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Fandom:人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng


Relations: Original Luo Binghe/Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu

Characters: Original Luo Binghe, Shen Yuan | Shen Qingqiu

Additional Tags: guess OOC, Shen Yuan 18 y.o.,

By Seft-chan | Sephia



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Luo Binghe could not forget what he discovered in the other world. The weaker, bleating
version of him had a kind, caring and protective Shizun, while he had a scum who hated,
tortured and humiliated him. What did he do to deserve this?! Where did this nice Shizun
come from?!

These questions kept repeating themselves, recurring in his head and tormenting him so
insistently that he finally had to satisfy his mind and thirst for knowledge. He decided to find
out from Shen Qingqiu himself, whether by kindness or by force. While it took time to break
through the barrier those two had put against him, it wasn't impossible for him, and he
eventually made it back to the world where the irritating version of him married the kind

He had just found night at Qing Jing Peak. He got annoyed, imagining what the two of them
might be doing together now, and quickly headed for the bamboo hut. The window was open
and he could see a lone figure lying on the bed through it. Only Shen Qingqiu was currently
in the bedroom and sleeping, so Luo Binghe decided to take advantage of this opportunity.

He silently entered the room through the window and stood over the bed, wondering for a
long time whether to take Shizuna with him while he had the opportunity. His curiosity,
however, made him decide to find out first what made this Shizun nice and not him.
He laid down on the bed close to Shen Qingqiu, leaning his head against his chest and
hugged him to him. He then entered the sleeping man's mind and searched through his
memories, going backwards. He had seen many, too many happy and tender moments
shared by the two, which put him off. He didn't want to see their happiness when he couldn't
have it himself.

But he forced himself to go further back to find out the truth. He saw the wedding ceremony,
their first time, the hardships Shen Qingqiu went through, his fear of Luo Binghe, his longing
and concern for the room where he slept. He cursed why he had not received such
treatment. He saw all the moments of care and protection that Shen Qingqiu provided to Luo
Binghe here, though some of his actions were incomprehensible to the Demon Emperor.

He got to the point after being tortured with a whip when Shen Qingqiu had him locked up in
a wood shed and suddenly there was darkness. Everything turned black and for a long time
you couldn't see anything. This surprised Luo Binghe, what happened to Shizun's
memories? But then there was a sudden flash of light and they found themselves in a
strange room.

Luo Binghe had never seen anything like it before. What is this memory? What is this place?
Where are? He was even more surprised to see a man sitting in a strange room. He looked
like Shen Qingqiu, but he wasn't Shen Qingqiu!

"What's going on here?! What memories are these?! Where did they come from Shizuna?!

Luo Binghe was completely confused. A strange room with strange objects, but also with…
His images?! What was going on here?!

- What does it mean? Shizun... Who is he exactly? He is not Shen Jiu. He... Did he know me

The Demon Emperor was lost in this… Alien world in Shizun's memories. However, he
decided to go through them slowly, wanting to know what it was all about. The more he
found out, the more confused and confused he became, but at the same time he was
surprised by the reactions of the man similar to Shen Qingqiu.

Somehow… Luo Bonghe's life was described in this strange world. The man read it with
bated breath, though at the same time he also complained a lot about the lack of plot and
holes, and too many women Binghe was getting. He criticized it strongly, which made Luo
Binghe frown, but he kept watching.

In a strange object with a glowing surface, the years of Luo Binghe's life were written, and
the man also read about his life for years. The deeper Binghe went, the less the man
resembled what the Lord had seen in the "beginning". The man was less energetic, less
expressive, quiet, more closed, sad until Luo Binghe saw a sad, gloomy and lonely teenager.
For a moment, he thought he saw himself in the most humiliating and helpless moments of
his life.
This man has not had it easy in his life in the strange world of memories either. Even though
he wasn't an orphan and had a family, they ignored him as if he didn't exist. All because he
quit his so-called studies. Everyone focused on his older siblings who were successful at
work. Nobody cared that the man was tormented in these studies, almost committing
suicide, and therefore he dropped out.

But it was not only then. He had been bullied before at school by his peers. He was beaten,
his belongings were stolen and he was humiliated. That's probably why he felt like Binghe,
sympathized with him, and supported his revenge decisions and methods, though others
said they were exaggerated.

The man was weak and pathetic, no one came to help him, no one reached out, no one
acted from behind the curtain like he himself did for the crybaby Luo Binghe. If this is the
past of the man who is now the kind Shizun, then… What if he saved him? Could all care
and tenderness then belong to him alone?

He didn't have time to think about it, however, because he was suddenly expelled from the
memories of Shen Qingqiu, or rather, of the man who identified himself as Shen Yuan. Luo
Binghe was thrown off the bed and flew against the opposite wall of the bedroom. He
jumped to his feet immediately, looking who attacked him. It turned out to be his second
version that had thrown him out of bed and embraced a jittery Shen Qingqiu who was
covering part of his pale face with his hand, which was showing wet streaks of tears.

"What did you do to Shizun?! the second Luo Binghe roared at the original from Way of the
Proud Immortal Demon.

Luo Binghe saw the shock and traces of despair from the memories in Shen Qingqiu's eyes,
which confirmed that he was not Shen Jiu, and what Luo Binghe extracted was also part of
the memories of the man named Shen Yuan. Seeing the crybaby's rage and confusion, he
involuntarily smiled. Now he knows something about Shizuna that his worse version doesn't.

The two lunged at each other and exchanged several blows. But then something flew right
between their faces and they jumped away from each other. They looked in the direction
from which the attack came and it turned out that Shizun had thrown two bamboo leaves.
Though he was still pale and his inner robe was soaked with sweat, he somehow managed
to pull himself together and interrupt them.

"Go away..." Shen Qingqiu said in a low voice, anger, helplessness and pain in his eyes. It
was the same look when the teenager from the memories asked why they were beating and
tormenting him, why it had to be him, why they wouldn't leave him alone. It wasn't what he
wanted. He didn't want to get that look.

"Shizun…" Luo Binghe started, but the other immediately interrupted him.

"Who are you calling Shizun?! You hurt him! He suffered because of you! You don't care
about him at all! don't pretend! Luo Bing-mei shouted at him, which unexpectedly shocked
Luo Bing-ge.
It's not like that! He didn't want to hurt Shizun! He wanted to know more about the nice
Shizuna, he wanted to… He wanted to know what to do to win him over, but instead he
brought out his trauma. Something that had been bothering him a long time ago, and now
that he was finally free of it, he brought it back to his consciousness...

Luo Binghe knew all too well how terrible it was when something kept bothering you and you
couldn't get rid of it. He stared at the couple for a long moment, then used his Xin Mo sword
to cut through the space and returned to his world.

He thought for a long time about what he had discovered, what he had learned and what he
wanted. It turned out that Shen Qingqiu wasn't Shen Qingqiu at all. A man named Shen
Yuan, after his death, transferred into the body of Shen Jiu, who also died unexpectedly and
became him. He already knew what would happen to Luo Binghe and wanted to save him.

Luo Binghe wanted Shen Yuan's care and warmth. Now he knew Shizun's past. What if…
He would help when Shen Yuan needed it most? Would he repay him with those warm
feelings he has for his weaker version? Will he react the same way as his inferior version to
help and care? Is there any point in helping such a pathetic and weak man?

Luo Binghe wondered for a long time whether it was worth it for him to exert himself for a
helpless person, having no guarantee of the expected result. In the end, however, he
decided to try; he has nothing to lose but kill this useless person and kidnap Shizun to his
palace. But first, he had to find this strange world where another Shen Yuan would live, and
in due time. He didn't think it would be too difficult.

He couldn't be more wrong. He visited many worlds, but it was very difficult for him to find
any world that Shen Yuan came from. When he finally succeeded, it turned out to be very
difficult to find one person there. He searched every window in the big city he came across
for days, but it turned out that here Shen Yuan is still a thirteen-year-old. So Luo Binghe
decided to leave this world and look for another. He wasn't looking for a child, but rather a
mature person with whom he could have a meaningful conversation.

Luo Binghe searched for a long time until he began to lose patience. A year was looking for
the right world with the right time to catch Shen Yuan at a decent age to talk about. During
his travels, he also learned a bit to navigate these strange worlds with metal carriages that
drive themselves and to walk so as not to attract anyone's eyes unnecessarily.

As he surveyed his surroundings, where he had landed, he heard the soft groan of a familiar
voice. His senses sharpened immediately. He quickly associated the area with the memories
of nice Shizun and in a moment he found himself behind the university building, where 18-
year-old Shen Yuan, a freshman, is getting beaten up by his old bullies. The boy is beaten
and kicked, his glasses are broken, and he just helplessly covers his head.

Luo Binghe looked at it indifferently. He felt no sympathy for the weakling, yet reluctantly
forced himself to help him. In one step, he threw back the three attackers, who fell heavily to
the ground, and he himself stood in the same place again, hidden. He didn't want to show up
right away. He was also a bit curious about what the boy would do.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Shen Yuan was surprised to hear moans of pain and the sounds of falling to the ground. He
slowly raised his head and was shocked to see the three great "mates" who had greeted him
so warmly on his first day of study knocked down. The boy slowly got up, trembling with
pain. His face was beaten up, he had bruises on his arms, back and legs, he was badly hurt.
He looked around but couldn't see who was helping him.

Shen Yuan thought for a moment that maybe Binghe had saved him, then shook his head
quickly. He's too old for such childish thinking, it's time to grow up. No one had ever helped
him in a similar situation before. He adjusted his cracked glasses, then began to walk slowly,
limping towards the exit under the watchful gaze of a pair of red eyes of which he was

The youthful Yuan was not as tall as Shen Jiu. His body was lean and somewhat bony. His
short black hair was a bit messy, and his green eyes were covered by cracked glasses. His
clothes hung a bit on his body.

He shuffled slowly to the train and returned to his apartment. There, he slowly stripped off
his clothes, went to the shower to wash himself, and examined his beaten body.

"It will take a long time to heal again..." Shen Yuan sighed softly.

He put on clean clothes and sat down at the computer. He turned on the page with the novel
"The Way of the Proud Immortal Demon" and turned on a new chapter. He read and
trembled with emotion. He clenched his fists tightly and stared at the screen, muttering under
his breath as he read how Luo Binghe fought with cult disciples who had offended him and
took revenge.

- Ha! Yes, good for them. He'll slay them! They deserve insults and noodles for this!

Shen Yuan called out softly under his breath, reading furiously and almost glued himself to
the screen. The chapter, however, ended quickly, and the boy cursed for a long time the
interruption of the action and the initiated thread, which will probably not be properly
explained again. He fumed at this for a long moment, then looked at the Luo Binghe
figurines above the monitor.

– I would like to be like you, to be able to overcome the difficulties I encounter. But I can't
even defend myself… Yuan sighed regretfully.

He went to the small kitchen to make instant soup and after a few minutes he eats it and
then goes to sleep, putting his glasses on the cabinet. He is mentally tired and physically
sore. He wrapped himself in a duvet and, hugging an oblong pillow with the image of the
arrogant and self-confident Luo Binghe, fell asleep quite quickly. He wanted to escape again
in his dream for a moment to his dream, fantastic world.
After a while he opened his eyes and found himself in a familiar place. The city under Mount
Cang Qiong sect was especially vivid in his dream today. Even instead of his usual T-shirt
and shorts, he wore bright green and white robes.

He looked around, fascinated by the animation, rummaged through his robes, and, finding a
pouch of money, smiled. He started going to the stalls and buying various delicacies, then
tried them. He didn't expect much, but the richness of flavors surprised and delighted him.

“This dream is truly amazing. Everything is clearer than other times. he said admiringly.

He walked contentedly down the street, eating snacks, then noticed the teahouses. He
walked in curiously and sat down at a table upstairs, because there were free seats. After
ordering tea, he looked out the window and watched the street live so lively and people
hurrying along.

"Can this Mr. erm, can I keep you company?" asked an unexpectedly deep voice.

Shen Yuan was too fascinated and continued to stare at the street, not paying much
attention to the newcomer.

“Of course, I don't mind. - Yuan answered almost instinctively, he never occupied entire
tables for himself.

The boy watched the street for a while, then when he looked at the person who sat next to
him, he froze, making huge eyes from behind his glasses.

How… How was that possible! Luo Binghe sat majestically in his black robes in front of him!
He was always in the crowd away from the main character in his dreams! How is it possible
that this Luo Binghe has now joined him?! How did he even find it!

Shen Yuan stared at Binghe in front of him, shocked and lost. However, his face must have
shown something strange, because the half-demon smiled with a dangerous gleam in his
eyes, which sent shivers down his spine.

"I'm Luo." May I know the name of this honorable man? Luo Binghe asked calmly, and only
then did Shen Yuan recover.

– S-shen. He fired without thinking, then mentally slapped his forehead with his hand.

It's also Shizuna Binghe's last name! He could have thought of anything else! Maybe it's a
dream, but what if Luo Binghe decides to torture him because of the name coincidence?!
After all, he is an impulsive person!

Shen Yuan thought frantically as the tea was served to them, the half-demon calmly poured
it for himself and the boy, then took a sip, continuing to stare at the youth with his red eyes.

– Oh-oh. D-thank you. Yuan said and cursed himself for not being able to keep calm in front
of the protagonist and he will definitely suspect something about him!
"Have you been here long, dear Shen?" - Luo Binghe asked calmly, and his red eyes
pierced the boy, which made him tremble.

“N-No, I-I'm just passing through. The boy replied nervously and wanted to mentally hit
himself in the forehead again.

He had to calm down. He finally got a chance to talk to Luo Binghe, he couldn't mess it up or
he would regret it! Fortunately, surprisingly, it was Binghe who conducted this conversation
with equanimity.

- Oh? are you traveling? Binghe asked with interest. "I travel sometimes too." What do you
do on your travels?

“Um… L-I like collecting and describing herbs, and also describing various beasts, although I
have a hard time getting close to them. I'm not a cultivator. Shen Yuan thought for a moment
and said what he would like to do in the Way of the Immortal Demon.

It was his secret dream, if he could, he would like to do a collection with herbs and beasts, a
real one with illustrations, detailed descriptions, place of occurrence, etc. However, he also
cannot do similar things at home, where he has to study law. He understands legal issues
quite well, but is reluctant to attend when he is again about to be bullied by his peers.

He sighed softly, which did not go unnoticed by his companion at the table.

"Something bothering dear Shen?" Luo Binghe asked, his eyes carefully watching Shen
Yuan, which sent shivers down his spine again.

“Oh, n-no. T-it's nothing. the boy said quickly, there's no point in telling Binghe about his
problems anyway. “W-what… Mr. Luo does on his travels?”

“Dear Shen is interested in this?” Luo Binghe asked with a small smile, and though his gaze
was still dangerous, Shen Yuan replied without thinking.

- Yes! Very!

Shen Yuan stared at the half-demon with shining eyes expectantly. After a while, he laughed
and began to talk about some of his travels, fights with beasts and herbs he collected. The
boy was fascinated by his every word and was enchanted. Hearing about the protagonist's
adventures directly from him was great! Though he had the impression that some things did
not agree with his knowledge.

Time passed differently in the dream, and Shen Yuan woke up in the morning, but it felt like
he had spent the whole day listening to Luo Binghe's stories. He rubbed his eyes, put on his
glasses, and went to the bathroom to smear his bruises. During his morning routine, he
thought about the content of the protagonist's story and after a while he grabbed his head.

“Did I come up with so many amazing stories?!

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

“The kid is quite funny. Luo Binghe said to himself as he watched young Shen Yuan go to
class from the shadow of the building. "And he didn't scare me, even though he seems to
know what I'm capable of."

Luo Binghe has already visited some strange worlds with these tall metal buildings and has
adapted to them. His long black hair was tied in a loose ponytail with only a few strands left
loose along with a small braid on the side. He wore a black hooded sweatshirt, a red faux
leather jacket, faded black jeans with a silver chain attached to his belt, and black trainers.
He had Xin Mo's sword on a chain around his neck in a modified, small form that he had
learned after a very long time of practice.

He followed Shen Yuan slowly as he made his way across the university grounds. Although
he preferred not to attract attention, he still felt a lot of interested eyes on him. They weren't
too different from those in his world, so he easily ignored them. He followed the young boy
into the building, then quietly into the lecture hall and sat in the back rows.

He did not have

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