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Behavioural Processes 129 (2016) 86–93

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Low frequency dove coos vary across noise gradients in an urbanized

Fengyi Guo a,b , Timothy C. Bonebrake a,b , Caroline Dingle b,∗
School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Urbanization poses a challenge to bird communication due to signal masking by ambient noise and reflec-
Received 20 November 2015 tive surfaces that lead to signal degradation. Bird species (especially oscines) have been shown to alter
Received in revised form 23 May 2016 their singing behaviour to increase signal efficiency in highly urbanized environments. However, few
Accepted 2 June 2016
studies on the effects of noise on song structure have included birds with low frequency vocal signals
Available online 3 June 2016
which may be especially vulnerable to noise pollution due to significant frequency overlap of their signals
with traffic noise. We compared the perch coos of spotted doves (Streptopelia chinensis), a species with
very low frequency vocalizations, in different background noise levels across urban and peri-urban areas
Anthropogenic noise
in Hong Kong. We documented a 10% upward shift in the minimum frequency of coos of spotted doves
Coo across the noise gradient (a relatively small but significant shift), and a reduced maximum frequency in
Frequency urban habitats with a higher density of built up area. Hong Kong doves had significantly higher mini-
Signals mum and maximum frequencies than doves from throughout their range (from mostly rural sites). Our
Urbanization results indicate that urban species with extremely low sound frequencies such as doves can alter their
vocalizations in response to variable urban acoustic environments.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction masking effects of low frequency urban traffic noise (e.g. great tits
Parus major, Slabbekoorn and Peet, 2003; house finches Carpodacus
Acoustic signals play crucial roles in bird communication and mexicanus, Bermúdez-Cuamatzin et al., 2011; silvereyes Zosterops
convey important information used in territorial defence and mate lateralis, Potvin et al., 2011). Other observed responses include
attraction (Catchpole and Slater, 2003; Collins, 2004). Anthro- amplitude shifts (e.g. common nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos,
pogenic modifications to the acoustic environment, especially in Brumm, 2004), changing song lengths (e.g. house finches Carpo-
densely populated urbanized areas, have the potential to affect ani- dacus mexicanus Fernández-Juricic et al., 2005) and increasing the
mal communication in various ways. Low-frequency urban noise amount of time spent singing (e.g. serins Serinus serinus Díaz et al.,
from traffic and industry can mask signals (Halfwerk et al., 2011; 2011).
Rabin and Greene, 2002; Slabbekoorn and Peet, 2003; Warren et al., Species vocalizing at low sound frequencies are likely to be more
2006) while sound reverberation from multiple reflective surfaces susceptible to the masking effects of noise pollution than those with
might degrade bird signals due to echoes (Warren et al., 2006). In higher frequencies vocalizations (4–7 kHz) which may not suffer
dense urban habitats, sound attenuation by the concrete walls of from the masking effects of urban noise (Hu and Cardoso, 2009;
tall buildings might also limit sound transmission distances (Leader Rheindt, 2003; Slabbekoorn, 2013; Slabbekoorn and Ripmeester,
et al., 2005; Parris and McCarthy, 2013; Warren et al., 2006). 2008, but see Moiron et al., 2015). Species with intermediate mini-
A growing body of research has documented a variety of changes mum signal frequencies (1.5–4 kHz) have been shown to be capable
in the signals of birds in noisy acoustic environments. One of the of adjusting their signal frequencies to minimize the impact of
most commonly documented responses to urban noise is for birds overlap with anthropogenic noise (Hu and Cardoso, 2010; Parris
to sing songs with higher frequencies, presumably to avoid the and Schneider, 2009). Species vocalizing at very low frequencies
(below 1 kHz), however, will have a high proportion of their sig-
nals masked by low frequency background noise. For such species,
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Earth Sciences, James Lee Science Build-
it could be difficult to shift the frequencies of their songs suffi-
ing, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong.
ciently to overcome the masking effect of urban noise, and thus
E-mail address: (C. Dingle). these species might require the adoption of other non-frequency
0376-6357/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
F. Guo et al. / Behavioural Processes 129 (2016) 86–93 87

Fig. 1. Map indicating the location of the 22 sampling sites used in this study. (10 of the original 32 sites were not included due to small sample sizes.) Black dots in dark
grey areas represent urban sites in dense built-up areas, and white dots represent peri-urban sites in open areas like shrublands and farmlands.

vocal adjustments (Francis et al., 2011; Hu and Cardoso, 2010). In very low frequency signals respond to noise in urban areas and
a model predicting the decrease in active space of avian signals in what the consequences might be for their success in these novel
noisy areas, Parris and McCarthy (2013) concluded that birds with environments.
frequencies around 1.5 kHz should benefit most from frequency Doves (family Columbidae) are abundant residents of many
shifts and thus should be more likely to switch to higher frequen- cities and seem to have successfully adapted to urban environ-
cies in noisy urban areas. The Parris and McCarthy (2013) model ments (Chace and Walsh, 2006). The dominant frequencies of urban
applies well to available data on oscine passerines, but the model anthropogenic noise strongly overlap with the low frequencies of
is so far untested with birds of frequencies lower than 1.5 kHz. Hu dove coos which are used for both long-range (perch coo) and
and Cardoso (2010) found that only three out of nine bird species short-range (bow coo) communication (de Kort and ten Cate, 2004;
with song or call frequencies lower than 1.5 kHz showed signif- Patricelli and Blickley, 2006; Rheindt, 2003). This signal masking
icant increases in minimum frequency in their vocalizations in seems to contradict their apparent success in urban environments
noisy urban areas. The species with the lowest frequencies (pied (Slabbekoorn et al., 1999; Viney et al., 2005). Non-oscine species
currawong Strepera graculina: Fmin = 0.55 kHz, Australian magpie like doves are traditionally thought to be incapable of significantly
Gymnorhina tibicen: Fmin = 0.61 kHz, and grey butcherbird Cracti- changing the acoustic features of their signals through behavioural
cus torquatus: Fmin = 0.75 kHz) did not show any significant shift at modification (Patricelli and Blickley, 2006), and thus they might
all. It therefore remains unclear how non-passerine species with suffer more than oscines from anthropogenic impacts such as
88 F. Guo et al. / Behavioural Processes 129 (2016) 86–93

urbanization (Ríos-Chelén et al., 2012). Some doves exhibit a strong spotted doves were the most vocal (Zhou et al., 2004). Recordings
negative response to noise; mourning doves (Zenaida macroura), for were collected using a Marantz PMD-660 field recorder connected
example, prefer nesting sites away from noise sources (Francis et al., to a Sennheiser ME66 short-shotgun microphone, with the micro-
2009, 2011). Recent large comparative studies also suggest that low phone pointing directly towards the individual dove at distances
frequency vocalizing species tend to avoid noisy areas more than of 3–15 m. Each dove was recorded for 2–3 min or until the dove
high frequency species (Cardoso, 2014; Francis, 2015 but see also stopped calling. All individuals were recorded in natural conditions
Moiron et al., 2015). and no disturbance was made to their behaviours. No recordings
To investigate how doves cope in urban environments despite were made in bad weather such as heavy rain, wind, or typhoon
the very low frequency of their vocalizations, we recorded and ana- conditions. Information on individual sex and body size could not
lysed individual dove coos from urban and peri-urban sites across be obtained given the remote recordings.
a noise gradient in Hong Kong. We focused on the perch coo of Background noise levels were measured immediately after each
spotted doves (Streptopelia chinensis), which is likely used for both recording session was finished, using a SL-4001 Sound Level Meter
mate attraction and territorial defence (de Kort and ten Cate, 2004; (slow response time, A-weighted, 20 ␮ Pa as a reference value) held
Slabbekoorn and ten Cate, 1998), usually produced from a high horizontally at breast height (approximately 1.1 m). First, the meter
perch and thus considered a long-range signal (de Kort and ten Cate, was pointed in a random direction to get an average reading over
2004). We classified sampling sites based on two factors likely to a five second period, then the sound level meter was rotated 90◦
affect acoustic characteristics of dove coos, background noise level to the right and another reading was obtained. This procedure was
and percent urban built up area (to represent the relative density repeated until four measurements from each of the four directions
of reflective surfaces which could lead to reverberations; Dowling (one set) were obtained (Minor and Urban, 2010). Immediately
et al., 2012; Warren et al., 2006). We predicted that doves would after the first set of noise recordings were completed, the procedure
increase the minimum frequency of their coos in response to noise was repeated to get a second set of noise recordings. In cases when
and urbanization. In addition, we compared dove coos from Hong an unusual sound occurred while measuring background noise lev-
Kong with those from peri-urban or rural sites outside of Hong els (e.g. a car occasionally driving by in a quiet place or when cicadas
Kong (using recordings available in online libraries) to see if a cor- began singing loudly), the first set of four recordings was completed
relation between noise level/habitat structure and coo frequency is and the second set was not initiated until the intermittent noise
consistent throughout their range. had ceased, allowing us to obtain a more representative reading of
average noise levels (Hu and Cardoso, 2010).
All eight measurements (two for each direction) were averaged
2. Materials and methods
to produce a single noise level (AdB) for each location where a dove
was recorded. Since the decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit, each of
2.1. Study site and organism
the eight noise measurements was first converted to a linear scale
before taking the average (Jacobsen and Juhl 2013). Finally, the site
Hong Kong (22◦ 09 –22◦ 37 N, 113◦ 52 –114◦ 30 E) is a dense
noise level (Noise) was determined as the median value of all the
metropolis with a population of more than 7 million people in a
AdB values from each recording location in that site, so that the
total land area of 1104 km2 . Most urban development is constrained
effects of extreme noisy points such as roadsides of urban parks
to 20%–30% of its landmass, due to hilly topography (Lam et al.,
would be avoided (Lam et al., 2005).
2005). The rest of the land area is protected mainly in the form of
country parks, covered by secondary forests, shrub land, and grass-
2.3. Acoustic analysis
land (Jim, 1986; Zhou and Chu, 2012). 32 sample sites were selected
across Hong Kong and classified as urban or peri-urban based on the
Recordings were digitized at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz, con-
density of urban built-up land as classified by the consensus global
verted to spectrograms and analysed using Raven Pro 1.5 (www.
land cover dataset of Tuanmu and Jetz (2014). The dataset repre-, using a Hann window with window size
sents the percentage of built-up area at the resolution of a 1 km by
of 2282, and a fast Fourier transformation (FFT) length of 4092,
1 km grid. Sites were classified as urban if the urban built-up area
resulting in a fine frequency resolution of 10.8 Hz (Charif et al.,
was above 10% (Fig. 1). The GIS classification was largely consistent
2010). Recordings with faint spectrograms or those greatly masked
with the onsite observation. We used ArcGIS version 10.1 for this
by some external noise sources (e.g. sounds from other animals or
human conversation) were not included for the sake of accuracy.
The spotted dove is a native species to India and Southeast Asia
Recordings that included more than one dove interacting were also
and has been introduced widely throughout the world (Rasmussen
discarded as birds might modify coo characteristics when interact-
and Anderton, 2005; Viney et al., 2005). As with other species in
ing with each other (Brumm and Todt, 2004). In cases where one
the genus, it is commonly found in open woodland or near human
individual switched its coo type during a single recording, one coo
settlements such as farmlands and urban parks (MacKinnon et al.,
type was randomly selected for the analysis.
2000; Slabbekoorn et al., 1999; Viney et al., 2005). Although some-
We defined a coo as the shortest repeating unit in a record-
times found at the edge of open secondary forests, they are scarcely
ing set (de Kort and ten Cate, 2004). Perch coos of spotted doves
seen in deep forests (King et al., 1975; Yong et al., 2013). In Hong
are low in frequency (450–1000 Hz) and have narrow bandwidths
Kong, spotted doves are an abundant resident, widely distributed in
(Slabbekoorn et al., 1999). Spotted doves use multiple coo types
habitats such as countryside, urban parks, and wooded areas (Viney
that vary in the number of notes (especially the terminal notes)
et al., 2005).
and overall length (Ali and Ripley, 1981; Rasmussen and Anderton,
2005). In Hong Kong, we recorded four coo types, two of which were
2.2. Field recordings and noise measurements predominant perch coos and were the focus of acoustic analysis:
Type A (four notes) and Type B (three notes) (Fig. 2).
We recorded doves in the field from June 13th to August 6th, We measured three frequency features: minimum frequency,
2014. We aimed to record at least three individuals at each site dur- maximum frequency and peak frequency. Both pitch perception
ing this period. To avoid the confounding factor of changes in dove and modulation of formant frequencies function on a logrithmic
activity levels at different times of the day, only one site was vis- scale and therefore, using linear scale measurement can over-
ited per day, between 7:00 am and 11:00 am, during which time the estimate frequency shifts in high frequency signals, especially
F. Guo et al. / Behavioural Processes 129 (2016) 86–93 89

secutive coos of a single type (either 3 or 4 notes, Fig. 2) within a

single bout of vocalization for each individual. Occasionally a dove
would drop the first one or two short notes from an individual coo
within the bout. As these notes never had the minimum, maximum
or peak frequency for the coo, we included these coos in our anal-
ysis, measuring the remaining notes of those incomplete coos as
we did in normal cases, and the coo type was determined based
on other complete coos measured in the same recording. Coo mea-
surements were averaged first by individual, then by site to provide
an overall value for each site.
We first compared the frequency variables between the two coo
types (Type A/four notes and Type B/three notes) using Welch two
sample t-tests. To test whether the use of coo type varied by habitat
or by level of background noise, we then used a generalized linear
model (GLM) with binomial logistic regression with coo type as the
dependent variable and both habitat type (urban vs. peri-urban)
and background noise as the factors. We used a Welch two sam-
ple t-test to compare background noise levels between urban and
peri-urban sites. To test the effect of habitat type on the frequency
characteristics of dove coos, we used Welch two sample t-tests (for
minimum frequency) and Wilcoxon rank sum tests (for maximum
and peak frequency, as these were not normally distributed). We
constructed linear models to assess the potential impacts of habi-
tat type, noise levels, and SNR on each of the frequency variables.
We first ran models for each three acoustic variables using only
habitat and noise level as the explanatory factors. Then we re-ran
the models for minimum and peak frequency including SNR as an
additional factor as we found that SNR had an impact on our mea-
surements of minimum frequency (see results below). We ran this
model first for all coos combined, and then for each coo type sepa-
rately. All statistical analyses were conducted in R version 3.2.2 (R
Core Team, 2014).

2.4. Distribution-wide analysis

As spotted doves have a wide distribution, we were interested

Fig. 2. Spectrogram of the two dominant coo types of spotted dove perch coos; (a) to see if urban and rural coos also differed in sites outside of Hong
Type A coo with four notes, and (b) Type B coo with three notes (more common than
Type A).
Kong. Twenty other spotted dove recordings (see SI Table 1 for the
distributions of 20 world dove sampling sites) were obtained from
Xeno-Canto ( and compared to coos
in comparisons across large frequency ranges between species recorded in Hong Kong. Only recordings of the same subspecies
(Cardoso, 2013). However, as our focus is on within-species com- (Streptopelia chinensis chinensis) with good quality sonograms were
parison here, where the impact of that bias is expected to be small chosen for the analysis, following the same criteria used to select
(Cardoso, 2013), we measured the frequency variables linearly for recordings from Hong Kong. We converted recordings to spectro-
convienence. Peak frequency was determined automatically using grams and measured the coo features of world doves with Raven
Raven as the frequency at which maximum power occurs (Charif using the same protocol as the Hong Kong doves. We applied the
et al., 2010), while other acoustic data were extracted from spec- same urban and peri-urban classification method with urban built-
trograms, using manual placement of the cursor. This method has up density data (Tuanmu and Jetz, 2014) to the sites of recordings
been criticized due to the potential for inaccuracies in measuring taken from Xeno-Canto. Most sites were classified as peri-urban (3
absolute minimum frequencies especially when measuring songs urban sites and 17 peri-urban sites). Therefore, we only included
recorded in noise (Grace and Anderson, 2015; Zollinger et al., 2012). the peri-urban sites (which would more accurately be classified
However, transmission experiments have shown that the magni- as “rural” because they had 0% built-up area) of world doves to
tude of this error is likely to be relatively small (Verzijden et al., compare with those in Hong Kong.
2010). Throughout our measurement processes, the artefacts were Note that background noise levels could not be obtained for the
greatly reduced by dynamically adjusting the greyscale of spec- world recordings from Xeno-Canto. However, based on qualitative
trogram to fully visualize the entire frequency range (Cardoso and examination of the “anthropogenic noise band” on spectrograms,
Atwell, 2012). We directly measured the potential for measure- low frequency background noise generally appeared to be much
ment error caused by an overlap between background noise and greater in Hong Kong sites (including peri-urban sites) than world
the dove coos by calculating the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of each sites. This suggests, not surprisingly, that the Hong Kong sites are
coo measurement and correlating that with the difference between noisier and more urbanized than the sites outside of Hong Kong
peak and minimum frequency of each coo (an indication of mea- where the doves were recorded. The coo feature datasets of 120
surement error). As we found a significant correlation between SNR birds from Hong Kong and the 17 “world rural doves” were com-
and this difference, we included SNR in the statistical analysis as an bined but were not averaged across sites in this analysis. The limited
additional explanatory factor. sample size of world doves also made separate analyses on coo
Dove vocalization consisted of bouts of consecutive coos, types not possible and thus all coos were analysed together. We
repeated for up to several minutes. We aimed to analyse 10 con- used One-way ANOVA with Tukey contrasts to test the differences
90 F. Guo et al. / Behavioural Processes 129 (2016) 86–93

Table 1 Table 3
Comparison of frequency features between distinct coo types (Type A and Type B) Summary of linear model results examining the effects of habitat, noise and signal
by Welch two sample t-test. to noise ratio (SNR) on frequency features as well as minumum frequency in each
coo type separately.
Type A (n = 43) Type B (n = 77) t P
Response variable Factor DF Estimate t P
Minimum frequency (Hz) 542.2 ± 34.7 523.7 ± 35.8 2.77 0.007
Maximum frequency (Hz) 880.4 ± 48.7 861.9 ± 45.8 2.03 0.045 Maximum frequency Habitat 1 −38.57 −4.10 <0.001
Peak frequency (Hz) 749.8 ± 48.3 719.2 ± 55.1 3.16 0.002 Noise 1 0.75 1.15 0.26
Error 19
Minimum frequency Habitat 1 6.02 0.81 0.43
Table 2 Noise 1 1.54 3.02 0.007
Summary of noise level and spotted dove coo features in urban and peri-urban Hong Error 19
Kong compared by Welch two sample t-test (for noise and minimum frequency) or Peak frequency Habitat 1 −5.20 −0.41 0.69
Wilcoxon rank sum test (for maximum and peak frequency). Noise 1 0.39 0.44 0.66
Error 19
Peri-urban (n = 7) Urban (n = 15) t W P Minimum frequency Habitat 1 −13.33 −2.70 0.015
Noise (dB) 52.6 ± 7.7 54.4 ± 6.8 −0.51 – 0.62 Noise 1 1.27 4.55 <0.001
Minimum frequency (Hz) 524.6 ± 19.1 533.3 ± 19.1 −0.99 – 0.34 SNR 1 −3.75 −6.81 <0.001
Maximum frequency (Hz) 893.6 ± 25.8 856.3 ± 18.0 – 95 0.002 Error 18
Peak frequency (Hz) 734.5 ± 22.0 730.0 ± 28.9 – 65.5 0.38 Peak frequency Habitat 1 −14.80 −0.96 0.351
Noise 1 0.25 0.29 0.775
SNR 1 −1.86 −1.08 0.295
Error 18
in dove coo characteristics between world rural sites with Hong Minimum frequency (Type A) Habitat 1 −15.08 −1.22 0.24
Kong urban and peri-urban sites. All statistical analyses were done Noise 1 1.28 1.53 0.15
in R version 3.2.2 (R Core Team, 2014). SNR 1 −4.65 −2.85 0.01
Error 16
Minimum frequency (Type B) Habitat 1 −13.22 −2.29 0.034
3. Results Noise 1 1.44 4.28 <0.001
SNR 1 −2.93 −4.79 <0.001
Error 18
3.1. Hong Kong doves

Our analysis included recorded coos from 120 individual doves

effect of habitat in that the minimum frequency of urban coos were
from 22 sites in Hong Kong (Fig. 1). Ten sites with fewer than
slightly lower than peri-urban coos (Table 3). Peak frequency did
three recorded individuals were not included in the analysis. We
not correlate with any of the explanatory variables (Tables 2 and 3;
analysed 7.4 ± 2.93 (Mean ± S.D.) coos on average per individual
without SNR: F = 0.16, R2 = 0, P = 0.85; with SNR: F = 0.50, R2 = 0,
dove. Among all 120 samples, Type A coos (n = 43) had significantly
P = 0.69).
higher frequencies (for all three frequency variables) than Type
When we analysed each coo type separately, the maximum
B coos (n = 77) (Table 1). There was no evidence that doves use
frequency of both coo types was higher in peri-urban habitats.
the coo types differently in different habitats or noise levels—both
However, for Type A coos (which had higher minimum frequen-
coo types were used equally in each habitat type and in quiet
cies than Type B coos), the minimum frequency did not correlate
and noisy sites (GLM: ZHabitat = 0.67, PHabitat = 0.51, ZNoise = −0.087,
with background noise level nor with habitat, but only with SNR
PNoise = 0.93).
(Table 3; F = 3.15, R2 = 0.25, P = 0.05). For Type B coos, the minimum
Unexpectedly, the amplitude of background noise did not dif-
frequency was significantly correlated with both urban habitat and
fer significantly between urban and peri-urban sites (Table 2).
with background noise level (Table 3; F = 18.29, R2 = 0.71, P < 0.001).
Background noise levels did vary across sampling sites, but the
variation could not be explained by percent built-up area in each
site, the measure we used to categorize our sampling sites. This 3.2. Distribution-wide analysis
may reflect a high degree of variation in noise levels within each
site, or some other factors affecting noise level which we did not This analysis combined recordings from 120 doves from
measure. Despite the lack of significant noise differences between Hong Kong and 17 doves from other parts of the world (SI
urban and peri-urban sites, we found that maximum frequency Table 1). Compared to doves in Hong Kong (from either urban
of dove coos was significantly higher in peri-urban sites than in or peri-urban sites), doves from other parts of the range (from
urban sites, but did not vary with noise (Tables 2 and 3; F = 8.58, primarily rural sites) had significantly lower minimum frequencies
R2 = 0.42, P = 0.002). In contrast, minimum frequency increased sig- (Fig. 4; ANOVA: F2 = 20.8, P < 0.001; Pairwise(World–HKPeri-urban) :
nificantly with increasing levels of background noise, but did not t = −4.65, P < 0.001; Pairwise(World–HKUrban) : t = −6.44, P < 0.001)
differ between urban and peri-urban sites (Tables 2 and 3; Fig. 3; and maximum frequencies (Fig. 4; ANOVA: F2 = 9.56,
F = 5.25, R2 = 0.29, P = 0.015). Our test for measurement bias showed P < 0.001; Pairwise(World–HKPeri-urban) : t = −3.80, P < 0.001;
that the difference between peak and minimum frequency was pos- Pairwise(World–HKUrban) : t = −1.49, P = 0.29). We found no sig-
itively correlated with SNR (Linear Regression: F118 = 18.7, R2 = 0.13, nificant difference for peak frequency across populations (Fig. 4;
P < 0.001), and the SNR was negatively correlated with background ANOVA: F2 = 1.04, P = 0.36).
noise level (Linear Regression: F118 = 12.35, R2 = 0.09, P < 0.001).
This indicates that recording quality generally decreased with an 4. Discussion
increase in background noise and that this may have resulted in
measurement error in the direction predicted by our hypothesis. We found that the minimum frequency of the coos of spotted
We therefore re-ran the analysis with SNR as a covariate in the doves correlates with levels of background noise: coos of doves
minimum frequency model and found that a significant portion in noisy areas had significantly higher minimum frequencies than
of the variability in minimum frequency across sites could still be those living in quieter environments. This response is consistent
explained by differences in noise levels, with minimum frequency with a common (although not ubiquitous) trend of an upward fre-
increasing with increasing levels of background noise (Table 3; quency shift in noisy habitats documented in other urban bird
F = 27.29, R2 = 0.79, P < 0.001). In this model, we also found a small species (reviewed in Brumm and Zollinger, 2013; Slabbekoorn and
F. Guo et al. / Behavioural Processes 129 (2016) 86–93 91


Minimum Frequency (Hz)




50 60 70
Noise (dB)

Fig. 3. Significant linear relationship of minimum frequency with background noise across the 22 sampling sites, with ± 95% standard error bars.
Minimum Frequency (Hz)

mum frequency of Hong Kong dove coos were significantly higher

600 than those recorded in sites outside Hong Kong further supports
this hypothesis.
Spotted dove coos have a minimum frequency of about 500 Hz,
500 1 kHz below the frequency range modelled by Parris and McCarthy
450 (2013). Extrapolating from their model, we would predict that the
minimum frequency of spotted dove coos should increase by 1.23%,
or 6.15 Hz per dB of noise increase. After correcting for potential
HK Peri-urban HK Urban World Rural
measuring artefacts induced by low SNRs in noisy habitats, we
observed that spotted doves exhibited increased minimum fre-
quencies of only 1.27 Hz dB−1 (Table 3). The results of our study
Maximum Frequency (Hz)

could therefore help contribute to the general applicability of their

1000 model. Although doves may benefit greatly from shifting their coos
above the frequency range of traffic noise, they may be constrained
900 by their relatively simple syrinx morphology that is only capa-
ble of limited frequency variation (Beckers et al., 2003; Elemans
800 et al., 2008; Slabbekoorn and ten Cate, 1998). The relatively small
shift in frequencies observed could also be a consequence of lim-
HK Peri-urban HK Urban World Rural
ited coo plasticity and a lack of learning ability (Kroodsma, 2004;
Ríos-Chelén et al., 2012; Secondi et al., 2002; Slabbekoorn and ten
Cate, 1998). However, there is some evidence that even a small shift
in coo frequency may still be important for dove communication.
Playback experiments with collared doves (Streptopelia decaocto)
Peak Frequency (Hz)

revealed that doves can perceive the difference in coos modulated
800 by as little as 11% from their own coos (Slabbekoorn and ten Cate,
750 1997), and rock doves (Columba livia) can discriminate frequency
700 changes of 5–10 Hz when frequency is lower than 500 Hz (Sinnott
650 et al., 1980).
600 We found that the response to noise differed by coo type.
HK Peri-urban HK Urban World Rural Type B coos had higher minimum frequencies associated with
noise levels while no such shift could be found for Type A coos.
Fig. 4. Boxplot of coo features (top; minimum frequency, middle; maximum fre- This might be related to the different information conveyed in
quency, bottom; peak frequency) for spotted doves recorded in Hong Kong (urban
either type and the different function associated with coo type (Gil
and peri-urban) and recordings from throughout its natural distribution range (rural
sites). and Gahr, 2002), and thus not all types change consistently with
environmental properties (Potvin et al., 2011). However, as there
was no significant preference of either coo type in a given habi-
Ripmeester, 2008) and provides evidence that species with very tat or with background noise levels, we attribute the correlations
low frequency vocalizations may also be capable of adjusting their between frequency characteristics and environmental features to
signals in noisy urban conditions. The observation that the mini-
92 F. Guo et al. / Behavioural Processes 129 (2016) 86–93

direct modifications within coo types, rather than replacement of of the effects of single factors on song, thus providing strong evi-
different coo types (Cardoso and Atwell, 2011a). dence for the effect of noise on song structure, they may offer
The frequency increase observed in several avian species could limited insights into the multiple factors that may affect signals
be a coupled result of the Lombard effect, in which animals increase in dense and noisy urban habitats.
sound amplitude in response to background noise (Brumm and Our study provides evidence that low frequency non-passerine
Naguib, 2009; Brumm and Todt, 2002; Brumm and Zollinger, species vocalize differently in areas with varying levels of back-
2011; Cynx et al., 1998; Potash, 1972). Elemans et al. (2008) also ground noises and urban built-up densities. Spotted doves shifted
demonstrated that ring doves (Streptopelia risoria) cannot control their frequencies as predicted if they were avoiding signal masking
coo frequency and amplitude independently due to their sim- by low frequency background noise common in highly urbanized
ple syringeal morphology. However, one important prediction of areas. We demonstrate that the vocal signals of extremely low fre-
increasing frequency as by-product of Lombard effect is that the fre- quency vocalizing species do differ in noisy and quiet areas, a novel
quency of the entire vocalization will shift (Brumm and Zollinger, result in line with the results from studies on higher frequency
2011; Cardoso and Atwell, 2011b). Yet, in our results, neither birds. To determine whether these signal shifts are adaptive, future
peak frequency nor maximum frequency of dove coos shifted with studies will require direct investigation of the sound transmission
increasing noise level. Therefore, instead of a by-product of singing efficiency as well as reproductive success of doves with different
with increased amplitude, the increase in minimum frequency that coo features in the same habitats (as with great tits in Halfwerk
we observed is more likely to be an adaptive response to anthro- et al., 2011). In combination with the current study, this could give
pogenic low frequency noise (Cardoso and Atwell, 2011b). new insights into the evolution of animals in the novel habitats of
The results from the urban and peri-urban habitats are more the Anthropocene.
difficult to interpret. In Hong Kong, maximum frequency was sig-
nificantly lower in urban sites than in peri-urban sites. Minimum
frequency was only related to habitat type in the model that
included SNR as a variable, and minimum frequency was lower
We would like to thank Biyu Du, Jiayue Zhang, Yixian Zhou, and
in urban habitats. Since noise levels did not differ significantly
the many undergraduates at HKU who helped with the collection
between urban and peri-urban sites, these frequency changes are
of data in the field. Thanks also go to Tsang Pak Nok Toby and
likely related to other habitat features, such as multiple scatter-
anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on early versions of
ing surfaces present in urban habitats which would affect higher
this manuscript. This study was funded by the Summer Research
frequencies more than lower frequencies (e.g. through sound atten-
Fellowship (SRF) Scheme of the Faculty of Science, The University
uation; Slabbekoorn et al., 2002). Reduction in coo frequency of
of Hong Kong.
urban doves might therefore be a strategy of reducing frequency-
dependent attenuation and thus optimizing sound transmission
efficiency and broadcast range in a closed habitat, as predicted by Appendix A. Supplementary data
the acoustic adaptation hypothesis (Boncoraglio and Saino, 2007;
Brumm and Naguib, 2009; Dowling et al., 2012; Ey and Fischer, Supplementary data associated with this article can be found,
2009; Leader et al., 2005; Morton, 1975; Wiley and Richards, 1982). in the online version, at
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