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Write an answer to one of the questions 3 – 5 in this part. Write your answer in 200 – 250
words in an appropriate style on this question paper. Put the question number in the box at
the top of the answer space.
Question 3
You have conducted a survey on the reasons for students’ lack of interest in sports.

Write your report answering the questions below.

• Why are they not interested in sports?
• How can this problem be solved?

Write your report.

Question 4
The Crime Prevention Club is calling for articles from students to be included in their

Articles Are Much Needed!

A Safe Neighbourhood
❖ What types of crime commonly occur in a neighbourhood?
❖ What dangers can crime pose to the residents?
❖ How can you help to prevent crime from happening in your neighbourhood?

Write your article.

Question 5
Your teacher asked the class to write a story based on a moral value. The title of the story is:
Be Responsible
Your story should include
▪ The description of an event or incident where you have shown the value as a student
▪ The lesson learnt from this event or incident
Write your story.
Question Number:


A Report On The Lack of Interest In Sports Among The Students of

Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Pati Kelana

On the 10th of September 2021, I have conducted a survey on 980 students of SMK Pati
Kelana involving students from Form 1 to Form 5 and the result showed that only 220 students
are interested in sports.
760 students cited that they have lack of interest in sports. They are uncomfortable with
the fact that they tend to get sweaty, hot, dirty and sun-burnt after playing sports. Furthermore,
they do not have much time to spend on sports due to their tight schedule. Most of them have
to attend tuition classes after school and some even have part time job while some just care less
as they prefer to play online games or surf the internet and engross on social medias. 420
students stated that their main problem is their parents. Their parents put excessive amount of
attention on academic that it has become difficult for them to make time for leisure, let alone
In order to get students to have interest in sports, both school and parents must
cooperate. School should provide enough equipment and facilities for students to enjoy the
different types of sports. With enough equipment and facilities, every student will have the
opportunity to participate. Parents should encourage their children to get involve and allow
them to have time for both academic and leisure.
Reported by,



President of the Sports Club
(250 words)

A Safe Neighbourhood
Nur Qistyna Damia binti Muhd Fitri

Everyone wants a safe neighbourhood. We all should feel safe in our homes because it
is the safest place we can be. However, lately crime rates in the neighbourhood have increased.
Theft and burglary can occur at any time of the day even at broad daylight. Residents are
becoming more cautious and vigilant even towards their own neighbours. Gates, house grills
and even the doors are always locked and home security systems are installed around the house
to double the security.

The two most common crimes that happen in a neighbourhood are thefts and burglaries.
There are also rare cases such as kidnapping and house attacks. Thieves are always finding
opportunity to steal whatever they can once the residents lose their guard. Victims can get
seriously hurt and even something more sinister such as violent crime may happen during a
break in or burglary. People no longer feel safe and sense of trust between neighbours is

As a responsible resident there are ways to help prevent crime from happening in your
neighbourhood. You can start by not displaying valuable items outside your house such as
bicycles. Always remember to double check your doors and windows and draw your curtains
at night. Call the police once you notice any suspicious looking individuals or vehicles roaming
or driving around your area. Next, get to know your neighbours. Familiarising yourself with
neighbours can be a win-win situation. Offer yourself as a resource in case of emergencies or
when your help is needed.

(250 words)

Be Responsible

Being responsible is something that I find very difficult to commit to until an unexpected
incident happened that made me realised how important it is to be responsible.

It happened when were given a class project that must be completed in two weeks time. I
didn’t start right away. I was busy idling on my phone, wasting my time doing anything except
finishing my work. “What’s the rush? We’re given two weeks” That was what I thought. A
week had passed and I was still not doing anything. I had totally forgotten about my
responsibility. Three more days to due date and that was when I started to get panic. I began to
search for information till wee hours for two days straight and preparing my slides for my
presentation. As a result, due to lack of sleep I fall extremely sick.

The presentation day then finally came and I was a nervous wreck. My presentation went
so badly and even my computer was not being good to me that day. I felt so guilty and ashamed
of myself and I cried till my eyes were swollen. This incident really taught me a lesson on the
importance of being responsible. Since that day I made a promise to myself that I will change
and be more responsible.

Being responsible should always become a part of one’s personality. Lack of such a trait
of character or even its absolute absence was never considered to be a positive feature.

(250 words)

5 All content is Uses the conventions Text is well- Use a range of

relevant to the task. of the communicative organised and vocabulary,
task effectively to coherent, including less
Target reader is hold the target using variety common lexis
informed. reader’s attention and of cohesive appropriately.
communicate with devices with
ease, fulfilling all generally good Uses range of
communicative effect. simple and
purposes. complex
forms with
control and

errors and slips
may be present.

4 Performance shares features of Score 3 and 5

3 Minor irrelevances Uses the conventions Text is Uses a range of

and/or omissions of the communicative generally everyday
may be present. task to hold the well-organised vocabulary
reader’s attention and and coherent, with occasional
Target reader is on communicate using a variety inappropriate
the whole informed. straightforward ideas of cohesive uses of less
appropriately. devices. common lexis.

Uses a range of
simple and
forms with a
good degree of

2 Performance shares features of Score 1 and 3

Irrelevances and/or Produces a text that Uses simple Uses basic
misinterpretation of communicates connectors vocabulary
task may be present. straightforward ideas and a limited appropriately.
using the conventions number of
Target reader is of the communicative cohesive Uses simple
minimally task reasonably devices grammatical
informed. appropriately. appropriately. forms with a
good degree of

While errors
are noticeable,
meaning can
still be

Content is totally
Performance below Score 1
Target reader is not

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