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The American Dream is an important concept for you to understand - although

how it is perceived now, is quite different to how it would have been seen back in
the early 20th Century. Do some research into it and answer the following

 Why was the American Dream so important to the early settlers and new
migrants to the US?
American Dream was an idea that anyone, regardless of where they were born,
can achieve their goals with hard work and effort. It is important to migrants to
the US because they hoped that they could find a chance to change their lives
(from being poor to a better life). Many people came to the US since they
believed that the US was the perfect place to change their lives where liberty and
many job opportunities could be found. At that time, the world economy was
devastated, people were willing to do anything to attain a better lives, even if
they had to leave their homeland for a foreign country, they did that anyway
since they believed in the American Dream.

 To what extent is the American Dream actually everyone’s dream?

The American Dream is a dream of most people. Especially for the working and
lower class, a better life in which they have enough to provide for their families is
always a dream for them. In terms of middle class and upper class, though they
already have enough, sometimes more than enough money to live comfortably,
many of them still want more, they believe that working harder will only bring
more fortune and more fortune means happiness.
But for many people, they are content with how much they have and they are
grateful for being alive, so the American Dream for them is absurd and it will only
bring them dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

 How realistic is the American Dream?

Let's assume that the American Dream is a dream of a decent life, it does not
have to be glamourous or luxurious, but it should be comfortable and
happy. Unfortunately, the American Dream is still not realistic and attainable for
many people. There are numerous reasons for this phenomenon. For example,
many university graduates have to carry student loans for their whole life,
obviously they can't live comfortably with limited budget, let alone that loans may
take decades to be paid back. Another example is the covid pandemic which
severely affects the world health and economy. The pandemic has forced many
small and medium businesses to bankrupt, many people to be unemployed, many
children to be orphans. There are so many more social and economic reasons
why the American Dream is still a dream for the working class and lower class. So I
don't think that anyone can live a comfortable life even if one works hard
Find out about the Dust Bowl. What was it and why was it significant?

Dust Bowl was an event that happened in the southern regions of the US and in
Canada in the 1930s. At the time, the southern regions suffered many severe dust
storms during a drought which killed many people, livestock and crops. This only
worsened the impact of the Great Depression and it forced many farming families
to leave their home ad search for work.

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