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Summer Holiday Homework

1) Prepare art integrated project which has been allotted during class.
2) Choose a topic for the investigatory project and collect data.
3) Write NCERT exemplar of Chapter 1 to 4 in homework notebook.
4) Prepare notes of chapter 4 in your classwork notebook.
5) The embryo sac represents the female gametophyte in a flowering plant(a) What are the
constituents of the egg apparatus in the embryo sac?(b) What is the ploidy of the cells of
the egg apparatus?(c) The formation of the embryo sac involves mitotic divisions that are
"free nuclear" till the 8-celled stage. What does the term "free nuclear" mean?(d) The
filiform apparatus at the micropylar end forms an important part of the embryo sac. What
is the importance of the filiform apparatus
6) A farmer sowed tomatoes (plants with both sexes in the same flower) and bitter gourd
(plants with both sexes in different flowers on the same plant) on his farmland.(a) To
ensure cross-pollination, what should the farmer do in each of the cases.(b) If the male
flowers from the tomato plant are removed and pollen is dusted, can the flower grow into
a fruit? Why or why not?
7) (a) Hormones play a crucial role in maintaining balance in living systems through
feedback loops. This means that release of a hormone regulates(increases/decreases)
its further release in the body. One such example is oxytocin in the female reproductive
system.Explain the feedback loop for oxytocin by answering the following questions. (i)
From where is oxytocin released?(ii) At what stage of pregnancy do oxytocin levels
peak? (b) Is the feedback mechanism for oxytocin positive or negative in nature? Justify.
8) Spermatozoa are the mature male gametes in many sexually reproducing organisms.
Thus, spermatogenesis is the male version of gametogenesis, of which the female
equivalent is oogenesis.The cells in the germline that undergo meiosis, primary
spermatocytes or primary oocytes, are derived from the zygote by a long series of
mitoses before the onset of meiosis. Male and female gametes have different histories,
marked by different patterns of gene expression that reflect their developmental origin as
XY or XX embryos. The spermatozoa fuses with the egg cell to create a viable embryo.
The ovum is released by the action of gonadotropins in the female body. (a) Does
ovulation happen during the period of pregnancy? Give a reason for your answer. (b)
Why are contraceptive pills able to inhibit ovulation?
9) A period tracking app is a mobile application that maintains information such as date of
onset of menstruation, ovulation, duration of menstrual cycle, etc. A female who got her
period on January 22 is using the period tracking app. Based on your understanding of
the menstrual cycle, what will be the tentative date of ovulation estimated by the app?
Provide a reason.
10) Polyspermy is an extremely rare condition in which an ovum is fertilised by more than
one sperm. (a) How many chromosomes will a zygote contain if 2 sperms fertilised an
ovum? (b) How is polyspermy prevented in humans.
11) Answer the following questions:(i) For a human male, out of the two sex chromosomes,
we can tell which sex chromosome is from which parent. Can we assume the same for a
human female? Give a reason for your answer.(ii) What is the probability of fertilisation
between an ovum and a sperm containing the Y chromosome? Give a reason.
12) Answer the following questions about the human female reproductive system:(a) The
consumption of alcohol during pregnancy causes birth defects in the foetus. What is the
function of placenta due to which alcohol should be avoided during pregnancy?(b) Indu
gave birth to a pair of female twins. How many egg/s were released at the start of her
pregnancy?(c) C-section is a surgical procedure performed when there are
complications during the delivery. The baby is safely delivered through an incision in the
abdominal wall and uterus. Which two parts of the female reproductive tract does the
baby NOT pass through?(d) To delay menstruation, a synthetic form of progesterone
called progestin is commonly prescribed.This is administered by a medical professional
for managing heavy or painful periods or preventing menstrual symptoms during
important events or vacations. What could be the possible role of progesterone here? (e)
Infants suffer from the risk of infection if they are not breastfed within few hours of birth.
What could be the reason?

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