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What are some interesting facts about Prambanan temple?

Do you planning a vacation in Indonesia? I recommend Yogyakarta,

especially Prambanan Temple. However, before you come there, first you must know
the facts about Prambanan Temple below.

1- Prambanan is the largest Hinduism temple in Indonesia and Southeast Asia

which has a stunning architectural building.
Prambanan was built in the 9th century AD. Prambanan is also One of the
UNESCO world heritage sites and the largest Hinduism temple in Southeast Asia.
Prambanan is a building that was built in the 10th century during the reign of two
kings, Rakai Pikatan and Rakai Balitung. Towering 47 meters high (5 meters higher
than Borobudur Temple), the establishment of this temple has fulfilled the wishes of its
makers, showing the glory of Hinduism in the land of Java.

(Source: Candi Prambanan Jogja)

2- There is a legend that is always told by Javanese people about this temple, the
legend of "Roro Jonggrang".

(Source: Kisah Rara Jonggrang dan Candi Prambanan)

Once upon a time, a man named Bandung Bondowoso loved Roro
Jonggrang. Because she did not love, Jonggrang asked Bondowoso to make a temple
with 1,000 statues overnight. The request was almost fulfilled before Jonggrang asked
the villagers to pound rice and make a big fire to form an atmosphere like the
morning. Bondowoso was able to make 999 statues with spirit power, then curse
Jonggrang into the 1,000th statue because he felt cheated. Prambanan Temples are
often referred to as Loro Jonggrang Temple.

3- Prambanan Temple has 3 main temples on the main yard, namely Vishnu,
Brahma, and Shiva temples.

Each main temple has one companion temple. For the Shiva temple accompanied by
the Nandini temple, for the Brahma temple accompanied by the Angsa temple and for
the Wisni temple accompanied by the Garuda temple.

4- The first report about Prambanan Temple written by C.A. Lons who visited
Central Java in 1733.
(Source: Bagaimana Candi Prambanan Dibangun?)

In this report stated that Prambanan temple was collapse. Then restoration Prambanan
Temple started in 1883 until 2002.

5- There are 7 main statues spread in Prambanan temple.

7 main Statues are Siwa, Durga, Agastya, Ganesha, Brahma, Vishnu, and Nandhi.
6- Prambanan Temple Relief tells the story of Ramayana.

(Source: Cerita Relief di Prambanan Yogyakarta)

Along the inside of the wall is carved into the Ramayana relief. This Ramayana story is
starting from the Vishnu scene that was asked to come down to earth by the kings to
overcome the chaos that was done by Ravana. Along the inner wall of the ledge are
decorated with a series of panels containing Krisnayana reliefs. Krisnayana is the story
of Krishna's life since he was born until he succeeded in occupying the throne
of Dwaraka Kingdom.

The original name of Prambanan Temple is Siwagrha and the peak of Prambanan
Temple like a crown.

Siwagrha, this name means Shiva House. Shiva is a God who is so special during the
reign of Rakai Pikatan.
(Source: Sosok Siwa pada Candi)

As a form of respect, Rakai Pikatan established a 3 meter tall Shiva Mahadewa

statue located in the main room of Prambanan Temple.
If the peak of Prambanan Temple is observed, it is a form of crown called Puncak
Mastaka. This peak does not mean only a decoration, but has its own meaning. This
Mastaka Peak means lightning.

Design Concept of Prambanan Temple resembles Semeru Mount (The peak of

Semeru Mount named Mahameru)

According to ancient Hindu cosmology, Prambanan Temple was designed to resemble

the peak of Mahameru. This is because ancient people believed that mahameru was the
home of the Gods.

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