctrines of Immortality of the Soul
and Eternal Torment of all lost sinners as some theologians and pastors claim!
They also do NOT teach Immediate Annihilation as others have claimed. What
they do emphatically teach is that God will hold court, judge, and pronounce a
determination on all of the unsaved and also the lost Children of God of all ages,
which will include in it an ETERNAL SENTENCE. This Eternal Sentence can
NEVER be changed, altered, modified, revised, or reversed. The following verses
explicitly and expressly teach that there will be NO SECOND CHANCE for those
who have been judged to reform, rehabilitate, or amend their ways.

So with this truth in mind, let us examine these scriptures without adding to
or taking away from what they teach. We must NOT allow Satan to blind our
minds against this truth by our biases or preconceived beliefs (2 Co 4:4). Let us
always remember that many of God’s Children in Jesus’ day could not believe the
truths He taught, because their religious teachers, especially the Pharisees, filled
their minds with false teachings concerning the Law and the prophets. Therefore,
Jesus told them: “If ye believe not his [i.e. Moses’] writings, how shall ye believe

My words” (Jn 5:47)? Let us take Jesus’ warning seriously, and therefore keep our
mind open and be willing to inspect the truth.

The Hebrew Word “Dera’own” Does Not Mean

Torment or Annihilation, but Disgust or Abhorrence
Daniel, speaking of the resurrection of the saved and lost Children of God that
were in the Old Covenant, prophesied that many of those who: “Sleep in the dust
of the earth shall awake, some to Everlasting [`owlam] Life, and some to shame
and Everlasting [`owlam] Contempt [dera’own]” (Dan 12:2). The Hebrew noun
“`owlam” can refer to a “period of time in the past, present, or future,” and it can
also refer to “endless time,” depending on the subject it refers to, the context it is
used in, and the preposition used with it. Since God uses the phrase “Everlasting
Contempt” in the same context with “Everlasting Life,” I believe “`owlam” refers
to “endless time” in both phrases in this verse. Drs. R. Laird Harris, Gleason L.
Archer Jr., Bruce K. Waltke in their Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament
defined “`owlam” this way:

Probably derived from ‘alam I, ‘to hide,’ thus pointing to what is hidden in
the distant future or in the DISTANT PAST…. Jenni holds that its basic
meaning ‘most distant times’ can refer to either the REMOTE PAST or to
the FUTURE or to both as due to the fact that it does not occur
independently (as a subject or as an object) but only in connection with
prepositions indicating direction….

In the latter instance `owlam can express by itself the whole range of
meanings denoted by all the prepositions ‘since, until, to the most distant
time’; i.e. it assumes the meaning ‘(unlimited, incalculable) continuance,
eternity’ (THAT II, p. 230). J. Barr (Biblical Words for Time (2 1969), p. 73)
says, ‘We might therefore best state the ‘ basic meaning’ as a kind of range
between ‘remotest time’ and ‘perpetuity’ …. The LXX generally translates
`OLAM by AION which has essentially the same range of meaning. That
neither the Hebrew nor the Greek word in itself contains the idea of
endlessness is shown both by the fact that they sometimes refer to events
or conditions that occurred at a definite point in the past.17

Dr. Strong declared that the Hebrew word “dera’own” means: “to repulse, an
object of aversion”.18 Dera’own is only used twice in the scriptures, once here and
once in Isaiah 66:24; but in both places it means to be disgusted with someone or

at something. It does NOT mean to torment someone or something. If God wanted
the prophet Daniel to teach eternal torment, He would have had Daniel to use the
Hebrew word “ke’eb”, which is used in Jeremiah 15:18 and means:

Suffering physical [or] mental pain.19

NOWHERE, in Daniel’s prophecy, are the words “everlasting torment” or

“immediate annihilation” are found or even implied. Daniel did NOT say that the
lost would experience “everlasting suffering [ke’eb], or immediate annihilation,”
but “Eternal Contempt or Disgust [dera’own]!” Therefore, if any preacher says this
scripture teaches “eternal torment” or “immediate annihilation,” they are allowing
their belief to blind them to the true meaning of this passage.

God is telling all those who have eyes to see and ears to hear that His
contempt or disgust for sinners will last throughout eternity. God is Holy and
because of this He hates sin; therefore His contempt for the sins that sinners
commit will not be a spur of the moment reaction, but will be an everlasting one.
Whatever sentence God pronounces on sinners will be final. This means He will
NOT change His mind and give them a second chance later!

The Greek Word “Krisis” Does Not Mean

Torment or Annihilation, but the Act of Judging A
Person Concerning Their Innocence or Guilt
Jesus, referring to the prophecy of Daniel mentioned above, said those in the
grave will hear His voice and: “Shall come forth; they that have done good, unto
the Resurrection of Life; and they that have done evil, unto the Resurrection of
Judgment [krisis]” (Jn 5:29, ASV, NAS, RSV). Jesus also said that those who
blaspheme the Holy Ghost: “never has forgiveness, but is subject to Eternal
Condemnation [krisis i.e. JUDGMENT]” (Mk 3:29, NKJ). Drs. Friberg defined
“krisis” as:

The action of a judge, a DECISION, JUDGMENT (JN 5.29); esp. as the

activity of God in a final time for judging… [i.e. the] Day of Judgment (MT

Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament by Drs. J. P. Louw

and E. A. Nida defined “krisis” this way:

To DECIDE a question of legal right or wrong , and thus determine the
innocence or guilt of the accused and assign appropriate punishment or
retribution - 'to decide a legal question, to act as a judge, making a legal
decision, to arrive at a VERDICT.21

In these passages of scripture, Jesus is very clearly warning mankind of a

future judgment - in fact, an Eternal Judgment - if they die lost. In other words,
lost humanity will be “judged” by Almighty God for their sins in a future age. None
of the lost will escape the “Day of Judgment” or “God’s Judgment.” If Jesus
wanted John or Mark to convey the idea of Eternal Torment to their readers in the
above passages, then why did He NOT inspire them to use the Greek words
“basanizo” or “basanismos”, which definitely means torment? If God want them to
teach Eternal Annihilation in the above passage of Scripture, He would have
inspired them to use the Greek word “apollumi”!

It is obvious that John and Mark knew these Greek words, for they used them
in their Gospel to teach “torment” and “annihilation”. The following Scriptures are
examples of their use of these Greek Words: John speaking of annihilation
recorded our Lord as saying: “I give Eternal Life to them, and they shall NEVER
PERISH [avpo,llumi apollumi]” (Jn 10:28, NAS). Mark also spoke of annihilation when
he declared that the demons spirits in a man cried out: “saying, ‘What do we have
to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to DESTROY [avpo,llumi
apollumi] us” (Mk 1:24, NAS)?

John speaking of the torment of the locusts from the bottomless pit said: “And
to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be
tormented [basanizo] five months: and their torment [basanismos] was as the
torment [basanismos] of a scorpion, when he striketh a man” (Rev 9:2-5). Mark,
speaking of torment, wrote that one of the demons in a man spoke to Jesus and
said: “I adjure thee by God, torment [basanizo] me not” (Mk 5:7, ASV). The Greek
word “basanizo” is used 12 times in the New Testament and it always means “to
torment, torture, or issue pain” and is translated as such. “Basanismos” is used 6
times in the NT and it always means “to torment” and is translated as such.22

“Krisis” is used 48 times in the NT and is translated 41 times as “JUDGMENT”

in the KJV. Nowhere in the above passages where the Greek word “krisis” is
used, do we find out what sentence or punishment Jesus will pronounce at the
Judgment! Therefore, no one can substitute the words “eternal torment” or
“immediate annihilation” for “krisis”! No one can teach the doctrine of the
immortality of the soul, or eternal torment, or immediate annihilation from the

above passage where “krisis” is used without destroying the true meaning of
these verses.

In other words, almighty God will Judge lost humanity in which they will
receive an Eternal Judgment. Let us not forget that Revelation 20:12-13 reveals
that God’s Judgment of the lost will be: “According to THEIR WORKS,” that is, by
the “good and evil things” they committed in their lifetime. God’s Judgment will
not only be Eternal but also JUST. One of God’s many attributes is JUSTICE;
therefore it is impossible for God to be unjust in any of His dealings with angels or

The New Testament writers used “krisis” to refer to a Judgment, not torment
or annihilation. Jesus told the Pharisees that they: “Pass over Judgment [krisis –
not damnation, torment, or annihilation] and the love of God” (Lk 11:42). He also
told them to: “Judge righteous Judgment [krisis – not damnation]” (Jn 7:24). Paul
declared: “It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the Judgment
[krisis - not immediate annihilation or torment]” (Heb 9:27). This verse definitely
teaches that God’s “Day of Judgment” can only come sometime after death.

The above argument is called “the Argument of Silence,” which can be stated
as thus: “Since the New Testament writers, who wrote their gospels and epistles
in the Greek language, knew the Greek words for torment and annihilation and did
not use them in the above verses, they obviously did NOT connect an ‘Eternal
Judgment’ with ‘Eternal Torment” or “Immediate Annihilation”. This is a very
powerful argument, and I will use it again to help my readers maintain an
unprejudiced mind, as they examine the above and following passages of

As one examines the Greek word “krisis” in the following scriptures, they will
discover that NONE of them teach Eternal Torment, Immediate Annihilation, or
the Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul: Mt 5:21 & 22, 10:15, 11:22 & 24,
12:18, 20, 36, 41 & 42, 23:23 & 33; Mk 3:29, 6:11; Lk 10:14, 11:31, 32, 42; Jn 3:19,
5:22, 24, 27, 29, 30, 7:24, 8:16, 12:31, 16:8, 11; Acts 8:33; 2Th 1:5; 1Ti 5:24; Heb
9:27, 10:27; James 2:13; 2Pe 2:4, 9, 11, 3:7; 1Jn 4:17; Jude 1:6, 9, 15; Rev 14:7,
16:7, 18:10, 19:2.

The Greek Word “Krima” Does Not Mean

Torment or Annihilation, but A Sentence
Pronounced on A Person After Judgment Is Made
Dr. Luke used the Greek word “krima” this way: “How the chief priests and our
rulers delivered Him up to the SENTENCE [krima] of death, and crucified Him” (Lk
24:20, NAS). The apostle Paul taught that one of the doctrines of Christ was an
“eternal sentence” that God will pronounce at the Judgment. He said: “Of the
doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead,
and of Eternal Judgment [krima]” (Heb 6:1-2). Drs. Friberg defined “krima” as:

an administrative decree, the result of kri,nw (evaluate, judge) a judgment,

a VERDICT, a SENTENCE (Lu 24:20).23

Drs. Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott in The Abridged Liddell-Scott
Greek-English Lexicon defined “krima” as:

1. a DECISION, judgment, N.T.: SENTENCE…. 2. a matter for judgment.24

Using “the argument of silence” again, if God wanted the apostle Paul to teach
eternal torment in the above verse, He would have inspired him to use the Greek
word “basanizo or basanismos.” If God want Paul to teach immediate annihilation
He would have inspired him to use the Greek word “olethros” as He did in 2Th 1:9,
i.e. the unsaved will be “punished with Everlasting DESTRUCTION”. Since God
inspired Paul to use the Greek word “krima”, He obviously wanted Paul’s readers
to understand that He was going to pronounce on each unsaved person an
“ETERNAL SENTENCE” that could never be changed.

Therefore, if a preacher says the “Eternal Sentence,” mentioned in the verses

above, will be “eternal torment” or “annihilation,” he has NO support from these
scriptures to confirm his or her belief. The most anyone can say is that the
VERDICT God will pronounce on all sinners will be an Eternal SENTENCE and God
will NOT change His mind in the future and give a lesser sentence! Krima is used
28 times in the NT: It was translated as judgment 13 times in the KJV.

As one examines the following scriptures, which contain the Greek Word
“krima”, they will discover that none of them teach eternal torment, annihilation,
or the doctrine of the immortality of the soul:: Mt 7:2, 23:14; Mk 12:40; Lk 20:47,
23:40, 24:20; Jn 9:39; Acts 24:25; Rom 2:2, 3, 3:8, 5:16, 13:2; 1Co 11:29, 34; Gal
5:10; 1Ti 3:6, 5:12; Heb 6:2; Ja 3:1; 1Pe 4:17; 2Pe 2:3; Jude 1:4; Rev. 17:1, 18:20,

The Greek Word “Kolasis” Does Not Mean

Torment or Annihilation, but Punishment
The apostle Peter informs us that God’s punishment on the lost will come after
He judges them on the Day of Judgment, not immediately after death as many
teach. He said: “The Lord” has set aside or reserved “the unjust to the Day of
Judgment [krisis] to be Punished [kolazo]” (2Pe 2:9, DBY). Let my readers take
note, the apostle Peter contrasted “krisis” the word for “judgment” or the “act of
judging” with “kolazo” a word that means “Punishment.” Therefore, these words
should not be confused, for they have totally different meanings.

The noted Drs. Gerhard Kittel, Gerhard Friedrich, and Geoffrey W. Bromley in
their Theological Dictionary of the New Testament , gave the basic meaning of the
Greek word “krisis and krima” to be:

kri,sij krisis (judgment), [and] kri,ma krima (decision).25

Jesus said that lost sinners: “Shall go away into Everlasting Punishment
[kolasis]: but the righteous into Life Eternal” (Mt 25:46). Take note that Jesus
said “Everlasting Punishment” and NOT “Everlasting Torment [basanizo]”
“Kolasis” is used twice in the New Testament, the other being in 1Jn 4:18, which
reads: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear
involves punishment [kolasis], and the one who fears is not perfected in love”
(NAS). The NIV, ASV, NAS, RSV, and other versions of the Bible all translate
“kolasis” in this verse as “punishment” and NOT as “torment” or “annihilation.”
Drs. Friberg defined “kolasis” as:

An action, retribution, [or] Punishment (MT 25.46).26

Using “the argument of silence” again, allow me to ask: if Jesus wanted the
apostle Matthew to convey the idea of “annihilation” He would have inspired him
to use the Greek word “apoleia” as He did in Mt 7:13: “Enter by the narrow gate;
for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to DESTRUCTION [apoleia],
and there are many who go in by it”. IF Jesus wanted Matthew to convey the idea
of torment or torture in the above verse, then why did He inspire Matthew to use
the Greek word “kolasis”, instead of “basanizo?” This should be sufficient proof
that Jesus was NOT teaching Eternal Torment.

It is obvious that Matthew knew the Greek word “basanizo”, for he used it in
his gospel to teach torment. According to Matthew, the Roman Centurion told our
Lord: “My servant lies at home paralyzed and in terrible SUFFERING [basanizo]”
(Mt 8:6, NIV). All New Testament gospel writers used “basanizo” and NOT “krisis,
krima, or kolasis” when they wanted their readers to understand that someone
was in PAIN or that someone would experience TORMENT in the future (Lk 8:28;
2Pe 2:8; Rev 9:5; 11:10, 12:2). These men were obviously familiar with these
terms and knew that “basanizo, basanismos, apoleia, and olethros” have an
ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MEANING than “krisis, krima, and kolasis”.

If any preacher says “kolasis” means “torment” or “immediate annihilation,” or

teaches the “doctrine of the immortality of the soul,” they are adding a meaning
to this and the other scriptures that God Almighty never intended. There is
nothing in the above verse and any of the other verses, which use “kolasis,” that
tells us what this punishment is . Therefore, the most anyone can say about this
passage is that Jesus will judge and Pronounce a Sentence on each sinner that
will include in it an “Eternal Punishment” that can never be changed. Whatever
this punishment is it is an eternal one!

If this punishment is “Torment” and nothing else, then it refers to “Eternal

Torment.” If this punishment is “Annihilation” and nothing else, then it refers to
“Eternal Destruction or Eternal Annihilation.” If this punishment is “Torment for a
Period of Time and then Annihilation,” then this will be the sinner’s “Eternal
Punishment.” No one can argue against the fact that “torment” and “annihilation”
are both considered as punishments.

Conclusion: It is obvious to any candid reader that God did NOT inspire
Matthew, Mark, or John to use “basanizo” because He did NOT want them to
convey the idea of “eternal torment” to their readers! God also did NOT want
these gospel writers to convey to their readers the idea of “immediate
annihilation,” therefore He did NOT inspire them to use the Greek word
“olethros.” Since God did inspire them to use “krisis, krima, and kolasis,” He
evidently wanted them to teach that all lost sinners would be judged, sentenced,
and punished by Him at the judgment.

This same truth also applies to Daniel’s use of the Hebrew “dera’own” instead
of “ke’eb.” Let us remember that in John 5:29, Jesus is quoting and interpreting
Daniel’s prophecy. Therefore, whatever judgment, sentence, and punishment God
will pronounce on each lost sinner, it will be an eternal one . In other words, God
will never change His mind about these things. There will be no second chances!
God will never repent and later change His judgment or give a lesser sentence or

There are twelve passages in the KJV in which the Greek word “Gehenna” is
translated as “hell.” We will examine them in this chapter. We will also examine
other words and phrases that are used in the Old and New Testaments to
describe the torments of the Lake of Fire. Jesus speaking of God’s wrath and just
retribution said: “The wrath of God abideth on him that believeth not the Son” (Jn
3:36). The apostle Paul confirmed this when he declared: “The wrath of God
cometh upon the children of disobedience” (Eph. 5:6), and the “Wrath of God is
upon all them that forsake Him” (Col 3:6).

Jesus declared that if anyone says to his brother: “Thou fool!’ shall be in
danger of hell [Gehenna] fire” (Mt 5:22). He also taught that religious leaders who
knowingly or unknowingly deceived God’s people would be cast into the Lake of
Fire. He says: “Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because ye go
round the sea and the dry land to make one proselyte, and whenever it may
happen--ye make him a son of Gehenna twofold more than yourselves…. Serpents!
Brood of vipers! How may ye escape from the judgment of the Gehenna?” (Mt
23:15, 33, YLT). James said the tongue was: “A fire, a world of iniquity,” and
compared it to the “fire of hell [Gehenna]” (Jas 3:6). In these four passages where
the word Gehenna or hell is used, there is no mention of endless torment or
annihilation in them.

Those who deny that God will take vengeance and repay all wrongs ask:
“Would God create men with immortality and then create a hell for them to be
tormented in throughout all eternity, and keep it a secret from the world for four
thousand years?” By this statement, they declare that the Old Testament does
not teach the doctrine of eternal torment. I agree! But they are wrong when they
claim that the Old Testament does not teach the doctrine of torment in the Lake
of Fire for a period of time. The following scriptures in both the Old and New
Testaments definitely teach the doctrine of God’s just retribution and the extreme
torment the lost will experience after they are resurrected, judged, and violently
cast in the Gehenna Fire. Let us examine these passages to understand the kinds
of torment a sinner will experience in hell and determine if any of them teach
eternal torment.

The Torments of the Lake of Fire

The Torment of Seeing the Righteous in the Kingdom of God Happy

and Full of Joy, with Their Bodies Shining Like the Sun: Jesus speaking
of those who thought they were saved but were not said: “There shall be weeping
and GNASHING of TEETH, when you shall SEE Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob,
and all the prophets, in the Kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out” (Lk
13:23, 28, cp with Psa 112:9-10).

It is obvious from this passage that lost Children of God, who were
resurrected, judged, and casted into the Lake of Fire, just before the Millennial
Reign of Christ begins, will be able to see the saved in the kingdom and vice-
versa. The torment these lost Children of God will experience in this passage is
both mental and physical. They will weep and gnash their teeth in bitterness and
grief knowing that they could have had the joy, peace, blessings, and eternal life
Jesus offered them. Probably the worst suffering they will experience is seeing
their own family members in hell with them. Knowing if they had lived for God
their loves ones might have been saved. If you or I died lost, can you imagine the
heartache and grief that we would experience seeing our loved ones in
excruciating torment? There is no mention of the duration of suffering or
annihilation in this passage.

If my beloved readers desire to know more about the two different

resurrections of the lost, that is, the one for the lost Children of God of all ages at
the end of the Great Tribulation Period, and the other a 1000 years later at the
White Throne Judgment for those who never were in a covenant relationship with
God, I invite them to read my book entitled: The Mysteries of Prophecy Revealed.
This book is given away on my website.

The Torment of Being Surrounded by Evil, Filthy and Vile People:

John told us the character of some of those who would be in the Lake of Fire:
“The fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and
whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in
the Lake, which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Rev
21:8). In hell, no one will be able to select his or her own friends. The vilest
people that were ever born of a woman will be your associates in hell. There is
also nothing in this passage that teaches eternal torment or annihilation.

The Torment of Inhaling Burning Sulfur Fumes as It Burns Your
Eyes, Nose and Throat: John speaking of this says: “And another, a third,
angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any one do homage to the Beast
and its image, and receive a mark upon his forehead or upon his hand, he also
shall drink of the wine of the FURY of God prepared unmixed in the cup of His
WRATH, and he shall be TORMENTED in FIRE and BRIMSTONE [theion] before the
holy angels and before the Lamb. And the SMOKE of their torment goes up to [eis
- into] AGES of AGES, and they have no respite day and night who do homage to
the Beast and to its image, and if any one receive the mark of its name” (Rev
14:9-11, DBY).

The Greek noun “theion” means: “sulphur”.27 Sulphur is a pale-yellow,

nonmetallic chemical element found in crystalline or amorphous forms. It is used
in a variety of things from matches to gunpowder. It burns with a blue flame and
when the smoke of it is inhaled in a sufficient amount it will burn the eyes, nose,
and throat. It will cause nausea, suffocation, and even death. The Word of God
teaches one of the greatest torments is not only the fire, but also the great
amount of smoke that will be produced from hot burning sulfur rocks. Just
imagine burning trash in a barrel and having the smoke go up your nose or into
your mouth. Can you even fathom what this nauseating suffocation and intensive
heat would feel like, even for a short period of time?

The infallible Word of God declared the “smoke” shall ascend into many ages,
not throughout eternity. It did NOT say that they were tormented for eternity or
immediately annihilated. The smoke from the burning sulfur rocks will ascend up
for ages of ages, just as it will when God destroys the City of Babylon. John
speaking of this wrote: “Her smoke goes up to [eis - into] the ages of ages” (Rev
19:3, DBY, cp with Isa 34:10).

No one believes that the City of Babylon, which is compose of brick and other
volatile materials will burn for thousands of years, but the burning sulfur rocks
that cause her to burn will burn and give off smoke that will ascend up for ages or
ages. The phrase, “ages of ages,” is in the plural number and therefore does not
mean eternity for there is no such thing as “eternities of eternities.” This passage
and others using this phrase will be discussed in more detail later. These
scriptures most definitely teach that a sinner will be tormented in the Lake of
Fire, but they do not declare how long they will be tormented. It definitely does
not teach eternal torment or annihilation.

The Torment of Knowing that the Lake of Fire You Are in Is Never
Going to Get Any Cooler: John the Baptist said that the unsaved will be like:
“CHAFF he will burn with fire unquenchable” (Lk 3:17). The Bible nowhere
teaches that unsaved people burning in hell will be the fuel that keeps the fire of
Gehenna burning. In fact, the Word of God declares that hot sulfur rocks will be
the fuel the Lord will use to keep the fire burning. The core of the earth has been
burning for several thousand years and it is still burning even today. Therefore,
the fire will never go out and get cooler. The lost will burn in hell until the day
they are burned up or destroyed as CHAFF, which will burn up into ashes. There is
nothing in this scripture that tells us how long a sinner will burn in Gehenna.

The Torment of Seeing and Feeling Your Body Burning: David

described the torment of the sinner in Gehenna Fire this way, God shall: “Make
them as a fiery oven in the time of Thine anger: the LORD shall swallow them up
in His wrath, and the fire shall DEVOUR them” (Ps 21:8-9). If you died lost, can you
imagine what it would be like feeling and seeing your body on fire and not be able
to do anything to put the fire out? Can you imagine how helpless you would feel?
All you would be able to do is cry and wail and maybe roll on the ground or run
barefooted on the hot sulfur burning rocks. Hell is not only a reality in the Word of
God, but it something none of us like to think about. This passage of Scripture
says nothing about how long sinners will be in the Lake of Fire before they are
devoured or annihilated.

Isaiah described the torment of the lost as: “Your breath [Heb: ruwach - spirit],
as fire, shall DEVOUR you. And the people shall be as the burning of lime: as
thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire.... The sinners in Zion are afraid;
fearfulness hath surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the
DEVOURING fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting [`owlam] burnings
[mowqed]” (Isa 33:11-14)?

The Hebrew word mowqed is used twice in the OT and The Theological
Wordbook of the Old Testament by Drs. R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer Jr., and
Bruce K. Waltke defined it as: “burning [or] hearth.” 28 A hearth is a fireplace.
Since it is in the plural number it refers to the continuing unquenchable fires of
hell. David compared the sinners bones burning as a hearth or stones in the floor
of a fireplace. He said: “For my days are CONSUMED like SMOKE, and my bones
are burned as a hearth [mowqed]” (Psa 102:3). Therefore, mowqed, as Isaiah used
it, refers to brimstone or the burning sulfur rocks that are in the bed of the Lake
of Fire.

According to the above scripture, the prophet Isaiah stated that the Lake of
Fire would be a place that will strike horror and fear in the heart of the sinners.
The sinners will have their bodies burned as lime in the midst of the fires of
Gehenna. Let my readers take note that endless torment or woe is not taught in
these passages but annihilation is. According to Isaiah and David, their spirit at
some point in time will be “burned up” or it “shall devour them.” This scripture
does not teach eternal torment, but it does teach annihilation.

The Torment of Having Your Body Full of Great Pain: Jesus gave us a
very vivid description of the intensity of the pain that sinners will experience in
the Lake of Fire when he said: “And if your hand causes you to stumble, cut it off;
it is better for you to enter life crippled, than having your two hands, to go into
hell [Gehenna], into the unquenchable fire, where their worm does not die, and
the fire is not quenched. And if your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off; it is
better for you to enter life lame, than having your two feet, to be cast into hell
[Gehenna], where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched . And if
your eye causes you to stumble, cast it out; it is better for you to enter the
kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes, to be cast into hell
[Gehenna], where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched” (Mk 9:43-
48, NAS).

This same passage is quoted in Mt 5:29-30 where Gehenna is used 2 times,

and in Mt 18:7-9 where it is used once in connection with “everlasting fire.” It is
also used twice in Mt 23:15, 33; once in Mt 5:22, and once in Jas 3:6, which we
have already examined. This accounts for 10 places where Gehenna is used. As I
have already said, these scriptures very definitely teach extreme torment in the
Lake of Fire but it does not teach eternal torment. The truth Jesus is teaching in
these passages of Scripture can be summed up as: Christians should embrace the
Christian life with their whole spirit, soul, and physical strength. This means they
should be willing to make whatever sacrifices it calls for, especially the
mortification of fleshly lust. If one does not die out to sinful fleshly lust, then the
horrible torment of Gehenna Fire will be their punishment for a period of time.

Because of the graphic description of the painful process of inflicting bodily

harm on oneself in Mark 9:43-48, there can be no doubt that Jesus was teaching
that the unsaved would experience great physical pain in the Lake of Fire. There
can be no doubt that this passage teaches torment in Gehenna Fire, but it does
not teach endless torment. The Lord Jesus, in His great love for lost humanity,
gave a very strong warning concerning the torment of the Lake of Fire.

In this passage, He is NOT telling anyone to cut off their bodily limbs or pull
out their eyes, but He is telling them it would be MUCH LESS PAINFUL for them to
take a dull knife or saw and cut through their flesh, muscles, tendons, ligaments,
cartilage, veins, arteries and bones of their hands and feet, then to burn in the
fiery sulfur rocks of Lake of Fire, even for a short time. Jesus also said it would
be MUCH LESS PAINFUL for a sinner to take his or her finger and stick it into his
or her eyeball and pull out the cornea, pupil, iris, lens, retina, and the optic nerve
of his or her eye, then to burn in Gehenna fire. If saints and sinners would
meditate, for about five minutes, on how much pain they would feel by doing
these things, and imagine how they would feel experiencing this same pain
twenty-four hours a day for as long as they exist, he or she would repent of their
sins in a heartbeat!

The Torment of Having Worms Erupting Out of Your Body: In the

above passages of Scripture, Jesus mentioned the phrase: “Where their worm
[skolex] does not die, And the fire is not quenched”. Jesus undoubtedly was
quoting Isaiah’s prophecy, which states: “It shall come to pass, that from one
new moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to
worship before me, saith the Lord. And they shall go forth, and look upon the
CARCASSES [Heb. peger, Sep. skolex] of the men that have transgressed against
me: for the worm [towla] shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched: and
they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh” (Isa 66:23-24). According to Josephus
the Jews believed that one of the punishments that lost men and women would
experience in Gehenna Fire would be:

A certain fiery worm never dying, and not destroying the body, but
continuing its eruption out of the body with never ceasing grief; neither will
sleep give ease to these men, nor will the night afford them comfort.29

Does the undying worm that Jesus and Isaiah mention in these passages
teach eternal torment? What did Jesus and Isaiah mean by the undying worm?
Was it referring to the spiritual soul of man as some teach or to the natural worm
that springs forth from man’s dead, decaying carcass as the Bible teaches? If any
preacher says it refers to the soul of man, then let him or her produce one
scripture that teaches that lie. Since they cannot, who gave them the authority to
place a private interpretation on the Word of God?

The Word of God declares it was a NATURAL WORM. The Hebrew word towla`
is used 43 times in the OT and is translated as “scarlet” 34 times, “worm” 8
times, and “crimson” 1 time. It is translated as scarlet and crimson because a red
color dye was made from the dried body of the female worm or “coccus ilicis.”
The Greek word skolex is use 3 times in the NT and according to Louw-Nida
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament it means:

‘maggot, worm…’ ‘where their worm does not die’ Mk 9.48. In Mk 9.48 the
reference is clearly to the type of MAGGOTS which feed on refuse.30

As one compares Isaiah 66:24 with Isaiah 14:11, there can be no doubt that
worms refer to the maggots that come from a dead body. (Also compare the
worms mentioned in Exo 16:20, Deu 28:39 & Jonah 4:7). In Job 25:5-6, Psa 22:6 &
Isa 41:13, man is compared to a helpless worm in his human strength or to his
lowly condition. There is no way any preacher can teach that the Hebrew word
“towla” in any of these passages refer to the soul of man. If they think that they
can, let them substitute the word “worm” for “soul” and see if these scriptures
make any sense.

God’s message in this verse is that people will despise what they see. It will
make them want to vomit as they look upon these maggot-infested bodies in the
Lake of Fire! Our Lord quoted and confirmed this prophecy in Isaiah, concerning
the worms that continually multiply and prey on the bodies that are cast into
Gehenna fire. This no doubt will be a very painful experience! I cannot imagine
how one would feel to have worms erupt or burst out of their body.

The Hebrew word “peger” always means a “dead body” that has no life in it.
This Hebrew word is used 22 times in the OT and is translated as “carcass” 14
times, “dead body” 6 times, and “corpse” 2 times. The prophet Isaiah and the
Savior both referred to the NATURAL WORMS that breeds in the filth of Gehenna.
This worm that filled Gehenna is something every Jew definitely knew about. Let
us not forget what our Savior declared: “And do not fear those who kill the body
but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to DESTROY both SOUL
and BODY in hell” (Mt 10:28). Therefore, the above passages of scripture cannot
be teaching eternal torment.

Jesus also described the pain sinners would feel in the Lake of Fire as:
“Wailing and gnashing of teeth” (Mt 13:40, 42). Jesus said the torment that
sinners would experience would be manifested by strong, loud, lamenting, blood-
curdling cries, which would cause them to gnash or grind their teeth because of
the dreadful, hideous, horrendous pain they would feel all over their body.

CONCLUSION: We have thus briefly examined and explained eight of the
passages in which Gehenna occurs and all of the passages that speak of the
torments sinners will experience in the Lake of Fire. The same Bible that teaches
the lost will experience pain or suffering in Gehenna also teaches annihilation of
the soul and body after the period of torment is completed. Paul declared he:
“Shunned not to declare the whole counsel of God” to the Children of God.

If Paul or any other apostle believed in a place of endless torment would they
have been utterly silent in reference to it in their preaching or writings? Their
utter silence in addressing this subject is absolute proof that they had NO faith in
it, though heathen religions all around them preached it and believed it implicitly.
As my readers can perceive by now, God’s apostles and Old Testament prophets
did not teach the doctrine of endless torment. It would be impossible to explain
such inconsistency if the doctrine of eternal suffering and woe was true.
Therefore, all the facts are definitely against the supposition that endless
torment is taught anywhere in the Word of God.

The belief in eternal torment was a doctrine that some of the backslidden
rabbis brought back from the Babylonian Captivity. The doctrine of endless woe
can be traced back to the ancient Babylonian religion or Mystery Babylon, and
may be found in the older Zen manuscripts that were written many centuries
before Judaism or Christianity. In fact, the sacred doctrines of this satanic
religion were called the “Mysteries.” The main doctrine of the Mysteries was the
doctrine of the Deity and Immortality of the Soul, in which all other doctrines
were founded on; some of the other doctrines were the Reincarnation of the Soul,
Torment of the Soul in the Fires of Hades for Purification purposes, and Eternal
Torment of the Soul in Fires of Hades, if the soul did not live a Sinless Life after
many Reincarnations.

From the above chapter, my readers should be able to perceive that sinners
will experience tremendous torment, but not eternal torment, in the Lake of Fire.
In this chapter, they will learn that annihilation will also be part of the “eternal
punishment” Jesus will pronounce at the Judgment (Mt 25:46). If my readers will

interpret the following scriptures on annihilation in a literal fashion, as I did the
scriptures that taught torment in Gehenna Fire, then they should have no problem
understanding the Bible’s teaching pertaining to annihilation.

Let us not forget, God put a curse on those who twist or spiritualize away the
literal meaning of His words, for He said what He meant and meant what He said.
Truly “EVERY WORD of God is pure,” and “The WORDS of the LORD are pure
WORDS: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times,” and “Man doth
not live by bread only, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of
the LORD doth man live” (Pro 30:5; Psa 12:6; Deu 8:3).

YHWH, the One True God of the OT,

Taught Annihilation Not Eternal Torment
God Himself tells us what happens to sinners after they are burned up. He said
that they would become ashes. God the Father says: “All who do wickedly will be
stubble. And the day which is coming shall burn them up,’ Says the LORD of
hosts, ‘That will leave them neither ROOT nor BRANCH…. They shall be ASHES
under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,’ Says the LORD of hosts”
(Mal 4:1, 3).

Almighty God, who can not lie, explicitly, expressly, and emphatically
proclaimed for all to hear and understand that He would burn up the sinner to
ashes, whereby there will be nothing left of his or her spirit, soul, and body. What
can be clearer than God’s analogy of the root and branches of a tree being burned
up to ashes? What else can it be teaching except total annihilation of the stubble
or sinners?

An objective and unbiased attitude of mind would make these scriptures

relatively easy to understand. For many years, the author was blinded by his bias
believed in Lucifer’s Babylonian immortality of the soul and eternal torment
doctrines; after years of spiritualizing or twisting scriptures in order to support
these erroneous doctrines, God in His great mercy convicted me of this hideous
sin. I made a vow to God that day that I would not commit this grievous sin
against Him any longer in any doctrine of the Bible I would study.

Those who believe in eternal torment have Jesus bestowing eternal life to the
souls of sinners when they are born into this world, which destroys the entire
plan of salvation that Jesus provided at Calvary. This is blasphemy! In

accordance with the Word of God, the souls of God’s Children receive conditional
immortality or eternality at the New Birth. Contrary to this biblical truth, religious
denominations such as Catholicism, Protestantism, and most Pentecostalism
teach that eternal life is given to all men at the natural birth.

These preachers unknowingly teach Lucifer’s doctrine that human beings do

not need the blood of Jesus to become eternal beings. All preachers who
ignorantly preach Satan’s inspired doctrines of the immortality of the soul and
eternal torment are promoting the devil’s will and not God’s will. Eternal
destruction is the exact opposite of Eternal Life; therefore no amount of
spiritualizing scripture can make eternal destruction into eternal torment.

The Book of Job Does Not Teach

Eternal Torment but Annihilation
Job’s friend Zophar declared the wicked: “Shall perish [abad] for ever [netsach
– throughout eternity], like his own dung” (Job 20:7, KJV). The Hebrew and
Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament by Drs. Ludwig Koehler and Walter
Baumgartner defined the Hebrew word “netsach” as:

Duration… throughout eternity (cf. Da 718) Is 3410… to become endless Jr


The Hebrew word “abad” is used a 184 times in the Old Testament, it is
translated as “perish” 98 times, “destroy” 62 times. In the analogy that is used,
the annihilation of the wicked is compared to human feces that are here one day
and completely gone or consumed in a short time. All of the preachers who
believe in the demonic doctrine of eternal torment will have to believe in the
eternality of the human feces also. For if a sinner is an eternal being then human
feces must possess the same characteristic of eternality as well.

Since all agree that a human’s feces is perishable, then no one could
reasonably disagree that a sinner’s spirit, soul, and body are likewise perishable.
This is the only reasonable way this scripture can be interpreted within the
context that it was written. If a sinner’s entire being does not perish at the end of
his or her period of torment in the Lake of Fire, then the burden of proof is on the
theologian to scriptural show what part of their being will perish forever. Since
those who believe in the Eternal Torment doctrine teach the sinner’s entire being

will live forever in the Lake of Fire, they will have to twist or spiritualize this
passage and all the other passages of Scripture that teach annihilation!

Therefore, the Book of Job teaches that the soul and body of man can
consume away to nothing. According to this verse, how long will a sinner’s spirit,
soul, and body remain in an utterly perishable or nonexistence state? The Word of
God teaches “throughout eternity!” Pastor, what do you teach? The Hebrew word
abad, as it relates to the destiny of the unsaved, can also be founded in: Jud 5:31;
Job 4:8-9, 4:20, 8:13; Psa 1:5-6, 5:5-6, 9:5-8 & 73:27.

The Prophet David Taught Annihilation

Not Eternal Torment
David speaking of the annihilation of the wicked proclaimed: “Let them be
ashamed and troubled for [eivj eis INTO] evermore [to.n aivwn / a tou/ aivwn/ oj - the AGE
of the AGE]; yea, let them be confounded and DESTROYED [Heb. ; Grk. Sep.
apoleia]” (Psa 83:17, LXE). LXT Psa 82:18: “aivscunqh,twsan kai. taracqh,twsan eivj to.n
aivw/na tou/ aivw/noj kai. evntraph,twsan kai. avpole,sqwsan”. A Literal translation would be:
“Let them [the wicked] be put to shamed and terrified into the AGE of the AGE,
yes, and let them be embarrassed and DESTROYED [Heb. db;a' 'abad; Grk. Sep.
avpw,leia apoleia]”. The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by Drs. R. Laird
Harris, Gleason L. Archer Jr., Bruce K. Waltke commenting on the Hebrew verb
“abad” stated:

db;a' (°¹bad) Perish, be destroyed; Piel and Hiphil destroy…. It is not far-
fetched therefore to think that terms like ‘perish,’ (°¹bad or d¹mâ II q.v.), or
‘their tombs their houses forever’ or ‘decay in the grave’ (NIV) or ‘death will
feed on them’ may well refer to EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION. Psalms
83:17 [H 18] is perhaps not as clear as the others, but the emphasis on the
total overthrow of the wicked is impressive.32

The Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament by Drs. Horst Balz & Gerhard
Schneider gave the following definition for “apoleia”:

avpo,llumi apollymi destroy; lose; die; be lost [and] avpw,leia( aj( h` apoleia
DESTRUCTION, waste, ANNIHILATION. 1. Both vb. and subst. are richly
attested in secular Greek…. The basic negative meaning of the entire word
group, frequently with a violent tendency, aims to express loss,
DESTRUCTION, and ANNIHILATION (e.g., of wealth) in a very general sense

which can extend to the FINAL DESTRUCTION of the human being in death
(Homer, Herodotus, Plato, Xenophon)….

2. In the NT the vb. occurs ca. 90 times, the subst. 18 times…. The
dimension of God's activity is expressed in the salvation-historical outline
in the parables of the husbandmen (Mark 12:9) and the wedding feast (Matt
22:7), and that of Jesus' activity in connection with the unclean spirit
(Mark 1:24) [in all of the above Scriptures Jesus spoke of the destruction of
men and evil spirits]…. Paul uses the vb. in a similar sense… [in] an
eschatological state (1 Cor 15:18). The guilty thought finds expression esp.
in 2 Thess 2:10: those who allow themselves to be deceived into
unrighteousness and refuse to love the truth will PERISH [i.e. be

The subst. avpw,leia (intrans.) displays a significantly deeper meaning in

connection with ultimate human ruin [i.e. ANNIHILATION], for which
mankind is to blame (Matt 7:13 ; here the counterpart is ‘life’: v. 14), esp. in
Paul (Rom 9:22; Phil 1:28; the counterpart here is ‘salvation’: Phil 3:18).
Persons who have fallen into this state are called ‘son(s) of perdition’ (2
Thess 2:3; cf. John 17:12; 18:9 and the Qumran literature à 1). The entire
eschatological scenery and tension in 2 Peter is characterized by this word
(6 occurrences): deceivers as well as deceived are on the way to ruin, not
least of all because of their false interpretation of Scripture (2 Pet 3:16). 33

David, speaking of God’s judgments on lost sinners says: “The wicked will He
[God] DESTROY [shamad],” and they “Shall be DESTROYED [Heb. dmv: shamad,
Grk. Sep. evxoleqreu,w exolethreuo] for ever…. Thine enemies shall PERISH” (Psa
145:20; 92:7, 9, KJV). The Hebrew word shamad is used 90 times in the OT. It is
translated 83 times as “destroy,” once as “destruction & perish,” and 5 times in
miscellaneous ways. The Hebrew-Aramaic and English Lexicon of the Old
Testament by Drs. F. Brown, S.R. Driver, and C. A. Briggs defined it as to:

dm;v' (shamad) Be DESTROYED, be EXTERMINATED… to be ANNIHILATED.34

The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by Drs. R. Laird Harris,

Gleason L. Archer Jr., and Bruce K. Waltke gave the following definition for the
Hebrew verb “shamad”:

Shamad occurs sixty-three times, there are a number of Hebrew verbs

whose semantic range includes the meaning ‘destroy’ (thirty-eight are so
translated one or more times in the KJV), but many of them take on this
meaning only in certain contexts…. Shamad, on the other hand, always
means ‘to destroy’ or ‘ANNIHILATE.’ It is always used in passages dealing
with vengeance or with the judgment of God.35

The Greek Septuagint “exolethreuo” is the Hebrew equivalent of “Shamad”.

Professor Walter Bauer in his Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and
Other Early Christian Literature, edited by Dr. Frederick William Danker defined
this Greek word as:

evxoleqreu,w... to eliminate by DESTRUCTION, DESTROY UTTERLY... Ac 3:23.36

David did not say the wicked shall be tormented forever, meaning that the
wicked will exist for eternity, but that they will be destroyed, annihilated, or
cease to exist for eternity. These scriptures leave no room for doubt concerning
the plight of the lost being destroyed not eternally tormented. David, speaking of
the destiny of all of God’s backslidden Children says: “They that are far from Thee
shall PERISH [db;a' 'abad; Grk. Sep. apoleia]: Thou hast DESTROYED [tsamath Grk.
Sep. evxoleqreu,w exolethreuo] all them that go a whoring from Thee” (Psa 73:27).

Let my readers take note that David said: “God would Annihilate all of His lost
Children,” not let them “live forever in torment in hell.” Therefore David, like the
prophets before him, must have also believed that the soul and body of man can
be totally destroyed or annihilated. According to Drs. F. Brown, S.R. Driver, and C.
A. Briggs the Hebrew verb “tsamath” means:

Put an end to… EXTERMINATE, ANNIHILATE, c. acc. pers., subj. Psalmist

Psalm 18:41 = 2S 22:41 (read as in Psalm), 101:5; 101:8; his foes Psalm
69:5; 54:7; 73:27; 94:23; 94:23; 143:12.37

The apostle Peter told the people of Israel: “And it shall be that every soul that
does not heed that prophet [i.e. Jesus the Messiah] shall be utterly destroyed
[evxoleqreu,w exolethreuo] from among the people” (Acts 3:23, NAS). In other words,
anyone who rejects the Gospel of Christ will never obtain Eternal Life but bring
upon themselves total or complete destruction of the spirit, soul, and body in the
Lake of Fire.

King Solomon proclaimed: “The lamp of the wicked will be put out” (Pro
24:20). Lamp here no doubt represents the human spirit as Solomon declared:
“The spirit of a man is the lamp of the LORD” (Pro 20:27). Solomon was not

speaking of all men be annihilated but only the wicked. David, speaking of God's
fiery wrath that will devour the sinner says: “The wicked shall perish, and the
enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume [kalah]; into
smoke shall they consume away [kalah]” (Psa 37:20). Drs. Ludwig Koehler and
Walter Baumgartner says the Hebrew word “kalah” means:

To VANISH, fade away: Is 156, 164, Ps 3720, man 3911 7113 907 Jb 49, Pr 30.38

There is no other meaning anyone can give to the above explicit and graphic
analogies except annihilation. It is high time that preachers have their eyes
anointed with eye salve so that they might see beyond the bias of their adopted
Babylonian-Catholic doctrine of endless torment. This graphic analogy very
accurately portrays the ultimate state of the lost as they are tormented and then
cease to exist.

When and where will the wicked gnash his teeth before they become liquefied
or burned up? David, speaking by God’s prophetic Spirit, said it would be
sometime after they see the Faithful Victorious Children of God exalted with
Eternal Life. If anyone has any doubts that David is speaking about the Lake of
Fire in this passage, then permit the Lord Jesus to interpret this passage for you.

Jesus said: “There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth , when ye shall SEE
Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and
you yourselves thrust out” (Lk 13:23). He then said in verse 28 that the angels:
“Shall cast them [all lost sinners] into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and
gnashing of teeth.” In view of these passages, there can absolutely be no doubt
that the sinner’s spirit, soul, and body will be burned up or annihilated after their
period of torment in hell is finished.

John the Baptist Taught Annihilation

Not Eternal Torment
John in his striking analogy compared the unsaved to chaff that is consumed
wholly or burnt up by fire. John the Baptist declared Jesus: “Will burn up
[katakaio] the chaff with unquenchable fire” (Mt 3:12; also Lk 3:17). John did NOT
say that Jesus will “eternally burn” the lost, but He will “totally burn them up.”
This is why he compared the lost sinners to chaff, which can be burned up to
ashes. Drs. J. P. Louw and E. A. Nida defined “katakaio” to mean:

To destroy something by burning – ‘to burn something down, to burn
something up, to reduce to ashes’. 39

John the Baptist, like David, declared that the sinner’s spirit, soul, and body
will be burned up or be consumed wholly when it is time for them to be
annihilated. No one can teach endless torment from this scripture without taking
it out of context or spiritualizing it, for burned up or annihilation is the exact
opposite of endless torment. You cannot torment someone who has ceased to
exist as a living personal entity.

Jesus Taught Annihilation Not Eternal Torment

Jesus said in very clear and understandable language that His Children should
not: “Fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him
[God] who is able to destroy [apollumi] both soul and body in hell [Gehenna]” Fire
(Mt 10:28, YLT). Dr. Strong defined “apollumi” to mean: “To DESTROY FULLY”. 40
This passage of Scripture without doubt definitely teaches Annihilation, which no
honest-hearted Child of God can deny.

Let my readers pay attention to the apostle’s choice of words to express the
Lord’s teaching. Matthew contrasted the Greek word apokteino (“to kill”) with
that of apollumi (“to destroy”). Therefore, according to the context of this
passage, these words cannot have the same meaning. When Jesus described
man’s power to kill the body He used the Greek word apokteino, which is used 75
times in NT. It was translated as “kill” 55 times, “slay” 14 times, and “put to
death” 6 times.

When Jesus described God power to Annihilate the spirit, soul, and body in
Gehenna Fire, He uses the Greek word APOLLUMI, which is used 92 times in the
NT. It was translated as “perish” 33 times, “destroy” 26 times, “lose” 22 times,
“be lost” 5 times, “lost” 4 times, and “miscellaneous” 2 times. The Theological
Dictionary of the New Testament by Drs. Gerhard Kittel, Gerhard Friedrich, and
Geoffrey W. Bromley defined the Greek verb “apoleia” as:

avpo,llumi apollymi (to DESTROY), avpw,leia apoleia (DESTRUCTION), ‘Apollu,wn

Ò (Destroyer)…. Mk. 1:24… in view [i.e. of the destruction of demon
spirits] is not just physical destruction but a hopeless destiny of ETERNAL
DEATH. Apoleia… in the NT the curse of Acts 8:20 has an OT ring.
ETERNAL DESTRUCTION is signified in Mt. 7:13; Rom. 9:22; Phil. 1:28…; 2
Pet. 2:1; Rev. 17:8, 11.41

Jesus comparing Eternal Life with Eternal annihilation proclaimed: “Enter
through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to
DESTRUCTION [apoleia], and many enter through it. But small is the gate and
narrow the road that leads to Life [Eternal], and only a few find it.” (Mt 7:13, NIV;
also 22:7). Jesus defined the Greek word apollumi to mean annihilate when He
used it in the context of hell.

Jesus said: “If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for
it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should PERISH [apollumi], and not
that thy whole body should be cast into hell” (Mt 5:29). It is very obvious from the
context that “apollumi” means “destroyed, annihilated or cease to exist any
more.” No one can substitute the words “lose, ruin, or kill” for “apollumi” and
have it make any sense. Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
defined “apollumi,” as:

To destroy or to cause the destruction of persons, objects, or

institutions’… (Mt 10:28)… ‘objects of his wrath destined for

If you or I were going to cremate a dead animal in a fiery barrel, we would not
say we were going to lose, ruin, or kill the animal, we would say we were going to
destroy or burn it up to ashes. There is not a speck of evidence in the above verse
or any other that supports eternal torment in Gehenna. This verse most definitely
teaches annihilation. There can be no doubt that our Lord’s teaching on the
“annihilation of soul and body” meant the “utter extinction or complete
destruction of the entire being of man !” From the teaching of our Lord’s apostles
and disciples, this is obviously how they understood His words.

Jesus’ teaching on the ultimate end of the wicked, at the end of the world,
definitely confirmed what Job, David, and other men of God taught about
annihilation. Jesus taught that sinners will go through a time of weeping and
wailing in the Lake of Fire before they are “ burned up [katakaio]” or “consumed
wholly” (Mt 13:38-42). As stated before “katakaio” means:

To destroy something by burning – ‘to burn something down, to burn

something up, to reduce to ashes’. 43

Jesus, who could not tell a lie if He wanted to because He is the Truth, boldly
declared that He would fully destroy or annihilate every sinner’s soul and body in

the Lake of Fire. Jesus has a sure reputation for meaning what He says and
saying what He means. Some who are the followers of Philo or those super
spiritualizers of God’s Holy Infallible Word will want to twist this scripture and all
the above scriptures by making them symbolic.

No matter how much effort is put into diminishing and rendering these
scriptures to mean eternal torment instead of eternal annihilation, it will prove
fruitless. The only way anyone can teach endless torment from any of these
scriptures is by twisting or spiritualizing away the literal meaning of these
passages, which would bring the curse of God on them as a False Prophet!

Jesus compared eternal life with eternal destruction or annihilation when He

said: “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish [apollumi - be destroyed], but
have Everlasting Life” (Jn 3:16). Jesus will give His Children: “Eternal Life, and
they shall never perish [apollumi]” (Jn 10:28). Jesus contrasted the term Eternal
Life with Eternal Destruction or Annihilation, not Eternal Life with endless

Eternal Life is God giving to His Children the ability to live throughout eternity
so they will never be destroyed or cease to exist. Since Eternal Life means Life
without an End or Endless Life, to perish eternally or to be destroyed eternally
must mean to be eternally dead or to be without life for eternity. No one who does
not have the Eternal Life that Jesus offers can expect to exist eternally.

All sinners, whether they are fallen angels or humanity, will exist as long as
Jesus permits them to live, and then they will utterly be destroyed or cease to be
a conscious being or entity. The apostle Paul, speaking under the unction of the
Holy Spirit revealed that the Greek word apollumi, as it refers to the lost, without
a doubt means “to be annihilated.”

Paul, like Jesus, contrasted temporal death and eternal destruction in the
following scriptures. He says: “If Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet
in your sins. Then they also, which are fallen asleep [died] in Christ are Perished
[apollumi],” that is, “Have been fully and completely Destroyed or do not exist
any longer” (1Co 15:17-18).

The great apostle told God’s people, in very precise language, that IF there is
no resurrection of the dead then all of God’s Children whose souls are sleeping at
this present time, and waiting for the resurrection, are not just sleeping but have
actually been completely destroyed, annihilated, or have ceased to exist as

personal entities any longer. What can be clearer than this? Paul draws a sharp
distinction between temporal death and eternal death. If Paul’s use of apollumi in
this passage did not mean total annihilation of the spirit, soul, and body, then his
argument for the resurrection would have been foolish and worthless.

Jesus most definitely taught annihilation of all the wicked and not eternal
torment. Demon spirits cried out to Jesus: “saying, ‘What do we have to do with
You, Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to DESTROY [apollumi] us” (Mk 1:24,
NAS)? There is no way in this verse “apollumi” could possible mean to kill or ruin,
or cause someone to lose or be lost, for these demon spirits were already lost,
and they did not have a body that could be killed. Therefore, the only
interpretation that would make any sense is they were pleading with Jesus not to
DESTROY or ANNIHILATE them at that time!

Jesus, speaking in the Parable of the Vineyard, declared that He would “What
therefore will the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and DESTROY [apollumi]
the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others” (Mk 12:9, ASV; also Mt
21:41 the Parable of the Householder). Both of these parables teach that God’s
preachers did not take care of His children; therefore He will destroy them
sometime after the resurrection. From the above scriptures, it should be very
obvious to any sincere believer that Jesus taught annihilation not endless
torment in hell.

The Apostle Peter Taught Annihilation

Not Eternal Torment
The apostle Peter warned the ungodly of God’s wrath proclaimed: “But the
present heavens and earth by His word are being reserved for Fire, kept for the
Day of Judgment and DESTRUCTION [apoleia of ungodly men…. The Lord is not
slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not
wishing for any to PERISH [apoleia] but for all to come to repentance…. Untaught
and unstable [men] distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own
DESTRUCTION [apollumi]” (2Pe 3:7, 9, 16, NAS).

The apostled also declared: “There were also false prophets among the
people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in
destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on
themselves swift DESTRUCTION [apoleia]” (2Pe 2:1). Drs. Friberg defined
“apoleia” as:

Destruction… as the Eternal Punishment of the wicked destruction (2P

If any preacher does not teach eternal destruction or annihilation of ungodly

men, they will be guilty of twisting or sabotaging the Word of God. Peter told the
wicked sorcerer Simon Magus: “Thy money go with THEE to DESTRUCTION
[apoleia], because thou hast thought that the gift of God can be obtained by
money” (Acts 8:20, DBY).

The Apostle Paul Taught Annihilation

Not Eternal Torment
Paul, speaking of lost humanity, says: “For as many as have sinned without
law will also PERISH [apollumi] without law, and as many as have sinned in the
law will be judged by the law” (Rom 2:12); and they are: “Vessels of wrath fitted
to DESTRUCTION [apoleia]” (Rom 9:22). The New American Version says it this
way: “prepared for Destruction.”

The great apostle told some of the Saints in Corinthian Church who had
doubts about the validity of the resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of
dead saints: “If the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised; and if
Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless; you are still in your sins. Then
those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have PERISHED [apollumi]” (1Co
15:116-8, NAS; also 2Co 2:15-16).

Paul speaking of the Antichrist said: “He will use every kind of evil deception
to fool those on their way to DESTRUCTION [apollumi], because they refuse to
love and accept the truth that would save them” (2Th 2:10, New Living
Translation). The postle speaking of the backslidden preachers in his day and no
doubt of all ages says their: “End is DESTRUCTION [apoleia], whose god is their
belly” (Phi 3:19).

Paul told God’s Children: “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have
received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful
expectation of judgment and of RAGING FIRE that will CONSUME the enemies of
God” (Heb 10:27, NIV). The great apostle confirmed his teaching on annihilation
by saying that sinners: “Will be punished with EVERLASTING DESTRUCTION

[olethros] and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his
power” (2Th 1:9, NIV).

The Greek noun olethros is in the accusative case (direct object) and it
means: “COMPLETE DESTRUCTION”.45 The Greek word “olethros” is used four
times in the New Testament, and it was always translated as “DESTRUCTION,”
never as torment or torture (1Co 5:5; 1Th 5:3 & 1Ti 6:9). The Theological
Dictionary of the New Testament by Drs. Gerhard Kittel, Gerhard Friedrich, and
Geoffrey W. Bromley defined the Greek noun as:

ovleqreu,w olethreuo (to corrupt, destroy), o;leqroj olethros (corruption,

destruction)... Olethros - this word means a. ‘corruption,’ especially
‘DEATH,’ and b. ‘that which brings corruption.’ It is common in the LXX; the
prophets use it often for eschatological ‘DESTRUCTION’.46

The infallible Word of God clearly declared that God will “DESTROY (olethros)
sinners THROUGHOUT ETERNITY” or will bring upon all sinners “ETERNAL
DEATH” not eternal torment (basanizo). Therefore, the apostle Paul declared that
sinners would undergo or experience punishment, which Paul says is: “Eternal
Destruction” or “Eternal Death”. Therefore, the prophet David, John the Baptist,
and the apostles Peter and Paul all confirmed Jesus’ teaching on annihilation of
both the soul and body in the Lake of Fire (Mt 10:28). Thus “Torment in the Lake
of Fire for a Period of Time and then Annihilation” are both part of the “Eternal
Punishment” Jesus taught in Mt 25:46!

The Annihilation of Man’s Spirit, Soul, and Body

In the Lake of Fire Is the Second Death

The Phrase Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth Is Associated with

Torment in the Lake of Fire: The “weeping and gnashing of teeth” always
takes place in the Lake of Fire; when Jesus returns to the earth again He: “Will
send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling
blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, and will cast them into the
FURNANCE of FIRE; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth”
(Mt 13:41-42, NAS).

Jesus speaking of His lost children said: “But the sons of the kingdom will be
cast out into outer DARKNESS [i.e. death]. There will be weeping and gnashing of
teeth” (Mt 8:12); and “Cast him into outer DARKNESS [i.e. death]; there will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Mt 22:13); and “And cast the unprofitable servant
into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Mt 25:30).
The above four verses do NOT say that the weeping and gnashing of teeth will
take place AFTER the Second Death begins.

David definitely taught that sinners would be tormented and be burnt up in the
Lake of Fire. He wrote: “The wicked shall SEE it [the happiness of God’s Faithful
Children in the Kingdom of God] and be grieved; he shall gnash with his teeth, and
melt [macac] away. The desire of the wicked shall perish” (Psa 112:9-10). David,
speaking of the annihilation of sinners in another place says: “As wax melteth
[macac] before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God” (Psa
68:2). The Hebrew word macac means to: “liquefy”. 47 Sinners will Weep and
Gnash their teeth not only because they will be torment in the Lake of Fire but
also because they know their Body, Soul, and Spirit will be Annihilated.

In all the above passages of Scripture in this chapter, the following Words and
Phrases used in them are: BURNED UP, MELT AWAY to ASHES, CONSUMED
DESTROY both BODY and SOUL, and the fire will leave neither ROOT nor
BRANCH. These Words and Phrases must be referring to Annihilation of Body,
Soul, and Spirit! There is no way these Words and Phrases can be used to teach
the Eternal Torment Doctrine for they have opposite meanings. In fact they
completely destroy the teaching of Eternal Torment.

The apostle John called Eternal Death the Second Death! He wrote: “He who
overcometh shall not be hurt by the Second Death.... Blessed and holy is he that
hath part in the first resurrection: on such the Second Death hath no power
[authority].... And Death [i.e. the Grave of the Body] and hell [i.e. Hades/Sheol the
Grave of the Soul] were cast into the Lake of Fire. This is the Second Death” (Rev
2:11, 6; 20:14). Let my beloved readers remember that the definition of Death is
the CESSATION of LIFE, and the Second or Eternal Death is the CESSATION LIFE
for ETERNITY in the Lake of Fire.

As stated before, why would a loving, omniscient Creator give Human Beings
Eternal Life or an Immortal Soul at the moment the Natural Birth took place,
knowing that 95% of the Human Race would be tortured in the Lake of Fire
throughout all eternity? This satanic Babylonian\Catholic doctrine not only robs
God of His love, mercy, and justice, but it also destroys His plan of salvation; for if
man is Born in this Life with Immortality, that is with an Eternal Soul then he does
not need the Lamb of God to give him Eternal Life since he is Born with it. From

all the above scripture, I believe the Second or Eternal Death will take place in
the Lake of Fire AFTER their time of torment is over!

The Phrase Outer Darkness Refers to the Second or Eternal Death,

which Takes Place in the Lake of Fire: The apostle Peter and Jude called
“DARKNESS” death. Peter speaking of false prophets said they are like: “Wells
without water, clouds carried by a tempest, for whom is reserved the
BLACKNESS of DARKNESS [i.e. death] FOREVER” (2Pe 2:17). Jude also speaking
of false prophets said they are like: “Wandering stars for whom is reserved the
BLACKNESS of DARKNESS [i.e. death] FOREVER” (Jude 1:13).

Let my Beloved Readers take notice of the fact that the LAKE, RAGING
UNQUENCHABLE, FURNANCE, EVERLASTING FIRE definitely is a place of great
FLAMES that will give off GREAT LIGHT; but the Second Death is described as the
OUTER or the BLACKNESS of DARKNESS where there is NO Light. Therefore,
since the phrases Lake of Fire and Blackness of Darkness are two completely
different phrases with different meanings, they cannot represent the same thing.
In other words, these phrases are not synonyms and cannot be used
interchangeably to mean the same thing.

The Word Darkness Is Associated with Death: The ancient Patriarchs

called death darkness. Job said the wicked man: “Does not believe that he will
return from DARKNESS [i.e. death], for a sword is waiting for him. He knows that
a day of DARKNESS [i.e. death] is ready at his hand…. He will not depart from
darkness; the flame will dry out his branches [i.e. body], and by the breath
[ruwach - spirit] of His mouth he will go away” (Job 15:22-23, 30); in other words,
lost sinners with not only experience the darkness of temporal death but also the
Second or Eternal Death.

Job longing for Death said: “If I wait, Sheol [Heb., LXX - Hades] is my house; I
spread my bed in the DARKNESS [i.e. death] I cry to the grave [shachath], Thou
art my father! To the worm, My mother, and my sister! And where is then my
hope? Yea, my hope, who shall see it? It shall go down to the bars of Sheol, when
our rest shall be together in the dust”(Job 17:13-16, DBY). Sheol/Hades is the
resting place of the souls of all men, and “shachat” is the grave or the resting
place of the body as it goes into corruption, and they both dwell in the darkness
of Temporal Death waiting for the resurrection.

God through His Infallible Word has already pronounced the Eternal Death
sentence on all sinners. God admonishing the wicked to repent says: “The soul
that sinneth, it [the soul] shall DIE [i.e. eternally].... Have I any pleasure at all that
the wicked should DIE [i.e. eternally] saith the Lord God: and not that he should
return from his ways, and LIVE [i.e. eternally]” (Eze 18:4, 23-26)? God declared the
righteous and the wicked that die in sin would DIE ETERNALLY. What kind of
Death is this? It cannot mean Natural Death because all men die. It cannot mean
Spiritual Death because the Bible teaches that everyone is born in this life
without the Holy Spirit in them, therefore, they are Spiritual Dead (Eph 2:1, 2:5,
Col 2:13, 1Ti 5:6). It can only mean Eternal Death, just as LIFE in these verses can
only mean Eternal Life.

Paul comparing Eternal Life with Eternal Death said: “The wages of sin is
[Eternal] Death [cannot mean Temporal Death or Eternal Dying]; but the gift of
God is Eternal Life through Jesus Christ” (Rom 6:23). Jesus told His followers that
He was the Bread of Eternal Life and that: “A man may eat thereof and not Die
[i.e. Eternally].... Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood
[through the New Birth], ye have no [Eternal] Life in you. Whosoever eateth My
flesh, and drinketh My blood, hath Eternal Life” (Jn 6:48, 53-54).

Since the Bible emphatically declares that all the lost will be thrown violently
into the Lake of Fire, by God’s mighty angels, is Jesus Christ going to sentence all
of the lost to the same amount of punishment? Will anyone dare say that our God,
who is a holy, just, loving and merciful, will punish good moral sinners with the
same degree of punishment as men like Hitler, or the Roman Emperors like
Diocletian, Galerius and others, or Roman Church leaders like Pope Innocent III
and others?

As you know, history undeniably records that Hitler killed millions of Jews and
Christians. The Roman Emperors Diocletian, Galerius, and others butchered and
tortured to death hundreds of thousands or more of God’s Children. Lucifer’s son
Pope Innocent III, of the twelfth century, formed the demonic Inquisition for the
purpose of exterminating God’s Children, whom he called heretics. He and all the
popes that followed him ordered, approved, commended, and encouraged the
Inquisition in their satanic activities. This heartless, cruel, inhuman religious
organization for 500 years brutally tortured a million or more of God-fearing and

Christ-loving men, women, and children by every demonic device that could be
devised by the imagination of demon-possessed men.

Of course, the Vatican and its hierarchy claim they did these things in order to
save these so-called lost souls. Lucifer had them convinced that by torturing
them, they could persuade or force them to accept Lucifer’s Babylonian Catholic
Religion. This obviously meant they had to renounce God’s Truth to prevent being
tortured to death. Some of the tortures mentioned in history were: ripping and
cutting babies out of the wombs of their mothers and then smashing the baby’s
head against the ground, laying their victims on iron spike beds, covering the
bodies of God’s Children with pitch and burning them alive, and many other
horrific satanic tortures.48

If these demonic men receive the same amount of punishment as good moral
sinners at the White Throne Judgment (i.e., immediate annihilation), where is
justice? On the other hand, if good moral sinners and these satanic men both
receive the sentence of eternal torment, then where is justice on this side of the
spectrum? Jesus Christ, the one and only true God, is a just and righteous God.
Therefore, would not those who teach that all sinners are given the same
punishment, that is Eternal Torment, be robbing our Holy Savior and King of His
love, mercy, and justice; and those who teach against Torment for a Time would
they not be robbing Jesus of His vengeance and wrath against sinners who have
violated His Word and committed atrocities against their fellowman?

Jesus Taught that Some Lost Sinners

Will Receive a Lesser or More Tolerable Sentence
at the Judgment than Others
The following scriptures definitely reveal that the Lord Jesus Christ will
unquestionably pronounce a judicial sentence on each lost sinner that will be in
PROPORTION to the sins he or she committed. Jesus said: “Woe unto thee,
Chorazin! Woe unto thee, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works, which were done in
you, had been done in [the sinful cities of] Tyre and Sidon, they would have
repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes. But I say unto you, it shall be MORE
TOLERABLE [anektoteros] for Tyre and Sidon at the Day of Judgment, than for
you” (Mt 11:21-22). According to Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament the Greek adjective “anektoteros” pertains to:

What can be borne or endured - 'bearable, endurable, tolerable….’ In some
languages ‘it will be more tolerable’ in Mt 11.22 may be satisfactorily
expressed as ‘it will be easier to bear’ or ‘the SUFFERING will be LESS’. 49

Dr. Luke recorded this passage this way: “But I say unto you, that it shall be
more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city. Woe unto thee, Chorazin!
Woe unto thee, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and
Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented, sitting
in sackcloth and ashes. But it shall be MORE TOLERABLE [anektoteros] for [the
people in] Tyre and Sidon at the Judgment, than for you” (Lk 10:10-14).

Jesus also declared: “And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven,
shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in
thee, had been done in Sodom [they would have repented and] it would have
remained until this day. But I say unto you, that it shall be MORE TOLERABLE
[anektoteros] for the [people in the] land of Sodom in the Day of Judgment, than
for thee” (Mt 11:23-24; also 10:15).

Jesus told his apostles and disciples: “Whosoever shall not receive you, nor
hear you, when ye depart hence, shake off the dust under your feet for a
testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, it shall be MORE TOLERABLE
[anektoteros] for Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment, than for that city”
(Mk 6:11).

These scriptures obviously teach that God will judge, on “the Day of
Judgment” people in these various cities for their sins. Surely no one would be
foolish enough to believe that God will resurrect and judge cities at the
Judgment, which are compose of different building materials? Now anyone whose
mind is blinded by his or her belief in “eternal torment” or in “immediate
annihilation” will not be able to take Jesus’ words literally. Jesus, who cannot lie,
emphatically declared that on the Day of Judgment, some sinners would receive a
punishment that would be “MORE TOLERABLE” or the punishment they would
“SUFFER would be LESS” than other sinners.

If these scriptures and this phrase “MORE TOLERABLE” do not teach the
above fact, then this phrase has no real meaning and God is using empty or vain
words in His teaching. The apostle Paul warned the Church against this when he
wrote: “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the
wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience” (Eph 5:6).

If the doctrine of eternal torment or immediate annihilation is true, how will it
be MORE TOLERABLE for some than others? Since the Bible teaches that those
who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah are going to be cast into the eternal fire as
well as the sinners that were in Tyre, Sidon, Chorazin and Capernaum, how will it
be MORE TOLERABLE for those in Sodom than those who are in those other
cities? Will the Lake of Fire be cooler for some than others? If so, where are the
scriptures that prove this assumption? There are none! The Word of God speaks
of weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth that ALL lost sinners will experience
as they burn like lime in a fiery oven (Mt 13:41, 42, 50).

There will be no rooms with air-conditioning in the Lake of Fire. There will be
no wild, drunken, drug crazed, sex parties in hell! The Scripture certainly does not
portray Gehenna Fire as a place where people will sit around a ‘fireplace’ eating,
drinking, and partying. Some have imagine the punishment will be like that of
Tantalus of Greek mythology: “Whose punishment in the lower world was eternal
hunger and thirst: he was doomed to stand in water that always receded when he
tried to drink it, and [he stood] under branches of fruit he could never reach.”
These advocates of mythology do not have any scriptural proof for their doctrine
in God’s Holy Word.

Jesus unquestionably preached that it would be “MORE TOLERABLE” for some

then others in the Lake of Fire. These very words eliminate the very idea that all
will receive the same punishment. Jesus told His disciples: “Beware of the
scribes, who like to walk about in long robes, and salutations in the
marketplaces, and first seats in the synagogues, and first places at suppers; who
devour the houses of widows, and as a pretext make long prayers. These shall
receive a SERVERER [perissoteros] JUDGMENT [krima – SENTENCE]” (Mk 12:38-
40, The Darby Bible by Professor John N. Darby; cp with Lk 20:47; Mt 23:14). A
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament by Harvard Professor Joseph Henry
Thayer defined the Greek adjective “perissoteros” this way:

From Hesiod down, the Septuagint… etc.; EXECEEDING some number or

measure or rank or need; 1. OVER and ABOVE, more than is necessary…. 2.
JUDGMENT, Matt. 23:14 (13) Rec.; Mark 12:40; Luke 20:47.50

The Holy Bible, New Living Translation translated verse 40 this way: “Because
of this, they will be MORE SEVERELY [perissoteros] punished [krima – Gr. Noun
not verb - SENTENCE]” (2nd ed.). In other words, Jesus speaking in clear and
precise language, told His disciples that the wicked, like the above Scribes,

would receive a GREATER SENTENCE pronounce on them on the Day of Judgment
than other sinners! This applies not only the Scribes but to all false prophets and
some believers in Christ who preach against the truths of the Bible, such as: the
New Birth, the Godhead in Christ, and Holiness. Jesus emphatically declared that
all false teachers and preachers would receive a “GREATER SENTENCE” than
other sinners at the Judgment.

James said the same thing when he warned God’s Pastors by saying: “Not
many of you should become teachers, my brothers, since you know that we will
be judged [krima – noun not verb - SENTENCE] MORE SERVERELY [meizon]” (Ja
3:1, Complete Jewish Bible). Professor Darby translated this verse this way: “Be
not many teachers, my brethren, knowing that we shall receive GREATER
[meizon] judgment [krima - SENTENCE]” (DBY).

Dr. J. N. Young in his English Young’s Literal Translation of the Bible

translated it as: “Many teachers become not, my brethren, having known that
GREATER [meizon] judgment [krima - SENTENCE] we shall receive”. Drs Louw &
Nida defined the Greek adjective “meizon” as:

A large quantity, involving extent”.51

As I stated before, if all sinners will be tormented throughout eternity, or will

be immediately annihilated at death or the Judgment, how will the sentence
given to false prophets of God be any greater than any other sinner’s sentence?
Jesus speaking of Judas said: “Woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It
would be better for him if he had NOT been born” (Mk 14:21, NIV). Jesus knew
that it was prophesied in the Old Testament that someone would betray Him. He
knew that someone was Judas. So with this in mind, what did Jesus mean when
He declared that Judas would have been better off if he “had NOT been born”?

If Jesus believed in the doctrine of “immediate annihilation” of the lost, His

teaching that some sinners’ sentence would be more tolerable than others would
make no sense. If He believed in “eternal torment” for the lost, then this saying
would apply to more than 90% of the human race who have died lost. If Jesus
believed in Torment for a Period of Time and Then Annihilation, then this teaching
would make perfect sense. The Bible expressly and explicitly stated that Jesus
would: “JUDGE every man according to their WORKS [ergon]” (Rev 20:13). Drs.
Friberg gave the following as one of the definitions of “ergon”:

Anything done or to be done deed, work, action (JN 3.21). 52

Jesus also said: “I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak,
they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment” (Mt 12:36). Solomon
declared: “For all these things [sins], God will bring thee into Judgment” (Ecc
11:19), and “God will bring EVERY WORK into Judgment, with every secret thing,
whether it be GOOD, or whether it be evil” (Ecc 12:14).

Since Jesus will punish or reward every thought, word, and act, whether
GOOD or EVIL of lost mankind, then God’s Eternal Judicial Sentence must be
based on the sinner’s conduct in life. Therefore, the sentence pronounced on
them must fit the crimes and good deeds committed by each sinner. The inerrant
Word of God emphatically declared that Jesus Christ is the righteous and just
Judge of the Universe. What could possibly be the rationale for God judging all
the unsaved by their WORKS or DEEDS, if every man is going to receive the same
exact sentence? If this is not the absolute truth, than why have a Day of
Judgment at all?

Jesus informs us that we need to make amends with those whom we have
sinned against or we will be punished until the debt is paid. He said: “Agree with
thine adversary quickly, while thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the
adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and
thou be cast into prison. Verily, I say unto you, thou shalt by no means come out
thence till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing” (Mt. 5:25-26).

The above laws, by which justice and judgment operate on earth, are the
same laws God will use in the Judgment. There are scriptures in the Bible that
have a dual application. Such as Revelations the second and third chapters that
speak of seven literal churches in Asia Minor and types them to Seven Church
Periods in the Church Age. Let us examine the spiritual application of the above
verses and see if they make any sense in helping us to understanding God’s
justice and judgment.

As we apply these verses to God’s Judgment, the adversary would represent

those whom we have offended or sinned against God and their fellowman. Jesus
would be the Judge and the officer would refer to the angels. The prison would be
the Lake of Fire, where God’s angels will cast all lost sinners. Therefore it follows
that the lost must stay there until they have paid for all of their crimes. This
would then be teaching Torment for a Period of Time instead of eternal torment
for the lost; for when the uttermost farthing is paid, deliverance from the torment

of prison or the Lake of Fire will take place. Destruction of their spirit, soul, and
body in the Lake of Fire will be how God will set them free from their torment!

Jesus implied the above truth when He said: “Whoever blasphemes against
the Holy Spirit has no forgiveness [a;fesij aphesis – i.e. will not be RELEASED]
UNTIL [eivj] the AGE [aivw/na aion i.e. their TIME is FINISHED], but is liable of an
Eternal JUDGMENT [kri,sewj krisis]” (Mk 3:29, The Simple English Bible – NT [a
Literal Translation] by Dr. Stanley Morris).

BYZ Greek New Testament records this verse this way: “o]j dV a'n blasfhmh,sh| eivj to.
pneu/ma to. a[gion( ouvk e;cei a;fesin eivj to.n aivw/na( avllV e;noco,j evstin aivwni,ou kri,sewjÅ” The Theological
Dictionary of the New Testament by Drs. Gerhard Kittel, Gerhard Friedrich, and
Geoffrey W. Bromley defined the Greek noun “aphesis” this way:

aphieÃnai [means] ‘to let go,’ ‘to leave’ (Mk. 1:20; 10:28-29; Jn. 4:3; 16:28). 53

Conclusion: In other words, sinners will be Judged by Almighty God and they
will not be RELEASED from the Lake of Fire until their time of TORMENT is
FINISHED, then they will be ANNIHILATED throughout ETERNITY! As I said
before, if God’s sentence on every man is eternal torment or immediate
annihilation, what real difference would it make if they were good or evil sinners,
sinned a little or a lot, were moral or immoral, kind and loving, or tortured and
murdered millions of people?

In fact, why judge them at all if eternal torment or immediate destruction is

true? If eternal torment is true, why not just resurrect the spirit, soul, and body of
all lost humanity in the Lake of Fire immediately after death? Why will God judge
lost sinner if all receive the same Eternal Punishment? If Immediate Annihilation
is true, why have a resurrection at all?

The doctrines of eternal torment and immediate annihilation of all the lost,
when thoroughly examined and understood, eliminates the need for a judgment.
Certainly the light of Truth focused on this subject of eternal torment and
immediate annihilation has thus far allowed my readers to begin to perceive the
folly of the Luciferian, Babylonian, Catholic, Protestant, and Pentecostal doctrine
of eternal torment, and also the doctrine of the Jehovah’s Witnesses and others
on immediate annihilation.

With these truths in mind, how can it be “MORE TOLERABLE” for some at the
Judgment? How will God’s eternal sentence that He will pronounce on false
religious leaders and other sinners be any greater than that given to anyone else?
The Word of God must therefore be teaching that the torment part of God’s
punishment of each sinner is different not in various types, or degree of intensity
of heat, but LENGTH of TIME.

It is the author’s belief that God will sentence each unsaved person to a
DIFFERENT LENGTH of TIME in the Lake of Fire and then ANNIHILATION will
follow (Mt 10:28). The punishment will fit the crimes or sins each sinner had
committed; also no man or woman has eternality that is born in this life with an
Immortal Soul. No one can receive Eternal Life without receiving the New Birth,
which places one into the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus

After more than a thousand hours of prayer, study, and meditation on this
subject, the author is convinced that this is the only position that can be aligned
in perfect harmony with every single scripture in God’s Word; whereby, the
student of the Bible can place a literal interpretation on all scriptures, instead of
spiritualizing or applying unwarranted figurative meanings to the majority of
them. This is the only position that will be in perfect harmony with the entire plan
and purpose of God in creation, and not violate some of God’s attributes such as:
love, mercy, justice, righteousness, holiness, wrath, etc.

Let us always remember that God foreknew before the creation of the
universe, the very names of those who would respond to His plan of salvation
through animal blood sacrifices that He offered in different ages; He also knew
the names of those who would NOT respond to His grace of Calvary or His sinless
Lamb (Rev. 17:8; cp with 13:8)! This is NOT the false doctrine of predestination,
but God definitely has foreknowledge of future events as well as the destiny of all
human beings.

Lucifer, His Angels and Demons, the Antichrist,

the False Prophet, and Many other Wicked Beings
Will Be Tormented in the Lake of Fire for a Long Period
of Time and Afterwards Annihilated

The Torment and Annihilation of Demons: None of the above scriptures

give us the answer to the question, what sentence God will pronounce on the lost
at the Judgment? By comparing the following scriptures with each other, my

readers should be able to discern the truth about God’s eternal sentence and
punishment. The apostle Matthew informs us that PART of the Eternal Sentence
will be torment in the fire of Gehenna. The Bible declared that demons: “Cried
out, saying, what have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? Art thou come
hither to TORMENT [basanizo] us BEFORE the time” (Mt 8:29)?

These demons obviously knew that God’s just retribution and wrath was going
to fall on them in a future age for all the misery they have caused the human race.
Demons will do their best to deceive men about the reality and the torment of the
Lake of Fire, but they know all to well that Gehenna Fire is their future destiny.
There is nothing in these verses that tells us how long they and the lost will be
tormented in the Lake of Fire.

Demons not only know about their future torment in the Lake of Fire, but they
also know about their complete destruction in it. For some of them cried out to
Jesus: “Saying, let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of
Nazareth? Art thou come to DESTROY [apollumi] us” before our time (Mk 1:24)?
This Greek verb is in the middle aorist tense, active voice, and infinitive mood.
The Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament edited by Drs. Horst Balz and
Gerhard Schneider defined this verb as:

Apollymi destroy; lose; die; be lost… destruction, waste, ANNIHILATION….

Both vb. and subst. are richly attested in secular Greek…. The basic
negative meaning of the entire word group, frequently with a violent
tendency, aims to express loss, destruction, and ANNIHILATION (e.g., of
wealth) in a very general sense, which can extend to the FINAL
DESTRUCTION of the HUMAN BEINGS in death (Homer, Herodotus, Plato,

It is obvious from the above two passages of scripture that these evil spirits
know that God promised to fully destroy or annihilate them after they had been
tormented in the Lake of Fire for “ages of ages” or “thousands of years.”
Therefore, no one can teach the doctrines of eternal torment or immediate
annihilation or immortality of the soul from these passages of scripture; but they
can teach Torment for a Period of Time and then Annihilation.

The Antichrist, the False Prophet, and Lucifer Are Cast into the
Lake of Fire: John speaking of this says: “The Beast [Antichrist] was taken, and
with him the False Prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he
deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that
worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a Lake of Fire burning with
brimstone” (Rev 19:20). According to John the Antichrist and the False Prophet
were alive when they were cast into the Lake of Fire; and this took place at the
end of the Great Tribulation Period when Jesus came back to earth with His
angels and saints.

After the Millennial Reign of Christ, that is, a thousand years later: “The Devil
[Lucifer], who is leading them astray, was cast into the Lake of Fire and
brimstone, where ARE the Beast and the False Prophet, and THEY shall be
TORMENTED day and night -- to [eis – INTO] the ages of the ages” (The English
Young's Literal Translation of the Holy Bible by Dr. J. N. Young).

The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament by Dr. Jay P. Green SR.

translated this verse this way: “They were tormented day and night for [eis –
INTO] the ages of the ages”; also “They shall be tormented day and night for [eis –
INTO] the ages of ages” (The English Darby Bible by Dr. John N. Darby); and “They
will be tormented day and night to [eis – INTO] the ages of the ages” (Morris’
Literal Translation by Dr. Stanley Morris).

In the Greek language the last part of the above verse reads this way: “ eivj tou.j
aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn”. The preposition “eis” means “INTO” and it is in the accusative
case. The Greek noun “aionas” means “ages” and is in the masculine gender,
plural number, accusative case or a direct object. The Greek noun “aionon”
means “of the ages” and is masculine gender, plural number, and genitive or
possessive case. Therefore, a literal translation of this phrase should be: “INTO
the ages of ages”. There is NO such thing as “into the eternities of eternities.”
There can only be one eternity. Therefore, according to the above verses Lucifer,
the Antichrist, the False Prophet, fallen angels, demons, and very wicked men will
be tormented in the Lake of Fire “into the ages of ages” NOT eternity.

Lucifer Shall Be Annihilated or Burned Up and Reduced to Ashes

after He Is Tormented in the Lake of Fire for Many Ages: When speaking
of the King of Tyrus in the following verses God is not referring to a man but to
Satan himself. The entire context gives reference to Lucifer, who was God’s
anointed cherub, created perfect, not begotten of a woman, was in the Garden of
Eden, walked on God’s holy mountain, and cast down from heaven to the earth.
No earthly being can fit this description.

Let us read what God has to say about Lucifer and the Eternal Sentence He
pronounced on this self proclaimed god. God told the prophet Ezekiel: “Son of
man, sing this FUNERAL song for the King of Tyre. Give him this message from
the Sovereign LORD: ‘You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and
exquisite in beauty. You were in EDEN, the GARDEN of God…. I ordained and
anointed you as the mighty ANGELIC guardian. You had access to the Holy
Mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire. You were blameless in all
you did from the DAY you were CREATED until the day evil was found in you….

You defiled your sanctuaries with your many sins and your dishonest trade. So
I brought forth a FIRE from the midst of thee; it hath DEVOURED thee, and I have
turned thee to ASHES upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All
they that know thee among the peoples shall be astonished at thee: thou art
become a terror, and thou shalt NEVERMORE [lo] have ANY BEING [hayah]” (Eze
28:12-19, American Standard Version). According to Dr. Strong, the Hebrew word
“lo'” is a:

Primitive particle; NOT (the simple or absolute negation)”; 55

[and the
Hebrew word “hayah” is:] A primitive root… to EXIST.56

The English Translation of the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament by Sir
Lancelot Brenton reads this way: “Because of the multitude of thy sins and the
iniquities of thy merchandise, I have profaned thy sacred things; and I will bring
FIRE OUT OF the MIDST of THEE, this shall DEVOUR thee; and I will make thee TO
BE ASHES upon thy land before all that see thee. And all that know thee among
the nations shall groan over thee: thou art gone to DESTRUCTION, and thou shalt
NOT [ou] EXIST ANY LONGER [huparcho].” Drs. Friberg defined the Greek word
“ou” as:

An adverb negating an alleged fact, used predominately in the NT with the

indicative mood NO, NOT… a negative to emphasize a POSITIVE NOT… in
quotations from the Septuagint… to produce a strong negative or
prohibition NEVER, not at all, by no means, certainly not.57

Dr. Strong defined the Greek word “u`pa,rcw” or “huparcho” in the Greek
Septuagint to mean:

To begin under (quietly), i.e. COME INTO EXISTENCE (be present or at

hand); expletively, TO EXIST (as copula or subordinate to an adjective,
participle, adverb or preposition, or as auxil. to principal (verb).58

The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian
Literature by Dr. Walter Bauer defined “huparcho” in the LXX as:

The basic idea: COME INTO BEING from an originating point… to really be
there, EXIST.59

In the Holy Bible New Living Translation the above verses read this way: “You
defiled your sanctuaries with your many sins and your dishonest trade. So I
brought FIRE out from WITHIN you, and it CONSUMED you. I reduced you to
ASHES on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. All who knew you are
appalled at your fate. You have come to a terrible end, and you will EXIST NO
MORE.” In 230 AD, Origen declared that the prophet Ezekiel could not be talking
about any earthly man. He translated these verses in Ezekiel this way:

‘Thou shalt exist no longer for ever’…. From the day when thou were
CREATED with the cherubim, I placed thee in the Holy Mount of God.’ [Who]
can so enfeeble [or make ineffective] the meaning as to suppose that this
language is used of some man or saint…? Or what fiery stones can he
imagine in the midst of which any man could live? Or who could be
supposed to be stainless from the very day of his creation, and wickedness
being afterwards discovered in him, it be said of him then that he was cast
forth upon the earth? For the meaning of this is, that He who was not yet
on the earth is said to be cast forth upon it.60

Therefore, these verses must be talking about Lucifer and NOT some man who
was supposed to be a king in Tyre. Let my beloved readers also take note to the
fact that the fire that burned Lucifer to ashes did not come from the Lake of Fire,
but came from WITHIN Satan. This I believe means that Lucifer’s own spirit
became a fire and burned up his very being to ashes.

Therefore, according to these verses, even Lucifer shall be annihilated at the

end of time. Since God Almighty Himself undeniably and unquestionably made a
proclamation or a decree that Lucifer (the Devil or Satan) would be burnt up to
ashes, which will TERRIFY him because he will have no more existence as a
living conscious being or entity , the phrase “into the ages of ages” in Rev 20:10
must be referring to a very long period of time, but not eternity.

Ancient and Modern Day Rabbis Taught

Torment for A Time and Then Annihilation
Many Rabbis taught that the lost would be tormented in Gehenna for twelve
months. Dr. Dewes in his work entitled a “Plea for Rational Translation” wrote:
“The impious shall be BURNED;” also “the JUDGMENT of Gehenna is for TWELVE
MONTHS.” This also obviously means they did not believe in the doctrine of
eternal misery in the Lake of Fire. Some Rabbis believed in annihilation of the
soul and body, but only after the lost experience torment in Gehenna Fire for
twelve months. In the book of Baba Bathra we read:

Wait until judgment cometh... until there comes a FIRE which requires no
fanning, unto Medebah - until it will MELT their souls.61

The renowned Jewish Christian theologian Dr. Alfred Edersheim, in his great
work entitled, The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah , revealed that Rabbi
Hillel, a noted Bible Scholar and contemporary of our Lord, and other Jewish
Rabbis believed in annihilation. Edersheim wrote:

In regard to sinners of Israel and of the Gentiles it [i.e. the School of Hillel
of the 1st century] teaches, indeed, that they are TORMENTED in GEHENNA
for TWELVE MONTHS, after which their BODIES and SOULS are BURNED
UP and scattered as dust under the feet of the righteous; but it
significantly excepts from this number certain classes of transgressors
[the very wicked] ‘who go down to Gehinnom and are punished there to
AGES of AGES… (Rosh haSh. 12 a, lines 7 &c. from top)….’

Rabbi Akiba [of the 3rd century] should be quoted (Eduy. ii. 10) to the effect
that the judgment of the wicked in Gehenna was one of the five things that
lasted for TWELVE MONTHS…. It does not necessarily imply more than the
teaching of Hillel concerning that intermediate class of sinners who were
in Gehenna for a YEAR, while there was another class [of sinners] the
duration of whose PUNISHMENT would be for AGES of AGES….

It is at least conceivable that the expressions might refer to the END OF

ALL TIME and the merging of the 'mediatorial regency' (1 Cor. xv. 24) in the
absolute kingship of God…. It has been argued…: why the God of all
foreknowledge had created beings, be they men or fallen angels, who, as
He foreknew, would ultimately sin? 62

The class of beings who will be tormented for ages of ages as stated before
are Lucifer, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, fallen angels, demons, certain

Roman Emperors, and Catholic Popes, who have tortured to death millions of
God’s Saints (men, women, children), and others of that ilk (Rev 20:10). Jewish
Rabbis hated the pagan doctrine of eternal torment and combated it with the
Biblical doctrine of annihilation. Dr. Deuttsch declared:

There is not a word in the Talmud that lends any support to that
DAMNABLE DOGMA of ENDLESS TORMENT…. [Rabbi Adler confirmed this
by declaring that no orthodox Jewish writings:] Teach endless retributive
suffering. They hold that it is not conceivable that a God of mercy and
justice would ordain infinite punishment for finite wrong-doing. 63

What is this fire that will burn inside of Lucifer, which will cause his entire
spirit being to literally burn to ashes? Could this be saying that God would cause
his spirit to burn with such intensity that it will literally burn his very being to
ashes? Could this be the way in which God will annihilate not only Lucifer but
also his angels and lost humanity as well? In the case of human beings, could the
Bible be suggesting that God will cause their very spirit to literally burn up,
thereby annihilating their spirit, soul, and body, reducing them to ashes?

The Prophet Isaiah speaking about the wicked said your: “Breath [ruwach -
spirit] as fire shall devour you. And the people shall be as the burning of lime: as
thorns cut up shall they be burned in the fire” (Isa 33:11-12). Job said it this way:
“The flame shall dry up his [the wicked] branches, and by the breath [ruwach -
spirit] of his mouth shall he go away” (Job 15:30).

The Word of God does tell us that God made: “His angels spirits [ruwach], His
ministers a flame of fire” (Psa 104:4; Heb 1:7). Could these scriptures be
suggesting that the spirit of angels and men may be made of some type of
spiritual fire? Could it be that the fiery spirit of angels and men is capable of
destroying them, if God so willed it? Whereby, man’s spirit would not only burn
itself up but also his soul and body as well.

Spontaneous Human Combustion

There are documented occurrences known in Human history as “Spontaneous
Human Combustion”. There have been cases where human beings have burst into
flames and the fire that came from inside of their very being was so hot that it
burned the entire body to ashes in a few minutes. Bones do not burn to ashes
without a tremendous amount of heat being applied. To incinerate a human body
and bones to ashes, it takes a temperature over 3,000° F. There is no known
scientific reason that can truly explain this supernatural phenomenon . Medical
doctors do not know what to make of it. Here are four articles on this horrific
event. speaking of Spontaneous Human Combustion stated:

1) In December 1956, Virginia Caget of Honolulu, Hawaii, walked into the

room of Young Sik Kim, a 78-year-old disabled person, to find him
enveloped in blue flames. By the time firemen arrived on the scene, Kim
and his easy chair were ASHES. Strangely enough, nearby curtains and
clothing were untouched by fire, in spite of the fierce heat that would have
been necessary to consume a human being….

2) On September 20, 1938, in Chelmsford, England, a woman burst into

blue flames in the midst of a crowded dance floor. No one was able to
extinguish the blaze that seemed to be fed by her own flesh, and in
minutes she was but a heap of ASHES.64 spoke of this horrifying event this way:

3) In the month of December of the year 1966, the body of 92-year-old Dr. J.
Irving Bentley was discovered in his Pennsylvania home by a meter reader.
Actually, only part of Dr. Bentley's leg and slippered foot were found. The
rest of his body had been burned to ASHES. A hole in the bathroom floor
was the only evidence of the fire that had killed him; the rest of the house
remained perfectly intact. It was impossible to explain how a human body
could have caught fire and eventually burn almost completely, without any
source of flame or heat, but most of all, without igniting any of the objects
around it?

Dr. Bentley's case was not the only one, hundreds of similar phenomena
being recorded and then labeled as ‘spontaneous human combustion ’
(SHC). Although he and other victims of the phenomenon burned almost
completely, their surroundings, and even sometimes their clothes,
remained virtually untouched. Is it possible for people to burst into flames,
spontaneously and without any apparent cause?

Many people around the world people think Spontaneous Human

Combustion is a real fact, while most scientists remain skeptical about
it. The one thing that really makes this phenomenon strange is the fact
that the human remains in the photos of human combustion have often

intact extremities. Mostly the head and torso are burnt beyond recognition,
while the hands, feet, and part of the legs may remain untouched. 65

Wikipedia encyclopedia gave the following information about Spontaneous

Human Combustion:

Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) describes alleged cases of the

burning of a living human body without an apparent external source of
ignition. While there have been about 200 cited cases worldwide over a
period of around 300 years …. Objections to natural explanations typically
refer to the degree of burning of the body with respect to its surroundings.
Indeed, one of the common markers of a case of SHC is that the body — or
part of it — suffered an extraordinarily large degree of burning, with
surroundings or lower limbs comparatively undamaged….

Some cited cases include: Polonus Vorstius: Italy, 1470; Nicole Millet:
France, 1725; Cornelia di Bandi: Italy, 1731; Phyllis Newcombe: United
Kingdom, 1938; Mary Reeser: United States, 1951; Anna Martin: United
States, 1957; Helen Conway: United States, 1964; John Irving Bentley:
United States, 1966; Robert Francis Bailey: United Kingdom, 1967; Ginette
Kazmierczak: France, 1977; Henry Thomas: Wales, 1980; Jeannie Saffin:
England, 1982; George I. Mott: United States, 1986.66

In None Dare Call It Witchcraft, Gary North speaking of “Spontaneous Human

Combustion” stated:

According to Professor Wilton Krogman, a physical anthropologist at the

University of Pennsylvania, it takes EIGHT HOURS in a crematorium at
temperatures of 2,000 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT to reduce a body to bones.
To turn the bones to ASH, temperatures of OVER 3,000 DEGREES are
required…. Lester Adelson, pathologist to the coroner of Cuyahoga County,
Ohio… define the problem in the March-April 1952 issue of Northwestern
University’s Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology and Police Science:
‘Spontaneous Human Combustion is that phenomenon wherein the body
takes fire WITHOUT AN OUTSIDE SOURCE OF HEAT and is rapidly reduced
to a handful of greasy ashes. Paradoxically, inanimate objects nearby
escape relatively unharmed….’

4) July 1, 1952, St. Petersburg, Florida: Mrs. Mary Reeser, a sixty-seven-

year-old widow, was visiting in her room with her neighbor, Mrs. P. M.

Carpenter…. Although both windows were open, the room was hot. In front
of an open window were some ashes: a chair, an end table, and Mrs.
Reeser. All that remained of her were a few pieces of charred backbone, a
shrunken skull the size of an orange, and a wholly untouched left foot, still
in its slipper. Her foot was generally unaffected, except for some melted
wax candles and melted plastic fixtures…. There were no embers and no
smell of smoke….

Professor Krogman… said… ‘The skull should have exploded, not shrunk….
Never have I seen a skull so shrunken or a body so completely consumed
by heat. This is contrary to normal experience and I regard it as the most
amazing thing I’ve ever seen As I review it, the short hairs on my neck
bristle with vague fear. Were I living in the Middle Ages, I’d mutter
something like ‘black magic’…! What of black magic? What of the demonic?
Do these worlds really exist…? The question has validity, especially at
temperatures of 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit that do not burn curtains,
wheelchairs, and slippers! 67

There is no way of knowing if the above horrifying events of history were

caused by the same thing that will cause Lucifer’s entire being to burn to ashes.
Could it be that Spontaneous Human Combustion are examples of man’s human
spirit burning up his body? One thing is for sure, God speaking through the
prophet Ezekiel undeniable and unquestionable declared that Lucifer would be
burned up to “ashes” and “cease to exist” (Eze. 28:18-19).

Therefore, as one examines all the above scriptural facts, an unbiased

intelligent student of the Bible should have no problem believing that moral
sinners will be tormented for short length of time, while evil beings will be
tormented for a very long period of time; and after their time of torment in the
Lake of Fire is completed, God will “annihilate” or “destroy BOTH soul and body in
hell [Gehenna]” (Mt 10:28).


The False Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul Is

the Foundation the Eternal Torment Doctrine Stands
The doctrine of Eternal Torment is not based on the Bible but on the demonic
Luciferian Babylonian doctrine of the immortality of the soul. The only reason why
many of the modern-day and past theologians believe in the doctrine of eternal
torment is because of their belief that every human being is born in this life with
an immortal soul. I

n other words, theologians have combined the false doctrine of immortality of

the soul with the biblical doctrine of the lost being cast into the Lake of Fire and
there being torment, and thus formed the false doctrine of Eternal Torment!
Jesus died and shed His sinless blood so that every believer could receive the
promise of Eternal Life.

The Word of God emphatically declares that Eternal Life is not a place such as
heaven, or a status such as a better life or resurrection, but it is the spirit, soul,
and body of all victorious believers becoming eternal. The devil must laugh at
preachers who preach Calvary as the one and only way that humanity can receive
Eternal Life and then teach his doctrine of the eternality of the soul.

The erroneous, devil-inspired doctrine of the immortality of the soul confers to

all men and women eternality or immortality at the natural birth, which is in total
opposition to God’s gift of Conditional Immortality or Eternal Life at the New
Birth. Jesus will give His people Eternal Life as a permanent possession at the
resurrection, if they love, trust, and obey Him to the end of their life.

Therefore, if man is born in this life with eternality, he or she does not need
the Eternal Life Jesus offers! There cannot be a belief in eternal torment without
a belief in the immortality of the soul; for this doctrine of devils is intricately
dependent on the doctrine of immortality of the soul; for it stands to reason that
no one can be tormented in the Lake of Fire throughout eternity, if they are not
already an eternal being. Not only this but those who teach this doctrine of hell
must also teach the body of the unsaved will become Immortal or receive Eternal
Life after death, so both the soul and body can be tormented together throughout

Ancient Jesus’ Name Preachers Taught

the Soul Is Not Immortal
200 AD God’s Preachers Taught the Truth Concerning Mortality of the Soul:
Tertullian, who believed in the doctrines of the immortality of the soul and eternal

torment, openly admitted that there were preachers in his day that violently
opposed his teachings of hell. He said they taught:

The SOUL is MORTAL, so that being mortal it shall attain to a resurrection;

this would afford a presumption that the flesh also, being no less mortal,
would share in the same resurrection. 68

Since the word resurrection means to “rise again,” only the soul and body,
which is subject to death, can be resurrected from the dead. In 250 AD
Commodian, the Great One God, Jesus’ Name Preacher of Africa, Taught that Man
Soul and Body Can Become Immortal through Christ: Commodian rebuked the
heathens for their unbelief in the resurrection of both the soul and body of man.
Commodian declared:

When the goal of life shall have come, that he MAY BECOME ETERNAL, a
thing which ignorant hearts disbelieve…. If thou seekest anything healthy,
seek rather the righteousness of the law that brings the help of salvation
and says [or declares] that you are BECOMING ETERNAL…. We SHALL BE
IMMORTAL when six thousand years are accomplished.69

This has pleased Christ, that the dead should rise again, yea, with their
bodies; and those, too, whom in this world the fire has burned, when six
thousand years are completed, and the world has come to an end. The
heaven in the meantime is changed with an altered course, for then the
wicked are BURNT UP with divine fire…. When the reign is finished, they
who make God of no account when the thousandth year is finished shall
PERISH by FIRE, when they… are plunged in hell. 70

The reason why these people were so ignorant of the Biblical truth of Eternal
Life, which can only come from Jesus, is because they believed that their soul
was eternal long before it was born in this life. How can one convince anyone
that Christ can make a man an eternal being, if they believe they are already

Ante Nicene Catholic Clergy Taught Against the

Immortality of the Soul and Eternal Torment Doctrines
107 AD: Ignatius Declared Man’s Soul Was Not Immortal: He firmly believed
that it could die and was subject to decay. He said Christ:

‘The Word was made flesh….’ Being Immortal, He was in a mortal body;
being life, He became subject to corruption that He might FREE our SOULS

Ignatius equated God’s gift of “Eternal Life” with Immortality or the ability of
man’s spirit, soul and body to live eternally and never die. He wrote:

For this end did the Lord suffer the ointment to be poured upon His head,
that He might breathe IMMORTALITY into His Church…. God Himself being
manifested in human form for the RENEWAL of Eternal Life [that Adam lost
for all of mankind]…. Breaking one and the same bread, which is the
medicine of IMMORTALITY, and the antidote to prevent us from dying, but
that we should LIVE FOREVER in Jesus Christ.72

Ignatius also contrasted Temporal Death with Eternal Death or the Second
Death. He declared:

Beware of false prophets, ‘who produce death-bearing fruit, whereof if any

one tastes, he instantly dies, and that not a mere TEMPORARY DEATH, but
ONE that shall ENDURE FOREVER…. But Christ invites you to [share in] His
IMMORTALITY, by His passion and resurrection, inasmuch as ye are His

107 AD: Polycarp Did Not Believe in the Babylon’s Doctrine of the Eternality of
the Soul: Polycarp’s dying prayer, just as he was about to be burned alive, was:

I give Thee thanks that Thou hast counted me worthy of this day and this
hour, that I should have a part in the number of Thy martyrs, in the cup of
thy Christ, to the Resurrection of Eternal Life, BOTH of SOUL and BODY,
through the INCORRUPTION [or Immortality] imparted by the Holy Ghost. 74

150 AD: Justin Martyr, Like the Jews of His Day, Taught Torment for A
Period of Time and Then Annihilation: Justin agreed with the ancient Jewish
belief that the soul of man is not immortal and that it could be annihilated. In
his dialogue with Trypho (the Jew), Trypho said:

These Philosophers know nothing, then, about these things (the soul and
life after death); for they cannot tell what a soul is.’ [Justin replied,] ‘It
does not appear so.’ [Trypho said:] ‘ Nor ought it (the soul) to be called

immortal…. It is both unbegotten and immortal according to some who are
styled Platonists….

Justin confirmed the Jewish doctrine of the mortality of the soul and its
annihilation when he said:

The souls of the pious remain in a better place, while those of the unjust
and wicked are in a worse, waiting for the time of judgment. Thus some
[saved souls] which have appeared worthy of God NEVER DIE; but others
and to be punished….’ [Trypho the Jew replied:] ‘God alone is unbegotten
and incorruptible, and therefore He is God, but all other things [beings]
after Him are created and corruptible; for this reason SOULS both DIE and
are punished.75

[Justin] Hell is a place where those are to be punished who have lived
wickedly, and who do not believe that those things which God has taught
us by Christ will come to pass…. We say that there will be a BURNING UP
of all.76

160 AD: Titan Did Not Believe Man Was Born with an Immortal Soul:

The soul is NOT in itself immortal, O Greeks, but mortal. Yet it is possible
for it not to die. If, indeed, it knows not the truth, it [lost man’s Soul] dies,
and is DISSOLVED with the body, but rises again at last at the end of the
world with the body…. But, again, if it acquires the knowledge of God, it
dies not, although for a time it be dissolved…. The soul does not preserve
the spirit, but is preserved by it.77

180 AD, Irenaeus Taught Against the Eternality of the Soul at Birth:

[Section] 2. God alone, who is Lord of all, is without beginning and without
end…. Nevertheless… souls, which only began a little while ago to exist…
[may] endure, and extend their existence into a long series of ages in
accordance with the will of God their Creator…. Those [souls] who, in this
brief temporal life, have shown themselves ungrateful to Him who
bestowed it [life], shall justly not receive from Him length of days for ever
and ever….

[Section] 3. For as the heaven which is above us, the firmament, the sun,
the moon, the rest of the stars, and all their grandeur, although they had no
previous existence, were called into being, and continue throughout a long
course of time according to the will of God, so also any one who thinks
thus respecting souls and spirits, and, in fact… endure as long as God wills
that they should have an existence and continuance. 78

Man should never adopt an opposite opinion with regard to God, supposing
that the incorruptibility [or immortality], which belongs to him is his own
naturally [or that it was something he received when he came out of his
mother’s womb], and by thus NOT holding the truth, should boast with
empty superciliousness [i.e. arrogance], as if he were naturally like to

[Therefore, redeemed man] may always live in a state of gratitude to the

Lord, having obtained from Him the gift of incorruptibility, that he might
love Him the more; for ‘he to whom more is forgiven, loveth more,’ and that
he may know himself, how mortal and weak he is; while he also
understands respecting God, that He is immortal and powerful to such a
degree as to CONFER IMMORTALITY upon what is mortal, and ETERNITY
upon what is temporal; and may understand also the other attributes of
God displayed towards himself.79

180 AD: Theophilus, the Sixth Bishop of Antioch, Taught Against Lucifer’s
Babylonian Catholic Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul: Theophilus boldly

If he [mankind] should incline to the things of immortality, keeping the

commandment of God, he should receive as a reward from Him [God]
immortality, and should become [like] God; but if, on the other hand, he
should turn to the things of death, disobeying God, he should himself be the
cause of death to himself. For God made man free, and with power over
himself…. For as man disobeying drew death upon himself; so, obeying the
will of God, he who desires is able to procure for himself LIFE

193 AD: Clement of Alexander Emphatically Taught Against the Pagan

Doctrine of the Immortality and Reincarnation of the Soul:

The soul never returns a second time to the body in this life… but that in
the resurrection the soul returns to the body, and both are joined to one
another according to their peculiar nature…. Hence it appears that the
SOUL is NOT naturally IMMORTAL; but is made immortal by the grace of
God, through faith and righteousness, and by knowledge…. ‘Being born
again, not of corruptible seed….’ The SOUL, then, which is produced along
with the body, is corruptible…. [God’s salvation is given to all] who wishes

225 AD: Hippolytus Taught the Soul of Man Could Become Immortal through
the New Birth: He wrote:

The Father of immortality sent the immortal Son and Word into the world,
who came to man in order to wash him with water and the Spirit; and He
begetting us again to INCORRUPTION of SOUL and body, breathed into us
the breath (Spirit) of Life, and endued us with an incorruptible panoply
[covering or armor]. If, therefore, man has BECOME IMMORTAL, he will also
be [like] God…. I [therefore] preach to this effect: Come, all ye kindreds of
the nations, to the IMMORTALITY of the baptism.82

255 AD: Cyprian Taught that Immortality Can Only Come through Christ: He
says that we should:

Stand in the footsteps of a conquering Christ, that we may not again be

incautiously turned back into the nets of death, but, foreseeing our danger,
[we] may POSSESS the IMMORTALITY that we have received [from Him].
But how can we POSSESS IMMORTALITY, unless we keep those
commands of Christ whereby death is driven out and overcome , when He
Himself warns us, and says, ‘If thou wilt enter into [Eternal] Life, keep the
commandments?’ 83

Noted Bible Scholars Have Taught

Against the Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul
Dr. James Hastings, who seems to imply that he believes in eternal torment,
sure does present a strong case for annihilation in his Encyclopedia of Religion
and Ethics. In the section entitled “The State of the Dead” he wrote:

Annihilation was an idea not altogether unfamiliar to our Lord’s
contemporaries, not to mention apocalyptic writings.... Annihilation has the
indubitable advantages of 1) being possible historically; 2) of giving an
adequate meaning to aionios ‘the wicked are destroyed forever;’ 3) of
providing for the final extinction of all evil moral and physical; 4) of thus
establishing the absolute and unchallenged supremacy of good. 84

The Kings James Version translated the above passage of Scripture thus: the
wicked “Shall be destroyed for ever” (Psa 92:7). Professor Walter Martin revealed
that conditional immortality was taught by:

The Advent Christian Church, an affiliate of the national Association of

Evangelicals, and by outstanding Bible Scholars in not a few
denominations.... Many noted Christians of the past believed in
CONDITIONAL IMMORTALITY, among them Martin Luther, William Tyndale,
and John Wycliffe, all of whom were competent Greek Scholars.85

The California Institute for Ancient Studies, in an article entitled “Champions

of Conditional Immortality in History”, has given an excellent historical study of
many well-known Theologians from the 16 th – the 20th centuries, who believed and
taught the soul of man is mortal and it can die and be annihilated by Almighty
God. These men also taught the soul of man can become Immortal by entering
into a covenant relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. The California Institute
for Ancient Studies declared:

If you study these contributions on the topic of the mortality of the soul
with a view to find a way to defeat it, you waste your time for it is a
cardinal truth taught in the Bible. It is better to read the Bible with prayer
and a view to learn of God and accept all things clear to you. Then, when
you come to harder passages, pray about it, read all the Bible has to say
about it with the help of a Concordance to find the scriptures using the
words causing the problem, and most the time you will find your answer,
provided you are willing to be determined to find the truth in God's Word.

The line is long and impressive of those championing conditional

immortality. In contrast, the opposers of conditional immortality included
Pope Leo X who on Monday, December 19th, 1513 issued a Bull (Apostoloici
regimis) declaring: ‘We do condemn and reprobate all who assert that the
intelligent soul is mortal….’ The list of detractors of this papal decree is
long and eloquent and includes man from all faiths and nationalities….

Champions of the 16th Century: Dr. Martin Luther posted his Theses on
October 31, 1517 in Wittenberg. In his 1520 published Defence of 41 of his
propositions…. The 27th proposition read: ‘However, I permit the Pope
establish articles of faith for himself and for his own faithful - such are: a)
That the bread and wine are transubstantiated in the sacrament; b) that
the essence of God neither generates nor is generated; c) that the soul is
the substantial form of the human body; d) that he (the pope) is emperor of
the world and king of heaven, and earthly god;

e) that the SOUL is IMMORTAL; and all these endless MONSTROSITIES in

the Roman DUNGHILL of DECRETALS’ [Weimar edition of Luther's Works,
vol. 7, pp. 131,132; Since a decretal is a papal letter giving an authoritative
decision on a point of canon law, Luther evidential believed most of the
canon laws or doctrines of the Popes of Rome and Catholicism were
repulsive to the Christian Faith]….

Archbishop Francis Blackburne states: ‘Luther espoused the doctrine of

the SLEEP of the SOUL, upon a Scripture foundation, and then he made use
of it as a confutation of purgatory, and saint worship, and continued in that
belief to the last moment of his life’ [Short Historical View of the
Controversy Concerning an Intermediate State, 1765, p. 14]….

William Tyndale (1484-1536), British Bible translator, [reformer, and martyr]

came to the defense of the revived teaching of conditional
immortality. This, as well as other teachings brought him in direct conflict
with the papal champion, Thomas More, who strongly objected against
Tyndale and Luther who, in the words of More, said, ‘all souls lie and sleep
till doomsday’.

In 1530 Tyndale responded vigorously saying, ‘And ye, in putting them (the
departed souls) in heaven, hell, and purgatory, DESTROY the arguments
wherewith Christ and Paul prove the resurrection .... And again, if the souls
be in heaven, tell me why they be not in as good case as the angels be?
And then what cause is there of the resurrection ?’ ‘Nay, Paul, thou art
unlearned; go to Master More, and learn a new way.

We be not most miserable, though we rise not again; for our souls go to
heaven as soon as we be dead, and are there in as great joy as Christ that
is risen again.’ And I marvel that Paul had not comforted the Thessalonians
with that doctrine, if he had wist it [i.e. known it]…. If the souls be in
heaven, in as great glory as the angels, after your doctrine, shew me what
cause should be of the resurrection ?’ [An Answer to Sir Thomas Moore’s
dialogue, Parker's 1850 reprint, bk. 4, ch. 4, pp. 180, 181]….

Champions of the 17th Century: Richard or Robert Overton (1609-1679),

scholar, soldier and pamphleteer, published in 1643, Man's Mortality, in
which the title page reads: ‘…as [the] whole man sinned, so [the] whole
man died; contrary to the common distinction of Soul and Body: And that
the present going of the Soul into heaven or hell, is a mere FICTION. And
that at the Resurrection is the beginning of our immortality; and then
actual Condemnation and Salvation, and not before’ [Man’s Mortality, 1643,
Title page].

John Milton (1608-1674), was a well known or even the greatest of the
sacred poets. Milton taught the totally unconscious sleep of man in death
until the coming of Christ and resurrection, and wrote: ‘Inasmuch as the
whole man uniformly said to consist of body, and soul (whatever may be
the distinct provinces of these divisions), I will show, that in death, first,
the whole man, and secondly, each component part, suffers privation of
life…. The grave is the common guardian of all TILL the Day of
Judgment’ [Treatise of Christian Doctrine, vol. 1, ch. 13]….

Archbishop John Tillotson (1630-1694) of Canterbury states ‘I do not find

that the doctrine of the immortality of the soul is anywhere expressly
DELIVERED in Scripture, but taken for granted’ [John Tillotson, Works,

Dr. Isaac Barrow (1630-1677), professor of Greek at Cambridge University

maintained that Eternal Life is CONDITIONAL and believed in the FINAL
DESTRUCTION of the wicked [‘Duration of Future Punishment' in Works].

Champions of the 18th Century: Henry Layton (1670-1706) was a

member of the Anglican Faith and the author of 12 books on conditionalism
in which he contends that ‘... during life, we live and move in Christ; and
when we DIE we REST and SLEEP in Him, in expectation of being raised at
His second coming’ [Arguments and Replies, in dispute concerning the
nature of the soul, 1703.; A Search After Souls, 1706]….

Johann L. von Mosheim (1694-1755), chancellor of the University of
Göttingen, wrote: ‘the soul, between death and the resurrection at the last
day, has neither pleasure nor pain, but is in a STATE of
INSENSIBILITY.’ Eccl. 9:5, ‘For the living know that they shall die; but the
dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the
memory of them is forgotten’ [Murdock, tr., Institutes of Ecclesiastical
History, bk. 4, cent. 16, sec. 3, pt. 2, ch. 3, par. 23]….

Dr. Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) was a member of the Unitarian [i.e.

Modalist Monarchian] Church, a scientist and philosopher. He wrote: ‘The
`state of the SOUL in death’ is one of UTTER INSENSIBILITY, as much dead
as the body itself while it continues in the state of death’ [Joseph
Priestley, ‘Disquisitions Relating to Matter and Spirit’ in Works, vol. 3; also
`The History of Opinion Concerning the State of the Dead’].

After observing that many of the early reformers held to `soul-sleep', J.

Priestley stated: ‘Had it not been for the authority of Calvin, who wrote
expressly against soul sleep, the doctrine of an intermediate conscious
state would, in all probability, have been as effectually exploded as the
doctrine of purgatory itself’ [Works, chapter on Corruptions of Christianity,
1818, vol. 5, p. 229]….

Dr. William Whiston (1667-1752) was a Baptist theologian and professor of

mathematics at Cambridge University and ‘...DENIED the doctrine of
eternal torment and held that the wicked would be TOTALLY
DESTROYED’ [The Eternity of Hell-Torments Considered, 1740]….

Champions of the 19th Century: Dr. Amos Phelps, (1805-1874), a

Methodist-Congregationalist clergyman and professor of Yale University
wrote: ‘This doctrine (of natural immortality) can be traced through the
muddy channels of a corrupted Christianity, a perverted Judaism, and
pagan philosophy, and a superstitious idolatry, to the great instigator of
mischief in the Garden of Eden.

The Protestants borrow it from the Catholics, the Catholics from the
Pharisees, the Pharisees from the pagans, and the pagans from the Old
Serpent who first preached the doctrine amid the lowly bowels of Paradise
to an audience all too willing to hear and heed the new and fascinating
theology: ‘Ye shall not surely die’ [Leroy E. Froom, The Conditionalist Faith
of Our Fathers, 1965].
Dr. William Thomson (1819-1890) was the archbishop of York. He wrote:
‘Life to the godless must be the beginning of destruction since nothing but
God and that which pleases Him can permanently exist’ [The Thought of
Death, Bampton Lecture, 1862].

Dr. Edward White (1819-1887) was a Congregationalist pastor at St. Paul's

Chapel and chairman of the Congregational Union. For over forty years he
was a leading advocate of conditional immortality [Life in Christ,
1846.; That Unknown Country, Symposium.; Immortality, a Clerical
Symposium]. In the following year [1884] he adds: ‘The Old Testament is
consistent throughout with the belief of Eternal Life of the servants of God,
and of the eternal destruction of the wicked. And it is consistent, when
taken in its simple sense with no other belief....’

‘The Gospels and Epistles with equal pertinacity adhere almost

uniformly to language respecting the doom of the unsaved which taken in
its simple sense, teaches, as does the Old Testament, that they shall die,
perish, be destroyed, not see life, but suffer destruction, everlasting
destruction says Christ, ‘of body and soul in Gehenna’ [J.H.
Pettingell, Homiletic Monthly (England), March, 1885.; Mt. 10:28].

Dr. John Thomas (1805-1871) was the editor of the Apostolic Advocate and
the founder of the Christadelphians. He believed in the ‘... final extinction of
the wicked and in immortality as a GIFT through Christ’ [in one of his

Archbishop Richard Whately (1787-1863) was archbishop of Dublin, Ireland

and a professor at Oxford and principal. He taught the final destruction of
the wicked and believed ‘The wicked are never spoken of as being kept
alive, but as forfeiting life’ [A View of the Scriptural Revelations
Concerning a Future State].

Dean Henry Alford (1810-1871) worked at Canterbury and was a Biblical

Scholar. He believed ‘Eternal fixity and duration belong ONLY to those who
are in accordance with God’ [Author of a Greek New Testament]….

Frederick W. Farrar (1831-1903) was the canon of Westminster Abbey

and the dean of Canterbury. He DENOUNCED the ‘...dogma of endless,
conscious suffering and could NOT FIND a single text in all Scripture that,

when fairly interpreted, teaches the common views about endless
torment’ [Eternal Hope, 1877.; Faith and Mercy,; Mercy and Judgment,

Herman Olshausen (1796-1839) was professor of theology at Königsberg,

Ostpreussen in Germany. He wrote: ‘The doctrine of the immortality of the
soul and the name are alike UNKNOWN in the entire Bible’ [Biblical
Commentary on the New Testament, vol. 4, 1860, p. 381]….

William E. Gladstone (1809-1898) was a British Prime Minister and

Theologian. In a searching criticism of Bishop Butler's Analogy and its
defense of innate immortality, Gladstone contended: ‘(It is only) from the
time of Origen that we are to regard the idea of Natural [Immortality], as
opposed to that of Christian Immortality as beginning to gain a firm
foothold in the Christian Church’ [Studies Subsidiary to the Works of Bishop
Butler, (1896 ed.), p. 184]….

‘Another consideration of the highest importance is that the Natural

Immortality of the Soul is a doctrine WHOLLY UNKNOWN to the Holy
Scriptures, and standing on no higher plane than that of an ingeniously
sustained, but gravely and formidably contested, philosophical
opinion’ [Ibid., p. 197]. ‘The character of the Almighty is rendered liable to
charges which cannot be repelled so long as the idea remains that there
may by His ordinance be such a thing as never-ending punishment [i.e.
Eternal Torment]…’ [Ibid., p. 241].

Joseph Parker (1830-1902) was a Congregationalist pastor of the `City

Temple’ of London. He stated, ‘Glorious to me is this idea of asking man
whether he will accept life and be like God, or whether he will choose
death and darkness for ever…. Life and death are distinctly set before man
- he can live, he was meant to live, he is besought to live; the whole
scheme of Providence and redemption is arranged to help him to live - why,
then, will ye die?’ [The People's Bible, vol. 1, p. 126].

Discussing the ultimate banishment of sin from the universe, Parker adds:
‘By destroying evil I do NOT mean locking it up by itself in a moral prison,
which shall be enlarged through the ages and generations until it shall
become the abode of countless millions of rebels, but its utter, final,
EVERLASTING EXTINCTION, so that at last the universe shall be `without

spot or wrinkle, or any such thing' - the pure home of a pure creation’ [Ibid.,
p. 160].

Commenting on the "Destruction of Sodom," Parker denies that "in giving

life God has put it absolutely out of his own power to reclaim or withdraw it
[i.e. NO ETERNAL SECURITY DOCTRINE].’ He comments on the
implications: ‘Having once given you life you are as immortal as he himself
is, and you can defy Him to interfere with his own work!’ The Doctrine [of
ETERNAL SECURITY] seems to me to involve a palpable absurdity, and
hardly to escape the charge of BLASPHEMY. Throughout the whole Bible,
God has reserved to Himself the right to TAKE BACK whatever He has
given, because all His gifts have been offered upon CONDITIONS about
which there can be no mistake’ [Ibid., p. 222].

‘In this case (of Sodom) we have an instance of utter and everlasting
destruction. We see here what is meant by ‘everlasting punishment,’ for we
are told in the New Testament that ‘Sodom suffered the vengeance of
eternal fire,’ that is of fire, which made an utter end of its existence and
perfectly accomplished the purpose of God. The ‘fire’ was ‘eternal,’ yet
Sodom is NOT literally BURNING still; the smoke of its torment, being the
smoke of an eternal fire, ascended up for ever and ever, yet NO SMOKE
now rises from the plain, - ‘eternal fire’ does not involve the element of
what we call ‘time’: it means thorough, absolute, complete, final:
that which is done or given once for all’ [Ibid., p. 223]….

Sir George G. Stokes M.P., (1819-1903) was professor of mathematics at

Cambridge and president of the Royal Society. He wrote: ‘It was natural
that, after the forfeiture of immortality through transgression, man should
seek to satisfy his craving for immortality by imagining that he had
something immortal in his nature’ [That Unknown Country (A Symposium),
1889; Immortality, a Clerical Symposium]…. ‘Man's whole being was
forfeited by the Fall, and the future life is not his birthright, but depends on
a supernatural dispensation of grace…. Man must look not into himself, but
out of himself for assurance of immortality’ [Ibid., p. 123]….

Dr. J. Agar Beet (1840-1924) was a Wesleyan professor. He stated: ‘The

following pages are ... a protest against a doctrine [of the Natural
Immortality of the Soul] which, during long centuries, has been almost
universally accepted as divine truth taught in the Bible, but which seems
to me altogether alien to it in both phrase and thought, and derived only

from Greek Philosophy…. They who claim for their teaching the authority of
God must prove that it comes from Him. Such proof in this case, I have
never seen’ [Last Things - Preface to The Immortality of the Soul: A
Protest, 5th ed., 1902].

Dr. R. F. Weymouth (1822-1902) was the headmaster of Mill Hill School and
translator of New Testament in Modern Speech. He said: ‘My mind fails to
conceive a grosser misrepresentation of language than when five or six of
the strongest words which the Greek tongue possesses, signifying
to destroy or destruction, are explained to mean `maintaining an
everlasting but wretched existence.’ To translate black as white is nothing
to this.’

In his book in a note on 1 Corinthians 15:18 (‘Then they also which are
fallen asleep in Christ are perished.’) he says: ‘By `perish' the Apostle here
apparently means ‘pass out of existence’ [Cited by Edward White in Life in
Christ, (1878), p. 365]. On Hebrews 9:28 we read: ‘The use in the N.T. of
such words as ‘death’, ‘destruction’, ‘fire’, ‘perish’, to describe Future
Retribution, point to the likelihood of fearful anguish, followed by
extinction of being, as the doom which awaits those who by persistent
rejection of the Saviour prove themselves utterly, and therefore
irremediably bad’ [Ibid., Notes by Earnest Hampden-Cook, editor and
reviser of third edition of The New Testament in Modern Speech, by
Richard Francis Weymouth]….

Dr. Lyman Abbott (1835-1922) was a Congregationalist pastor and editor

of Christian Union and The Outlook [and a Modalist Monarchian]. He wrote:
‘…The notion that the final punishment of sin is continuance in sin and
suffering is also based in part on, what seems to me, a false philosophy of
man.... In short, immortality was not conferred upon the race in creation
whether it would or not, but is conferred in redemption, upon all those of
the race who choose life and immortality through Jesus Christ our
Lord’ [That Unknown Country (A Symposium), 1889; Immortality, a Clerical

Dr. Edward Beecher (1803-1895) was a Congregationalist theologian and

president of Illinois College. He stated: ‘If (the Bible) does not recognize,
nay, it expressly denies the natural and inherent immortality of the soul. It
assures us that ‘God only hath immortality’. (1.Timothy 6:16). By this we
understand that He has immortality in the highest sense - that is, inherent

immortality. All existence besides Himself He created, and He upholds.
Men are not, as Plato taught, self-existent, eternal beings, immortal in their
very nature. ... There is no inherent immortality of the soul as such. What
God created He sustains in being, and can annihilate at will’ [Edward
Beecher, Doctrine of Scriptural Retribution, p. 58].

Dr. Franz Delitzsch (1813-1890) was a Hebraist and professor at

Rostock, Erlangen and Leipzig, Germany… [and] Dr. Emmanuel Pétavel-
Olliff (1836-1910) was a Swiss theologian and lecturer at the University of
Geneva. [They] wrote as a comment on Genesis 3:22 and Numbers 23:10:
‘There is nothing in all the Bible which implies a native immortality.’ ‘From
the Biblical point of view the soul can be put to death, it is mortal’ [Franz
Delitzsch, A New Commentary on Genesis. & Emmanuel Pétavel-Olliff, The
Struggle for Eternal Life (La Fin du Mal); The Extinction of Evil, 1889.; The
Problem of Immortality]….

Dr. George Dana Boardman (1828-1903) wrote on the issue of immortality

this way: ‘NOT a SINGLE PASSAGE of Holy Writ, from Genesis to
Revelation, teaches, so far as I am aware, the doctrine of Man’s Natural
Immortality [i.e. mankind’s soul is born in this life with immortality]. On the
other hand, Holy Writ emphatically declares that ‘God ONLY hath
Immortality’ (1.Tim. 6:16): that is to say: God ALONE is naturally,
inherently, in His own essence and nature, immortal.’

‘If, then, Man is immortal, it is because immortality has been bestowed on

him. He is immortal, NOT because he was created so, but because he has
become so, deriving his deathlessness from Him Who alone has
immortality. And of this fact the ‘Tree of Life’ in the midst of the Garden
seems to have been the appointed symbol and pledge. That this is the
meaning of the ‘Tree of Life’ is evident from the closing words of the
Archive of the Fall:

‘God said: ‘Behold, the Man hath become as one of Us, to know good and
evil: and now, lest he stretch forth his hand, and take also of the Tree of
Life, and eat, and live forever:’ therefore Jehovah God drove the Man forth
from Eden, and stationed on the East of the Garden the Cherubim, and the
Flaming Sword which turned away every way, to guard the way to the Tree
of Life’ Genesis 3:22-24. If Man is inherently immortal, what need was
there of any ‘Tree of Life’ at all? This much, then, seems to be clear:
Immortality was somehow parabolically CONDITIONED on the eating of this

mysterious Tree, and the Immortality was for the entire Man - spirit and
soul and body’ [Studies in the Creative Week, 1880, pp. 215, 216].

Champions of the 20th Century: Dr. Gerardus van der Leeuw (1890-
1950) was a professor at the University of Groningen, Netherlands. He
comments after quoting Ecclesiastes 3:19-21: ‘( Innate) immortality is a
conception which fits into the philosophy of pantheism. With death belongs
not immortality, but Resurrection’ [Immortality or Resurrection, 1947, p.

Dr. Aubrey R. Vine (1900-1973) was the editor of `The Congregational

Quarterly' and professor at Yorkshire United Independent College who
stated: ‘The natural immortality of the spirit is a Greek rather than a
Christian concept’ [9200]. ‘Against the idea of the Natural Immortality of
the spirit we must set the fact that God is the ONLY self-existent and that
NOTHING exists or continues to exist except by His grace and will, within
this schema or within any other….

When we use the word `immortal', therefore, of anything but God, we must
always realize that NONE but God is Immortal by His OWN NATURE and
without qualification’ Ibid., p. 315. ‘Immortal should NOT be applied to a
human spirit if we clearly recognize that it is only immortal at God's grace
and pleasure. ‘Only God is immortal’ by His own nature and without
qualification’ [An Approach to Christology, 1948, p. 314; 1.Tim. 1:17, & p.
311 footnote]….

Dr. Martin J. Heinecken (1902-1998) was professor of systematic theology

at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. Speaking of man as a
unit, he stated: ‘…It is held by some people that there is within every man
an unchanging and indestructible core, immortal in its own right. It is
unaffected by time; it had no beginning, neither can it have an end. It has
always been and always will be. It came into this world of changing things
from the realm of eternity and will return to it’ [Basic Christian Teachings,
1949, p. 133].

‘The Christian view is by NO MEANS to be IDENTIFIED with the above

belief in the immortality of the soul . The Christian belief is in the
immortality of the God-relationship, and in the resurrection…. He [man]
has NO LIFE or IMMORTALITY within himself. He came into being through
God's creative power. He spends as many years on this earth as in God's
providence are allotted to him. He faces death as the wages of sin’ [Ibid.,
pp. 133,134].

‘Men have speculated like this: At death the soul is separated from the
body. It appears then before God in a preliminary judgment which is
mentioned nowhere in scripture and enters into a preliminary state either
of blessedness or condemnation. Then, when the last trumpet sounds, the
body is resurrected and rejoined with the soul, and complete once more,
the reunited body and soul appear for the final, public judgment scene,
from there to enter into final bliss or final condemnation. It is no wonder
that, with this view, men must have little use for a resurrection , and have
finally dropped the notion altogether and have been satisfied with the
redemption of only the soul’ [Ibid., p. 135].

Dr. Basil F.C. Atkinson (1895-??) was the under-librarian of Cambridge

University Library and commented on Genesis 2:7 saying: ‘It has
sometimes been thought that the impartation of the life principle, as it is
brought before us in this verse, entailed immortality of the spirit or soul. It
has been said that to be made in the image of God involves immortality.
The Bible NEVER says so. If it involves immortality, why does it not also
involve omniscience or omnipresence, or any other quality or attribute of
the Infinite? Why should one alone be singled out ’ [The Pocket Commentary
of the Bible, Part One: Book of Genesis, 1954, p. 32]….

Dr. Emil Brunner (1889-1966) was professor of systematic and practical

theology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, and a guest professor at
Princeton, and at the International Christian University at Tokyo, Japan…
states: ‘For the history of Western thought, the Platonic teaching of the
immortality of the soul became of special significance. It penetrated so
deeply into the thought of Western man because, although with certain
modifications, it was assimilated by Christian theology and church
teaching’ [Eternal Hope (English translation by Harold Knight), 1954, p.

‘The opinion that we men are immortal because our soul is of an

indestructible, because divine, essence is, once for all, irreconcilable with
the Biblical view of God and man’ [Ibid., pp. 105, 106]. ‘The philosophical
belief in immortality is like an echo, both reproducing and falsifying the
primal Word of this divine Creator. It is false because it does not take into
account the real loss of this original destiny through sin’ [Ibid., p. 107]….

DR. T.A. Kantonen (1900-??), a Lutheran professor at the Hamma Divinity
School, and an American Member of the Lutheran World Federation
Commission on Theology states: ‘The influence of Hellenic philosophy,
represented by the Alexandrian fathers in particular, tended to spiritualize
eschatology into a continuing inner purification and immortality of the
soul’ [The Christian Hope, 1954, p. 20].

‘Primitive animism with its notion of a detachable ghost-soul which

continues after death to lead a shadowy existence and to enter interaction
with the living still underlies much of popular religious thinking on the
subject…. It is not surprising that many of the Fathers identified the
Christian doctrine of Eternal Life with Platonic immortality’ [Ibid., p. 27]….
There is no immortality of the soul but a resurrection of the whole person,
body and soul, from death. The only immortality which the Bible recognizes
is the immortality of a personal relationship with God in Christ’ [Ibid., p. 33]
…. ‘The whole matter of death and life after death is simplified when our
only concern is faith in God who can destroy and who can resurrect.

Life makes no sense and holds no hope except in terms of Christ’s victory
over death and the assurance that we share in that victory. There is
considerable support in Scripture for the view that the soul as well as the
body is destructible. This evidence has been obscured because the Greek
conception of the inherent immortality of the soul has supplanted the
teaching of Scripture’ [Ibid., p. 34].

‘Against such speculation [Roman Catholic purgatory, Limbo, etc.]

Protestant orthodoxy has, on the whole, denied all conceptions of a neutral
state of waiting and held that souls pass immediately into a state of misery
or of blessedness.’ [Ibid., p. 37]…. ‘If death means entrance into heaven,
then resurrection and judgment lose their significance’ [Ibid., p. 38]….

‘At death man proceeds directly to the final resurrection and judgment.
There is no period of waiting, for waiting implies time, and beyond death
time no longer has any significance. From our own temporal point of view
we may speak of the dead as being asleep and then say with Luther that
for one in deep slumber the passage of centuries is as an instant….’ [Ibid.,
pp. 96, 97].

‘An alternative solution is that the fate of the wicked is neither eventual
redemption nor endless torment but simply annihilation. Eternal death
would conform to the New Testament connotation of death in general,
apoleia, destruction….’ [bid., p. 107]…. ‘This way of thinking is entirely
foreign to the Bible…. There is existence after death only by way of
awakening, resurrection’ [From Paul Althaus, Die letzen Dinge, (Gütersloh:
Bertelsmann, 1933), p. 126].

DR. D. R. G. Owen, professor of religious knowledge at Trinity College was

also a lecturer and a teacher on philosophy and religion at Wycliffe College
in Toronto, Canada. He said: ‘…The religious anthropology, as far as
Western thought is concerned, is Greek and NOT Biblical in origin. It is also
typical of EASTERN RELIGIONS in general, such as Hinduism and
Buddhism. It seems to be characteristically religious, and for this and other
reasons has tended to creep into and corrupt the Christian view of man.

This happened, as we saw, in the patristic and medieval periods, and

modern Catholicism and Protestantism have tended to perpetuate this
early mistake’ [Body and Soul: A Study on the Christian View of Man.
(Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1956), p.163]. ‘The Biblical view of man
is entirely different from the religious’ [Ibid., p. 164]. ‘The Hebrews had no
idea of the immortality of the soul in the Greek sense’ [Ibid., p. 177]. 86


Jesus Is Eternal Life

John explicitly and expressly proclaimed for all to hear and believe that the
Lord Jesus Christ is Eternal Life. John said it this way: “For the Life was
manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that
Eternal Life which was with the Father and was manifested unto us,” and “We are
in Him that is true even in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and Eternal
Life” (1Jn 1:2; 5:20). Whatever you believe about Eternal Life, one thing is for
sure, it can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, no one can receive
it without being in Christ. Wikipedia encyclopedia speaking of the Zoroastrian,
Babylonian, Grecian, Judean, and Christian doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul

Soul’s Immortality: Immortality [Eternal Life] is the concept of living in
a physical or spiritual form for an Infinite Length of Time. As immortality is
the negation [cancellation] of mortality—not dying or not being subject to
death—it has been a subject of fascination to humanity since at least the
beginning of known history…. What form an Unending human Life would
take, or whether an immaterial soul exists and possesses immortality, has
been a major point of focus of religion, as well as the subject of
speculation, fantasy, and debate….

‘Soul Immortality’ is a belief that is expressed in nearly

every religious tradition. However any doctrine in this area misleads
without a prior definition of ‘soul’…. The world’s major religions hold a
number of perspectives on spiritual immortality…. Zoroastrians believe
that on the fourth day after death, the human soul leaves the body and the
body remains as an empty shell. Souls would go to either heaven or hell….

Ancient Greek Religion: In ancient Greek religion, Immortality originally

always included an eternal union of body and soul . The soul was
considered to have an Eternal Existence in Hades, but without the body the
soul was considered dead. Although almost everybody had nothing to look
forward to but an Eternal Existence as a disembodied dead soul, a number
of men and women were considered to have gained physical immortality
and brought to live forever in either Elysium, the Islands of the Blessed,
heaven, the ocean or literally right under the ground.

Judaism: In both Judaism and Christianity, there is NO BIBLICAL

SUPPORT OF ‘SOUL IMMORTALITY’ as such. The focus is on attaining
resurrection life after death on the part of the believers. Judaism claims
that the righteous dead will be resurrected in the Messianic age with the
coming of the messiah. They will then be GRANTED IMMORTALITY in a
perfect world…. The Hebrew Bible speaks about Sheol (‫)שאול‬, the
underworld to which the souls of the dead depart. The doctrine of
resurrection is mentioned explicitly only in Daniel 12:1–4 although it may
be implied in several other texts. Later Judaism accepted that there would
be a resurrection of all men (cf. Acts 24:14–15….

Christianity: Christian theology holds that Adam and Eve lost physical
immortality for themselves and all their descendants in the Fall of Man,
though this initial ‘imperishability of the bodily frame of man’ was ‘a
preternatural condition….’ Bible passages like 1 Corinthians 15 are
interpreted as teaching that the resurrected body will, like the present
body, be both physical (but a renewed and non-decaying physical body) and

Contrary to common belief, there is NO NO BIBLICAL SUPPORT OF ‘SOUL

IMMORTALITY’ as such in the New Testament, see Soul in the Bible. The
theme in the Bible is ‘Resurrection Life’ which IMPARTS IMMORTALITY….
Luther and others rejected Calvin's idea of ‘soul immortality’…. Born-again
Christians believe that AFTER the Last Judgment, those who have been
‘Born Again’ will live forever in the presence of God…. Some… suggest that
Hell represents complete destruction of both the physical body and of
spiritual existence…. Of the many references to soul and spirit in the Bible,
NEVER ONCE is either the SOUL or the SPIRIT declared to be IMMORTAL,
IMPERISHABLE or ETERNAL. Indeed ONLY God has Immortality (1 Timothy
1:17; 6:16). 87

God Is the Only Being in the Universe Who

Has Eternal Life or Immortality at this Present Time
The only way any angel or man can become immortal or live throughout
eternity and never die is by having Eternal Life. Paul, speaking of Eternal Life,
unhesitatingly declared that God: “ONLY [monos] has Immortality [athanasia],
dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man has seen,
nor can see” (1Ti 6:16). The Amplified Bible translates it this way: “Who ALONE
has Immortality - in the sense of exemption from every kind of death - and lives in
unapproachable light.” According to Dr. Strong, the Greek word “monos” means:

Sole or single,88 [and athanasia means:] deathlessness.89

The great Apostle confirmed the above verse when he said: “Now to the King
eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever
and ever” (1Ti 1:17). Therefore according to Paul, God is the only being in the
universe at the present time whom can never die. This means God’s angels,
Lucifer and his angels and demons, and all of mankind are all subject to death.

The only way any of these beings can have Immortality or Eternal Life is by
God giving it to them. Right now God’s faithful angels and regenerated men are
the only beings who have Conditional Immortality or Eternal Life; take note to the
word conditional, which means they can lose it if they do not continue to love

God and live for Him until the end (Mt 10:22). The noted apologist Doctor Walter
Martin speaking of Immortality says:

The English word ‘Immortal’ has among others a peculiar meaning of ‘not
mortal.’ However, in most circles and also in theology, the word generally
carries the meaning of ‘EXEMPTION from DEATH....’ Contrary to the belief
of some, there is NO REFERENCE in Scripture that can be given to show
that MAN or his SOUL is IMMORTAL. To go even one step farther, there is
NOTHING in Scripture that states ANYTHING or ANYONE is IMMORTAL
[meaning, exempt from death] but God Himself….

We see here that in the two places [1Co 15:53-54], where Athanasian is
used in reference to man, it is clear that it is an Immortality that is to be
given in the FUTURE, not one possessed at the present time. Similarly,
when Aphtharsian is used here and in Rom 2:7, [it is] ‘something sought
for,’ and 1Pe 1:4, ‘reserved in heaven for you,’ it is speaking of the
Incorruption of man to be given at some future date, not possessed at the
present time....

Only when Immortality or Incorruption is used with God, is it in the present

tense (1Ti 6:16, 1:17; Rom 1:23). Therefore, to say that saints are [now]
Immortal, if by Immortality we mean Athanasian or Aphtharsian, we are
NOT Scriptural. We must say SAINTS WILL BE IMMORTAL [that is in the

Since God is the only being in the universe whom now has Immortality or
CANNOT Die, as Professor Martin correctly pointed out, this can only mean all
other beings are subject to death. Therefore, Immortality or Eternal Life is NOT a
permanent possession angels received from God at the moment they were
created or humans received the moment the zygote was formed in a mother’s
womb, as many propagate. Eternal Life is NOT a place such as heaven NOR does
it refer to an event such as a Better Resurrection, NOR does it apply to only one
part of man, that is, his body. Eternal Life is God’s gift of Immortality to His
faithful Children, whereby death will have no power over their spirit, soul, and

Eternal Life Is Applied to All Three Natures of Man,

Not Just to His Body

The Greek word “zoe” means “life.” Zoe is used in the Bible in connection
with physical, spiritual and Eternal Life. Paul speaking of physical life said:
“Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life [zoe], or by death.”

John, speaking about the resurrection of God’s two prophets in the Tribulation
Period, wrote: “After three days and a half, the spirit of life [zoe] from God entered
into them [their dead bodies], and they stood upon their feet” (Rev 11:11).

Paul, speaking of spiritual life, declared that God’s newborn children: “Should
walk in newness of life [zoe]” (Rom 6:4); Peter said that God had made known to
man: “The ways of life [zoe]” (Acts 2:28).

It is obvious from the context of these scriptures that this kind of life is for our
spirit being and not for our physical being. Just as zoe-life is applied to both the
physical and spiritual natures of man in this life, Eternal Life (Aionios Zoe) is
always applied to the whole being of man in the future life.

What Did Adam Lose When He Sinned,

If It Was Not Eternal Life?
Satan told his first lie to mankind when he called God a liar and told man that
he surely will not die, or in other words, you cannot die because you are an
Immortal or an Eternal Being (Gen 3:4-5). After Adam and Eve sinned, God drove
them out of the garden and placed Cherubims there with a flaming sword, least
they put forth their: “Hand and take also of the Tree of [Eternal] Life, and eat, and
Live Forever…. So He [God] drove out the man; and He placed at the east of the
Garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword, to keep the way of the Tree of
Life” (vss 22, 24).

If Adam had not eaten the fruit of the forbidden tree, he would still be alive
today; a fact that cannot be disputed. It is obvious that Adam did not have
Immortality or Eternality as a Permanent Possession, but had Conditional
Immortality or Eternality. The continuance of his Immortality depended on his
obedience to God. Serving God is synonymous with obedience to God; for you
cannot love Him without obeying Him, and you cannot obey Him from the heart
without loving Him. Adam lost physical and spiritual life and was subject to the
curse of Eternal Death. The Jewish Encyclopedia, commenting on the above
passages stated:

The belief in a Continuous Life [Immortality or Eternality] of the Soul, which
underlies primitive [Luciferian Babylonian] ancestor- worship and rites of
necromancy [SORCERY]…. As a matter of fact, Eternal Life was ascribed
EXCLUSIVELY to God…. Whereas by man being driven out of the Garden of
Eden was deprived of the opportunity of eating of the food of Immortality....
It is the Psalmist's implicit faith in God’s omnipotence and omnipresence
that leads him to the HOPE of Immortality (Psa 16:11, 17:15, 49:16, 73:24,
116:6-9).... The belief in the Immortality of the Soul came to the Jews from
contact with Greek thought and chiefly through the philosophy of Plato.91

In the Great Books of the Western World we can read the writings of the
famous statesman and political writer Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527 AD).
Machiavelli put down his political pen long enough to write against the
Babylonian-Catholic doctrine of the Immortality or Eternality of the Soul. He

Another general error is from the misinterpretation of the words Eternal

Life, Everlasting Death, and the Second Death…. We read plainly in Holy
Scripture that God created Adam in an estate of Living Forever, which was
CONDITIONAL, that is to say, if he disobeyed not His commandment....
Christ's Passion is a discharge of sin to all that believe on Him, and
consequence, a restitution of Eternal Life to all the faithful , and to them

Yet the doctrine is now, and hath been a long time that every man hath
Eternal Life by NATURE [i.e. through the Natural Birth], inasmuch as his
soul is immortal. So that the flaming sword at the entrance of Paradise,
though it hinder a man from coming to the Tree of Life, hinders him not
from the immortality which God took from him for his sin, nor makes him to
need the sacrificing of Christ for the recovering of the same .... This window
[of the Immortality of the Soul] gives entrance to the DARK [Luciferian
Catholic] DOCTRINE, first of Eternal Torment, and afterwards of

What Was It that Jesus Christ Restored

to Lost Humanity, If It Was Not Eternal Life?
David, speaking prophetically of Christ said: “Those who hate me without a
cause are more than the hairs of my head. They are mighty who would destroy

me, Being my enemies wrongfully; Though I have stolen nothing, I still must
restore it” (Ps 69:4). God did not take Eternal Life from man, but Adam deprived
himself of it when he chose to rebel against God. Adam knew the terms of the
covenant that God made with him: “The LORD God commanded the man, saying,
‘Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely
DIE,” meaning every kind of death (Gen 2:16-17).

If Adam had truly loved God more than he loved Eve, he would have not died a
physical and spiritually death. Jesus Christ, who is our Tree of Life, restored the
gift of Immortality or Eternal Life back to mankind through His precious blood
shed at Calvary. The gift is to whosoever will, let him come and eat of the Bread
of Eternal Life. Paul said it this way: “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into
the world, and DEATH by sin; and so [physical, spiritual, and eternal] DEATH
passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.... For the wages of sin is [physical,
spiritual, and eternal] DEATH; but the gift of God is [physical, spiritual, and]
Eternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom 5:12, 6:23).

Paul emphatically declared that God’s gift to His Children, and only to His
Children, is the ability to live eternally and never die or cease to exist. Therefore,
there is NO way mankind can be born in the natural realm with an eternal soul.
This demonic doctrine destroys the very purpose of Christ’s great sacrifice at
Calvary; or in other words, if man is born with an immortal soul, then Jesus’ death
on Calvary was in vain.

The preachers who teach this erroneous doctrine make generalizations and
assumptions in an attempt to spiritualize away the Word of God by making
“Eternal Life” mean “living with God in heaven or and receiving an immortal body
in the resurrection,” and “Second Death” to mean “Eternal Torment in the Lake of
Fire.” By not interpreting these terms literally, they “Have nullify the Word of God”
(Mt 15:6, NIV) as Jesus said: “In vain they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the
commandments of men” (Mk 7:7).

Those who preach these doctrines are surely preaching “hell’s doctrines,” and
not God’s holy and infallible Word. I do not wish to be cruel in what I say, but I
must speak the truth. Our God hates these two doctrines because it robs Him of
His love, mercy, justice, and His gift of Eternal Life through Christ. God
commanded all of His Children to: “Come out of her [i.e. the Doctrines or
Mysteries of the Babylon Religion], my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest
you receive of her plagues” (Rev 18:4).

Before Adam sinned, he had Conditional Immortality, which meant he had
Eternal Life in him; or in other words, the Spirit of Christ (or the Holy Spirit) dwelt
in his human spirit, thereby making his spirit and soul alive to the things of God.
This gave Adam God-consciousness. This made him a son of God, (Lk 3:38; Rom
8:14). When he sinned he lost the Spirit of God for himself and all of his posterity,
which means no human being is born in this life with the Spirit of God already in
him or her.

Adam’s sin brought three kinds of Death upon himself and his descendants:
physical, spiritual, and eternal Death . The Word of God nowhere implies in the
account of the first human transgression of Adam and Eve, or later among their
posterity, that they incurred a penalty of endless torment. Physical Death refers
to the body, Spiritual Death refers to spirit and soul, and Eternal Death refers to
the whole man DYING both physically, spiritually, and eternally. The Bible stated
that Death came to mankind through Adam’s sin. Then it revealed that Death
reigned as a king over all men from Adam to Moses.

Whatever you believe this Death is, the Word of God definitely declares it was
conquered and destroyed by Jesus Christ, who came to restore the Gift of Eternal
Life to mankind (see Rom 5). With this truth in mind, what is this Eternal Life that
Jesus promises to give His children? Is it natural life, spiritual life, endless life, or
all three? It would be foolish to suppose that Eternal Life is nothing more than
symbolism for salvation or heaven, and Eternal Death is symbolism for eternal
torment. There is not one scripture in the whole Bible that supports this doctrine.

No one will ever dispute the fact that Adam and all his descendants died a
natural death. For God said unto Adam: “Because thou hast hearkened unto the
voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying,
Thou shalt not eat of it, …DUST thou art, and unto DUST shalt thou return” (Gen
3:17-19). The Word of God declared that Adam died a Physical Death 930 years
after he had sinned (Gen 5:5). One day to the Lord is as a thousand years to
mankind (2Pe 3:8). This means that death, in every sense of the word, began
working within Adam the very day he ate the forbidden fruit. Mankind today, with
all the medical knowledge that is at their disposal, cannot stop anyone from dying
(Ecc 3:19-20).

Adam and all of his descendants also died a Spiritual Death. The very moment
Adam ate from the tree of good and evil, he died a spiritual death because sin
separated him from God in the same way it separates mankind today. Moses

spoke to God’s Children about spiritual life, eternal life, and death when he said:
“See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil. I call
heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life
and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both thou and thy
seed may live” both spiritually and eternally (Deut 30:15-19).

The Bible teaches that all of mankind is born into this life with their spirit and
soul spiritually dead. Jesus spoke of spiritual death in the parable of the prodigal
son. Speaking of God the Father’s love and forgiveness, He said: “It was meet
that we should make merry and be glad; for this, thy brother, was dead and is
alive again, and was lost and is found” (Lk 15:32).

Paul, speaking of this death says, the unsaved have their: “Understanding
darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in
them, because of the blindness of their heart” (Eph 4:18). Paul also declared that
God made His Church spiritually “alive” when He saved them. He told God’s
Children: “You were [spiritually] dead through your trespasses and sins,” and
“You being dead through your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, I
say, did He [Jesus] make alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our
trespasses;” also “She that giveth herself to pleasure is [spiritually] dead while
she liveth” or has physical life (Eph 2:1; Col 2:13; 1Ti 5:6, ASV).

Man's spirit and soul are born into this life not with immortality or eternality,
but in a state of spiritual death. In a nutshell, this is the exact reason why man
must become born from above or again. Paul undeniably said that it was: “Our
Savior Jesus Christ, who has annulled [abolished] death, and brought to light
[Eternal] Life and incorruptibility by the Glad Tidings” (2Ti 1:10, DBY). The great
apostle informs us in this passage that our Lord and Savior abolished eternal
death for the redeemed at Calvary. Notice how Paul contrasts eternal life with
eternal death in this scripture.

If words have any meaning at all, then life means life and death means death.
There is no way you can make these words symbolic of something else without
destroying the work of Calvary. Praise God for His great gift of Life! Because of
Calvary, no one that has entered into the New Covenant and is living by its laws
has to die eternally or cease to exist as a personal entity. This great God and
Savior, Jesus Christ, has abolished the sentence of eternal death pronounced
over Man’s soul and body and has given eternal life to them instead.

In other words, “mortality is swallowed up of [Eternal] Life” (2Co 5:4).
Remember, the soul as well as the body is mortal, meaning subject to death. Paul
stated the same truth but in different way when he said: “When this corruptible
shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality, then shall
be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory”
(1Co 15:54, also Isa 25:8).

Let us remember, lost humanity's body and soul will stand before God at the
Judgment and both will be cast into the Lake of Fire along with the spirit of man.
After the whole man has been punishment, man’s spirit, soul, and body will
become eternally, physically, and dead , that is, they are annihilated, which is the
Second Death. Some denominational preachers argue against this by saying: “The
promise of Eternal Life in the Bible is only applied to the body of God’s Children
and not to their spirit and soul.” For they say: “All men are born into this life with
an eternal spirit and soul.”

Since those who teach Lucifer’s doctrine of the immortality of the spirit and
soul claim only the body receives eternal life through the cross of Calvary, what
about lost humanity? The same preachers who teach this also teach that the
bodies of the lost will be resurrected and their bodies will never burn up or cease
to exist. For they say: “How will the wicked be tormented in the Lake of Fire
throughout eternity, if this is not so?” These misguided preachers will never use
the terms Eternal Life or Immortality and apply it to the body of the lost, for their
deceitful tongue will use phraseology like this: “God will make the bodies of the
wicked in such a way that they cannot die.” What they are saying is the body of
the wicked will become immortal or eternal even though they will not admit it to
you or anyone else.

Show me one place in the Bible where it is says that man’s spirit and soul is
eternal or immortal at birth, and lost humanity will be given an immortal or
eternal body in the resurrection or at any other time. Since preachers cannot,
why do they persist in teaching doctrines that are not scriptural? I firmly believe
that there are demonic Luciferian spirits of deception that keep these preachers
in ignorance or blindness. Why they want to cling to these doctrines of the
ancient Babylonian religion is beyond me.

God commanded His children to “come out” of Mystery Babylon if they do not
wish to receive the curse of eternal death that He places on her children (Rev
18:3-5, 2:22-23). The reason why these preachers will not apply the term
Immortality or Eternal Life to the body of the lost is because they would be

teaching that Jesus Christ died on Calvary’s Cross to give immortality or Eternal
Life to God’s Children as well as the devil’s children. This would surely be a
blasphemous statement, yet this is what they ignorantly teach even though they
are not aware of it.

If they are going to maintain their position or belief, they will have to claim
that only the so-called immortal or eternal spirit and soul of lost humanity will be
tormented in hell and not their bodies. But these preachers will never take that
position for they know the Word of God declares that all three natures of man will
be tormented in the Lake of Fire, which is the truth. There is not one scripture in
the Bible that teaches man will be tormented in Gehenna Fire throughout eternity!

Since the Word of God undeniably teaches that man’s spirit, soul, and body is
under the sentence of eternal physical and spiritual death, Eternal Life must be
applied to the whole man and not to just a part of him. When Jesus Christ became
the first fruits of the resurrection from the dead, His soul was raised from Sheol (a
place under the earth) and His body from Qeber (“the grave”). Jesus promised to
do the same for redeemed man by giving his spirit, soul, and body Eternal Life so
he or she could live through eternity and never experience every kind of death

The Bible clearly teaches that Eternal Life comes only through Jesus Christ,
and Jesus died to give Eternal Life as a reward to those who would love Him, not
to them who hate Him or do not know Him. Some denominational preachers teach
that Eternal Life is symbolism for God's Children being saved or receiving a better
resurrection. This is a false statement because there is not one scripture in the
Bible that proves that statement.

The term “salvation” includes in it the idea of Eternal Life, but it also includes
the idea of being saved from the power of sin and the punishment thereof, such
as the torment of the Lake of Fire and the Second Death. The concept of a better
resurrection includes in it the idea of the spirit, soul, and body becoming eternal
or receiving Eternal Life, but it also includes going to heaven, becoming kings and
priests of God, as well as other things; for the Bible says: “Eyes have not seen,
nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God
hath prepared for them that [agapao] love Him” (1Co 2:9).

Eternal Life is not a place such as heaven, or a position such as a priest or

king, or a status such as saved or lost, but it is a quality of life such as endless
life. There is no amount of twisting of the Holy Word of God preachers can do,

which will makes salvation, heaven, and anything thing else synonymous with
Eternal Life, or can make hell or eternal torment synonymous with Eternal Death
or the Second Death. When preachers make Eternal Life either symbolisms for
heaven, a better resurrection, or the future immortal body that saints will receive
in the resurrection, they either willfully or ignorantly forget that Eternal Life is
something believers will receive in the future as a PERMANENT possession. It will
be at this time when man’s spirit, soul, and body will become ETERNAL.

Jesus definitely declared that Christians would receive Eternal Life as a

permanent possession in the resurrection. Jesus said it this way: “Assuredly, I
say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or
mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not
receive a hundredfold now in this time -- houses and brothers and sisters and
mothers and children and lands, with persecutions -- and in the AGE TO COME,
Eternal Life” (Mk 10:29-30). Drs. J. P. Louw and E. A. Nida made the following
interesting comment concerning this passage of scripture:

In Mk 10.30… ‘And in the age to COME (he will receive) Eternal Life,’ there
are significant differences of opinion as to whether the emphasis is
primarily upon DURATION or upon the quality of life which is to be
characteristic of the COMING AGE. Since in some languages life can only
be spoken of as a verb meaning literally ‘to live,’ then ‘Eternal Life’ might
be expressed merely as ‘LIVING WITHOUT DYING’.93

Therefore, when preachers from any denomination declare that Eternal Life is
nothing more than a symbolic expression, they are preaching the doctrines of
devils and are calling God a liar, for God said what He meant and meant what He
said! Eternal Life means ‘to live throughout Eternity and never cease to exist;’ it
therefore cannot be symbolism for heaven, a better resurrection, a position, or
anything else a theologian or preacher’s imagination can fantasize. Let us not
place symbolism to the WORDS of God when God speaks in a literal and precise
language. If we do you may find almighty God telling you at the Judgment, why
did you add to my WORDS and become a False Prophet (Deu 12:32)?

God’s Children Now Have Conditional

Immortality or Eternal Life

In this life Christians receive CONDITIONAL Immortality when they receive

God’s New Birth. The apostle John said it this way: “God hath given to us Eternal

Life, and this Life is in His Son.... These things I have written unto you that
believe on [eis – INTO] the name of the Son of God, that ye may know that ye have
Eternal Life” (1Jn 5:11, 13). God’s Children under the Covenant of the Law of
Moses had the promise of Eternal Life. This can be seen in the question the
Jewish lawyer asked Jesus, and Jesus’ answer to Him. Dr. Luke recorded this
conversation this way: “Behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted Him
[Jesus], saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit Eternal Life?” Jesus answered
him by telling him to keep the Commandments and he shall “LIVE” eternally (Lk

In other words, Jesus told this Jewish Child of God, if he wanted to keep the
promise of Eternal Life that God’s gave the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai, he
needed to keep the Commandments of God, which also included ANIMAL BLOOD
SACRIFICES for the remission of sin. Let us keep in mind that the New Covenant
of JESUS’ precious sinless BLOOD did not begin until after the death, burial, and
resurrection of Jesus; in other words, the Mosaic Covenant was still in effect
while Jesus was alive.

The apostle Paul expressed the above truth this way: “He [Jesus] is the
Mediator of the New Covenant, by means of death, for the redemption of the
transgressions under the First Covenant, that those who are called may receive
the promise of the Eternal Inheritance. For where there is a testament, there
must also of necessity be the DEATH of the TESTATOR. For a testament is in
force AFTER men are DEAD, since it has no power at all while the testator lives”
(Heb 9:15-17).

What was it the Jewish ruler wanted to inherit if it was not the ability to live
throughout eternity and never cease to live? Luke speaking of this wrote: “A
certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit Eternal
Life? [Jesus answered]…. Thou knowest the Commandments, Do not commit
adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honor thy father and
thy mother” (Lk 18:18, 20). Jesus again told God’s Old Covenant Children what the
Law of Moses taught concerning receiving Eternal Life. No one can dispute the
fact that Jesus associated keeping the Commandments of God with receiving
Eternal Life. Therefore, Jesus did not tell him anything he had not already been
taught in the Law of Moses.

What was it the Jewish people wanted to inherit if it was not the ability to live
throughout eternity and never die? Jesus told the Jews: “Search the scriptures;
for in them ye think ye have Eternal Life: and they are they which testify of Me”

(Jn 5:39). Paul told some of the Jewish leaders: “I stand and am judged for the
HOPE of the promise made of God, unto our Fathers: Unto which promise our
twelve tribes, instantly serving God day and night, hope to come” (Acts 26:6-7).

What was it the apostles and disciples wanted to inherit if it was not the
ability to live throughout eternity and never die? When most of Jesus’ disciples
deserted Him, He told His apostles: “Will ye also go away? Then Simon Peter
answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of Eternal Life”
(Jn 6:67-68). What was it the Jewish lawyer, ruler, the people, and the apostles
wanted to inherit if it was not Eternal Life? If they believed they had been born
with immortal soul, which can never die but would live on throughout eternity,
why would they be seeking for Eternal Life? Is it not foolish to seek for something
you suppose to be born with in this life?

Some of God’s Children Will Lose

the Gift of Immortality or Eternal Life

John definitely declared that believers in Christ could lose Eternal Life, if they
fail to love Jesus Christ and His Holy Word with all their heart, mind, soul, and
strength to the end of their life. This great apostle stated this truth this way: “He
who does NOT LOVE his brother [in Christ] ABIDES in DEATH. Whoever HATES his
brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has Eternal Life ABIDING
[or REMAINING] in him” (1 Jn 3:14-15). This scripture and the following scriptures
will prove that the Eternal Life Christians now have is only CONDITIONAL, which
means they can lose it if they do not endure and overcome the world, the flesh,
and the devil in this life.

Jesus told some of His Children that they would lose the promise of Eternal
Life, if they would not repent and overcome the lust of the world, the lust of the
flesh, and the pride of the flesh. He said: “He that overcometh, the same shall be
clothed in white raiment; and I will NOT BLOT HIS NAME OUT OF the Book of
Life” (Rev 3:5). Observe, Jesus told His Children that their names, which were
written in the Book of Life before the creation of the world, can and would be
blotted out if they did not overcome and love Him to the end. God does not lie or
make idle threats.

Jesus as YHWH said the same thing to Moses about His Children that were in
the Old Covenant. Moses praying for the children of Israel said: “If You will forgive
their sin [forgive] -- but if not, I pray, BLOT ME OUT of Your Book which You have

written.’ And the LORD said to Moses, ‘Whoever has sinned against Me, I will
BLOT HIM OUT of My Book” (Exo 32:32-33). John told us what happens to all
those whose names were not written in the Book of Eternal Life, or was blotted
out of it. He says: “Whosoever was not found written in the Book of Life was cast
into the Lake of Fire” (Rev 20:12, 15).

According to the apostle Paul, he and all other Christians had conditional
Immortality or Eternal Life. This great apostle stated this truth this way: “In HOPE
of Eternal Life, which God, that cannot lie, promised BEFORE the world began”
(Titus 1:2, also 2Ti 1:1). If Paul truly believed that He was born in this life with an
immortal spirit and soul, or that he was an eternal being, why is he hoping for it?
If he believed the Eternal Life that Jesus gave him at the New Birth was already
his permanent possession, it would be foolish for him to hope for it.

To whom did God prophetically promise to give Eternal Life to before the
creation of the world? The answer can only be to angels who were with Him
before creation (Job 38:4-9) and the men whom He would later create. Let us not
forget that angels are not infallible beings, for some have fallen from God’s grace
in the past, and those who are with Him now are capable of falling. Because they
are with God and do not have to walk by faith, I do not believe they can be
redeemed if they fall! God promised no doubt to give them and men Eternal Life if
they loved Him to the end. Let my readers take a minute to meditate on this.

Paul also told Titus and the Church that we have been made: “Heirs according
to the hope of Eternal Life” (Tit 3:7). In this verse, Paul admonishes us once more
that we should earnestly hope, or desire, or set our affections on keeping Eternal
Life. If human beings already possess immortality or an eternal spirit and soul,
what did the grace of God make us heirs to, if it was not Eternal Life or the ability
to become Eternal Beings? If Jesus death on Calvary’s cross was not so He could
give us the ability to live throughout eternity and not die, or be destroyed, or
perish, then please tell me what He died for?

Paul told the Children of God in Rome that God would give: “Eternal Life to
those who by patient continuance in doing good SEEK for glory, honor, and
immortality” (Rom 2:7). If man’s spirit and soul is already eternal, then why does
the apostle keep encouraging God’s Children to seek after it? If God’s people
cannot lose the Eternal Life Jesus died to give them, as some teach, then why is
Paul telling the church to seek for it by being patient, living for God daily, and by
allowing Christ to live in them that He may do good works through them? No one
in their right mind seeks for something that is supposed to be their permanent

possession. Paul is not a fool and he does not tell lies, for he is not going to
instruct God’s Children to seek to keep Eternal Life if they cannot lose it. My dear
readers, who do you think is confused here, the apostle Paul or denominational

Paul told Timothy to: “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on Eternal Life,
whereunto thou art also called” (1Ti 6:12). It is obvious that Paul did not believe
all men are born in this life as eternal beings, or that God’s Children had Eternal
Life as a permanent possession, for he would not implore God’s people to seek for
it, hope for it, and get a FIRM GRIP on Eternal Life. To paraphrase what Paul told
Timothy: “Fight the good fight of faith and sink your teeth deeply into Eternal Life
whereby you have a Pit Bull grip on it.” Since the Pit Bull is a dog that is noted for
their fighting skills, strength, stamina, and the extremely firm grip of their jaws on
their opponent’s neck, I believe Christians should have the same qualities and
determination as they: “Fight the good fight of faith” and: “Endure to the end” so
they could “be saved” (Mt 24:12-13)!

The LORD Jesus Christ expressly, explicitly, emphatically declared: “To him
who OVERCOMES will I give to eat from the Tree of [Eternal] Life, which is in the
midst of the Paradise of God.... Be faithful unto death, and I will give you a crown
of [Eternal] Life” (Rev 2:7, 10). Jesus specifically taught that only those who
overcome and are faithful unto death could receive Eternal Life as a permanent
possession. Eternal Life is God’s gift or promise to those who overcome the
world, the flesh, and the devil. Therefore, it cannot be something they were born
with in this life.

The apostle James said: “Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial,
because when he has stood the test, he will receive the Crown of [Eternal] Life
that God has promised to those who [agapao] love Him” (Ja 1:12). Can there be
any doubt what James is telling the Church? He is not telling them: it is all right
to continue in sin because God's grace will cover it, or that no matter what sins
they commit they will receive Eternal Life because once they have received God’s
New Birth, they can never be lost.

No one will pin the tag of a modern day liberal preacher on James. You cannot
read the Book of James without realizing that he was a One God, Jesus’ Name,
Holiness Preacher. James proclaimed that those who love our Blessed and Holy
Lord with all that is with in them, and continue to be faithful to Him until the end
of their life, they will receive Eternal Life as a permanent possession. James
would have taken all the deceived preachers, who believe in Lucifer’s Babylonian

Catholic doctrines of the immortality of the soul and eternal torment, and placed
them in a prayer closet with a Bible and commanded them to stay on their knees
until they have heard from God, for it is obvious to me they have already heard
from the devil.

John also connected Eternal Life with Holy Living when he preached: “Blessed
are they that do His Commandments, that they may have a right to the Tree of
[Eternal] Life” (Rev 22:14). John made it very clear that if you do not love God
enough to keep or do His Commandments, then you will not have the right to keep
Eternal Life. Please do not misinterpret what I am saying about holy living. I am
not saying one has to be absolutely sinless or without sin in life, but one who
truly loves the Lord Jesus and is motivated by their love for Him will always strive
to be sinless. If he falls short of God’s sinless perfection and sins, he repents,
confesses his sin to God, and begins to fight another round with Satan, the world,
and his flesh!

The apostle Paul not only preached holiness, but he also practiced it. His love
for Christ was not with lip service only, but a full surrender of his life. He said that
he buffeted his body, so he could bring it under “SUBJECTION” to the Word of God
least he would become a “CASTAWAY” (1Co 9:27, KJV). The great apostle is tells
us that he disciplined his body or kept it under subjection to God and His Word, so
he would not become a REPROBATE. The word “castaway” is the Greek word
“adokimos” which means according to Drs. Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott,
Henry Stuart Jones, and Robert McKenzie in their work A Greek-English Lexicon:

Not standing the test… metaph. of persons, rejected as false, disreputable,

REPROBATE, Eur., Xen., etc. 94

The King James Translators translated “adokimos” as “reprobate” in: Rom

1:28, 2Co 13:5-7, 2Ti 3:8, and Tit 1:16. This definitely means that even the apostle
Paul could backslide and lose the promise of Eternal Life. Irenaeus (180 AD)
commenting on the above passage of Scripture refers it to losing Immortality or
Eternal Life. Irenaeus said it this way:

Paul the Apostle says to the Corinthians, ‘Know ye not, that they who run
in a racecourse, do all indeed run, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that
ye MAY OBTAIN. Every one also who engages in the contest is TEMPERATE
in all things: now these men do it that they may obtain a corruptible crown,
but we an incorruptible. But I so run, not as uncertainty; I FIGHT, not as
One beating the air; but I make my body livid [i.e. bruised or beaten black

and blue], and bring it into subjection, lest by any means, when preaching
to others, I may myself be rendered a CASTAWAY.’ This able wrestler,
therefore, exhorts us to STRUGGLE for IMMORTALITY, that we may be
crowned. 95

Paul told the Corinthian Church to deliver the sinful brother: “Unto Satan for
the DESTRUCTION of the flesh that the spirit MAY BE SAVED in the Day of the
Lord Jesus” (1Co 5:5). If the human spirit of mankind is nothing more than his or
her breath, as many teach, how can the breath of mankind be saved in the Day of
Judgment? The verb “may be saved” is the Greek word “sozo” which means: “to
make safe or save.” It is in the third person, singular number, aorist tense,
passive voice, and SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD, which is the mood that expresses
SUPPOSITION, hypothesis or POSSIBILITY rather than actual facts, which can be
found in the indicative or imperative moods. This scripture definitely reveals that
the human spirit of a saved man can be lost. Therefore, the whole being of man
will be punished in Gehenna Fire and by Eternal Death, if he dies lost.

After examining all the above scriptures, it is clear that the Word of God does
not teach that Eternal Life is a place such as heaven, or a status such as saved,
or applies to the body only, or that it is a permanent possession of the believer
from the moment he receives the New Birth. There is absolutely no way any of
these scriptures teach or even suggest that man became an eternal being from
the time the zygote was formed in his mother’s womb! These doctrines are a
stench in the nostrils of God, and anyone who claims that they are part of the
doctrines of Christ do a horrible and shameful injustice to our great God and
Savior, for they rob Him of His love, justice and mercy. They make void His death
at Calvary by giving Immortality or Eternal Life to all mankind at the natural birth.
Therefore, preachers who teach or preach the immortality of the soul and eternal
torment doctrines are not preaching God’s truths but Satan’s lies.

The very fact that God has the attribute of foreknowledge should be
positive proof that God did not create Adam as one who possessed Immortality or
Eternal Life. This can clearly be seen in the fact that Adam and Eve had to eat
from the Tree of Eternal Life to maintain their immortality (Gen 3:22-24).
Therefore, they lost the promise of Eternal Life and became mortal being;
Because of their sins, all of their descendants are born in this life as mortal

As my beloved readers read about God’s foreknowledge of the destiny of all

mankind, and His foreordination of Calvary, let them keep the following question
in their mind: “Why would Almighty God, who is omnipotent or unlimited in power,
want to create mankind as an eternal being or with an immortal soul knowing
that more than 90% of them would spend eternity in torment in the Lake of Fire?
When my readers read the Historical chapter of this book, they should be able to
understand that Lucifer’s immortality of the soul and eternal torment doctrines
robbed our great God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, not only of His love,
mercy, and justice, but also makes His atonement at Calvary void; for if mankind
is born in this life as immortal beings or already possesses Eternal Life, then why
does anyone need our Savior to give them Eternal Life.

Who among God’s people would knowingly rob God of His Deity? Yet this is
what some do, when they rob God of His foreknowledge. One of God's many
attributes is that of omniscience, which means He knows everything. He knew
how the world would begin before He ever created it, and He knows how it will
end. Nothing that will happen in the world will take God by surprise. Our God is
truly an omniscient God. The Bible declared: “Known unto God are all his works
from the beginning of the world” (Acts 15:18). The prophet Isaiah said it this way:
God declared “The end from the beginning and from ancient times the things that
are not yet done” (Isa 46:9-10).

God’s Had A Redemption Plan for Man,

before He Created Him
The man Christ Jesus was foreordained to be born as the Son of God at
Bethlehem, and slain as the Lamb of God at Calvary, before the world was ever
created. The prophetic Word of God explicitly, expressly, emphatically called the
Lord Jesus Christ: the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev 13:8).
The expression “the foundation of the world,” refers to the creation of the world,
as can be seen in the following scriptures: Psa 18:15, 102:25, 104:5; Isa 48:13; Mt
13:35; Jn 17:24; Heb 1:10, 9:26.

The apostle Peter gave us some insights into God's predestine SINLESS Lamb,
when he boldly declared that we were redeemed, or bought out of the slavery of
sin, not by gold or silver but by: “The precious blood of Christ, a Lamb without

blemish or defect… [Who was] foreordained before the foundation of the world”
(1Pe 1:19-20, NIV). Paul, like Peter and John, spoke of God’s predestine plan of
salvation. He told the church that God saved them by His: “grace,” which was
given to them “in Christ Jesus before the world began” (2Ti 1:9). God’s grace has
always been and forever will be in the SINLESS Lamb of God. When I meditate on
the meaning of these scriptures, all I can say is, God’s is truly omniscient.

God’s Foreknowledge of Who

Would Believe and Obey His Plan of Salvation
God’s foreknowledge of all persons and things is uniformly taught in the Word
of God. Eternal foreordination is also included in His almighty power and supreme
sovereignty, but must be so understood in the light and context of the Scriptures.
Whereby God is not made the author of sin, and men and angels are not robbed of
their power of self-determination and responsibility. If salvation is to be a moral,
God ordain process, and not a physical or mechanical one, then men and angels
must have the power to choose their own destiny.

God foreknew before the creation of the world, the names of the men and
women in every age of time that would enter into a covenant relationship with
Him, and thereby receive the promise of Eternal Life. Therefore, He wrote their
names in Lamb’s Book of Eternal Life at that time. The only way anyone can
receive Eternal Life, or have his or her name written in the Book of Life, or
become God’s Child, is by entering into a covenant with God at some point in

In New Testament times, mankind can only enter into a covenant with God
through the New Birth. There is no other way of receiving God’s grace but this
way! God’s grace is the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of our God and Savior the
Lord Jesus Christ.

The apostle Paul speaking of God’s eternal foreknowledge said, the Creator
had chosen us: “Before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and
without blame before Him in love: Having predestinated us unto the adoption of
children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will”
(Eph 1:4-5). Paul went on to say that the Church was: “Predestinated according to
the purpose of Him, who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will ” (vs.

From the above verses, we are told that God had and still has a predestine
plan and purpose for those who would choose to love Him and become His Bride.
What is this plan and purpose? Paul says that we would become His holy and
innocent Children through the predestine Lamb of God. God’s foreknowledge and
foreordination of his bride not only included calling them by means of the gospel
of Christ, but also justification, sanctification, and glorification (Rom 8:30).

Therefore, it is evident that the church was in the mind of God from the
beginning of time. In fact, God even prepared a kingdom for His bride before: “The
foundation of the world” (Mt 25:34). God has made every provision, through the
SINLESS Lamb of God, for those who would choose to love Him. Jesus made a
promised to His Church that: “Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but
have Eternal Life” (Jn 3:15).

Paul speaking of God’s foreknowledge, told those who labored with him in the
gospel, that their “names” were written “in the Book of Life” (Phi 4:3). Jesus told
His disciples the very same thing and He also revealed to them where the Book of
Eternal Life is kept. He said their “names” were “written in heaven” (Lk 10:20).
John speaking about this says the unsaved or those: “Whose NAMES were not
written in the Book of Life from the FOUNDATION of the world” shall wonder
about the man of sin in the Tribulation Period (Rev 17:8; 21:27; 22:19). This
unequivocally means God wrote the names of those who would choose to love
Him in the Lamb’s Book of Eternal Life before He created the foundations of the
earth. Just think of it that is truly awesome! God’s foreknowledge is

John also declared: “And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing
before the throne, and Books [i.e. the Bible] were opened; and another Book was
opened, which is the Book of Life; and the dead were judged from the things
which were written in the Books [i.e. the Bible], according to their deeds…. And if
anyone's NAME was not found written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the
Lake of Fire” (Rev 20:12, 15, NAS).

The prophet Daniel said it this way: “I watched till thrones were put in place,
And the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, And the
hair of His head was like pure wool. His THRONE was a fiery flame, Its wheels a
burning fire; A fiery stream issued And came forth from before Him. A thousand
thousands ministered to Him; Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him.
The court was seated, And the Books [i.e. the Bible] were opened” (Dan 7:9-10).

God will use the Bible to judge every sin each man has committed in his lifetime
(Jn 12:48; Rom 2:12-13).

From all of the above scriptures, we must conclude that God in His infinite
foreknowledge and foreordination made a way through the precious SINLESS
shed blood Christ for His future bride to be justified, sanctified, and glorified.
Since God foreknew before time started who would choose to enter into a
covenant with Him, He therefore wrote their names in the Book of Life.

The same Bible also declared that God foreknows who among His bride will
play the harlot and join themselves to the devil, the world, and the flesh, and
thereby cause God to blot their names out of the Book of Life (Exo 32:30-4; Rev
3:5). All those who believe in the doctrines of Eternal Torment and Eternal
Security please tell me, what does the Bible mean when it clearly declares that a
“BROTHER” or a Child of God can commit a: “Sin leading to death” (1Jn 5:16)?

If John is not referring to Eternal Death in this verse, what kind of death is he
referring to? John also declared: “Whoever hates his BROTHER is a murderer, and
you know that no murderer has Eternal Life ABIDING in him” (1Jn 3:15). Eternal
Life is a conditional gift of God (Rom 6:23); the wicked do not possess it for they
“shall not see Life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (Jn 3:36).

God Foreknew before the Creation of the World

that the Majority of All Mankind Would Die Lost
and Be Thrown in the Lake of Fire
Since the Bible teaches God foreknew who would receive Eternal Life, and
who would be lost, why would God want to give mankind an immortal soul or
Eternal Life at the natural birth, knowing that this would cause them to be
tormented throughout eternity in Gehenna Fire? What kind of loving and merciful
God would do that? I hope my readers can see that the doctrines of the
immortality of the soul and eternal torment makes God a tyrant, and robs Him of
His love, mercy, and justice. This is why God hates these doctrines! These
doctrines also mocks God’s gift of Eternal Life and makes Calvary void.

The Bible clearly reveals that only a small minority of all mankind, from Adam
on to the end of this age, would love God enough to receive His Gift of Eternal
Life and endure to the end of their life. Jesus said it this way: “Enter ye in at the
strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction,
and MANY [not a few or some] there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the
gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto [Eternal] Life, and FEW [not
many] there be that find it. Beware of FALSE PROPHETS, who come to you in
sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” (Mt 7:13-15).

If a hundred million people were saved out of the many billions who lived from
Adam's day till the end of this age, this would be a few compared to this
multitude. The Bible not only teaches that the MAJORITY of all mankind will go to
hell, but MANY Christians as well; according to verses 22-23, which speaks of the
CONVERTS of FALSE PROPHETS, there will be MANY deceived Christians in the
Day of Judgment, who claimed to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and
discover they were deceived about God’s New Birth. Jesus declared that these
deceived Christians will say to Him on the Day of Judgment: “Lord, Lord, have we
not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many
wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I NEVER knew you.”

It is obvious since He NEVER knew them, they did not enter in the strait gate,
or in other words, False Prophets deceived them concerning how to enter into
Jesus’ New Covenant of His Death, Burial, and Resurrection through the New
Birth. Therefore, these people also will be cast into the Lake of Fire. The
renowned Presbyterian theologian Dr. Albert Barnes (1823 AD) speaking about the
doctrine of Eternal Torment Doctrine stated:

That any should suffer forever, lingering on in hopeless despair, and rolling
amidst infinite torments without the possibility of alleviation and without
end; that since God can save men and will save a part, He has not
proposed to save all-these are real, not imaginary, difficulties…. My whole
soul pants for light and relief on… why man must suffer to all eternity ? I
have never seen a particle of light thrown on these subjects that has given
a moment's ease to my tortured mind….

I confess, when I look on a world of sinners, and sufferers-upon death-beds,

and grave-yards, upon the world of woe filled with hosts to suffer for ever:
when I see my friends, my family, my people, my fellow citizens, when I
look upon a whole race, all involved in this sin and danger, and when I see
the great mass of them wholly unconcerned, and when I feel that God only
can save them, and yet He does not do so, I am stuck dumb. It is all dark,
dark, dark to my soul, and I cannot disguise it.

Summary: Loving and serving God is not a game, or a part time experience,
but a 24 hour a day and a 365 days a year privilege and responsibility. God wants
us to either Love and serve Him with ALL of our heart, mind, soul, and physical
strength or to reject Him. Since God’s plan and purpose for creation was to give
and receive love, and since God knew before the foundation of the world that
more than 90% of all mankind would end up in the Lake of Fire, I ask again, why
would God want to create mankind with an immortal or eternal soul?

If Jesus believed in endless torment in Gehenna Fire why did He not teach or
preach it when He taught on the torments of Hell? If John the Baptist or any of
Jesus’ apostles or disciples believed in it why did they not preach it? If the
eternal misery doctrine in hell is a Biblical teaching of the Word of God, then why
didn’t the Gospel Writers – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – the apostle Paul, who
wrote fourteen epistles, John, Luke, James, Peter and, Jude who wrote epistles
never mention this damnable doctrine one time?

If these men of God truly believed in eternal torment, as some misguided

preachers claim, then surely their speeches and writings would have abounded
with several hundred warning concerning it. Surely the silence of these God
anointed and inspired men are absolute proof that they did not believe in or teach
this doctrine of hell. Why is it that the apostles and disciples in the Book of Acts,
which is the history of the Church from the day of Pentecost until thirty years
later, never preached the doctrine of endless suffering to lost souls? In all this
history, in all this preaching, there is no mention of eternal torment.

Just think of it, in thirty years of missionary effort, these men of God never
threaten these pagans with endless suffering in the Lake of Fire one time! If the
apostles believed in this doctrine of hell, it would have been easy for them to
preach it and scare the pagans into Christianity, for heathen religions for many
centuries taught these pagans to believe in this damnable doctrine. In the face of
all these facts, can anyone believe that endless torment is a doctrine of the Bible
or a God ordain teaching of the Word of God!

My hope and prayer is that all those who truly love the Lord Jesus, will
stop robbing our Great God and Savior of His Love, Mercy, and Justice, by
believing the false, lying, Satanic, Babylonian, Catholic, Protestant, and I am
ashamed to say Apostolic Pentecostal doctrines of the Immortality of the Soul
and Eternal Torment of the lost. Let us pull down the high walls of false
traditions and doctrines of devils, and let the light of God's great truths come

shining through. Jesus paid a great price at Calvary so He could give us
Eternal Life, which Adam lost in the Garden of Eden.

The doctrine of eternal torment has been Satan’s greatest weapon against the
true biblical doctrine of the New Birth or Salvation. He uses this doctrine to put
emotional blinders over the hearts of many good, sincere, and honest seekers. He
does this by getting them to judge God’s Truth concerning the New Birth by their
emotions instead of reason or intellect. The Old Serpent whispers in their ear:
“This cannot be true because this would mean my relatives or love ones, who
served the Lord died lost. This means they will be tormented in the Lake of Fire
forever.” Because they believe Satan’s lies about the immortality of the soul and
eternal torment, they reject the Truth of the New Birth even though they see it
makes scriptural sense.

Friend, I know what I am talking about, for I have personally experience the
anguish and heartbreak of losing a love one, who loved Jesus, but was deceived
by Catholicism and died lost. But, let us never forget, Jesus commands us to love
Him and His Truth more than our children, wife, husband, mother, father, brother,
sister, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, and uncle, or we are not worthy of Him (Lk
14:25-27). Friend, I am pleading with you to judge the Truth by the Word of God,
and not by your emotions, or other people’s experience. All truths of the Bible
must be judged by the Word of God and it alone. All Scriptures on any given
doctrine must be examined and compared with each other, and interpreted in a
literal sense, until an interpretation is found that will harmonize with all the facts
God has given us through His Holy Infallible Word!

How Long Is an Age?

“The devil who deceived them was cast into the Lake of Fire and brimstone,
where ARE both the beast and the false prophet; and THEY shall be tormented
day and night for [eivj - INTO] the AGES of AGES” (Rev 20:10, DBY). In the Greek it
reads: “eivj tou.j aivwn/ aj tw/n aivwn, wnÅ”. With this verse in mind, how long is an AGE?
According to some astronomers an “AGE” could be around TWO THOUSAND
YEARS. They believe that the changing of an age is due to what is known as the
Precession of the Equinoxes.

Scientist Dr. David P. Stern, NASA’s Science Answer Man, in an article entitled
“The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius” revealed that the Age of Pisces, who sign is
the FISH, began in 1 BC under the Astronomical Calendar year or 2 BC under the

Julian Calendar, which I believe is the year Jesus was born. In an answer to
someone’s question, he stated:

Hipparchus [125 BC] concluded that the intersection marking the equinox
slowly crept forward along the ecliptic [i.e. a great circle on the celestial
sphere], and called that motion ‘the Precession of the Equinoxes.’ The rate
is about one full circle in 26, 000 years…. Around the YEAR 1 [using NASA’s
Astronomical Calendar] IT moved into the constellation of Pisces and
CURRENTLY it is again in transition, to the constellation of Aquarius [i.e.
before or around 2020 AD]…. To astronomers precession is mainly another
factor to be taken into account when aiming a telescope or drawing a star
chart; but to believers in astrology, the ‘DAWNING of the AGE of Aquarius’
is a great portent [i.e. sign] and may mark the beginning of a completely
NEW and different ERA [i.e. AGE]. 96

In other words, during the great cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes our
sun makes a journey through the twelve constellations of the zodiac, which is
approximately every 26,000 years. If we divide 26,000 years by 12 constellations
we have 2,167 YEARS, more or less; if we divide 26,000 years by 13
constellations, we have 2,000 years for our sun to move out of one constellation
into another; it depends on the size of the constellation.

In other words it can take anywhere between 2,000 through 2,167 years for
this alignment transition to take place. When it comes into an alignment with a
particular constellation, it is claimed that a NEW AGE BEGINS. In an article in the
Planetarian entitled “The Real, Real Constellations of the Zodiac” by Professor
John Mosley of the Griffith Observatory, he declared that there are 13 not 12
constellation in the Zodiac. He wrote:

In 1977, Lee Shapiro, then Director of the Abrams Planetarium at Michigan

State University, published in article in the Planetarian titled The Real
Constellations of the Zodiac. I felt the article was so important and so
useful that it is one of the few I have posted at the Planetarian web site.
Dr. Shapiro… points out that the sun passes through 13 constellations,
rather than the 12 of traditional astrology, and he asks, ‘How often have
you referred to the twelve constellations that the sun passes through
during a year?

The number twelve is correct only if one is using astrological

constellations. There are thirteen astronomical constellations that cross

the ecliptic. Whenever you refer to the zodiac use the number thirteen….
The ones we use are the official constellations of the International
Astronomical Union.’ Dr. Shapiro provides the actual dates when the sun is
in each of the 13 constellations. 97

The 13 eliciptal constellations in our Zodiac are: Aries, Taurus, Gemini,

Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius,
and Pisces.

Ophiuchus is a large constellation located around the celestial equator. Its

name is from the Greek Ὀφιοῦχος ‘serpent-bearer’, and it is commonly
represented as a man grasping the snake that is represented by the
constellation Serpens.... It is located between Aquila, Serpens and
Hercules, northwest of the center of the Milky Way. The southern part lies
between Scorpius to the west and Sagittarius to the east. It is best visible
in the northern summer and located opposite Orion in the sky…. Ophiuchus
is one of thirteen constellations that cross the ecliptic. It has therefore
been called the ‘13th sign of the zodiac’. 98

For more details on the Age of Aquarius and the birth and rise of the
Antichrist, see my book: The Mysteries of Prophecy Revealed. I definitely believe
that the earth is much less than 26,000 years, and the Precession of the
Equinoxes has only happen THREE TIMES from the creation of Adam to this
present time in the Age of Pisces, which is now closing. I also believe the Age of
Aquarius will begin very soon, maybe in 2020 AD! According to my understanding
of the calendar, a little less than 6,000 years has past since the creation of Adam
(see my book entitled: A Calendar of Biblical and Historical Dates and Events
Beginning with the Creation of Adam.

An Age Is Not A Generation: “Which [wisdom] in other GENERATIONS

[genea] was not made known to the sons of men, as it has now been revealed to
His holy apostles and prophets in the Spirit… to bring to light what is the
administration of the mystery which for AGES [aivwn, wn - AION] has been hidden in
God, who created all things” (Eph 3:5-9). Since the apostle Paul spoke of PAST
“generations” and “ages” as two distinct and separate events, a generation
cannot be an age! Therefore an age must be a longer period of time than a
generation, which could be 30, 40, 70, or 120 years.

The Ages Began Sometime in the Past: Paul proclaimed: “And wisdom
we speak among the perfect, and wisdom not of THIS AGE [AION], nor of the
rulers of THIS AGE [AION] -- of those becoming useless, but we speak the hidden
wisdom of God in a secret, that God foreordained BEFORE [pro. - PRO] the AGES
, wn - AION] to our glory, which no one of the rulers of THIS AGE [AION] did
know, for if they had known, the Lord of the glory they would not have crucified”
(1Co 2:6-8, YLT). The apostle declared that the ages had a beginning and he
compared it to the age he lived in, which revealed that he was speaking of two
different ages or time periods.

Past Ages: According to Dr. Luke God: “Spoke through the mouth of His
[autos] holy prophets from [apo] the AGE (before)” (Lk 1:70, Interlinear Greek-
English New Testament). Now the question we should ask is: “What Age?” Was
the age of the New Testament a PART of the age that began with the prophet
Enoch or the prophets in David’s day, that is, did the age of the Old Testament
prophets begin BEFORE the NT began?

Dr. Green seems to imply by his insertion of the preposition BEFORE into verse
70 that the age of the prophets was BEFORE the NT? The Greek preposition “apo”
in the above verse is in the genitive or possessive case, which indicates that the
age that God spoke through the mouths of the Holy Prophets began in the OT.
Some of the ways Drs. Friberg defined this preposition are:

avpo, preposition with the genitive, with the basic meanings separation off,
motion away from; (1) to denote separation from a person or place from,
away from (LU 16.18); (2) to denote a point from which something begins. 99

According to Scripture: “He then would have had to suffer often since the
foundation of the world; but now, once at the END of the AGES [aionon – genitive
case, plural number], He has APPEARED to put away sin by the sacrifice of
Himself” (Heb 9:26, NAS; cp with 1Co 10:9-11). In other words, Jesus appeared or
was born at Bethlehem at the END of TWO AGES, so He could to put away sin by
the sacrifice of Himself on the Cross of Calvary!

Future Ages: “He [Christ] might show, in the AGES [AION] that are COMING,
the exceeding riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus” (Eph 2:7,
YLT). In other words, the apostle Paul definitely believed there were more ages to

Summary of Facts: With all the above in mind, I now ask my readers: “What
length of time does the Greek AION and its Hebrew counterpart OLAM cover? Is it
an endless period of time or an unspecified period of time? It is clear from the
above passages, and as every Greek scholar knows, the Greek word AION means
an UNSPECIFIED PERIOD OF TIME, regardless what case it may be in.

The Bible and lexicographers reveal that AION and its Hebrew equivalent
OLAM does NOT mean eternal in itself. The only time any of these words denote
endless duration is when it is connected with a subject that is endless. When this
is the case, AION and OLAM then take on an acquired or added force from its
subject and the prepositions used with it.

Because this is such a vital point in understanding God’s judgment on sinners,

let us take a brief look at how ancient and modern lexicons define these words.
Hesychius, who wrote around 400, is the oldest lexicographer. He defined aion as
“The life of man [or] the time of life.” Dr. Schleusner says it is: 'Any space of time
whether longer or shorter, past, present, or future, to be determined by the
persons or things spoken of.'

Dr. Edward Beecher in his History of Future Retribution declared: 'All attempts
to set forth eternity as the original and primary sense of aion are at war with the
facts of the Greek language for five centuries, in which it denoted life and its
derivative senses, and the sense eternity was unknown.' Therefore any honest
Bible translator, when translating the Greek word aion or the Hebrew word
owlam, must do so by examining the context that God has placed it in and not by
his or her own religious bias.

In other words, aion and owlam can only carry the meaning of endless or
eternal when the subject it refers to has eternality. Therefore, the phrase “ages of
ages” cannot mean “eternities of eternities” because there can only be one
eternity! The end of all time will be when: “Then comes the end”, that is, the END
of ALL TIME is when “the last enemy” is “destroyed” that “is DEATH” (1Co 15:24-
26). Using the argument of silence again, if God wanted John to teach the
doctrine of eternal torment in Revelation 20:10, or in any other verse dealing with
torment in the Lake of Fire, then why did He not inspire him to use the Greek
expression “aidios basanizo,” which means “eternal torment?” Drs. Friberg
defined the Greek word aidios as:

Everlasting, eternal, ALWAYS EXISTING.100 [Dr. Bauer gave the following

meaning and usage of “aidios” in ancient history:] “ETERNAL… (of God)…
Ro 1:20… (Hom. Hymns, Hes. et al.; ins; PSI 1422, 16; Wsd 7:26; 4 Macc
10:15; a favorite w. Philo: Jos., Ant. 4, 178; 17, 152; Just., AII, 11, 5; Tat.
14, 2; Ath.; Mel., P. 2f, 20).101

Aidios always means endless, eternal or eternity. It was universally used in
our Lord’s Day to express the idea of “endless time or time without end” when
speaking of eternity, or “the eternal God”. In fact, the heathens in Greek pagan
religions used it to teach their doctrine of “endless torment in Hades.” Since
Jesus, John, the apostles, and disciples knew of this pagan doctrine and their use
of aidios to describe this doctrine of hell, why did they not use aidios in their
teaching on torment in Gehenna Fire or the Lake of Fire? The very fact they never
used aidios is proof they did not believe in this demon-inspired doctrine of hell!

Paul and Jude used aidios in their writings only one time, but never in
connection with “torment in hell.” Paul used it to describe God’s power when he
said: “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly
seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal [aidios]
power and Godhead” (Rom 1:20).

Jude used it to describe the chains that kept some of the fallen angels bound,
not tormented in fire, as they waited to be judged at the judgment. He said: “The
angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath
reserved in everlasting [aidios] chains under darkness unto the judgment of the
great day” (Jude 1:6).

If John had used “aidios” instead of “aions of aions” in Revelation 20:10 no

one would have ever doubted that he meant “eternal torment.” With all the above
evidence in mind can any honest, unbiased student of the Word of God believe
that Jesus, His apostles or disciples, taught the doctrine of eternal torment? I do
not believe so! Since there can only be one eternity, the phrase “eternities of
eternities” would make no sense at all if the phrase “ages of ages” meant
eternity. Obviously John wanted his reader to know that these beings were going
to be tormented for many ages, but not throughout eternity.


The Origin of Lucifer’s Mystery Babylonian Doctrines

of the Immortality of the Soul and Eternal Torment

A Summary of the Seven Doctrines of Lucifer’s Mystery
Babylon: As stated above, NONE of Lucifer’s Babylonian religious doctrines
could exist without the doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul. I have never found
the following pagan doctrines in just one book. The following is a piece meal of
the doctrines of Lucifer that I found in different books, such as, the Cabala and
other occult literature, as well as historical books on different pagan religions. As
we examine the following mysteries, I will give a reference or references where
they can be found. From the following citations, it will become clear to my
beloved readers that Lucifer must have known some of the doctrines God would
bring into Judaism and later into Christianity, and with that knowledge he
instituted his own counterfeit religion in order to pervert God’s Teachings:

1) Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul: Before Adam and

Eve sinned, they existed in heaven or paradise and their soul was immortal. 2)
Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Deity of the Androgynous Soul: The soul of Adam and Eve
was in a DEIFIED ANDROGYNOUS state, that is, their soul was united into ONE
SOUL, which meant HALF of their SOUL had a male form and the other HALF of
their SOUL had a female form.

3) Lucifer’s Doctrine of Sin and the Fall of the Androgynous Soul

from Heaven: Because of their sin their soul fell from heaven and pass through
7 stages, which caused their soul to split in two parts or lost its defied
androgynous state when it came to earth. In other words, the male and female
parts of their soul became separated and became enslaved into different mortal
bodies. Both halves of the soul supposedly retained its IMMORTALITY.

4) Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Salvation through Sex Orgies until the

Soul of Each Person Can Find Its Other Half: For Adam and Eve, and now
all of mankind, to supposedly go to heaven or paradise their soul must be reunited
with its other half. In the Babylonian Religion and in many of her harlot daughters,
open sex orgies are taught in order for the soul to find its other half.

5) Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Reincarnation of the Soul: The soul may

have to be reincarnated many times, before it can find its other half and be saved
from the misery of future reincarnations. The soul is given a certain number of
reincarnations into new bodies to accomplish this task. When the soul finds its
other half, it then can return to heaven back in its deified androgynous state.

6) Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Purification of the Soul in the Fires of
Hades before Each Reincarnation (the Doctrine of Purgatory): Before
the soul can be reincarnated into a new body, it must be purified from all sin by
the FIRES of HADES. After the soul has been purified, it is reincarnated into a new
body but it supposedly does not remember anything of its former lives.

7) Lucifer’s Doctrine of Eternal Torment of the Soul in Hades: After

the soul has been reincarnated about 3,000 times and has not been reunited with
it other half, and has not reached the sinlessness and deification of its former
androgynous state, it is no longer reincarnated into another body, but when its
last body dies the soul goes to Hades in which it is TORMENTED throughout

Lucifer Knowing God Plan of Salvation from the beginning

Perverted them with Lies and Half Truths: The first perversion was
Genesis 1:27: “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God
created He him; male and female created He them” (Jewish Publication Society -
JPS). In Lucifer's religion this means that Adam and Eve had one united immortal
androgynous soul, with the front part having the appearance of a man and the
back part looking like a female. In other words, their soul had 4 arms, hands, legs,
and one head. The soul in this state was considered as a part of god.

Since the Bible declared Adam and Eve was made in the image and likeness of
Almighty God, Lucifer perverted this teaching by declaring that the IMAGE of God
refers to God having an androgynous soul, whose image was both male and
female, that is, male in the front and female in the back parts. In the Babylonian
Religion, the so-called good god, Lucifer, made all androgynous souls at one time .
Adam and Eve was the FIRST androgynous soul to be cast out of heaven by the
alleged evil God (YHWH) to the earth.

As Adam and Eve’s androgynous soul fell from the eighth heaven, it
supposedly split into two halves, one half male and the other half female, thereby
losing its allegedly deified state. When they reach the earth, the so-called evil
God (YHWH) supposedly imprisoned each half of their soul by giving it a body of
flesh and blood. As Adam and Eve had children and their children had children,
the so-called evil God supposedly cast androgynous souls from the eighth heaven
to the earth to be imprisoned in the body of a baby as soon as it was born.

Lucifer also perverted God's promise seed doctrine of Genesis 3:15: “And I will
put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;
they shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise their heel” (JPS). In Lucifer's
religion the promise seed or the savior of the human race was Nimrod or
Zoroaster, who started Lucifer’s Zoroastrian Religion. The blood that Nimrod
shed, when he was slain by his uncle Shem (one of Noah's sons), was supposed to
be for the redemption of the human race. Nimrod and his wife Semiramis, who
was also his mother, were the FIRST humans to enter back into heaven since the
fall of Adam and Eve. Nimrod in his deified state became known in the Bible as
Baal and his wife (mother) in her defied state became known as Ashtoreth.

Now for the rest of mankind to go to heaven, they had to believe and practice
the doctrines of Lucifer’s Mystery Babylon; for example, each soul had to find
their soul mate or the other half of their soul. This is why in the Babylonian
Religion sex orgies was considered good because this is how the soul could find
it other half. These deceive Baal and Ashtoreth worshipers considered having sex
for any other reasons, such as lust, as sinful.

In the Bible these orgies took place in Groves and High Places. This religion
also taught that the sins they committed, while in a state of LUST, could be
forgiven by the shed blood of Nimrod, which was given to them in a wafer and
wine form by the Babylonian Priesthood; that is, after a priest heard their
confession and granted them absolution, for the purpose of clearing their
conscience from all guilt. Therefore, sex orgies, the immortality of the soul,
reincarnation of the soul, the fires of Hades for the purification of the soul from all
sin, et cetera, was Lucifer's plan of salvation of the soul! Reverend Alexander
Hislop in his book The Two Babylons spoke of Nimrod in his role as Zoroaster, the
pagan savior of the world. Hislop said it this way:

[The Deification of the Child p. 41] Though the death of her [Semiramis’]
husband [Nimrod] has given a rude shock to her power, yet her resolution
and unbounded ambition were in nowise checked. On the contrary, her
ambition took a still higher flight. In life her husband had been honored as
a hero; in death she will have him worshipped as a god, yea, as the
woman's promised Seed, ‘Zero-ashta’, who was destined to bruise the
serpent's head, and who, in doing so, was to have his own heel bruised….

The reader who consults the able and very learned work of Dr. Wilson of
Bombay, on the Parsi Religion, will find that there was a Zoroaster long
before that Zoroaster who lived in the reign of Darius Hystaspes…. The
first and great Zoroaster was an Assyrian or Chaldean (SUIDAS), and that
he was the founder of the idolatrous system of Babylon, and therefore
Nimrod. It is equally clear also in stating that he perished by a violent
death, even as was the case with Nimrod, Tammuz, or Bacchus. The
identity of Bacchus and Zoroaster is still further proved by the epithet
Pyrisporus, bestowed on Bacchus in the Orphic Hymns….

[P. 42] The patriarchs, and the ancient world in general, were perfectly
acquainted with the grand primeval promise of Eden, and they knew right
well that the bruising of the heel of the promised seed implied his death,
and that the curse could be removed from the world only by the death of
the grand Deliverer. If the promise about the bruising of the serpent's
head, recorded in Genesis, as made to our first parents, was actually
made, and if all mankind were descended from them, then it might be
expected that some trace of this promise would be found in all nations….

[P. 43] ‘Belus’, says Berosus, ‘commanded one of the gods to cut off his
head, that from the blood thus shed by his own command and with his own
consent, when mingled with the earth, new creatures might be formed’,
the first creation being represented as a sort of a failure. Thus the death of
Belus, who was Nimrod, like that attributed to Zoroaster, was represented
as entirely voluntary, and as submitted to for the benefit of the world. It
seems to have been now only when the dead hero was to be deified , that
the secret Mysteries were set up….

[P. 39] The identity of Nimrod, however, and the Egyptian Osiris, having
been established, we have thereby light as to Nimrod's death. Osiris met
with a violent death, and that violent death of Osiris was the central theme
of the whole idolatry of Egypt. If Osiris was Nimrod, as we have seen, that
violent death which the Egyptians so pathetically deplored in their annual
festivals was just the death of Nimrod.

The accounts in regard to the death of the god worshipped in the several
mysteries of the different countries are all to the same effect. A statement
of Plato seems to show, that in his day the Egyptian Osiris was regarded
as identical with Tammuz; and Tammuz is well known to have been the

same as Adonis, the famous HUNTSMAN, for whose death Venus is fabled
to have made such bitter lamentations….

[P 72] D'ion-nuso-s signifies ‘THE SIN-BEARER,’ a name entirely

appropriate to the character of him whose sufferings were represented as
so mysterious, and who was looked up to as the great ‘purifier of souls….’
[P. 68] How, then, did the Romish Church fix on December the 25 th as
Christmas-day? Why, thus: Long before the fourth century, and long before
the Christian era itself, a festival was celebrated among the heathen, at
that precise time of the year, in honour of the birth of the son of the
Babylonian queen of heaven…. [P. 71] Therefore, the 25th of December, the
day that was observed at Rome as the day when the victorious god
reappeared on earth, was held at the Natalis invicti solis, ‘The birthday of
the unconquered Sun’.102

Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Immortality of the Soul

The doctrine of Eternal Life and Eternal Death has been so twisted and
perverted by the Catholic-Babylonian Church for so many centuries that modern
day preachers have accepted these doctrines by faith without a close
examination of the facts. The doctrine of Immortality of the Soul is the first lie
Satan told to mankind in the garden when he told Eve: “Ye shall not surely die.
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened
and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:4-5).

Let my bloved readers take note to the fact that Satan boldly told mankind
two lies. First that they would not die, that is, their soul was already immortal
therefore it could not die for they had Eternal Life as a permanent possession!
What Satan was actually telling them was that the souls of all creatures,
including his own, was immortal, and therefore they were not subject to death.
Second, Lucifer told them that they would receive wisdom and be like him and all
the other demonic gods, that is, they would know that God lied to them regarding
their temporal possession of immortality, for they were gods.

Irenaeus declared that Lucifer deceived Adam under the pretext of him being
immortal and by eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil he would gain
that knowledge. Irenaeus taught:

Adam… having been beguiled by another under the PRETEXT of

IMMORTALITY, he is immediately seized with terror, and hides himself….
God detested him [i.e. Lucifer the Serpent] who had led man astray, but by
degrees, and little by little, He showed compassion to him [i.e. Adam] who
had been beguiled. Wherefore also He drove him out of Paradise, and
removed him far from the Tree of [Eternal] Life….

He [God] pitied him, [and did not desire] that he should continue a sinner
for ever, nor that the sin which surrounded him should be immortal [i.e.
eternal], and evil interminable and irremediable. But He set a bound to his
[state of] sin, by interposing death, and thus causing sin to cease, putting
an end to it by the dissolution of the flesh, which should take place in the
earth, so that man, ceasing at length to live to sin, and dying to it, might
begin to live to God.103

In sharp contrast to Satan’s lies, God told mankind: “For in the day that thou
eatest thereof [i.e. the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil], thou shalt surely
DIE” (Gen 2:17). What God was simply telling Adam was that he did NOT possess
Eternal Life but only had conditional immortality. As long as Adam and Eve had
access to the Tree of Life, they could live forever. This is why God told His
angels: “Behold, the man has become like one of us, to know good and evil. And
now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the Tree of [Eternal] Life, and eat,
and LIVE FOREVER… He [YHWH] drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at
the east of the Garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to
guard the way to the Tree of [Eternal] Life” (Gen 3:22-24).

Lucifer’s lying doctrine of the Soul’s Immortality was believed and taught by
false religions in every age, beginning with the Babylonian Religion. It was taught
by the Egyptian, Persian, Grecian, Roman, and many other pagan Religions; in this
chapter, my readers will discover that the doctrine of the immortality of the soul
is the foundational doctrine of the Babylonian Religion or Mystery Babylon.
Herodotus speaking of the immortality and reincarnation of the soul of man

The Egyptians... were also the first people to put forward the doctrine of
the IMMORTALITY of the SOUL, and to maintain that after death it enters
another creature at the moment of that creature’s birth. It then makes the
round of all living things - animals, birds, and fish - until it finally passes
once again, at birth, into the body of a man. The whole period of
TRANSMIGRATION occupies 3000 years. This theory has been adopted by
certain Greek writers, some earlier, [and] some later, who have put it

forward as their own. Their names are known to me but I refrain from
mentioning them.104

Manly P. Hall, in his book entitled, The Secret Teaching of All Ages, claimed
that Pomander (Lucifer the serpent) gave Hermes (Nimrod) the keys in his plan of
salvation for mankind. The first key was the doctrine of the immortality of the
soul. Pomander proclaimed:

To the ignorant the body is supreme and they are incapable of realizing the
IMMORTALITY that is within them. Knowing only the body, which is subject
to death, they believe in death…. But he who realizes that the body is but
the tomb of the SOUL rises to IMMORTALITY... and the invisible DIVINE
man [i.e. the androgynous soul] ascends to the source from whence he
came, namely the eighth sphere [heaven].105

Professor Harnack gave Origen’s belief of the pre-existence of the soul of man
before it fell from heaven. He stated:

Very many Greek Fathers, however, followed the view of Plato and Origen,
according to which man consists of spirit, body, and soul – the soul uniting
the other two. Consistently carried out, this opinion constantly led them
back to the conception of Origen (Philo) that the spirit in man alone
constituted his true nature, that it had its own, even a pretemporal history,
that in itself it belonged to the supernatural and divine sphere, and that the
body was only a prison which had to be stripped off before the spirit could
present itself in its true being…. As to the origin of individual souls…
Origen’s idea of pre-existence, which… [declared] all souls were created at
once by God along with the upper world, and fell successively into the
lower world, and into their bodies.106

Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Deity of the Androgynous Soul

Lucifer, as the serpent, taught Nimrod that the soul of the Primal Adam was
immortal, and it pre-existed in heaven or the Garden of Eden in an androgynous
state; in other words, in his original state Adam’s glorified and divine soul was
united with Eve in one undivided soul. The Encyclopedia of Occultism and
Parapsychology referring to the preexisted androgynous soul stated this doctrine
this way:

The souls of the whole human race pre-existed in the world of emanations,
and are all destined to inhabit human bodies .... Each soul, before its
entrance into the world, consist of male and female, united in one being,
but when it descends to this earth, the two parts are SEPARATED and
animate different bodies.107

According to Mackenzie the god Merodach and the goddess Ishtar were
ONE androgynous soul composed of a male and female form. He declared:

Merodach changed his forms with Ishtar…. According to a tablet fragment

she was, as the planet Venus, ‘a female at sunset and a male at sunrise’ -
that is, a BISEXUAL DIETY [i.e. possessing characters of both sexes]. 108

Professor Sayce in The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, under the

heading of Ashtoreth, wrote:

The name of the supreme goddess of Canaan and the female counterpart of
Baal: The name and cult of the goddess were derived from Babylonia,
where ISHTAR represented the evening and morning stars [i.e. the moon
and the planet Venus] and was accordingly ANDROGYNOUS [i.e. both male
and female] in origin.109

It should also be noted that in many cultures the gods were androgynous; for
example, the Hindu god Shiva is often depicted as half man and woman. In Plato’s
Symposium written around 420 BC we can read what the ancient Greeks believed
about the Androgynous Soul. In a drunken party, Socrates and other Greek
philosophers expounded on love. The philosopher:

Aristophanes… had a mind to praise Love in another way…. In the first

place, let me treat of the nature of man and what has happened to it; for
the original human nature was not like the present, but different. The
sexes were NOT two as they are now, but originally three in number; there
was man, woman, and the UNION of the TWO, having a name
corresponding to this DOUBLE NATURE, which had once a real existence,
but is now lost, and the word ‘ANDROGYNOUS’ is only preserved as a term
of reproach.

In the second place, the PRIMEVAL MAN was round, his back and sides
forming a circle; and he had four hands and four feet, one head with TWO
FACES, looking opposite ways, set on a round neck and precisely alike;

also four ears, two privy members, and the remainder to correspond. He
could walk upright as men now do, backwards or forwards as he pleased,
and he could also roll over and over at a great pace, turning on his four
hands and four feet, eight in all, like tumblers going over and over with
their legs in the air; this was when he wanted to run fast….

After a good deal of reflection, Zeus discovered a way… [to] humble their
pride and improve their manners; men shall continue to exist, but I will
CUT THEM IN TWO and then they will be diminished in strength and
increased in numbers; this will have the advantage of making them more
profitable to us…. He spoke and cut men in two…. After the division the
two parts of man, each DESIRING his other half, came together, and
throwing their arms about one another, entwined in mutual embraces,
longing to grow into one.... After the transposition [i.e. transformation] the
male generated in the female in order that by the mutual embraces of man
and woman they might breed and the race might continue....

Each of us when separated, having one side only… [and it] is always
looking for his other half. Men who are a section of that double nature
which was once called ANDROGYNOUS are lovers of women; adulterers
are generally of this breed, and also adulterous women who lust after
men…. For the intense yearning which each of them has towards the other
does not appear to be the desire of lover's intercourse, but of something
else which the soul of either evidently desires and cannot tell….

This meeting and melting into one another, this becoming one instead of
two, was the very expression of his ancient need. And the reason is that
human nature was originally one and we were a whole, and the desire and
pursuit of the whole is called love. There was a time, I say, when we were
one, but now because of the wickedness of mankind GOD has DISPERSED

I believe that if our loves were perfectly accomplished [i.e. having sex
without lust], and each one returning to his primeval nature had his original
true love, then our race would be happy…. We must praise the god Love
[i.e. Baal and his consort the moon goddess Ashtoreth, Asherah, Ishtar,
Aphrodite, the Queen of Heaven, etc] who is our greatest benefactor, both
LEADING US in this life back to our own nature, and giving us high hopes
for the future, for he promises that if we are PIOUS, he will restore us to
our original state.110

Wikipedia encyclopedia in an article entitled: Theogony” spoke of Phanes, a
androgynous god who made man in his image and likeness. It stated:

In the Orphic cosmogony the unaging Cronos produced Aither and Chaos
and made a silvery egg in divine Aither. From it appeared the bisexual god
Phanes, identified by the Orphics as Eros [Greek for sexual Love], who
becomes the creator of the world.111

In the Ante Nicene Fathers in the Recognitions of Clement (100 AD), book
10, we find a Christian by the name of Niceta explaining and refuting the
ancient Babylonian doctrine of Evolution and the first androgynous god, who
supposedly created all things. Clement of Rome declared:

[Chp. 30, pg 419, Niceta, a Discourse on the Cosmogony of Orpheus:] All

the literature among the Greeks which is written on the subject of the
origin of antiquity, is based upon many authorities, but especially two,
Orpheus [700 BC, who started the Orphic MYSTERY SCHOOLS in Greece]
and Hesiod [700 BC]…. It is Orpheus, then, who says that at first there was
CHAOS [which represents the recreation of the universe every several
billion years], eternal, unbounded, unproduced, and that from it all things
were made.

He says that this CHAOS was neither darkness nor light, neither moist nor
dry, neither hot nor cold, but that it was all things mixed together, and was
always one unformed mass; yet that at length, as it were after the manner
of a HUGE EGG [i.e. the COSMIC EGG], it brought forth and produced from
itself a certain DOUBLE FORM, which had been wrought through immense
periods of time, and which they call MASCULO-FEMININE, a FORM concrete
from the contrary admixture of such diversity; and that this is the principle
of all things, which came of PURE MATTER....

[chp 17, pg 410] Niceta, a Discourse on Gentile Cosmogony:] The wise

men, then, who are among the Gentiles, say that first of all things was
CHAOS; that this, through a LONG TIME solidifying its outer parts
[supposedly millions of years], made bounds to itself and a sort of
foundation, being gathered, as it were, into the manner and form of a HUGH
EGG [i.e. the COSMIC EGG], WITHIN which, in the course of a LONG TIME,
as WITHIN the shell of the EGG, there was cherished and vivified a

And that afterwards, that HUGE GLOBE being BROKEN [i.e. the occult
Priest’s BIG BANG], there came forth a certain kind of [COSMIC] MAN of
DOUBLE SEX, which they call MASCULO-FEMININE. This they called
PHANETAS, from appearing, because when it appeared, they say, then also
light shone forth [i.e. pagan evolutionists teach the light was from a
supposed ATOMIC EXPLOSION from the BIG BANG]. And from this, they say
that there were PRODUCED substance, prudence, motion, and coition, and
from these the HEAVENS and the EARTH were MADE.112

In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, the Hindu god Shiva is described as an

androgynous being, that is half man and half woman, and all other gods that god
made, and even the creator was an androgynous being. It stated:

Ardhanarishvara… is a composite ANDROGYNOUS form of the Hindu god

Shiva and his consort Parvati (also known as Devi, Shakti and Uma).
Ardhanarishvara is depicted as HALF MALE and HALF FEMALE…. The origin
of Ardhanarishvara lies in HERMAPHRODITE figures in ancient Hindu and
Greek cultures…. The name Ardhanarishvara means ‘the Lord who is HALF

Ardhanarishvara is also known by other names like Ardhanaranari (‘the

HALF MAN-WOMAN’)…, Ardhanarinateshvara (‘the Lord of Dance who is
HALF WOMAN’), Parangada, Naranari (‘MAN-WOMAN’), Ammiappan (a Tamil
name meaning ‘MOTHER-FATHER’), and Ardhayuvatishvara (in Assam, ‘the
Lord whose HALF is a YOUNG WOMAN or GIRL’). The Gupta-era writer
Pushpadanta in his Mahimnastava refers to this form as dehardhaghatana
(‘Thou and She art each the HALF of ONE BODY’)….

The conception of Ardhanarishvara may have been inspired by Vedic

literature's composite figure of YAMA-YAMI, the Vedic descriptions of the
PRIMORDIAL CREATOR Vishvarupa or Prajapati and the fire-god Agni [i.e.
the ancient Persian ZOROASTER]… the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad's Atman
(‘SOUL’) in the form of the ANDROGYNOUS COSMIC MAN PURUSHA [i.e.
PHANETAS of the Grecian Religion] and the ANDROGYNOUS myths of the
Greek Hermaphroditus and Phrygian Agdistis. The Brihadaranyaka
Upanishad says that Purusha splits himself into two parts, MALE and
FEMALE, and the two halves copulate, producing all life – a theme
concurrent in Ardhanarishvara's tales.

The Shvetashvatara Upanishad… hints at his ANDROGYNOUS NATURE,
describing him both as MALE and FEMALE…. In Book XIII, Upamanyu
praises Shiva rhetorically asking if there is anyone else whose half-body is
shared by his spouse, and adds that the universe had risen from the union
of sexes, as represented by Shiva's half-female form. In some narratives,
Shiva is described as dark and fair-complexioned, half yellow and half
white, half woman and half man, and both woman and man.113

Lucifer’s Doctrine of Sin and the Fall

of the Androgynous Soul from Heaven

The Zohar is one of the books of the Cabala. The Cabala contains several
books that teach the doctrines of Jewish occult mysticism, theosophy, and
thaumaturgy, which is marked by a belief in creation through emanation, which is
hidden in a cipher or code method. The Zohar, like all other occult writings,
teaches the dualistic godhead doctrine of Zoroastrianism, with the exception
being YHWH is the good God and Lucifer the evil god. In The Zohar, we can also
find Lucifer's teachings on the Sin and Fall of the androgynous Soul, the
immortality, transmigration, and purification of the Soul in Hades, as well as other
doctrines of Lucifer. The Zohar, volume 1, Prologue, spoke of Adam the First Man
as an androgynous being:

[Sec. 2b, p. 10:] Thou consistest of the letter ‘NUN’ surmounted by the
letter ‘YOD’ (representing together the male and the female principles).
And this is the mystery of the creation of the FIRST MAN, who was created
with TWO FACES (male and female combined). In the same way the NUN
and the YOD in the ZADE are TURNED BACK to BACK and not face to face,
whether the ZADE is upright or turned downward…. [Sec. 13a, p. 56:] ‘Let
us make man in our image, after our likeness’; that is, ‘let us make man’, as
a compound being, including the male and female.

The Serpent is the Satan: We have learned that at that moment Samael
came down from heaven riding on this serpent… [and he] entered into
conversation with the woman, and the two brought death into the world….
‘And he said to the woman,’ Yea R. Jose said… ‘With this TREE [i.e. the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil] God created the world; eat
therefore of it, and ye shall be like God, knowing good and evil, for through
this knowledge he is called God.

[Jewish Encyclopedia:] According to the Zohar, there are male souls and
female souls, the former proceeding from the masculine Sefirot, which are
concentrated in the Sefirah of ‘Grace,’ the latter from the feminine Sefirot,
which are concentrated in that of ‘Justice.’ Before their descent to earth
they are PAIRED; but at the moment of their appearance in this world they
become SEPARATED.115

But if she [the soul] pleases not her Master, that is, if she be polluted by
sin and guilt, He does not again appoint that same body for her, and so she
loses it [i.e. the body] for ever.116

If she [the soul] be polluted by sin and guilt, He [God] does not again
appoint the same body for her, and so she loses it for ever…. The soul's
dross CANNOT be cast off in the course of ONE LIFETIME. It must pass
through many bodies and experience many terrestrial existences, each one
higher than the other, before it can reach the pinnacle of PERFECTION [i.e.
its supposedly androgynous soul].117

The ancient Babylonians believed that it would take many reincarnations to be

pure enough to find the other half of one’s soul. The Encyclopedia Britannica
Macropedia spoke of the Androgynous Soul, in its perfect deified state, stated:

The Dogon African tribe has a myth of creation, which they believe that
androgyny is a sign of PERFECTION [i.e. living in the state of holiness or
sinlessness]. 118

As I have already shown, some occultist believe that the androgynous soul of
all human beings fell to the earth and split into two souls, one male and the other
female. Each half of the androgynous soul inhabits a body of new born babe. One
occult writer describes these things this way:

What is a Twin Flame? Twin flames, also called twin souls, are literally the
other half of our soul. We each have ONLY ONE TWIN, and generally after
being split the two went their separate ways, incarnating over and over to
gather human experience before coming back together. Ideally, this
happens in both of their last lifetimes on the planet…. Each twin is a
complete soul, not half a soul. It is their task to become more whole,
balancing their female and male sides, and ideally become enlightened,
before reuniting with their twin. This reunion is of two complete and whole
beings. All other relationships through all our lives could be said to be

‘practice’ for the twin, the ultimate relationship…. We can have MANY
SOULMATES in our lives, and they come to us to help us grow spiritually. 119

Irenaeus (180 AD) wrote against the Absurdity of the Doctrine of the
Transmigration of Souls to obtain experiences on earth. He declared:

We may subvert their doctrine as to transmigration from body to body by

this fact, that souls remember nothing whatever of the events which took
place in their previous states of existence . For if they were sent forth with
this object, that they should have experience of every kind of action, they
must of necessity retain a remembrance of those things which have been
previously accomplished.120

Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Salvation through Sex Orgies

until the Soul of Each Person Can Find Its Other Half

Reverend Alexander Hislop in his book The Two Babylons spoke of these sex
orgies this way:

[Chp. 2, sec 2, The Child in Assyria, p. 19:] In Scripture he is referred to

(Eze 8:14) under the name of Tammuz, but he is commonly known among
classical writers under the name of BACCHUS, that is, ‘The Lamented one.’
From Bakhah ‘to weep’ or ‘lament.’ Among the Phoenicians, says
Hesychius [a 5th century AD grammarian who compiled the richest lexicon
of unusual and obscure Greek words that has survived], ‘Bacchos means
weeping.’ As the women wept for Tammuz, so did they for Bacchus.

To the ordinary reader the name of Bacchus suggests nothing more than
revelry and drunkenness, but it is now well known, that amid all the
abominations that attended his ORGIES, their grand design was
professedly ‘the PURIFICATION of SOULS,’ and that from the GUILT and
defilement of sin. This lamented one, exhibited and adored as a little child
in his mother's arms, seems, in point of fact, to have been the husband of
Semiramis, whose name, Ninus, by which he is commonly known in
classical history, literally signified ‘The Son’ …. [P. 20] Now, this Ninus, or
‘Son,’ borne in the arms of the Babylonian Madonna, is so described as very
clearly to identify him with NIMROD….

[The Child in Greece, p. 33:] The god worshipped as a child in the arms of
the great Mother in Greece, under the names of Dionysus, or BACCHUS, or
Iacchus, is, by ancient inquirers, expressly identified with the Egyptian
Osiris. This is the case with Herodotus [430 BC a Greek historian], who had
prosecuted his inquiries in Egypt itself, who even speaks of Osiris as

[P. 34] To the same purpose is the testimony of Diodorus Siculus. ‘ Orpheus
[700 BC a pagan poet priest],’ says he, ‘introduced from Egypt the greatest
part of the mystical ceremonies, the ORGIES that celebrate the
WANDERINGS of CERES, and the whole fable of the shades below. The
rites of Osiris and Bacchus are the same; those of Isis and Ceres exactly
resemble each other, except in name….’ [The Deification of the Child p. 41]
It is equally clear also in stating that he [Zoroaster] perished by a violent
death, even as was the case with Nimrod, Tammuz, or Bacchus. The
identity of Bacchus and Zoroaster is still further proved by the epithet
Pyrisporus, bestowed on Bacchus in the Orphic Hymns.121

The Jewish Encyclopedia under the heading of Baal spoke of the unbridled
sexual dangers and evils of the Worship of Baal that the Children of Israel gave
themselves to when they served Baal and Ashtoreth. It stated:

The chief evil [of Ba'al-Worship] arose from the fact that the Ba'als were
more than mere religious fantasies. They were made the symbols of the
reproductive powers of nature, and thus their worship ministered to sexual
indulgences, which it at the same time legalized and encouraged. Further,
there was placed side by side with the Ba'al a corresponding female
symbol, the Ashtoreth (Babyl. ‘Ashtar’) and the relation between the two
deities was set forth as the example and the motive of unbridled

Occult Theocracy, written by Edith Star Miller - Lady Queenborough, gives the
Gnostic teachings on the salvation of the soul or the reuniting of the Androgynous
Soul through sex orgies. Miller revealed:

[V. 1, chp. 13, p. 117, The Gnostics:] Among the successive disciples of
Simon Magus were — Basilides, Valentinius, Carpocrates, Marcus, Marcion,
Cerdo, Epiphanes…. [P. 120] The Carpocratians grew to that Degree of
Madness, that being unable to conceal their DEBAUCHERIES [i.e. SEX
ORGIES], they made ‘Incontinence to be a Law’ — Prodicus added this to

the Tenets of Carpocrates, that Fornication ought to be open and public,
and the Use of Women common. For which Reason, in their Feasts, the
Candles were extinguished, each lay with the Women, as Chance
appointed; and they called this Lasciviousness a MYSTICAL INITIATION, a

Clement [of] Alexandria gives a long Passage from the Writings of

Epiphanes, contending for a Community of Women, as being the Law of
Heaven; and that Men and Women ought no more to be confined in their
Amours [i.e. illicit love affair] than other Animals. ‘For’, says Epiphanes, ‘he
hath implanted a strong and vehement Desire in Man of propagating his
Species; which neither Law, nor Custom, nor any Thing else, can abolish;
for it is the Decree of God.’ The Ophites, or Cainites, say, that Cain was the
Progeny of a higher Principality than Abel; and they confess that Esau,
Corah, and the Sodomites, and all such, were their Relations: — That Vulva
was the Creator of the Universe; and that none could be saved, unless he
passed through all. So also Carpocrates taught.

Most of the Gnostics... taught what is not fit to be named, in the

promiscuous [i.e. licentious or immoral] Use of Women, and to roll in all
manner of filthy Communication. The Banquet being over, says the Man to
the Woman, ‘Arise, and shew thy Love to a Brother. So they proceed to
copulation [i.e. sexual intercourse]’. — Some of them, by a most horrible
abuse of Scripture, apply the Words, ‘Give to every one that asketh thee’,
towards enticing the Women. ‘Take hold’, says Isidorus, [p.121] ‘of some
robust woman, that you be not plucked away from Grace; and when you
have spent your seminal Fire, you may pray with a good Conscience [i.e.
after you confess your sins to a Babylonian Priest and he grants you
absolution through the blood of Baal-Nimrod]’.

Both Epiphanius [150 AD], and Irenaeus [180 AD] before him, say of the
Founder of the Nicolaitans: ‘Being ashamed of his own Remissness, he
audaciously pronounced, that no one, who was NOT lascivious every Day
could be Partaker of Eternal Life’. — Therefore those Gnostics, after a
Debauchery, were used to boast of their Happiness, as having done a
meritorious Thing: and when they had their Will on a complying Female,
they told her ‘she was now a pure Virgin’; though she was daily corrupted,
and for many Years together.

This may be a proper Place to introduce The Confession of Epiphanius; who
in his Youth had fallen into the Gnostic Heresy; whence he received what
he writes concerning them, from the professed Teachers' own Mouths:
when their Women, one in particular, used all their Arts to debauch him.
But by the Help of the divine Grace he overcame their temptations. ‘I was
then’, says he, ‘reproached by those pestilent Women, who thus scoffingly
talked with each other, We would have SAVED this Youth, but not being
able, we have suffered him to PERISH in the Hands of the Principalities.’

For the most beautiful among them makes herself the bait ; and those
whom she enticeth, she is said NOT to DESTORY, but to DELIVER. Whence
the handsomest are used to upbraid those who are less so; I am an elect
Vessel, able to SAVE those whom I tempt; which you have not Power to do.
The most beautiful of them were employed to seduce me; but God
delivered me from their Wickedness….

‘The Valentinians’, says Irenaeus, ‘being in Love with certain Women,

would, without a Blush, seduce them from their Husbands, and make them
their own Wives. Others of them, seemingly modest at first, pretended to
live with them as Sisters; and in Process of Time were discovered, Sister
being found pregnant by Brother.’ ‘And to aggravate their wickedness, they
esteemed Copulation as a most SACRED MYSTERY, known only to
themselves; and which the Profane [i.e. anyone who was not a member]
were not allowed to put in Practice: What was abominable in others being
highly meritorious in themselves.’ For, saith Irenaeus again, ‘They have this
Grace descending to them from the unspeakable and unnameable
Copulation above. For which Reason they ought always to be meditating on

Sex Orgies were supposedly for the sole purpose of finding the other half of a
person’s soul; once the soul supposedly finds its other half, it then must earn its
salvation by works, that is, it must live a life of perfect morality. Supposedly
committing all types of abominations, as the Mysteries teaches, will lead or
induced the soul to want to live one lifetime morally, so it can supposedly return
to its heavenly abode and its sinless deified state. In my humble opinion Mystery
Babylon’s motto should have been: “let us do evil that good may come from it”.
Hislop states their doctrine of works for salvation this way:

[Chp 4, sec. 2, Justification by Works, P. 102] The worshippers of Nimrod

and his queen were looked upon as regenerated and purged from sin by…

the sufferings of these two great Babylonian divinities. But yet in regard to
justification, the Chaldean doctrine was that it was by works and merits of
men themselves that they must be justified and accepted of God. The
following remarks of Christie in his observations appended to Ouvaroff's
Eleusinian Mysteries [i.e. the religious Mysteries celebrated in worship of
Demeter and Persephone or Baal and Ashtoreth or Nimrod and Semiramis],
show that such was the case.

‘Mr. Ouvaroff has suggested that one of the great objects of the Mysteries
was the presenting to fallen man the means of his return to God. These
means were the CATHARTIC VIRTUES--(i.e., the VIRTUES [LIVING
MORALLY] by which sin is removed), by the exercise of which a corporeal
life was to be vanquished. Accordingly the Mysteries were termed Teletae,
perfections, because they were supposed to induce a perfectness of life.
Those who were purified by them were styled Teloumenoi and
Tetelesmenoi, that is, brought... to perfection, which depended on the
exertions of the individual’.124

The Word of God is filled with examples of the sex orgies that were a vital part
of the worship of Baal and Ashtoreth, who were believed to be ONE DEIFIED
Androgynous Soul or THEOPHANY (i.e. a visible manifestation of deity). This so-
called god and goddess where worshipped as the first humans to return to heaven
as ONE DEIFIED Androgynous Soul. I believe that their immoral sex life style was
used as an example of mankind’s search for the other half of his or her soul or
soulmate. If this is not so, then why did the women in the above occult connect
Epiphanius’ SALVATION with having sex with them, and BELIEVED he would
PERISH or be LOST because he refused them? Therefore, these deceived women
must have truly believed Lucifer’s DEIFIED Androgynous Soul doctrine for any of
this to make any logical sense!

Many of the Kings of Israel and some of the Kings of Judah must have also
believed this DEIFIED Androgynous Soul doctrine of Lucifer; for what else could
have driven them to promote Baal and Ashtoreth worship in their kingdoms, if it
was not their Luciferian desire to become god and be worshipped as a god! If you
think it was for sexual pleasures only, you are wrong, for these were kings and
they could have according to the Law of Moses more than one wife; let us not
forget that King Solomon: “had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three
hundred concubines” (1Ki 11:3). Professor Archibald Henry Sayce of the
University of Oxford, who was a pioneer British Assyriologist and linguist, spoke

of this Androgynous Soul doctrine and the sex orgies that was a vital part of this
idolatrous worship. He stated:

[Ashtoreth] the name of the supreme goddess of Canaan and the

female counterpart of Baal: The name and cult of the goddess were
derived from Babylonia, where ISHTAR represented the evening and
morning stars [i.e. the moon and the planet Venus] and was accordingly
ANDROGYNOUS [i.e. her soul was both male and female] in origin…. From
Babylonia the worship of the goddess was carried to the Semites of the
West, and in most instances the feminine suffix was attached to her name;
were this was not the case the deity was regarded as a MALE.

On the Moabite Stone, for example, `Ashtar is identified with Chemosh, and
in the inscriptions of southern Arabia `Athtar is a god. On the other hand, in
Atar-gatis or Derketo (2 Macc 12:26), Atar, without the feminine suffix, is
identified with the goddess `Athah or `Athi (Greek Grk: Gatis). The cult of
the Greek Grk: Aphrodite in Cyprus was borrowed from that of Ashtoreth;
whether the Greek name also is a modification of Ashtoreth, as has often
been maintained….

2. Attributes of the Goddess: In Babylonia and Assyria Ishtar was the

goddess of LOVE and war. An old Babylonian legend related how the
descent of Ishtar into Hades in search of her dead husband…. Ishtar who
thus became… a personification of the PRODUCTIVE principle in nature,
and more especially the mother and creatress of mankind. The chief seat
of the worship of Ishtar in Babylonia was Erech, where PROSTITUTION was
practiced in her name, and she was served with IMMORAL RITES by bands
of men and women….

3. Ashtoreth as a Moon-Goddess: In Canaan, Ashtoreth, as

distinguished from the male `Ashtar, dropped her warlike attributes, but in
contradistinction to Asherah, whose name and cult had also been imported
from Assyria, became, on the one hand, the colorless consort of Baal, and
on the other hand, a MOON-GODDESS…. Ashtoreth came to be regarded as
the consort of Baal and took the place of the SOLAR GODDESSES of
Babylonia…. The IMMORAL RITES with which the worship of Ishtar in
Babylonia was accompanied were transferred to Canaan (Dt 23:18) and
formed part of the idolatrous practices which the Israelites were called
upon to extirpate [i.e. destroy completely]. 125

In Fausset Bible Dictionary we read the following concerning Ashtoreth:

The chief goddess of the Phoenicians, as Baal was the male. By the plural
(ASHTAROTH, Baalim: Judg. 10:6; 1 Sam. 7:4) different phases of the SAME
DEITY, according to the different places of worship…. Her worship was
most LICENTIOUS and ABOMINABLE; closely connected with that of
ASHERAH, "THE GROVE" (see)…. In the Moabite Dibon stone the male form
Astar is prefixed to Chamos or Chemosh, answering to the female
Astarte…. The Canaanite form of the male Aphroditos answering to the
female Aphrodite. 126

In the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia , Professor Sayce in an

articled entitled Asherah speaks of Ashtoreth in the imagery of a TREE in the
midst of a grove of trees. These pagans had their sex orgies under a designated
TREE to worship her as the TREE of LIFE. Ashtoreth, as a type of Eve, was called
the mother of all living. Dr. Sayce declared:

(Heb: 'asherah; Grk: alsos… was the name of a goddess whose worship
was widely spread throughout Syria and Canaan; plural Asherim. 1.
References to the Goddess: Her ‘image’ is mentioned in the Old
Testament (1 Ki 15:13; 2 Ki 21:7; 2 Ch 15:16), as well as her ‘prophets’ (1 Ki
18:19) and the vessels used in her service (2 Ki 23:4)…. 3. Her Symbol: In
Assyrian… the word Asirtu, Asherah, came to denote the symbol of the
goddess. The trunk of the tree was often provided with branches, and
assumed the form of the TREE of LIFE [in the Garden of Eden]….

Asherim or symbols of the goddess being set up on the HIGH PLACES under
the shade of a Green Tree (Jer 17:2; see 2 Ki 17:10). [King] Manasseh
introduced one into the temple at Jerusalem (2 Ki 21:3,7). 4. The
Attributes of the Goddess: Asherah was the goddess of FERTILITY,
and thus represented the Babylonian Ishtar in her character as goddess of
LOVE. 127

Mystery Babylon had several trinities: the first being Anu, Mul-ge, and Ea. Ea
was always represented as a serpent, supposedly YHWH, who was worshipped as
the “Lord of Wisdom,” the benefactor of mankind. He received this title by
imparting to man the knowledge of sex and godhood. The Babylonian Religion

openly taught, what is now known as, the “Serpent Seed” doctrine, and
proclaimed that man’s true mission in life is: “sexual union with a woman”.

In the Jewish cultic book of The Zohar the worship of the body’s sex organs,
which was knowns as the “Phallic Tree of Life”, has ten degrees or steps to
sexual perfection. These degrees or steps are called “Sephiroth.” The first sepher
is called “Yesod,” which represents the sex organs of generation. Yesod means
“foundation,” which reveals that sexual generation is the foundation or beginning
that places an occultic believer on the road that leads back to godhood.

In the Old Testament, God’s Jewish children were always going after the
Canaanite Religion of Baal worship, which was nothing but one of the harlot
daughters of Mystery Babylon or the Babylonian Religion. The Tree of Knowledge
was also represented by a “phallic sex symbols” such as “sacred trees” or
“sacred poles,” which were set up near an altar, usually on both sides of the altar.
It is here where illicit sex would take place.

In the Bible these wooden idols or sex poles were called by the Hebrew name
of “Asherah,” which is another name for the goddess Astarte, and it referred to
“sacred poles” or a “grove of trees” (Exo 34:13-16; Deu 7:5; 16:21-22; Jud 3:7;
6:25-30; 1Ki: 14:15, 22-24; 16:32-33; 18:18-19; 2Ki 13:6; 17:7-10, 16-17; 18:4; 21:3,
7; 23:4-6, 7, 14, 15; 24:8; 2Ch 24:18; 33:3, 19; 34:3-7; Jer 17:2; Mic 5:11-14).

The “Serpent Seed” doctrine was propogated by a False Christian Prophet

known as William M. Branham, who declared he received it straight from God and
not from any writings of man. The only real problem with this lie is the fact the
“Serpent Seed” doctrine was taught in cultic books such as the Cabala or
Kabbala, centuries before Branham claimed that God gave him this revelation.
The “Serpent Seed” doctrine is a very strange and mysterious doctrine taught in
The Zohar. It declared that Adam and Eve was a THEOPHANY before they sinned,
but after the Serpent, supposedly YHWH, caused them to sin and cast them down
to earth where they became mortal. Supposedly YHWH entered into some created
ape man and:

Had INTERCOURSE with Eve and injected into her his venom, she bore
Cain…. It was that which had been left of the ape element [i.e. his seed or
sperm] in her that produced Cain…. For two beings had INTERCOURSE with
Eve, and she conceived from both and bore two children. Each followed
one of the male parents, and their spirits parted, one to this side and one
to the other, and similarly their characters.128

[Rabbi R. Jose asked Rabbi Isaac:] Why is it that many kinds of magic and
divination are only found in women? He replied: Thus I have learnt, that
when the serpent had intercourse with Eve he injected defilement into her
but not into her husband. 129 On the side of Cain are all the haunts of the
evil species, from which come evil spirits and demons and
necromancers…. From Cain come the shameless and wicked sinners of the
world…. Cain rose up against Abel and killed him because he inherited his
nature from the side of Samael, who brought death into the world.130

Baal and Ashtoreth Worship in the Bible: First mention in the Bible of
Baal being a god is when God delivered the Children of Israel out of the nation of
Egypt, and they came to land of Midian and Moab (Num. 22:2, 4, 41). King Balak of
Moab then hired Balaam, a materialistic backslidden prophet of God (Rev. 2:14),
to curse Israel. When he tried and failed, Balaam advised Balak to send his young
women over to Israel and entice their young men to worship Baal by means of a
SEX ORGY, which was a common practice among the worshippers of Baal (Num.
25:1-9). God sent a plague to Israel because of this abomination and killed 24,000

First Mention of Baal and Ashtoreths together in the Word of God: “Then the
children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served the Baals; and they
forsook the LORD God of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of
Egypt; and they followed other gods from among the gods of the people who were
all around them, and they bowed down to them; and they provoked the LORD to
anger. They forsook the LORD and served Baal and the Ashtoreths” (Jud. 2:11-13).

The worship of Baal and Ashtoreth took place in many places, such as the
temples dedicated to them, on roof tops of homes, and especially in the High
Places in and outside of every city. This Luciferian god and goddess demanded
human sacrifices, especially as burnt offerings, that is, burning the sacrifice
while he or she was still alive (Jer. 19:5). Baal generating power was symbolized
by the sun (2 Kings 23:5), and Ashtoreth main symbols were the moon and Venus.

A major practice of the worship of Baal and his consort Ashtoreth was having
male and female Sodomites or prostitutes in the temple: “And Judah did that
which was evil in the sight of the LORD; and they moved Him to jealousy with
their sins which they committed, above all that their fathers had done. For they
also built them High Places, and Pillars, and Asherim, on every High Hill, and
under every Leafy Tree; and there were also SODOMITES in the land; they did

according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD drove out before
the children of Israel” (1Ki 14:22-24, JPS; 15:12; 22:46).

The worship of Baal and Asherah (i.e. sacred trees, poles, and groves) was
also a form of Nature Worship 2 Kings 23:4, 5, 7, 10: “And [Josiah] the king [of
Judah] commanded Hilkiah the high priest… to bring out of the temple of the
LORD all the articles that were made for Baal, for Asherah, and for all the host of
heaven; and he burned them…. Then he removed the idolatrous priests whom the
kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense on the High Places in the cities of
Judah and in the places all around Jerusalem, and those who burned incense to
Baal, to the sun, to the moon, to the constellations, and to all the host of heaven.”

Jeremiah 32:35: “And they built the HIGH PLACES of BAAL which are in the Valley
of the Son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the
fire to Molech, which I did not command them, nor did it come into My mind that
they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.”

Lucifer’s Doctrine of Reincarnation of the Soul

Lucifer’s doctrine of transmigration of the soul was taught in the religions of

Babylon, Egypt, Persia and so on. The Jewish Encyclopedia speaking of the
Transmigration of the Soul Doctrine Refuted by Saadia stated:

The passing of souls into successive bodily forms, either human or animal,
according to Pythagoras, who probably learned the doctrine in Egypt, the
rational mind (ψρήν), after having been freed from the chains of the body,
assumes an ethereal vehicle, and passes into the region of the dead, where
it remains till it is sent back to this world to inhabit some other body,
human or animal. After undergoing successive purgations, and when it is
sufficiently purified, it is received among the gods, and returns to the
eternal source from which it first proceeded.

This doctrine was foreign to Judaism until about the eighth century, when,
under the influence of the Mohammedan mystics, it was adopted by the
Karaites and other Jewish dissenters…. Influence of Cabala: … if the soul,
on its first assumption of a human body and sojourn on earth, fails to
acquire that experience for which it descended from heaven, and becomes
contaminated by that which is polluting, it must reinhabit a body till it is
able to ascend in a PURIFIED STATE through repeated trials. This is the
theory of the Zohar…. The doctrine of metempsychosis still found great

opposition among the leaders of Judaism in the fourteenth and fifteenth
centuries. 131

Wikipedia encyclopedia speaking of the doctrine of the Reincarnation of

the Soul declared:

Reincarnation is believed to occur when the soul or spirit, after

the death of the body, comes back to life in a newborn body. This doctrine
is a central tenet within the majority of Indian religious traditions, such
as Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism; the Buddhist concept of rebirth is also
often referred to as reincarnation. The idea was also fundamental to
some Greek philosophers and religions as well as other religions, such
as Druidism, and later on, Spiritism, and Eckankar. It is also found in many
small-scale societies around the world, in places such as Siberia, West
Africa, North America, and Australia.

Although the majority of sects within Judaism, Christianity and Islam do

not believe that individuals reincarnate, particular groups within these
religions do refer to reincarnation; these groups include the mainstream
historical and contemporary followers of Kabbalah, the Cathars, the Alawi,
the Druze and the Rosicrucians…. The word ‘reincarnation’ derives from
Latin, literally meaning, ‘entering the flesh again’. The Greek
equivalent metempsychosis (μετεμψύχωσις) roughly corresponds to the
common English phrase ‘transmigration of the soul’ and also usually
connotes reincarnation after death, as either human, animal, though
emphasizing the continuity of the soul, not the flesh….

The Orphic religion, which taught reincarnation, first appeared in Thrace in

north-eastern Greece and Bulgaria, about the 6th century BC, organized
itself into Mystery Schools at Eleusis and elsewhere, and produced a
copious literature. Orpheus [700 BC], its legendary founder, is said to have
taught that the immortal soul aspires to freedom while the body holds it
prisoner. The wheel of birth revolves, the soul alternates between freedom
and captivity round the wide circle of necessity. Orpheus proclaimed the
need of the GRACE of the gods, DIONYSUS [i.e. BACCHUS or NIMROD] in
particular, and of SELF-PURIFICATION until the soul has completed the
spiral ascent of destiny to live for ever.132

The above encyclopedia under the heading of “Gilgul” also speaks of the
Kabbalistic Concept of Reincarnation. It declared:

Gilgulim describes a Kabbalistic concept of reincarnation. In Hebrew, the
word gilgul means ‘cycle’ and neshamot is the plural for ‘souls.’ Souls are
seen to ‘cycle’ through ‘lives’ or ‘incarnations’, being attached to different
human bodies over time. Which body they associate with depends on their
particular task in the physical world, spiritual levels of the bodies of
predecessors and so on…. Books of Kabbalah — Jewish Mysticism — teach
a belief in gilgul, transmigration of souls, and hence the belief is universal
in Hasidic Judaism, which regards the Kabbalah as sacred and

Doctors John M'Clintock and James Strong, in their Cyclopedia of Biblical

Theology and Early Literature, speaking of reincarnation said:

The transmigration of souls was also [meaning besides Babylon and Egypt]
a tenet of the Persian religion before the time of Zoroaster [i.e. the later
Zoroaster that lived around 575 BC], and was derived, with the language of
Avesta, from Indian sources. Pherecydes of Syrus, who lived before the age
of Zoroaster, taught the doctrine, and Pythagoras received it in Babylon
from the Magi.134

Charles Heckethorn in his book entitled The Secret Societies speaking about
the doctrines of Mystery Babylon that the Druids taught, which is an ancient
Babylonian Witchcraft Priesthood that originated at the Tower of Babel, wrote:

The Druids taught the doctrine of one supreme being, a future state of
rewards and punishments, the immortality of the soul, and
metempsychosis [reincarnation]…. They were of course, the sole
interpreters of religion.135

Lucifer’s Doctrine of the Purification of the Soul

in the Fires of Hades before Each Reincarnation

Lucifer perverted God’s future White Throne Judgment plan of just retribution,
which was torment in the Lake of Fire for different lengths of time and then
annihilation, to his conscious torment of the soul in the fires of Hades
immediately after death for its purification. In Lucifer's plan of salvation, no one
goes back to his or her so-called androgynous state right away. Every soul that
has been good or bad goes to the underworld after death, where it will be judged.

The following quotes will give my readers some idea of Mystery Babylon’s
teaching on immediate torment and purification of the soul in Hades after the
death of the body. The Zohar gives a very graphic picture of what happens to the
sinful soul immediately after death. It stated:

Demons are at hand to drag him [the sinner] to Gehenna and to deliver him
into the hands of Druma, who has been made chief of demons.... In
Gehenna there are certain places and grades called ‘Boiling Filth,’ where
the filth of the souls that have been polluted by filth of this world
accumulates. There these souls are PURIFIED by FIRE and made white….

The souls of men before ascending into Paradise are immersed in that
‘River of Fire’ where they are purged without being consumed…. For the
soul indeed originated in fire, being an emanation from the Divine Throne….
So, in order to be purged of its impurities it has to pass through fire. Thus
fire alone has the virtue of consuming every pollution in the soul, and
making it emerge pure and white…. Woe to the soul which is greatly
defiled, for that soul will have to pass t wice through the fire in order to
come out pure and white.136

Professor Bryan in The Republic of Plato spoke of the pagan doctrine of hell in
Plato’s time (428 – 348 BC). He wrote:

Passages in the Greek poets seem to indicate that the MYSTERIES were
intended to encourage belief in a future life, and in reward or punishment
there, as merited by the life on earth. Certain of the rites were supposed to
be a means of PURIFICATION from SIN, and reconciliation with the gods….
The unjust journey through the earth [Hades] and endure many sorrows and
terrible sights. For every wrong done during life, the soul must suffer
tenfold, and for special crimes there are extremes of torture…. After the
pilgrimage (in Hell) a new cycle of mortal life is granted to each soul. 137

Dr. Hastings in The Encyclopedia of Religion has this to say about Hades or
the Underworld:

In the view of ancient Acadians and Babylonians, the underworld is a

dreadful place.... One name for the netherworld is Kigal ‘the great
subterranean realm....' The realm is organized on the order of a political
state under the tyrannical rule of a king and queen, Nergal [probably

Nimrod] and Ereshkigal [probably Semiramis]. In Greek and Roman
literature the souls in Hades are said to be depicted as being weak and
extremely melancholy, always in search of escape from their sufferings
and finding none.

Especially painful are the sufferings of those who were either not properly
buried on the earth [probably some mystical religious rites performed for
the dead], or not suitably nourished with sacrificial food offerings [probably
those who did not obey and practice the doctrines of Mystery Babylon].
The dire nature of the torments suffered by the inmates is graphically
depicted in the story of Tantalus.138

The Catholic doctrine of PURGATORY is nothing but the Christianizing of the

Babylonian doctrine of the soul’s purification in Hades. Origen, in 230 AD, spoke
of this Catholic doctrine. He wrote:

Gehenna [is the] place of punishment, intended for the PURIFICATION of

such souls as are to be PURIFIED by TORMENTS…. Those who undergo the
process of purification, who have received into the substance of their soul
the elements of wickedness.139

There is very little difference between the Babylonian teaching on the Fires of
Hades for the purification of the soul immediately after death and the Roman
Catholic teaching of purgatory. When compared side by side, they are saying the
same thing. In the Catholic Baltimore Catechism #3, we read:

The judgment which will be passed on each one of us immediately after

death is called the Particular Judgment.... The SOUL will go... to its
punishment in Purgatory.... Since we do not know how long individual souls
are detained in Purgatory, there is need for persevering prayer for the
repose of the souls.... God punishes these souls, not in a spirit of
vengeance, but because He loves them and wills that they be FULLY
PURIFIED, so that they can be admitted to His presence. 140

Protestants, and I am ashamed to say oneness Pentecostals, teach a similar

doctrine of torment of lost souls immediately after death in hell. They have
formed this erroneous doctrine from an incorrect understanding of the events of
Luke 16:19-31. They have totally neglected the MANY SCRIPTURES that teach
SOUL SLEEP after the death of the body. For a through exegesis of these verses
of Scripture and the doctrine of Soul Sleep, I invite my readers to read my book

entitled What Happens to Man’s Spirit, Soul, and Body Immediately after Death ,
which is also given away on my website.

Lucifer's Doctrine of Eternal Torment of the Soul in Hades

Lucifer also taught that some souls are so sinful that they would never
become purified, and they will never find the other half of their soul, as a result,
they would spend eternity in the Fires of Hades. According to ancient Greek
historian Herodotus: “The whole period of TRANSMIGRATION occupies 3000

The Babylonian doctrine of Eternal Torment in the Fires of Hades is given in

The Zohar. It stated:

There are certain sinners who pollute themselves over and over again by
their own sins and are never purified…. These are they who are condemned
to REMAIN FOREVER in this place of boiling filth.142

In The History of Initiation, Reverend George Oliver speaking of the

Babylonian Priesthood threating those who did not believe their occult teachings
with Eternal Torment wrote:

[P. 20] The priests, thus potent and despotic, would not fail to consign to
universal execration and contempt in the present world, and ETERNAL
TORMENT in the next, the impious contemner of their rites , while rewards
and honours would be accumulated on those who distinguished themselves
in the defense of their apostasy from the simplicity of primitive worship….
[Pp. 21-22] And the triumph of this diabolical system was complete by the
invention of the Metempsychosis, in which they were taught to believe that
the unhappy soul of the wicked despiser of the Mysteries was doomed to a
transmigration of three thousand years’ duration.143

The Pharisees taught Lucifer’s Babylonian doctrines of hell. By the time Jesus
started His ministry, the Pharisees, had adapted the pagan beliefs of the
immortality of the soul and the immediate and eternal torments of it Hades after
death. Thank God there were a few Rabbis, such as Hillel and his school, who
held on to the truth. Because most of the Jews in Jesus’ day believed in these
pagan doctrines that the Pharisees taught, our Lord had a hard time reaching His
people with truth.

This is why He told His apostles and disciples to: “Take heed and beware of
the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees…. Then understood they how
that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the
Pharisees and of the Sadducees” (Mt 16:6, 12). Satan’s half-truths are more
dangerous than his outright lies, for through them God’s people stumble and fall
into false doctrines. Josephus described the pagan beliefs of the Pharisees on
hell. He WROTE:

The Pharisees… believe that souls have an IMMORTAL RIGOR in them, and
that under the earth there will be rewards or punishments, according as
they have lived virtuously or viciously in this life; and the latter [or lost] are
to be detained in an Everlasting Prison, but that the former shall have
power to revive and live again; on account of which doctrines they are able
greatly to persuade the body of the people.144

In 225 AD, Bishop Hippolytus says that the Pharisees:

Acknowledge that there is a resurrection of flesh, and that soul is

immortal, and that there will be a judgment and conflagration, and that the
righteous will be imperishable, but that the wicked will endure Everlasting
Punishment in unquenchable fire.145

There is no apparent difference between Lucifer's doctrines of the Immortal

Soul and Eternal Torment of the soul in Fire of Hades and that of the Catholic,
Protestant, and Pentecostal Churches. One thing is for sure Mystery Babylon is
where these lying false doctrines first originated. In 230 AD, a pagan priest by the
name of Celsus mocks Catholic priests for stealing their doctrine of Eternal
Torment. Origen, a Catholic priest, declared:

Celsus… wishes to show that our [Catholic] doctrines are SIMILAR to those
delivered by the priests at the celebration of the heathen MYSTERIES. He
says, ‘Just as you, good sir, believe in ETERNAL PUNISHMENTS, so also do
the priests who interpret and initiate into the sacred MYSTERIES. The
same punishments with which you threaten others, they threaten you…. He
would, then, have us believe that we and the interpreters of the
MYSTERIES equally teach the doctrine of ETERNAL PUNISHMENT, and that
it is a matter for inquiry on which side of the two the truth lies…. ‘They
[Celsus and his followers] are rightly persuaded that those who live well
shall be blessed, and the unrighteous shall all suffer everlasting

punishments. And from this doctrine neither they nor any other should ever

The Gemara Babylonicum, a book written by Jews during the Babylonian

Captivity, contained doctrines that were taught by pagans concerning Hades and
the state of the soul after death. These doctrines of hell resembled the Pharisees’
doctrine of hell. Without a doubt, the pagans taught the doctrines of the
immortality of the soul, and immediate and eternal torment of the lost after death,
long before it became doctrines taught by the Pharisees. The Luciferian doctrines
of immortality of the soul and eternal torment were not obtained from the Old
Testament, and yet they were fully believed by Cultic Jews and pagans when
Christ came. It is obvious that the Pharisees of the time of Christ had abandoned
the Old Testament teachings concerning God’s just retribution. They had made
void the word of God by their traditions.

How did the Pharisees come to adopt these doctrines of hell? It is hard to tell,
but somewhere after the Jews came out of the Babylonian Captivity, some of the
Jewish Rabbis wrote the occult books of the Cabala, which contained the
doctrines of the Babylonian Religion. Somewhere shortly before or during the
Maccabaean period, which was the time of the rise of the Pharisees, these occult
doctrines were being taught publicly. In the book of Maccabees there is a
wonderful story of a mother and her seven son’s devotion to God. This mother and
her sons all died as martyrs. As we read what some of the sons said to the Syrian
King Antiochus IV (Antiochus Epiphanes - 175-164 BC), we can perceive that
some of doctrines of Lucifer’s Babylonian Religion had infiltrated into Judaism in
their day. Let us read what these Jews men were taught about Hades:

[The third son of this woman told King Antiochus] We, most abominable
tyrant, are suffering because of our godly training and virtue, but you,
because of your impiety and bloodthirstiness, will undergo Unceasing
Torments [4Mac 10:8-11, RSV, The seventh son told this King] Because of
this, justice has laid up for you intense and Eternal Fire and Tortures, and
these throughout all time will never let you go [4Mac 12:12, RSV].

A Brief Summary of the Origin of the Zoroastrian

Religion and Later on the Babylonian Religion
The Word of God speaking about some of the people that lived after the flood
of Noah declared: “For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God

nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts
were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and
exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man
and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful
desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with
one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served
created things [ktisis i.e. creation] rather than the Creator-- who is forever
praised. Amen” (Rom 1:21-25, NIV).

Dr. James Strong in his work entitled Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the
Bible defined the Greek word “ktisis” to mean: “creation”.147 It is obvious from this
passage of Scripture that the knowledge of the true God was not a mystery to
these people, but as some religious people of today they did not like this truth.
Therefore they set up the religion of Nature Worship ! The truth concerning the
godhead, the soul of man, and the soul’s future destiny, was totally perverted at
the Tower of Babel. It was at this Tower where the first false religion began,
which was created by Nimrod. It probably was the same false religion that Lucifer
gave to Cain and his descendants in the Antediluvian world.

Nimrod was the son of Cush, who was a son of Ham, who was a son of Noah
(Gen 10:1-8). Nimrod became so perverted that he married his own mother. In his
rebellion against God, Nimrod started through Satan's tutoring a priesthood that
practiced witchcraft, magic, astrology, and ancestor worship. Nimrod worshipped
Lucifer as Baal the sun god. He worshipped Lucifer's demons as various planets,
stars, and constellations; that is, Nimrod set up the religion of Nature Worship,
which consisted of Pantheism, Animism, and Polytheism.

He also taught the Zoroastrian doctrine of two gods. The good god to Nimrod
and his followers was Lucifer, whom they claimed created all the good things in
life, such as the soul of man; and the evil god was the LORD or YHWH, whom they
declared created the evil things in life, such as the body of man. It was under
Lucifer or the Serpent’s instructions that the doctrines of Immortality,
Reincarnation, the Perfection of the Soul through the Fires of Hades, and other
doctrines began to be taught as the way for mankind to supposedly enter back
into heaven or paradise and regain his godhood. Of course, the soul had to be
purified in the fires of Hades after each reincarnation, so it can enter into life
perfect. These are just a few of Nimrod's crimes against God and man.

Semiramis, Nimrod’s mother and wife, after Nimrod’s death had him defied as
god the father, and identified him with the sun god whose biblical name was Baal,

(1Ki 18:21-40); Therefore, Nimrod became the SECOND DEIFIED MAN in history.
Semiramis also gave him the name of Zoroaster, thereby making him the SECOND
ZOROASTER in history; Nimrod’s father Cush was the FIRST ZOROASTER. She
also had herself deified as Ashtoreth (Hebrew) or Astarte (Greek), the Queen of
Heaven or the mother of god and the gods (Jer 44:17-25), since she was the wife
of Cush, and the mother and wife of Nimrod. Semiramis thus became the FIRST
DEIFIED WOMAN in history.

After Nimrod’s death, she had her illegitimate son, by the name of Tammuz,
deified whom she claimed was Nimrod’s soul reincarnated; therefore Tammuz
was worshipped as the FIRST LIVING HUMAN GOD that dwelt among men (Eze
8:14). It is at this point, the Babylonian Trinity of three separate and distinct
persons or beings in one united godhead came into existence, and Lucifer's
doctrines of Immortality, Transmigration, and Perfection of the Soul that was
taught by Nimrod was confirmed by Semiramis.

These occult doctrines later became know as the Babylonian Mysteries or as

God called it “Mystery Babylon”. They were called “the Mysteries” because
Semiramis and her followers formed SECRETE SOCIETIES to teach their occult
doctrines; thus Secrete Societies were born through the perverse teachings of
this harlot woman. She formed these Secrete Societies because Shem, one of
Noah's sons, killed her son, husband, and lover Nimrod and cut his body into 14
pieces and sent them throughout Babylon as a warning to those who taught the
doctrines of this Occult Cultic Religion.

Thus Satan knowing the true doctrines of Christ, which should come into the
world, imitated and perverted them with his Mystery Religion. In time Semiramis’
Babylonian Trinitarian doctrine of one god became more important than Nimrod’s
Zoroastrian doctrine of the godhead in the Babylonian Mysteries. Since the father,
son, and mother were suppose to be the first humans to supposedly return to the
eighth heaven as gods, this gave their followers hope of their soul returning back
to paradise as gods! In other words, the Babylonian Trinity was connected to the
doctrine of man’s deification.

What Does the Bible Mean

by the Term Mystery Babylon

John speaking about this false cultic religious system wrote: “Upon her
forehead was a name written, Mystery Babylon, the great MOTHER of HARLOTS

and abominations of the earth” (Jn 17:5). Since the Bible called this religious
system Mystery Babylon, or the Babylonian Mysteries, what does the word
“mystery” mean? The word “mystery” is the Greek word “musterion” which Dr.
Strong defined as:

A secret or ‘mystery’ (through the idea of silence impose by INITIATION


The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian
Literature by Dr. Walter Bauer gave the cultic meaning of “musterion” as:

‘Secret, secret rite, secret teaching, mystery’ a religious t.t. (predom. pl.)
applied in the Greek-Roman world mostly to the mysteries with their secret
teachings, religious and political in nature , concealed within many strange
customs and ceremonies. The principal rites remain unknown because of a
reluctance in antiquity to divulge them (trag.+; Hdt. 2, 51, 2; Diod. S. 1, 29,
3; 3, 63, 2; Socrat., Ep. 27, 3; Cornutus 28 p. 56, 22; 57, 4; Alciphron 3, 26,
1…. Only the perfected Gnostic is tw/n musthri,wn avkroath,j Hippol., Ref. 5, 8, 29…
The Dionysiac Mysteries of the Hell.149

The only religion in the world today and in times past that can be called the
“MOTHER of all false religious systems” is the Babylonian Religion. Most false
religious systems have some of Babylon’s cultic mysteries or doctrines, but the
Roman Catholic Church has incorporated and spiritualized most, if not all, of the
occult doctrines of Mystery Babylon in their occult form of Christianity. Since God
called the cultic doctrines and religious rites of the Babylonian Religion by the
term of “musterion” or “mysteries”, in the above passage of Scripture, let us see
what the occult authorities have to say about this term. The Encyclopedia of
Occultism and Parapsychology, under the heading of “Mysteries,” stated that it

A term for what is secret or concealed in a religious context.... The

mysteries were secret cults, to which only certain initiated people were
admitted after a period of preliminary preparation.... But the mysteries
appear to have circled around the semi-dramatic representation or
mystery- play of the life of a deity.150

Let my beloved readers take note, the religious doctrines of the Mysteries
centered on Semiramis’ Babylonian Trinitarian doctrine of the godhead. In a book

entitled Secret Societies and Subversive Movements by Nesta Webster, under the
sub-title “The Mysteries”, we read:

Now from the earliest times groups of initiates or wise men [i.e. the
Babylonian Priesthood] have existed, claiming to be in possession of
esoteric doctrines known as the Mysteries, incapable of apprehension by
the vulgar, and relating to the origin and end of man, the life of the soul
after death, and the nature of god or the gods.… The Initiates believe that
the sacred mysteries should not be revealed to the profane but should
remain exclusively in their own keeping.151

In The History of Initiation by Reverend George Oliver, we can read about

some of the doctrines Mystery Babylon taught. He wrote:

The doctrines of the mysteries formed another and more decisive evidence
of their common origin and primitive application. They exhibit traces,
which cannot be mistaken, of the unity and trinity of the godhead; of the
creation and fall of man; the promise of a Mediator, who should expiate sin
by a voluntary death; the doctrine of redemption by blood, of a vicarious
sacrifice, by the efficacy of which, a single life would be accepted as a
sacrifice for all.

We discover, in these remarkable institutions, fables which bear an

undoubted reference to the sin of our first parents, and their exclusion
from the garden of bliss, where they were originally placed by their
beneficent Creator, a sin produced by the intervention of a serpent
tempter; to the first fratricide [i.e. one that murders his or her own brother
or sister], and the transactions of the antediluvian world; to the destruction
of the human race for their iniquities by the waters of a deluge. 152

Professor W. L. Bryan, in his work entitled The Republic of Plato, made these
statements about mystery religions before and after Plato time:

Passages in the Greek poets seem to indicate that the mysteries were
intended to encourage belief in a future life, and in reward or punishment
there, as merited by the life on earth. Certain of the rites were supposed to
be a means of purification from sin, and reconciliation with the gods….
[Bryan quoting Plato] And they [the gods] produce a host of books written
by Musaeus [700 BC] and Orpheus [700 BC].

Who are [supposedly] children of the Moon [symbolism for Semiramis as
the goddess Ashtoreth]…. They perform their ritual, and persuade not only
individuals, but whole cities, that expiations and atonements for sin may
be made by sacrifices.… [These religious doctrines] they call MYSTERIES…
[that] redeem us from the pains of hell.153

When and Where Did the Mysteries of

the Zoroastrian and Babylonian Religions Begin?

All the major doctrines of the Mysteries had their beginnings at the Tower of
Babel. The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology commenting on the
Rev. G. Oliver’s book, entitled The History of Initiation (1829 AD), has this to say
about the subject. The Reverend Oliver affirmed that the rites of the science,
which is now received under the name of Freemasonry, were: “Practiced by man
at the building of Babel…. At the dispersion [it] spread with every settlement”.154

The Methodist Minister Alexander Hislop, in his outstanding book The Two
Babylons (1858 AD), gave a very clear, accurate and extremely well documented
historical account of the secret Mysteries of the Babylonian Religion. He made a
very striking comparison between the doctrines of the ancient Babylonian
Religion and the Roman Catholic Religion of the past and of today. Speaking of
the origin of the mysteries Hislop wrote:

All who paid the least attention to the literature of Greece, Egypt,
Phoenicia, or Rome are aware of the place which the Mysteries occupied in
these countries, and that, whatever circumstantial diversities there might
be, in all essential respects these Mysteries in the different countries were
the SAME. Now, as the language of Jeremiah, already quoted, would
indicate that BABYLON was the PRIMAL SOURCE from which all these
systems of idolatry flowed, so the deductions of the most learned
historians, on mere historical grounds, have led to the same conclusion. 155

Who Started the Mysteries

of the Zoroastrian and Babylonian Religions?

Now that it has been established when and where the mysteries began, who
started this religious system? According to history, it all started with Nimrod at
the Tower of Babel. Some historians believe Nimrod was a black man because all
statues of him picture him as such. This blackness could also represent the
DARKNESS of his Occult Teaching instead of his skin color. The Bible reveals that
Nimrod was a son of Cush, who was a son of Ham, who was a son of Noah, (Gen

Nimrod’s placed in history is very important if one wants to understand the

origin of the cultic religious system; for he was the FIRST: king, tyrant,
warmonger, idolater, and the first to set up Nature Worship or the Zoroastrian
Religion after the flood of Noah. Nimrod hated God because He struck down his
father with a lighting bolt for his apostasy. Nimrod’s history can be found in the
Ante Nicene Father in a work entitled the “Recognition of Clement,” which some
believe was written by Clement of Rome in 100 AD, while others believe it was
Clement of Alexandria Egypt around 215 AD. This work revealed that it was:

Ham, [who] unhappily discovered the magical act, and handed down the
instruction of it to one of his sons [i.e. Cush], who was called Mesraim,
from whom the race of the Egyptians and Babylonians and Persians are
descended. Him the nations who then existed called Zoroaster, admiring
him as the first author of the magic art…. He therefore, being much and
frequently intent upon the stars, and wishing to be esteemed a god among
them, began to draw forth, as it were, certain sparks from the stars [i.e.
lighting], and to show them to men, in order that the rude and ignorant
might be astonished, as with a miracle; and desiring to increase this
estimation of him, he attempted these things again and again, until he was
set on fire [i.e. struck by lighting]….

But the foolish men, who were then, [erected]… a sepulcher to his [Cush’s]
honor, they went so far as to adore him as a friend of God, and one who
had been removed to heaven in a chariot of lightning, and to worship him
as if he were a living star. Hence also, his name was called Zoroaster after
his death, that is, a LIVING STAR. [Nimrod, no doubt, capitalized on their
worship of his father, and therefore started his own religion, that is, Nature
Worship or Zoroastrianism]….

The magic art having been handed down to him [Nimrod, the son of Cush]
as by a flash, whom the Greeks, also called Ninus, and from whom the city
of Nineveh took its name. Thus, therefore, diverse and erratic superstitions
took their beginning from the magic art. For, because it was difficult to
draw away the human race from the love of God, and attach them to deaf
and lifeless images, the magicians made use of higher efforts, that men

might be turned to erratic worship, by signs among the stars, and motions
brought down as it were from heaven, and by the will of God….

And those who had been first deceived, collecting the ashes of Zoroaster
[Cush], who, as we have said, was burned up by the indignation of the
demon, to whom he had been too troublesome, brought them to the
Persians, that they might be preserved by them with perpetual watching,
as divine fire fallen from heaven, and might be worshipped as a heavenly

Lucifer Used Nimrod to Set Up

the Zoroastrian Religion

Josephus, the ancient Jewish historian, who wrote his history of the Jewish
race around 95 AD, declared it was:

Nimrod who excited them [the people] to such an affront and contempt of
God.... He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no
other way of turning men from the fear of God but to bring them into a
constant dependence upon his power.... Now the multitude were ready to
follow the determination of Nimrod and esteem it apiece of cowardice to
submit to God; and they built a TOWER.... The place wherein they built the
TOWER is now called BABYLON.157

This tower was the first religious temple built to worship Nature as god. In
The Jewish Encyclopedia speaking of the Tower of Babel stated:

In Rabbinical Literature: The Midrashim give different accounts of the real

cause for building the Tower of Babel, and of the intentions of its builders.
It was regarded even in the Tannaite tradition as a rebellion against God
(Mek., Mishptaim, 20, ed. Weiss, p. 107; Gen. R. xxxviii. 9), and the later
Midrash records that the builders of the Tower, called , ‘the
generation of secession’ in the Jewish sources, said: ‘He—God—has no
right to choose the upper world for Himself, and to leave the lower world to
us; therefore we will build us a Tower, with an idol on the top holding a
sword, so that it may appear as if it intended to war with God’ (Gen. R.
xxxviii. 7; Tan., ed. Buber, Noah, xxvii. et seq.)…. The mighty Tower was
blown down by winds (Sibyllines l.c.; Josephus, l.c.; Mek., Beshallaḥ, 4, ed.
Weiss, 37). 158

The same encyclopedia, under the heading of Nimrod, stated that he was

Son of Cush and grandson of Ham; his name has become proverbial as that
of a mighty hunter. His ‘kingdom’ comprised Babel, Erech, Accad, and
Calneh, in the land of Sinar, otherwise known as the land of Nimrod (Gen.
x. 8-10; I Chron. i. 10; Micah v. 5 [A. V. 6]), E. G. H. M. Sel. In Rabbinical
Literature: Nimrod is the prototype of a rebellious people, his name being
interpreted as ‘he who made all the people rebellious against God’ (Pes.
94b; comp. Targ. of pseudo-Jonathan and Targ. Yer. to Gen. x. 9)…. He was
also the first to make war on other peoples (Midr. Agadah to Gen. x. 9)….
The Tower is called by the Rabbis ‘the House of Nimrod,’ and is considered
as a House of Idolatry… ('Ab. Zarah 53b). After the builders of the Tower
were dispersed Nimrod remained in Shinar, where he reestablished his

Critical View: Two prominent theories are now held in regard to Nimrod's
identity: one, adopted by G. Smith and Jeremias, is that Nimrod is to be
identified with the Babylonian hero Izdubar or Gishdubar (Gilgamesh); the
second, that of Sayce, Pinches, and others, identifies Nimrod with Marduk,
the Babylonian Mercury. The former identification is based on the fact that
Izdubar is represented in the Babylonian epos as a mighty hunter, always
accompanied by four dogs, and as the founder of the first great kingdom in

Those who identify Nimrod with Marduk… generally conceded, ‘Gilgamesh,’

and that the signs which constitute the name of Marduk, who also is
represented as a hunter, are read phonetically ‘Amar Ud’; and
ideographically they may be read ‘Namr Ud’—in Hebrew ‘Nimrod.’ The
difficulty of reconciling the Biblical Nimrod, the son of Cush, with Marduk,
the son of Ea, may be overcome by interpreting the Biblical words as
meaning that Nimrod was a descendant of Cush. 159

The religion that Nimrod first set up was the Luciferian Religion that is known
as Zoroastrianism. It was an open worship of Lucifer in Nature Worship, who was
worship as the sun god Baal. After Cush’s death, Nimrod’s father, Nimrod deified
his father as Baal the sun god. Cush was the first Zoroaster. Hislop revealed:

Serpent-worship was a part of the primeval apostasy of Nimrod. The fiery
nature of the serpent... who when deified, was worshipped as the grand
regenerator of the souls of men.... Thus was the sun, the great fire-god,
identified with the serpent [Lucifer].160

Stephen Jones, in his book entitled The Babylonian Connection, declared:

Those who have studied the occult know that witchcraft traces its origin
to Mystery Babylon and its founder Nimrod.161

Edith Starr Miller (Lady Queenborough), in her book Occult Theocracy in

volume 1, chp. 30, quotes a letter Albert Pike (12/29/1809–4/2/1891 - an attorney,
Confederate brigadier general, and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish
Rites of the Freemason) wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini (6/22/1805–3/10/1872 - an
Italian revolutionary, politician, and Sovereign Grand Master of the Grand Orient
of Freemasons in Italy). In her book Miller informs us:

[pp. 216-217] Palladism is essentially a Luciferian rite. Its religion is

Manichean neo-Gnosticism, teaching that the divinity is DUAL and that
Lucifer is the equal of Adonay… with Lucifer, the god of Light and
Goodness struggling for humanity against Adonay the God of Darkness and
Evil. In stating this principle of the secret cult of the triangles, Albert Pike
had only specified and unveiled the dogmas of the high grades of all other
masonries, for it no matter what rite, the Great Architect of the Universe is
not the God worshipped by the Christians….

[pp 220-221] The theological dogma of Albert Pike is explained in the

‘Instructions’ issued by him, on July 14, 1889, to the 23 Supreme Councils
of the world and have been recorded by A. C. De La Rive in La Femme et
l'Enfant dans la Franc-Maçonnerie Universelle (page 588) from which book
we translate and quote as follows: ‘That which we must say to the crowd is
— We worship a god, but it is the god that one adores without superstition.’
To you, Sovereign Grand Inspector General, we say this, that you may
repeat it to the Brethren of the 32 nd, 31st, and 30th degrees. The Masonic
Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in
the purity of the LUCIFERIAN DOCTRINE.

‘If Lucifer were not god, would Adonay… whose deeds prove his cruelty,
perfidy, and hatred of man, barbarism and repulsion for science, would
Adonay and his priests, calumniate him? ‘Yes, Lucifer is god, and

unfortunately Adonay is also God. For the eternal law is that there is no
light without shade, no beauty without ugliness, no white without black, for
the absolute can only exist as two Gods: darkness being necessary to light
to serve as its foil as the pedestal is necessary to the statue, and the
brake to the locomotive…. the divine dualism is demonstrated by the
phenomena of polarity and by the universal law of sympathies and

That is why the intelligent disciples of Zoroaster, as well as, after them,
the Gnostics, the Manicheans, and the Templars have admitted, as the only
logical metaphysical conception, the system of the two divine principles
fighting eternally, and one cannot believe the one inferior in power to the
other.’ Thus, the doctrine of Satanism is a heresy; and the true and pure
philosophic religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but
Lucifer, god of Light and god of Good, is struggling for humanity against
Adonay, the God of Darkness and Evil. 162

In the Ante Nicene Fathers, a student of history can discover a dispute

between the Christian Archelaus and a Gnostic prophet by the name of Manes,
who taught the doctrine of Zoroastrianism in his Gnostic Manichaeism. Manes, as
well as all Zoroastrians, taught the good god was Lucifer and the evil God was
YHWH. The Ante Nicene Fathers records this debate this way:

[Sec 1, pg 375, A.D. 277] A certain memorable Disputation, which was

conducted by a bishop of the name of Archelaus with the heretic Manes or
Manicaeus, is mentioned by various writers of an early date…. The locality
of the bishopric of Archelaus was in… Charra… [in] Mesopotamia, which is
also written Charra in Paulus Diaconus. This debate was supervised by
Marcellus and the Christian Judges with him at his home….

[Sec] 7. Turbo [a follower of Manes or a Manichean] accordingly gave a

lucid account of the whole position, narrating and expounding the terms of
his faith in the following manner: If you are desirous of being instructed in
the faith of Manes by me, attend to me for a short space. That man
worships TWO DEITIES, UNORIGINATED, self-existent, eternal, opposed
the one to the other. Of these he represents the one [Ormuzd, i.e. the spirit
deity Lucifer] as GOOD, and the other [Spirit Deity Ahriman, i.e. YHWH] as
EVIL, and assigns the name of Light to the former, and that of Darkness to
the latter. He alleges also that the soul in men is a portion of the light [i.e.

a portion of deity], but that the body and the formation of matter are parts
of the darkness [i.e. created by YHWH].

He maintains, further, that a certain commingling or blending has been

effected between the two in the manner about to be stated, the following
analogy being used as an illustration of the same; to wit, that their
relations may be likened to those of two kings in conflict with each other,
who are antagonists from the beginning, and have their own positions,
each in his due order….

[Sec] 9. I shall explain to you also how it is that the soul is transfused into
five bodies. First of all, in this process some small portion of it is purified;
and then it is transfused into the body of a dog, or a camel, or some other
animal. But if the soul has been guilty of homicide, it is translated into the
body of the celephi; and if it has been found to have engaged in cutting; it
is made to pass into the body of the dumb….

[Sec] 10. if the soul makes its exit without having gained the knowledge of
the truth, it is given over to the demons, in order that they may subdue it in
the Gehennas of fire; and after that discipline it is made to pass into bodies
with the purpose of being brought into subjection, and in this manner it is
cast into the mighty fire until the consummation [i.e. the end]. Again,
regarding the prophets amongst you, he speaks thus: Their spirit is one of
impiety, or of the lawlessness of the darkness which arose at the
beginning. And being deceived by this spirit, they have not spoken truth;
for the prince blinded their mind….

[Sec] 11. Him [i.e. the God of Darkness YHWH], again, who spake with
Moses, and the Jews, and the priests, he declares to be the prince of the
darkness; so that the Christians, and the Jews, and the Gentiles are one
and the same body, worshipping the same God: for He seduces them in His
own passions, being no God of truth. For this reason all those who hope in
that God who spake with Moses and the prophets have to be bound
together with the said deity, because they have not hoped in the god of
truth; for that deity spake with him in accordance with their own passions.

[Sec 36, pg 426: Archelaus reveals the true origin of Manes religion, which
was a form of Zoroastrian and Babylonian Religions mixed with the
Christian doctrine. Manes claimed to be an apostle of Christ with a perfect
knowledge of the truth. Archelaus rebuked him by saying:] O’ Barbarian

priest and crafty coadjutor of Mithras [i.e. the Roman sun-god of the
oriental mystery cult], you will only be a worshipper of the sun-god Mithras,
who is the illuminator of places of mystic import, as you opine [i.e. rave],
and the self-conscious deity; that is, you will sport as his worshippers do,
and you will celebrate, though with less elegance as it were, his

[A Fragment of the Same Disputation, sec] 1. Archelaus said to Manes:

Give us a statement now of the doctrines you promulgate. — Thereupon the
man, whose mouth was like an open sepulcher, began at once with a word
of blasphemy against the Maker of all things, saying: ‘The God of the Old
Testament is the inventor of evil, who speaks thus of Himself: ‘I am a
consuming fire.’ 163

Therefore, as my beloved readers can perceive by now that the Zoroastrian

doctrine of two gods, that is, Lucifer being the good god and YHWH being the evil
God, which Nimrod started was not only in religions of the past but also in the
present. The Encyclopedia of Religion by Dr. James Hasting spoke of the doctrine
of Zoroastrianism this way:

Zoroastrianism has been considered by Muhammadan and Christian

authors as the perfect expression of religious DUALISM…. [According to
modern day Parsis] the soul of the virtuous crosses the Chinvat Bridge, and
is admitted into the house of purity and eternal light…. The soul of the
wicked goes to the house of impurity and darkness, reproached by its
conscience, bemoans its state, and utter cries of lamentation.

The site of reward or punishment is to continue till Frasho-kereti or

Farshogard, i.e. the renovation of the world, when the whole creation is to
start afresh. The notion of the IMMORTALITY of the SOUL and a future life,
distinctly expressed in the Gathas, pervades the whole of the LATER
Avesta literature, and is entirely accepted by the Paris. 164

The Jewish Kabbalah is the doctrines of the Babylonian Religion or Mystery

Babylon in a Jewish window dressing, which a few Jewish Rabbis brought with
them when they came out of Babylonian Captivity in -0538 BC. Evidently some
Rabbis sole their souls to Lucifer in Babylon and perverted the true Biblical
teachings of the Jewish Torah and the Prophets with that of Lucifer’s Babylonian
doctrines. Wikipedia encyclopedia gave the following information concerning the
Jewish Kabbalah:

This article is about traditional Jewish Kabbalah…. It became the central
foundation of later Jewish mystical development. Kabbalah is a set of
esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an eternal
and mysterious Creator and the mortal and finite universe (His creation).
While it is heavily used by some denominations, it is not a denomination in
and of itself; it is a set of scriptures that exist outside the traditional
Jewish Scriptures…. Kabbalah teaches doctrines that are accepted by
some Jews as the true meaning of Judaism while other Jews have rejected
these doctrines as HERETICAL and antithetical to Judaism….

The central metaphor of Man's SOUL is used to describe the Sephirot. This
incorporates MASCULINE and FEMININE aspects, after Genesis 1:27 (‘God
created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him, male
and female He created them’)…. The Sephirot are considered revelations of
the Creator's will (ratzon), and they should not be understood as ten
different ‘gods’ but as ten different ways the one God reveals His will
through the Emanations. It is not God who changes but the ability to
perceive God that changes….

The Kabbalah posits that the HUMAN SOUL has three elements,
the nefesh, ru'ach, and neshamah. The nefesh is found in all humans, and
ENTERS the physical body at BIRTH…. A common way of explaining the
three parts of the soul is as follows: Nefesh (‫)נפש‬: the lower part, or ‘animal
part’, of the soul. It is linked to instincts and bodily cravings. Ruach (‫)רוח‬:
the middle soul, the ‘spirit’. It contains the moral virtues and the ability to
distinguish between good and evil. Neshamah (‫)נשמה‬: the higher soul, or

Kabbalah teaches that every Hebrew letter, word, number, even the
accent on words of the Hebrew Bible contains a hidden sense…. By
converting letters to numbers, Kabbalists were able to find a hidden
meaning in each word. This method of interpretation was used extensively
by various schools…. Because it [the Kabbalah] is by definition esoteric
[pagan mystical mysteries], no popular account (including an
encyclopedia) can provide a complete, precise, and accurate explanation
of the Kabbalah….

For example, Sefer Raziel HaMalach, an astro-magical text partly based on

a magical manual of late antiquity, Sefer ha-Razim, was, according to the

kabbalists, transmitted to Adam by the angel Raziel AFTER he was evicted
from Eden…. This tendency toward pseudepigraphy has its roots in
Apocalyptic literature, which claims that esoteric knowledge such
as magic, divination and astrology was transmitted to humans in the
mythic past by the two angels, Aza and Azaz'el (in other places, Azaz'el and
Uzaz'el) who ‘FELL’ from heaven (see Genesis 6:4)….

One of the most serious and sustained criticisms is that it [the Kabbalah]
may lead away from monotheism, and instead promote DUALISM, the belief
that there is a supernatural counterpart to God. The DUALISTIC SYSTEM
holds that there is a good power versus an evil power …which goes back to
ZOROASTRIANISM, believes creation is ontologically divided between good
and evil forces…. While God may seem to exhibit dual natures
(MASCULINE-FEMININE, compassionate-judgmental, creator-creation), all
adherents of… Kabbalistic texts, including the Zohar, appear to affirm
DUALISM…. The Zohar proved to be the first truly ‘popular’ work of
Kabbalah, and the most influential. 165

Lucifer Used Semiramis to Set Up

the Babylonian Religion

Lucifer, using Semiramis, perverted God’s plan of Christ dying for the sins of
the world by claiming that Nimrod was the promise seed of the woman and the
savior of the world. According to Ed & Jody Scharf Mitchell in their book The
Mystery of Babylon Revealed declared it was because of all the atrocities Nimrod
had committed, especially the sacrifice of babies:

Nimrod's great uncle, Shem, one of Noah's sons, became so outraged at

this evil that he killed Nimrod and cut him in pieces and sent these
throughout Babylon as a warning to those in cult worship. Nimrod's
followers were shattered, and they were afraid to sin in public for fear the
same thing would happen to them…. [Therefore] Satan changed his plan
from open devil worship to a subtle, hidden way of getting people to
worship him.

With Nimrod gone, Satan worked through Semiramis, [who was the High
Priestess in Nimrod’s Zoroastrian religion], to unleash the most insidious,
diabolical scheme ever. After Nimrod's death, Semiramis announced that
Nimrod was a god - the sun god, Baal.... Semiramis declared herself a

goddess and called herself queen of heaven, whose symbol was the moon.
She set up an UNDERGROUND RELIGION.... This was the be ginning of

This was the beginning of not only Secret Societies, but of all mystery
religions. How did Semiramis manage to deceive the people concerning Nimrod’s
deification? Hislop gives us the answer, he says:

In life her husband had been honored as a hero; in death she will have him
worshipped as a god, yea as the woman's promise seed, Zero-Ashta, who
was destined to bruise the serpent's head, and in doing so, was to have his
own heel bruised. The patriarchs, and the ancient world in general, were
perfectly acquainted with the grand primeval promise of Eden, and they
knew right well that the bruising of the heel of the promise seed implied
his death, and that the curse could be removed from the world only by the
death of the grand deliverer.… Hence Zero-Ashta, the seed of the woman
became Zoroaster, the well-known name of the head of the Fire-

The scheme, thus skillfully formed, took effect. Semiramis gained glory
from her dead and deified husband.… The licentious and dissolute life of
Semiramis gave her many children, for whom no ostensible father on earth
would be alleged.… All that was needful was just to teach that Ninus
[Nimrod] had reappeared in the person of a posthumous son, of a fair
complexion, supernaturally borne by his widowed wife after the father had
gone to glory.... It was from her son that she derived all her glory and
claims to deification.… [Semiramis] was worshipped by the Babylonians
and other eastern nations under the name of Rhea, the great goddess

Thus Semiramis formed the first human godhead in history of three separate
and distinct human persons or beings: Nimrod the Father, Tammuz the Son, and
Semiramis the Mother. In Scripture, Nimrod as a god is known as Baal the sun
god, as in Jud 6:25-32, 1Ki 16:31-32, 2Ki 10:18-28 and Jer 11:13-17. Tammuz is
known as Tammuz as in Eze 8:14. Semiramis is known as Ashtoreth as in Jud 2:13
and 1Sa 7:3-4. The Bible also refers to her as the Queen of Heaven in Jer 7:18 and
44:17-25. This godhead doctrine not only became a major part of the Babylonian
Mystery Religion, but also all of her daughters. In the Bible this Luciferian
Religion is known Mystery Babylon.

Donald Alexander Mackenzie (1873 – March 2, 1936) was a Scottish journalist
and prolific writer on religion, mythology and anthropology in the early 20 th
century. In his book Myths of Babylonia and Assyria published in 1915, he
revealed that Semiramis or Ashtoreth or Ishtar was the supreme god of the
Trinitarian doctrine of the Babylon Religion. He wrote:

[Ch. 1, p. 18] Hymn to Ishtar: To thee I cry, O lady of the gods, Lady of
ladies, goddess without peer, Ishtar who SHAPES the lives of all mankind;
Thou stately world queen, sovereign of the sky, and lady ruler of the host of
heaven. Illustrious is thy name… Ishtar most high, who art EXALTED OVER
ALL THE GODS…. Anu and Bel and Ea have thee [you] raised to rank
supreme, in majesty and power. They have established thee above the
gods and all the host of heaven…

[Ch 5, p.81] AMONG the gods of Babylonia none achieved wider and more
enduring fame than Tammuz, who was loved by Ishtar, the amorous Queen
of Heaven--the beautiful youth who died and was mourned for and came to
life again. He does not figure by his popular name in any of the city
pantheons, but from the earliest times of which we have knowledge until
the passing of Babylonian civilization, he played a prominent part in the
religious life of the people….

Tammuz, like Osiris of Egypt, was an agricultural deity.... He was also [p.
82] ‘the child’, ‘the heroic lord’, ‘the sentinel’, ‘the healer’, and the patriarch
who reigned over the early Babylonians for a considerable period…. [P. 83]
The Babylonian myth of TAMMUZ, the dying god, bears a close
resemblance to the Greek myth of ADONIS. It also links with the myth of

[P. 89] Although TAMMUZ of the hymns was SLAIN, he returned again from
Hades. Apparently he came back as a child. He is wailed for as ‘child, Lord
Gishzida’, as well as ‘my hero Damu’. In his lunar character the Egyptian
Osiris appeared each month as ‘the child surpassingly beautiful’; the Osiris
bull was also a child of the moon; ‘it was begotten’, says Plutarch, ‘by a ray
of generative light falling from the moon’…. [P. 90] A couplet from a
Tammuz hymn says tersely: ‘In his infancy in a sunken boat he lay. In his
manhood in the submerged grain he lay.’ The ‘boat’ may be the ‘chest’ in
which Adonis was concealed by Aphrodite when she confided him to the
care of Persephone, queen of Hades, who desired to retain the young god,
but was compelled by Zeus to send him back to the GODDESS of LOVE….

[P. 95] It is evident that there were various versions of the Tammuz myth
in Ancient Babylonia. In one the goddess Ishtar visited Hades to search for
the lover of her youth. A part of this form of the legend survives in the
famous Assyrian hymn known as ‘The Descent of Ishtar’…. [P. 99] Isis
figures alternately in the Egyptian chants as mother, wife, sister, and
daughter of Osiris. She cries, ‘Come thou to thy wife in peace; her heart
fluttereth for thy love….’

[P. 100] The worship of all mother goddesses in ancient times was
accompanied by revolting UNMORAL RITES which are referred to in
condemnatory terms in various passages in the Old Testament, especially
in connection with the worship of Ashtoreth, who was identical with Ishtar
and the Egyptian Hathor. Ishtar in the process of time overshadowed all
the other female deities of Babylonia, as did Isis in Egypt…. Originally she
was a great mother goddess, who was worshipped by those who believed
that life and the universe had a female origin in contrast to those who
believed in the theory of male origin….

[Ch. 13, p. 295] Ancestor worship, the worship of ghosts, had origin in the
stage of Animism…. In various countries all round the globe the belief
prevailed that the stars were ghosts of the mighty dead--of giants, kings, or
princes, or princesses, or of pious people whom the gods loved, or of
animals which were worshipped…. [P. 296] The Egyptian Isis was the star
Sirius…. In Babylonia all the planets were identified with great deities.
Jupiter, for instance, was Merodach, and one of the astral forms of Ishtar
was Venus…. In Egypt Osiris, for instance, was the moon, which came as a
beautiful child each month and was devoured as the wasting ‘old moon’ by
the demon Set…. Osiris, who resembled Tammuz, a god of many forms….

Mr. L. W. King, the translator, comments upon it as follows: ‘There is no

doubt that the name was applied to a group of gods who were so closely
connected that, though addressed in the plural, they could in the same
sentence be regarded as forming a single personality’. Like the Egyptian
Osiris, the Babylonian Merodach was a highly complex deity. He was the
son of Ea, god of the deep; he died to give origin to human life when he
commanded that his head should be cut off so that the first human beings
might be fashioned by mixing his blood with the earth. 168

In The History of Initiation by Reverend George Oliver we read the following
about the Mystery Religion:

[P. 12 Footnote] 31 The Mysteries, in all their forms, were funereal. They
celebrated the mystical death and revivification of some individual, by the
use of emblems at once impious and disgusting. David accuses the
Israelites of this abominable practice in Psalm cvi. (v. 28, 29); ‘They joined
themselves to Baal Peor, (Dionusus, Orph., Hymn 5.) and ate the
SACRIFICES of the DEAD. Thus they provoked Him to anger with their
inventions.’ 2 Vid. Ovid. Metam. 1. i. [Footnote] 33 Apollon. Argon. 1. i.
Ophion was no other than the infernal Serpent, the equal foe of God and

[P. 15] As in Egypt Osiris and Isis were the prominent deities, so in Greece
the rites were celebrated in honour of Bacchus and Rhea; at Byblus, to
Adonis and Venus; in India, to Mahadeva and Sita; in Britain, to Hu and
Ceridwen; in Scandinavia, to Woden and Frea, &c.; and amongst the
Pelasgi they were called the mysteries of the Dii Magni. In every instance
these divinities represented the two most obvious lights of heaven, the sun
and the moon [Dion. Hal. 1. 2, c. 12. Macrob. Saturn. 1. c. 21. Diod. Bibl. 1.
p. 10. Varro de Ling. Lat., 1. 4. p. 17. Orph. Fragm. iv., p. 364. Virg. Georg.,
1. 1. Montif. Ant., torn. 2, p. 189. W. Arch., vol. i., p. 305].

Baal and Ashtoreth Worship in the Bible: First mention in the Bible of Baal
being a god and worshipped is when God delivered the Children of Israel out of
the nation of Egypt, and they came to land of Midian and Moab (Num. 22:2, 4, 41).
King Balak of Moab then hired Balaam, a materialistic backslidden prophet of God
(Rev. 2:14), to curse Israel. When he tried and failed, Balaam advised Balak to
send his young women over to Israel and entice their young men to worship Baal
by means of a SEX ORGY, which was a common practice among the worshippers
of Baal (Num. 25:1-9). God sent a plague to Israel because of this abomination
and killed 24,000 men.

First Mention of Baal and Ashtoreths together in the Word of God:

“Then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD, and served the
Baals; and they forsook the LORD God of their fathers, who had brought them out
of the land of Egypt; and they followed other gods from among the gods of the
people who were all around them, and they bowed down to them; and they
provoked the LORD to anger. They forsook the LORD and served Baal and the
Ashtoreths” (Jud. 2:11-13).
The worship of Baal and Ashtoreth took place in many places, such as the
temples dedicated to them, on roof tops of homes, and especially in the High
places in and outside of every city. This Luciferian god and goddess demanded
human sacrifices, especially as burnt offerings, that is, burning the sacrifice
while he or she was still alive (Jer. 19:5). Baal generating power was symbolized
by the sun (2 Kings 23:5), and Ashtoreth main symbols were the moon and Venus.

A major practice of the worship of Baal and his consort Ashtoreth was having
male and female Sodomites or prostitutes in the temple: “And Judah did that
which was evil in the sight of the LORD; and they moved Him to jealousy with
their sins which they committed, above all that their fathers had done. For they
also built them high places, and pillars, and Asherim, on every high hill, and under
every leafy tree; and there were also SODOMITES in the land; they did according
to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD drove out before the
children of Israel” (1Ki 14:22-24, JPS; 15:12; 22:46).

The worship of Baal and Asherah (i.e. sacred trees, poles, or groves) was also
a form of Nature Worship 2 Kings 23:4, 5, 7, 10: “And [Josiah] the king [of Judah]
commanded Hilkiah the high priest… to bring out of the temple of the LORD all
the articles that were made for Baal, for Asherah, and for all the host of heaven;
and he burned them…. Then he removed the idolatrous priests whom the kings of
Judah had ordained to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Judah and
in the places all around Jerusalem, and those who burned incense to Baal, to the
sun, to the moon, to the constellations, and to all the host of heaven.”

Jeremiah 32:35: “And they built the HIGH PLACES of BAAL which are in the
Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass
through the fire to Molech, which I did not command them, nor did it come into My
mind that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.”

Jeremiah 44:15-19: “All the people who dwelt in the land of Egypt, in Pathros,
answered Jeremiah, saying: ‘As for the word that you have spoken to us in the
name of the LORD, we will not listen to you! But we will certainly do whatever has
gone out of our own mouth, to burn incense to the QUEEN of HEAVEN and pour
out drink offerings to her, as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings and our
princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. For then we had
plenty of food, were well-off, and saw no trouble. But since we stopped burning
incense to the QUEEN of HEAVEN and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have
lacked everything and have been consumed by the sword and by famine.’ ”

Ezekiel 8:9-16: “And He [God] said to me, ‘Go in, and see the wicked
abominations which they are doing there.’ So I went in and saw, and there -- every
sort of creeping thing, abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel,
portrayed all around on the walls…. Then He said to me, ‘Son of man, have you
seen what the elders of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the room
of his idols…?’ He brought me to the door of the north gate of the LORD's house;
and to my dismay, women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz. Then He said
to me, ‘you will see greater abominations than these.’ So He brought me into the
inner court of the LORD's house; and there, at the door of the temple of the LORD,
between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs
toward the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east, and they were
worshiping the sun toward the east.”

Lucifer’s Babylonian Mystery Religion

Spreads throughout the World

When God destroyed this religious temple or the Tower of Babel and divided
the people’s language into seventy different languages, the people scattered
throughout the earth starting their own religion base on the Babylonian Mysteries,
that is, with a few changes such as the names of their gods and ritualistic rites.
All these heathen religions keep and practice the basic doctrines of Mystery
Babylon. The British historian Nesta Webster in her book Secrete Societies

In the occult and Masonic circles, certain ideas were common to all the
more important Mysteries, thus forming a continuous tradition handed
down through succeeding groups of initiates of different ages and

Peter L. Renouf, in his book The Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated
by the Religion of Ancient Egypt , gave the Egyptian version of the Babylonian
Trinity that Semiramis started. He stated:

What follows is textually applied to Horus, but it is to Horus considered as

Osiris [god the father] born again [i.e. Reincarnated] and as the son of the
widowed [virgin] Isis. ‘The gods recognize the universal Lord.… He judges
the world.170

There can be no doubt, that Osiris is the defied name that the Egyptians gave
to Nimrod, and Isis to Semiramis, and Horus to Tammuz. Ralph Woodrow revealed
in his book entitled Babylon Mystery Religion that the Romans worshipped Janus
the sun-god in the religion of Mithraism. Janus:

Was represented with two faces - one young [god the son], the other old
[god the father], a later version of Nimrod incarnated in Tammuz.171

Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz were called by many different names in the
religions of the world. Here are just a few of the names they were called in
different countries: In the Bible and in ancient Assyria and Phoenicia they were
known as Baal, Ashtoreth, and Tammuz. In Rome they were known as Jupiter,
Fortuna, and Jupiter the Boy; in Greece as Zeus or Bacchus, Ceres or Irene, and
Plutus; in Asia and Asia Minor as Kronos or Saturn, Cybele or Diana, and Deoius;
in Egypt as Osiris, Serapis or Isis, and Horus.

In India they were known as Eko, Deva or Isi, and Iswara or Trimurtti; in Japan
as San, Pao, and Fuh; in China as Buddha, Shing Moo, and Tomos; the Hindus
worship them as Brahma, Devaki, and Krishna; and the list go on. By now my
readers should have a clear picture of what the Babylonian Trinity of three
separate persons or being in one god is, and how it got started. As you can see,
the Babylonian Mysteries, such as the good and evil god, the trinity, the godhood
of man, the immortality and transmigration of the soul became the teachings of
Mystery Religions of every country.

My beloved readers by now should be able to see that Lucifer must have know
some of the doctrines God would bring into Judaism and later into Christianity,
for he started his own counterfeit religion. He changed YHWH’s plan to reveal His
Godhead, as God the Father in creation, as the Son in redemption, and the Holy
Ghost in regeneration, to a perverted belief in one god in a trinity of three
separate persons, which is verbal theological garbage to disguise his doctrine of
three gods. Lucifer imitated the virgin birth of Christ by having his harlot High
Priestess claim Nimrod's soul entered into her, and produced a son, who was
Nimrod reincarnated.

Lucifer perverted God’s promise to His faithful Children of future immortality

or Eternal Life, to an immortal pre-existing soul that all humanity is born in this
life with. If the doctrine of immortality of soul was not taught and believed by the
Babylonians before Nimrod's death, Semiramis would not have been able to
convince them of Nimrod's suppose deification and later reincarnation.

Tertullian (190 AD) spoke of some of Lucifer’s Mystery doctrines of the
Babylonian religion this was:

Some of their brood [the philosophers], with their opinions, have even
adulterated our new-given Christian revelation, and corrupted it into a
system of philosophic doctrines…. We get ourselves laughed at for
proclaiming that God will one day judge the world. For, like us, the poets
and philosophers set up a judgment-seat in the realms below. And if we
threaten Gehenna, which is a reservoir of secret fire under the earth for
purposes of punishment, we have in the same way derision heaped on us.
For so, too, they have their Pyriphlegethon, a river of flame in the regions
of the dead. And if we speak of Paradise, the place of heavenly bliss
appointed to receive the spirits of the saints, severed from the knowledge
of this world by that fiery zone as by a sort of enclosure, the Elysian plains
have taken possession of… their sacred MYSTERIES. 172

The Babylonian Doctrines that Catholicism Christianized

before the End of the Fourth Century

Because God had turned the Catholic Nicolaitan-Balaamite Bishops over to a

reprobate mind, many of them believed that the Babylonian Mysteries were God’s
true doctrines in disguise. As a result, they began to incorporate them into their
religious beliefs. They hoped by doing this, they could win pagans over to
Catholicism. So, somewhere in the second century, they started Christianizing
pagan beliefs. The following paragraphs name a few of these beliefs. According to
Charles Guignebert, a Professor of the History of Christianity at Sorbonne
University in Paris France:

Toward the end of Constantine’s reign [337 AD], the union of Church and
the State, the absorption of paganism by [Roman Catholic] Christianity, and
its total destruction with the connivance and, if necessary, the help of the
State, could have been foreseen. This achievement... was accomplished in
the course of the four century.173

Arkon Daraul in his book entitled Secret Societies compared the old pagan
religions such as Mithraism with that of Roman Catholicism, and has this to say:

It is claimed by those who still believe in its MYSTERIES and celebrate
them, that [Roman Catholic] Christianity did not so much supplant
Mithraism as absorb it.174

Professor Guignebert in his book The Early History of Christianity informs us


Mithra is a solar deity, and his birth occurs upon the 25th of December, i.e.
the winter solstice.175

Jones boldly told the truth and did not try to water it down. He stated that
Roman Catholicism:

Began to be paganized or, as some prefer, paganism was Christianized.176

Ronald Holmes in his book Witchcraft in History revealed some of the pagan
doctrines Roman Catholicism adopted when she joined hands with Religious or
Mystery Babylon and her harlot daughters in marriage. He stated:

The early [Roman Catholic] Christians had tried to be as flexible as

possible in their spreading of the gospel in order to provide further links for
potential converts between Christian and non-Christian [i.e. Pagan]
beliefs…. But what was perhaps the master-stroke in this approach [was]
when the [Roman Catholic] Church Fathers declared the birth day of Christ
to be December 25th.... By this stratagem Christ was made identifiable in
the minds of many pagans with the particular sun-god [Baal] they
worshipped, and a connection was supplied which serve as a strong bridge
to [pagan Roman Catholic] Christianity. 177

Let my readers make a deep mental note that the 25 th of December became
the master link that united pagans of all countries with the Pagan Roman
Catholic Church, that is, it transformed the birthday of Baal, the sun-god into
the birthday of Christ. The Winter Solstice falls on the 21 st day of December
and in other years on the 22 nd, which is the shortest day of the year and
longest night; pagan cults adopted the 25 thof December as their holy day to
celebrate the death of their sun-god and his resurrection, which is a type of
becoming Born Again or receiving a New Birth. Wikipedia Encyclopedia
speaking of the 25th of December and pagan cultures affections for it stated:

The winter solstice occurs exactly when the Earth's axial tilt is farthest
away from the sun at its maximum of 23° 26'. More evident to those in high
latitudes, this occurs on the shortest day and longest night of the year,
when the sun’s daily maximum position in the sky is the lowest…. The
winter solstice usually occurs on Dec. 21 or 22 each year…. In 46 BCE,
Julius Caesar in his Julian calendar established DECEMBER 25 as the date
of the winter solstice of Europe…. Many European solar calendar midwinter
celebrations still centre upon the night of DECEMBER 24 leading into the
DECEMBER 25 in the north…. Persian culture also recognizes it as the
beginning of winter.

History and cultural significance: The solstice itself may have been a
special moment of the annual cycle of the year even during Neolithic times
[i.e. the last period of the Stone Age]…. Since the event is seen as the
reversal of the Sun’s ebbing presence in the sky, concepts of the BIRTH or
REBIRTH of SUN GODS have been common and, in cultures using winter
solstitially based cyclic calendars, the year as REBORN has been
celebrated with regard to LIFE-DEATH-REBIRTH DIETIES.178

This same encyclopedia under the heading of “Solar Deity” speaking of the
death and birth of the Sun-god stated:

Solar deities throughout cultures: In different religions solar supreme

deities carry different names and are associated with different aspects of
the cultural universe of the society, but for the most part its raw image
remains identical…. During the Roman Empire, a festival of the BIRTH of
the Unconquered Sun (or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti) was celebrated on the
winter solstice — the ‘REBIRTH’ of the sun. In Germanic mythology this is
Sol, in Vedic Surya, and in Greek Helios (occasionally referred to as Titan)
and (sometimes) as Apollo. Mesopotamian Shamash plays an important
role during the Bronze Age….

During the later periods of Roman history, sun worship gained in

importance and ultimately led to what has been called a ‘solar
monotheism.’ Nearly all the gods of the period were possessed of solar
qualities. The feast of Sol Invictus (Unconquered Sun) on DECEMBER 25
was celebrated with great joy, and eventually this date was taken over by
the [Roman Catholic] Christians as Christmas [i.e. the Mass of Christ], the
celebrated birthday of Christ.179

Therefore, in a sense, it was Nimrod the Father, as the sun god Baal, dying on
December 25th and his soul becoming reborn or reincarnated in Tammuz. The
Roman Catholic Priesthood took Lucifer’s holy day, the 25 th of December, which
witches and pagans of all religious societies in every age cherished, and
desecrated Christ by claiming He was born on that day. It is obvious to me that
the pagans thought Jesus Christ was just another name for Baal, because this
sun-god was called by many different names in every nation. This is probably the
reason why pagan religions made the 25 th of December, instead of the 22nd, their
holy day to celebrate the death and birth of their sun-god.

Charles Heckethorn, in his book The Secret Societies, not only spoke of this
Luciferian Babylonian adoption of this date by Roman Catholicism but also their
adoption of the Babylonian Trinity. He proclaimed:

The festival of the 25 th of December was celebrated... to announce the

birth-day of the god Sol.... This festival indeed was kept not only by the
Druids [a Priesthood of Witchcraft], but throughout the ancient world…. The
early [Roman Catholic] Christians judiciously adopted not only the festival
days of the pagans, but the mode of keeping them….180

The Druids taught the doctrine of ONE SUPREME BEING… the great father
and mother, Hu and Ceridwen, distinguished by the same characteristics
as belonged to Osiris and Isis [Egyptian deities], Bacchus and Ceres
[Grecian deities], or any other supreme god or goddess…. The doctrine of
the UNITY and TRINITY was inculcated in ALL the MYSTERIES. In the most
ancient religious creeds we meet with the prototype of the [Roman
Catholic and Protestant] Christian dogma.181

Let my beloved readers always keep in mind that all the so-called deities of
the nations that spoke of the Babylonian Trinity of a father, mother, and a son,
that is, Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz. The Word of God gives their deified
names as Baal, Ashtoreth, and Tammuz (Jud 2:13 and Eze 8:14).

Every Scripture Containing the Following Greek and Hebrew Words Is
Presented in One or More English Translations, The Greek New Testament (GNT),
the Majority Text Greek New Testament (BYZ), the Jewish Old Testament – the
Greek Septuagint, and the Hebrew Masoretic Text: This appendix was written for
the scholar or students of the Bible who enjoys doing intensive research, whereby
they can minutely examine all the scriptural facts in the language the Bible was
written in.

Explanations of abbreviations use following Scriptures: KJV (King James

Version); NKJ (New King James); YLT (The English Young’s Literal Translation of
the Holy Bible by Dr. J. N. Young); DBY (The English Darby Bible – 1884/1890, a
literal translation by Dr. John Nelson Darby); ASV (The Holy Bible American
Standard Version); NAS (The New American Standard Bible); and NIV (The New
International Version)

BYZ (Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text GNT 1995 - this is a reliable Majority

Text version of the Greek New Testament - produced by Drs. Maurice A. Robinson
and William G. Pierpont); GNT (The Greek New Testament, edited by Drs. Kurt
Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce M. Metzger, and Allen Wikgren, 4th
edition, with the same text as the Nestle-Aland 27th edition of the Greek New
Testament); LXT (Septuaginta – The Jewish Old Testament Greek Scriptures - by
Dr. Alfred Rahlfs), LXE (The English Translation of the Septuagint Version of the
Old Testament by Sir Lancelot C. L. Brenton), WTT (BHS Biblia Hebraica
Stuttgartensia - Hebrew Bible, Masoretic Text or Hebrew Old Testament - edited
by K. Elliger and W. Rudoph , 4th edition).

The Gehenna Passages

The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Abridged) by Drs. Gerhard
Kittel, Gerhard Friedrich, and Geoffrey W. Bromley give a very accurate definition
of the Greek noun Gehenna. They proclaim for all theologians and laymen to read:

Gehenna is the Greek form of the Hebrew name for the Wadi er-Rababi.
This acquired a bad reputation because of the sacrifices offered to Moloch
there (2 Kgs. 16:3). Judgment was pronounced on it (Jer. 7:32 ), and it thus
came to be equated with the hell of the last judgment (Eth. En. 90:26)…. 2.
The NT distinguishes between Hades and Gehenna: a. the former is
temporary, the latter definitive (cf. Mk. 9:43, 48); b. the former is for the
soul alone, the latter for the reunited body and soul (Mk. 9:43ff.; Mt. 10:28).

Gehenna is preexistent (Mt. 25:41). It is manifested as a fiery abyss (Mk.

9:43) AFTER the general resurrection. Those who fall victim to divine
judgment (Mt. 5:22; 23:33) will be DESTROYED there with Eternal Fire. The
ungodly are sons of Gehenna (Mt. 23: 15). They go to it with Satan and the
demons (Mt. 25:41; cf. Rev. 19:20; 20:10-11). The threat of Gehenna in the
NT is used to show the seriousness of sin and to awaken the conscience to
fear of the divine anger (Mt. 10:28; 23:33).182

Hell is the place of the future punishment call ‘Gehenna’ or ‘Gehenna of fire.’
This was originally the valley of Hinnom, south of Jerusalem, where the filth and
dead animals of the city were cast out and burned; therefore it is a fit symbol of
the wicked and their future destruction. The Greek word Gehenna is not found in
the Septuagint. Gehenna is used 12 times in the N.T. and always means the place
of future punishment of the lost.

YLT Mt 5:22: Whoever calls his brother a “rebel shall be in danger of the
gehenna of the fire.” GNT: “evgw. de. le,gw u`mi/n o[ti pa/j o` ovrgizo,menoj tw/| avdelfw/| auvtou/
eivkh/ e;nocoj e;stai th/| kri,sei\ o]j dV a'n ei;ph| tw/| avdelfw/| auvtou/( ~raka,( e;nocoj e;stai tw/|
sunedri,w\| o]j dV a'n ei;ph|( Mwre,( e;nocoj e;stai eivj th.n ge,ennan tou/ puro,j...”

YLT Mt 5:29: “But, if thy right eye doth cause thee to stumble, pluck it out and
cast from thee, for it is good to thee that one of thy members may perish, and not
thy whole body be cast to gehenna.” GNT: “eiv de. o` ovfqalmo,j sou o` dexio.j skandali,zei
se( e;xele auvto.n kai. ba,le avpo. sou/\ sumfe,rei ga,r soi i[na avpo,lhtai e]n tw/n melw/n sou( kai. mh.
o[lon to. sw/ma, sou blhqh/| eivj ge,ennan.”

YLT Mt 5:30: “And, if thy right hand doth cause thee to stumble, cut it off, and
cast from thee, for it is good to thee that one of thy members may perish, and not
thy whole body be cast to gehenna.” GNT “kai. eiv h` dexia, sou cei.r skandali,zei
se( e;kkoyon auvth.n kai. ba,le avpo. sou/\ sumfe,rei ga,r soi i[na avpo,lhtai e]n tw/n melw/n sou( kai.
mh. o[lon to. sw/ma, sou blhqh/| eivj ge,ennan.”

YLT Mt 10:28: “And be not afraid of those killing [avpoktei,nw apokteino] the
body, and are not able to kill [apokteino] the soul, but fear rather Him who is able
both soul and body to DESTROY [avpo,llumi apollumi] in gehenna.” DBY: “And be not
afraid of those who kill [apokteino] the body, but cannot kill [apokteino] the soul;
but fear rather him who is able to DESTROY [apollumi] both soul and body in hell.”
BYZ: “kai. mh. fobhqh/te avpo. tw/n avpokteino,ntwn [kill] to. sw/ma( th.n de. yuch.n mh. duname,nwn
avpoktei/nai [kill]Å fobhqh,te de. ma/llon to.n duna,menon kai. th.n yuch.n kai. to. sw/ma avpole,sai
[DESTROY] evn gee,nnh|.”

Let my beloved readers take note to the fact that the Word of God made
distinct major difference between the meaning of the Greek words “apokteino” –
to kill something and “apollumi” to destroy or annihilation something! The Greek
verb apollumi is used 92 times in the Greek New Testament. It is translated in the

King James Version as: perish 33 times, destroy 26 times, lose 22 times, be lost 5
times, lost 4 times, misc 2 times. The Exegetical Dictionary of the New
Testament by Drs. Horst Balz and Gerhard Schneider defined it as:

destruction, waste, ANNIHILATION.... Both verb and subst. are richly

attested in secular Greek.... The basic negative meaning of the entire word
group, frequently with a violent tendency, aims to express loss,
destruction, and ANNIHILATION (e.g., of wealth) in a very general sense
which can extend to the final destruction of the human being in death
(Homer, Herodotus, Plato, Xenophon).183

YLT Mt 18:9: “And if thine eye doth cause thee to stumble, pluck it out and
cast from thee; it is good for thee one-eyed to enter into the life, rather than
having two eyes to be cast to the gehenna of the fire.” DBY: “And if thine eye
offend thee, pluck it out and cast {it} from thee; it is good for thee to enter into
life one-eyed, {rather} than having two eyes to be cast into the hell of fire.” GNS:
“kai. eiv o` ovfqalmo,j sou skandali,zei se( e;xele auvto.n kai. ba,le avpo. sou/\ kalo,n soi, evsti
mono,fqalmon eivj th.n zwh.n eivselqei/n( h' du,o ovfqalmou.j e;conta blhqh/nai eivj th.n ge,ennan tou/

YLT Mt 23:15: “Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye go

round the sea and the dry land to make one proselyte, and whenever it may
happen--ye make him a son of gehenna twofold more than yourselves.” GNT: “Ouvai.
u`mi/n( grammatei/j kai. Farisai/oi u`pokritai,( o[ti peria,gete th.n qa,lassan kai. th.n xhra.n
poih/sai e[na prosh,luton( kai. o[tan ge,nhtai poiei/te auvto.n ui`on. gee,nnhj diplo,teron u`mw/n.”

YLT Mt 23:33: “Serpents! brood of vipers! how may ye escape from the
judgment [krisis] of the gehenna?” GNT: “feij gennh,mata evcidnw/n( pw/j fu,ghte avpo. th/j
kri,sewj th/j gee,nnhj.” Doctors Friberg in their Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New
Testament defined “krisis” or “kri,sewj” as a: “as the action of a judge decision,
judgment (JN 5.30); esp. as the activity of God in a final time for judging h`me,ra
kri,sewj Day of Judgment (MT 10.15)”.184

YLT Mk 9:43: “And if thy hand may cause thee to stumble, cut it off; it is better
for thee maimed to enter into the life, than having the two hands, to go away to
the gehenna, to the fire--the unquenchable.” DBY: “And if thy hand serve as a
snare to thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having
thy two hands to go away into hell, into the fire unquenchable.” GNT: “kai. evan .
skandali,zh| se h` cei,r sou( avpo,koyon auvth,n\ kalo,n soi evsti, kullo.n eivj th.n zwh.n
eivselqei/n( h' ta.j du,o cei/raj e;conta avpelqei/n eivj th.n ge,ennan( eivj to. pu/r to. a;sbeston.”

YLT Mk 9:45: “And if thy foot may cause thee to stumble, cut it off; it is better
for thee to enter into the life lame, than having the two feet to be cast to the
gehenna, to the fire--the unquenchable.” GNT: “kai. evan. o` pou,j sou skandali,zh|
se( avpo,koyon auvto,n\ kalo,n evsti, soi eivselqei/n eivj th.n zwh.n cwlo.n( h' tou.j du,o po,daj e;conta
blhqh/nai eivj th.n ge,ennan( eivj to. pu/r to. a;sbeston.”

YLT Mk 9:47: “And if thine eye may cause thee to stumble, cast it out; it is
better for thee one-eyed to enter into the reign of God, than having two eyes, to
be cast to the gehenna of the fire.” GNT: “kai. evan . o` ovfqalmo,j sou skandali,zh|
se( e;kbale auvto,n\ kalo,n soi evsti. mono,fqalmon eivselqei/n eivj th.n basilei,an tou/ Qeou/( h' du,o
ovfqalmou.j e;conta blhqh/nai eivj th.n ge,ennan tou/ puro.j.”

YLT Lk 12:5: “but I will show to you, whom ye may fear; Fear him who, after
the killing, is having authority to cast to the gehenna; yes, I say to you, Fear ye
Him.” GNT: “u`podei,xw de. u`mi/n ti,na fobhqh/te\ fobh,qhte to.n meta. to. avpoktei/nai evxousi,an
e;conta evmbalei/n eivj th.n ge,ennan\ nai, le,gw u`mi/n( tou/ton fobh,qhte.”

YLT Jam 3:6: “the tongue {is} a fire, the world of the unrighteousness, so the
tongue is set in our members, which is spotting our whole body, and is setting on
fire the course of nature, and is set on fire by the gehenna.” GNT: “kai. h` glw/ssa
pu/r( o` ko,smoj th/j avdiki,aj\ ou[twj h` glw/ssa kaqi,statai evn toi/j me,lesin h`mw/n( h` spilou/sa
o[lon to. sw/ma( kai. flogi,zousa to.n troco.n th/j gene,sewj( kai. flogizome,nh u`po. th/j gee,nnhj.”

The Valley of Hinnom Passages

The Greek word Gehenna is not found in the Septuagint. The early Jews had
no Hebrew or Greek word for Hell or a place of future punishment. The Hebrews
of a later date adopted Gehenna in Jerusalem as the place of future punishment
of the lost. The Valley of Hinnom in the Old Testament is the same place as
Gehenna in the New Testament. It was located S.W. and S. of the Jaffa gate
about 700 yards from the gate and wall. It is about 50 to 100 yards wide at the
sweep round the S.W. corner of Mount Zion. It is used 15 times in the Old

Easton’s Bible Dictionary speaking of the Valley of Hinnom stated:

It took its name from ‘some ancient hero, the son of Hinnom.’ It is first
mentioned in Jos 15:8. It had been the place where the idolatrous Jews
burned their children alive to Moloch and Baal . A particular part of the
valley was called Tophet, or the ‘fire-stove,’ where the children were
burned. After the Exile, in order to show their abhorrence of the locality,
the Jews made this valley the receptacle of the offal [i.e. garbage or
rubbish] of the city, for the destruction, of which a fire was, as is supposed,
kept constantly burning there.

The Jews associated with this valley these two ideas, (1 that of the
sufferings of the victims that had there been sacrificed; and (2 that of filth
and corruption. It became thus to the popular mind a symbol of the abode
of the wicked hereafter. It came to signify hell as the place of the wicked.
‘It might be shown by infinite examples that the Jews expressed hell, or
the place of the damned, by this word. The word GEHENNA the Greek
contraction of Hinnom was never used in the time of Christ in any other
sense than to denote the place of future punishment.’ About this fact there
can be no question. In this sense the word is used eleven times in our
Lord's discourses.185

DBY Jos 15:8: “the border went up to the valley of the son of Hinnom, toward
the south side of the Jebusite, that is, Jerusalem; and the border went up to the
top of the mountain that is before the valley of Hinnom [~NOhi Hinnom] westward,
which is at the end of the valley of Rephaim northward.”

LXT: “kai. avnabai,nei ta. o[ria eivj fa,ragga Onom evpi. nw,tou Iebouj avpo. libo,j au[th evsti.n
Ierousalhm kai. diekba,llei ta. o[ria evpi. korufh.n o;rouj h[ evstin kata. pro,swpon fa,raggoj
Onom pro.j qala,sshj h[ evstin evk me,rouj gh/j Rafai?n evpi. borra/.” WTT: “`hn"pco ' ~yaip'r>-qm,[e hceqB. i
rv,a] hM'y" ~NOhi-ygE ynEP-. l[; rv,a] rh'h' varo-la, lWbG>h; hl'[w' > ~l'vi 'Wry> ayhi bg<N<mi ysiWby>h; @t,K-, la, ~NOhi-!b, yGE lWbG>h; hl'['w>.”

DBY Jos 18:16: “And the border went down to the end of the mountain that is
before the valley of the son of Hinnom, which is in the valley of Rephaim on the
north, and went down the valley of Hinnom.”

DBY 2Ki 23:10: “And he defiled Topheth, which is in the valley of the sons of
Hinnom, that no man might cause his son or his daughter to pass through the fire
to Molech.”

KJV 2Ch 28:3: “Moreover he burnt incense in the valley of the son of Hinnom,
and burnt his children in the fire, after the abominations of the heathen whom the
LORD had cast out before the children of Israel.”

KJV 2Ch 33:6: “And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the
valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times [magic], and used
enchantments [divination], and used witchcraft [sorcery], and dealt with a
familiar spirit [necromancers], and with wizards [soothsayers]: he wrought much
evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger” (also Neh 11:30).

NKJ Jer 7:31-34: “And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in
the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire,
which I did not command, nor did it come into My heart. Therefore behold, the
days are coming,’ says the LORD, ‘when it will no more be called Tophet, or the
Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter; for they will BURY in
Tophet until there is no room.

The corpses of this people will be food for the birds of the heaven and for the
beasts of the earth. And no one will frighten them away. Then I will cause to
CEASE from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of
mirth and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the
bride. For the land shall be desolate.”

KJV Jer 19:2, 6: “Go forth unto the valley of the son of Hinnom, which is by the
entry of the east gate, and proclaim there the words that I shall tell thee….
Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that this place shall no more
be called Tophet, nor the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, but the Valley of
Slaughter.” This and the above Scripture is referring to the time of the Battle of
Gog and Magog and the Battle of Armageddon (Eze 39:1-6; Rev 19:17-18).

KJV Jer 32:35: “And they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley
of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the
fire unto Molech; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my mind,
that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin.”

The Tartarus Passage

In the Septuagint and Hebrew Old Testament, the word Tartarus in not used
and there is no word for Tartarus. It is only used once in the New Testament.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words says:

The verb tartaroo, translated ‘cast down to hell’ in <2 Pet. 2:4>, signifies to
consign to Tartarus, which is neither Sheol nor Hades nor hell, but the
place where those angels whose special sin is referred to in that passage

are confined ‘to be reserved unto judgment’; the region is described as ‘pits
of darkness’.186

YLT 2Pe 2:4: “For if God messengers who sinned did not spare, but with chains
of thick gloom, having cast (them) down to Tartarus, did deliver {them} to
judgment, having been reserved.” DBY: “For if God spared not {the} angels who
had sinned, but having cast them down to the deepest pit of gloom has delivered
them to chains of darkness {to be} kept [or waiting] for judgment.” The New
Jerusalem Bible (NJB): “When angels sinned, God did not spare them: he sent
them down into the underworld and consigned them to the dark abyss to be held
there until the Judgement”. GNT “eiv ga.r o` Qeo.j avgge,lwn a`marthsa,ntwn ouvk
evfei,sato( avlla. seirai/j zo,fou tartarw,saj pare,dwken eivj kri,sin tethrhme,nouj.”

Greek Words that Denote Endless

Life or Time

Aidos avi<dioj – Eternal, Everlasting, Without End, Perpetual:

This Greek adjective is used 2 times in the New Testament. Vine's Expository
Dictionary of Biblical Words speaking of the differences between the Greek words
“aidios” and “aionios” declared:

‘aidios’ should always be translated ‘eternal… [or] everlasting…. While

‘aionios’... negatives the end either of a space of time or of unmeasured
time, and is used chiefly where something future is spoken of, aidios
excludes interruption and lays stress upon permanence and
unchangeableness”. 187

KJV Rom 1:20: “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world
are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His
ETERNAL [avid< ioj aidios] power and godhead; so that they are without excuse”.
GNT: “ta. ga.r avo,rata auvtou/ avpo. kti,sewj ko,smou toi/j poih,masi noou,mena kaqora/tai( h[ te
avi<dioj auvtou/ du,namij kai. qeio,thj( eivj to. ei=nai auvtou.j avnapologh,touj.”.

KJV Jude 1:6: “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their
own habitation, he hath reserved in EVERLASTING [avid? i,oij aidiois] chains under
darkness unto the judgment of the great day”. GNT: “avgge,louj te tou.j mh. thrh,santaj
th.n e`autw/n avrch.n( avlla. avpolipo,ntaj to. i;dion oivkhth,rion( eivj kri,sin mega,lhj
h`me,raj( desmoi/j avid? i,oij u`po. zo,fon teth,rhken.”

RSV Book of Wisdom 2:22: “did not know the secret purposes of God, nor hope
for the wages of holiness, nor discern the prize for blameless souls; for God
created man for incorruption [avfqarsi,a], and made him in the image of His own
ETERNITY [avid? io,thtoj], but through the devil's envy death entered the world, and
those who belong to his party experience it”. LXT: “o[ti o` qeo.j e;ktisen to.n a;nqrwpon
evpV avfqarsi,a| kai. eivko,na th/j ivdi,aj avid? io,thtoj evpoi,hsen auvto,n

Akatalutou avkatalu,tou – Indestructible, Imperishable, Not

Subject to Destruction: It is only used once in the New Testament Greek.
NKJ - Heb 7:15-16: “And it is yet far more evident: for that after the similitude of
Melchizedek there ariseth another priest, who is made, not after the law of a
carnal commandment, but after the power of an ENDLESS [avkatalu,tou akatalutou]
Life”. GNT: “o]j ouv kata. no,mon evntolh/j sarki,nhj ge,gonen( avlla. kata. du,namin zwh/j
avkatalu,tou.” Drs. Friberg defined “akatalutos” as: “strictly, of what cannot be
brought to an end indestructible; hence endless, everlasting (HE 7.16)”.188

Athanasia avqanasi,a – Immortal, Immortality, Not Subject to

Death: The Bible teaches that God is the only being that cannot die or has an
endless existence. NAS - 1Ti 6:16: “who alone [mo,noj monos] possesses [e;cw echo]
IMMORTALITY [avqanasi,an athanasian] and dwells in unapproachable light; whom
no man has seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion”. NKJ: “who
alone has IMMORTALITY [avqanasi,an athanasian], dwelling in unapproachable light,
whom no man has seen or can see.” GNT: “o` mo,noj e;cwn avqanasi,an( fw/j oivkw/n
avpro,siton( o]n ei=den ouvdei.j avnqrw,pwn ouvde. ivdei/n du,natai\ w-| timh. kai. kra,toj aivwn, ion( avmh,nÅ”
Athanasia is used 2 times in the New Testament, once here and also in 1Co

Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament defined the Greek

noun “athanasia avqanasi,a” as:

The state of not being subject to death (that which will never die) –
‘immortality’.... ‘The King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal’
1 Tm 6.15-16. The clause ‘who alone is immortal’ may be expressed in
some languages as simply ‘he is the only one who never dies’.189

Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament by Drs. James H. Moulton and George
Milligan defined “athanasia” as:

[pg 11] This word, which in the NT is confined to 1 Cor 15 53 f., 1 Tim 616,
occurs several times in Wisdom, but not elsewhere in the Greek OT: cf.
however, Sirach 519 …. Ramsay (Luke the Physician, p. 273) has shown, the
meaning is ‘no one is free from death’… ‘no one is immortal except only the
one God Himself, who is father of all and gives all things to all’ ( Studies in
the Eastern Roman Provinces, p. 129).190

RSV 4 Maccabees 16:13: “having a mind like adamant and giving rebirth for
[eis - into] IMMORTALITY [avqanasi,an athanasian] to the whole number of her sons,
she implored them and urged them on to death for the sake of religion”. LXT: “avllV
w[sper avdama,ntinon e;cousa to.n nou/n kai. eivj avqanasi,an avnati,ktousa to.n tw/n ui`wn/ avriqmo.n
ma/llon u`pe.r th/j euvsebei,aj evpi. to.n qa,naton auvtou.j proetre,peto i`keteu,ousa .”

RSV 4 Maccabees: “None of the seven youths proved coward or shrank from
death, but all of them, as though running the course toward IMMORTALITY
[avqanasi,aj athanasias] hastened to death by torture”. LXT: “avlla. pa,ntej w[sper evpV
avqanasi,aj o`do.n tre,contej evpi. to.n dia. tw/n basa,nwn qa,naton e;speudon.”

Aphtharsian avfqarsi,an and Aphthartos a;fqartoj - Incorruption,

Not Subject to Decay: Aphtharsian is used 8 times and Aphthartos
is used 7 times in the New Testament. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament by Professor Thayer defined “aphthartos a;fqartoj” as:

Tertullian and subsequent writings incorruptibilitas, Vulgate incorruptio

(and incorruptela), incorruption, perpetuity…. Philo… Plutarch, Aristotle, c.
6; of the body of man exempt from decay AFTER the resurrection, 1 Cor.

NKJ 1Co 15:50-55: “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot
inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption [fqora, phthora] inherit
INCORRUPTION [avfqarsi,an aphtharsian]. Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall
not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised
INCORRUPTION [a;fqartoi aphthartoi], and we shall be changed. For this
corruptible [fqarto,j phthartos] must put on INCORRUPTION [avfqarsi,an
aphtharsian], and this mortal [qnhto,j thnetos] must put on IMMORTALITY
[avqanasi,an athanasian]. So when this corruptible shall have put on INCORRUPTION
[avfqarsi,an aphtharsian], and this mortal [qnhto,j thnetos] shall have put on
IMMORTALITY [avqanasi,an athanasian], then shall be brought to pass the saying

that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O
grave [a[d| hj Hades], where is thy victory”?

GNT: “Tou/to de, fhmi( avdelfoi,( o[ti sa.rx kai. ai-ma basilei,an qeou/ klhronomh/sai ouv
du,natai ouvde. h` fqora. th.n avfqarsi,an klhronomei/Å 51 ivdou. musth,rion u`mi/n le,gw\ pa,ntej ouv
koimhqhso,meqa( pa,ntej de. avllaghso,meqa( 52 evn avto,mw|( evn r`iph/| ovfqalmou/( evn th/| evsca,th|
sa,lpiggi\ salpi,sei ga.r kai. oi` nekroi. evgerqh,sontai a;fqartoi kai. h`mei/j avllaghso,meqaÅ 53 dei/
ga.r to. fqarto.n tou/to evndu,sasqai avfqarsi,an kai. to. qnhto.n tou/to evndu,sasqai avqanasi,anÅ 54
o[tan de. to. fqarto.n tou/to evndu,shtai avfqarsi,an kai. to. qnhto.n tou/to evndu,shtai
avqanasi,an( to,te genh,setai o` lo,goj o` gegramme,noj( Katepo,qh o` qa,natoj eivj ni/kojÅ 55 pou/
sou( qa,nate( to. ni/kojÈ pou/ sou( qa,nate( to. ke,ntronÈ”.

Drs. Friberg defined “phthartos fqarto,j” as:

fqarto,j, h,, o,n of what is subject to decay or destruction… of things

perishable, transitory, corruptible (1P 1.18); neuter as a substantive to.
fqarto,n perishable nature (1C 15.53); fqarta, transitory things (1P 1.18).192

As one reads the above verses in different translations they will discover that
some translators use the words corruption and mortality also incorruption and
immortality as synonyms, but this destroys the message the apostle Paul is
communicating and will lead to a false doctrine. Let my beloved readers take
note to the fact that the apostle COMPARES corruption (phthartos) to incorruption
(aphtharsia) and mortality (thnetos) to immortality (athanasia). Therefore,
corruption and mortality cannot have the exact same meaning. In reference to
mankind, the Greek adjective “phthartos” (corruptible) in the Bible is applied to
the body only and it means the body can decay, decompose or be dissolve.
Phthartos cannot be applied to the soul and spirit of man because these spiritual
natures of man cannot decay, decompose, or be dissolved!

The Greek adjective “thnetos” (mortal) in the above passage can be applied to
both soul and body, for both can die; the Greek adjective “athanasia” (immortal)
also be applied to both soul and body, for both can become immortal, whereby
neither one can die again! To use “phthartos” and “thnetos” or “aphtharsia” and
“athanasia” as synonyms would make the apostle Paul sound confused or
incoherent. There are many scriptures in the Word of God that teach man’s soul is
mortal and therefore subject to temporal death, and if it dies lost it will die an
eternal death, for example:

YLT Mt 10:28: “And be not afraid of those killing the body, and are not able to
kill the soul [Grk. psuche], but fear rather Him who is able both SOUL [Grk. Sep.
psuche] and BODY to DESTROY in gehenna.” There is no way the noun “soul” here
can refer to the whole being of man but a part of the being of man! Compare the
above verse with the following passage of scripture.

LXE Eze 18:20-28: “The SOUL [Heb. nephesh; Grk. psuche] that sins shall DIE
[i.e. eternally for it cannot refer to a physical death for ALL men die, i.e. the just
and unjust die a physical death]…. When the righteous turns away from his
righteousness and commits a trespass, and DIES IN the trespass [i.e. has died in
sin a physical death] he has committed, he shall even DIE [i.e. eternally] in it. And
when the wicked man turns away from his wickedness that he has committed,
and shall do judgement and justice, he has kept his SOUL, and has turned away
from all his ungodliness which he has committed: he shall surely LIVE [eternally],
he shall NOT DIE [eternally].

DBY - Rom 2:7: “to them who, in patient continuance of good works, seek for
[zhtou/sin zeteo] glory and honour and incorruptibility [avfqarsian, aphtharsian], Life
Eternal [zwh.n aivwn , ion aionios zoe]”. GNT: “toi/j me.n kaqV u`pomonh.n e;rgou avgaqou/ do,xan
kai. timh.n kai. avfqarsi,an zhtou/sin zwh.n aivwn, ion.” This passage must be translated as
incorruption referring to our future resurrected body, not immortality as some
have translated it, whereas Eternal Life applies to the entire being of man!

All of God’s faithful children have temporal eternality or Eternal Life the
moment they enter into the New Birth. Permanent Eternality will be given in the
resurrection as a permanent possession to those who agape love the Lord Jesus
Christ and live for Him till death! Let us keep in mind no one seeks for something
they already possess or supposedly cannot lose. No theologian would argue or
teach that man’s physical body is right now incorruptible.

This same truth also applies to Eternal Life, that is, no one possesses it as a
permanent possession in this life. Incorruptibility applies on to the body but
Eternal Life is applies to the entire being of man living eternally. Therefore, these
two Greek word, aphtharsia and aionios zoe, also cannot be used as synonyms; in
other words, the great apostle encouraged God’s children to diligent seek not
only for an incorruptible body but also Eternal Life that they may obtain or
possess in the life to come. Professor Bauer defined the Greek verb “ zhtou/sin
zeteo” as meaning:

to devote serious effort to realize one’s desire or objective, strive for, aim
(at), try to obtain, desire, wish (for)… desire to possess ti. Someth... Ro 2:7;
cp. 1 Cor 7:27b; 2 Cor 12:14; Col 3:1; 1 Pt 3:11 (Ps 33:15).193

Paul declared that God’s children can now understand the truth about the
incorruption of the body in the resurrection and the Eternal Life of the entire
being of man through the Gospel of Christ. He said that Jesus: “has annulled
death, and brought to light [Eternal] Life and incorruptibility [avfqarsi,an
aphtharsian] by the glad tidings” (2Ti 1:10, DBY; also Eph 6:24 & Tit 2:7). GNT:
“fanerwqei/san de. nu/n dia. th/j evpifanei,aj tou/ swth/roj h`mw/n Cristou/ VIhsou/( katargh,santoj
me.n to.n qa,naton fwti,santoj de. zwh.n kai. avfqarsi,an dia. tou/ euvaggeli,ou”.

Professor Thayer defined Aphthartos as: “a;fqartoj, a;fqarton (fqei,rw),

uncorrupted, not liable to corruption or decay, imperishable : of things, 1 Cor. 9:25;
1 Pet. 1:4, 23; 3:4” (#898).

NKJ 1Co 15:52: The apostle speaking of the dead decayed bodies of saint
being resurrected said: “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump:
for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised INCORRUPTIBLE
[a;fqartoi], and we shall be changed”. BYZ: “evn avto,mw|( evn r`iph/| ovfqalmou/( evn th/| evsca,th|
sa,lpiggi\ salpi,sei ga,r( kai. oi` nekroi. evgerqh,sontai a;fqartoi( kai. h`mei/j avllaghso,meqa”.

NKJ Rom 1:23: Paul speaking of the glorious incorruptible body that Christ had
BEFORE He was born at Bethlehem revealed that it was Nimrod and his followers
who: “changed the glory of the UNCORRUPTIBLE [avfqa,rtou] God into an image
made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping
things” (cp with Phi 2:6-7; Heb 1:3; Col 1:15-17 for Christ’s incorruptible body
before Bethlehem). GNT: “kai. h;llaxan th.n do,xan tou/ avfqa,rtou qeou/ evn o`moiw,mati
eivko,noj fqartou/ avnqrw,pou kai. peteinw/n kai. tetrapo,dwn kai. e`rpetw/nÅ”

DBY 1Ti 1:17: The apostle speaking of the incorruptible body that Christ
received after His resurrection from the dead said: “Now to the King of the ages,
the INCORRUPTIBLE [avfqa,rtw], invisible, only God, honour and glory to the ages of
ages. Amen”. GNT: “tw/| de. basilei/ tw/n aivw,nwn( avfqa,rtw| avora,tw| mo,nw| qew/(| timh. kai. do,xa
eivj tou.j aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn( avmh,nÅ”

DBY 1Co 9:25: “But every one that contends for a prize is temperate in all
things: *they* then indeed that they may receive a corruptible crown, but *we* an
INCORRUPTIBLE [a;fqarton]”. BYZ: “Pa/j de. o` avgwnizo,menoj pa,nta evgkrateu,etai\ evkei/noi
me.n ou=n i[na fqarto.n ste,fanon la,bwsin( h`mei/j de. a;fqarton”.
NKJ 1Pe 1:4, 23: “to an inheritance INCORRUPTIBLE [a;fqarton] and undefiled
and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you …. having been born
again, not of corruptible seed but incorruptible [avfqa,rtou], through the word of God
which lives and abides forever”. BYZ: “eivj klhronomi,an a;fqarton kai. avmi,anton kai.
avma,ranton( tethrhme,nhn evn ouvranoi/j eivj u`ma/j …. avnagegennhme,noi ouvk evk spora/j
fqarth/j( avlla. avfqa,rtou( dia. lo,gou zw/ntoj qeou/ kai. me,nontoj eivj to.n aivw/na ”.

KJV 1Pe 3:3-5: The apostle Peter admonished the sisters in the Churches of
God NOT to adorn their corruptible bodies, which will decay and rot away, BUT to
adorn their incorruptible human SPIRIT that is not subject to decay. The great
apostle of Christ said it this way: “Whose adorning let it NOT be that outward
adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel;
But let it be the hidden man of the HEART [symbolism for the human SPIRIT], in
that which is NOT CORRUPTIBLE [a;nqrwpoj], even the ornament of a meek and
quiet SPIRIT, which is in the sight of God of great price. For after this manner in
the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being
in subjection unto their own husbands”. BYZ: “avllV o` krupto.j th/j kardi,aj
a;nqrwpoj( evn tw/| avfqa,rtw| tou/ pra|eo, j kai. h`suci,ou pneu,matoj( o[ evstin evnw,pion tou/ qeou/

Greek Words that Sometimes Denote Endless Life or Time

The Greek noun “aion,” and its adjective form “aionios,” and its plural form
“aionas ton aionon,” and the Hebrew word “owlam,” do not mean endless time
unless it is connected with a subject that is eternal, and the preposition used
with it confirms that meaning. It is then and only then means eternity. Aion
simple means “a space of time,” while its adjective form “aionios” means “an
indefinite or unspecified period of time,” and its plural form “aionas ton aionon”
means “a very long period of time or ages of ages.” The Hebrew word “owlam”
could have all the above meanings depending on the subject and preposition it is
connected to. Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words speaking of the
differences between the Greek words “aidios” and “aionios” declared:

‘aidios’ should always be translated ‘eternal… [or] everlasting…. While

‘aionios’... negatives the END either of a space of time or of unmeasured
time, and is used chiefly where something future is spoken of, aidios
excludes interruption and lays stress upon permanence and
unchangeableness”. 194

Aion (aivwn/ )

This Greek Noun – Could Mean a Present, Past, or Future Age or Endless
Time, Depends on Subject It Refers to, the Context It Is Used in, and the
Preposition Used with It.

In the New Testament “aion” is used 128 times, and the King James
translators translated it as: ever 71 times, world 38 times, evermore 4 times, age
2 times, eternal 2 times, and misc 11 times. The following scripture are a few
examples of the periods of times aion represents: Drs. Friberg defined “aion” this

aivw,n, w/noj, o` era, time, age; (1) as a segment of contemporary time

lifetime, era, present age (LU 16.8); (2) of time gone by past, earliest times
(LU 1.70); (3) of prolonged and unlimited time eternity (1T 1.17); (4) of time
to come eternity, age to come (LU 20.35).195

Present Aion or Age: ASV Mt 13:39: “The enemy that sowed them is the
devil: and the harvest is the end [sunte,leia sunteleia] of the world [aivwn / o,j]; and the
reapers are the angels.” NKJ: “end of the AGE [aivw/no,j]” (also YLT, DBY, NAS, NIV).
GNT: “o` de. evcqro.j o` spei,raj auvta, evstin o` dia,boloj( o` de. qerismo.j sunte,leia aivwn/ o,j
evstin( oi` de. qeristai. a;ggeloi, eivsin .” Drs Friberg defined “sunteleia” as: “the point of
time marking the CLOSE of an AGE - end, conclusion, completion (MT 13.39).196

KJV Mt 24:3: “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto
him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the
sign of thy coming, and of the end [sunte,leia sunteleia] of the world [aivw/no,j]?” NKJ:
“the end [sunte,leia sunteleia] of the AGE [aivw/no,j]?" DBY: the “completion of the
AGE [aivwn/ o,j]” YLT: “the full end of the AGE.” GNT: “Kaqhme,nou de. auvtou/ evpi. tou/
:Orouj tw/n VElaiw/n prosh/lqon auvtw/| oi` maqhtai. katV ivdi,an le,gontej( Eivpe. h`mi/n po,te tau/ta
e;stai kai. ti, to. shmei/on th/j sh/j parousi,aj kai. suntelei,aj tou/ aivw/noj…...”

NAS Lk 16:8: “And his master praised the unrighteous steward because he had
acted shrewdly; for the sons of this AGE [aivw/noj] are more shrewd in relation to
their own kind than the sons of light”. BYZ: “Kai. evph,|nesen o` ku,rioj to.n oivkono,mon th/j
avdiki,aj o[ti froni,mwj evpoi,hsen\ o[ti oi` ui`oi. tou/ aivw/noj tou,tou fronimw,teroi u`pe.r tou.j ui`ou.j
tou/ fwto.j eivj th.n genea.n th.n e`autw/n eivsin”.

KJV 2Co 4:4: “In whom the god of this [tou,tou toutou]world [aivw/no,j] hath
blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel
of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” NKJ: “the god of this
[tou,tou toutou] age [aivw/no,j].” GNT: “evn oi-j o` qeo.j tou/ aivw/noj tou,tou evtu,flwsen ta.
noh,mata tw/n avpi,stwn eivj to. mh. auvga,sai to.n fwtismo.n tou/ euvaggeli,ou th/j do,xhj tou/
Cristou/( o[j evstin eivkw.n tou/ qeou/.”

KJV Tit 2:12: “Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we
should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present [nu/n nun] world [aivw/ni].”
NKJ: “in the present [nu/n nun AGE [aivwn/ i].” GNT: “paideu,ousa h`ma/j( i[na avrnhsa,menoi
th.n avse,beian kai. ta.j kosmika.j evpiqumi,aj swfro,nwj kai. dikai,wj kai. euvsebw/j zh,swmen evn tw/|
nu/n aivwn/ i.”

Past Aion or Age: KJV Lk 1:70: “As he spake by the mouth of his holy
prophets, which have been since the world began [aivw/no,j].” YLT: “Which have
been from the AGE [aivwn
/ o,j].” GNT: “kaqw.j evla,lhsen dia. sto,matoj tw/n a`gi,wn avpV aivwn/ oj
profhtw/n auvtou/.”

KJV Jn 9:32: “Since the world began [aivwn / o,j] was it not heard that any man
opened the eyes of one that was born blind.” YLT: “from the AGE [aivw/no,j] it was
not heard.” GNT: “evk tou/ aivw/noj ouvk hvkou,sqh o[ti hvne,wx| e,n tij ovfqalmou.j tuflou/

KJV Acts 3:21: “Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution
of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since
the world began [aivwn / o,j].” DBY: “since TIME began [aivw/no,j].” YLT: “His holy
prophets from the AGE [aivw/no,j].” GNT: “o]n dei/ ouvrano.n me.n de,xasqai a;cri cro,nwn
avpokatasta,sewj pa,ntwn w-n evla,lhsen o` qeo.j dia. sto,matoj tw/n a`gi,wn avpV aivw/noj auvtou/

Future Aion or Age: KJV Mt 12:32: “And whosoever speaketh a word

against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against
the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the
world [aivwn
/ i] to come.” NKJ: “either in this AGE or in the AGE [aivw/ni] to come.”
GNT: “kai. o]j evan
. ei;ph| lo,gon kata. tou/ ui`ou/ tou/ avnqrw,pou( avfeqh,setai auvtw/\| o]j dV a'n ei;ph|
kata. tou/ pneu,matoj tou/ a`gi,ou( ouvk avfeqh,setai auvtw/| ou;te evn tou,tw| tw/| aivw/ni ou;te evn tw/|

KJV Lk 20:35: “But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world
/ o,j], and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in
marriage.” NKJ: “attain that AGE [aivw/no,j].” GNT: “oi` de. kataxiwqe,ntej tou/ aivwn / oj
evkei,nou tucei/n kai. th/j avnasta,sewj th/j evk nekrw/n ou;te gamou/sin ou;te gami,zontai.”

KJV Eph 1:21: “Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion,
and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to
come.” NKJ: “not only in this AGE but also in that which is to come.” GNT:
“u`pera,nw pa,shj avrch/j kai. evxousi,aj kai. duna,mewj kai. kurio,thtoj kai. panto.j ovno,matoj
ovnomazome,nou( ouv mo,non evn tw/| aivwn/ i tou,tw| avlla. kai. evn tw/| me,llonti.”

KJV Heb 6:5: “And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the
world [aivw/no,j] to come.” NKJ: “of the AGE [aivwn / o,j] to come.” GNT: “kai. kalo.n
geusame,nouj qeou/ r`hm/ a duna,meij te me,llontoj aivw/noj.”

Aion: An Unspecified Period of Time (Maybe Eternity or

just an Age): Aion in the following three verses, I believe refers to “eternity,”
for it would be hard for me to believe that Christ died to give us temporal life or
even life for a long period of time. KJV Jn 6:51: “I am the living bread which came
down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for [eivj INTO] ever
[aivwn/ a].” YLT: “eat of this bread he shall live--to [eivj INTO] the AGE [aivwn/ a].” GNT:
“evgw, eivmi o` a;rtoj o` zw/n o` evk tou/ ouvranou/ kataba,j\ eva,n tij fa,gh| evk tou,tou tou/ a;rtou zh,sei
eivj to.n aivwn/ a( kai. o` a;rtoj de. o]n evgw. dw,sw h` sa,rx mou, evstin u`pe.r th/j tou/ ko,smou zwh/j .”

KJV John 6:58: “This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your
fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for [eivj
INTO] ever [aivw/na].” YLT: “he who is eating this bread shall live--to [eivj INTO] the
AGE [aivwn / a].” GNT: “ou-to,j evstin o` a;rtoj o` evx ouvranou/ kataba,j( ouv kaqw.j e;fagon oi`
pate,rej kai. avpe,qanon\ o` trw,gwn tou/ton to.n a;rton zh,sei eivj to.n aivwn/ a.”

KJV 1Jn 2:17: “And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that
doeth the will of God abideth for [eivj INTO] ever [aivwn/ a].” YLT: “he doth remain--to
[eivj INTO] the AGE [aivw/na].” GNT: “kai. o` ko,smoj para,getai kai. h` evpiqumi,a auvtou/( o` de.
poiw/n to. qe,lhma tou/ qeou/ me,nei eivj to.n aivwn/ a.”

The Greek noun “aion” in the following verses, I believe is probably referring
to “eternity” IF it is speaking of the DEITY of Christ and NOT of His redemption
work as God’s Sinless Human Sacrifice. In other words, the redemptive OFFICE of
Christ or God’s redemptive Sonship program will end when death is destroyed
(1Co 15:23-28). Christ will always retain His glorified, immortal, incorruptible

Human resurrected Body, but He will not be known any longer as the Son of God,
but as the One and Only Almighty God, the Creator and Father of all living beings.

KJV Jn 12:34: “The people answered him, We have heard out of the law that
Christ abideth for [eivj INTO] ever [aivwn
/ a].” YLT: “Christ doth remain--to [eivj INTO]
the AGE [aivw/na].” GNT: “avpekri,qh ou=n auvtw/| o` o;cloj( ~Hmei/j hvkou,samen evk tou/ no,mou o[ti o`
Cristo.j me,nei eivj to.n aivw/na( kai. pw/j le,geij su. o[ti dei/ u`ywqh/nai to.n ui`o.n tou/ avnqrw,pouÈ
ti,j evstin ou-toj o` ui`oj. tou/ avnqrw,pou.”

KJV Hebrews 7:24: “But this MAN, because he continueth ever [eivj aivw/na], hath
an unchangeable priesthood.” YLT: “he, because of his remaining--to [eivj INTO]
the AGE [aivw/na].” GNT: “o` de. dia. to. me,nein auvto.n eivj to.n aivw/na avpara,baton e;cei th.n i`erwsu,nhn.”

Aionios (aivwni,oij)

This Greek Adjective Is A Form of the Noun Aion - Could Mean a

Present, Past, or Future Age or Endless Life or Time, Depends on the
Subject It Modifies, the Context It Is Used in, and the Preposition
Used with It.

Aionios is used 68 times in the NT, 122 times in the Septuagint and 37 times in
the Apocrypha.

Past Aionios: NKJ Tit 1:2: “In hope of Eternal [aivwni,ou aioniou] Life, which
God, that cannot lie, promised before [pro. pro] the world [aivwni,wn aionion] began
[cro,noj chronos].” DBY: “In the hope of Eternal [aivwni,ou aioniou] Life, which God,
who cannot lie, promised before the ages [aivwniwn, aionion] of time [cro,noj
chronos plural times].” GNT: “evpV evlpi,di zwh/j aivwni,ou( h]n evphggei,lato o` avyeudh.j Qeo.j
pro. cro,nwn aivwni,wn.”

This is a perfect example where “aionios” is used twice in a passage of

scripture and it refers to two different time periods. Because “aionios” is
connected to “life”, I believe it means Eternal Life; the second time it is used it
obviously refers to Past Ages because the prepositional phrase “before times -
chrono pro. cro,nwn” (gentive or possessive case) defines “aionios - aivwni,wn – i.e. of
the ages” (genitive or possessive case) as such. This is a good example how the
context and the preposition defines the meaning of aionios. A literal translation of
“pro. cro,nwn aivwni,wn” is “before the times of the ages”.

KJV Rom 16:25: “Now to him that is of power to establish you according to my
gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the
mystery, which was kept secret since the world [aivwni,oij aionios] began [chrono
cro,noj]”. YLT: “in the times [cro,noj chronos] of the AGES [aivwni,oij aionios] having
been kept silent”. GNT: “Tw/| de. duname,nw| u`ma/j sthri,xai kata. to. euvagge,lio,n mou kai. to.
kh,rugma VIhsou/ Cristou/( kata. avpoka,luyin musthri,ou cro,noij aivwni,oij sesighme,nou.” The
very context and the use of “before times (pro. cro,noj chrono)” in this scripture
demands that “aionios” be translated as “ages” and not “eternity”.

KJV 2Ti 1:9: “Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not
according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was
given us in Christ Jesus before the world [aivwni,wn aionion] began [cro,noj
chronos].” YLT: “who did save us, and did call with an holy calling, not according
to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, that was given to us in
Christ Jesus, before the times [cro,noj chronos] of the AGES [aivwni,wn aionion].”
GNT: “tou/ sw,santoj h`ma/j( kai. kale,santoj klh,sei a`gi,a(| ouv kata. ta. e;rga h`mw/n( avlla. katv
ivdi,an pro,qesin kai. ca,rin th.n doqei/san h`mi/n evn Cristw/| VIhsou/ pro. cro,nwn aivwni,wn.”

There are many places in the Greek Septuagint Old Testament where Aionios
is used and it definitely does not mean everlasting, eternal, or eternity. These
Scriptures will be examined after the following section of this book! It will be
found in the section entitled: The Hebrew Word ‘Owlam (`~l'A( [) and the Greek
Septuagint Aionias (aivwn
, i,aj).

Eternal Aionios: Because Aionios in the following passages are modified

a subject that is eternal such as “life” and “God,” I believe it should be translated
as “eternal” and not “age” or “ages.” DBY Mt 19:16: “And lo, one coming up said
to him, Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have Life Eternal [aivwni,on
aionion]?” GNT: “Kai. ivdou.( ei-j proselqw.n auvtw/| ei=pen( Dida,skale avgaqe( ti. avgaqo.n
poih,sw( i[na scw/ zwh.n aivwn, ion” (also see Mk 10:17; Lu 18:18).

DBY Mt 19:29: “Every one who has left houses, or brethren, or sisters, or
father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive
a hundredfold, and shall inherit Life Eternal [aivwni,on aionion].” GNT: “pa/j o[j avfh/ken
oivki,aj( h' avdelfou.j h' avdelfa.j h' pate,ra h' mhte,ra h' te,kna h' avgrou.j e[neken tou/ ovno,mato,j mou
e`katontaplasi,ona lh,yetai kai. zwh.n aivwn, ion klhronomh,sei.”

KJV Mk 10:30: “But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses,
and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with
persecutions; and in the world [aivwni,on aionion] to come Eternal Life.” NKJ: “the
AGE to come, Eternal [aivwni,on aionion] Life.” GNT: “evan
. mh. la,bh| e`katontaplasi,ona nu/n
evn tw/| kairw/| tou,tw| oivki,aj kai. avdelfou.j kai. avdelfa.j kai. mhte,raj kai. te,kna kai. avgrou.j meta.
diwgmw/n( kai. evn tw/| aivwn/ i tw/| evrcome,nw| zwh.n aivw,nion” (also see Lk 18:30).

KJV Lk 1:33: “He [Jesus – God’s Humanity] shall be great, and shall be called
the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the THRONE of His
father DAVID: And he shall reign [be a king] over the house of Jacob for [eivj] ever
/ aj aionas]; and of His kingdom there shall be no end.” YLT: “to [eivj INTO] the
ages.” GNT: “kai. basileu,sei evpi. to.n oi=kon VIakw.b eivj tou.j aivwn
/ aj kai. th/j basilei,aj auvtou/
ouvk e;stai te,loj.”.

DBY Lk 10:25: “A certain lawyer stood up tempting him, and saying, Teacher,
having done what, shall I inherit Life Eternal [aivwni,on aionion]?” GNT: “ivdou. nomiko,j
tij avne,sth( evkpeira,zwn auvto.n( kai. le,gwn( Dida,skale( ti, poih,saj zwh.n aivwn, ion

DBY Jn 3:15: “Every one who believes on him may {not PERISH, but} have Life
Eternal [aivwni,on aionion].” GNT: “i[na pa/j o` pisteu,wn eivj auvto.n mh. avpo,lhtai( avllV e;ch|
zwh.n aivw,nion.”

DBY Jn 3:16: “God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that
whosoever believes on him may not PERISH, but have Life Eternal [aivwni,on
aionion].” GNT: “Ou[tw ga.r hvga,phsen o` Qeo.j to.n ko,smon( w[ste to.n ui`on . auvtou/ to.n
monogenh/ e;dwken( i[na pa/j o` pisteu,wn eivj auvto.n mh. avpo,lhtai avllV e;ch| zwh.n aivw,nion.”

DBY John 3:36: “He that believes on the Son has Life Eternal [aivwni,on aionion],
and he that is not subject to the Son shall not see Life, but the wrath of God
abides upon him.” GNT: “o` pisteu,wn eivj to.n ui`on . e;cei zwh.n aivw,nion\ o` de. avpeiqw/n tw/|
ui`w(/| ouvk o;yetai zwh,n( avllV h` ovrgh. tou/ Qeou/ me,nei evpV auvto,n.”

DBY Jn 6:40: “For this is the will of my Father, that every one who sees the
Son, and believes on him, should have Life Eternal [aivwni,on aionion]; and I will
raise him up at the last day.” GNT: “tou/to de. evsti to. qe,lhma tou/ pe,myantoj me( i[na pa/j
o` qewrw/n to.n ui`o.n kai. pisteu,wn eivj auvto.n( e;ch| zwh.n aivwn, ion( kai. avnasth,sw auvto.n evgw. evn
th/| evsca,th| h`me,ra|.”

DBY Jn 6:4: “Verily, verily, I say to you, He that believes {on me} has Life
Eternal [aivwni,on aionion].” GNT: “avmh.n avmh.n le,gw u`mi/n( o` pisteu,wn eivj evme.( e;cei zwh.n

DBY Jn 6:54: “He that eats my flesh and drinks my blood has Life Eternal
[aivwni,on aionion], and I will raise him up at the last day”. GNT: “o` trw,gwn mou th.n
sa,rka kai. pi,nwn mou to. ai-ma( e;cei zwh.n aivw,nion( kai. evgw. avnasth,sw auvto.n th/| evsca,th|

DBY Jn 12:25: “He that loves his life [yuch,n psuche] shall lose it [in the after
life], and he that hates his life [yuch,n psuche] in this world shall keep it to Life
[zwh.n zoe] Eternal [aivwni,on aionion].” GNT: “o` filw/n th.n yuch.n auvtou/ avpole,sei auvth,n\
kai. o` misw/n th.n yuch.n auvtou/ evn tw/| ko,smw| tou,tw| eivj zwh.n aivwn, ion fula,xei auvth,nÅ”.

DBY Jn 17:3: “This is the Eternal [aivwni,oj aionios] Life, that they should know
thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” GNT: “au[th de,
evstin h` aivwn, ioj zwh,( i[na ginw,skwsi se. to.n mo,non avlhqino.n Qeo.n( kai. o]n avpe,steilaj VIhsou/n

DBY Ro 2:7: “To them who, in patient continuance of good works, seek for
glory and honour and incorruptibility, Life Eternal [aivwni,on aionion].” GNT: “toi/j me.n
kaqV u`pomonh.n e;rgou avgaqou/ do,xan kai. timh.n kai. avfqarsi,an zhtou/si( zwh.n aivw,nion.”

DBY Rom 6:22: “But *now*, having got your freedom from sin, and having
become bondmen to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end Eternal
[aivwni,on aionion] Life.” GNT: “nuni. de, evleuqerwqe,ntej avpo. th/j a`marti,aj( doulwqe,ntej de.
tw/| Qew/(| e;cete to.n karpo.n u`mw/n eivj a`giasmo,n( to. de. te,loj zwh.n aivw,nion.”

DBY Romans 6:23: “For the wages of sin {is} death; but the act of favour of
God, Eternal [aivwni,oj aionios] Life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” GNT: “ta. ga.r ovyw,nia
th/j a`marti,aj qa,natoj( to. de. ca,risma tou/ Qeou/ zwh. aivw,nioj evn Cristw/| VIhsou/ tw/| Kuri,w|

DBY 2Co 5:1: “For we know that if our earthly tabernacle house be destroyed,
we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, Eternal [aivwni,on
aionion] in the heavens.” GNT: “Oi;damen ga.r o[ti eva.n h` evpi,geioj h`mw/n oivki,a tou/ skh,nouj
kataluqh/|( oivkodomh.n( evk Qeou/ e;comen( oivki,an avceiropoi,hton( aivw,nion evn toi/j ouvranoi/j”.

DBY Gal 6:8: “For he that sows to his own flesh, shall reap corruption from the
flesh; but he that sows to the Spirit, from the Spirit shall reap Eternal [aivwni,on
aionion] Life.” GNT: “o[ti o` spei,rwn eivj th.n sa,rka e`autou/( evk th/j sarko.j qeri,sei fqora,n \
o` de. spei,rwn eivj to. Pneu/ma evk tou/ Pneu,matoj qeri,sei zwh.n aivw,nion.”

DBY 2Th 1:9: “Who shall pay the penalty {of} Everlasting [aivwni,on aionion]
destruction [o;leqron olethron] from {the} presence of the Lord, and from the glory
of his might.” GNT: “oi[tinej di,khn ti,sousin( o;leqron aivw,nion avpo. prosw,pou tou/ Kuri,ou
kai. avpo. th/j do,xhj th/j ivscu,oj auvtou/.”

DBY 1Ti 6:12: “Strive earnestly {in} the good conflict of faith. Lay hold of
Eternal [aivwni,ou aioniou] Life, to which thou hast been called, and hast confessed
the good confession before many witnesses.” GNT: “avgwni,zou to.n kalo.n avgw/na th/j
pi,stewj( evpilabou/ th/j aivwni,ou zwh/j( eivj h]n evklh,qhj( kai. w`molo,ghsaj th.n kalh.n o`mologi,an
evnw,pion pollw/n martu,rwn.”

DBY 1Ti 6:16: “who only has Immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light;
whom no man has seen, nor is able to see; to whom {be} honour and Eternal
[aivwni,on aionion] might.” GNT: “o` mo,noj e;cwn avqanasi,an( fw/j oivkw/n avpro,siton( o]n ei=den
ouvdei.j avnqrw,pwn( ouvde. ivdei/n du,natai\ w-| timh. kai. kra,toj aivw,nionÅ avmh,n.”

NKJ 1Ti 6:19: “storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to
come, that they may lay hold on Eternal [aivwni,ou aioniou] Life.” BZY:
“avpoqhsauri,zontaj e`autoi/j qeme,lion kalo.n eivj to. me,llon( i[na evpila,bwntai th/j aivwni,ou

DBY Tit 3:7: “having been justified by *his* grace, we should become heirs
according to {the} hope of Eternal [aivwni,ou aioniou] Life.” GNT: “i[na dikaiwqe,ntej th/|
evkei,nou ca,riti( klhrono,moi genw,meqa katV evlpi,da zwh/j aivwni,ou.”

DBY Heb 5:9: “having been perfected, became to all them that obey him,
author of Eternal [aivwni,ou aioniou] salvation.” GNT: “kai. teleiwqei.j evge,neto toi/j
u`pakou,ousin auvtw/| pa/sin ai;tioj swthri,aj aivwni,ou.”

DBY Heb 6:2: “{the} doctrine of washings, and of imposition of hands, and of
resurrection of {the} dead, and of Eternal [aivwni,ou aioniou] judgment.” GNT:
“baptismw/n didach/j( evpiqe,sew,j te ceirw/n( avnasta,sew,j te nekrw/n( kai. kri,matoj aivwni,ou.”

DBY Heb 9:14: “how much rather shall the blood of the Christ, who by the
Eternal [aivwni,ou aioniou] Spirit offered himself spotless to God, purify your
conscience from dead works.” GNT: “po,sw| ma/llon to. ai-ma tou/ Cristou/( o]j dia.
pneu,matoj aivwni,ou e`auto.n prosh,negken a;mwmon tw/| qew/|( kaqariei/ th.n sunei,dhsin h`mw/n avpo.
nekrw/n e;rgwn eivj to. latreu,ein qew/| zw/nti.”

DBY Heb 9:15: “And for this reason he is mediator of a new covenant, so that,
death having taken place for redemption of the transgressions under the first
covenant, the called might receive the promise of the Eternal [aivwni,ou aioniou]
inheritance.” GNT: “kai. dia. tou/to diaqh,khj kainh/j mesi,thj evsti,n( o[pwj qana,tou genome,nou
eivj avpolu,trwsin tw/n evpi. th/| prw,th| diaqh,kh| paraba,sewn( th.n evpaggeli,an la,bwsin oi`
keklhme,noi th/j aivwni,ou klhronomi,aj.”

DBY 1Jn 2:25: “this is the promise which *he* has promised us, Life Eternal
[aivwni,on aionion].” GNT: “kai. au[th evsti.n h` evpaggeli,a h]n auvto.j evphggei,lato h`mi/n( th.n
zwh.n th.n aivwn, ion.”

DBY 1Jn 3:15: “Every one that hates his brother is a murderer, and ye know
that no murderer has Eternal [aivwni,on aionion] Life ABIDING [me,nousan meno] in
him.” GNT: “pa/j o` misw/n to.n avdelfo.n auvtou/ avnqrwpokto,noj evsti,\ kai. oi;date o[ti pa/j
avnqrwpokto,noj ouvk e;cei zwh.n aivw,nion evn auvtw/| me,nousan.”

NKJ Rev 14:6: “Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having
the everlasting [aivwni,on aionion] gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth
-- to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people”. GNT: “Kai. ei=don a;llon a;ggelon
peto,menon evn mesouranh,mati( e;conta euvagge,lion aivwn, ion euvaggeli,sai evpi. tou.j kaqhme,nouj
evpi. th/j gh/j kai. evpi. pa/n e;qnoj kai. fulh.n kai. glw/ssan kai. lao,n(.”.

This verse may not be teaching eternity, for if the Gospel of Christ is preach
throughout eternity, who will it save after “death is destroyed” for there will be no
lost sinners left to be saved? Could this verse be teaching that this messenger of
Christ will preach: “the Gospel of this age” to sinners in the Tribulation Period.
Even though the Greek phrase “euvagge,lion aivwn, ion” is in the accusative case or a
direct object and not in the genitive or possessive case, I believe that this verse
probably refers to: “the Gospel of this age”

The Greek Phrase Aionas of Aionon (aivwn/ aj tw/n aivwn, wn)

Both Greek Words Are Nouns - Could Mean Ages of Ages (A Long
Period of Time) or Endless Time, Depends on the Subject It Refers to,
the Context It Is Used in, and the Preposition Used with It.

This phrase is used 22 times in the NT, 54 times in the Septuagint and 23
times in the Apocrypha. The Greek phrase aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn in all the following
scriptures is in the plural number. Since eternity can never be in the plural

number, that is, the word “eternities” or the phrase “eternities of eternities,” this
phrase refers to an “extremely long period of time” but not eternity!

Even though some believe it means eternity when it is connected to God, I still
believe that it means an “extremely long period of time. This phrase when it is
connected to Jesus means that His reign, our praises of Him, and anything else
connected to Him as God’s Humanity (i.e. His OFFICE as Son of God and Son of
Man) will cease when death is destroyed, but in His OFFICE as almighty God, the
Creator or the universe, none of these things will ever cease. According to
Scripture, the Man Christ Jesus must fulfill all the promises He, as God or YHWH,
made to King David of his son will reign in the Millennial Kingdom unto the “AGES
OF the AGES” is completed (Lk 1:30-33; Jn 5:20-27; Acts 2:23-24, 30-32; 17:30-31;
Rom 1:3-4; Heb 1:5-9; 1Co 15:24-28).

The noted Jewish-Christian theologian, Dr. Alfred Edersheim, in his great work
entitled, “The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah ,” made the following
interesting comment on the phrase “ages OF ages” when he declared:

Rabbi Akiba [of the 3rd century] should be quoted (Eduy. ii. 10) to the effect
that the judgment of the wicked in Gehenna… would be for AGES of
AGES…. It is at least conceivable that the expressions might refer to the
END OF ALL TIME and the merging of the 'mediatorial regency' (1 Cor. xv.
24) in the absolute kingship of God. 197

Therefore, when anyone is reading the Gospels, he or she must ask himself or
herself: “Is Jesus speaking in His OFFICE as almighty God or in His OFFICE as the
Son, the Savior of the world”? As one examines the Gospels he or she will read
the phrase “the Son of Man” over and over again! In other words, Jesus mostly
spoke to His apostles and others in His OFFICE as MAN, and a few times in His

Because most translators of the Bible do not fully understand Christ’s OFFICE
as Mediator, that is, His OFFICE as the Son of God and Son of Man, they
emphasize His real and absolute Deity instead of His Humanity in all of the
following passages of Scriptures by translating the Greek phrase “ to.n aivw/na tou/
aivw/noj the AGE OF the AGE” or “tou.j aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn the AGES OF the AGES”
with the term “for ever and ever” or “forever and ever”! Even though most of these
translators realize that something of the Son of God will come to an END, when
death is no longer, “so that God may be all in all”, but they do not have an inkling
as to what that something is (1Co 15:24-28, NIV). Therefore, they emphasize

Christ’s OFFICE as almighty God instead of His OFFICE as the Son of God or God’s
one and only visible Humanity or Self.

When one becomes enlighten through the Holy Spirit that Jesus is the one and
only God, the Creator and FATHER of all of creation, and that God became a real
MAN at Bethlehem, then they will come to the understanding of what OFFICE of
Christ or YHWH comes to an END! Christ’s angel speaking of His OFFICE as the
Son of God said, the Son who was to be born of Mary: “SHALL BE CALLED [future
not past tense] the Son of the Highest” (Lk 1:32), or as the apostle Paul said it as
he quoted Christ’s prophecy to King David: “You are My Son, TODAY I have
BEGOTTEN You’? And again: ‘I WILL BE [e;somai future not past tense] to Him a
Father, And He SHALL BE [e;stai future not past tense] to Me a Son” (Heb 1:5; cp
with Psa 2:7; 1Ch 22:10). BYZ: “ Ti,ni ga.r ei=pe,n pote tw/n avgge,lwn( Ui`oj, mou ei= su,( evgw.
sh,meron gege,nnhka, seÈ Kai. pa,lin( VEgw. e;somai auvtw/| eivj pate,ra( kai. auvto.j e;stai moi eivj

The Greek verb “esomai e;somai” is in the FUTURE tense, indicative mood, 1 st
person singular and “esomai e;stai” is in the FUTURE tense, indicative mood, 3 rd
person, singular number. The infallible Word of God did NOT say: “I have always
been [past tense] His Father, and He has always been [past tense] My Son”.
Therefore, according to God’s Holy Bible, the Sonship PROGRAM or OFFICE began
on a certain day AFTER, not before, Christ gave this prophecy to King David.

If any of my beloved readers would desire to know more about Christ’s Offices,
I invite them to read my book “The Mysteries of the Godhead Revealed”, or my
historical book “A History of Oneness throughout the Centuries (Baptism in Jesus’
Name, the Godhead in Christ)”. Both of these books are given away to my beloved
readers on my website: With these truths in mind, let us
now analyze the Scriptures where the phrase “the AGE of the AGE” and “the
AGES OF the AGES” is used.

KJV Rev 20:10: “And the devil that deceived them was cast into the Lake of
Fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be
tormented day and night for ever and ever.” YLT: “They shall be tormented day
and night--to [eivj UNTIL] the AGES OF the AGES [tou.j aivwn / aj tw/n aivwn, wn].” GNT:
“kai. o` dia,boloj o` planw/n auvtou.j evblh,qh eivj th.n li,mnhn tou/ puro.j kai. qei,ou( o[pou to.
qhri,on kai. o` yeudoprofh,thj\ kai. basanisqh,sontai h`me,raj kai. nukto.j eivj tou.j aivw/naj tw/n

Since the infallible word of God definitely, emphatically, unquestionably,
beyond doubt, proclaims for all to read that Lucifer shall be annihilated or burned
up and reduced to ashes, that is, after he is tormented for many ages in the Lake
of Fire, the Greek pharse “tou.j aivwn
/ aj tw/n aivwn, wn” must mean “UNTIL the AGES OF
the AGES” or the “END of TIME” and NOT ETERNITY. Let us again review the
passage in Ezekiel that speaks of the annihilation of Lucifer:

“Son of man, sing this FUNERAL song for the King of Tyre. Give him this
message from the Sovereign LORD: ‘You were the model of perfection, full of
wisdom and exquisite in beauty. You were in EDEN, the GARDEN of God…. They
were given to you on the DAY you were CREATED. I ordained and anointed you as
the mighty ANGELIC guardian. You had access to the Holy Mountain of God and
walked among the stones of fire. You were blameless in all you did from the DAY
you were CREATED until the day evil was found in you….

You defiled your sanctuaries with your many sins and your dishonest trade. So
I brought forth a FIRE from the midst of thee; it hath DEVOURED thee, and I have
turned thee to ASHES upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All
they that know thee among the peoples shall be astonished at thee: thou art
become a terror, and thou shalt NEVERMORE [lo] have ANY BEING [hayah]” (Eze
28:12-19, American Standard Version). According to Dr. Strong, the Hebrew word
“lo'” is a:

primitive particle; NOT (the simple or absolute negation)”; 198

[and the
Hebrew word “hayah” is:] A primitive root… to EXIST.199

The English Translation of the Septuagint Version of the Old Testament by Sir
Lancelot Brenton reads this way: “Because of the multitude of thy sins and the
iniquities of thy merchandise, I have profaned thy sacred things; and I will bring
FIRE OUT OF the MIDST of THEE, this shall DEVOUR thee; and I will make thee TO
BE ASHES upon thy land before all that see thee. And all that know thee among
the nations shall groan over thee: thou art gone to DESTRUCTION, and thou shalt
NOT [ou] EXIST ANY LONGER [huparcho].” Drs. Friberg defined the Greek word
“ou” as:

An adverb negating an alleged fact, used predominately in the NT with the

indicative mood NO, NOT… a negative to emphasize a POSITIVE NOT… in
quotations from the Septuagint… to produce a strong negative or
prohibition NEVER, not at all, by no means, certainly not.200

Dr. Strong defined the Greek word “u`pa,rcw” or “huparcho” in the Greek
Septuagint to mean:

To begin under (quietly), i.e. COME INTO EXISTENCE (be present or at

hand); expletively, TO EXIST (as copula or subordinate to an adjective,
participle, adverb or preposition, or as auxil. to principal (verb).201

The Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian
Literature by Dr. Walter Bauer defined “huparcho” in the LXX as:

The basic idea: COME INTO BEING from an originating point… to really be
there, EXIST.202

In the Holy Bible New Living Translation the above verses read this way:
“You defiled your sanctuaries with your many sins and your dishonest
trade. So I brought FIRE out from WITHIN you, and it CONSUMED you. I
reduced you to ASHES on the ground in the sight of all who were watching.
All who knew you are appalled at your fate. You have come to a terrible
end, and you will EXIST NO MORE.” In 230 AD, Origen translated these
verses in Ezekiel this way: “Thou shalt exist no longer for ever”.203

NKJ Heb 1:8: “But to the Son he says, Your throne, O God, is forever and ever.”
DBY & YLT: “to [eivj UNTIL] the AGE OF the AGE [eivj to.n aivwn / a tou/ aivwn/ oj].” GNT:
“pro.j de. to.n ui`o,n( ~O qro,noj sou o` qeo,j eivj to.n aivwn
/ a tou/ aivw/noj( kai. h` r`ab, doj th/j
euvqu,thtoj r`a,bdoj th/j basilei,aj sou.” The Greek preposition “eivj eis i.e. UNTIL”
definitely states a TERMINUS TIME PERIOD for this event to occur. The Greek
noun “aivw/na” is in the accusative case or is a direct object, singular number, and
is modified by the article THE; “aivw/noj” is in the genitive or possessive case,
singular number, and is also modified by the article THE!

Therefore, this Greek phrase should be translated as “until the AGE OF the
AGE”, that is of course, if a translator desires to be grammatically correct! What
do you believe about Greek Grammar; does God really care if translators use their
own religious bias beliefs to willfully ignore the Greek Grammar He inspired His
apostles and disciples to use in their writing of His holy infallible Word? Do you
truly believe: “EVERY Word of God is Pure” (Pro 30:5); or “The Words of the LORD
are Pure Words, Like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times” (Psa
12:6; 119:140). God is waiting for your answer. We could lose our salvation if we
continue to willfully translate or twist the Word of God to fit our belief system.

NKJ Rev 11:15: “Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices
in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our
Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever”! YLT & DBY: “He shall
reign to [eivj UNTIL] the AGES OF the AGES [eivj tou.j aivwn
/ aj tw/n aivwn, wn]!” GNT: “Kai.
o` e[bdomoj a;ggeloj evsa,lpise( kai. evge,nonto fwnai. mega,lai evn tw/| ouvranw/(| le,gousai( VEge,nonto
ai` basilei/ai tou/ ko,smou( tou/ Kuri,ou h`mw/n( kai. tou/ Cristou/ auvtou/( kai. basileu,sei eivj tou.j
aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn.”

The Greek preposition “eivj eis i.e. UNTIL” again denotes a TERMINUS TIME
PERIOD for this event to occur. The Greek noun “ aivwn / aj” is also in the accusative
case or is a direct object, plural number, and is modified by the article THE;
“aivw,nwn” is also in the genitive or possessive case, ! This is why this Greek phrase
should be translated as Dr. J. N. Darby and Dr. R. Young in their Literal
Translation of the Holy Bible translated it. In all of the following passages of
Scriptures this same Greek noun, in this Greek phrase, is always in the genitive
case, plural number, and is modified by the article THE!

So, what does all this Greek grammar mean? Since this, and the above, and all
the following Scriptures use the preposition “ eivj i.e. INTO, TO, or UNTIL” and the
Greek article “tou.j and tw/n” is used as a modifier, this Greek phrase should be
translated: “UNTIL the AGES OF the AGES” that is it points out a definite TIME
PERIOD in the distant future! I believe Dr. Edersheim was absolutely correct when
he stated that the Greek phrase “ eivj tou.j aivwn
/ aj tw/n aivwn, wn i.e. UNTIL the AGES
OF the AGES” refers to the “END OF ALL TIME”, which will end when the Son’s
Mediatorial OFFICE or ministry is finished and death is destroyed.

NAS Rev 14:11 “And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; and
they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and
whoever receives the mark of his name”. YLT & DBY: “The smoke of their torment
doth go up to [eivj UNTIL] AGES OF AGES [aivwn / aj aivw,nwn]” (also Rev 19:3). BYZ:
“kai. o` kapno.j tou/ basanismou/ auvtw/n eivj aivw/naj aivwn
, wn avnabai,nei\ kai. ouvk e;cousin
avna,pausin h`me,raj kai. nukto.j oi` proskunou/ntej to. qhri,on kai. th.n eivko,na auvtou/( kai. ei; tij
lamba,nei to. ca,ragma tou/ ovno,matoj auvtouÅ/

NIV Rev 22:5: “There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a
lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will
reign for ever and ever. YLT: “they shall reign--to [eivj UNTIL] the AGES OF the
AGES [tou.j aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn].” GNT: “kai. nu.x ouvk e;stai evkei( kai. crei,an ouvk e;cousi
lu,cnou kai. fwto.j h`li,ou( o[ti Ku,rioj o` Qeo.j fwti,zei auvtou,j\ kai. basileu,sousin eivj tou.j
aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn.”

ASV 1Ti 1:17: “King eternal [aivw,nwn], immortal, invisible, the only God, be
honor and glory forever and ever. Amen”. YLT: “to the King of the AGES [aivw,nwn],
the incorruptible, invisible, only wise God, {is} honour and glory--to [eivj UNTIL] the
AGES OF the AGES [tou.j aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn]!” GNT: “tw/| de. basilei/ tw/n aivwn , wn(
avfqa,rtw|( avora,tw|( mo,nw| sofw/ Qew/(| timh. kai. do,xa eivj tou.j aivwn/ aj tw/n aivwn, wnÅ avmh,n” (also
see Ga 1:5; Phi 4:20; 2Ti 4:18; Heb 13:21; 1Pe 4:11; 5:11; Rev 1:6;; 7:12).

NKJ Rev 1:18: “I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive
forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.” YLT: “I am living
to [eivj INTO] the AGES OF the AGES [tou.j aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn]. Amen!”. BYZ: “kai. o`
zw/n( kai. evgeno,mhn nekro,j( kai. ivdou,( zw/n eivmi. eivj tou.j aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn( avmh,n\ kai. e;cw
ta.j klei/j tou/ qana,tou kai. tou/ {A|dou” (also Rev 4:9-10; 5:13-14; 10:6; 15:7).

NKJ Exo 15:18: “The LORD shall reign forever [Heb. ~l'[î ol. `owlam] and ever
[Heb. `d[,w( " ±¹dâ]”. YLT: “Jehovah reigneth -- to the age, and for [Grk. Sep. epi evpV
accusative case] ever!' LXT: “ku,rioj basileu,wn to.n aivwn/ a kai. evpV aivw/na kai. e;ti”. A
Literal Transltion would be: “YHWH reigns to the AGE and UP TO (epi evpV - or AS
FAR AS) the AGE”. In this verse, the prepositional particle “epi evpV” in Greek
Septuagint modifies “AGE aivw/na”, which is in the accusative case. Drs. Friberg
defined this prepositional particle as:

evpi, preposition with a basic meaning on, but with a wide range of meanings
according to the context.... II. with the accusative emphasizing motion or
direction; of place on (MT 14.29); across, over (MT 27.45); as far as, to, UP
TO (MK 16.2).204

In Hebrew the Greek Septuagint prepositional particle “epi evpV” is “l.”. In the
above passage of scripture, this prepositional particle is joined to the Hebrew
noun “owlam” i.e. “~l'î[l
o ”. The Hebrew language, like the Greek language, possess
a large number of prepositions, many of the prepositional functions in the Hebrew
are concentrated in the four prefixes. According to The Hebrew and Aramaic
Lexicon of the Old Testament , the Hebrew prepositional particle “l.” could either
mean: “UNTIL: rq,Bol; TILL Dt 164, d[eAMl; UNTIL 1S 138”.205 The Theological Wordbook
of the Old Testament defined “~l'[î o `owlam as:

~l'A[ (±ôl¹m) forever, ever, everlasting, evermore, perpetual, OLD, ANCIENT,

world, etc…. Probably derived from ±¹lam I, ‘to hide,’ thus pointing to what
is hidden in the distant FUTURE or in the distant PAST…. There are at least
twenty instances where it clearly refers to the PAST. Such usages
generally point to something that seems long ago, but rarely if ever refer to

a limitless PAST…. The LXX [i.e. Greek Septuaigent Old Testament]
generally translates ±œl¹m by aiœn which has essentially the same range of
meaning. That NEITHER the Hebrew NOR the Greek word in itself contains
the idea of endlessness is shown both by the fact that they sometimes
refer to events or conditions that occurred at a DEFINITE POINT in the

Drs. R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer Jr., & Bruce K. Waltke defined the
Hebrew word “`d[,w( " ±¹dâ” as:

(±¹dâ)…. Probably root of the following. (1565a) d[; (±ad) I, perpetuity,

confinuing future…. (1565c) d[; (±ad), yde[] (±¦d¢) III, as far as, even to, until,
while…. It should be noted that there is NO general word for TIME in
Hebrew, NEITHER are there special terms for the past, present, future, and
eternity. The word ±ôl¹m should be compared, with special attention given
to the nineteen times when these words are used together…. The wicked
are doomed to destruction forever (Psa 9:6 [H 7]; Psa 92:7 [H 8]).

±ad II, as far as, even to, UNTIL, while. The special poetic form, ±¦dê is used
twelve times. ±ad functions as both preposition and conjunction…. This
word is used temporally to indicate a continuation of an event from a point
in the past to the present (Gen 19:37, 38). It can be used of an event
clearly in the past (Gen 8:7) and also of an event in the future (Gen 3:19;
Deut 7:20, 23). As a conjunction it can refer to action which has already
happened (Deut 2:14) or one which has not yet been completed at the time
of the writing (2Sam 17:13).207

NAS 1Ch 16:36: “Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, From everlasting
[Heb. owlam] even to everlasting [Heb. owlam]. Then all the people said, ‘Amen,’
and praised the LORD.” YLT: “Blessed is Jehovah, God of Israel, From the AGE
and unto the AGE”. LXT: “euvloghme,noj ku,rioj o` qeo.j Israhl avpo. tou/ aivw/noj kai. e[wj tou/
aivw/noj kai. evrei/ pa/j o` lao,j amhn kai. h;n| esan tw/| kuri,w ” (1Ch 29:10; Neh 9:5; Psa 9:5-6
[Sep. Psa 9: 6-7]). A Literal translation of this verse is: “Blessed be YHWH, the god
of Israel, FROM (avpo) the AGE (owlam aivw/noj) and UNTIL (e[wj) the AGE (owlam
aivw/noj).” Drs. Frigerg defined the conjunction “ e[wj”, which is in the genitive case

e[wj (1) as a temporal conjunction; (a) to link the event marking the END of
a TIME PERIOD to another element in the sentence till, UNTIL (MT 2.9); (b)
to link to an event the circumstances on which the beginning of that event

depends UNTIL (MT 2.13); (c) to denote the contemporaneous aspect of a
time period while, as long as (MK 6.45; JN 9.4); (2) as an improper
preposition with the genitive; (a) to denote time UNTIL (MK 15.33).208

LXE Psa 83:17: “Let them be ashamed and troubled for evermore [Heb. d[; `ad,
Grk. Sep. eivj to.n aivwn
/ a tou/ aivwn/ oj]; yea, let them be confounded and DESTROYED
[Heb. db;a' 'abad; Grk. Sep. avpw,leia apoleia].” LXT Psalm 82:18 aivscunqh,twsan kai.
taracqh,twsan eivj to.n aivw/na tou/ aivw/noj kai. evntraph,twsan kai. avpole,sqwsan”. A Literal
translation would be: “Let them [the wicked] be put to shamed and terrified into
the AGE of the AGE, yes, and let them be embarrassed and DESTROYED”.

The Hebrew-Aramaic and English Lexicon of the Old Testament by Drs. F.

Brown, S.R. Driver, and C. A. Briggs defined “db;a' 'abad” as:

db;a vb. Perish… be EXTERMINATED (judgment for sin) of Israel… other

nations Dt 7:20, Je 10:15, 51:18, Psalm 2:12, 10:16, 83:17… wicked in
general… Psalm 37:20, 49:11, 68:3 (|| similar of melting wax), 73:27”.209

The Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament by Drs. Horst Balz & Gerhard
Schneider defined “avpw,leia apoleia” this way: “avpo,llumi apollymi destroy; lose; die;
be lost; avpw,leia( aj( h` apœleia destruction, waste, ANNIHILATION”.210

TNK Psa 61:8: “So I will sing hymns to Your name forever [Heb. d[; `ad, Grk.
Sep. eivj to.n aivwn/ a tou/ aivwn/ oj], as I fulfill my vows day after day” (JPS Tanakh 1985
ed. by the Jewish Publication Society). LXT Psa 60:9: “ou[twj yalw/ tw/| ovno,mati, sou
eivj to.n aivw/na tou/ aivw/noj tou/ avpodou/nai, me ta.j euvca,j mou h`me,ran evx h`me,raj ”. The Literal
Translation is: “So I will sing hymns to Your name into the AGE of the AGE” (Psa
19:9 [Sep. 18:10]; 21:4, 6 [Sep. 20:5, 7]; 22:26 [Sep. 21:27]; 37:27, 29 [Sep. 36:27,
29]; 45:6, 17 [Sep. 44:7, 18]; 61:8 [Sep. 60:9].

YLT Psa 41:13: “Blessed is Jehovah, God of Israel, From [avpo. apo] the AGE --
and unto [eis INTO] the AGE. Amen and Amen.” LXT Psa 40:14: “euvloghto.j ku,rioj o`
qeo.j Israhl avpo. tou/ aivwn/ oj kai. eivj to.n aivwn/ a ge,noito ge,noito”. Literal Translation:
“Blessed is YHWH, God of Israel, From the AGE and INTO the AGE” (Psa 48:14
[Sep. 47:15]; 52:8 [Sep. 51:10]; 72:19 [Sep. 71:19]).

LXE Psa 84:4: “Blessed are they that dwell in your temple: they will be
constantly praising you INTO the ages OF [the] ages [aivw/naj tw/n aivwn , wn].” LXT Psa
83:5: “maka,rioi oi` katoikou/ntej evn tw/| oi;kw| sou eivj tou.j aivw/naj tw/n aivw,nwn aivne,sousi,n se

dia,yalma” (Psa 83:17 [Sep. 82:18]; 89:29 [Sep. 88:30]; also Apocrapha: 1 Esdras
4:38; Tobit 6:17; 4Mac 18:24).

The Hebrew Word ‘Owlam (`~l'A( [)

and the Greek Septuagint Aionias (aivwn, i,aj)

This Hebrew and Greek Adjective - Could Mean a Present, Past, or

Future Age or Endless Time, Depends on the Subject It Refers to, the
Context It Is Used in, and the Preposition Used with It.

The Hebrew adjective owlam is found 439 times in the Old Testament, and it
is translated as Aionios 122 times in the Greek Septuagint and 37 times in the
Apocrypha. Owlam is translated by the King James translators as: ever 272
times, everlasting 63 times, old 22 times, perpetual 22 times, evermore 15 times,
time 6, ancient 5, world 4, long 2, misc 28 times. In most cases this word is used
to express limited duration of time, even though it has been translated as for
ever, forever and ever, everlasting and eternal. Vine's Expository Dictionary of
Biblical Words defined “owlam” as:

First, in a few passages the word means ‘eternity’ in the sense of not being
limited to the present…. Second, the word signifies ‘REMOTEST time’ or
‘REMOTE time….’ This word may include all the time between the ancient
beginning and the present: ‘The prophets that have been before me and
before thee of old prophesied…’ <Jer. 28:8>. The word can mean ‘LONG
AGO’ (from long ago): ‘For [long ago] I have broken thy yoke, and burst thy
bands...’ <Jer. 2:20>. In <Josh. 24:2>, the word means ‘FORMERLY; in
ANCIENT times.’ The word is used in <Jer. 5:15>, where it means ‘ ancient’:
‘Lo, I will bring a nation upon you from far, O house of Israel, saith the Lord:
it is a mighty nation, it is an ANCIENT nation....’

In <Exod. 21:6> the phrase le `owlam means ‘ as long as one lives’: ‘...and
his master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve him
for ever.’ This phrase emphasizes ‘continuity,’ ‘definiteness,’ and
‘unchangeability.’ This is its emphasis in <Gen. 3:22>, the first biblical
occurrence of `owlam (or `olam): ‘...and now, lest he put forth his hand, and
take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever....’

The same emphasis on ‘SIMPLE DURATION’ pertains when `owlam (or

`olam) is used in passages such as <Ps. 61:8>, where it appears by itself:

‘So will I sing praise unto thy name for ever, that I may daily perform my
vows.’ The parallelism demonstrates that `owlam (or `olam) means ‘ day by
day,’ or ‘continually.’

In <Gen. 9:16>, the word (used absolutely) means the ‘ most distant future’:
‘And the bow shall be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, that I may
remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living
creature....’ In other places, the word means ‘without beginning, without
end, and ever-continuing’: ‘Trust ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord
Jehovah is everlasting strength’ <Isa. 26:4>.211

How can the Feast of Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread be eternal
ordinances, and the Priest’s Tabernacle Services be eternal statutes, when God
declared that the Mosaic Covenant would be replace by the New Covenant, and
the apostle Paul declared that the Old Covenant was about to be abolish (Jer
31:31-34; Heb 8:6-13)? With this immutable truth in mind, let us now examine
some of these Old Testament passages of Scripture that translate the Hebrew
word ‘Owlam (`~l'(A[) and the Greek Septuagint word Aionias (aivw,ni,aj) as Eternal,
Everlasting, Perpetual, Old, Ancient, etc:

NKJ Exo 12:14: “So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it
as a Feast [i.e. Passover] to the LORD throughout your generations. You shall
keep it as a Feast by an everlasting [Heb. `~l'(A[ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwn , ion aionion]
ordinance.” LXT: “kai. e;stai h` h`me,ra u`mi/n au[th mnhmo,sunon kai. e`orta,sete auvth.n e`orth.n
kuri,w| eivj pa,saj ta.j genea.j u`mw/n no,mimon aivw,nion e`orta,sete auvth,n”.

NKJ Exo 12:1: “So you shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread, for on
this same day I will have brought your armies out of the land of Egypt. Therefore
you shall observe this day throughout your generations as an everlasting [Heb.
`~l'(A[ owlam Grk. Sep. aivw,nion aionion] ordinance.” LXT: “kai. fula,xesqe th.n evntolh.n
tau,thn evn ga.r th/| h`me,ra| tau,th| evxa,xw th.n du,namin u`mw/n evk gh/j Aivgu,ptou kai. poih,sete th.n
h`me,ran tau,thn eivj genea.j u`mw/n no,mimon aivwn, ion”.

NKJ Exo 27:21: “In the tabernacle of meeting, outside the veil which is before
the Testimony, Aaron and his sons shall tend it from evening until morning before
the LORD. It shall be a statute forever [Heb. `~l'A( [ owlam Grk. Sep. aivw,nion aionion]
to their generations on behalf of the children of Israel.” LXT: “evn th/| skhnh/| tou/
marturi,ou e;xwqen tou/ katapeta,smatoj tou/ evpi. th/j diaqh,khj kau,sei auvto. Aarwn kai. oi` ui`oi.
auvtou/ avfV e`spe,raj e[wj prwi. evnanti,on kuri,ou no,mimon aivwn, ion eivj ta.j genea.j u`mw/n para. tw/n
ui`wn/ Israhl”.

NKJ Exo 30:21: “So they shall wash their hands and their feet, lest they die.
And it shall be a statute forever [Heb. `~l'A( [ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwn
, ion aionion] to
them -- to him and his descendants throughout their generations”. LXT: “ni,yontai
ta.j cei/raj kai. tou.j po,daj u[dati o[tan eivsporeu,wntai eivj th.n skhnh.n tou/ marturi,ou ni,yontai
u[dati i[na mh. avpoqa,nwsin kai. e;stai auvtoi/j no,mimon aivw,nion auvtw/| kai. tai/j geneai/j auvtou/
metV auvto,n”.

NKJ Pro 22:28: “Do not remove the ancient [Heb. `~l'A( [ owlam Grk. Sep. aivw,nia
aionia] landmark Which your fathers have set” (also Pro 23:10). LXT: “mh. me,taire
o[ria aivw,nia a] e;qento oi` pate,rej sou”.

NKJ Job 22:15: “Will you keep to the old [Heb. `~l'A( [ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwn
, ion
aionion] way Which wicked men have trod”. LXT: “mh. tri,bon aivw,nion fula,xeij h]n
evpa,thsan a;ndrej a;dikoi”.

NKJ Isaiah 58:12: “Those from among you Shall build the old [Heb. `~l'(A[ owlam
Grk. Sep. aivw,nioi aionioi] waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of
many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The
Restorer of Streets to Dwell In”. LXT: “kai. oivkodomhqh,sontai, sou ai` e;rhmoi aivw,nioi kai.
e;stai sou ta. qeme,lia aivwn, ia genew/n geneai/j kai. klhqh,sh| oivkodo,moj fragmw/n kai. tou.j
tri,bouj tou.j avna. me,son pau,seij”.

NKJ Isa 61:4: “And they shall rebuild the old [Heb. `~l'(A[ owlam Grk. Sep.
aivwni,aj aionias] ruins, They shall raise up the former desolations, And they shall
repair the ruined cities, The desolations of many generations”. LXT: “kai.
oivkodomh,sousin evrh,mouj aivwni,aj evxhrhmwme,naj pro,teron evxanasth,sousin kai. kainiou/sin
po,leij evrh,mouj evxhrhmwme,naj eivj genea,j”.

NKJ Isa 63:11: “Then he remembered the days of old [Heb. `~l'(A[ owlam Grk.
Sep. aivwni,wn aionion], Moses and his people, saying: ‘Where is He who brought
them up out of the sea With the shepherd of His flock? Where is He who put His
Holy Spirit within them”. LXT: “kai. evmnh,sqh h`merw/n aivwni,wn o` avnabiba,saj evk th/j gh/j
to.n poime,na tw/n proba,twn pou/ evstin o` qei.j evn auvtoi/j to. pneu/ma to. a[gion ”.

NKJ Jer 6:16: “Thus says the LORD: ‘Stand in the ways and see, And ask for
the old [Heb. `~l'(A[ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwni,ouj aionious] paths, where the good way
is, And walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, 'We will not
walk in it’”. LXT: “ta,de le,gei ku,rioj sth/te evpi. tai/j o`doi/j kai. i;dete kai. evrwth,sate tri,bouj
kuri,ou aivwni,ouj kai. i;dete poi,a evsti.n h` o`do.j h` avgaqh, kai. badi,zete evn auvth/| kai. eu`rh,sete
a`gnismo.n tai/j yucai/j u`mw/n kai. ei=pan ouv poreuso,meqa ”.
NKJ Jer 18:15: “Because My people have forgotten Me, They have burned
incense to worthless idols. And they have caused themselves to stumble in their
ways, From the ancient [Heb. `~l'(A[ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwni,ouj aionious] paths, To
walk in pathways and not on a highway”. LXT: “o[ti evpela,qonto, mou o` lao,j mou eivj
keno.n evqumi,asan kai. avsqenh,sousin evn tai/j o`doi/j auvtw/n scoi,nouj aivwni,ouj tou/ evpibh/nai
tri,bouj ouvk e;contaj o`do.n eivj porei,an”.

NKJ Jer 25:9: “behold, I will send and take all the families of the north,' says
the LORD, 'and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, My servant, and will bring
them against this land, against its inhabitants, and against these nations all
around, and will utterly destroy them, and make them an astonishment, a hissing,
and perpetual [Heb. `~l'A( [ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwni,wn aionion] desolations”. LXT “ivdou.
evgw. avposte,llw kai. lh,myomai th.n patria.n avpo. borra/ kai. a;xw auvtou.j evpi. th.n gh/n tau,thn kai.
evpi. tou.j katoikou/ntaj auvth.n kai. evpi. pa,nta ta. e;qnh ta. ku,klw| auvth/j kai. evxerhmw,sw auvtou.j
kai. dw,sw auvtou.j eivj avfanismo.n kai. eivj surigmo.n kai. eivj ovneidismo.n aivw,nion”.

NKJ Jer 25:12: “Then it will come to pass, when seventy years are completed,
that I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation, the land of the Chaldeans,
for their iniquity,' says the LORD; 'and I will make it a perpetual [Heb. `~l'A( [ owlam
Grk. Sep. aivwni,wn aionion] desolation”. LXT: “kai. evn tw/| plhrwqh/nai ta. e`bdomh,konta
e;th evkdikh,sw to. e;qnoj evkei/no fhsi.n ku,rioj kai. qh,somai auvtou.j eivj avfanismo.n aivw,nion”.

NKJ Jeremiah 51:39: “In their [i.e. the people of Babylon] excitement I will
prepare their feasts; I will make them drunk, That they may rejoice, And sleep a
PERPETUAL [Heb. `~l'A( [ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwni,wn aionion] SLEEP [Heb hn"ve shehah –
Grk. Sep. u[pnon] and NOT AWAKE,’ says the LORD”. LXT: “evn th/| qermasi,a| auvtw/n dw,sw
po,thma auvtoi/j kai. mequ,sw auvtou,j o[pwj karwqw/sin kai. u`pnw,swsin u[pnon aivw,nion kai. ouv mh.
evgerqw/si le,gei ku,rioj

DBY Dan 12:2: “And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, some to Everlasting [Heb. `~l'(A[ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwni,on aionion] Life, and
some to shame, to Everlasting [Heb. `~l'A( [ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwni,on aionion]
CONTEMPT [aivscu,nhn SHAME – DISGRACE].” LXT: “kai. polloi. tw/n kaqeudo,ntwn evn tw/|
pla,tei th/j gh/j avnasth,sontai oi` me.n eivj zwh.n aivw,nion oi` de. eivj ovneidismo,n oi` de. eivj
diaspora.n kai. aivscu,nhn aivwn, ion.”

NKJ Ezekiel 26:20: “then I will bring you down with those who descend into
the Pit, to the people of old [Heb. `~l'(A[ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwn/ oj aionos], and I will
make you dwell in the lowest part of the earth, in places desolate from antiquity
[Heb. `~l'(A[ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwni,on aionion], with those who go down to the Pit, so
that you may never be inhabited; and I shall establish glory in the land of the
living”. LXT: “kai. katabiba,sw se pro.j tou.j katabai,nontaj eivj bo,qron pro.j lao.n aivwn
/ oj kai.
katoikiw/ se eivj ba,qh th/j gh/j w`j e;rhmon aivwn, ion meta. katabaino,ntwn eivj bo,qron o[pwj mh.
katoikhqh/j| mhde. avnastaqh/j| evpi. gh/j zwh/j”.

NKJ Eze 36:2: “Thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Because the enemy has said of you,
'Aha! The ancient [Heb. `~l'A( [ owlam Grk. Sep. aivwn , ia aionia] heights have become
our possession”. LXT: “ta,de le,gei ku,rioj ku,rioj avnqV w-n ei=pen o` evcqro.j evfV u`ma/j eu=ge
e;rhma aivwn, ia eivj kata,scesin h`mi/n evgenh,qh”.

Books Written by the Author and Given Away on His Website

A Biblical, Medical, and Psychological Account of the Sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ
The Heresy of the Nicolaitans
Biblical Creationism vs Pantheistic Theories of Evolution (Nature Worship)
A Prophetic History of God’s Apostolic Pentecostal Church
(The Seven Prophetic Periods of the Church Age)
The Mysteries of Prophecy Revealed
What Do You Mean I Must Be Born Again?
Preacher, What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life?
A Historical Record of Speaking in Tongues
The Mysteries of the Godhead Revealed
A History of Oneness Throughout the Centuries
(Baptism in Jesus’ Name, the Godhead in Christ)
What Happens to Man’s Spirit, Soul, and Body Immediately after Death?
What Is Lost Man’s Eternal Destiny? (Immediate Annihilation, Eternal Torment, Torment for a
Time and Then Universal Salvation, or Torment for a Time and Then Annihilation)
The Mysteries of the Spirit and Soul of Man Revealed
(What Are They? Does Each Nature of Man Have Mind, Will, and Emotions?)
Holiness: God’s Beauty College
What Is God’s Rest for the Believer: the Sabbath Day or God’s Sabbath Spirit
The Infallibility of the Bible and How to Study It
A Calendar of Biblical and Historical Dates and Events Beginning with the Creation of Adam
The Heresies of the Pharisaical Jewish Ebionites
William Marion Branham: His Life, Teachings, and Demonic Spirit-Guide
Nutrition and Nutritional Charts
Law vs Grace or Works vs Faith
Glossolalia: Ten Steps of Faith to Receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost

Christ’s Loving Servant,

Harry A. Peyton
148 Little Creek Hills Rd.
Alto, NM 88312
Telephone # 504-355-1221
Internet Address:

Babylon Mystery Religion, 1981, Ralph Woodrow, Woodrow, Ralph Evangelistic Assn.: Riverside,

Biblical Repository, ed. by Edward Robinson; Gould & Newman Publications: NY, NY, (Microfilm: a
quarterly periodical published from 1830-1850 AD).

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature, 1969, John M’Clintock & James
Strong: Arno Press: NY

Dispensational Truth or God’s Plan and Purpose in the Ages, 1920, Clarence Larkin: Clarence
Larkin Est.: Glenside, PA.

Encyclopedia Britannica Macropedia, 1991, published by Encyclopedia Britannica.

Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 1902, Edited by Shepard: Gale Hill Books:
Cambridge, MA

Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, 1928, editor James Hastings: Charles Scribner’s Sons: NY

Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion, 1965, editors R. J. Werblowsky & Geoffrey Wigoder: Holt,
Rinehart & Winston: NY

Evidence that Demands A Verdict, 1992, Josh McDowell; Thomas Nelson Publishers: Nashville, TN

History of Dogma, 1897, Adolph Harnack: Robert’s Brothers: Boston, MA; & also 1961, Dover
Publications, Inc.: NY, NY.

History of the Christian Church, 1979, Marvin M. Arnold: Apostolic Publishing House: Memphis, TN.

History of the Christian Church, 1970, 1980, Philip Schaff: William B. Eerdmans Publishing
Company: Grand Rapids, MI.

Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 99, publisher Microsoft Corporation.

None Dare Call It Witchcraft, Gary North, 1976, publisher Arlington House, NY, NY.

Occult Theocracy, 1st edition, Edith Star Miller: Angriff Press, Las Vegas, NV;;

Secret Societies, 1965, Arkon Daraul: Tandem Books, London, England.

Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Nesta Webster, 2001, publisher EWorld Inc., Hunlock
Creek, PA

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, 1980, James Strong: World Bible Pub. Iowa Falls,

The Babylonian Connection, 1978, Stephen E. Jones: America’s Promise: Phoenix, AZ

The Babylonian Talmud, 1935, chief editor I. Epstein: The Soncino Press: London, England

The Baltimore Catechism #3, Third Plenary Council of Baltimore (1891 Version),

The California Institute for Ancient Studies, article: “Champions of Conditional Immortality in

The Early History of Christianity, 1927, Charles Guignebert: Twayne Pub.: NY, NY.

The Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1910, 1972, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.: NY, NY

The Encyclopedia of the Jewish Religion, 1965, ed. by R. J. Werblowsky & Geoffrey Wigoder: Holt,
Rinehart & Winston: NY, NY.

The Encyclopedia of Religion, 1987, chief editor Mircea Eliade: Macmillan Pub. Co.: NY, NY

The Great Books of the Western World, The Great Ideas, v. 23, pp. 250-251, published by the
Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.: NY

The History of Herodotus, translated into English by G. C. MaCaulay in Two Volumes;

The History of Initiation, George Oliver;


The History of Magic, 1960, Eliphas Levi: Borden Pub. Co.: Los Angeles

The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1905, Isidore Singer, ed.: Funk & Wagnalls Co.: NY, NY;

The Kingdom of the Cults, 1985, Walter Martin: Bethany House Pub. Minneapolis, MN

The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 1976, Alfred Edersheim: William B. Eerdmans: Grand
Rapids, MI.

The Mystery of Babylon Revealed, 1980, Ed Mitchell & Jody Scharf: Victory Press: Palm Springs,

Myths of Babylonia and Assyria, D. Mackenzie;

The Mythology of All Races, 1930, John A. MacCulloch: Archaeological Institute of America:
Boston, MA.

The Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Religion of Ancient Egypt, 1897, Sir Peter
Le Page Renouf, publisher London Edinburgh, Williams and Norgate, London, England.

The Republic of Plato, 1898, W. L. Bryan and C. L. Bryan; Charles Scribner's Sons, 1898, NY, NY;

The Secret Societies, 1875, Charles W. Heckethorn: R. Bentley & Son: London, England.

The Secret Teaching of All Ages, 1978, Manly P. Hall: Philosophical Research Society, Inc.: Los
Angeles, CA.

The Two Babylons, 1959, Alexander Hislop: Loizeaux Brothers: Neptune, NJ;;

The Works of Flavius Josephus, translated by William Whiston: Associated Pub. & Authors Inc.:
Grand Rapid, MI.
The Zohar, © 2007 by MICHAEL LAITMAN, published by Laitman Kabbalah Publishers: Brooklyn,

Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, 1940, W.E. Vine.

Wikipedia on line encyclopedia:

Witchcraft in History, 1977, Ronald Holmes: Citadel: Secaucus, NJ

All quotes from the Ante Nicene Fathers, Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers are from Sage
Digital Library, Sage Software Albany, OR USA • Version 2.0 © 1996, (editors Alexander Roberts &
James Donaldson: William B. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, MI)

All Lexical definitions from Lexicons, Dictionaries, Translations of the Bible, and Greek and
Hebrew Scriptures are from BibleWorks for Windows 7.0, Copyright 1996, Michael S. Bushell;
Hermeneutika™ Computer Bible Research Software: P.O. Box 6158, Norfolk, VA 23508; Internet
address: Lexicons: 1) A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament by Henry
J. Thayer; 2) A Greek-English Lexicon, Drs. Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, Henry Stuart
Jones, & Robert McKenzie; 3) Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament by Timothy &
Barbara Friberg; 4) Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament eds. Drs. Horst Balz & Gerhard
Schneider; 5) Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature by
Walter Bauer, edited by Frederick W. Danker; 6) Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament, eds. Drs. J. P. Louw & E. A. Nida; 7) The Abridged Liddell-Scott Greek-English Lexicon
by Drs. H. G. Liddell & Robert Scott; 8) Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Abridged) by
Drs. Gerhard Kittel, Gerhard Friedrich, & Geoffrey W. Bromley; 9) The Hebrew-Aramaic and English

Lexicon of the Old Testament, Drs. F. Brown, S.R. Driver, & C. A. Briggs; 10) The Hebrew and
Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, Drs. Ludwig Koehler & Walter Baumgartner 11) The
Theological Workbook of the Old Testament by R. Laid Harris, Gleason L. Archer, & Bruce K.
Waltke; 12) Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament, Drs. James H. Moulton and George Milligan.

Dictionaries: Easton’s Bible Dictionary; Fausset Bible Dictionary; International Standard

Bible Encyclopedia; Bible Translations: American Standard Version, King James Version,
(Jewish Publication Society 1917 ed.) Holy Scriptures, (Jewish Publication Society 1985 ed.) The
Tanakh, New American Standard, New International Version, New King James, New Revised
Standard, Revised Standard Version, The English Darby Bible (DBY), The English Translation of the
Septuagint Version of the Old Testament (Sir Lancelot C. L. Brenton - LXE), The English Young’s
Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (YLT).

Greek Scriptures: Robinson-Pierpont Majority Text by Maurice A. Robinson and William G.

Pierpont (BYZ); The Greek New Testament, edited by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini,
Bruce M. Metzger, and Allen Wikgren with the same text as the Nestle-Aland 27th Edition of the
Greek New Testament (GNT), LXX Septuaginta (Old Greek Jewish Scriptures) edited by Alfred
Rahlfs (LXT); & Stephanus (Robert Estienne's) 1550 GNT, (taken chiefly from the fifth edition of
Erasmus – 1535, it is the source of the SCR “Textus Receptus.” (STE); Hebrew Scriptures: Biblia
Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Hebrew Bible, Masoretic Text or Hebrew Old Testament), edited by K.
Elliger and W. Rudoph (WTT).

Evidence that Demands A Verdict, McDowell, p. 1.
The Works of Flavius Josephus, Ant. Book 18, chapter 1, par. 2-5. pp. 376-377.
The Works of Flavius Josephus, Josephus’s Discourse to the Greeks Concerning
Hades, pp. 637-638.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 5, Hippolytus, bk. 9, The Refutation of All Heresies,
chp. 23, p. 284.
The Works of Flavius Josephus, Ant. Book 18, chp. 1, par. 2-5.
ANF, v. 5, Hippolytus, bk. 9, The Refutation of All Heresies, chp. 24, pp. 284-285.
Ante Nicene Fathers, Origen Against Celsus, bk 6, chp. 26, p. 1204.
Ante Nicene Fathers, Origen Against Celsus, bk 8, chp. 53, pp. 1363, 1364.
History of Dogma, Adolph Harnack, v. 2, chp. 6, Origen, pp. 377-378.
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Dr. A. Edersheim, On Eternal Punishment,
According to the Rabbis and the New Testament, Appendix XIX, p.792.
The Biblical Repository and Quarterly Observer, Oct. of 1837, pp. 412-416.
The Kingdom of the Cults, Dr. W. Martin, pp. 106-107.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #557.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #110.
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, James Hasting, v. 1, p. 837.
The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by Drs. R. Laird Harris,
Gleason L. Archer Jr., Bruce K. Waltke, #1631a.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #1860.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #3511.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #16689.
Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, eds. Drs. J. P. Louw and
E. A. Nida, #56.20.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #928, #929.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #16642.
The Abridged Liddell-Scott Greek-English Lexicon, Drs. H. G. Liddell & Robert Scott,
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Abridged), Drs. Gerhard Kittel,
Gerhard Friedrich, & Geoffrey W. Bromley, #411.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #16360.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #2303.
The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Drs. R. Laird Harris,
Gleason L. Archer Jr., & Bruce K. Waltke, #901b.
The Works of Flavius Josephus, Josephus’s Discourse to the Greeks Concerning
Hades, pp. 637-638.
Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, eds. Drs. J. P. Louw &
E. A. Nida, #4.57.
The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, Drs. Ludwig Koehler &
Walter Baumgartner, #6308.
The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament by Drs. R. Laird Harris,
Gleason L. Archer Jr., Bruce K. Waltke, #2.0.
Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, Drs. Horst Balz & Gerhard Schneider,
The Hebrew-Aramaic and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, Drs. F. Brown,
S.R. Driver, & C. A. Briggs, #8045.
The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Drs. R. Laird Harris,
Gleason L. Archer Jr., & Bruce K. Waltke, #2406.0.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature, ed.
Dr. Frederick William Danker based on Walter Bauer's lexion, #2805.
The Hebrew-Aramaic and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, Drs. F. Brown,
S.R. Driver, & C. A. Briggs, #8219.
The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, Drs. Ludwig Koehler &
Walter Baumgartner, #4251.
Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, eds. Drs. J. P. Louw &
E. A. Nida, #14.66.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #622.
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Abridged), Drs. Gerhard Kittel,
Gerhard Friedrich, and Geoffrey W. Bromley, #86.
Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, eds. Drs. J. P. Louw &
E. A. Nida, #20.31.
Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, eds. Drs. J. P. Louw &
E. A. Nida, #14.66.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #3399.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #3639.
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Abridged), Drs. Gerhard Kittel,
Gerhard Friedrich, and Geoffrey W. Bromley #542
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, # 4549.
Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 99, heading: Ecclesiastical Courts;
Collier’s Encyclopedia, v. 18, p. 404; v. 13, pp. 34, 38-39.
Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, eds. Drs. J. P. Louw &
E. A. Nida, #25.172.
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Joseph Henry Thayer, #4191.
Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, eds. Drs. J. P. Louw &
E. A. Nida, #59.22.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #11394.
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Abridged), Drs. Gerhard Kittel,
Gerhard Friedrich, and Geoffrey W. Bromley, #115, C, 1.
Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament eds. Drs. Horst Balz &
Gerhard Schneider, #638.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #3808.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #1961.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #20012.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #5225.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature,
ed. Dr. Frederick William Danker based on Dr. Walter Bauer's lexicon, #7525.
The Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 4, bk. 1, Origen De Principiis, chp. 5, sec. 4, pp. 537, 538.
The Babylonia Talmud, v. 4, chp. 5, p. 74; v. 2, p. 318.
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Edersheim, On Eternal Punishment,
According to the Rabbis and the New Testament, Appendix XIX, pp. 792-795.
History of the Christian Church, Dr. Philip Schaff, After Judgment Future Punishment,
sec. 157, p. 607.
None Dare Call It Witchcraft, Gary North, p. 8.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 3, pt. 2, Tertullian, bk. 6, The Resurrection of the Flesh,
chp. 18, p. 1039
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 4, Commodian, Against the gods of the Heathens, chp. 1
preface p. 434; chp. 21 p. 442; chp. 35 p. 449.
ANF, v. 4, The Instructions of Commodianus in Favour of Christian Discipline and
against the gods of the Heathens, Instructions 35, p. 449, & 80, pp. 469-470.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 1, Ignatius, Epistle to the Ephesians, chp. 7, p. 111.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 1, Ignatius, Letter to the Ephesians, chp. 17, p. 119; chp. 19,
p. 121; chp. 20, p. 122, ([Syraic ver. short).
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 1, Ignatius, To the Magnesians, chp. 11, p. 148.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 1, The Martyrdom of Polycarp, chp. 14, p. 92.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 1, Justin, Dialogue with Trypho, A Jew, chp. 5, pp. 381-383.
ANF, v. 1, Justin Martyr, First Apology, chp. 19, p. 315, chp. 20, p. 316.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 2, Titian, Address to the Greeks, chp. 13, p. 141.
ANF, v. 1, Irenaeus, Against Heresies, bk. 2, chp. 34, sec. 2-4, pp. 852-853.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 1, Irenaeus, Against Heresies, bk. 3, chp. 20, sec. 1-2, p. 929.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 2, Theophilus, bk. 2, chp. 27, p. 211.
ANF, v. 2, Clement of Alexander, Fragment I, Comments on the First Epistle of Peter,
pp. 1203–1205.
ANF, v. 5, Hippolytus, Extant Works & Fragments, Pt. 2, Discourse on the Holy
Theophany, sec. 8, p. 495.
ANF, v. 5, Cyprian, Treatise I, On the Unity of the Church, sec. 2, p. 909.
Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, sec. The State of the Dead, p. 837.
The Kingdom of the Cults, Dr. W. Martin, p. 447.
The California Institute for Ancient Studies, article: “Champions of Conditional
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #3441.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #110.
The Kingdom of the Cults, Dr. W. Martin, pp. 106-107.
The Jewish Encyclopedia, v. 6, p. 564;
The Great Books of the Western World, The Great Ideas, v. 23, pp. 250-251, published
by the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, eds. Drs. J. P. Louw &
E. A. Nida, #23.88.
A Greek-English Lexicon, Drs. Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, Henry Stuart Jones,
& Robert McKenzie, #594.
ANF, v. 1, Irenaeus Against Heresies, bk. 4, chp. 37, sec. 7, pg 1073.
97; also
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #2826.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #623.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature,
ed. Dr. Frederick William Danker based on Walter Bauer's lexicon, #179.
ANF, v. 1, Irenaeus Against Heresies, bk. 3, chp. 23, sec. 5-6, p. 842.
The History of Herodotus, bk. 2, sec. 123 & 131;
The Secret Teaching of All Ages, Hall, p. 40.
History of Dogma, Dr. Adolph Harnack, v.3, ch. 5, The Doctrine of Man, pp. 258-260.
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 2nd ed., v. 2, p. 710.
Myths of Babylonia and Assyria, D. Mackenzie, p. 299;
The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, heading: Ashtoreth, #839.
ANF, v. 8, Recognitions of Clement, bk. 10,
The Zohar, v. 1, Prologue, sections 2b & 13a;
Zohar, v. 1, Bereshith, Secs. 35b-36a, 91b, pp. 134-135.
The Zohar, v. 3, Mishpatim (Exodus), sec. 96b, p. 292;
The Zohar, v. 3, pp. 292, 19;
Encyclopedia Britannica Macropedia, v. 5, p. 240.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 1, Irenaeus Against Heresies, bk. 2, chp. 33, sec. 1, p. 848.
Occult Theocracy, E. Miller, v. 1, chp. 13, pp. 117-121.;
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, heading: Ashtoreth, #839.
Fausset Bible Dictionary, heading: Ashtoreth, #372.01.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, heading: Asherah, #824.
The Zohar, vol 4, Exodus pg 288, & Bereshith pp 78, 137.
The Zohar, vol 2, Haye Sarah, pg 11.
The Zohar, vol 4, Bereshith, pg 137.
article: Transmigration of the Soul
Cyclopedia of Biblical Theology and Early Literature, M’Clintock & Strong,
v. 10, under the heading Transmigration.
The Secret Societies, Heckethorn, v. 1, p. 75.
The Zohar, v. 3, p. 357; v. 4, Vayaqhel (Exodus), sec. 211a - 211b, pp. 218-219;
The Republic of Plato, pp. 315, 51.
The Encyclopedia of Religion, Dr. Hastings, v. 11, pp. 128, 129.
ANF, v. 4, Origen Against Celsus, bk. 6, chp. 25 p. 1203; chp. 26 p. 1204.
Baltimore Catechism #3, pp. 105-108.
Herodotus, The Histories, bk. 2, sec. 123 & 131.
The Zohar, v. 4, p. 28;
The History of Initiation, George Oliver, pp. 20-22;
categories/ freemasonry/ the-history-of-initiation/.
The Works Of Flavius Josephus, Antiquity of the Jews. bk. 18, chp. 1, sec. 2-5.
ANF, v. 5, Hippolytus, bk. 9, The Refutation of All Heresies, chp. 22, p. 284.
ANF, v. 4, Origen against Celsus, bk. 8, chp. 48, pp. 1358-1359; chp. 49, p. 1360.
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #2937.
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #3466.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature,
ed. Dr. Frederick William Danker based on Walter Bauer's lexicon, #5015
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, v. 2, p. 920.
Secret Societies and Subversive Movements, Webster, p. 4.
The History of Initiation, George Oliver, pp. 214-215;
The Republic of Plato, Bryan, pp. 315, 110-111.
Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, v. 3, p. 1198.
The Two Babylons, pp. 12-13;; THE_TWO_BABYLONS.pdf.
Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 8, Recognition of Clement, bk. 4, chps. 27-29, pp. 269-270.
The Works of Flavius Josephus, Antiquity of the Jews, bk. 1, chp. 4, sec. 2-3.
article: Babel, Tower of.
159; article Nimrod.
The Two Babylons, p. 228;; THE_TWO_BABYLONS.pdf.
The Babylonian Connection, Jones, p. 141.
Occult Theocracy, E. Miller, v. 1, chp. 30, pp. 216-221, quoting Albert Pike;
ANF, v. 6, Archelaus, the Acts of the Disputation with the Heresiarch Manes
The Encyclopedia of Religion, Dr. James Hasting, v. 9, p. 647, article: Parsis.
The Mystery of Babylon Revealed, Ed & Jody Scharf Mitchell pp. 20-21.
The Two Babylons, Hislop, pp. 58-59, 69, 21; http://www.ultimatebiblereference
Myths of Babylonia and Assyria, D. Mackenzie, p. 299;
http://www.sacred htm.
Secret Societies, Nesta Webster, p. 4.
The Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by the Religion of Ancient Egypt,
Renouf, p. 228.
Babylon Mystery Religion, Woodrow, pp. 82-83.
ANF, v. 3, Tertullian, the Part 1, The Apology, chp 47, pg 101.
The Early History of Christianity, Dr. Charles Guignebert, p. 170.
Secret Societies, Arkon Daraul, p. 80.
The Early History Of Christianity, Dr. Charles Guignebert, p. 68.
The Babylonian Connection, Jones, p. 48.
Witchcraft in History, Ronald Holmes, p. 34.
The Secret Societies, Heckethorn, v. 1, pg 75.
The Secret Societies, Charles Heckethorn, v. 1, pp. 75, 74, 14.
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Abridged), Drs. Gerhard Kittel,
Gerhard Friedrich, and Geoffrey W. Bromley, #150.
Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, Drs. Horst Balz & Gerhard Schneider,
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #16689.
Easton’s Bible Dictionary, article: Hinnom, #1790.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, article: Hell.
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, article: everlasting.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, # 856.
Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, eds. Drs. J. P. Louw &
E. A. Nida, #23.126
Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament, Drs. James H. Moulton and
George Milligan, #77.
A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Dr. Joseph Henry Thayer, #897.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #27975.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature,
ed. Dr. Frederick William Danker based on Walter Bauer's lexion, #3381, sec 3a.
Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, article: everlasting.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #788.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #25937.
The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Edersheim, On Eternal Punishment,
According to the Rabbis and the New Testament, Appendix XIX, pp. 792-795.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #3808.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #1961.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #20012.
Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, #5225.
Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature,
ed. Dr. Frederick William Danker based on Dr. Walter Bauer's lexicon, #7525.
The Ante Nicene Fathers, v. 4, bk. 1, Origen De Principiis, chp. 5, sec. 4, pp. 537, 538.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #10614, sec. II, 1.
The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament, Drs. Ludwig Koehler &
Walter Baumgartner, #4483, 3a.
The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Drs. R. Laird Harris,
Gleason L. Archer Jr., & Bruce K. Waltke, #1631a.
The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Drs. R. Laird Harris,
Gleason L. Archer Jr., & Bruce K. Waltke, #1631a. #1565.0.
Analytical Lexicon to the Greek New Testament, Drs. Friberg, #12546.
The Hebrew-Aramaic and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, Drs. F. Brown,
S.R. Driver, & C. A. Briggs, #8.
Exegetical Dictionary of the New Testament, Drs. Horst Balz & Gerhard Schneider,
Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words, article entitled: Ever, Everlasting, #5769.

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