Tribhuvan University Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and social science

Model Multiple College

Janakpur, Dhanusha

A project Proposal

“Blood Bank”

Submitted by:

Sumaiya Parween

Roll No: 92

Aarti Sah

Roll No:78

Submitted to:

Department of Bachelors computer Application(BCA)

Model Multiple College, Janakpur Dhanusha

for the fulfillment of BCA fourth semester

Feb, 2024


Janakpurdham-02, Nepal


The Head of Department,

BCA, MMC College


Sub:- Supervisor allocation for 4th semester project

Respected sir,

This application is a formal request for allocation of supervisor for the

4th semester project.

The title of our project that we are going to work on is “Blood Bank”. The
application is totally based on online platform so the relevant teachers that can
provide their guidance on our project are mentioned below. So, it is a huge request
to the relevant department by us to manage any of the supervisor among the
names mentioned below.

1. Pappu Kumar Sah

Your Obedient,

Sumaiya Parween

Aarti Sah

Table of contents
1. Introduction
1.2 Drawbacks of Existing System…………………………………………..4
1.3 Problem Statements……………………………………………………...4
1.4 Objectives………………………………………………………………..5
2. Proposed System……………………………………………………………..5
3. Model Overview
3.1. Admin Module…………………………………………………………...6
3.1.1. Dashboard………………………………………………………….6
3.1.2. Blood Group……………………………………………………….6
3.1.3. Donor List…………………………………………………………6
3.1.4. Manage page/query………………………………………………..6
3.1.5. Update contact info………………………………………………..6
3.2. User Module
3.2.1. About Us…………………………………………………………..6
3.2.2. Contact US………………………………………………………...6
3.2.3. Donor List…………………………………………………………6
3.2.4. Search Donor………………………………………………………6
4. System Configuration
4.1. Hardware Requirements…………………………………………………7
4.2. Software Requirements………………………………………………….7
5. Research Methodology………………………………………………………8
6. ER Diagram………………………………………………………………...10
7. Flowchart…………………………………………………………………...11
8. Feasibility Study
8.1. Economical feasibility………………………………………………….12
8.2. Technical feasibility……………………………………………………12
8.3. Operational feasibility………………………………………………….13
8.4. Legal and Regulatory Feasibility……………………………………….13
8.5. Schedule feasibility…………………………………………………….13
9. Working Schedule………………………………………………………….14
10.References ………………………………………………………………….15

Chapter 1:
1.1 Introduction:
Blood Bank is a web-based application . The person who likes to
donate blood register in Blood Bank application . The person in needed of
Blood search for the person having the same Blood group and within the city
. if they founder a donor in his city then they get the total details of the donor,
if they doesn’t find any donor, then they give the contact number and address
of the life-saving contact persons for major cities .

1.2 Drawback of existing system:

• Less Security
• No Proper Co-ordination between different applications and Users
• Manual Documents and Data entry

1.3 Problem Statement:

The percentage of people donating blood is increasing day by day due to
awareness to donate blood for those needed. The blood received have to be
managed thoroughly so that there will be no negative effect to the blood
receiver once they received blood.
One of the factors of the public afraid to donate their blood is they believe in
myths. The myths that they always believe are, if they donate their blood they
will become fat and if they donate their blood, their blood will become less in
total of amount and they will become pale. This Blood Bank should provide
more information in order to educate the public so that they know blood
donation will not give bad effects. By giving awareness to the public, this will
increase volunteers to donate their blood.

1.4 Objectives:
The objective of proposed system may include:

• Efficiently manage blood donor information.

• Monitor and control the entire blood donation process.
• Effectively manage blood inventory, ensuring adequate stock levels.
• Facilitate communication and coordination between blood banks.
• Provide a user-friendly interface for donors, healthcare professionals, and
• Enhance traceability and minimize errors in the blood management

Chapter 2:

Proposed system:
The proposed system aims to streamline donor registration, enhance the blood
donation process, and provide a seamless inventory management system,
ultimately ensuring the availability of a safe and sufficient blood supply for
medical treatments and emergencies. The current state of blood bank donor
management systems faces significant challenges that hinder the effectiveness of
blood donation processes. Manual and paper-based systems are prone to errors,
leading to inaccuracies in donor records and a lack of real-time information.

Chapter 3:

Module overview:
In this project , we use PHP and MySQL and it contains two modules i.e.
Admin and Donor .

Admin Modules:

Dashboard: In this section , admin can view all the details in the brief like total
blood group listed , registered donor list , and total inquiries received .

Blood Group: In this section , admin can manage the blood group(add/delete) .

Donor list: In this section , admin can view the list of donor and have a right to
delete and hide the details of donor .
Manage pages / Query: In this section , admin can manage websites pages ,
and query Which is received by users .
Update contact info: In this section , admin can update the contact details of the
websites .
Request Received by Donor: In this section , admin can view the request of
blood that is received by the donor .
Admin can also update his profile , change the password and recover the
password .

User modules:
Home: It is welcome page or user and donor If any users want to donate the
blood they must register with us .
About Us: Users can view about us page .
Contact Us: Users can contact with admin through contact us page .
Donor list: Users can view and contact donors .
Search Donor: Users can search the donor according to city and blood group .

MY Account:
◆ Profile
◆ Change password
◆ Request Received
◆ Logout
Donor can also update their profiles , change their password and
recover their password .

Chapter 4:

System configuration:
❖ Hardware requirements:
• Processor: Intel or silicon chip
• Hard disk: at least 40 GB
• RAM: at least 512MB or more
❖ Software requirements:
• Operating system: windows 10
• Front end: HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT
• Back end: PHP, MySQL
• IDE: Net Beans
• Database: MySQL

Chapter 5:

1.Research Methodology

The Waterfall Model, a traditional software development methodology, finds application in the
context of an online medical care center, offering a structured and sequential approach to
system development. In the initial phase, requirements specific to the online medical care
platform, such as user interfaces, database structures, and system functionalities, are
meticulously gathered and defined. Subsequently, the project progresses through distinct
stages, including system design, implementation, and testing, with each phase building upon
the completion of the preceding one. For an online medical care center, this translates into the
systematic creation of features like patient portals, appointment scheduling modules, electronic
health records (EHR) integration, and secure communication channels. Rigorous testing is

undertaken at each stage to ensure the reliability, security, and performance of the digital
healthcare system. While the Waterfall Model is known for its sequential nature, it allows for
a comprehensive and detailed approach to developing an online medical care platform that
meets the diverse needs of both healthcare providers and patients.

Figure 1.1: Water fall model

The Waterfall Model, a traditional software development methodology, finds
application in the context of an online Blood Bank Platform, offering a structured
and sequential approach to system development. In the initial phase, requirements
specific to the online Blood Bank Platform, such as user interfaces, database
structures, and system functionalities, are meticulously gathered and defined.
Subsequently, the project progresses through distinct stages, including system
design, implementation, and testing, with each phase building upon the
completion of the preceding one.

Chapter 6:

Donor Blood Group
Donor Blood Blood ID
ID Gender Gruop

Donor 1
Address Donates Blood
Phone no.
Registration Team
Email Age

Email/Phone no. Blood type

password required

Name name

Donor Patients

Fig:ER Diagram

Chapter 7:
Home page/ Display page

Login signup

Check database

options Receiver

display info


Fig:- Flowchart

Chapter 8:
Feasibility Study:
The feasibility study aims to assess the viability and practicality of
implementing a Blood Bank. This system intends to enhance the
efficiency of blood donation processes and improve overall
management within blood banks.
Key aspects to consider:
a) Economical feasibility:
The economic feasibility of the Blood Bank Donor
Management System is favorable. The initial investment in
software development, hardware infrastructure, and staff training
is justified by the long-term benefits of improved efficiency,
reduced errors, and better utilization of resources. Cost savings
will be realized through streamlined processes, reduced
paperwork, and optimized inventory management.

b) Technical feasibility:
The technical feasibility of the proposed system is high. With
advancements in information technology, the development of a
user-friendly and scalable platform is achievable. The use of
modern technologies such as cloud computing, secure databases,
and robust application frameworks ensures the system's stability
and adaptability to evolving technical requirements.

c) Operational feasibility:
The proposed system is operationally feasible as it addresses the
existing challenges in blood bank donor management. The user-
friendly interface simplifies tasks for blood bank staff, donors, and
administrators. With proper training and change management, the
transition from manual to automated processes can be seamless,
and staff will be able to adapt quickly to the new system.
d) Legal and Regulatory Feasibility:
The system will be designed to comply with existing legal and
regulatory requirements related to blood donation and healthcare data.
Ensuring data privacy, confidentiality, and adherence to industry
standards will be a priority. Regular updates and compliance checks will
be implemented to accommodate any changes in regulations.
e) Schedule feasibility:
The development and implementation schedule is feasible, with a
phased approach that includes system analysis, design, development,
testing, deployment, and training. The proposed timeline considers the
complexities of integrating the system into existing blood bank
operations while minimizing disruptions to daily activities.

Chapter 9:
Working schedule:
Estimated time to spend in the development of this application in
around 3 months and schedule as:

week 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

system design



Chapter 10:

❖ W3C School
❖ Tutorials Point
❖ Bootstrap

Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

Model Multiple College

Supervisor’s Recommendation

I hereby recommend that this project prepared under my supervision by Pappu Kumar

Sah entitled “Blood Bank” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Computer Application is recommended for the final evaluation.


Pappu Kumar Sah



Model Multiple College, Janakpurdham-4 (Nepal)

Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Science

Model Multiple College


This is to certify by that this proposal prepared Sumaiya Parween and Aarti Sah

entitled “ Blood Bank” in partial fulfillment of the requirement of the degree of

Bachelor in Computer Application has been evaluated. In our opination it is satisfactory in

the scope and quality as a project for the required degree.

SIGNATURE of supervisor SIGNATURE of HOD/ Coordinator

Mr. Pappu Kumar Sah Dharmendra Thakur
Academic Designation: Teacher
Model Multiple College, Janakpur-4

SIGNATURE of Internal examiner SIGNATURE of External examiner

Internal Examiner External Examiner


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