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biophoTmo ceuhs Phommacokinahs BP60T


Dr. Parlanya Shuda

Th phomacokinaHc modals Dr. MP.8ngh Cae

provid concisa muons expreming matmahcally or

K kime cowmsL odrugs) Rroug hout e body and
Combuta mioning{l phomocoknahic þaromalers
Upap d Phamocokinghc Hodals-
(1 Choractaviging bshovior o drug in pakans.

( Krdiching K cmunbrahon odrug in various hody

ids wih any doxgqe ogimen
Kradichng K mulkplu dose conuntraion CuYVArom
Aingudose oxeTimens
4) Calwabing Ki optimum dosaqa sugimn or ndividual pais1n.
) EvaluaHing Ki susk od toxiity wih curtain dogqa Magim ens.
lomoJaking blasmo drg conuntralion wih phamacalogiedl
0) Evaluaing biozouivalunu bioinuquivalonu b/» dlitlunk
OT mulahion oHa sama drug.

8)rhimakon d pomibl drug and/a1 malabolutas acuumadaion

n body
9 DetTmining, altaud phybiolagy/ disass staka on ADME o| dug
lo) Explaining drug intarachions
AppTooches to phamacokinahic anlysis or
Dr. Parlanoa Saudda
7ypes o models
Dr.M.P. Stgh Claee
Compartment modeling
Non comporBmuntal Analysts
3. Physiologic modaling

4) Combor/mant Modals
ompartmunt modrling is comm only wsdt shimatt

Kphomaokinehic chanactazs o 0 dug

xK Combor'munla a_hypohehcal in natur-=

) Thi body is suprasantad as o sèries d compartmun

aronged oikar in álTias 07 paralll to each otkir

Communicato. JuvAYAibly with each okar.

(i) koch Compartment is nof o ual physiolegic or onotomic sugion

ConsideTad as o isul or group o Hmu Kak hav

Aimilav drug diahi.buidh charachvishts.
imilor blood louw and ofiniky.

( every organ, tinL 0T body kuid

Ka con qsk squilibrotad wih k drug is considerad as

0aparas Combartman
(v) Th Aalu q drug moument s eampavBmuunh is dencnbud
ordaT khuhia
(V)RaB constanta ou wed to saprsanla R anhy
and xit om tf eombavtmant. Dr. Parlana Saudla

Dr.M.P.Stngh Oaeme
ate gevir ombortmantodals
(A) MommiUam Modal (0) Catenary Modal

CA) Mommilay Modal

d Cominhs oon 0T mo prriphral compartmanBs

COnnuckadto Ke antral comportmunt..

2ntral Compartmn Comprises of plasma and bighly
(danol d b ) rudimuu which xapidly
Rquibtake oih dng

Such as Junqs, ivAY, kidnuys ehe

xTh d is diuctly absoTbd into tKis comportmunt (blocd)
oliminaion ako occUY rom Ris comportmant
(loscausa chi org ons involuzd in drug alominaion 0r livar
and kidnays)

Paviphrad Compartmun h 01 imu compavtmunh

(dunotsd by numbur &,3, sh)
hons which hova Jow vakculavity and poor puvusion
Model 1
KIo (Ke)
Unu-combovBmunf open modd, introvanous adminialrahioh.

Modal 2
Koi (Ko) Kio (ke) Dr. Parlanpa Shukda

Dr. M.P,SUngh Claee

Onu-comportmunt opan modal, 2xbovasulor odminisbaion
(ora, sutal at).
Mods 3:-
|KIo (KE)
Two combortmunt opan modal, inhovenous administrakion.

Modal 4:
Koi(k) Ki2
KIo (KE)
Two Compartmnt opan modal, xhovaslar odminiahrakon.
Modil 5:
Thru tompormnt Ki2 Ka
opAn modu,
Fnova nows 1 3
Adminiaahon K3L
Kio (KE)
Modl 6: ThTL comportmant
ob&n modal, inhovnausA

Ki2 K
Ko (Ka K13 3
ras s K31
Kio (Ke))
(B) Cotanary Modal
www. w

Dr. Paryanya Shukda

Th kis modal Dr. M.P. Stngh Claa

K Combartments 0T joined fo one anotker in a Alries

R Comportments hain.

TiA A Kousver not obsenvablu phybiologitally analomically

as th various argans au dirckly linked to th
blood comporBmant

omodsl is orsly ussd.

Koi Ki2 2 Ka3 3

Kat K32

Advontaqes Compar/mant Modeling-

Cives o vixua JapresanBaion voviaws xah proumes
involvad n drug disposihion.
() hous many a constants neumay to dscnibr these
(3) Enables ta phamacokinuic fo writs dileun! equakons
in ordtr to descilb1
drug-Conuntaahon changas
inRach Compathmant.
noamad physologic and
conanlvakion-Himu pnefihin bèk >pahologit condi Hons.
5) 4 i impor.tonk in davalopount of dokage Hegimens.
Dr. Parana Shudda

Dadvantaq0s o Combimuod Modaling &

Dr. M.P.Stngh Cas

0) Th comp arBmunth and orometara bior no uwahonship

wih physiblogic Vdunchons or anatomic strwcturu
R Apiuith. o
(Savaral awumphons havu to bi'madu to faciltake dala
2) Extensivi elorh uquirid in devalopmanl of on exock
modd "Kal pradich and ducribLs t0TtAchy th
ADME o a tLrfain drug
3) Thu mod is bastd on
cuwnu iHingoplokma tonunhaion
uguir Complox mulhexponenHal malhumaicalcquahons.
C4) Moda may wihin
asBudy þopulahon
) Approach can b1 abbbrd to a.Apeulis drug
6)Did{iulhius gnunally oris
o interpraBaing tK wulls rom human and
animal xpvimants.

8y-Dr.Mahndra ratab Singb

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