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Labial and buccal glands

Mixed glands, mostly mucus.
2. glossopalatine
OPure mucus

Located in the glossopalatine fold.

© 3. palatine
o Pure mucus variety, located in the posterolatral zone of
hard palate and submucosa of soft palate
4. Lingual glands

Classified into 2types

© Anterior lingual glands post lingual glands

O Glands of Blandin and

Nuhn Von Ebner glands

Chiefly mucous
Mediated via ANS

o Control of secretion linked to taste and smell, can modify

amount and consistency of secretion

postganglionic fibers of

" Sympathetic parasympathetic

(adrenergic) (cholinergic)

Both innervate secretory cells, myoepithelial cells andducts.

o Release of neurotransmitters from the vesicle in nerve

terminal adjacent to parenchymal cells

process cla stimulus secretion coupling

stimülate them to discharge their secretory granules, water,

electrolyte and contraction of myoepithelial cells.
Nonepinephrine is a sympathetic neurotransmitter

Oa- adrenergic receptors Badrenergic receptors

O Mediates proteinsecretion lowlevel of protein

secretion of water &

Parasympathetic transmitters activate

cholinergic receptors

secretion of water and elcetrolytes

Receptor stimulation results ir

increase concentration of intracellular second


triggers other events

In case of Beta adrenergic and cholinergic receptors

Membrane permeability to calcium ion is increased

increases calcium ion cons intracellularly

causes k ion effluX, water and electrolyte secretion

alpha adrenergic receptors activate

membrane enzyme adenyl cyclase

ncreases intracellular cons of cyctic AMP

involved in exocytosis process



Ducts play amajor role in modification of
primary saliva
Luminal and basolatral membranes of Striated
ducts and few portions of Excretory duct

reabsorption of Na, Cl ions resulting in

formation of Hypotonic final saliva

Release of K, Hco3 ions

e Final electrolyte composition depends on salivary
flow rate

o In high flow rate - concentration of Na, Cl ions is

more, and Kion cons is less
Due to the less contact time during high flow rate
o Vice versa is during low flow rate

Water other substances

99% 1%

Other substances

o1. inorganic ions -

Na, K, Ca, Cl, HCO3
In small cons - Mg, 1, F
2. organic sub

o (a) Secretory protein

o Amylase, ribonuclease, kallikerin

Peroxidase, ysozyme, lectoferin, acid phosphatase

(b) mucins

o (Cl gIgG, IgM,lgA

(d) amino acids, ürea, uric acid, glucOse.

Parotid -watery saliva rich in enzymes amylase,


Submandibular gland - more glycosylated sub as mucin

Sublinguat viscous saliva, rich in mucin.

Whole saliva secretion of all minor and major SGs

o Ph 6.4 - 7.4
o 1. protection of oral cavity

(a) Constant secretion -prevents desiccation of oral tissues.

e (b) fluid like action--flusthes away debris and bacteria

" (c) mucin and glycoproteins - provide lubrication for movement

(d) continuous flow of unstimulated saliva - prevents retrograde

infection of salivary glands by preventing entry of

microorganisms through ducts.

o (e) Buffering capacity

Protects mucosa from chemical and thermal insults.

o Main buffers HCo3 and HPo4 ions + salivary proteins

inhibit precipitation of Ca3(Po4)2

in saliva
o (e) - salivary glycoproteins and statherin
Binds to tooth surface and forms --enamel pellicle

f)high cons of Ca and Po4 insaliva

Post eruptive maturation of enamel which increases

surface hardness
o(g) protects teeth from attrition, erosion by salivary

O Salivary pellicle

Is a thin, acellular, organic film that forms on the tooth

surface upon exposure to saliva.

Pelliclereduces friction between teeth by 20 folds.

(h) Antibacterial property

By serous acini peroxidase and thiocynate (ducts)

Lysozyme (intercalated duct) hydrolyses the polysaccharide

of bacterial cell wall.

bacterial cell lysis

e IgA and lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase are other

(j) protection against caries

ca, po4 and bicarbonate prevent the fall of salivary pH

Urea is also an anticariogenic Substance

o 2. digestion

O Provides afluidic environment for solubiliza


Lingual lipase
o 3. masticationand deglutition

oMoistens the food and helps in breakdown into smaller


Helps in formation of bolus.

o Reduces the temperature of hot food sub.

4. taste preception

Saliva provides the fluid, which dissolves the solid tastants

and take them to areas of taste buds - to perceive taste.

Also the hypotonicity of saliva is advantageous to taste


Saliva emulsifies the food. This process is required for taste


5. tissue repair -

o Growth factors in saliva - promote wound healing and tissue


O Antibacterial sub - prevent infection of oral wounds

o Epidermal growth factor - highest in parotid saliva

6. speech

Saliva keeps the oral tissues moist and

lubricated. Helps in communication
7. Excretion

Saliva excretes the harmful products of bacterial


" Excretion of drugs

o Elimination of mercury derivatives

Creates thrust sensation - when body is deprived of water

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