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Controlling blood glucose

Eating carbs – glucose in blood – metabolism of

cells removes glucose from blood (exercise = more

Glucose is used by the cells as an energy source.

A hormone called insulin helps maintain the right
amount of glucose in your blood, so cells get a
constant supply of energy.

If the blood glucoses levels go too low the

pancreas releases glucagon. The hormone acts on
the liver and muscles converting glucagon to
glucose increasing the blood glucose.

Diabetes type 1- The pancreas no longer produces

insulin, so you have to inject insulin after every

Diabetes type 2 – The body cells stop responding

to insulin due to poor lifestyle (poor diet, lack of
exercise) treatment involves medicines to increase
the cells sensitivity to insulin and have a healthier

What are hormones?

Hormones are chemically released directly into

the blood to regulate bodily processes. They are
carried in the blood plasma to other parts of the
body but only affect certain cells.
Hormones are chemical messengers which travel
in the blood to activate target cells.

Hormones are produced in various glands.

The endocrine system consists of glands and

hormones. The master gland is the pituitary gland
which is located in the brain but is not part of the

Thyroid gland produces thyroxin which is used to

regulate the rate of metabolism.
The pituitary gland produces FSH and LH. FSH
causes the egg to mature and LH stimulates the
release of an egg.

The pancreas produces insulin which is used to

regulate blood glucose.

The adrenal glands produce adrenaline which

prepares the body for shock – ‘fight or flight’.

The ovaries produce Oestrogen and Progesterone.

Oestrogen causes the lining of the uterus to grow.
Progesterone maintains the lining of the uterus.
This is found in females.

The testes produce testosterone which controls

puberty. This is found in males,

Plant hormones

Plants respond to light and gravity. They grow

towards the light and against gravity.
This growth is called Tropism.
Phototropism – growth in response to light.
Gravitropism – growth in response to gravity.
Hormone involved in growth is Auxin.

Gibberellins - Are used to increase food size, end

seed dormancy, promote flowering.

Ethene – Used to ripen fruit.

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