Worksheet 2 Graph

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Based on the data provided (frequencies of activities in a month):

4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 5, 9, 10, 9, 12, 15, 20, 16, 17, 15, 9, 8, 12

Let's summarize and interpret the results using a histogram, which is suitable for displaying the
distribution of frequencies:

 Bin ranges: We'll group the data into bins to create the histogram. Since the data ranges
from 4 to 20, we can use bins of width 5 for clarity:
o Bin 1: 0-5
o Bin 2: 6-10
o Bin 3: 11-15
o Bin 4: 16-20
 Frequency distribution:
o Bin 1 (0-5): 14 occurrences
o Bin 2 (6-10): 6 occurrences
o Bin 3 (11-15): 2 occurrences
o Bin 4 (16-20): 1 occurrence

Now, let's interpret the histogram:

 The histogram shows that most months (14 out of 22) have activities occurring between 0
and 5 times. This indicates that for the majority of the months recorded, the number of
times the individual goes out for drinks, dining, or entertainment is relatively low.
 There are fewer occurrences of higher frequencies (6-10 times, 11-15 times, and 16-20
times). Specifically:
o 6 months fall within the 6-10 times range.
o 2 months fall within the 11-15 times range.
o 1 month falls within the 16-20 times range.

This distribution suggests that while occasional months have higher activity frequencies, the
norm is fewer outings per month.

In conclusion, the histogram effectively summarizes the frequency distribution of outings per
month, highlighting the variability in the data and the typical range of activities over the recorded


Based on the preferences indicated:

 Hard Rock
 Dish
 Blue Onion
 Dish
 Blue Onion
 Hard Rock
 Blue Onion
 Blue Onion
 Hard Rock
 Dish
 Dish
 Blue Onion
 Blue Onion
 Blue Onion
 Dish
 Dish
 Dish

Let's summarize and interpret the results using a bar chart, which is suitable for displaying
categorical data:

 Categories: Hard Rock, TGIF, Dish, Blue Onion

 Frequency distribution:
o Hard Rock: 3 occurrences
o TGIF: 6 occurrences
o Dish: 7 occurrences
o Blue Onion: 9 occurrences

Now, let's interpret the bar chart:

 The bar chart shows the frequency of preferences for dining, drinking, and entertainment
 Blue Onion is the most preferred hub with 9 occurrences, indicating it is chosen most
frequently among the options provided.
 Following Blue Onion, Dish is the next preferred with 7 occurrences.
 TGIF is chosen 6 times, making it the third most preferred option.
 Hard Rock is the least preferred among the options provided, chosen 3 times.

In conclusion, the bar chart effectively summarizes the preferences for dining, drinking, and
entertainment hubs among the options provided. It highlights that Blue Onion is the most
favored, followed by Dish and TGIF, while Hard Rock is the least favored among the options
provided in the data.
Q3. Based on the attributes considered in the choice of dining, drinking, and/or entertainment

 Accessibility
 Affordability
 Affordability
 Accessibility
 Parking Space
 Crowd
 Accessibility
 Crowd
 Accessibility
 Accessibility
 Affordability
 Affordability
 Affordability
 Affordability
 Parking Space
 Crowd
 Parking Space
 Parking Space
 Crowd
 Parking Space
 Crowd
 Accessibility

Let's summarize and interpret the results using a bar chart, as it effectively displays categorical
data and allows for easy comparison of attribute preferences:

 Categories: Accessibility, Affordability, Parking Space, Crowd

 Frequency distribution:
o Accessibility: 6 occurrences
o Affordability: 6 occurrences
o Parking Space: 5 occurrences
o Crowd: 5 occurrences

Now, let's interpret the bar chart:

 The bar chart shows the frequency of attributes considered most important in choosing a
dining, drinking, and/or entertainment hub.
 Accessibility and Affordability are tied as the most frequently considered attributes, each
mentioned 6 times.
 Parking Space and Crowd are mentioned 5 times each, indicating they are also important
considerations but slightly less so compared to Accessibility and Affordability.
In conclusion, the bar chart effectively summarizes the preferences for attributes considered
when choosing a hub for dining, drinking, or entertainment. It shows that Accessibility and
Affordability are equally prioritized, followed closely by considerations for Parking Space and
Crowd. This insight helps in understanding the key factors influencing the choice of venue
among the options provided.

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