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Team Team Members Product Sale Date Region Login Hours

Total Talk Time

Total Hold Time Sales Sales Per Hour Revenue
Team A Sydnee Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.0 6.0 0.5 22 3.14 748
Team A Amber Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.5 6.5 0.7 19 2.53 646
Team A Constance Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 8.0 7.0 0.3 16 2.00 544
Team A Nola Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 8.3 7.3 0.8 21 2.53 714
Team A Libby Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.3 6.3 0.2 23 3.15 782
Team A Tashya Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.9 6.9 0.6 24 3.04 816
Team A Flavia Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.6 6.6 0.5 15 1.97 510
Team A Guinevere Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.0 6.0 0.7 19 2.71 646
Team A Darryl Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.5 6.5 0.3 20 2.67 680
Team A Farrah Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 8.0 7.0 0.8 24 3.00 816
Team B Rowan Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 8.3 7.3 0.2 25 3.01 850
Team B Quyn Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.3 6.3 0.6 21 2.88 714
Team B Xantha Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.9 6.9 0.5 24 3.04 816
Team B Winifred Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.6 6.6 0.7 18 2.37 612
Team B Iona Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.0 6.0 0.3 23 3.29 782
Team B Keelie Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.5 6.5 0.8 24 3.20 816
Team B Brynne Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 8.0 7.0 0.2 19 2.38 646
Team B Sierra Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 8.3 7.3 0.6 15 1.81 510
Team B Gay Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.3 6.3 0.5 18 2.47 612
Team B Inez Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.9 6.9 0.7 25 3.16 850
Team C Illana Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.6 6.6 0.3 15 1.97 510
Team C Renee Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.0 6.0 0.8 23 3.29 782
Team C Olympia Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.5 6.5 0.2 24 3.20 816
Team C Camille Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 8.0 7.0 0.6 21 2.63 714
Team C Shaine Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 8.3 7.3 0.5 19 2.29 646
Team C Maris Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.3 6.3 0.7 19 2.60 646
Team C Jana Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.9 6.9 0.3 22 2.78 748
Team C Audra Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.6 6.6 0.8 16 2.11 544
Team C Rosalyn Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.0 6.0 0.2 16 2.29 544
Team C April Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.5 6.5 0.6 15 2.00 510
Team D Dara Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 8.0 7.0 0.5 18 2.25 612
Team D Daria Product 2 1/6/2014 California 8.3 7.3 0.7 20 2.41 680
Team D Ariel Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.3 6.3 0.3 15 2.05 510
Team D Hermione Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.9 6.9 0.8 16 2.03 544
Team D Aileen Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.6 6.6 0.2 19 2.50 646
Team D Cheyenne Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.0 6.0 0.6 19 2.71 646
Team D Lois Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.5 6.5 0.5 16 2.13 544
Team D Madeson Product 2 1/6/2014 California 8.0 7.0 0.7 16 2.00 544
Team D Ariana Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 8.3 7.3 0.3 24 2.89 816
Team D Kendall Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.3 6.3 0.8 24 3.29 816
Team E Lacy Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.9 6.9 0.2 22 2.78 748
Team E Heather Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.6 6.6 0.6 17 2.24 578
Team E Nevada Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 8.3 7.3 0.5 23 2.77 782
Team E Mercedes Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.3 6.3 0.7 25 3.42 850
Team E Courtney Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.9 6.9 0.3 23 2.91 782
Team E Amanda Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.6 6.6 0.8 17 2.24 578
Team E Madeline Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.0 6.0 0.2 23 3.29 782
Team E Zia Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.5 6.5 0.6 25 3.33 850
Team E Miriam Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 8.0 7.0 0.5 24 3.00 816
Team E Quin Product 2 1/6/2014 California 8.3 7.3 0.7 16 1.93 544
Team F Ivory Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.3 6.3 0.3 19 2.60 646
Team F Stacy Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.9 6.9 0.8 25 3.16 850
Team F Dai Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.6 6.6 0.2 16 2.11 544
Team F Shelley Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.0 6.0 0.6 20 2.86 680
Team F Shelby Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.5 6.5 0.5 22 2.93 748
Team F Riley Product 2 1/6/2014 California 8.0 7.0 0.7 23 2.88 782
Team F Cleo Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 8.3 7.3 0.3 20 2.41 680
Team F Patricia Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.3 6.3 0.8 19 2.60 646
Team F Britanney Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.9 6.9 0.2 15 1.90 510
Team F Tatum Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.6 6.6 0.6 18 2.37 612
Team G Katelyn Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.0 6.0 0.5 21 3.00 714
Team G Pamela Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.5 6.5 0.7 22 2.93 748
Team G Rhoda Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 8.0 7.0 0.3 21 2.63 714
Team G Deanna Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 8.3 7.3 0.8 20 2.41 680
Team G Mallory Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.3 6.3 0.2 19 2.60 646
Team G Medge Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.9 6.9 0.6 15 1.90 510
Team G Dana Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.6 6.6 0.5 22 2.89 748
Team G Regina Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.0 6.0 0.7 20 2.86 680
Team G Kirby Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.5 6.5 0.3 16 2.13 544
Team G Rae Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 8.0 7.0 0.8 25 3.13 850
Team H Frances Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 8.3 7.3 0.2 16 1.93 544
Team H Xerxes Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.3 6.3 0.6 24 3.29 816
Team H Carolyn Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.9 6.9 0.5 23 2.91 782
Team H Zenia Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.6 6.6 0.7 21 2.76 714
Team H Phyllis Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.0 6.0 0.3 17 2.43 578
Team H Ashely Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.5 6.5 0.8 21 2.80 714
Team H Nomlanga Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 8.0 7.0 0.2 23 2.88 782
Team H Kirestin Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 8.3 7.3 0.6 16 1.93 544
Team H Serena Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.3 6.3 0.5 15 2.05 510
Team H Hilary Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.9 6.9 0.7 19 2.41 646
Team I Gretchen Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.6 6.6 0.3 17 2.24 578
Team I Giselle Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.0 6.0 0.8 16 2.29 544
Team I Galena Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.5 6.5 0.2 17 2.27 578
Team I Calista Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 8.0 7.0 0.6 15 1.88 510
Team I Juliet Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 8.3 7.3 0.5 24 2.89 816
Team I Karyn Product 2 1/6/2014 California 7.3 6.3 0.7 19 2.60 646
Team I Noelani Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.9 6.9 0.3 16 2.03 544
Team I Portia Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.6 6.6 0.8 16 2.11 544
Team I Melodie Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.0 6.0 0.2 23 3.29 782
Team I Yolanda Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.5 6.5 0.6 21 2.80 714
Team I Serina Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 8.0 7.0 0.5 25 3.13 850
Team J Jena Product 2 1/6/2014 California 8.3 7.3 0.7 22 2.65 748
Team J Fleur Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 7.3 6.3 0.3 24 3.29 816
Team J Illiana Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.9 6.9 0.8 22 2.78 748
Team J Jeremy Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.6 6.6 0.2 15 1.97 510
Team J Oscar Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.0 6.0 0.6 17 2.43 578
Team J Luke Product 1 1/6/2014 Alabama 7.5 6.5 0.5 20 2.67 680
Team J Addison Product 2 1/6/2014 California 8.0 7.0 0.7 18 2.25 612
Team J Alec Product 1 1/6/2014 Colorado 8.3 7.3 0.3 21 2.53 714
Team J Rafael Product 2 1/6/2014 Connecticut 7.3 6.3 0.8 15 2.05 510
Team J Hoyt Product 1 1/6/2014 Florida 7.6 6.6 0.2 15 1.97 510
Team J Abel Product 2 1/6/2014 Hawaii 7.0 6.0 0.6 17 2.43 578
Revenue Per Hour Calls Excellent Good Fair Poor Total CSAT% (Customer Satisfaction)
106.86 358 24 40 32 15 469 0.14
86.13 323 20 35 34 15 427 0.13
68.00 310 29 32 30 11 412 0.15
86.02 327 25 36 33 12 433 0.14
107.12 367 27 37 36 12 479 0.13
103.29 379 23 37 33 11 483 0.12
67.11 302 24 37 33 12 408 0.15
92.29 380 21 32 33 11 477 0.11
90.67 394 30 38 35 13 510 0.13
102.00 321 27 32 40 14 434 0.14
102.41 348 20 38 30 10 446 0.13
97.81 381 23 34 36 11 485 0.12
103.29 335 28 31 33 15 442 0.13
80.53 327 23 30 33 11 424 0.13
111.71 369 21 40 34 10 474 0.13
108.80 365 29 34 36 14 478 0.13
80.75 370 27 38 33 14 482 0.13
61.45 302 21 34 36 13 406 0.14
83.84 316 28 33 34 11 422 0.14
107.59 330 24 32 30 10 426 0.13
67.11 356 21 35 35 10 457 0.12
111.71 397 23 32 33 13 498 0.11
108.80 379 20 36 31 14 480 0.12
89.25 348 22 30 37 14 451 0.12
77.83 356 28 38 40 14 476 0.14
88.49 354 28 38 36 11 467 0.14
94.68 341 22 30 31 14 438 0.12
71.58 376 28 39 33 12 488 0.14
77.71 353 27 37 35 12 464 0.14
68.00 324 25 32 31 14 426 0.13
76.50 364 21 32 37 13 467 0.11
81.93 357 24 30 39 11 461 0.12
69.86 301 27 39 39 11 417 0.16
68.86 398 29 31 33 11 502 0.12
85.00 324 22 36 39 14 435 0.13
92.29 307 24 33 40 11 415 0.14
72.53 327 28 33 37 12 437 0.14
68.00 394 29 37 34 11 505 0.13
98.31 369 21 40 34 15 479 0.13
111.78 338 28 35 39 15 455 0.14
94.68 377 27 30 34 10 478 0.12
76.05 398 28 31 32 10 499 0.12
94.22 320 23 30 39 12 424 0.13
116.44 338 24 34 33 12 441 0.13
98.99 371 29 30 38 12 480 0.12
76.05 347 20 40 35 15 457 0.13
111.71 368 30 40 38 15 491 0.14
113.33 353 22 31 37 13 456 0.12
102.00 339 30 40 30 11 450 0.16
65.54 395 23 35 37 12 502 0.12
88.49 316 30 40 36 15 437 0.16
107.59 383 30 30 36 10 489 0.12
71.58 336 23 38 35 10 442 0.14
97.14 333 20 31 34 13 431 0.12
99.73 389 20 39 39 13 500 0.12
97.75 334 30 38 30 11 443 0.15
81.93 307 28 33 32 12 412 0.15
88.49 378 24 35 37 13 487 0.12
64.56 357 27 30 31 12 457 0.12
80.53 370 22 33 32 15 472 0.12
102.00 322 24 30 32 14 422 0.13
99.73 326 29 33 38 13 439 0.14
89.25 339 25 32 31 14 441 0.13
81.93 390 21 33 35 13 492 0.11
88.49 330 30 33 40 13 446 0.14
64.56 392 27 30 30 12 491 0.12
98.42 396 27 30 38 15 506 0.11
97.14 372 21 39 35 13 480 0.13
72.53 352 23 39 32 14 460 0.13
106.25 373 28 31 40 10 482 0.12
65.54 394 27 37 37 10 505 0.13
111.78 303 29 38 32 13 415 0.16
98.99 382 23 33 33 11 482 0.12
93.95 316 28 36 35 11 426 0.15
82.57 334 29 31 30 11 435 0.14
95.20 391 27 31 35 13 497 0.12
97.75 368 26 31 38 11 474 0.12
65.54 376 25 36 33 11 481 0.13
69.86 359 25 37 34 10 465 0.13
81.77 302 28 32 34 15 411 0.15
76.05 323 27 38 36 11 435 0.15
77.71 400 30 32 38 15 515 0.12
77.07 397 29 31 32 10 499 0.12
63.75 327 27 33 37 13 437 0.14
98.31 327 20 34 32 10 423 0.13
88.49 317 25 32 38 13 425 0.13
68.86 365 30 35 33 14 477 0.14
71.58 396 25 39 37 11 508 0.13
111.71 319 27 38 40 13 437 0.15
95.20 329 24 32 33 14 432 0.13
106.25 333 29 34 35 12 443 0.14
90.12 386 20 39 38 12 495 0.12
111.78 329 26 36 39 10 440 0.14
94.68 332 22 39 32 11 436 0.14
67.11 384 21 37 39 11 492 0.12
82.57 327 21 38 36 12 434 0.14
90.67 396 24 39 31 10 500 0.13
76.50 350 29 30 32 12 453 0.13
86.02 300 23 39 34 14 410 0.15
69.86 316 29 35 33 10 423 0.15
67.11 384 21 37 39 11 492 0.12
82.57 327 21 38 36 12 434 0.14
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec YTD
Manhours 50000 124444 500000 123123 343534 888883 800000 124444 80000 124444 800000 3958872
Manpower 4000 4000 4000 4500 4600 4600 4300 4500 4600 4300 4600 4300 4358
Total number of Managers on site 10 0 12 0 0 14 14 14 18 25 26 28 #NAME?
Total number of Supervisors on site 60 60 60 70 70 70 80 80 80 76 77 87 #NAME?
Total number of Engineers on site 45 45 45 45 45 34 34 34 86 65 67 80 #NAME?
Total number of Safety Officers on site 44 443 45 46 60 56 56 54 45 54 67 87 #NAME?
Safety inductions 4000 4000 4000 4500 4600 4600 4300 4500 4600 4300 4600 4300 52300
Trainings 2 3 4 5 5 7 6 6 7 7 7 8 67
TBT Conducted 10 5 5 5 5 1 1 4 4 3 2 1 46
OHS Meetings 1 4 2 4 6 1 2 0 6 5 3 1 35
OHS Inspections 3 1 2 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 21
OHS Audits 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 4
Safety Alerts 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 17
Mock Drill 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 4
Property damage 1 2 3 4 2 0 5 4 6 5 0 0 32
First Aid Cases 2 3 4 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 24
Medical Treatment Case 0 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 14
Restricted Work Days 1 0 2 1 2 4 0 4 4 3 1 1 23
Lost Work Day Cases 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4
Dangerous Occurrences 1 0 2 3 1 1 0 2 1 2 0 4 17
Fatalities 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? #NAME?
* Frequency Calculated based on 1 million Man-hours
*Do not delete any formula in the blue highlighted area
Customer Industry Region Product Estimated Revenue ($000) Actual Revenue ($000) Quarter Year
Customer1 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 250 255 Q4 2006
Customer2 Consumer Goods North America Product2 200 319 Q3 2008
Customer3 Services Asia Pacific Product1 600 123 Q3 2006
Customer4 Finance North America Product2 400 272 Q4 2008
Customer5 Consumer Goods Europe Product3 200 30 Q2 2006
Customer6 Services North America Product4 550 537 Q1 2007
Customer7 Technology North America Product4 650 89 Q4 2005
Customer8 Consumer Goods Europe Product2 200 249 Q4 2003
Customer9 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product2 450 268 Q4 2005
Customer10 Consumer Goods Europe Product2 250 601 Q2 2005
Customer11 Utilities South America Product2 700 475 Q4 2007
Customer12 Technology Europe Product4 650 378 Q3 2006
Customer13 Materials Europe Product3 150 286 Q4 2006
Customer14 Materials Middle East Product4 150 158 Q3 2006
Customer15 Materials South America Product3 100 390 Q3 2004
Customer16 Consumer Goods North America Product1 300 291 Q3 2004
Customer17 Materials North America Product4 100 764 Q3 2008
Customer18 Finance North America Product2 400 415 Q2 2007
Customer19 Services Asia Pacific Product2 600 702 Q2 2005
Customer20 Services North America Product3 550 941 Q2 2006
Customer21 Utilities South America Product4 700 53 Q1 2005
Customer22 Finance Europe Product2 400 151 Q3 2007
Customer23 Healthcare North America Product4 500 953 Q2 2003
Customer24 Technology Asia Pacific Product1 650 105 Q2 2004
Customer25 Technology Europe Entera CRM 650 87 Q1 2006
Customer26 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 200 987 Q4 2008
Customer27 Utilities North America Product4 700 81 Q2 2007
Customer28 Materials Middle East Product4 150 675 Q1 2007
Customer29 Consumer Goods Europe Product2 250 616 Q4 2007
Customer30 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product3 550 856 Q3 2006
Customer31 Finance Europe Product1 400 617 Q4 2006
Customer32 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 300 852 Q2 2008
Customer33 Services North America Product2 600 765 Q4 2007
Customer34 Finance North America Entera CRM 300 958 Q3 2004
Customer35 Finance Europe Product3 400 300 Q2 2007
Customer36 Technology Europe Entera CRM 650 84 Q2 2008
Customer37 Materials Europe Product3 150 83 Q2 2008
Customer38 Services North America Product2 600 756 Q1 2007
Customer39 Materials Europe Product4 100 887 Q3 2007
Customer40 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 200 188 Q3 2003
Customer41 Materials Asia Pacific Product1 150 598 Q3 2006
Customer42 Materials Middle East Product1 150 64 Q3 2007
Customer43 Utilities South America Product4 700 534 Q4 2005
Customer44 Materials North America Product4 100 160 Q3 2003
Customer45 Services North America Product3 600 884 Q1 2008
Customer46 Materials North America Product1 100 828 Q3 2004
Customer47 Technology Europe Entera CRM 650 81 Q1 2003
Customer48 Services North America Product2 600 835 Q1 2008
Customer49 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 250 810 Q2 2004
Customer50 Healthcare Europe Product1 500 536 Q2 2006
Customer51 Consumer Goods Europe Product3 200 476 Q2 2005
Customer52 Materials South America Product1 100 623 Q2 2006
Customer53 Finance Asia Pacific Entera CRM 450 456 Q3 2003
Customer54 Finance Europe Product3 400 450 Q1 2005
Customer55 Technology Europe Product3 650 830 Q3 2005
Customer56 Finance North America Product4 300 252 Q1 2005
Customer57 Finance North America Product4 350 863 Q4 2006
Customer58 Technology Asia Pacific Product4 650 769 Q2 2003
Customer59 Consumer Goods North America Product3 300 585 Q2 2008
Customer60 Consumer Goods Europe Product2 250 436 Q2 2006
Customer61 Healthcare South America Product3 450 161 Q1 2008
Customer62 Consumer Goods Europe Product3 300 801 Q2 2006
Customer63 Finance Europe Entera CRM 400 156 Q3 2003
Customer64 Finance Europe Product3 400 32 Q4 2007
Customer65 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product3 500 122 Q3 2003
Customer66 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product3 250 732 Q4 2006
Customer67 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 200 344 Q4 2006
Customer68 Utilities North America Product1 700 974 Q1 2006
Customer69 Healthcare Europe Entera CRM 500 929 Q1 2003
Customer70 Services North America Product1 600 389 Q3 2004
Customer71 Finance North America Product3 350 409 Q2 2004
Customer72 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 250 907 Q1 2003
Customer73 Materials South America Product2 100 928 Q2 2005
Customer74 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product2 550 928 Q3 2003
Customer75 Materials North America Product2 100 271 Q4 2007
Customer76 Healthcare North America Product3 500 468 Q1 2007
Customer77 Finance North America Entera CRM 350 913 Q3 2005
Customer78 Utilities South America Product1 700 438 Q3 2005
Customer79 Services North America Entera CRM 600 871 Q4 2007
Customer80 Materials Asia Pacific Entera CRM 150 969 Q4 2004
Customer81 Consumer Goods Europe Product4 250 959 Q1 2007
Customer82 Finance North America Product2 350 123 Q1 2007
Customer83 Finance Europe Product3 350 714 Q1 2004
Customer84 Healthcare North America Product2 500 153 Q2 2005
Customer85 Finance North America Product2 300 596 Q3 2003
Customer86 Consumer Goods North America Product3 200 371 Q3 2006
Customer87 Services Asia Pacific Product2 600 773 Q4 2008
Customer88 Consumer Goods Europe Product3 200 828 Q4 2008
Customer89 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product1 500 877 Q2 2003
Customer90 Healthcare North America Entera CRM 500 228 Q1 2003
Customer91 Healthcare Europe Product4 500 651 Q4 2003
Customer92 Finance North America Product1 400 718 Q4 2004
Customer93 Services North America Product2 600 778 Q4 2005
Customer94 Utilities North America Entera CRM 700 461 Q2 2005
Customer95 Technology Europe Product3 650 49 Q4 2005
Customer96 Healthcare North America Product4 500 576 Q3 2005
Customer97 Consumer Goods Europe Product4 200 579 Q4 2006
Customer98 Services Asia Pacific Entera CRM 600 449 Q1 2003
Customer99 Finance North America Product2 350 516 Q2 2003
Customer100 Materials South America Entera CRM 100 456 Q4 2007
Customer101 Healthcare North America Product3 500 959 Q2 2008
Customer102 Technology Asia Pacific Entera CRM 700 179 Q4 2005
Customer103 Finance North America Product2 300 848 Q4 2003
Customer104 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product1 250 431 Q1 2005
Customer105 Finance North America Entera CRM 400 86 Q4 2007
Customer106 Materials Asia Pacific Entera CRM 150 606 Q4 2008
Customer107 Consumer Goods Europe Product3 200 871 Q3 2008
Customer108 Healthcare Europe Product1 500 974 Q2 2003
Customer109 Consumer Goods Europe Product4 250 874 Q4 2006
Customer110 Healthcare North America Product4 500 362 Q1 2007
Customer111 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 250 848 Q1 2007
Customer112 Healthcare North America Product2 500 681 Q2 2004
Customer113 Technology Asia Pacific Entera CRM 650 281 Q3 2008
Customer114 Healthcare North America Product1 500 487 Q4 2003
Customer115 Services Asia Pacific Product1 600 491 Q1 2006
Customer116 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product1 450 640 Q4 2006
Customer117 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Entera CRM 250 892 Q4 2008
Customer118 Finance North America Product4 400 495 Q4 2003
Customer119 Consumer Goods Europe Product4 200 984 Q2 2006
Customer120 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product4 250 719 Q2 2005
Customer121 Finance North America Product1 400 173 Q4 2006
Customer122 Healthcare North America Product2 500 998 Q4 2004
Customer123 Finance Europe Product4 350 358 Q4 2008
Customer124 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Entera CRM 250 551 Q4 2005
Customer125 Consumer Goods Europe Product4 250 948 Q3 2003
Customer126 Finance North America Product4 350 122 Q3 2007
Customer127 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product1 450 731 Q4 2005
Customer128 Materials South America Product1 100 95 Q1 2003
Customer129 Consumer Goods North America Product4 300 602 Q3 2004
Customer130 Healthcare South America Entera CRM 500 171 Q1 2007
Customer131 Consumer Goods North America Product2 200 415 Q3 2003
Customer132 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product1 250 254 Q3 2004
Customer133 Consumer Goods North America Product3 300 454 Q3 2003
Customer134 Finance Europe Product2 400 511 Q3 2005
Customer135 Finance North America Entera CRM 350 316 Q3 2005
Customer136 Technology Asia Pacific Product1 650 838 Q2 2004
Customer137 Healthcare South America Product4 450 804 Q3 2007
Customer138 Consumer Goods North America Product4 300 881 Q3 2006
Customer139 Materials North America Product1 100 111 Q2 2003
Customer140 Finance Europe Product3 350 651 Q3 2008
Customer141 Consumer Goods Europe Product4 250 925 Q1 2003
Customer142 Technology Europe Entera CRM 650 183 Q4 2003
Customer143 Materials South America Entera CRM 100 590 Q2 2007
Customer144 Finance Europe Entera CRM 350 951 Q2 2007
Customer145 Services North America Entera CRM 550 694 Q3 2008
Customer146 Services North America Product3 550 235 Q3 2006
Customer147 Consumer Goods Europe Product3 250 622 Q2 2003
Customer148 Finance North America Product2 350 237 Q2 2008
Customer149 Finance North America Product2 300 98 Q1 2003
Customer150 Services North America Product4 550 868 Q4 2003
Customer151 Materials North America Product1 100 77 Q2 2006
Customer152 Materials Middle East Product1 150 420 Q3 2004
Customer153 Materials South America Product1 100 949 Q1 2003
Customer154 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product3 250 930 Q3 2005
Customer155 Finance North America Product2 300 242 Q1 2003
Customer156 Utilities North America Product1 700 273 Q2 2005
Customer157 Finance Europe Entera CRM 400 161 Q2 2005
Customer158 Finance North America Product1 400 152 Q4 2005
Customer159 Finance Europe Product3 350 700 Q3 2008
Customer160 Consumer Goods North America Product2 300 633 Q3 2006
Customer161 Materials South America Product4 100 670 Q3 2003
Customer162 Technology North America Product1 650 918 Q4 2004
Customer163 Healthcare North America Entera CRM 500 287 Q1 2005
Customer164 Services Asia Pacific Product1 600 24 Q3 2003
Customer165 Materials Asia Pacific Product1 150 620 Q3 2008
Customer166 Services Asia Pacific Product3 600 334 Q2 2005
Customer167 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product3 450 920 Q4 2005
Customer168 Finance Asia Pacific Product1 450 255 Q4 2003
Customer169 Consumer Goods North America Product1 300 525 Q4 2005
Customer170 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product4 450 897 Q2 2007
Customer171 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 200 973 Q1 2003
Customer172 Finance North America Product2 350 530 Q4 2004
Customer173 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 250 985 Q2 2007
Customer174 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product4 250 193 Q2 2006
Customer175 Materials South America Product1 100 201 Q1 2006
Customer176 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product4 250 929 Q4 2004
Customer177 Services North America Product1 550 442 Q4 2005
Customer178 Healthcare North America Product1 500 62 Q4 2003
Customer179 Finance North America Product4 300 731 Q4 2003
Customer180 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product2 450 62 Q2 2008
Customer181 Services North America Product2 550 190 Q4 2003
Customer182 Technology North America Product1 650 159 Q1 2007
Customer183 Technology Europe Product2 650 263 Q4 2006
Customer184 Finance Europe Product4 350 284 Q4 2006
Customer185 Finance North America Product3 300 865 Q4 2003
Customer186 Materials North America Product4 100 517 Q4 2003
Customer187 Services North America Product4 550 166 Q3 2004
Customer188 Materials South America Product1 100 371 Q3 2003
Customer189 Materials Middle East Product3 150 533 Q4 2004
Customer190 Healthcare South America Entera CRM 500 223 Q4 2008
Customer191 Consumer Goods Europe Product3 200 74 Q4 2006
Customer192 Finance Europe Entera CRM 400 157 Q4 2006
Customer193 Technology North America Entera CRM 650 655 Q2 2007
Customer194 Services North America Entera CRM 550 305 Q3 2004
Customer195 Services North America Product1 550 694 Q3 2007
Customer196 Materials South America Product2 100 835 Q1 2004
Customer197 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 250 832 Q4 2006
Customer198 Finance Europe Product2 350 272 Q2 2007
Customer199 Consumer Goods Europe Product4 200 776 Q1 2005
Customer200 Materials South America Product2 100 208 Q3 2003
Customer201 Finance Europe Product2 350 36 Q4 2003
Customer202 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Entera CRM 250 816 Q3 2004
Customer203 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 250 680 Q3 2008
Customer204 Services North America Product4 600 963 Q4 2006
Customer205 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Entera CRM 550 369 Q2 2005
Customer206 Materials Middle East Product1 150 847 Q4 2008
Customer207 Healthcare Asia Pacific Entera CRM 450 476 Q4 2003
Customer208 Healthcare Europe Product4 500 291 Q1 2006
Customer209 Services North America Product3 600 312 Q4 2005
Customer210 Services North America Product3 600 407 Q2 2003
Customer211 Technology Europe Product3 650 171 Q1 2007
Customer212 Finance North America Product1 400 466 Q1 2003
Customer213 Technology Europe Entera CRM 650 283 Q2 2004
Customer214 Materials Middle East Product1 150 276 Q2 2003
Customer215 Healthcare Europe Product3 500 70 Q4 2003
Customer216 Services North America Product4 600 349 Q4 2005
Customer217 Services Asia Pacific Entera CRM 600 982 Q1 2007
Customer218 Services North America Product1 550 645 Q3 2007
Customer219 Technology Europe Entera CRM 650 763 Q2 2006
Customer220 Services North America Entera CRM 550 673 Q3 2007
Customer221 Consumer Goods North America Product3 200 654 Q3 2006
Customer222 Healthcare South America Product2 450 118 Q3 2005
Customer223 Consumer Goods Europe Product2 200 41 Q4 2003
Customer224 Consumer Goods North America Product2 200 959 Q2 2005
Customer225 Services Asia Pacific Entera CRM 600 451 Q1 2005
Customer226 Technology Asia Pacific Product3 650 134 Q3 2005
Customer227 Services North America Product4 600 619 Q3 2006
Customer228 Technology North America Product3 650 716 Q2 2003
Customer229 Finance North America Product1 350 306 Q4 2007
Customer230 Technology North America Product2 650 350 Q4 2005
Customer231 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 200 259 Q2 2007
Customer232 Materials North America Product2 100 315 Q2 2008
Customer233 Healthcare Europe Product3 500 159 Q4 2006
Customer234 Healthcare North America Product2 500 135 Q4 2005
Customer235 Utilities South America Product2 700 622 Q4 2005
Customer236 Healthcare North America Product4 500 864 Q3 2004
Customer237 Materials Europe Entera CRM 150 74 Q4 2006
Customer238 Healthcare North America Product1 500 638 Q3 2007
Customer239 Technology Asia Pacific Product2 650 849 Q4 2005
Customer240 Materials North America Entera CRM 100 850 Q4 2006
Customer241 Utilities South America Product2 700 903 Q2 2007
Customer242 Services North America Product4 550 305 Q4 2005
Customer243 Services North America Entera CRM 550 445 Q3 2005
Customer244 Technology North America Product1 650 982 Q4 2003
Customer245 Utilities South America Product2 700 814 Q2 2006
Customer246 Technology Asia Pacific Product1 650 770 Q1 2006
Customer247 Finance North America Product1 400 168 Q4 2006
Customer248 Materials Middle East Product1 150 723 Q2 2008
Customer249 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product2 250 970 Q4 2003
Customer250 Materials Europe Product3 150 177 Q4 2003
Customer251 Technology Asia Pacific Entera CRM 650 43 Q3 2004
Customer252 Materials North America Entera CRM 100 232 Q3 2006
Customer253 Technology Asia Pacific Product4 700 511 Q4 2006
Customer254 Technology North America Product1 650 277 Q2 2004
Customer255 Technology Asia Pacific Product3 650 689 Q2 2005
Customer256 Services Asia Pacific Product2 600 855 Q1 2008
Customer257 Consumer Goods Europe Product3 250 692 Q2 2006
Customer258 Services North America Entera CRM 550 693 Q1 2006
Customer259 Utilities South America Product2 700 579 Q4 2004
Customer260 Services Asia Pacific Entera CRM 600 884 Q3 2003
Customer261 Utilities North America Entera CRM 700 240 Q1 2007
Customer262 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product3 450 442 Q3 2005
Customer263 Consumer Goods North America Entera CRM 300 536 Q2 2003
Customer264 Services North America Product1 600 849 Q4 2003
Customer265 Finance North America Product3 350 466 Q3 2005
Customer266 Consumer Goods North America Entera CRM 200 681 Q2 2004
Customer267 Finance North America Product1 350 380 Q4 2004
Customer268 Finance North America Product3 350 814 Q1 2003
Customer269 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product1 250 639 Q4 2007
Customer270 Utilities South America Product3 700 516 Q1 2008
Customer271 Technology North America Product1 650 199 Q1 2004
Customer272 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Entera CRM 250 971 Q4 2004
Customer273 Technology Europe Product3 650 472 Q3 2003
Customer274 Healthcare Europe Product2 500 910 Q1 2008
Customer275 Consumer Goods Europe Product2 200 103 Q1 2005
Customer276 Consumer Goods North America Entera CRM 300 506 Q1 2005
Customer277 Healthcare Europe Product1 500 455 Q1 2008
Customer278 Finance Europe Product1 350 572 Q2 2004
Customer279 Consumer Goods North America Product1 300 506 Q2 2003
Customer280 Consumer Goods North America Entera CRM 200 584 Q1 2008
Customer281 Materials Europe Product4 100 791 Q1 2008
Customer282 Utilities South America Entera CRM 700 163 Q4 2006
Customer283 Materials Asia Pacific Product2 150 665 Q4 2006
Customer284 Finance North America Product4 300 569 Q2 2007
Customer285 Consumer Goods North America Entera CRM 300 825 Q2 2004
Customer286 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product4 550 166 Q3 2004
Customer287 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product4 450 524 Q2 2008
Customer288 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product4 450 617 Q2 2006
Customer289 Utilities North America Product4 700 609 Q1 2006
Customer290 Finance North America Product1 400 396 Q4 2005
Customer291 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product2 450 330 Q2 2006
Customer292 Consumer Goods North America Product1 300 507 Q2 2007
Customer293 Technology North America Product4 650 727 Q3 2003
Customer294 Technology North America Product4 650 419 Q2 2003
Customer295 Finance North America Entera CRM 400 636 Q4 2008
Customer296 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 200 448 Q3 2006
Customer297 Materials Europe Product4 150 715 Q2 2004
Customer298 Services Asia Pacific Product3 600 632 Q2 2006
Customer299 Consumer Goods North America Product4 300 702 Q4 2008
Customer300 Healthcare South America Product4 450 390 Q4 2003
Customer301 Materials Asia Pacific Product3 150 529 Q4 2005
Customer302 Services North America Product1 600 166 Q4 2004
Customer303 Finance Europe Product4 350 740 Q3 2008
Customer304 Materials Asia Pacific Product1 150 36 Q1 2007
Customer305 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product2 250 969 Q1 2003
Customer306 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 200 806 Q2 2007
Customer307 Services North America Product1 550 93 Q1 2003
Customer308 Finance Asia Pacific Product1 400 558 Q1 2006
Customer309 Materials North America Product4 100 445 Q1 2008
Customer310 Finance North America Product3 300 441 Q1 2005
Customer311 Services North America Product2 600 899 Q2 2007
Customer312 Services North America Product3 550 731 Q4 2006
Customer313 Finance North America Entera CRM 350 227 Q4 2006
Customer314 Consumer Goods Europe Product2 250 768 Q3 2008
Customer315 Healthcare Europe Product2 500 138 Q2 2008
Customer316 Materials Europe Product1 100 111 Q3 2008
Customer317 Technology Asia Pacific Entera CRM 700 272 Q1 2006
Customer318 Technology Asia Pacific Entera CRM 700 824 Q3 2007
Customer319 Materials Europe Product1 150 890 Q2 2004
Customer320 Materials Europe Product3 100 295 Q3 2005
Customer321 Healthcare South America Entera CRM 500 266 Q4 2007
Customer322 Utilities North America Product2 700 244 Q2 2003
Customer323 Materials Europe Product3 150 766 Q4 2005
Customer324 Materials Asia Pacific Product4 150 507 Q4 2005
Customer325 Finance Asia Pacific Product4 450 773 Q2 2007
Customer326 Finance Europe Product3 350 586 Q2 2007
Customer327 Finance North America Product1 350 681 Q4 2008
Customer328 Finance Europe Product2 400 416 Q4 2008
Customer329 Healthcare South America Product4 450 424 Q3 2005
Customer330 Materials Asia Pacific Entera CRM 150 268 Q1 2007
Customer331 Finance Europe Entera CRM 400 831 Q1 2008
Customer332 Materials North America Entera CRM 100 817 Q4 2004
Customer333 Finance North America Product3 350 888 Q4 2005
Customer334 Finance North America Product2 300 561 Q2 2008
Customer335 Healthcare North America Product4 500 503 Q3 2004
Customer336 Services North America Entera CRM 550 957 Q3 2003
Customer337 Utilities South America Product4 700 903 Q4 2005
Customer338 Technology Asia Pacific Product3 700 797 Q3 2004
Customer339 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 200 852 Q3 2003
Customer340 Services Asia Pacific Product2 600 632 Q2 2008
Customer341 Finance North America Product1 350 707 Q3 2005
Customer342 Materials Europe Entera CRM 150 998 Q1 2003
Customer343 Materials North America Product4 100 33 Q3 2005
Customer344 Finance North America Product2 300 840 Q1 2008
Customer345 Finance Europe Product4 350 475 Q2 2004
Customer346 Healthcare Asia Pacific Entera CRM 450 537 Q2 2008
Customer347 Finance North America Product3 350 861 Q3 2008
Customer348 Finance North America Product3 350 974 Q2 2005
Customer349 Services North America Entera CRM 600 766 Q4 2003
Customer350 Materials North America Product3 100 230 Q2 2005
Customer351 Materials Asia Pacific Entera CRM 150 882 Q1 2005
Customer352 Healthcare North America Product1 500 765 Q2 2007
Customer353 Consumer Goods Europe Product4 200 73 Q2 2005
Customer354 Healthcare Europe Product1 500 314 Q2 2005
Customer355 Consumer Goods North America Product4 200 396 Q1 2007
Customer356 Services Asia Pacific Product3 600 355 Q2 2003
Customer357 Materials Middle East Product3 200 708 Q2 2006
Customer358 Technology Asia Pacific Product4 650 555 Q2 2007
Customer359 Finance Europe Product3 400 973 Q4 2007
Customer360 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 250 663 Q3 2008
Customer361 Consumer Goods North America Entera CRM 300 76 Q1 2008
Customer362 Healthcare North America Product4 500 859 Q3 2007
Customer363 Finance North America Product3 300 311 Q2 2004
Customer364 Materials South America Product1 100 890 Q1 2006
Customer365 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product1 250 143 Q4 2007
Customer366 Finance Asia Pacific Product2 450 953 Q2 2008
Customer367 Materials Middle East Product1 150 709 Q4 2006
Customer368 Materials South America Product4 100 815 Q2 2005
Customer369 Finance Europe Entera CRM 350 543 Q4 2008
Customer370 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product3 250 511 Q4 2005
Customer371 Finance Europe Product1 350 217 Q4 2004
Customer372 Utilities South America Product2 700 705 Q2 2006
Customer373 Healthcare Europe Entera CRM 500 903 Q2 2005
Customer374 Utilities South America Entera CRM 700 799 Q2 2006
Customer375 Technology Europe Product4 650 522 Q1 2004
Customer376 Consumer Goods North America Product3 300 721 Q4 2006
Customer377 Technology North America Product3 650 313 Q2 2007
Customer378 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 200 335 Q1 2003
Customer379 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product4 450 665 Q3 2005
Customer380 Services North America Product4 550 526 Q3 2004
Customer381 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 300 131 Q2 2004
Customer382 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product1 550 250 Q3 2006
Customer383 Finance Europe Product3 350 847 Q1 2007
Customer384 Finance North America Product3 300 943 Q1 2006
Customer385 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 250 612 Q1 2008
Customer386 Finance North America Entera CRM 350 834 Q3 2005
Customer387 Technology Europe Product3 650 256 Q4 2006
Customer388 Finance Europe Product2 350 199 Q4 2003
Customer389 Technology Asia Pacific Product1 650 575 Q3 2007
Customer390 Technology Asia Pacific Product3 700 435 Q1 2004
Customer391 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product3 250 706 Q3 2007
Customer392 Materials North America Product4 100 682 Q4 2005
Customer393 Finance Europe Product2 350 767 Q2 2005
Customer394 Materials North America Product3 100 440 Q3 2008
Customer395 Materials North America Product2 100 237 Q1 2006
Customer396 Services North America Product3 600 209 Q2 2005
Customer397 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product1 550 829 Q3 2003
Customer398 Consumer Goods Europe Product3 300 777 Q3 2008
Customer399 Finance Europe Entera CRM 400 111 Q2 2005
Customer400 Finance North America Product4 300 181 Q2 2003
Customer401 Services North America Product2 600 790 Q4 2005
Customer402 Materials South America Product1 100 722 Q1 2008
Customer403 Finance North America Product2 350 650 Q3 2007
Customer404 Finance North America Product4 300 806 Q1 2003
Customer405 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product3 450 316 Q4 2006
Customer406 Materials South America Product4 100 109 Q1 2005
Customer407 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product4 500 967 Q3 2006
Customer408 Consumer Goods Europe Product4 250 311 Q1 2007
Customer409 Services Asia Pacific Product3 600 949 Q4 2003
Customer410 Materials South America Entera CRM 100 342 Q1 2005
Customer411 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 250 878 Q3 2008
Customer412 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 200 803 Q1 2007
Customer413 Finance North America Product2 350 473 Q2 2007
Customer414 Consumer Goods Europe Product4 200 774 Q1 2005
Customer415 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product1 550 515 Q4 2008
Customer416 Technology Europe Product1 650 740 Q3 2008
Customer417 Utilities North America Product2 700 910 Q3 2007
Customer418 Healthcare Asia Pacific Product2 450 347 Q1 2006
Customer419 Finance Europe Product1 400 986 Q2 2003
Customer420 Materials Asia Pacific Product1 150 886 Q3 2003
Customer421 Materials Asia Pacific Product4 150 530 Q4 2008
Customer422 Healthcare Asia Pacific Entera CRM 450 237 Q2 2003
Customer423 Consumer Goods North America Product4 300 978 Q2 2003
Customer424 Services North America Product1 550 396 Q1 2003
Customer425 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 250 209 Q4 2003
Customer426 Finance North America Product1 400 997 Q2 2006
Customer427 Services North America Product4 550 877 Q3 2003
Customer428 Finance Europe Product4 350 51 Q1 2007
Customer429 Consumer Goods North America Product1 300 986 Q1 2003
Customer430 Services North America Entera CRM 600 226 Q2 2008
Customer431 Materials Asia Pacific Entera CRM 150 381 Q1 2006
Customer432 Materials Asia Pacific Product4 150 219 Q2 2005
Customer433 Services North America Product2 600 139 Q1 2004
Customer434 Finance Europe Product4 350 360 Q2 2003
Customer435 Technology Europe Product3 650 884 Q3 2003
Customer436 Materials Middle East Product4 150 509 Q2 2006
Customer437 Finance North America Entera CRM 400 142 Q4 2008
Customer438 Consumer Goods North America Product2 200 996 Q3 2006
Customer439 Consumer Goods Europe Entera CRM 200 592 Q3 2007
Customer440 Finance Europe Product3 400 659 Q3 2004
Customer441 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 200 437 Q2 2007
Customer442 Finance North America Product4 300 249 Q2 2007
Customer443 Technology Asia Pacific Product2 700 198 Q3 2006
Customer444 Materials Europe Product2 100 964 Q1 2007
Customer445 Finance North America Entera CRM 300 494 Q3 2005
Customer446 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Entera CRM 550 105 Q3 2006
Customer447 Technology North America Product1 650 857 Q1 2003
Customer448 Materials Middle East Product1 150 335 Q1 2004
Customer449 Materials South America Product4 100 45 Q1 2007
Customer450 Consumer Goods North America Product4 300 280 Q3 2003
Customer451 Services North America Product3 600 766 Q1 2003
Customer452 Materials South America Entera CRM 100 538 Q1 2006
Customer453 Finance Asia Pacific Product1 450 604 Q2 2004
Customer454 Consumer Goods Europe Product3 250 237 Q3 2003
Customer455 Consumer Goods North America Product4 200 625 Q2 2004
Customer456 Finance Asia Pacific Product2 450 652 Q4 2003
Customer457 Utilities North America Product3 700 629 Q4 2004
Customer458 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product3 250 446 Q4 2008
Customer459 Technology Europe Product4 650 880 Q3 2005
Customer460 Finance North America Product4 300 274 Q4 2005
Customer461 Finance Europe Product1 350 865 Q3 2005
Customer462 Consumer Goods North America Product2 300 895 Q1 2003
Customer463 Services North America Product1 550 100 Q3 2008
Customer464 Services North America Product4 550 804 Q3 2003
Customer465 Consumer Goods North America Product4 300 290 Q2 2003
Customer466 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product3 550 755 Q1 2003
Customer467 Healthcare Europe Product4 500 146 Q2 2008
Customer468 Finance Asia Pacific Product1 450 336 Q3 2004
Customer469 Materials Europe Product3 100 394 Q2 2004
Customer470 Consumer Goods North America Product4 300 623 Q3 2008
Customer471 Technology North America Product4 650 285 Q4 2006
Customer472 Consumer Goods Europe Product1 250 775 Q1 2006
Customer473 Utilities South America Entera CRM 700 799 Q1 2003
Customer474 Consumer Goods Europe Product2 200 889 Q2 2003
Customer475 Services North America Product4 600 961 Q1 2005
Customer476 Services North America Entera CRM 550 67 Q3 2006
Customer477 Finance North America Entera CRM 350 216 Q2 2005
Customer478 Materials South America Product2 100 773 Q1 2003
Customer479 Finance Europe Product1 400 406 Q3 2006
Customer480 Finance Europe Product1 350 502 Q3 2004
Customer481 Finance North America Product3 300 876 Q1 2004
Customer482 Materials South America Entera CRM 100 945 Q4 2008
Customer483 Materials South America Entera CRM 100 509 Q3 2007
Customer484 Services North America Product3 550 100 Q2 2004
Customer485 Industrial Goods Asia Pacific Product3 550 302 Q2 2006
Customer486 Services North America Product3 550 909 Q3 2004
Customer487 Finance North America Product2 400 155 Q2 2006
Customer488 Finance North America Entera CRM 350 226 Q2 2005
Customer489 Materials Middle East Product1 150 528 Q4 2006
Customer490 Services North America Product1 550 401 Q3 2007
Customer491 Technology Asia Pacific Entera CRM 650 969 Q1 2005
Customer492 Utilities North America Product3 700 714 Q1 2007
Customer493 Utilities North America Product3 700 193 Q2 2003
Customer494 Technology North America Product4 650 389 Q4 2003
Customer495 Utilities North America Product4 700 514 Q4 2006
Customer496 Consumer Goods Asia Pacific Product4 250 881 Q1 2006
Customer497 Healthcare Europe Product2 500 228 Q1 2005
Customer498 Finance North America Product1 350 826 Q3 2006
Customer499 Services North America Product4 550 909 Q3 2003
Customer500 Technology North America Product1 650 819 Q2 2007
Customer501 Materials North America Product2 100 704 Q4 2006
Customer502 Utilities North America Product3 700 642 Q2 2007
Customer503 Healthcare North America Product2 500 423 Q3 2007
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Consumer Goods2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product12006Q4
Porter Le 2008Q3 Consumer Goods2008Q3 North America2008Q3 Porter Le2008Q3 Product22008Q3
Oren Chase 2006Q3 Services2006Q3 Asia Pacific2006Q3 Oren Chase2006Q3 Product12006Q3
Porter Le 2008Q4 Finance2008Q4 North America2008Q4 Porter Le2008Q4 Product22008Q4
Fritz Klein 2006Q2 Consumer Goods2006Q2 Europe2006Q2 Fritz Klein2006Q2 Product32006Q2
Porter Le 2007Q1 Services2007Q1 North America2007Q1 Porter Le2007Q1 Product42007Q1
Porter Le 2005Q4 Technology2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product42005Q4
Fritz Klein 2003Q4 Consumer Goods2003Q4 Europe2003Q4 Fritz Klein2003Q4 Product22003Q4
Oren Chase 2005Q4 Healthcare2005Q4 Asia Pacific2005Q4 Oren Chase2005Q4 Product22005Q4
Fritz Klein 2005Q2 Consumer Goods2005Q2 Europe2005Q2 Fritz Klein2005Q2 Product22005Q2
Nasim Hanson 2007Q4 Utilities2007Q4 South America2007Q4 Nasim Hanson2007Q4 Product22007Q4
Fritz Klein 2006Q3 Technology2006Q3 Europe2006Q3 Fritz Klein2006Q3 Product42006Q3
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Materials2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product32006Q4
Bradley Valenzuela 2006Q3 Materials2006Q3 Middle East2006Q3 Bradley Valenzuela2006Q3 Product42006Q3
Nasim Hanson 2004Q3 Materials2004Q3 South America2004Q3 Nasim Hanson2004Q3 Product32004Q3
Porter Le 2004Q3 Consumer Goods2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Product12004Q3
Porter Le 2008Q3 Materials2008Q3 North America2008Q3 Porter Le2008Q3 Product42008Q3
Porter Le 2007Q2 Finance2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product22007Q2
Oren Chase 2005Q2 Services2005Q2 Asia Pacific2005Q2 Oren Chase2005Q2 Product22005Q2
Porter Le 2006Q2 Services2006Q2 North America2006Q2 Porter Le2006Q2 Product32006Q2
Nasim Hanson 2005Q1 Utilities2005Q1 South America2005Q1 Nasim Hanson2005Q1 Product42005Q1
Fritz Klein 2007Q3 Finance2007Q3 Europe2007Q3 Fritz Klein2007Q3 Product22007Q3
Porter Le 2003Q2 Healthcare2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product42003Q2
Oren Chase 2004Q2 Technology2004Q2 Asia Pacific2004Q2 Oren Chase2004Q2 Product12004Q2
Fritz Klein 2006Q1 Technology2006Q1 Europe2006Q1 Fritz Klein2006Q1 Entera CRM2006Q1
Fritz Klein 2008Q4 Consumer Goods2008Q4 Europe2008Q4 Fritz Klein2008Q4 Product12008Q4
Porter Le 2007Q2 Utilities2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product42007Q2
Bradley Valenzuela 2007Q1 Materials2007Q1 Middle East2007Q1 Bradley Valenzuela2007Q1 Product42007Q1
Fritz Klein 2007Q4 Consumer Goods2007Q4 Europe2007Q4 Fritz Klein2007Q4 Product22007Q4
Oren Chase 2006Q3 Industrial Goods2006Q3 Asia Pacific2006Q3 Oren Chase2006Q3 Product32006Q3
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Finance2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product12006Q4
Fritz Klein 2008Q2 Consumer Goods2008Q2 Europe2008Q2 Fritz Klein2008Q2 Product12008Q2
Porter Le 2007Q4 Services2007Q4 North America2007Q4 Porter Le2007Q4 Product22007Q4
Porter Le 2004Q3 Finance2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Entera CRM2004Q3
Fritz Klein 2007Q2 Finance2007Q2 Europe2007Q2 Fritz Klein2007Q2 Product32007Q2
Fritz Klein 2008Q2 Technology2008Q2 Europe2008Q2 Fritz Klein2008Q2 Entera CRM2008Q2
Fritz Klein 2008Q2 Materials2008Q2 Europe2008Q2 Fritz Klein2008Q2 Product32008Q2
Porter Le 2007Q1 Services2007Q1 North America2007Q1 Porter Le2007Q1 Product22007Q1
Fritz Klein 2007Q3 Materials2007Q3 Europe2007Q3 Fritz Klein2007Q3 Product42007Q3
Fritz Klein 2003Q3 Consumer Goods2003Q3 Europe2003Q3 Fritz Klein2003Q3 Entera CRM2003Q3
Oren Chase 2006Q3 Materials2006Q3 Asia Pacific2006Q3 Oren Chase2006Q3 Product12006Q3
Bradley Valenzuela 2007Q3 Materials2007Q3 Middle East2007Q3 Bradley Valenzuela2007Q3 Product12007Q3
Nasim Hanson 2005Q4 Utilities2005Q4 South America2005Q4 Nasim Hanson2005Q4 Product42005Q4
Porter Le 2003Q3 Materials2003Q3 North America2003Q3 Porter Le2003Q3 Product42003Q3
Porter Le 2008Q1 Services2008Q1 North America2008Q1 Porter Le2008Q1 Product32008Q1
Porter Le 2004Q3 Materials2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Product12004Q3
Fritz Klein 2003Q1 Technology2003Q1 Europe2003Q1 Fritz Klein2003Q1 Entera CRM2003Q1
Porter Le 2008Q1 Services2008Q1 North America2008Q1 Porter Le2008Q1 Product22008Q1
Fritz Klein 2004Q2 Consumer Goods2004Q2 Europe2004Q2 Fritz Klein2004Q2 Product12004Q2
Fritz Klein 2006Q2 Healthcare2006Q2 Europe2006Q2 Fritz Klein2006Q2 Product12006Q2
Fritz Klein 2005Q2 Consumer Goods2005Q2 Europe2005Q2 Fritz Klein2005Q2 Product32005Q2
Nasim Hanson 2006Q2 Materials2006Q2 South America2006Q2 Nasim Hanson2006Q2 Product12006Q2
Oren Chase 2003Q3 Finance2003Q3 Asia Pacific2003Q3 Oren Chase2003Q3 Entera CRM2003Q3
Fritz Klein 2005Q1 Finance2005Q1 Europe2005Q1 Fritz Klein2005Q1 Product32005Q1
Fritz Klein 2005Q3 Technology2005Q3 Europe2005Q3 Fritz Klein2005Q3 Product32005Q3
Porter Le 2005Q1 Finance2005Q1 North America2005Q1 Porter Le2005Q1 Product42005Q1
Porter Le 2006Q4 Finance2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Product42006Q4
Oren Chase 2003Q2 Technology2003Q2 Asia Pacific2003Q2 Oren Chase2003Q2 Product42003Q2
Porter Le 2008Q2 Consumer Goods2008Q2 North America2008Q2 Porter Le2008Q2 Product32008Q2
Fritz Klein 2006Q2 Consumer Goods2006Q2 Europe2006Q2 Fritz Klein2006Q2 Product22006Q2
Nasim Hanson 2008Q1 Healthcare2008Q1 South America2008Q1 Nasim Hanson2008Q1 Product32008Q1
Fritz Klein 2006Q2 Consumer Goods2006Q2 Europe2006Q2 Fritz Klein2006Q2 Product32006Q2
Fritz Klein 2003Q3 Finance2003Q3 Europe2003Q3 Fritz Klein2003Q3 Entera CRM2003Q3
Fritz Klein 2007Q4 Finance2007Q4 Europe2007Q4 Fritz Klein2007Q4 Product32007Q4
Oren Chase 2003Q3 Industrial Goods2003Q3 Asia Pacific2003Q3 Oren Chase2003Q3 Product32003Q3
Oren Chase 2006Q4 Consumer Goods2006Q4 Asia Pacific2006Q4 Oren Chase2006Q4 Product32006Q4
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Consumer Goods2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Entera CRM2006Q4
Porter Le 2006Q1 Utilities2006Q1 North America2006Q1 Porter Le2006Q1 Product12006Q1
Fritz Klein 2003Q1 Healthcare2003Q1 Europe2003Q1 Fritz Klein2003Q1 Entera CRM2003Q1
Porter Le 2004Q3 Services2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Product12004Q3
Porter Le 2004Q2 Finance2004Q2 North America2004Q2 Porter Le2004Q2 Product32004Q2
Fritz Klein 2003Q1 Consumer Goods2003Q1 Europe2003Q1 Fritz Klein2003Q1 Entera CRM2003Q1
Nasim Hanson 2005Q2 Materials2005Q2 South America2005Q2 Nasim Hanson2005Q2 Product22005Q2
Oren Chase 2003Q3 Industrial Goods2003Q3 Asia Pacific2003Q3 Oren Chase2003Q3 Product22003Q3
Porter Le 2007Q4 Materials2007Q4 North America2007Q4 Porter Le2007Q4 Product22007Q4
Porter Le 2007Q1 Healthcare2007Q1 North America2007Q1 Porter Le2007Q1 Product32007Q1
Porter Le 2005Q3 Finance2005Q3 North America2005Q3 Porter Le2005Q3 Entera CRM2005Q3
Nasim Hanson 2005Q3 Utilities2005Q3 South America2005Q3 Nasim Hanson2005Q3 Product12005Q3
Porter Le 2007Q4 Services2007Q4 North America2007Q4 Porter Le2007Q4 Entera CRM2007Q4
Oren Chase 2004Q4 Materials2004Q4 Asia Pacific2004Q4 Oren Chase2004Q4 Entera CRM2004Q4
Fritz Klein 2007Q1 Consumer Goods2007Q1 Europe2007Q1 Fritz Klein2007Q1 Product42007Q1
Porter Le 2007Q1 Finance2007Q1 North America2007Q1 Porter Le2007Q1 Product22007Q1
Fritz Klein 2004Q1 Finance2004Q1 Europe2004Q1 Fritz Klein2004Q1 Product32004Q1
Porter Le 2005Q2 Healthcare2005Q2 North America2005Q2 Porter Le2005Q2 Product22005Q2
Porter Le 2003Q3 Finance2003Q3 North America2003Q3 Porter Le2003Q3 Product22003Q3
Porter Le 2006Q3 Consumer Goods2006Q3 North America2006Q3 Porter Le2006Q3 Product32006Q3
Oren Chase 2008Q4 Services2008Q4 Asia Pacific2008Q4 Oren Chase2008Q4 Product22008Q4
Fritz Klein 2008Q4 Consumer Goods2008Q4 Europe2008Q4 Fritz Klein2008Q4 Product32008Q4
Oren Chase 2003Q2 Industrial Goods2003Q2 Asia Pacific2003Q2 Oren Chase2003Q2 Product12003Q2
Porter Le 2003Q1 Healthcare2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Entera CRM2003Q1
Fritz Klein 2003Q4 Healthcare2003Q4 Europe2003Q4 Fritz Klein2003Q4 Product42003Q4
Porter Le 2004Q4 Finance2004Q4 North America2004Q4 Porter Le2004Q4 Product12004Q4
Porter Le 2005Q4 Services2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product22005Q4
Porter Le 2005Q2 Utilities2005Q2 North America2005Q2 Porter Le2005Q2 Entera CRM2005Q2
Fritz Klein 2005Q4 Technology2005Q4 Europe2005Q4 Fritz Klein2005Q4 Product32005Q4
Porter Le 2005Q3 Healthcare2005Q3 North America2005Q3 Porter Le2005Q3 Product42005Q3
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Consumer Goods2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product42006Q4
Oren Chase 2003Q1 Services2003Q1 Asia Pacific2003Q1 Oren Chase2003Q1 Entera CRM2003Q1
Porter Le 2003Q2 Finance2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product22003Q2
Nasim Hanson 2007Q4 Materials2007Q4 South America2007Q4 Nasim Hanson2007Q4 Entera CRM2007Q4
Porter Le 2008Q2 Healthcare2008Q2 North America2008Q2 Porter Le2008Q2 Product32008Q2
Oren Chase 2005Q4 Technology2005Q4 Asia Pacific2005Q4 Oren Chase2005Q4 Entera CRM2005Q4
Porter Le 2003Q4 Finance2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product22003Q4
Oren Chase 2005Q1 Consumer Goods2005Q1 Asia Pacific2005Q1 Oren Chase2005Q1 Product12005Q1
Porter Le 2007Q4 Finance2007Q4 North America2007Q4 Porter Le2007Q4 Entera CRM2007Q4
Oren Chase 2008Q4 Materials2008Q4 Asia Pacific2008Q4 Oren Chase2008Q4 Entera CRM2008Q4
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Consumer Goods2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Product32008Q3
Fritz Klein 2003Q2 Healthcare2003Q2 Europe2003Q2 Fritz Klein2003Q2 Product12003Q2
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Consumer Goods2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product42006Q4
Porter Le 2007Q1 Healthcare2007Q1 North America2007Q1 Porter Le2007Q1 Product42007Q1
Fritz Klein 2007Q1 Consumer Goods2007Q1 Europe2007Q1 Fritz Klein2007Q1 Entera CRM2007Q1
Porter Le 2004Q2 Healthcare2004Q2 North America2004Q2 Porter Le2004Q2 Product22004Q2
Oren Chase 2008Q3 Technology2008Q3 Asia Pacific2008Q3 Oren Chase2008Q3 Entera CRM2008Q3
Porter Le 2003Q4 Healthcare2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product12003Q4
Oren Chase 2006Q1 Services2006Q1 Asia Pacific2006Q1 Oren Chase2006Q1 Product12006Q1
Oren Chase 2006Q4 Healthcare2006Q4 Asia Pacific2006Q4 Oren Chase2006Q4 Product12006Q4
Oren Chase 2008Q4 Consumer Goods2008Q4 Asia Pacific2008Q4 Oren Chase2008Q4 Entera CRM2008Q4
Porter Le 2003Q4 Finance2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product42003Q4
Fritz Klein 2006Q2 Consumer Goods2006Q2 Europe2006Q2 Fritz Klein2006Q2 Product42006Q2
Oren Chase 2005Q2 Consumer Goods2005Q2 Asia Pacific2005Q2 Oren Chase2005Q2 Product42005Q2
Porter Le 2006Q4 Finance2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Product12006Q4
Porter Le 2004Q4 Healthcare2004Q4 North America2004Q4 Porter Le2004Q4 Product22004Q4
Fritz Klein 2008Q4 Finance2008Q4 Europe2008Q4 Fritz Klein2008Q4 Product42008Q4
Oren Chase 2005Q4 Consumer Goods2005Q4 Asia Pacific2005Q4 Oren Chase2005Q4 Entera CRM2005Q4
Fritz Klein 2003Q3 Consumer Goods2003Q3 Europe2003Q3 Fritz Klein2003Q3 Product42003Q3
Porter Le 2007Q3 Finance2007Q3 North America2007Q3 Porter Le2007Q3 Product42007Q3
Oren Chase 2005Q4 Healthcare2005Q4 Asia Pacific2005Q4 Oren Chase2005Q4 Product12005Q4
Nasim Hanson 2003Q1 Materials2003Q1 South America2003Q1 Nasim Hanson2003Q1 Product12003Q1
Porter Le 2004Q3 Consumer Goods2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Product42004Q3
Nasim Hanson 2007Q1 Healthcare2007Q1 South America2007Q1 Nasim Hanson2007Q1 Entera CRM2007Q1
Porter Le 2003Q3 Consumer Goods2003Q3 North America2003Q3 Porter Le2003Q3 Product22003Q3
Oren Chase 2004Q3 Consumer Goods2004Q3 Asia Pacific2004Q3 Oren Chase2004Q3 Product12004Q3
Porter Le 2003Q3 Consumer Goods2003Q3 North America2003Q3 Porter Le2003Q3 Product32003Q3
Fritz Klein 2005Q3 Finance2005Q3 Europe2005Q3 Fritz Klein2005Q3 Product22005Q3
Porter Le 2005Q3 Finance2005Q3 North America2005Q3 Porter Le2005Q3 Entera CRM2005Q3
Oren Chase 2004Q2 Technology2004Q2 Asia Pacific2004Q2 Oren Chase2004Q2 Product12004Q2
Nasim Hanson 2007Q3 Healthcare2007Q3 South America2007Q3 Nasim Hanson2007Q3 Product42007Q3
Porter Le 2006Q3 Consumer Goods2006Q3 North America2006Q3 Porter Le2006Q3 Product42006Q3
Porter Le 2003Q2 Materials2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product12003Q2
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Finance2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Product32008Q3
Fritz Klein 2003Q1 Consumer Goods2003Q1 Europe2003Q1 Fritz Klein2003Q1 Product42003Q1
Fritz Klein 2003Q4 Technology2003Q4 Europe2003Q4 Fritz Klein2003Q4 Entera CRM2003Q4
Nasim Hanson 2007Q2 Materials2007Q2 South America2007Q2 Nasim Hanson2007Q2 Entera CRM2007Q2
Fritz Klein 2007Q2 Finance2007Q2 Europe2007Q2 Fritz Klein2007Q2 Entera CRM2007Q2
Porter Le 2008Q3 Services2008Q3 North America2008Q3 Porter Le2008Q3 Entera CRM2008Q3
Porter Le 2006Q3 Services2006Q3 North America2006Q3 Porter Le2006Q3 Product32006Q3
Fritz Klein 2003Q2 Consumer Goods2003Q2 Europe2003Q2 Fritz Klein2003Q2 Product32003Q2
Porter Le 2008Q2 Finance2008Q2 North America2008Q2 Porter Le2008Q2 Product22008Q2
Porter Le 2003Q1 Finance2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product22003Q1
Porter Le 2003Q4 Services2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product42003Q4
Porter Le 2006Q2 Materials2006Q2 North America2006Q2 Porter Le2006Q2 Product12006Q2
Bradley Valenzuela 2004Q3 Materials2004Q3 Middle East2004Q3 Bradley Valenzuela2004Q3 Product12004Q3
Nasim Hanson 2003Q1 Materials2003Q1 South America2003Q1 Nasim Hanson2003Q1 Product12003Q1
Oren Chase 2005Q3 Consumer Goods2005Q3 Asia Pacific2005Q3 Oren Chase2005Q3 Product32005Q3
Porter Le 2003Q1 Finance2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product22003Q1
Porter Le 2005Q2 Utilities2005Q2 North America2005Q2 Porter Le2005Q2 Product12005Q2
Fritz Klein 2005Q2 Finance2005Q2 Europe2005Q2 Fritz Klein2005Q2 Entera CRM2005Q2
Porter Le 2005Q4 Finance2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product12005Q4
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Finance2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Product32008Q3
Porter Le 2006Q3 Consumer Goods2006Q3 North America2006Q3 Porter Le2006Q3 Product22006Q3
Nasim Hanson 2003Q3 Materials2003Q3 South America2003Q3 Nasim Hanson2003Q3 Product42003Q3
Porter Le 2004Q4 Technology2004Q4 North America2004Q4 Porter Le2004Q4 Product12004Q4
Porter Le 2005Q1 Healthcare2005Q1 North America2005Q1 Porter Le2005Q1 Entera CRM2005Q1
Oren Chase 2003Q3 Services2003Q3 Asia Pacific2003Q3 Oren Chase2003Q3 Product12003Q3
Oren Chase 2008Q3 Materials2008Q3 Asia Pacific2008Q3 Oren Chase2008Q3 Product12008Q3
Oren Chase 2005Q2 Services2005Q2 Asia Pacific2005Q2 Oren Chase2005Q2 Product32005Q2
Oren Chase 2005Q4 Healthcare2005Q4 Asia Pacific2005Q4 Oren Chase2005Q4 Product32005Q4
Oren Chase 2003Q4 Finance2003Q4 Asia Pacific2003Q4 Oren Chase2003Q4 Product12003Q4
Porter Le 2005Q4 Consumer Goods2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product12005Q4
Oren Chase 2007Q2 Healthcare2007Q2 Asia Pacific2007Q2 Oren Chase2007Q2 Product42007Q2
Fritz Klein 2003Q1 Consumer Goods2003Q1 Europe2003Q1 Fritz Klein2003Q1 Entera CRM2003Q1
Porter Le 2004Q4 Finance2004Q4 North America2004Q4 Porter Le2004Q4 Product22004Q4
Fritz Klein 2007Q2 Consumer Goods2007Q2 Europe2007Q2 Fritz Klein2007Q2 Product12007Q2
Oren Chase 2006Q2 Consumer Goods2006Q2 Asia Pacific2006Q2 Oren Chase2006Q2 Product42006Q2
Nasim Hanson 2006Q1 Materials2006Q1 South America2006Q1 Nasim Hanson2006Q1 Product12006Q1
Oren Chase 2004Q4 Consumer Goods2004Q4 Asia Pacific2004Q4 Oren Chase2004Q4 Product42004Q4
Porter Le 2005Q4 Services2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product12005Q4
Porter Le 2003Q4 Healthcare2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product12003Q4
Porter Le 2003Q4 Finance2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product42003Q4
Oren Chase 2008Q2 Healthcare2008Q2 Asia Pacific2008Q2 Oren Chase2008Q2 Product22008Q2
Porter Le 2003Q4 Services2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product22003Q4
Porter Le 2007Q1 Technology2007Q1 North America2007Q1 Porter Le2007Q1 Product12007Q1
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Technology2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product22006Q4
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Finance2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product42006Q4
Porter Le 2003Q4 Finance2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product32003Q4
Porter Le 2003Q4 Materials2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product42003Q4
Porter Le 2004Q3 Services2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Product42004Q3
Nasim Hanson 2003Q3 Materials2003Q3 South America2003Q3 Nasim Hanson2003Q3 Product12003Q3
Bradley Valenzuela 2004Q4 Materials2004Q4 Middle East2004Q4 Bradley Valenzuela2004Q4 Product32004Q4
Nasim Hanson 2008Q4 Healthcare2008Q4 South America2008Q4 Nasim Hanson2008Q4 Entera CRM2008Q4
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Consumer Goods2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product32006Q4
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Finance2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Entera CRM2006Q4
Porter Le 2007Q2 Technology2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Entera CRM2007Q2
Porter Le 2004Q3 Services2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Entera CRM2004Q3
Porter Le 2007Q3 Services2007Q3 North America2007Q3 Porter Le2007Q3 Product12007Q3
Nasim Hanson 2004Q1 Materials2004Q1 South America2004Q1 Nasim Hanson2004Q1 Product22004Q1
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Consumer Goods2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product12006Q4
Fritz Klein 2007Q2 Finance2007Q2 Europe2007Q2 Fritz Klein2007Q2 Product22007Q2
Fritz Klein 2005Q1 Consumer Goods2005Q1 Europe2005Q1 Fritz Klein2005Q1 Product42005Q1
Nasim Hanson 2003Q3 Materials2003Q3 South America2003Q3 Nasim Hanson2003Q3 Product22003Q3
Fritz Klein 2003Q4 Finance2003Q4 Europe2003Q4 Fritz Klein2003Q4 Product22003Q4
Oren Chase 2004Q3 Consumer Goods2004Q3 Asia Pacific2004Q3 Oren Chase2004Q3 Entera CRM2004Q3
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Consumer Goods2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Entera CRM2008Q3
Porter Le 2006Q4 Services2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Product42006Q4
Oren Chase 2005Q2 Industrial Goods2005Q2 Asia Pacific2005Q2 Oren Chase2005Q2 Entera CRM2005Q2
Bradley Valenzuela 2008Q4 Materials2008Q4 Middle East2008Q4 Bradley Valenzuela2008Q4 Product12008Q4
Oren Chase 2003Q4 Healthcare2003Q4 Asia Pacific2003Q4 Oren Chase2003Q4 Entera CRM2003Q4
Fritz Klein 2006Q1 Healthcare2006Q1 Europe2006Q1 Fritz Klein2006Q1 Product42006Q1
Porter Le 2005Q4 Services2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product32005Q4
Porter Le 2003Q2 Services2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product32003Q2
Fritz Klein 2007Q1 Technology2007Q1 Europe2007Q1 Fritz Klein2007Q1 Product32007Q1
Porter Le 2003Q1 Finance2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product12003Q1
Fritz Klein 2004Q2 Technology2004Q2 Europe2004Q2 Fritz Klein2004Q2 Entera CRM2004Q2
Bradley Valenzuela 2003Q2 Materials2003Q2 Middle East2003Q2 Bradley Valenzuela2003Q2 Product12003Q2
Fritz Klein 2003Q4 Healthcare2003Q4 Europe2003Q4 Fritz Klein2003Q4 Product32003Q4
Porter Le 2005Q4 Services2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product42005Q4
Oren Chase 2007Q1 Services2007Q1 Asia Pacific2007Q1 Oren Chase2007Q1 Entera CRM2007Q1
Porter Le 2007Q3 Services2007Q3 North America2007Q3 Porter Le2007Q3 Product12007Q3
Fritz Klein 2006Q2 Technology2006Q2 Europe2006Q2 Fritz Klein2006Q2 Entera CRM2006Q2
Porter Le 2007Q3 Services2007Q3 North America2007Q3 Porter Le2007Q3 Entera CRM2007Q3
Porter Le 2006Q3 Consumer Goods2006Q3 North America2006Q3 Porter Le2006Q3 Product32006Q3
Nasim Hanson 2005Q3 Healthcare2005Q3 South America2005Q3 Nasim Hanson2005Q3 Product22005Q3
Fritz Klein 2003Q4 Consumer Goods2003Q4 Europe2003Q4 Fritz Klein2003Q4 Product22003Q4
Porter Le 2005Q2 Consumer Goods2005Q2 North America2005Q2 Porter Le2005Q2 Product22005Q2
Oren Chase 2005Q1 Services2005Q1 Asia Pacific2005Q1 Oren Chase2005Q1 Entera CRM2005Q1
Oren Chase 2005Q3 Technology2005Q3 Asia Pacific2005Q3 Oren Chase2005Q3 Product32005Q3
Porter Le 2006Q3 Services2006Q3 North America2006Q3 Porter Le2006Q3 Product42006Q3
Porter Le 2003Q2 Technology2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product32003Q2
Porter Le 2007Q4 Finance2007Q4 North America2007Q4 Porter Le2007Q4 Product12007Q4
Porter Le 2005Q4 Technology2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product22005Q4
Fritz Klein 2007Q2 Consumer Goods2007Q2 Europe2007Q2 Fritz Klein2007Q2 Entera CRM2007Q2
Porter Le 2008Q2 Materials2008Q2 North America2008Q2 Porter Le2008Q2 Product22008Q2
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Healthcare2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product32006Q4
Porter Le 2005Q4 Healthcare2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product22005Q4
Nasim Hanson 2005Q4 Utilities2005Q4 South America2005Q4 Nasim Hanson2005Q4 Product22005Q4
Porter Le 2004Q3 Healthcare2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Product42004Q3
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Materials2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Entera CRM2006Q4
Porter Le 2007Q3 Healthcare2007Q3 North America2007Q3 Porter Le2007Q3 Product12007Q3
Oren Chase 2005Q4 Technology2005Q4 Asia Pacific2005Q4 Oren Chase2005Q4 Product22005Q4
Porter Le 2006Q4 Materials2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Entera CRM2006Q4
Nasim Hanson 2007Q2 Utilities2007Q2 South America2007Q2 Nasim Hanson2007Q2 Product22007Q2
Porter Le 2005Q4 Services2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product42005Q4
Porter Le 2005Q3 Services2005Q3 North America2005Q3 Porter Le2005Q3 Entera CRM2005Q3
Porter Le 2003Q4 Technology2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product12003Q4
Nasim Hanson 2006Q2 Utilities2006Q2 South America2006Q2 Nasim Hanson2006Q2 Product22006Q2
Oren Chase 2006Q1 Technology2006Q1 Asia Pacific2006Q1 Oren Chase2006Q1 Product12006Q1
Porter Le 2006Q4 Finance2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Product12006Q4
Bradley Valenzuela 2008Q2 Materials2008Q2 Middle East2008Q2 Bradley Valenzuela2008Q2 Product12008Q2
Oren Chase 2003Q4 Consumer Goods2003Q4 Asia Pacific2003Q4 Oren Chase2003Q4 Product22003Q4
Fritz Klein 2003Q4 Materials2003Q4 Europe2003Q4 Fritz Klein2003Q4 Product32003Q4
Oren Chase 2004Q3 Technology2004Q3 Asia Pacific2004Q3 Oren Chase2004Q3 Entera CRM2004Q3
Porter Le 2006Q3 Materials2006Q3 North America2006Q3 Porter Le2006Q3 Entera CRM2006Q3
Oren Chase 2006Q4 Technology2006Q4 Asia Pacific2006Q4 Oren Chase2006Q4 Product42006Q4
Porter Le 2004Q2 Technology2004Q2 North America2004Q2 Porter Le2004Q2 Product12004Q2
Oren Chase 2005Q2 Technology2005Q2 Asia Pacific2005Q2 Oren Chase2005Q2 Product32005Q2
Oren Chase 2008Q1 Services2008Q1 Asia Pacific2008Q1 Oren Chase2008Q1 Product22008Q1
Fritz Klein 2006Q2 Consumer Goods2006Q2 Europe2006Q2 Fritz Klein2006Q2 Product32006Q2
Porter Le 2006Q1 Services2006Q1 North America2006Q1 Porter Le2006Q1 Entera CRM2006Q1
Nasim Hanson 2004Q4 Utilities2004Q4 South America2004Q4 Nasim Hanson2004Q4 Product22004Q4
Oren Chase 2003Q3 Services2003Q3 Asia Pacific2003Q3 Oren Chase2003Q3 Entera CRM2003Q3
Porter Le 2007Q1 Utilities2007Q1 North America2007Q1 Porter Le2007Q1 Entera CRM2007Q1
Oren Chase 2005Q3 Healthcare2005Q3 Asia Pacific2005Q3 Oren Chase2005Q3 Product32005Q3
Porter Le 2003Q2 Consumer Goods2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Entera CRM2003Q2
Porter Le 2003Q4 Services2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product12003Q4
Porter Le 2005Q3 Finance2005Q3 North America2005Q3 Porter Le2005Q3 Product32005Q3
Porter Le 2004Q2 Consumer Goods2004Q2 North America2004Q2 Porter Le2004Q2 Entera CRM2004Q2
Porter Le 2004Q4 Finance2004Q4 North America2004Q4 Porter Le2004Q4 Product12004Q4
Porter Le 2003Q1 Finance2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product32003Q1
Oren Chase 2007Q4 Consumer Goods2007Q4 Asia Pacific2007Q4 Oren Chase2007Q4 Product12007Q4
Nasim Hanson 2008Q1 Utilities2008Q1 South America2008Q1 Nasim Hanson2008Q1 Product32008Q1
Porter Le 2004Q1 Technology2004Q1 North America2004Q1 Porter Le2004Q1 Product12004Q1
Oren Chase 2004Q4 Consumer Goods2004Q4 Asia Pacific2004Q4 Oren Chase2004Q4 Entera CRM2004Q4
Fritz Klein 2003Q3 Technology2003Q3 Europe2003Q3 Fritz Klein2003Q3 Product32003Q3
Fritz Klein 2008Q1 Healthcare2008Q1 Europe2008Q1 Fritz Klein2008Q1 Product22008Q1
Fritz Klein 2005Q1 Consumer Goods2005Q1 Europe2005Q1 Fritz Klein2005Q1 Product22005Q1
Porter Le 2005Q1 Consumer Goods2005Q1 North America2005Q1 Porter Le2005Q1 Entera CRM2005Q1
Fritz Klein 2008Q1 Healthcare2008Q1 Europe2008Q1 Fritz Klein2008Q1 Product12008Q1
Fritz Klein 2004Q2 Finance2004Q2 Europe2004Q2 Fritz Klein2004Q2 Product12004Q2
Porter Le 2003Q2 Consumer Goods2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product12003Q2
Porter Le 2008Q1 Consumer Goods2008Q1 North America2008Q1 Porter Le2008Q1 Entera CRM2008Q1
Fritz Klein 2008Q1 Materials2008Q1 Europe2008Q1 Fritz Klein2008Q1 Product42008Q1
Nasim Hanson 2006Q4 Utilities2006Q4 South America2006Q4 Nasim Hanson2006Q4 Entera CRM2006Q4
Oren Chase 2006Q4 Materials2006Q4 Asia Pacific2006Q4 Oren Chase2006Q4 Product22006Q4
Porter Le 2007Q2 Finance2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product42007Q2
Porter Le 2004Q2 Consumer Goods2004Q2 North America2004Q2 Porter Le2004Q2 Entera CRM2004Q2
Oren Chase 2004Q3 Industrial Goods2004Q3 Asia Pacific2004Q3 Oren Chase2004Q3 Product42004Q3
Oren Chase 2008Q2 Healthcare2008Q2 Asia Pacific2008Q2 Oren Chase2008Q2 Product42008Q2
Oren Chase 2006Q2 Healthcare2006Q2 Asia Pacific2006Q2 Oren Chase2006Q2 Product42006Q2
Porter Le 2006Q1 Utilities2006Q1 North America2006Q1 Porter Le2006Q1 Product42006Q1
Porter Le 2005Q4 Finance2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product12005Q4
Oren Chase 2006Q2 Healthcare2006Q2 Asia Pacific2006Q2 Oren Chase2006Q2 Product22006Q2
Porter Le 2007Q2 Consumer Goods2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product12007Q2
Porter Le 2003Q3 Technology2003Q3 North America2003Q3 Porter Le2003Q3 Product42003Q3
Porter Le 2003Q2 Technology2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product42003Q2
Porter Le 2008Q4 Finance2008Q4 North America2008Q4 Porter Le2008Q4 Entera CRM2008Q4
Fritz Klein 2006Q3 Consumer Goods2006Q3 Europe2006Q3 Fritz Klein2006Q3 Product12006Q3
Fritz Klein 2004Q2 Materials2004Q2 Europe2004Q2 Fritz Klein2004Q2 Product42004Q2
Oren Chase 2006Q2 Services2006Q2 Asia Pacific2006Q2 Oren Chase2006Q2 Product32006Q2
Porter Le 2008Q4 Consumer Goods2008Q4 North America2008Q4 Porter Le2008Q4 Product42008Q4
Nasim Hanson 2003Q4 Healthcare2003Q4 South America2003Q4 Nasim Hanson2003Q4 Product42003Q4
Oren Chase 2005Q4 Materials2005Q4 Asia Pacific2005Q4 Oren Chase2005Q4 Product32005Q4
Porter Le 2004Q4 Services2004Q4 North America2004Q4 Porter Le2004Q4 Product12004Q4
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Finance2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Product42008Q3
Oren Chase 2007Q1 Materials2007Q1 Asia Pacific2007Q1 Oren Chase2007Q1 Product12007Q1
Oren Chase 2003Q1 Consumer Goods2003Q1 Asia Pacific2003Q1 Oren Chase2003Q1 Product22003Q1
Fritz Klein 2007Q2 Consumer Goods2007Q2 Europe2007Q2 Fritz Klein2007Q2 Entera CRM2007Q2
Porter Le 2003Q1 Services2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product12003Q1
Oren Chase 2006Q1 Finance2006Q1 Asia Pacific2006Q1 Oren Chase2006Q1 Product12006Q1
Porter Le 2008Q1 Materials2008Q1 North America2008Q1 Porter Le2008Q1 Product42008Q1
Porter Le 2005Q1 Finance2005Q1 North America2005Q1 Porter Le2005Q1 Product32005Q1
Porter Le 2007Q2 Services2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product22007Q2
Porter Le 2006Q4 Services2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Product32006Q4
Porter Le 2006Q4 Finance2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Entera CRM2006Q4
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Consumer Goods2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Product22008Q3
Fritz Klein 2008Q2 Healthcare2008Q2 Europe2008Q2 Fritz Klein2008Q2 Product22008Q2
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Materials2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Product12008Q3
Oren Chase 2006Q1 Technology2006Q1 Asia Pacific2006Q1 Oren Chase2006Q1 Entera CRM2006Q1
Oren Chase 2007Q3 Technology2007Q3 Asia Pacific2007Q3 Oren Chase2007Q3 Entera CRM2007Q3
Fritz Klein 2004Q2 Materials2004Q2 Europe2004Q2 Fritz Klein2004Q2 Product12004Q2
Fritz Klein 2005Q3 Materials2005Q3 Europe2005Q3 Fritz Klein2005Q3 Product32005Q3
Nasim Hanson 2007Q4 Healthcare2007Q4 South America2007Q4 Nasim Hanson2007Q4 Entera CRM2007Q4
Porter Le 2003Q2 Utilities2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product22003Q2
Fritz Klein 2005Q4 Materials2005Q4 Europe2005Q4 Fritz Klein2005Q4 Product32005Q4
Oren Chase 2005Q4 Materials2005Q4 Asia Pacific2005Q4 Oren Chase2005Q4 Product42005Q4
Oren Chase 2007Q2 Finance2007Q2 Asia Pacific2007Q2 Oren Chase2007Q2 Product42007Q2
Fritz Klein 2007Q2 Finance2007Q2 Europe2007Q2 Fritz Klein2007Q2 Product32007Q2
Porter Le 2008Q4 Finance2008Q4 North America2008Q4 Porter Le2008Q4 Product12008Q4
Fritz Klein 2008Q4 Finance2008Q4 Europe2008Q4 Fritz Klein2008Q4 Product22008Q4
Nasim Hanson 2005Q3 Healthcare2005Q3 South America2005Q3 Nasim Hanson2005Q3 Product42005Q3
Oren Chase 2007Q1 Materials2007Q1 Asia Pacific2007Q1 Oren Chase2007Q1 Entera CRM2007Q1
Fritz Klein 2008Q1 Finance2008Q1 Europe2008Q1 Fritz Klein2008Q1 Entera CRM2008Q1
Porter Le 2004Q4 Materials2004Q4 North America2004Q4 Porter Le2004Q4 Entera CRM2004Q4
Porter Le 2005Q4 Finance2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product32005Q4
Porter Le 2008Q2 Finance2008Q2 North America2008Q2 Porter Le2008Q2 Product22008Q2
Porter Le 2004Q3 Healthcare2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Product42004Q3
Porter Le 2003Q3 Services2003Q3 North America2003Q3 Porter Le2003Q3 Entera CRM2003Q3
Nasim Hanson 2005Q4 Utilities2005Q4 South America2005Q4 Nasim Hanson2005Q4 Product42005Q4
Oren Chase 2004Q3 Technology2004Q3 Asia Pacific2004Q3 Oren Chase2004Q3 Product32004Q3
Fritz Klein 2003Q3 Consumer Goods2003Q3 Europe2003Q3 Fritz Klein2003Q3 Product12003Q3
Oren Chase 2008Q2 Services2008Q2 Asia Pacific2008Q2 Oren Chase2008Q2 Product22008Q2
Porter Le 2005Q3 Finance2005Q3 North America2005Q3 Porter Le2005Q3 Product12005Q3
Fritz Klein 2003Q1 Materials2003Q1 Europe2003Q1 Fritz Klein2003Q1 Entera CRM2003Q1
Porter Le 2005Q3 Materials2005Q3 North America2005Q3 Porter Le2005Q3 Product42005Q3
Porter Le 2008Q1 Finance2008Q1 North America2008Q1 Porter Le2008Q1 Product22008Q1
Fritz Klein 2004Q2 Finance2004Q2 Europe2004Q2 Fritz Klein2004Q2 Product42004Q2
Oren Chase 2008Q2 Healthcare2008Q2 Asia Pacific2008Q2 Oren Chase2008Q2 Entera CRM2008Q2
Porter Le 2008Q3 Finance2008Q3 North America2008Q3 Porter Le2008Q3 Product32008Q3
Porter Le 2005Q2 Finance2005Q2 North America2005Q2 Porter Le2005Q2 Product32005Q2
Porter Le 2003Q4 Services2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Entera CRM2003Q4
Porter Le 2005Q2 Materials2005Q2 North America2005Q2 Porter Le2005Q2 Product32005Q2
Oren Chase 2005Q1 Materials2005Q1 Asia Pacific2005Q1 Oren Chase2005Q1 Entera CRM2005Q1
Porter Le 2007Q2 Healthcare2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product12007Q2
Fritz Klein 2005Q2 Consumer Goods2005Q2 Europe2005Q2 Fritz Klein2005Q2 Product42005Q2
Fritz Klein 2005Q2 Healthcare2005Q2 Europe2005Q2 Fritz Klein2005Q2 Product12005Q2
Porter Le 2007Q1 Consumer Goods2007Q1 North America2007Q1 Porter Le2007Q1 Product42007Q1
Oren Chase 2003Q2 Services2003Q2 Asia Pacific2003Q2 Oren Chase2003Q2 Product32003Q2
Bradley Valenzuela 2006Q2 Materials2006Q2 Middle East2006Q2 Bradley Valenzuela2006Q2 Product32006Q2
Oren Chase 2007Q2 Technology2007Q2 Asia Pacific2007Q2 Oren Chase2007Q2 Product42007Q2
Fritz Klein 2007Q4 Finance2007Q4 Europe2007Q4 Fritz Klein2007Q4 Product32007Q4
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Consumer Goods2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Entera CRM2008Q3
Porter Le 2008Q1 Consumer Goods2008Q1 North America2008Q1 Porter Le2008Q1 Entera CRM2008Q1
Porter Le 2007Q3 Healthcare2007Q3 North America2007Q3 Porter Le2007Q3 Product42007Q3
Porter Le 2004Q2 Finance2004Q2 North America2004Q2 Porter Le2004Q2 Product32004Q2
Nasim Hanson 2006Q1 Materials2006Q1 South America2006Q1 Nasim Hanson2006Q1 Product12006Q1
Oren Chase 2007Q4 Consumer Goods2007Q4 Asia Pacific2007Q4 Oren Chase2007Q4 Product12007Q4
Oren Chase 2008Q2 Finance2008Q2 Asia Pacific2008Q2 Oren Chase2008Q2 Product22008Q2
Bradley Valenzuela 2006Q4 Materials2006Q4 Middle East2006Q4 Bradley Valenzuela2006Q4 Product12006Q4
Nasim Hanson 2005Q2 Materials2005Q2 South America2005Q2 Nasim Hanson2005Q2 Product42005Q2
Fritz Klein 2008Q4 Finance2008Q4 Europe2008Q4 Fritz Klein2008Q4 Entera CRM2008Q4
Oren Chase 2005Q4 Consumer Goods2005Q4 Asia Pacific2005Q4 Oren Chase2005Q4 Product32005Q4
Fritz Klein 2004Q4 Finance2004Q4 Europe2004Q4 Fritz Klein2004Q4 Product12004Q4
Nasim Hanson 2006Q2 Utilities2006Q2 South America2006Q2 Nasim Hanson2006Q2 Product22006Q2
Fritz Klein 2005Q2 Healthcare2005Q2 Europe2005Q2 Fritz Klein2005Q2 Entera CRM2005Q2
Nasim Hanson 2006Q2 Utilities2006Q2 South America2006Q2 Nasim Hanson2006Q2 Entera CRM2006Q2
Fritz Klein 2004Q1 Technology2004Q1 Europe2004Q1 Fritz Klein2004Q1 Product42004Q1
Porter Le 2006Q4 Consumer Goods2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Product32006Q4
Porter Le 2007Q2 Technology2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product32007Q2
Fritz Klein 2003Q1 Consumer Goods2003Q1 Europe2003Q1 Fritz Klein2003Q1 Product12003Q1
Oren Chase 2005Q3 Healthcare2005Q3 Asia Pacific2005Q3 Oren Chase2005Q3 Product42005Q3
Porter Le 2004Q3 Services2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Product42004Q3
Fritz Klein 2004Q2 Consumer Goods2004Q2 Europe2004Q2 Fritz Klein2004Q2 Product12004Q2
Oren Chase 2006Q3 Industrial Goods2006Q3 Asia Pacific2006Q3 Oren Chase2006Q3 Product12006Q3
Fritz Klein 2007Q1 Finance2007Q1 Europe2007Q1 Fritz Klein2007Q1 Product32007Q1
Porter Le 2006Q1 Finance2006Q1 North America2006Q1 Porter Le2006Q1 Product32006Q1
Fritz Klein 2008Q1 Consumer Goods2008Q1 Europe2008Q1 Fritz Klein2008Q1 Entera CRM2008Q1
Porter Le 2005Q3 Finance2005Q3 North America2005Q3 Porter Le2005Q3 Entera CRM2005Q3
Fritz Klein 2006Q4 Technology2006Q4 Europe2006Q4 Fritz Klein2006Q4 Product32006Q4
Fritz Klein 2003Q4 Finance2003Q4 Europe2003Q4 Fritz Klein2003Q4 Product22003Q4
Oren Chase 2007Q3 Technology2007Q3 Asia Pacific2007Q3 Oren Chase2007Q3 Product12007Q3
Oren Chase 2004Q1 Technology2004Q1 Asia Pacific2004Q1 Oren Chase2004Q1 Product32004Q1
Oren Chase 2007Q3 Consumer Goods2007Q3 Asia Pacific2007Q3 Oren Chase2007Q3 Product32007Q3
Porter Le 2005Q4 Materials2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product42005Q4
Fritz Klein 2005Q2 Finance2005Q2 Europe2005Q2 Fritz Klein2005Q2 Product22005Q2
Porter Le 2008Q3 Materials2008Q3 North America2008Q3 Porter Le2008Q3 Product32008Q3
Porter Le 2006Q1 Materials2006Q1 North America2006Q1 Porter Le2006Q1 Product22006Q1
Porter Le 2005Q2 Services2005Q2 North America2005Q2 Porter Le2005Q2 Product32005Q2
Oren Chase 2003Q3 Industrial Goods2003Q3 Asia Pacific2003Q3 Oren Chase2003Q3 Product12003Q3
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Consumer Goods2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Product32008Q3
Fritz Klein 2005Q2 Finance2005Q2 Europe2005Q2 Fritz Klein2005Q2 Entera CRM2005Q2
Porter Le 2003Q2 Finance2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product42003Q2
Porter Le 2005Q4 Services2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product22005Q4
Nasim Hanson 2008Q1 Materials2008Q1 South America2008Q1 Nasim Hanson2008Q1 Product12008Q1
Porter Le 2007Q3 Finance2007Q3 North America2007Q3 Porter Le2007Q3 Product22007Q3
Porter Le 2003Q1 Finance2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product42003Q1
Oren Chase 2006Q4 Healthcare2006Q4 Asia Pacific2006Q4 Oren Chase2006Q4 Product32006Q4
Nasim Hanson 2005Q1 Materials2005Q1 South America2005Q1 Nasim Hanson2005Q1 Product42005Q1
Oren Chase 2006Q3 Industrial Goods2006Q3 Asia Pacific2006Q3 Oren Chase2006Q3 Product42006Q3
Fritz Klein 2007Q1 Consumer Goods2007Q1 Europe2007Q1 Fritz Klein2007Q1 Product42007Q1
Oren Chase 2003Q4 Services2003Q4 Asia Pacific2003Q4 Oren Chase2003Q4 Product32003Q4
Nasim Hanson 2005Q1 Materials2005Q1 South America2005Q1 Nasim Hanson2005Q1 Entera CRM2005Q1
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Consumer Goods2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Entera CRM2008Q3
Fritz Klein 2007Q1 Consumer Goods2007Q1 Europe2007Q1 Fritz Klein2007Q1 Product12007Q1
Porter Le 2007Q2 Finance2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product22007Q2
Fritz Klein 2005Q1 Consumer Goods2005Q1 Europe2005Q1 Fritz Klein2005Q1 Product42005Q1
Oren Chase 2008Q4 Industrial Goods2008Q4 Asia Pacific2008Q4 Oren Chase2008Q4 Product12008Q4
Fritz Klein 2008Q3 Technology2008Q3 Europe2008Q3 Fritz Klein2008Q3 Product12008Q3
Porter Le 2007Q3 Utilities2007Q3 North America2007Q3 Porter Le2007Q3 Product22007Q3
Oren Chase 2006Q1 Healthcare2006Q1 Asia Pacific2006Q1 Oren Chase2006Q1 Product22006Q1
Fritz Klein 2003Q2 Finance2003Q2 Europe2003Q2 Fritz Klein2003Q2 Product12003Q2
Oren Chase 2003Q3 Materials2003Q3 Asia Pacific2003Q3 Oren Chase2003Q3 Product12003Q3
Oren Chase 2008Q4 Materials2008Q4 Asia Pacific2008Q4 Oren Chase2008Q4 Product42008Q4
Oren Chase 2003Q2 Healthcare2003Q2 Asia Pacific2003Q2 Oren Chase2003Q2 Entera CRM2003Q2
Porter Le 2003Q2 Consumer Goods2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product42003Q2
Porter Le 2003Q1 Services2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product12003Q1
Fritz Klein 2003Q4 Consumer Goods2003Q4 Europe2003Q4 Fritz Klein2003Q4 Entera CRM2003Q4
Porter Le 2006Q2 Finance2006Q2 North America2006Q2 Porter Le2006Q2 Product12006Q2
Porter Le 2003Q3 Services2003Q3 North America2003Q3 Porter Le2003Q3 Product42003Q3
Fritz Klein 2007Q1 Finance2007Q1 Europe2007Q1 Fritz Klein2007Q1 Product42007Q1
Porter Le 2003Q1 Consumer Goods2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product12003Q1
Porter Le 2008Q2 Services2008Q2 North America2008Q2 Porter Le2008Q2 Entera CRM2008Q2
Oren Chase 2006Q1 Materials2006Q1 Asia Pacific2006Q1 Oren Chase2006Q1 Entera CRM2006Q1
Oren Chase 2005Q2 Materials2005Q2 Asia Pacific2005Q2 Oren Chase2005Q2 Product42005Q2
Porter Le 2004Q1 Services2004Q1 North America2004Q1 Porter Le2004Q1 Product22004Q1
Fritz Klein 2003Q2 Finance2003Q2 Europe2003Q2 Fritz Klein2003Q2 Product42003Q2
Fritz Klein 2003Q3 Technology2003Q3 Europe2003Q3 Fritz Klein2003Q3 Product32003Q3
Bradley Valenzuela 2006Q2 Materials2006Q2 Middle East2006Q2 Bradley Valenzuela2006Q2 Product42006Q2
Porter Le 2008Q4 Finance2008Q4 North America2008Q4 Porter Le2008Q4 Entera CRM2008Q4
Porter Le 2006Q3 Consumer Goods2006Q3 North America2006Q3 Porter Le2006Q3 Product22006Q3
Fritz Klein 2007Q3 Consumer Goods2007Q3 Europe2007Q3 Fritz Klein2007Q3 Entera CRM2007Q3
Fritz Klein 2004Q3 Finance2004Q3 Europe2004Q3 Fritz Klein2004Q3 Product32004Q3
Fritz Klein 2007Q2 Consumer Goods2007Q2 Europe2007Q2 Fritz Klein2007Q2 Product12007Q2
Porter Le 2007Q2 Finance2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product42007Q2
Oren Chase 2006Q3 Technology2006Q3 Asia Pacific2006Q3 Oren Chase2006Q3 Product22006Q3
Fritz Klein 2007Q1 Materials2007Q1 Europe2007Q1 Fritz Klein2007Q1 Product22007Q1
Porter Le 2005Q3 Finance2005Q3 North America2005Q3 Porter Le2005Q3 Entera CRM2005Q3
Oren Chase 2006Q3 Industrial Goods2006Q3 Asia Pacific2006Q3 Oren Chase2006Q3 Entera CRM2006Q3
Porter Le 2003Q1 Technology2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product12003Q1
Bradley Valenzuela 2004Q1 Materials2004Q1 Middle East2004Q1 Bradley Valenzuela2004Q1 Product12004Q1
Nasim Hanson 2007Q1 Materials2007Q1 South America2007Q1 Nasim Hanson2007Q1 Product42007Q1
Porter Le 2003Q3 Consumer Goods2003Q3 North America2003Q3 Porter Le2003Q3 Product42003Q3
Porter Le 2003Q1 Services2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product32003Q1
Nasim Hanson 2006Q1 Materials2006Q1 South America2006Q1 Nasim Hanson2006Q1 Entera CRM2006Q1
Oren Chase 2004Q2 Finance2004Q2 Asia Pacific2004Q2 Oren Chase2004Q2 Product12004Q2
Fritz Klein 2003Q3 Consumer Goods2003Q3 Europe2003Q3 Fritz Klein2003Q3 Product32003Q3
Porter Le 2004Q2 Consumer Goods2004Q2 North America2004Q2 Porter Le2004Q2 Product42004Q2
Oren Chase 2003Q4 Finance2003Q4 Asia Pacific2003Q4 Oren Chase2003Q4 Product22003Q4
Porter Le 2004Q4 Utilities2004Q4 North America2004Q4 Porter Le2004Q4 Product32004Q4
Oren Chase 2008Q4 Consumer Goods2008Q4 Asia Pacific2008Q4 Oren Chase2008Q4 Product32008Q4
Fritz Klein 2005Q3 Technology2005Q3 Europe2005Q3 Fritz Klein2005Q3 Product42005Q3
Porter Le 2005Q4 Finance2005Q4 North America2005Q4 Porter Le2005Q4 Product42005Q4
Fritz Klein 2005Q3 Finance2005Q3 Europe2005Q3 Fritz Klein2005Q3 Product12005Q3
Porter Le 2003Q1 Consumer Goods2003Q1 North America2003Q1 Porter Le2003Q1 Product22003Q1
Porter Le 2008Q3 Services2008Q3 North America2008Q3 Porter Le2008Q3 Product12008Q3
Porter Le 2003Q3 Services2003Q3 North America2003Q3 Porter Le2003Q3 Product42003Q3
Porter Le 2003Q2 Consumer Goods2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product42003Q2
Oren Chase 2003Q1 Industrial Goods2003Q1 Asia Pacific2003Q1 Oren Chase2003Q1 Product32003Q1
Fritz Klein 2008Q2 Healthcare2008Q2 Europe2008Q2 Fritz Klein2008Q2 Product42008Q2
Oren Chase 2004Q3 Finance2004Q3 Asia Pacific2004Q3 Oren Chase2004Q3 Product12004Q3
Fritz Klein 2004Q2 Materials2004Q2 Europe2004Q2 Fritz Klein2004Q2 Product32004Q2
Porter Le 2008Q3 Consumer Goods2008Q3 North America2008Q3 Porter Le2008Q3 Product42008Q3
Porter Le 2006Q4 Technology2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Product42006Q4
Fritz Klein 2006Q1 Consumer Goods2006Q1 Europe2006Q1 Fritz Klein2006Q1 Product12006Q1
Nasim Hanson 2003Q1 Utilities2003Q1 South America2003Q1 Nasim Hanson2003Q1 Entera CRM2003Q1
Fritz Klein 2003Q2 Consumer Goods2003Q2 Europe2003Q2 Fritz Klein2003Q2 Product22003Q2
Porter Le 2005Q1 Services2005Q1 North America2005Q1 Porter Le2005Q1 Product42005Q1
Porter Le 2006Q3 Services2006Q3 North America2006Q3 Porter Le2006Q3 Entera CRM2006Q3
Porter Le 2005Q2 Finance2005Q2 North America2005Q2 Porter Le2005Q2 Entera CRM2005Q2
Nasim Hanson 2003Q1 Materials2003Q1 South America2003Q1 Nasim Hanson2003Q1 Product22003Q1
Fritz Klein 2006Q3 Finance2006Q3 Europe2006Q3 Fritz Klein2006Q3 Product12006Q3
Fritz Klein 2004Q3 Finance2004Q3 Europe2004Q3 Fritz Klein2004Q3 Product12004Q3
Porter Le 2004Q1 Finance2004Q1 North America2004Q1 Porter Le2004Q1 Product32004Q1
Nasim Hanson 2008Q4 Materials2008Q4 South America2008Q4 Nasim Hanson2008Q4 Entera CRM2008Q4
Nasim Hanson 2007Q3 Materials2007Q3 South America2007Q3 Nasim Hanson2007Q3 Entera CRM2007Q3
Porter Le 2004Q2 Services2004Q2 North America2004Q2 Porter Le2004Q2 Product32004Q2
Oren Chase 2006Q2 Industrial Goods2006Q2 Asia Pacific2006Q2 Oren Chase2006Q2 Product32006Q2
Porter Le 2004Q3 Services2004Q3 North America2004Q3 Porter Le2004Q3 Product32004Q3
Porter Le 2006Q2 Finance2006Q2 North America2006Q2 Porter Le2006Q2 Product22006Q2
Porter Le 2005Q2 Finance2005Q2 North America2005Q2 Porter Le2005Q2 Entera CRM2005Q2
Bradley Valenzuela 2006Q4 Materials2006Q4 Middle East2006Q4 Bradley Valenzuela2006Q4 Product12006Q4
Porter Le 2007Q3 Services2007Q3 North America2007Q3 Porter Le2007Q3 Product12007Q3
Oren Chase 2005Q1 Technology2005Q1 Asia Pacific2005Q1 Oren Chase2005Q1 Entera CRM2005Q1
Porter Le 2007Q1 Utilities2007Q1 North America2007Q1 Porter Le2007Q1 Product32007Q1
Porter Le 2003Q2 Utilities2003Q2 North America2003Q2 Porter Le2003Q2 Product32003Q2
Porter Le 2003Q4 Technology2003Q4 North America2003Q4 Porter Le2003Q4 Product42003Q4
Porter Le 2006Q4 Utilities2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Product42006Q4
Oren Chase 2006Q1 Consumer Goods2006Q1 Asia Pacific2006Q1 Oren Chase2006Q1 Product42006Q1
Fritz Klein 2005Q1 Healthcare2005Q1 Europe2005Q1 Fritz Klein2005Q1 Product22005Q1
Porter Le 2006Q3 Finance2006Q3 North America2006Q3 Porter Le2006Q3 Product12006Q3
Porter Le 2003Q3 Services2003Q3 North America2003Q3 Porter Le2003Q3 Product42003Q3
Porter Le 2007Q2 Technology2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product12007Q2
Porter Le 2006Q4 Materials2006Q4 North America2006Q4 Porter Le2006Q4 Product22006Q4
Porter Le 2007Q2 Utilities2007Q2 North America2007Q2 Porter Le2007Q2 Product32007Q2
Porter Le 2007Q3 Healthcare2007Q3 North America2007Q3 Porter Le2007Q3 Product22007Q3
Project Name "OHS Dashboard
Project Workforce
ManHours ManPower No of Managers Leading Ind
3958872 4358 28 Safety
52300 Trainings
No of Supervisors No of Engineers No of Safety Officers
87 80 87 Inspections
21 OHS Audits

Lagging Indicators

7 4 4
6 3.5
5 5 3
5 3
4 4 2.5
4 2 2 2 2
3 2
2 2 1 1 1 1 1
2 1
1 0.5
0 0 0 0




4 4 2.5
4 2 2 2 2
3 2
2 2 1 1 1 1 1
2 1
1 0.5
0 0 0 0




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec



4 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 1
3 3 0.8

2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1
0.5 0.2
0 0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
OHS Dashboard"
Leading Indicators
67 TBT conducted 46 OHS Meetings 35 LTIFR

4 Safety Alerts 17 Mock Drill 4 1.01



2 2 2


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1







1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1









4 4


3 3


2 2 2 2


1 1 1 1 1


0 0 0 0

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