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Beaconhouse Educational Complex

Early Years & Primary Section

Summer Reinforcement
Grade 3
Session 2021-22

Activity 1
Learn to cook any special dish with your mom during vacations and write a procedure for it.
• Activity details
• Accompany your mom in the kitchen and prepare all the ingredients
• Explain the steps to cook the dish using time and sequence vocabulary (first, then, next, after
that, finally and at the end)
• Make a small video while cooking
• Upload the video in Google classroom
• Write a procedure of cooking any special dish that you learnt during summer vacations.
Activity 2
Read aloud the story “Carla’s Sandwich” on the given link and write
down the character sketch of Carla. While writing the character sketch keep the below given criteria in

General statement introducing the character, physical description, includes likes/dislikes

and special qualities, concluding statement giving own point of view and has descriptive

Activity 3
Make a small booklet and write your tour diary. In the diary, draw and describe the places you visited
during the summer break, the food you ate, the activities you did and any specialty of the place you
Activity 4
Read the given information carefully and write a report on junk food. Enlist the given information
under main heading and subheadings.

Some fast foods are high in calories and low in nutritional value. Foods commonly considered junk
foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and sugary carbonated
beverages. Junk food contains large amounts of fat, and as fat goes around your body you will gain
more weight and later become fat. The more weight you continue to get, the more you are at risk of
disease. People should stop eating junk foods. They should exercise more. They should eat vegetables
and go on weight loss.
Beaconhouse Educational Complex
Early Years & Primary Section

Summer Reinforcement
Grade 3
Session 2021-22

While writing keep the below given criteria in mind

Introductory statement Arranging relevant information under Write the concluding

each sub-headings statement

Title of the report Use present tense Include an illustration

Activity 5
Plan to visit a zoo during the summer vacation and write a recount of visiting a zoo following the
criteria given below.
Understand the main features of a recount, setting – telling who, where, when and why, events in
time order/ using time and sequence vocabulary and use of past tense

Activity 6
Skipping rope activity:
Use a skipping rope in your house, jump and count how many jumps you can do in a gap and write
down the number of jumps per day. Order the counts in descending and ascending order at the end
of the week.
Activity 7

Make a place value chart using any chart paper or A4 sheet and cut the circle cutouts as counters
of hundreds, tens and ones of three different colours. Do addition and subtraction of any five 3 digit
numbers and draw pictorial representation of it.
Watch the videos using the given link for reference.
Beaconhouse Educational Complex
Early Years & Primary Section

Summer Reinforcement
Grade 3
Session 2021-22

Activity 8
Make a 3-D shape model of a castle or robot using any recycling material.

Activity 9
Practice addition, subtraction, fractions and time using the given links of Math learning center.

Activity 10
Grow a plant and nurture it.
Do not throw away used containers if you have any at home. Make a beautiful pot by making designs
on it and then painting it. Leave it to dry. Next, make a hole at the base of the pot. Fill the pot with
soil. Sow some seeds (rajma, chana, corn etc.) in the pot. Water the seeds every day and watch them
grow into a plant! Make sure your pot receives sunlight too. Click a picture of your plant and send it to
Activity 11
Lets recycle:
Use waste and discarded materials to create something interesting. Only use material that is
available at home, for example, cardboard, glitter, wrapping paper etc. Pencil holders, wall hangings,
photo frames, piggy banks or any other item of your choice can be made.
‫‪Beaconhouse Educational Complex‬‬
‫‪Early Years & Primary Section‬‬

‫‪Summer Reinforcement‬‬
‫‪Grade 3‬‬
‫‪Session 2021-22‬‬

‫‪Activity 12‬‬
‫‪Parts of body:‬‬
‫‪Make a scrapbook showing the internal and external parts of the body. You can draw or paste‬‬
‫‪pictures. Write the functions and importance of each body part. You can take help from the following‬‬
‫‪Activity 13‬‬

‫درج ذلیونعاانت رپریپارگاف اسدےاحفصت(اےوفرٹیش)رپےئیھکلاوروصترییھبانبےیئ۔‬

‫‪Activity 14‬‬
‫سکی ے‬ ‫ے‬
‫دیےئگکنلےساردوتغلاکاامعتسل ے۔‬‫ئ‬
‫‪Activity 15‬‬

‫‪Activity 16‬‬

‫‪Activity 17‬‬

‫دسرپدنوںاوراجونروں ےکانمےئیھکلاوراصتوریانبےیئ۔‬
‫‪Activity 18‬‬


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