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Though a specific star only produces one the pleiades find them uncomfortable (like Falling Star, Starling

 CR 2
kind of falling star, most star children leave an unpleasant texture), and thus avoid XP 600
their home star to explore the universe. exposure to “normal” environments as N Tiny fey
In time, these disparate falling stars may much as possible. Init +2; Senses detect magic, low-light vision;
form mixed groups, called constellations, While most falling stars are not hostile to Perception +8
which provide for mutual protection and terrestrial creatures, they are often naive Aura dazzling light (30 ft.)
companionship. Individual members are about them. Despite their long lives, falling Defense
free to pursue their own goals. There are no stars rarely encounter planetary life and can AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge,
+2 size)
leaders among the falling stars, though most be ignorant of most other creatures’ need
hp 18 (4d6+4)
defer to the wisdom and wishes of older and for things like air or of their flammability. Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +5
more powerful pleiades. Only darkstars are Many falling stars are fascinated by space DR 5/cold iron, Immune blindness, cold, electricity,
shunned from falling star society, though the travelers, observing or even interacting with fire, patterns, poison
nefarious darkstars have means to influence people and creatures that pass through their Offense
their bright brethren surreptitiously. domains. Speed fly 60 ft. (average)
Regardless of how far they travel, falling Some falling stars, however, are openly Melee slam +6 (1d2−4 plus plasma burn)
Special Attacks plasma burn (1d3 electricity and 1d3
stars are forever bound to the star that averse to those they deem intruders. Like their
fire, DC 13)
birthed them. Though very little can impact terrestrial cousins, these fey prove a danger Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
a star, even minor changes can be felt by to exploration and trade. Reasoning with Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th, concentration +5)
their star children, drawing them back over an angry falling star is difficult at best. They Constant—detect magic, know direction
vast distances. The natural shifts a star goes have little use for money or treasure, and At will—guidance
through as it ages are felt just as strongly exist beyond mortal concepts of morality. 1/day—aid, augury
1/week—commune (CL 12th, 6 questions)
by its falling stars. As a star expands or That said, a falling star may be willing to
contracts, changes color and intensity, the make concessions if someone can offer it
Str 3, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 13
falling stars associated with it undergo something (material or knowledge) that Base Atk +2; CMB −4; CMD 8
a transformation, not unlike puberty or appeals to its peculiar obsession. Darkstars Feats Dodge, HoverB, Mobility, Weapon FinesseB
metamorphosis. Though the transformation rarely treat with other creatures, and even Skills Acrobatics +13, Escape Artist +9, Fly +6,
itself is traumatic (often moreso for those then, such a bargain is, at best, a deal with Knowledge (nature) +5, Perception +8; Racial
around the falling star), once the transition the devil. Modifiers +4 Acrobatics
Languages Ignan, Overcommon; telepathy 100 ft.
is complete, the falling star falls into its new Falling stars speak Ignan and most learn
SQ no breath, starflight
role with a dedication that belies its previous Overcommon, though as sound does not
existence. travel in space, they are most comfortable
Environment any star or space
Despite immunity to the intense heat of using telepathy. Organization solitary or nebula (2–12)
stars and the empty cold of space, falling Treasure none
stars are oddly sensitive to the terrestrial MFalling Star, Starling Special Abilities
elements of air, earth, and water. Though The ball of light moves swiftly through space. Within Dazzling Light (Su) Any creature within 30 ft. who
these elements are no more harmful to its dazzling corona, the shape of a fetal humanoid is looks directly at a starling must make a DC 13
falling stars than they are to other creatures, faintly visible. Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1 min. Sightless

creatures, as well as creatures already dazzled, are to mortals destined for greatness. These Feats AcrobaticsB, Dodge, HoverB, Mobility, Spring
not affected. A starling can suppress or resume this starlings act as “guiding stars,” ensuring that Attack, Weapon Focus (slam)
ability as a free action. The save DC is Constitution Skills Acrobatics +18, Craft (any one) + 12, Disable
events occur as the stars have predicted. A
based. Device +13, Fly +7, Knowledge (nature) +12,
7th-level spellcaster can gain a starling falling Perception +14
Easily mistaken for a will-o’-wisp or lantern star as a familiar if she has the Improved Languages Ignan, Overcommon; telepathy 100 ft.
archon, a starling is, in fact, the immature Familiar feat. SQ no breath, starflight
form of a falling star. Ecology
Though starlings emerge mostly self-
sufficient, other falling stars often look after
MFalling Star, Netad Environment any star or space
Organization solitary, pair, or constellation (1–8 plus
Standing not quite 4 ft. tall, this humanoid is 1–12 starlings)
starlings as one would a child. Like the stars shrouded in red flame that roils with dark swirls and Treasure standard
they come from, a falling star’s “youth” bright sparks. Special Abilities
lasts countless humanoid lifetimes. When a Hypnotic Light (Su) Any creature within 30 ft. who
starling reaches maturity (becomes another Falling Star, Netad  CR 5 looks directly at a netad must make a DC 17 Will
type of falling star), it might join with the XP 1,600 save or be fascinated for 1 min. Sightless creatures,
constellation that raised it, or else leave to N Small fey as well as creatures already fascinated, are not
explore the universe. Init +3; Senses detect magic, low-light vision; affected. A netad can suppress or resume this ability
Perception +14 as a free action. This is a mind-affecting pattern
Starlings embody the stars as guides, both effect. The save DC is Constitution based.
Aura hypnotic light (30 ft., DC 17)
as tools of divination and tools of navigation.
They spend long hours watching the The smallest of their kind (excepting the
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge, +3
movements of the stars and planets, and of natural, +1 size) immature starling), netads are born from
the creatures that move across them. From hp 55 (10d6+20) low-energy stars: relatively young red
the patterns that emerge, starlings come to Fort +5, Ref +10, Will +8 dwarfs and ancient red giants. Their aureole
understand the interconnection between DR 10/cold iron, Immune blindness, cold, electricity, is not as bright as those of other falling stars
things on large and small scales. This fire, patterns, poison (outshining only the smoldering darkstar), yet
connection to destiny gives starlings a kind Offense it has a hypnotic effect on living creatures.
of happy fatalism that eludes most mortals. Speed 20 ft., fly 60 ft. (average) Netads embody stars as furnaces of
Melee 2 slams +9 (1d4+3 plus plasma burn)
Though not particularly smart, starlings are destruction and creation. Netads are the
Special Attacks plasma burn (1d3 electricity and 1d3
inquisitive. They often follow in the wake of fire, DC 17), powerful charge (slam, 2d4+6 plus artisans of their kind, each practiced in a craft
starships, which younger starlings mistake plasma burn) such as alchemy, sculpture, or weaponry. In
for small meteors, and older starlings Spell-Like Abilities (CL 5th, concentration +7) the depths of space, they collect errant rocks
know to hold mortal travelers. Although Constant—detect magic, know direction and metals with which to work.
At will—burning hands (DC 13), produce flame
their physical abilities are limited, starlings’ The creations of mortals fascinate netads
3/day—heat metal (DC 14), make whole
maneuverability and sense of direction are 1/day—fabricate (mineral only), major creation when they find them adrift in space. If not
well known. Many travelers have been saved (mineral only) stopped, netads attempt to dismantle things
by a starling leading them out of danger or Statistics in order to see how they are built. Many a
distracting terrible space monsters. Str 17, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 14 spacefaring crew has found itself stranded
Individual starlings are sometimes attracted Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 21 or worse as a result of a curious netad.


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