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Analysis and Design Principles of Microwave Antennas

Assignment-5 with Solution

A parasitic array is represented in the fig-
ure here. Determine the driving point
impedance of the driving element 1 which
is fed by an external time-varying source.
Z22 = |Z22 |6 γ2 is the self impedance of el-
ement 2 and Z12 = |Z12 |6 γm is the mu-
tual impedance between 1 and 2 and Z11 =
|Z11 |6 γ1 is the self impedance of element 1.
A parasitic array
|Z12 6|2
a. Z1 = Z11 − |Z22 |
2γm − γ2
|Z12 6|2
b. Z1 = Z11 + |Z22 |
2γm − γ2
|Z12 |2 6
c. Z1 = Z11 − |Z22 |
2γm + γ2
|Z12 |2 6
d. Z1 = Z11 + |Z22 |
2γm + γ2
The parasitic array given in figure above can be represented by a two port network
given below. Let us now assume the potential of the external source driving the

Two port equivalent circuit of the Parasitic array

element 1 is V1 and the current is I1 . As there is no excitation in the element 2 of

the array, V2 = 0. Writing the voltage and current equation for the above two port
network we get,
V1 = Z11 I1 + Z12 I2 (1)
0 = Z21 I1 + Z22 I2 (2)
Solving Eq.(2) we get,
I2 = − I1 (3)
=− I1 (4)
|Z12 |6 (γm − γ2 )
=− I1 (5)
|Z22 |

As the element is reciprocal in nature, therefore, without loss of generality we may
write Eq.(3) as Eq.(4). If we replace the findings of the Eq.(4) into Eq.(1) we get,
V1 = Z11 I1 − I1 (6)
V1 Z2
= Z1 = Z11 − 12 (7)
I1 Z22
|Z12 |2 6 (2γm −γ2 )
Thus, from Eq.(5) we get, Z1 = Z11 − |Z22 |
. Hence, the appropriate choice
is a.

For the Yagi-Uda array shown in the right,

element 2 has length of λ2 . The element
2. 1 and 3 are reflector and director of the
array respectively. Then, comment on the
reactive nature of the director and reflector

An Yagi-Uda array

a. Reflector is Capacitive and Director is Inductive

b. Both the reflector and director are inductive
c. Reflector is Inductive and Director is Capacitive
d. Both the reflector and director are capacitive

When the λ2 parasitic dipole is inductive (its length is longer than its resonant
length), then it acts as a reflector. On the other hand, when it is capacitive (shorter
than its resonant length), it acts as director. Therefore, the appropriate choice is c.
´∞ ´∞
3. If F (kx , ky ) = f (x)e+j(kx x+ky y) dxdy represents the spatial Fourier Transform
−∞ −∞
´∞ ´∞
of a wave f (x, y). Then, the value of F (kx , ky )dkx dky will be
−∞ −∞

´∞ ´∞
a. f (x, y)g ∗(x, y)dxdy
−∞ −∞

´∞ ´∞
b. 2π f (x, y)g(x, y)dxdy
−∞ −∞

´∞ ´∞
c. 4π 2 f (x, y)g(x, y)dxdy
−∞ −∞

´∞ ´∞
d. 4π 2 f (x, y)g ∗(x, y)dxdy
−∞ −∞

´∞ ´∞
It is specified that F (kx , ky ) = f (x)e+j(kx x+ky y) dxdy represents the spatial
−∞ −∞
Fourier Transform of a wave f (x, y). Therefore, the inverse Fourier transform will
ˆ∞ ˆ∞
f (x, y) = 2 F (kx , ky )G ∗ (kx , ky )e−j(kx x+ky y) dkx dky (8)

−∞ −∞

Using the Perseval’s identity, we can write that,

ˆ∞ ˆ∞ ˆ∞ ˆ∞
∗ 1
f (x, y)g (x, y)dxdy = 2 F (kx , ky )G ∗ (kx , ky )dkx dky

−∞ −∞ −∞ −∞
ˆ∞ ˆ∞ ˆ∞ ˆ∞
F (kx , ky )G ∗ (kx , ky )dkx dky = 4π 2 f (x, y)g ∗(x, y)dxdy
−∞ −∞ −∞ −∞

So, the appropriate choice is d.

Determine the aθ component of the ra-

diated electric field from a rectangular
4. aperture shown in the right, if the elec-
tric field in the aperture is uniform with
amplitude E0 and x-polarized.

k0 a k0 b
−jk r sin( sin θ cos φ) sin( sin θ sin φ)
a. Eθ (r, θ, φ) = j k0 e2πr 0 E0 ab 2
k0 a · 2
k0 b sin φ
sin θ cos φ 2
sin θ sin φ
k0 a k0 b
−jk r sin( sin θ cos φ) sin( sin θ sin φ)
b. Eθ (r, θ, φ) = j k0 e2πr 0 E0 ab 2
k0 a · 2
k0 b cos φ
sin θ cos φ 2
sin θ sin φ
k0 b k0 a
−jk r sin( sin θ cos φ) sin( sin θ sin φ)
c. Eθ (r, θ, φ) = j k0 e2πr 0 E0 ab 2
k0 b · 2
k0 a cos φ
sin θ cos φ 2
sin θ sin φ
k0 b k0 a
−jk r sin( sin θ cos φ) sin( sin θ sin φ)
d. Eθ (r, θ, φ) = j k0 e2πr 0 E0 ab 2
k0 b · 2
k0 a sin φ
sin θ cos φ 2
sin θ sin φ

It is mentioned that the electric field component in the aperture is uniform along
the aperture with magnitude E0 and it is X−polarized. Therefore, mathematically,

a a b b
Ea = ax · E0 − ≤ x ≤ ;− ≤ y ≤
2 2 2 2
Therefore, the electric field component can be obtained by using the Fourier Trans-
form method. Referring to the figure given with this question, we can conclude that,
Ea = E(kx , ky , 0).

Now, we are in a situation to determine f = fx ax + fy ay + fz az . As there is no ay
component of the aperture electric field, fy = 0. and
a b
ˆ 2 ˆ2
′ ′
fx = E0 ej(kx x +ky y ) dx′ dy ′
− a2 − b
′ ′
ejkx x a2 ejky y 2b
= E0 [ |− a + | b]
jkx 2 jky − 2
a sin ak2x b sin bk2y
= E0 [ akx
+ bky
2 2

Our intention is to convert it into the spherical coordinate system. So, we can
convert the values of kx and ky into the spherical one. Hence, converting it into the
spherical one we get, kx = k0 sin θ cos φ and ky = k0 sin θ sin φ.
We know that the θ component of electric field can be approximated as,

k0 e−jk0 r
Eθ (r, θ, φ) = j [fx cos φ + fy sin φ] (9)
Hence, substituting the values of kx , ky , fx and fy in the Eq.(9) we get,

k0 e−jk0 r sin( k0 a sin θ cos φ) sin( k20 b sin θ sin φ)

Eθ (r, θ, φ) = j E0 ab k0 a2 · k0 b cos φ
2πr 2
sin θ cos φ 2
sin θ sin φ

So, the appropriate choice is b.

Determine the complex power transmitted

by the aperture shown in the right. The
5. aperture is infinitely long along the x-z
plane. The electric field at the aperture is
given as Ea = ay · E0 − 2b ≤ y ′ ≤ 2b .

(bE0 )2 k ´∞ b
1 sin(kx 2 ) 2
a. 4πη kz∗
[ k b ] dkx

(bE0 )2 k ´∞ b
1 sin(ky 2 ) 2
b. 4πη kz∗
[ k b ] dky

(bE0 )2 k ´∞ ´∞ 1 sin(ky 2 ) 2
c. 8π 2 η kz∗
[ k b ] dky dkx
y 2
−∞ −∞

d. none of these

With reference to the figure specified in the question, the complex power transmitted

from the aperture can be calculated by utilizing the formula given below
P = [E(x′ , y ′, 0)] × H∗ (x′ , y ′, 0)ds′ (10)
=− [Ey (x′ , y ′, 0)Hx∗(x′ , y ′, 0)]dx′ dy ′

Now we can apply the Fourier Transform method to solve Eq. (10). So, rewriting
the Eq. (10) in spatial spectral domain we get
ˆ∞ ˆ∞
1 1
P =− · 2 [Ex (kx , ky , z)Hx (kx , ky , z)]dkx , dky (11)
2 4π
−∞ −∞

We know that in spectral domain E(kx , ky , z) = [ax fx + ay fy − az ( fx kxk+f

y ky
)]e−jkz z .
As the aperture is symmetric and infinitely long along x and z direction, so,

fx = 0

fy = E0 ejky y dy ′
− 2b

sin(ky 2b )
= E0 b
ky 2b
Now we know that, Hx (kx , ky , 0) = − kη (f × k) and k = kx ax + ky ay + kz az . We also
know that, f = fx ax + fy ay − ( kx fxk+k
y fy
)az . So,

Hx (kx , ky , 0) = − (f × k)

1 kz2 + ky2
=− ( )fy
kη kz
=− fy
kz η
k sin(ky 2b )
= (− )E0 b
kz η ky 2b

Thus the complex power will be

1 1
P =− Ey (kx , ky , 0)Hx∗(kx , ky , 0)dky (12)
2 2π
(bE0 )2 k 1 sin(ky 2b ) 2
= [ ] dky
4πη kz∗ ky 2b

Thus, the appropriate choice would be b.

6. A rectangular waveguide of dimensions a = 7.21cm and b = 3.41cm is operating at
3 GHz in dominant mode. Determine the directivity of the aperture.

a. 2.5
b. 4.5
c. 3.5
d. 0.5

The directivity of the rectangular waveguide can be determined by using the formula
given in Eq.(13)
D= (13)
βT E10 λ3
The operating frequency of the waveguide is specified as 3 GHz. Therefore, the
operating wavelength is λ = 3×10 9 = 0.1 meter or equivalently 10 cm. Now, the

value of βT E10 = π[ λ2 − a2 ] = π[ 0.14 2 − 0.0721
4 1 0.5 1
= π · 207.63 = 45.26. Hence,
directivity D = 64×0.0721×0.0341
.13 ×45.26
= 3.476. Thus the appropriate choice is c.

7. Determine the flare angle of an H-plane sectoral horn antenna, operating at 11 GHz.
The horn antenna has a directivity of 12.12 dB and fed by a rectangular waveguide
having dimensions a = 2.286 cm and b = 1.016 cm.

a. 13.750
b. 15.750
c. 6.8750
d. 7.8750

The antenna is a sectoral H-plane horn. Therefore, the flaring occurs along the H-
plane of the waveguide. Hence, after flaring, let us assume the new broad dimension
is a′ . It is also mentioned that the antenna is operating at 11 GHz and has a
directivity of 12.12 dB. So, the operating wavelength of the antenna is λ0 = 11×109 =

0.027 m. So, from the equation of directivity,

D0 k0 λ30
a′ = (14)
101.212 ·2π×λ2
Therefore, by substituting the value of the specified directivity, we get a′ = 64×0.01016 0 =
0.114 m. How, the value of maximum flare angle can be determined form the maxi-
mum allowed phase error criterion. So, the maximum flare angle Ψ = 4·tan−1 ( 4a λ0
′) =
0.24 , which is equivalently 13.75 degrees. Thus the appropriate choice is a.

8. Determine the distance of the center of the aperture from the apex of the E-plane
sectoral horn such that the maximum phase deviation at the aperture of the horn is
450 . The dimension of the aperture is b′ = 2.5λ0 .

a. 12.5λ0
b. 9.1λ0

c. 10.3λ0
d. 6.25λ0

Referring to the figure given below, let us assume R1 = R + δ.

So, by applying the formula Pythagora’s theorem, [R + δ]2 = R2 + ( b2 )2 . Hence,
′ b′ 2 21
upon simplification we get δ = [R2 + ( b2 )2 ] 2 − R = R[1 + ( 2R ) ] − R. Practically,
′ b′ 2 21
b << R, therefore, the term [1 + ( 2R ) ] can be expanded binomially.
After the binomial expansion and neglecting the higher order terms, we get δ =
1 b′ 2
( ) . Thus from the geometry, ∆φ = k0 (R1 − R) = k0 δ = π4 . So,
2R 2

1 b′2 2π π
· =
2R 4 λ0 4
8 ′2
R= b
= 6.25λ0

Hence, the correct choice is d.

9. A standard gain X-band pyramidal horn antenna has the dimensions of ρ1 = 34.29
cm, ρ2 = 36.07, a′ = 19.43cm, b′ = 14.35 cm, a = 2.286 cm and b = 1.016 cm.
Determine the value of ρe and ρh and comment on the feasibility of realization

a. ρh = 35.03, ρe = 37.35 and Realisable

b. ρh = 35.03, ρe = 37.35 and not Realisable
c. ρe = 35.03, ρh = 37.35 and Realisable
d. ρe = 35.03, ρh = 37.35 and not Realisable


The value of ρe and ρh can be calculated from the straight forward formula

b′ 1
ρe = [ρ21 + ( )2 ] 2
14.352 1
= [34.292 + ]2
√ 4
= 1227.28
= 35.03 cm

a′ 1
ρh = [ρ22 + ( )2 ] 2
19.432 1
= [36.072 + ]2
√ 4
= 1395.42
= 37.35 cm

We know that, to have a physically realisable horn antenna the values of Pe and Ph
have to be equal. These values can be determined as
ρe 1
Pe = (b′ − b) ( ′ )2 −
b 4
35.03 2 1
= (14.35 − 1.016) ( ) −
14.35 4
= 13.34 · 2.39
= 31.88 cm

′ ρh 2 1
Pe = (a − a) ( ) −
a′ 4
37.35 2 1
= (19.43 − 2.286) ( ) −
19.43 4
= 17.14 · 1.86
= 31.88 cm

Therefore the Horn is physically realisable. So, the correct choice is c.

10. A pyramidal horn antenna is designed for optimum gain at frequency of 10 GHz.
The overall length of the antenna from the apex of the horn to the center of the
aperture is 10λ and is nearly same in both the planes. Determine the Gain of the
Antenna in dB.

a. 21.93
b. 12.87
c. 31.64
d. 13.64

For the horn antennas, the directivity and the gain can be assumed to be equal.
Therefore, the optimum gain of the antenna can be determined with the help of
′ b′
G0 = 6.4a
. It is specified in the question that the design is made at a frequency of
10 GHz. So, the value of λ0 = 10×109
= 0.03 m. Hence, we need to determine the
values of a′ and b′ .
a′ = 3λ0 ρ
= 3 · λ0 · 10λ0

− 30λ0 = 0.164 cm

b′ = 3λ0 ρ
= 2 · λ0 · 10λ0

− 20λ0 = 0.134 cm
Thus, G0 = 0.032
= 156.27 or equivalently 21.93 dB. So, the correct one is


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