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An attitude that seeks to understand all the interconnections of modern world and to highlight the
patterns that underlie them. It pursues to describe and explain more than a world that is characterized by
network of connections. * -Globalism
2. This emphasizes on the overcapacity that could portend more than an ordinary recession. Tied to an
increasingly integrated global production system and market, the manufacturing sector of the world’s
economy. This represents the Great depression, which posits that the market produces higher than the
actual demanded goods. *- The crisis of Over Production
3. The World Bank is a development institution, not a crisis fighter. It focuses on project lending and
structural reforms that enhance long-run development and poverty alleviation. *-True
4. This idea claims that accounts on globalization are incorrect, imprecise, or exaggerated and everything
that can be linked to transnational process is cited as evidence for globalization *-Globaloney
5. East India Company (English East India Company - 1600–1708) is the governor and a Company of
Merchants of London Trading into the East Indies or (1708–1873) United Company of Merchants of
England Trading to the East Indies. One of the earliest Trade and Exchanges in corporations.- True
6. For Culture Experts, Globalization means *
Establishment “global village”, Shrinking world, Cultural imperialism, All of the above
7. Invested in and present in many companies. Market products and Services to each individual local
market. *-Global Companies
8. In Political Science Globalization is, (1) A challenge to the nation-state, strength of regional blocs, (2)
emergence of global political norms, (3) multilateral and bilateral relations among nation-states,
emergence of corporations, (4) international laws, and world governance. Which statements is/are
true? *- All of the Statements
9. The theory argues that today’s modern world system is completely unique from any previous time in
history, because of its reliance on total global economic control. While many people continue to believe
that there exists a third world economy, this argues that there is instead only one world economy,
comprised of core, semi-periphery and periphery economies. *- World Systems Theory
10. Refers to itself as the World business association, institutionalize an international business perspective by
providing a forum where capitalist a deregulated professionals can assemble and forge a common
international policy framework in arenas ranging from investment to specific technical and sectoral
subjects. *- World Economic Forum,Bilderberg Group,Trilateral Commission
11. The challenges of restructuring the banking system are (1) there is less technical, legal, and institutional
capacity for task (2) the fraction of the banking system. There are fewer healthy banks to take over the
weak banks. (3) The banking systems may be more complex, with a mixture of state and private banks.
Which Statements are True? *- All Statements are True
12. They are the importers and exporters but no investment outside home country *- International
13. IGOs can be single-issue or multi-issue organizations and they can be regional or global in their scope. (2)
IGOs are replacements for government, as they do not govern. *- All Statements are True
14. Globalization can thus be defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant
localities (2) in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice
versa. *- All Statements are True
15. Its goal is to provide policies to restore economic issues such as bankruptcies. The solution aims to
address the problems on the areas of financial sector up to the exchange rate. *- Macroeconomic and
microeconomic policy
16. The group provided a context for more comprehensive international capitalist coordination and Planning.
This was assembled in the spirit of corporate liberalism, representatives of Right and Left, capital and
organized labor. *- Bilderberg Group
17. In a world where private-to-private capital flows are increasingly important, we will need to recognize
that monitoring and surveillance are going to be less challenging and can be easily controlled *- False
18. They are instrumental in creating and sustaining international cooperation. If this is the case, then they
must have some way of influencing the largest and most powerful states within the international
system. *- Intergovernmental Organizations
19. IGOs only bring about opportunities for their member states (2) this does not include exerting influence
and impose limits on members’ policies and the way in which those policies are made. *- All Statements
are false
20. The typical mode of governance of capitalistic economic regimes, has served as the political cocoon for
the stable reproduction of capitalism, so the importance of its legitimacy and stability cannot be
understated. *- The crisis of liberal Democracy
21. Globalization represents the triumph of a capitalist world economy tied together by a global division of
labor *- True
22. The following are the dimensions of Globalization except. *- Health
23. They have investment in other countries, but do not have coordinated product offerings in each country.
They are more focused on adapting their products and services to each individual local market *-
Multinational Companies
24. The American, Japanese and European corporations have international company’s birth from 1900
especially after Security and Exchange organization (SEC) was founded in 1933 and law of establishment
investing companies in 1940 in United States. *- True
25. The group’s goal is to foster effective collaborative leadership in the international system and closer
cooperation among the core capitalist regions of Northern Europe, North America and Japan also known
as the triad. *- Trilateral Commission
26. They are more complex organizations which have invested in foreign operations, have a central corporate
facility but give decision making, research and development, and marketing powers to each individual
market. *- Transnational Companies
27. Trade agreements like FTAA, NAFTA, CAFTA makes trade free for northern exports without prohibiting the
rich countries protectionist measure that harm southern competitors. Which economic indicators it
emphasizes? *- International Trade and Development
28. This group emphasizes the limited nature of current globalizing processes. The detailed historical
economic globalization claimed that the world economy is not truly global phenomenon but one centered
on Europe, eastern Asia, and North America. *-
29. The Intensification of relations among nation-states. It is the theory and practice of transnational
cooperation. *- Intergovernmental Organizations or Internationalism
30. The intergovernmental organization sets and enforces the rules of international trade between the
nations and states. This intergovernmental organization has become a target of civil society’s criticism
over its solid, undemocratic operating procedures and neo-liberal ideology. *-World Trade Organization

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