Vanish Magazine 103 - February 2023

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Paul Romhany & Joomag


Paul Romhany

Photo supplied by Wojtek Rotowski ur cover story is about a remarkable performer from Poland, Wojtek
Rotowski who, along with his team produce an amazing show. The author
Thomas L Swieciak has written this over the course of several years. The
BACK COVER PHOTO two articles, written under different circumstances from the perspective of
Thanks to Solange Kardinaly Wojtek Rotowski, offer a unique glimpse into how one small part of the world of
magic in Eastern Europe, specifically Poland, has been affected by the Ukraine
War. The second part of his story is just as remarkable because it talks about how
THANK YOU TO he is helping people from Ukraine get shelter and to safety. This is the type of
Chipper Lowell story that will inspire all readers and what we can do to help others.

Connie Boyd shares the story of Portuguese magician Solange Kardinaly

and being brought up in a multi-generational circus family. Many European
Nick Lewin magicians have deep roots in entertainment thanks to their circus upbringing.
Growing up in such an environment provides a solid entertainment and
ASSOCIATE EDITORS performance foundation with skills being passed down from generation to
Hal Meyers, Ben Robinson
Chances are when you are reading this, I will be on a plane heading back to
Canada. Our year in New Zealand is up and we are Canada bound moving
back to Vancouver. Last night Auckland was put in a state of emergency due to
Paul Romhany, Ben Harris, Dan Stapleton, massive flooding and the airport was under water. All going well it will be cleared
Louie Fox, Nick Lewin, Connie Boyd, by the time we fly out tomorrow. It has been quite the way to end the adventure.
Pierre Hamon & Gus, Dave Attwood, We had tickets to see Elton John, but they had to cancel for the safety of the
Patrick Kuffs, Hal Meyers. public and the crew. A wise decision. The saying, "The Show Must Go On," isn't
always the case!
Jennifer Holden Nick Lewin has his yearly Valentine Awards, and I think he's made the perfect
choice for Awards this year. He spends a lot of
CREATIVE DESIGNER & LAYOUT thought and time on these and all recipients are
Paul Romhany very deserving.


Steve Hocevar


Paul Romhany
New address so email
to posting any
The Great Pokkus
product reviews to


WOJTEK ROTOWSKI - the wizard warrior of warsaw

SOLANGE KARDINALY - born to be magical


DAN STAPLETON- roller coaster #2 - at death's door


NICK LEWIN- the valentine awards


IN MEMORY - joe stevens by paul gertner


celebrity silhouettes - trick


dameon's rising cards - trick



February 2023



74 76 FEBRUARY | 2023 7

Dear Reader,
This cover article of 'Vanish: International Magic Magazine' is a dual piece I have
written over the course of several years. The two articles, written under different
circumstances from the perspective of its subject, illusionist Wojtek Rotowski,
offer a unique glimpse into how one small part of the world of magic in Eastern
Europe, specifically Poland, has been affected by the Ukraine War. The first article,
completed prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has a much more light-hearted
tenor than its successor article. This, in retrospect, functions as an indirect effect
on the reader in examining both articles as a unit, and therefore means the dual
articles must be read as one extensive piece - at the very least for the purpose of
illustrating the unspoken effects of the war, literally occurring in the blank space
between the articles. From a more personal perspective, my very first article for a
magic publication was written about Mr. Rotowski, and we have since come to know
one another well. The second article in this pairing was as much a piece born of an
international crisis as it was of one person checking on the safety of another. What
these unique sets of circumstances have produced is something that I very much
desire will bring a portion of hopeful positivity, if even just a sliver, to the readers
of Vanish, as it has brought to me in composing it. I hope you enjoy reading about
Wojtek Rotowski - The Wizard Warrior of Warsaw

The Author

8 FEBRUARY | 2023
FEBRUARY | 2023 9
Wojtek Rotowski

10 FEBRUARY | 2023
FEBRUARY | 2023 11
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ojt c es
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WOJTEK ROTOWSKi plans for the performance were to play it several
times on the theater stage, and then to play

the performance from time to time. After the
"Theater is a portal into the world of premiere, it turned out that the interest was
imagination," Wojtek Rotowski said. "Many huge, and now we have been playing it every

'Czarodziej' was times, I lay on a dark stage in an empty

theater at night. I imagine actors who played
month for 7 years," he added.

making dreams
here 100 years ago - legendary directors who Aside from credentials obtained at The Higher
invented outstanding works, and now I lie School of Art and Design in Lodz, Poland,
here and absorb their energy like a sponge." Rotowski is a graduate of the prestigious Warsaw

come true, Being involved in musical theater since he

Film School. In addition to becoming a classically
trained mime, he has explored and mastered a

Wojtek Rotowski
was 9 years old made Wojtek Rotowski an variety of trades in circus performance, from stilt-
artistic Jack-of-all-trades. His early start walking to juggling.
would lead to a flourishing career in theater,
simply had a acting and music, as well as making him one
of the leading Polish authorities on magic by
However, before 'Czarodziej' was making dreams
come true, Wojtek Rotowski simply had a dream.

his early twenties.
That dream was to create a play which would
Wojtek is a firm believer in crafting magic meld music, magic, circus performance, and
performance into a narrative, as he classical theater into a family-friendly narrative
explained to Vanish magazine in 2018. "As that would encourage children to believe in
for presentation, scenarios should be created themselves and to use their imagination.
for tricks," Rotowski explained. This personal
belief was the source of Wojtek's desire to This dream would stay with Wojtek throughout
create a magician 'stage character,' rather his career in musical stage performance, starring
than simply performing as a magician. "Since in productions like Aladdin and Peter Pan, as
I love theater, I was fascinated not only by well as offering his voice to a variety of roles for
the idea of being a magician, but also by television. Rotowski's stage prowess eventually
creating the character of a magician that I landed him a role on Poland's Disney Channel.
can play," Rotowski said.
As luck would have it, Rotowski's theatrical
Thus was born 'Czarodziej,' or 'The Wizard.' performances ultimately granted him access to
Poland's leading stage illusionist, Maciej Pol. At
"'The Wizard' was a success that nobody the time, Wojtek was working on developing
expected," Rotowski said, looking back his own stage act, which consisted primarily of
on the profitable production. "The initial parlor magic.

14 FEBRUARY | 2023
"Together, we never failed to have lots of Upon meeting Rotowski,
Julia recounted how she was
fun and laughs, simultaneously with our immediately struck by his
hard work and professionalism." tireless work ethic.

Maciej Pol allowed Wojtek a glimpse of a
grand illusion, up close, for the first time. It was
a sawing-in-half box, the very first illusion that
Wojtek had ever seen performed live. Rotowski
was already growing adept at stagecraft,
working behind the scenes during shows and us, he was fun.
witnessing how props were developed. Wojtek about 20," That
decided to build one. Pasiorowska
said. "We began allowed
Having decided that he would build a working together us to really
sawing-in-half box from the ground up, very soon after we met," enjoy working
Wojtek committed to presenting the illusion she added. together, inspire one
as the grand finale in his new show. However, another, and in the end, look
Rotowski had one problem - he did not have Upon meeting Rotowski, Julia recounted how back on those performances as our 'favorites'
a stage partner who would perform inside the she was immediately struck by his tireless in their own unique way," Pasiorowska noted
box. work ethic. "It quickly became very apparent with reminiscence.
that my first impression of him as a very hard-
Wojtek knew he needed the perfect stage working, passionate, driven, multi-talented, Very shortly after their first meeting, Wojtek
partner to saw in half. and extremely creative young artist was very began taking Julia's measurements to build
accurate," Pasiorowska said. his grand finale illusion specifically customized
It was then that Wojtek saw Julia. to the young dancer's 13-year-old frame. The
Stage chemistry between Rotowski and sawing illusion, specifically built for Julia,
Pasiorowska was immediate and intense. was one-of-a-kind, and arguably made the
Pasiorowska, a classically trained dancer and 13-year-old Pasiorowska the youngest person
JULIA PASIOROWSKA professional singer, was not a stranger to long
nights of stage practice. However, despite
to ever be sawed in half in a professional
their mutual artistic passion for perfection in
performance, Julia noted that her memories Eventually, Wojtek broke the news to Julia
working with Wojtek were filled with joy. about the unfortunate fate that would
Growing up, young dancer Julia Pasiorowska await her at the end of their magic act. To
never knew that it was her destiny to be sawed "Together, we never failed to have lots of fun Wojtek's relief, Julia could hardly contain her
in half. and laughs, simultaneously with our hard enthusiasm. Looking back, Julia recalled her
work and professionalism," Pasiorowska said. "I excitement when Wojtek first revealed to
"When I met Wojtek, I was about 13 years old, believe that, as a team, we were always able to her that she would be divided in the classic
there being a seven year difference between find that necessary balance between work and customized illusion. "I was ecstatic to find
FEBRUARY | 2023 15
out that I would be that person - just as every child always dreams of
being the girl who would be sawed in half in one of those breath-taking
magic shows," Pasiorowska said concerning the favorite illusion.

To Julia Pasiorowska, the sawing in half box became like a second

home, as she would go on to perform the illusion with Rotowski in
numerous venues for the next six years. However, it did not take long
for the duo to begin planning ways in which Julia's passions for song
and dance could be incorporated into taking center stage alongside the
Being a youth at the time of the premiere
in 2015, Dominika went on to pursue an
education in the fine arts at the celebrated
"The idea for 'Czarodziej' came up about two years after we had been
Warsztatowa Akademia Musicalowa in
working together," Pasiorowska said. "I knew it would mean the world
Warsaw. Having had the opportunity to
to me being part of such a special piece of art. When he proposed
witness 'Czarodziej' early in her performance
the lead role to me, I was surprised, but in a thrilled and humble way,"
education, the production was able to have a
Pasiorowska recalled. "I consider my whole experience with 'Czarodziej'
lasting impact on Lysakowska.
as a very pivotal moment on my artistic path," she added.
"I remember that together, with my dad,
After the show became a surprise hit, for five years Pasiorowska played
being in the audience, we [very much]
the role of her dreams as 'Julia' until another dream came true - she
admired what we saw," Lysakowska said.
was admitted to the prestigious Tisch School of the Arts at New York
With an ambition to match her talent, a
determined Dominika had already
envisioned her own abilities
"I had been looking forward to that moment ever since I was a young
leading the magical theatrical
girl, imagining myself living in New York City and pursuing an acting
performance. "I was very excited
program," Pasiorowska said. Having lived in America as a child, New York
and imagined myself onstage
always held a special place in Julia's heart. Following her dreams back
playing the role of Julia,"
to America, Julia had to say farewell to 'Czarodziej' and the role of 'Julia'
Lysakowska said.
in 2019.
Lysakowska excelled in
"The last show that I took part in was undoubtedly very emotional,
both dance and song
moving, and sentimental," Pasiorowska said. "Thus, it was not easy for
at her school, being
me to, in a way, close that chapter of my artistic journey," Julia said
cast in countless stage
productions, and taking
on roles of ever-
Fortunately, due to Pasiorowska's passion for the stage, and her
increasing prominence.
theatrical triumphs with Wojtek, the smashing success of 'Czarodziej'
However, the one role
would continue on into 2020 and beyond with a new actress assuming
she still dreamt of, but
the role of 'Julia.'
had not yet attained,
was the role of 'Julia' in 'Czarodziej.'
"I was extremely happy to find out that the play will continue to be
presented, and that the young actress who was chosen to play the new
Then, as rarely happens in life, magic stepped
'Julia' will somewhat be able to live through a very special and magical
in with the swift departure of Pasiorowska
experience similar to my own," Pasiorowska said.
for NYU. Remarkably, just as Dominika
envisioned it, 'Czarodziej' made dreams
Thus, in a bittersweet parting, Julia flew off to New York City and the
come true once again.
Tisch School of the Arts, as a new 'Julia,' Dominika Lysakowska, faced
a bittersweet parting of her own, dutifully laying down and preparing
"It happened," Lysakowska said. "For
herself to be sawed in half.
the first time, on the day of the
premiere, I [finally] appeared in front
of the audience as 'Julia,'" she added

With the role of Julia passing on

to Lysakowska, the production
of 'Czarodziej' itself quietly
Taking after her predecessor by displaying an
achieved an enviable
unrivalled penchant for the performing arts,
accomplishment. The
Dominika Lysakowska quickly proved that she
theatrical run of 'Czarodziej'
was more than just an expert at grand illusion
had outlived the tenure of
an original cast member,
the leading role of 'Julia.'
"Before joining the crew, I had the opportunity
to watch it with the previous cast," Lysakowska
said. The young Dominika had been a member of the audience when
'Czarodziej' first hit the Warsaw theater circuit in 2015, and she was
Photo RIght: Dominika
immediately enchanted by Pasioroska's embodiment of the character Lysakowska
16 FEBRUARY | 2023
stood out above all others. "Of course, in
the audience, I couldn't miss my family, who
always support me in my artistic success,"
Lysakowska said.

While Dominika was experiencing these

numerous enchanting developments, the
magic of 'Czarodziej' had also brought a young
lady named Marysia to the theater. Marysia
had arrived to witness the display of circus
skills by the magical doll 'Pajac,' portrayed by
Julian Waglewski.
Such lasting popularity
and profitability is highly
sought after, especially JULIAN WAGLEWSKI
on Broadway - where the
original 'Julia' was likely
catching a show or two.
"The best experience
Regardless, it did not take long was simply to be a
for the new leading actress to part of it," Waglewski
make the role of 'Julia' her own. said, reflecting on his
Aside from boasting an incredible tenure playing 'Pajac.'
singing voice, Lysakowska drew
on her years of experience in Waglewski, who had
professional dance, and her variety been part of Wojtek
of past leading theatrical roles across Rotowski's stage
Poland. Like a family coalescing performances with
around a lost member, the cast and Julia Pasiorowska
crew of 'Czarodziej' welcomed Dominika since at least 2014,
with open arms. recounted exactly
when he and Rotowski crossed paths for
"I couldn't wait to meet the entire crew the first time. Years later, Waglewski looked
of the performance, see backstage, back, knowing that fateful first meeting with
and experience the creative process," Rotowski set him on the road to meeting
Lysakowska said. Dominika's first day Marysia.
was a whirlwind of activity, filled with
introductions, new experiences, and no "To be honest, I don't remember our age, but I
shortage of congratulations. know it was a long time ago," Waglewski said,
on the initial meeting with Rotowski. "We met
However, despite the spectacle of her for the first time in Roma Theater in Warsaw.
dreams coming true that day, only one of Wojtek had a role there in a spectacle, and I
Dominika's memories from the premiere was searching for a place to practice my circus
FEBRUARY | 2023 17
skills," he added.

An expert acrobat, Waglewski is a master of the German Wheel,

a large circular contraption which melds the body of the acrobat
into a spinning metal frame. Initially, Wojtek found Julian a
stage role inside his budding magic spectacle. However, it soon
became apparent that Rotowski had bigger plans for Julian - as
it would have been a waste to restrict Waglewski's expertise in
climbing, cartwheels, backflips, and physical agility only to a
German Wheel performance in Wojtek's production.

"I was really surprised when Wojtek told me about his idea [for
'Czarodziej'] and how advanced it was," Waglewski said. "I had to
learn some basic magic with him, make my own circus act on the
German Wheel, and together we created our juggling routine.
Wojtek had the toughest work to combine it all, and to explain to
us every aspect of it," he added admiringly.

Becoming a fixture in the magical production, Julian Waglewski

was able to dedicate that precious performance time to
perfecting his acrobatic skills, consistently improving his abilities
for over half a decade.

Then one day, magic again stepped into the lives of the
'Czarodziej' cast, and Marysia's eyes in the crowd met Julian's
eyes on the stage. Marysia, an acrobat herself, found a kindred
soul in Julian. Becoming partners, the pair focused on building
one another towards success.

Thus, at about the same time of Julia Pasiorowska's orientation

at the NYU Tisch School of the Arts, and Dominika Lysakowska's
big premiere as the new 'Julia,' Julian and Marysia entered into a
televised competition called "Poland's Got Talent."

When "Poland's Got Talent" premiered on television, the grace

and beauty of Julian and Marysia was immediately apparent to
both the audience and the competition judges. The couple's act
even employed a bit of magic, in which there were moments
when Marysia appeared to float weightlessly in the air.

On the final night of "Poland's Got Talent," the last thing that
Julian and Marysia expected was to be declared the winners of
the competition. Yet, just as Wojtek Rotowski, Julia Pasiorowska,
and Dominika Lysakowsa saw the magic of 'Czarodziej' come
into their own lives, Julian and Marysia were set on the path to
seeing their dreams come true as well.

Julian and Marysia won "Poland's Got Talent."

"Winning was a big surprise because we really did not think

about it much," Waglewski said. Now, Julian noted, he and
Marysia are focused on making their dreams come true by
experiencing new adventures and performing together as much
as possible.

"Just believe in yourself and dare to dream," Waglewski said.

Then, in a spontaneous nod to his magical jester character, Julian
added, "And, of course, enjoy life and smile a lot."

18 FEBRUARY | 2023
Just believe in yourself and dare to dream.

An endless parade of children have found their way into Wojtek Rotowski's magical musical
dream of 'Czarodziej' over the last eight years.

However, 'Czarodziej' did more than make Wojtek Rotowski's dream of directing a magic-
centric musical come true.

Julia Pasiorowska followed her dreams to the Tisch School of the Arts at NYU.

Dominika Lysakowska followed her dreams to be cast in the lead role of a hit theater

Julian Waglewski followed his dreams into a partnership and a national championship.

All because a little magic entered the lives of a very small group of people.

There has been something very special - very magical - going on in Poland for the past eight
years. 'Czarodziej' is that magic phenomenon that only comes along once in a short while.

So, while wide-eyed children may watch Julian spin his German Wheel, or witness Dominika
and Julia dramatically sawed in halves by Wojtek Rotowski - there is something more magical
going on during 'Czarodziej.'

Real dreams are coming true - for everyone - maybe even you.

Just believe.

('Czarodziej' is available internationally to purchase for online streaming during the COVID-19
Pandemic and beyond at the following web site: under the "Theater"
category. January 2023 will mark the 100th performance of 'Czarodziej' and will also bid a
heartfelt farewell to longtime actor Julian Waglewski, with Waglewski's portrayal of the jester
character 'Pajac' passing on to veteran stage performer Krzysztof Kostera.)

FEBRUARY | 2023 19
The bombings had been
going on for days,
and thinking back to
those first moments,
Wojtek knew what
he had to do from
the very beginning
of the invasion.

The Warrior Part 2

Wojtek Rotowski wiped the sweat from his eyes as he drove.

The headlights of his vehicle beamed into the early morning mists, and
Wojtek peered through the windshield.

He could see ghostly visages in the distance, with muffled cries and
murmuring filling the small bus he drove. The whispers and whimpers
were in a foreign language with which he was all too familiar by now.

The bombings had been going on for days, and thinking back to those
first moments, Wojtek knew what he had to do from the very beginning
of the invasion.

Now, most mornings, Ukrainian is the primary language he listens to

for hours on end.

When he drives from the border of Ukraine into Poland, his bus is
filled with the soft but frightened cries of young children, shushed in
Ukrainian by their concerned parents.

Then, when Wojtek drives from Poland back to the Ukrainian border, a
very different discourse fills his bus. The conversation is that of young
Ukrainians, many of them young men, brooding and frustrated, but
exuding a patriotic vibrance and a will to defend their homeland.

Wojtek performs this grim routine day after day. He ferries Ukrainian
refugees from the Polish border into Warsaw, before filling his bus with
young Ukrainians seeking to fight and driving them to the war front.

It is a tiresome and emotionally taxing endeavor. Far from Wojtek's

mind is the fact that he still has several illusion performances this
month, sold out once again, in which he must act as the lead role in his
children's magic musical "The Wizard." A magician never rests. Montessori for Ukraine. Photos above show part
of the shelter set up for Ukrainian refugees in
"I was just talking to a friend from Kiev," Wojtek wrote on February Poland.
24th, 2022. "It's very bad. Russia is bombing Kiev, bombs are falling on
20 FEBRUARY | 2023
FEBRUARY | 2023 21
airports and military centers, but there are also injuried civilians," he Wojtek begins explaining that he is planning an illusion show
added. fundraiser for Ukraine. "I want to make a show called 'Magicians for
Ukraine,' Rotowski writes. "All income would be donated to help
Rotowski began texting this author shortly after the hostilities began. Ukraine. I'm looking for a theater that would like to organize it with
me," he said.
Wojtek and I have known one another since 2016, and Rotowski was
very open about the operation he had devised to assist with the Wojtek sends along several links where donations can be made, before
refugee influx. slipping into a subtle vein of anguish and venting his frustration.

"In a moment I'm going to the border with my bus to help transport "I have tears in my eyes when I write to you," Wojtek said. "I'm so sad,
people," Rotowski said. "We take Ukrainian men from Poland who want my friend. I feel so powerless."
to fight to the border, and we take women and children to Poland.
We have already organized several hundred sleeping places here," he After several more days have passed, Wojtek informs me that he too
added. is now housing Ukrainian refugees in his home. He has moved his
bedroom into the living room to give his guests privacy.
There is little that can be done to ease my friend's distress short of
reiterating America's ironclad military alliance with Poland. By March 8th, Rotowski detailed the gravity of the crisis.

Wojtek explains, over the following days, that the Ukrainian refugee "In Poland, the worst situation is at the railway stations. People sleep
diaspora into Poland is so immediate and overwhelming that the lack everywhere there, and at reception points near border crossings,"
of refugee camps results in local Polish citizens taking the Ukrainian Wojtek said. "It is worse at the border crossings on the side of Ukraine.
expatriates into their homes en masse. There you can wait for more than a day. It is very cold now, it was
snowing today.So, people arrive cold, hungry, scared, often without
"We don't have any refugee camps yet, all the people are in our any plan. Stadiums, entertainment halls and schools are being
homes," Rotowski said. "The situation is terrible. Civilians, women, and converted into temporary dormitories," he added.
children are dying in the streets of Ukraine. Children come here who
have not slept or eaten for several days. We are constantly preparing This Polish illusionist, so well-versed in the smiles of children, must
transports with humanitarian aid and support for soldiers going to now contend daily with the faces of tired, hungry, and exhausted
Ukraine," he said. children. Wojtek reflects only for a moment before restating his
Of course, Rotowski does not act alone. He helped manage a
network of supplies and logistics for refugees alongside his family "There will be more and more people," Wojtek said. "It will be a big
and dedicated volunteers, aided by the school that his family runs, change for Poland. But our homes are open to our brothers and sisters
'Montessori for Ukraine.' Wojtek makes clear that he wishes to bestow from Ukraine," he said.
credit for the refugee assistance on all involved, and that he is merely a
cog in a large network of aid for the Ukrainian people. As the weeks progress, the war grinds on, for far longer than any had
anticipated, as Russia slowly swallows up the eastern borders and
southern coast of Ukraine.

22 FEBRUARY | 2023
The Ukrainian city of Mariupol falls in the chance to get any support from international
South. The city of Sievierodonetsk falls in the organizations, or membership in a magic
East. Russia begins shelling the city of Odessa federation. As an organization and association,
in the West. we would like to cooperate with magic clubs
in other countries," he added.
Wojtek reached out again after a sold out
performance of 'Czarodziej,' alongside actress The first project of Wojtek Rotowski's new
Dominika Lysakowska, and acrobat Julian Polish magicians' collective was their Ukraine
Waglewski. fundraiser, which turned out to be a smashing
"It was great to play the Wizard," Wojtek said.
"The audience was full, it gave some power Rotowski has since begun drawing on his
for further work," he added, his mind turning working-class experiences, premiering an
back to the charity he had been doing for ingenious new act with Dominika Lysakowska
Ukraine. at the Illusion Arts Festival at Poland's Illusion Thomas L. Swieciak is an American lawyer
On May 20th, 2022, Wojtek organized 'Magicy Farm theme park during the summer of 2022. and lifelong magic enthusiast who holds
Dla Ukrainy,' a charity magic performance This new stage performance stars Wojtek as a degrees from Marquette University, the
composed of over a dozen magicians and magical maintenance man, and Dominika as University of Wisconsin, and the Community
illusionists, with all monetary proceeds going his trusted colleague. The pair are currently College of the Air Force in the subject areas
to help the refugees from Ukraine. in collaboration concerning an act which will of aviation technology, education, English
meld their illusion performance and the art literature, film, journalism, and law. He resides
"All of the money will be donated to help of mime, combined with a classical cinema in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. with his wife
Ukraine," Wojtek said. "This is the first time aesthetic. Sheila, their daughter Tavra, and their dog,
that I am doing such a large spectacle as an Radagast the Brown. He can be contacted at
artist, director and producer." Then, after the stage lights have faded and the
curtains have come down, Wojtek Rotowski
With that, Wojtek appealed to this author once again mounts the driver's seat of his
concerning an ability to raise further small bus and heads East, into the rising sun,
awareness about the crisis in Eastern Europe, towards the war front on the Ukrainian border.
and to collaborate with other international
magic organizations. His mind is filled with the magical laughter of
"I am starting cooperation with the newly
opened Magic Museum and Magic Theater Any illusionists, performers, or magic
in Warsaw," Wojtek said. "We will organize a associations wishing to contact Mr. Rotowski
Magic Festival during the holidays, as well for potential collaborative efforts can do so by
as magicians' competitions and a Congress. contacting him via email at:
It will be a new organization. I am currently and
looking for information whether there is a

FEBRUARY | 2023 23
Solange Kardinaly
Born to be Magical

24 FEBRUARY | 2023
olange Kardinaly was born into a multi-generational circus family. In addition to her magic skills, Solange sings in her shows
The Portuguese magician explained, “honestly, I don’t remember whenever it’s a good fit. “I sing and choose songs to compliment
how or when I started. As far as I can remember, my first memories my magic routines”. She has recorded original songs such as
as a little girl, I’ve always been in the magic world. I was born into a family “Magic” which can be heard on digital platforms source on Spotify,
and legacy of circus performers. I’m the third member in my family to Amazon, Apple and YouTube.
perform magic professionally. For me it is more than a passion, it’s always
been my life”. Solange has broken some impressive records. In 2018 she was the
first woman to be awarded “Magician of the Year” in Portugal. She
Many European magicians have deep roots in entertainment thanks to was also the first woman, in twenty-six years, to win first prize in
their circus upbringing. Growing up in such an environment provides the “International Almussafes Magic Festival” in Spain.
a solid entertainment and performance foundation with skills being
passed down from generation to generation. Her sizzling style and performances have garnered international
interest. She was invited to appear in the semi-finals on “Spain’s
Solange is an extremely versatile, adaptable performer. It seems as Got Talent”, “Czecho-Slovenko Got Talent” and most recently
though nothing phases her, or is too technically challenging. In fact, she “Greece’s Got Talent” in 2022.
can perform skilled closeup magic, grand illusions, manipulation acts and
quick-change acts as a solo performer.
FEBRUARY | 2023 25
She has adapted her routines and shows to be successful on
cruise ships, circuses in the round, theaters, television and gala “Magic without a secret does not exist!” She hopes that
events. She is an established solo artist as well as a strong the magic community will continue to help, support and
illusionist and magic partner. Solange effortlessly adapts to encourage young, innovative magicians who are changing
each engagement. Perhaps it’s her lifetime experience in the magic with original ideas. She also hopes that the popularity
entertainment industry that allows her to fearlessly face each of using social media and networks to gain followers by
challenge and succeed. exposing methods and gimmicks will be reduced. Solange
states, “those magicians make me very sad”.
Solange’s artistic choices are inspired by dance, music and
circus. She explained, “It’s not about what you do, it’s how Since she can remember Solange has always had access to all
you do it and how you communicate and touch your public to forms of entertainment. Those experiences are her foundation
make them feel your performance”. and are ingrained in her performances. She can’t cite a specific
artist as influencing her creativity and artistry, but rather

26 FEBRUARY | 2023
she credits a lifetime of exposure to own custom costumes. Those skills have As a child, Solange recalls participating
entertainers in many different genres as been a huge benefit to her quick-change in grand illusions with her family. By age
influencing her choices. act and illusion wardrobe. Recently she nine she was working as solo magician
expanded her entertainment career to performing and creating her own magic
Her advice to beginners is, “rehearse a lot, include her own brand "SK COSTUMES" performances. In 2001, at ten years old,
learn from the best, respect professional where she has been actively designing Solange gained recognition winning a
magicians and value their work. Above and creating original clothes and prize at the “Magic Valongo International”
all, respect the magical arts to keep them costumes for artists from all over the in Portugal.
alive”. world.
She was performing a solo dove act
Incredibly, there is another layer to this carefully created and constructed with
artist! Solange designs and creates her
FEBRUARY | 2023 27
28 FEBRUARY | 2023
the help of her godfather and uncle, magician
Ruy Texas by age fifteen. Solange states, “Ruy
has helped me since the very beginning and he
holds a special place in my heart. I will be forever
grateful for his help and support”.

As part of a professional circus family there

1. I am working on a new magic act that should
be ready this year
were ample opportunities to perform in front of
audiences and to hone her skills and craft. That
artistic foundation has developed into seemingly 2. I design and sew all the outfits that I wear in
effortless confidence, charisma and charm. my performance
Solange’s performances and brand are unique
and specific to her personality. She stands alone 3. I belong to a long legacy of family circus artists
thanks to her background and ever evolving skill
sets. 4.I speak four languages fluently
Her magic skills, image and brand quickly
attracted television exposure. In 2006 at fifteen
years old, Solange worked on TVI – “Circo das
Celebridades” (“Circus of the Celebrities”) as a Favourite Quote
magician teacher in the well-known Portuguese “The best is yet to come...”
tv reality show.

In her teens, as Solange evolved, she combined

card manipulation with live singing blending the
two to create unique, signature performances.
Dream Encounter
She credits master magician, Mr. Daba for I met David Copperfield when I was a little girl,
mentoring and guiding her magic choices and but I would like to meet him again. I'd also like to
performances, and Miki Garcia for teaching her meet Rick Thomas.
closeup magic.

It hasn’t always been easy. As with many tight

knit circus families, Solange’s parents didn’t
appreciate her creativity and performance vision.

Complex family problems arose about what

she should pursue artistically and how. In
2011 Solange chose to do it “her own way” and
courageously left the Cardinali circus family fold
to become a solo performer on her own.
Her goal was to have an international career and
“to survive on my own”. Her first new act was a
quick-change number performed solo, without
assistants. It helped that she was a quick study
and willing to absorb and learn. She explained, “I
have been lucky to find people who believe in me
and who helped me developing my magic and
my career”.

In 2014, Solange’s quick-change act was featured

on Patrick Sebastien’s, “Le Grand Plus Caberet du
Monde” from France. The long running televised
cabaret magic show included some of the best
magicians in the world. What made Solange’s
quick change performance interesting was the
fact she performed solo onstage, performing the
quick-change costume feats alone.

FEBRUARY | 2023 29
In 2008, she first met Arkadio, her now partner in life and
on-stage. “Arkadio had just won the “Baguette d’Or” in Monte
Carlo and of course I admired him and his magic. He was
fascinated by a woman performing dove magic. From that
meeting we became friends and kept in touch over the years.
A solid friendship and bond, was formed over time.”

In 2018 Arkadio visited Solange in Portugal and “the magic of

love was born”, they were married on October 1st 2020.

She admits, “I owe part of who I am today onstage and off

to him. We have grown together as a couple in life and as
performers together. We have the pleasure to work with
each other on our magic adventure. For me he is the best
magician and husband in the world”.

Solange is a nostalgic about times long gone. She states, “I

would love to travel back to a time when there was not so
much information readily available. When magic skills were
valued and respected and truly great magic performances
were experienced with great enthusiasm.

30 FEBRUARY | 2023
FEBRUARY | 2023 31
My magical career, whole life, dream of a theme park to combine circus
has been one "roller coaster ride" with based rides and shows with new winter
ups and downs and curves along the quarters for the Ringling Brothers Barnum
way, like most of us. How fitting is my & Bailey Circus. Built south of Walt Disney
story #2. No, not as a metaphor but as World in Florida, Circus World was to the
the REAL thing! So, rather than me tell it, circus trade what the Magic Castle is to
(since I was at a bit of a compromising magicians. Before its financial demise in
position as it was happening), I'll allow, 1990 (after Circus World merged to become
with permission, my good friend Boardwalk and Baseball), it was a haven
Benjamin Mason, regale that harrowing for traveling entertainers and a place to
day when I was, literally.... showcase their talents.

Circus World was always expanding and

At Death's Door adding new attractions. Among the
additions was a giant, ominous wooden
Was there ever a time in your life when roller coaster that opened as the “Roaring
you knew that your life was about to Tiger” in 1978, was briefly known as “Michael
end? What a question! The answer is Jackson's Thrill Coaster” and by 1979 was
quite a story since Dan went up to dubbed the “Florida Hurricane”. Its layout was
Death’s door, wiped his feet on the essentially a double out & back (a coaster
welcome mat, and rang the bell, which layout whose track heads away and returns
thankfully, was not answered. to the station twice or follows a similar
route for a second time) with plenty of fun
Back in 1974, the owners of Ringling airtime! The ride opened to rave reviews in
Brothers transformed into reality their 1978, and soon joined the "Top Ten Coasters

32 FEBRUARY | 2023
This is a new series by
in America" list in its
dan stapleton that
first year of operation. will reflect back on his
The Florida Hurricane
stands as one of incredible career and
Florida’s first wooden
roller coasters.
offer insights in to the life
of a professional magician.
Within this world of the
circus, clowns, and cotton
candy, was the James A. Bailey
Theatre of Illusions. Its star was
Dan Stapleton. The tight paced,
crowd-pleasing act showcased an
assortment of illusions built by Owen
Magic Supreme. Notable magicians
such as Mark Wilson, Andre Kole and
Siegfried & Roy would visit. Among
the performed treasures, Dan and his
crew developed an unusual DeKolta
Chair illusion that was later adapted by
Siegfried & Roy for their first television
special in 1980.

By May of 1979, Circus World had

planned an extensive campaign blitz
inviting all the state and local media
to experience the new and improved
wonders of the park. They were looking
for a grand publicity stunt, a wonderful
“hook”, to climax their day of promotion
called the Magnificent May Media Day.

Dan offered to be that “hook”. He

proposed that the Polk County Sheriff
Department handcuff and chain him
to the rails of the mighty Hurricane
coaster. He only had one minute and
fifty seconds to escape before the
coaster finishes its trek and “rounds the
bend” to where Dan was bound. Failure
would be an unfortunate messy end of
the media’s day.

FEBRUARY | 2023 33
Management’s response was a quick “Are you crazy?” his stunt so they would be convinced it would be fool proof. He
had to demonstrate how easy it was to escape from handcuffs in
Now, Dan was no stranger to death defying stunts. He had jumped, an exhibition in the executive office. Of course, Dan used his own
handcuffed behind his back, from his high school’s high dive board trick handcuffs and was a little surprised when no one questioned
during his 1970 junior year. The 1977 Florida State Convention if those were the same ones that were going to be used during the
brought more escapades. To promote the magic convention, Dan actual event. They weren’t! The actual two pairs of cuffs used were
was restrained in a straitjacket and while suspended by his feet, borrowed from the Polk County Sheriff Department. That’s correct,
was lifted via helicopter two hundred feet high between Orlando’s you read it right. He used authentic regulation handcuffs!
Sheraton Twin Towers to make his escape!
The big day was filled with electricity and excitement. The daring
That same year (quite a busy one), both Dan and I were the hosts escape was well publicized throughout the park. Newspaper
of a multi-media blitz to promote the Florida Symphony Orchestra. reporters, photographers, and other media representatives were
Dan was manacled, bound with chains, and secured in a packing joined by hundreds of spectators as they pushed in close to the
crate which was then dropped into a dive tank in the parking lot Hurricane’s base. Feature writer, Rudy Steffish, wrote in an essay
of Rosie O’ Grady’s at the Church Street Station entertainment years later, “Dan Stapleton’s Escape from the Hurricane was and
complex. The next day, there he was again, struggling out of a still is the greatest escape I have ever seen. It was, after all, the day
straitjacket hanging from a crane in the middle of the Fashion a mere mortal named Dan Stapleton became Super-Dan to a nine-
Square mall. All the while, we were filming as hosts in a televised year-old kid ... and how many times does this happen?”
“prime-time” special for the orchestra. The close of the weekend
promotion was a forty-eight-hour marathon of game shows and Local radio personality, Mark Simpson, was the announcer for the
activities within the mall. event. He was a friend of Dan’s and together they had rehearsed
the timing of the escape along with the proper cues that were to
All these were steps building up to Dan’s biggest escape yet. be given to Dan at four critical moments of the coasters run. What
Armed with the press photos of his previous exploits, he convinced would soon turn to be a most frightening mistake for Dan, they did
the president of Circus World that he could do a stunt of this not practice this timing sequence during an actual running of the
magnitude. They insisted that Dan explain the secret workings of roller coaster!

34 FEBRUARY | 2023
Benjamin Mason, has been a close friend of Dan’s since 1975 when they first
worked together in The House of Magic at Walt Disney World. He was an
eyewitness to Dan Stapleton’s Escape from the Hurricane!

Breaking free of and the contents were quickly and happily

the restraints, Dan destroyed.
leaped to the side
rail to get out of It has taken many years for Dan to comfortably
the way of the speak about that day. Faryln mentioned that
oncoming coaster during a dinner with family, the story was
cars. Then, in a brought up and Dan had to leave the room
cruel twist of fate, rather than discuss the matter. Nearly twenty
his foot slipped on years later, at a local meeting (Ring 170) of the
some rail grease, International Brotherhood of Magicians, Dan
and he fell putting was member of a panel of speakers talking
him right back in about the general experiences of their careers.
the path of the One of the magicians asked Dan if he would
hurling cars. Dan’s assistant, now wife, Faryln “relive” to the group the details of that day. He
Dan was handcuffed and bound to the track
Moore (Stapleton), was quoted in Our World went into a blank stare, took a deep breath,
with heavy chains around his neck and body.
News as saying, “When I saw Dan’s face turn and started to speak. After a few minutes, his
The coaster began its sixty mile an hour run,
white and realized he was in serious trouble, emotions started to get the best of him, and
and the crowd was filled with anticipation
I started crying. There was no stopping the he stopped. Nobody asked him to continue.
and apprehension. Then the unthinkable
coaster and I knew what would happen if he
happened. Something terrible went wrong.
didn’t get up in time.” Circus World was later plagued by financial
Simpson, in his nervousness and overwhelmed
disaster was closed but soon reopened as
by the distractions of the media, spectators,
You could hear the screaming of the horrified Boardwalk and Baseball. The circus had moved
and the event in general, gave Dan a wrong
onlookers as Dan, just in the split-second nick on. At about 3:00 pm, on Wednesday, January
cue as to where the coaster was on the track at
of time, left the tracks as he pulled himself 17, 1990, a PA system announcement stated
one of the critical moments.
out of the way. They knew this was not part that they (B&B) were closing several hours
of an act or over played dramatics. They knew early and some 1000 park guests were asked
Though Dan was preoccupied with his own
something went wrong. It was too close of a to leave. What remains today is Posner Park, a
agenda of struggling with his restraints and
call. “… he stumbled and momentarily fell into large shopping center.
putting on a good show, he was keenly aware
the path of the speeding coaster. He quickly
of his cues and that this time it was “for real”.
grabbed the guard rail and pulled himself to The Florida Hurricane was moved to Magic
Then he realized he was given a miscue,
safety with barely two seconds to spare as the Springs in Arkansas for the 1992 season. The
and the rumbling coaster was barreling
coaster thundered by.” - The Valley Ridge News. layout was carefully preserved so that the
down upon him at a much faster rate than
coaster which once towered over the sandy
he anticipated. As Dan put it, “All hell broke
His legs were noticeably quivering, and his ground of Florida now flies through the Ozark
blood was pumping so furiously through his woods.
body you could see the veins bulging in his
His adrenaline kicked into overdrive and all
neck. He held tight onto Simpson, who was You would think that this experience would
his timing was shot to hell. Due to the miscue,
nearly unable to speak, and refused to let go. have ended Stapleton’s absurd attempts in
the coaster was much closer than he had
Gaining some composer, Dan announced the world of sensational escapology? Nah! A
anticipated. He was still heavily bound to the
to the gathered press, “Never again, I don’t few years later, he was tempting Death again
track. His thoughts were not about “putting
know why I did it this time.” The Daily News by leaping over the side of a cruise ship while
on a show” for the press and spectators. All he
wrote, “Saying the stunt was death-defying handcuffed and chained into the depths of
knew was to get out of those chains as fast as
is an understatement.” In 1997, an Australian the Caribbean waters. Dan Stapleton is alive
possible. It was this precise moment that Dan
escape artist publication “The Escapist and well and I am happy to say that he is here
knew his life was over.
Newsletter” voted the Dan Stapleton’s Escape today to tell the story of knocking on Death’s
from The Hurricane as the #1 Death Defying Door by his Escape from the Hurricane … if
To this day, Dan will swear that he cannot
Escape Stunt of all time! only he could.
recall how he got out of the chains in the time
that was stolen from him. The Tampa Tribune
Before the performance, Dan handed Faryln
wrote, “There were dark burns around his neck
an envelope. In it were instructions and notes
from straining against the chains and his arms
to various family members and friends in the
were bloody and greasy.”
event the day was to end in tragedy. After
the event, Faryln handed back the envelope
FEBRUARY | 2023 35
Jim Steinmeyer is considered one of the most creative thinkers in magic,
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FEBRUARY | 2023 37

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This is the second annual Valentine Awards from Nick Lewin and
Vanish Magic Magazine. The awards are subjective, personal and from

the heart. Let me say that it has not been an easy choice of Valentine
Award winners this year. With no further ado, let me launch into
our five awards, thus eliminating the powerful sense of tension and
anticipation my readers will almost certainly be experiencing!

It was 1997 when David Blaine initially burst onto the magic
scene with his first television magic special “Street Magic.”
The initial response by magicians was, to say the least,
mixed. Looking back in time this groundbreaking special
was just his first step in reinventing and creating an entirely
new genre of magic. Performers such as Doug Henning,
Siegfried & Roy, and David Copperfield subverted standard
trends in magic, and each did a great deal to restore magic
to the success of its "golden era." Blaine did things a little
differently and reinvigorated magic on a more organic level.
The real reason why David's television specials captured the
lay audience’s interest in such a profound way was how he
tapped into the dynamics of the briskly elevating market
for “reality programming.” It wasn’t just about the magician
at the center of his magic circus ring, it was about the
reactions of the live audiences experiencing the magic. The
low key, but charismatic, presence of Blaine completed a
circuit that reintroduced mystery as a central ingredient to
the magical experience in a way that Houdini had achieved
so successfully in the previous century.

David Blaine makes his audiences question things that

are seldom even considered by magic audiences. His
audiences didn’t worry so much about how his tricks were
done, they questioned if they were real. Blaine added
some danger and other strikingly new twists to his bag
of tricks. However, how would Blaine stand up as a live
performer? When I saw his live show a few years ago at
the Moody Theatre in Austin, Texas in a large auditorium,
normally dedicated to major rock bands, David delivered
the single most powerful full evening magic show I have
ever seen. It was sensational and effortlessly won over the
sold-out audience. He repeated this in different cities on an
extended world tour. As a live performer, Blaine is the real
deal and has successfully re-engineered his TV success in a
masterful manner.

In 2022 David Blaine brought his road show to the Resorts

World Theater in Las Vegas. The show is an augmented
distillation of the road show I saw in Texas and was received
rapturously in this city that is the epicenter of live magic
shows. Due to the incredibly physical nature of his show,
Blaine is only performing a handful of shows each month. I
am positive that lay audiences attending will be powerfully
influenced by this decision. Just as it was in Houdini's
career, each audience will be on the edge of their seats
not merely wondering how he does it, but whether he
can, which is a profoundly different scenario. Check out
Blaine’s performing schedule at
FEBRUARY | 2023 41

THE FUNNIEST MAN IN MAGIC Colin first burst onto the American scene as a contestant on America’s
Got Talent. I was immediately impressed by the careful way Cloud
CREATES ITS FINEST VENUE. constructed his highly compacted sets. In a short sliver of time,
he managed to present powerful mental magic while defining an
Jeff Hobson has made his mark as one of the funniest and most intriguing persona that breathed new life into the mentalism genre.
commercial comedy magicians in the last four decades. Equally beloved As a longtime fan of the Sherlock Holmes books (and movies), it was
by magicians and lay audiences, Jeff has applied a deep knowledge of a very nice wrinkle to see the deductive skills of the master detective
magic and a brilliantly realized persona into something truly unique invoked to explain the mentalism feats presented in Colin's show. There
in the magic world. Jeff is unquestionably one of the funniest master are innumerable mentalists following the trend of assuming the role of
magicians of his generation. Unless you have had a chance to seriously the master psychological manipulator using their often non-existent
talk magic with Jeff you may not be aware of the depth of his magical skills in this area to explain the success of their "experiments." There are
knowledge. Hidden a millimeter below Hobson’s seemingly effortless subtle differences between these two approaches that are well worth
performance is a dedicated perfectionist whose every move and word thinking about in some depth.
has been honed to achieve his goal.
I caught Colin Cloud live as part of “The Illusionists” show during a
Recently Hobson used his accumulated knowledge to open arguably performance at the Bass Hall auditorium in Austin, Texas. I was very
the world’s finest magical venue in La Quinta, California. The showroom impressed by the way that he fulfilled the intrinsic goal of the "pack
is Marvyn’s Magic Theater named to honor magical legend Marvyn small and play big" school of magical entertainment. Over the years
“Mr. Electric" Roy. From rough and tumble comedy clubs to Broadway I have noticed a tendency amongst performers who align with this
theaters, Jeff has played them all, and along the way, he made careful philosophy to grasp the pack small phase of the philosophy without
mental notes about what did and didn't bring out the best in a delivering on the play BIG half of the equation. The need to play big is
performing magician. With the aid of Gary Buetler and his beautiful inherent in the use of any small props and needs to be front and center
wife Yvonne, all this experience was transmuted into a magic theater in the delivery of this kind of minimalist performance. Cloud delivered
that redefined the magic experience for both spectator and performer. beautifully on this premise and could put the focus on an object such
Jeff has created an elegant and sophisticated venue featuring close-up as a quarter and project the necessary energy from it to the very back
and stage magic that both dazzles and delights. of the theater.

Opening Marvyn’s Magic Theater was a major achievement, but the Colin Cloud teamed up with fellow AGT star Shin Lim for an awesome
timing was less than optimal when the Covid pandemic ground the live two man show "Limitless" in the 1000-plus seated showroom at the
entertainment business to a halt. Surviving an economic catastrophe Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. A gradual paradigm change
that shuttered so many entertainment venues, Marvyn’s has reemerged in magic has deemphasized grand illusion-style magic for the more
and come roaring back in 2022/23 with a roster of magic’s finest intimate magic effects that now dominate television shows. "Limitless"
performers. Hobson himself hosts the shows in his inimitable style is the kind of show that definitively demonstrates this with Shin Lim
and ensures everything runs smoothly both front of house and and Colin Cloud giving a clear prototype of the kind of performers
backstage. Marvyn’s Magic Theater is now live streaming some of their who can make it work. Next time you visit "Sin City" book tickets to see
shows and if you can't attend in person then you should check out these two showmen demonstrate where magic is now and where it is
this option. You can get full details about upcoming events at www. heading for the foreseeable future. You can check out ticket availability on the Mirage website at:
42 FEBRUARY | 2023

A MARVELOUS MAGICAL Scott Wells has a long history as a magician and businessman,
but I want to focus on the achievement he has accomplished as a
magical historian and Podcast publisher. There have been many
WOMAN. podcasts launched in the last few years with many dedicated
to the magical arts. The Magic Word stands head and shoulders
Connie Boyd has an outstanding solo career as a world-class above the others due to Scott Wells’ dedication and hard work. Not
magician on her resume. Born in Newmarket, Canada her early only has Wells recorded many fascinating interviews with pivotal
work included both ballet and trapeze aerialist performances. magicians, but he has broadened his focus to make broadcasts
While working in Las Vegas in the iconic review show "Splash," she from numerous live magic events and conventions. At any major
turned her attention to the magic world and aided by the legendary magical function, chances are that Scott was there, microphone
Barclay Shaw created a magic show that became a firm favorite in in hand, sharing the activities with his worldwide audience. Wells
major showrooms from Las Vegas to Monte Carlo. Boyd has now is so ubiquitous in magic circles I sometimes think of him as a rare
become a major magical producer creating four separate shows for mythical hybrid being part man/part tape recorder!
four uniquely talented performers. There has always been a distinct
degree of sexism in the magic world, and if it sounds like Boyd is an During the recent “pandemic years” the Zoom and Podcast
antidote to this condition you are right. community has been an amazing boon that has gone a long
way to break the Covid based isolation that descended over our
Since 2020, Boyd has been shining a light on the many talented community. Wells’ podcasts are wonderful topical broadcasts that
women who have quietly been thriving in the “boy’s club” world are eagerly awaited by his ever-increasing subscriber base, they are
of magic. Those magicians who suggest that women lack interest a priceless free resource. They are also forming an amazing magical
in the magical arts are just not keeping track of what is currently archive that will be entertaining and educating magicians for years
happening. An unprecedented number of talented women are now to come. I encourage everyone to go to their favorite podcast
quietly moving into the forefront of the magic community both as provider and do yourself a favor and subscribe. Wells began his
close-up and stage performers. Connie Boyd has been directing podcast in 2011 and at the time I am writing these words there are
attention to their achievements in a series of media platforms. We over 732 episodes available for listening and/or downloading. If
at Vanish Magic Magazine have been featuring a series of articles you are not already enjoying these lively podcasts, may I suggest
by Connie about women magicians since 2020. Every month Boyd you visit
throws the spotlight on another fine performer who is helping
to reshape the cultural bias that has tainted the magic world
throughout the centuries. Connie also has a wonderful series of
in-depth magical interview videos on her YouTube site “Magical
Women with Connie Boyd.” Check out the site at
com/c/magicalwomenwithconnieboyd You can also read more
about her inspiring work at

As we watch the magic fraternity transforming itself into a more

inclusive magic community that is in tune with our times, it is
pioneers like Connie Boyd who can light the way.
44 FEBRUARY | 2023
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Die Cabinet US $159.00

A classic in stage magic, but not often seen. A large die is dropped into an
upright cabinet with four open doors. The die can be clearly seen both
going in through the top and sliding down to the bottom. The windows
are closed, and a lid is placed on top. The magician snaps his fingers, and
then opens all four doors: the die disappears, and in its place are several

Provide your own silks or production materials. No mirrors!

Billet Bowl (aka Changing Urn) US $ 69.99

A beautiful wooden vase that will allow you to switch one set of billets for
another. In performance several spectators write a piece of information (a name, a
location, an object, etc.) on a paper and fold it. They then drop the paper into the
vase through a slot in the top. Later, the lid is removed, and a spectator takes out
one of the folded papers; the information written down matches your prediction.

Very well made, this item does all the work for you.

High gloss reddish finish. Approx. 7″ tall and diameter is approx. 4.5″ at the widest
point. Brief instructions included.

Wolfgang’s Library Prediction US $ 99.95

This is an old classic, updated with a fun presentation.

A small box is introduced that is fashioned to look like a miniature library. When it is
opened six books can be seen. They are removed and the audience can see that they each
are different colors and cover a specific subject. A spectator chooses their two favorite
subjects, and all the books are returned to the library, secured in place with a bookmark.
After a magic gesture, a magic word, etc., the magician opens the box: two books fall out,
and they match the subjects the spectator chose! All the other books are still locked in
place with the bookmark.

The Library Prediction is a well-made, colorful prop with plenty of room for the performer
to add their own presentational spin. It is a perfect addition to any magician's collection.

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T r i b u t e B Y P A U L G E R T N E R

46 FEBRUARY | 2023
"... his big thinking
is continuing to live
and thrive in our
magic community
today, in fact I know
it does, and many
reading this are the
beneficiaries of Joe’s
impact today."

roadway and movies may have many other magicians was that Joe did not hold more than a few surprises. The
had Oscar Hammerstein, Cameron just talk about big ideas, he turned those ideas first Joe Stevens produced event I
Mackintosh, and Steven Spielberg, but into realities. And then once they became a attended was the 1978 Slydini Desert
through the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s the magic reality, he fine-tuned them with input from Magic Seminar. Joe had booked
world had Joe Stevens. Joseph Stevens a team of trusted advisors looking for ways Slydini as the headline act and I
passed away this week at the age of 86, to make them even better. From innovative believe Dai Vernon also attended that
about a year and a half after his wife Martha magic conventions to the Gemini Magic year. Joe wanted to also have two
who passed away in June of 2021. Network to his groundbreaking video series young up and coming magicians on
The Greater Magic Library, Joe took risks and the bill to show the future of magic
From the early 70’s on Joe was the ultimate essentially charted the future of magic with alongside the two grandmasters. So,
magic businessman in our world of magic. each new production. As I watched him in Joe invited me and Darwin Ortiz to
Starting out as a collector, he and Martha action behind his dealer table at a magic also be on the bill. I was 24 at the
opened what became a magic shop called convention I often thought: “Joe Stevens could time and Darwin was a few years
the Stevens Magic Emporium in Wichita sell anything, I’m glad he chose magic!” And our older, and it was a convention I will
Kansas in 1973. The business grew due to small world of magic is better off because he always remember. Because of Joe’s
Joe’s sales ability and a magic catalogue did… but I’ll get to that later. connections, (he seemed to know
that was epic, but Joe was always on the everyone) I got to hang out with
lookout for the next new thing and another While Joe Stevens will be remembered everyone from Mike Skinner, Larry
mountain to climb. An outgoing, people as a friend by many, most in the greater Jennings, Roger Klause, Johnny Paul,
loving optimist Joe was a trailblazer in the magic community will remember him for Daniel Cross, Jimmy Grippo, and even
magic world, a world that he filled with big producing some of the most memorable a very young David Copperfield at
ideas. But the difference between Joe and magic conventions that always promised to that convention. The fact that Joe was

FEBRUARY | 2023 47
willing to take a chance and invite a
few young unknown magicians and
give us visibility by putting us on a
national stage was very special indeed.
When Joe saw a young magician that
had a passion for magic, he went out
of his way to make sure they also had
an opportunity. Joe was a master at
bringing magicians together. Along
with his beautiful wife Martha they
became like Bill and Irene Larsen from
the Magic Castle, the ultimate magic
society power couples when I was
coming of age in the magic community.
Joe and Martha were always so
encouraging and supportive of young
magicians and would do anything for
anyone… all you had do was ask. If you
needed a favor, or an introduction to someone
you just had to ask Joe. And Joe was not afraid Photo: Paul Gertner recieves the Siegfried & Roy Gold Lion Award
to wear his heart on his sleeve. I watched him
become emotional on more than one occasion
when he was simply watching a magician like
Hans Moretti or Siegfried & Roy onstage or
when simply telling me how was proud of me Joe Stevens could sell
after a good performance.
anything, I’m glad he
In 1983 Joe decided to go even bigger so he
rounded up a brain trust that included the chose magic!”
likes of Jay Marshall, Roger Crabtree, Bill Wells,
Pete Biro, Siegfried, Roy, Lynette Chappell,
Stevens for another reason that I don’t think
Domenico Dante and Irene Larsen and
he ever really got credit for. I believe Joe’s big
dubbed them the Desert Magic Seminar Board
ideas and his big thinking is continuing to live
of Directors. Together they decided to hold a
and thrive in our magic community today, in
Las Vegas Desert Seminar and add a Close-Up
fact I know it does, and many reading this are
Contest with a $10,000 prize along with some
the beneficiaries of Joe’s impact today.
choice bookings and a trip to Japan to appear
on a TV show for the winner. It was a crazy
Magicians around the world should all raise
idea, not something anyone had ever done
a glass to our brother Joe Stevens because if
before. The result was an amazing Close-Up
you have attended a magic convention in the
Magic Competition that attracted a who’s who
past 10-20 years, I believe that convention was
of close-up magic at the time. Everyone pretty
influenced by Joe. I don’t think there would
much just said… $10,000 prize? Why not?
have been a MagicLive in Las Vegas if a young
Top name magicians put their ego aside and
Stan Allen had not attended the early Stevens
agreed to go along for the ride. And when the
conventions, probably with a notebook in
competitors stepped from behind the curtain,
his back pocket. If you attended the recent amazing seashell routine. You may never have
they were greeted by 300 cheering magicians
MagiFest in Columbus, Ohio, that convention heard the story of how a young Tim Conover
and sitting in the center of the very first row
would not have been possible if young Joshua changed a close-up pad into a live ferret. And
were three living legends, Siegfried & Roy with
Jay and Andi Gladwin had not read about there definitely would not be a trick called The
Dai Vernon sitting right between them. Just to
Joe Stevens’ conventions and perhaps, they Finger Ring on the Hourglass. Joe Stevens’ big
add a little more glamor to the event, Joe also
attended an early MagicLive produced by Stan ideas motivated magicians to “Produce” and to
invited Muhammad Ali, who had an interest
Allen again probably with a notebook in hand. push themselves and their magic to the next
in magic to hang at the convention and hang
From the very start Joe was doing ground- level while at the same time inspiring young
he did. Joe was never afraid to ask, he used
breaking, innovative work as a “Producer” and future “Producers” as well. There is more
to say: “The worst thing that can happen… is
single handedly changed the look of magic amazing magic in this world today because
they say no.” He even convinced Siegfried &
conventions from the standard convention Joe Stevens walked among us. He may have
Roy to hold a tea party for all the spouses at
format of a lecture, a close-up show and a stepped off the stage but his memory, his
the convention at their private estate. A few
stage show in the evening. impact and his big ideas will continue to live
years later he convinced Siegfried & Roy to
invite the entire convention of probably 500 on, and we are all the better for it. For that
And chances are if not for the motivation of Joe, we all thank you. Our condolences to
people over to their house… and once again
Joe’s signature $10,000 Desert Magic Seminar Mark and Amy for the loss of your amazing
they agreed, creating magical memories that
with the impressive Siegfried & Roy Gold parents. Joe you and your dear Martha sure
every attendee will never forget.
Lion Award as a trophy, Michael Weber’s Ship lived a great one. Rest In Peace my friend.
(bottlecap) in the Bottle might never had
But beyond his affable and outgoing
been invented. John Kennedy might never
personality, his big heart, and his
have floated a cigarette to his lips. Sawa may
entrepreneurial skills, I will remember Joe
not have added some new sequences to his
48 FEBRUARY | 2023
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One of THE most recognizable magic props of all time just LEVELED UP
for the 21st century... introducing ProCaps by Lloyd Barnes.

ProCaps was designed to replicate everyday bottle caps; this stealth-like set allows you to VANISH, TRANS-
FORM, APPEAR and TELEPORT stacks of coins with total ease, right under the spectator's noses.
If the ProCaps set alone wasn't enough; we've brought in Craig Petty to teach you 11 brand new, NEVER
BEFORE PUBLISHED routines in an over 2 hours long in-depth, intricate explanation video.

With tricks designed for beginners as well as challenging professional level routines,
ProCaps has something for everyone.

Available at your favorite Murphy’s Magic Dealer.

EFFECT shuffle the cards and deal 10 cards face-down on the table – 10 for you
This self-working routine is a reimagined version of the “Round and and 10 for me. Now, do you want to use my cards or your cards? Free
Round” effect from The Royal Road to Card Magic (1949). A spectator is choice.”
presented with twenty cards containing black and white silhouettes of
various celebrities. The spectator selects a celebrity silhouette, buries Once the discarded pile has been identified, sort through these cards
the card in the deck and the magician locates the hidden silhouette. showing the various silhouette images. You can make a few comments
about the celebrities as you show the various images that have been
SET-UP discarded. The magician continues, “So you could have selected James
To create some interest, this routine uses 20 silhouette images of Bond for example or even Spiderman.”
various celebrates – real and imagined. A selection of 10 are provide
here for space reasons. An internet search can be conducted to source The magician says, “When my back is turned take your packet and select
your own silhouettes. Cut-out the images provided and glue these a celebrity that has meaning to you. Show the audience your celebrity
images on the back of blank playing cards. As an option, the cards and place it facedown on top of the packet. Now, I want you to secretly
can be laminated. For an inexpensive method use clear packing tape think of a number between 1 and 10. Got a number? I want you to
– a tip provided by Canadian magician Ryan Pilling. Size and print quietly move, one card at a time, that number of cards from the top to
the Magician with Wand image on 8.5 x 11 inch copy paper as this the bottom of the packet. Let me know when you are done and I will
will be used for the reveal. Email Garnet Garven at garnet.garven@ turn back around.” for a download of the complete artwork – 20 celebrity
silhouettes and the large Magician with Wand reveal. Take the packet from the spectator keeping the cards facedown. Slowly
and while seeming to study the cards, reverse the order of the cards
PERFORMANCE by moving each card from the right-hand to the left-hand. Casually
The magician explains, “Silhouettes preceded photography and were separate the cards, holding five cards in a messy card fan in each hand,
popular during the years 1700 to 1860. They represented a cheap but pretending to weigh each as you ponder the cards. Place the five cards
effective alternative to the portrait miniature. There is still a shadowy in the left-hand on top to the other five card fan. Close the card packet
mystery in these black and white images because they seems to hold and return the cards to the spectator.
secrets by withholding details of the image or the person portrayed. I The magician says, “I am still having some difficulty divining your secret
have 20 cards with the silhouette images of various celebrates. Please celebrity. I am going to turnaround once more and ask that you again
move cards from the top to the bottom. This announce their secret celebrity then turn over
time move the number of cards you did the the matching celebrity silhouette.
first time but move one extra card because we
repeated the process. Let me know when you Take a bow.
are finished.”

Turn around and take the cards from the

mathematical result.

For the reveal - deal the cards, left to right,

into two rows of five each, noting the 4th
position as your final reveal. Reveal Option
#1 – randomly turnover the 1-3 and 5-10 cards
commenting which celebrities the spectator
did NOT select. Finally, have the spectator
announce their secret celebrity silhouette
and reveal the card. Reveal Option #2 - Place
the “Magician with Wand” paper over top of
the cards rows as shown below. Place a knife
or pen at the end of the ‘wand” and pull the
paper away showing the knife or pen on
top of the selected card. Have the spectator
Creativity Series

See instructions for the variations

A new version of the Rising Card in perfor-

Dameon (aka Hal Meyers)
Creativity Series

… and alterations, variations, props, holders, ideas, practical applications, routines


Dameon’s Rising Cards - the beginning:

I always enjoyed watching the Rising Card effect, where a chosen
pasteboard would slither out of a deck being held securely in a plastic
box. It wasn’t something I wanted to do, I just liked it. But then I
had one of those, ah hah moments and I envisioned the entire deck
popping out of a card box while being held in my hand - downstage
center - in one. I did not want to use a thread, they break, and all of
a sudden it hit me, I’m in essence levitating cards out of a box. The
beauty of this idea was that the box lid could be closed, the cards
would push the lid open and they would rise in a perfect grouping.
And, if this were performed correctly I could fool magicians too.
First of all the wire would simply flop down as I pushed up, the cards
I started with a medium coat hanger wire bent in an “S” configuration, went nowhere. Then, I cut my thumb on the nib end (note to self, file
similar to an Asrah frame that was slightly shorter than the width of it round).
the box. And tightly squeezed to fit easily from front to back with
room to glide. I cut a thin slit in the back of the card box 3/4 of the 1) With trial and error I realized the cards needed to be in a cradle,
height. There was a small end, in the center of the wire “S” that stuck and not just a flat shape, a hard angled U, with a front and back edge
out the back and would allow me to simply push the frame up along to hold the cards. So I cut some spare jokers down, encased my wire,
with the cards … now just a simple oval with a nib in the center. I taped everything
together and was in business. A tiny hole was cut along the rear edge
…… WRONG. in the center for the filed nib.

2) Since I was onstage and using this for manipulation it did not
matter if I had a full deck, which was good, because the folded taped
cradle was a bit thick and eliminated two to three cards.
3) Popping the lid open was tough, the cards caught on the flap creas-
es. I figured out that if I used some clear packing tape on the inside of
the flap the block of cards would easily glide over the folds.

4) Then I had another one of “those moments” and came to the reali-
zation I could easily pull open the flap prior to cards rising and no one
would be the wiser.

5) One final thing was to make the card holder short enough to not
peak out of the box when the cards reached their stopping point.

This worked beautifully, and for years I kept it a guarded secret. If I knew
magicians were in the audience, as I pushed the cards up I would move
my hand forward pretending there was a thread. Then upon removing
the cards I’d simply toss the box into my container. Another subtlety I
added, just to fool magicians, was to lightly hold my thumb along the
slit covering it so that after the cards rose I would casually turn the back
of the case to the audience so the prestidigitators could get a good

I performed in a show called Shaboom in Atlantic City, it was a 50’s

themed show with Lee Allen (Comedian/Magi, Dane Anthony (Singer)
and moi. I wore a short sleeve T-shirt and created what looked like a
pack of Camel cigarettes rolled up in my sleeve. I unrolled the pack from
my shirt and as I caught the gaze of an audience member the cards
would rise out of the “cig pack” … yes, it wasn’t one of those had to
make sense effects … it was magical.


I came up with another variation and thought I would have aluminum
sheet metal punched into the shape, with the nib made from short
Chicago screws inserted into a tiny hole in the back of the cradle. This
would have been fantastic however the numbers required to manu-
facture were beyond what I was willing to spend. And for the metal
material to be stiff enough it would have been too thick. Plus it was very
difficult to find anyone who was willing to make a prototype. Next.


Finally 3D printing developed to the point that the materials being used …… NOT QUITE
could be extremely thin but stiff enough with the round nib printed as
part of the shape. It worked until I realized I’d cut too deep and ruined a couple cards.
Hmmm, then I came up with the idea of another metal piece that would
Morgan of John Bundy and Morgan, Master Illusionists, had jumped slide into the box behind the cards (after removing jokers and ad cards)
right into the 3D printing world at the exact time I needed someone which protected the deck from damage.
and was excited when I sent her an STL file (flinging a little 3D printing
lingo around) … she took the challenge and after a little tweaking sent You know, it takes quite a while to cut a slit in 100+ card boxes.
me my first samples. I tested them then we reworked the thickness and
the material being used and created a cradle that would hold a full deck This final Dameon Rising Card Box was designed for stage, or close-
(sans Jokers). up. It takes some practice on the part of the performer. The nib is very
tiny, so it doesn’t catch on your jacket or pants pockets as the box is
She quickly printed over 100 rising card gimmicks for me. Oh, did I removed.
mention Morgan now prototypes and prints things for other folks too.
You can reach her on Facebook: Morgan That’s All RISING CARDS PHASE 4 - A STEP FURTHER:
I like odd things happening in my routines to catch an audience off
RiSING CARDS ASSEMBLY PHASE 3 +: guard. I’m a huge Apple Product nut and I actually made my own
Yikes, then I realized I had to purchaser 100+ decks of cards (thank you iPhone deck of cards. I purchased playing card stock and created a full
SAM’s Club) and had to figure out an efficient way to make the box slits. set of cards on iPhone screens. I had two complete decks printed, the
backs of the cards were I phone backs. I cut each card out by hand and
Measuring and marking each box by hand with a ruler would have found a round corner cutter that was perfect, powdered them and was
been absolutely ridiculous (I tried on the first two boxes) so I created ready to perform.
a metal template out of aluminum to slide over the back of the box of
cards. It has a slit wide enough for the nib to fit in, and is the correct In the middle of my routine a phone rings, I stop and look at the audi-
length, acting as a cutting guide. I immediately came to the conclusion ence and then realize it’s my phone. I remove the phone (a full deck)
that removing the cards would make it more difficult to cut the slit as from my pocket, and proceed to fan it then perform a card routine.
the box is quite flexible (duh), so I left the deck in place and also kept
the extra cards in the case as I experimented and made my first cuts – It worked nicely, however, I realized I could do more. I took an old iP-
sweeeeeeeeeet … hone 6, attach a modified rising card gimmick to the back and create a
60 FEBRUARY | 2023
simple video to be played on the screen.

The sequence was pretty direct: a phone rings,

I look around realizing it’s mine. Look at the
screen, audience glimpses it, I Shout “MOM …
I’m at blah, blah, blah can’t talk”… I wipe my
hand over the screen and a card appears. The
card rises and you see it physically appear off
the phone rising with the video. I remove the
card along with the rest of the deck and then
perform my routine.

Check out the videos and images. I also

include enough graphic info for you to make
your own rising cards, Have fun.
Oh … just found I have about 30+ units left
of the Dameon’s Rising Cards, if you want one
please let me know. I will get you the pricing
including the shipping and handling. PM - Hal
Meyers on Facebook

Next Month - A Practical Thimble Routine +


1 3



FEBRUARY | 2023 61



The Ultimate
Printed Prediction

Scribe is a revolutionary miniature printer that enables you to create printed

predictions instantly! With an integrated Image Editor and a library of 200+
professional templates, Scribe is ready to perform the moment you receive it!
With integrations to the magician’s calculator, RFID, voice
recognition, impression pads, electronic dice, and to the most
popular Magic Apps, you have a myriad of input options to
make a truly memorable experience. Illuminati Magic

For more information, go to

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The EVOLUSHIN Magic kit
by Shin Lim is the most innovative
and exciting Magic Kit on the market!

Most magic kits put focus on the "toys"

in the kit and not the person performing
them. Shin Lim has developed a magic
kit focused on the beginner, which
makes YOU the star of the show!

Shin did this by creating and adapting

SECRET TOOLS that will make you
look like you have spentyears
learning difficult sleight of hand.
The EVOLUSHIN kit will make
you look like a professional
Magician because all the tricks
are professional level!
Each trick has been handpicked
to bring you the MAXIMUM
response from your audience!

Half-Dyed Synchronicity-Jeff
Silk Sheridan
A unique discovery
Billy McComb's under impossible
latest version conditions.
Authorized by Billy McComb

Silver Odyssey Imperial Chop

Coins Thru Glass-
The most elegant With detailed
version ever. instructions by Jon

Horizontal Card Hourglass

Stop the sands of
Selected cards time solely with
magically move your mind!
horizontally through
the deck.

Burmese Bells Can O'Chips

An unusual Discover a
telekinetic borrowed ring
experiment. inside a sealed
Four models to can of Pringles!
choose from.
Rings -n- Things

FEBRUARY | 2023 65
Designed and used by working Pros,

• Sized for maximum visibility

• Logical die configuration
• Self-centering spots
• Built to last

Martin Lewis’s Magikraft Studios -


Cherry Casino Sands Mirage (Holographic) Playing Cards

Introducing the WORLD'S FIRST large scale DOUBLE HOT FOIL playing cards.
Every color of the rainbow radiates as the light catches the holographic foil backs,
and the "cherry on top" is a SECOND foil. Yes, the cherry is hot foil on TOP of hot foil.
Force a card with no deck switch, no pinky break, no double lifts, no controlling the
cards. Force the right card every time! Do this with a totally examinable gimmick
that is easy to use and 100% reliable. 5 routines plus a bonus idea included.
Available in Red or Blue.

Available at your favorite Murphy’s Magic Dealer.

PRICE: $356.00 you have the ability to edit the thumpers number of repeats,
AVAILABLE: length and strength.
• Visually by the Unifi Notifier Module which can display the result
Color Sense is a marvelously interactive yet deceptively simple close-up in a full color, graphical interface, discreetly hidden within a card
effect every performer should have in their repertoire. It can be pulled case.
out of your shirt pocket and put to work immediately! • Visually on an Apple iPhone and Apple Watch with the FREE Unifi
iOS App.
• Highly authentic Crayon Box, with embedded electronics to detect • Verbally via text to speech audio announcements identifying the
which Crayon has been removed. color using a bluetooth earpiece connected to your iOS device.
• Notification via a wireless thumper (Unifi Thumper), miniaturized The Apps Text to speech is available in a variety of languages with
color LCD (Unifi Notifier) or audio announcements (Free Unifi iOS several customizable settings available.
App) using a hidden Bluetooth earpiece.
• Sensor instantly notifies the performer of the selected Crayon. ** IMPORTANT NOTE: A THUMPER OR NOTIFIER IS REQUIRED TO USE
• USB chargeable, with months of performance time between THIS PRODUCT **
• Easy fold case, to ensure spectator selects a single crayon. WHAT'S INCLUDED
• 24 Hours of performance time from a single charger. Crayon Box, with Micro USB Charger.
• Apple iPhone™ and Apple Watch™ Support. USB Charging Cable.
6 Crayons.
Notification of which crayon has been selected can be received by may Instructional video link
different ways:
• Vibrations felt by the wireless Unifi Thumper. In the FREE iOS App

72 FEBRUARY | 2023
I think I have owned possibly every electronic
Color Match style routine ever produced, other
than the original made by Anverdi. We have
also reviewed most versions at some point in

The best way to review an item is to put it in a

live show. I have now used this version several
times in walk-about and it is by far the most
reliable one I've used. There is SO much to love
about this over other versions.

First, it uses REAL crayons. You can by these

anywhere as they are regular. As a working
professional I need to have equipment that is
100% reliable and I don't have to worry about.
This version by Illuminate-magic ticks every
box for me.

You don't need to have an app on your phone

because you have the option of using their
Thumper or their Notifier. I had 3D holder
printed, so the Notifier fits in to my top breast
pocket and it's so easy for me to get a glance
of the color that is chosen. With a thumper you
feel the vibration so one vibrate might mean
blue for example. You can have the colors
chosen to appear on your phone and there are
various options of how that looks but it isn't
necessary. I prefer to use my phone as little as
possible as I use it for other routines so having
the separate device is great. I have yet to use
my Notifier glasses with this but for me this is
how I will perform it in the future. This way I
get the colors sent to me via bone-conduction
built into the glasses. See the review of Glasses
in the January 2023 issue of Vanish.

The range of this is amazing as well. I

could literally go out of the room and have
somebody chose the colors and still know the
colors. Perhaps the best thing for me is the
battery life. Once charged up this is going to
last an incredible long time, and if it is running
low, you can see it on the App or Notifier. It
is rechargeable so you don't have to buy any devices you own - not every device in range. batteries running out. I need something I can
extra batteries. This is a big savings compared So much thought has gone into this product turn on and leave it on without any worry if
to others out there where I had to purchase making it a real dream for a worker. it's gone to sleep or turned itself off. I want to
$40 of batteries every month if I wanted to be able to turn it on and leave it on until I pack
use it. It is SO easy to use. Right now, I simply turn the show up after the gig. This product does
on my Notifier and turn on ColorSense and I EXACTLY that!
The technology on this is incredible. It uses a can perform this over and over. I have extra
PIR (Passive Infrared Sensor) to detect when a crayons in my close-up bag, and this came
Crayon is removed. You know INSTANTLY when with an extra crayon box should you wear
a crayon has been taken out and which color. this out. The box is designed and printed for
All the existing ColorMatch style products just this routine. It looks just like a regular box you
have a simple (dedicated) vibrator/thumper would buy crayons in.
to report a vibrate sequence from 1-6. It is the
PIR technology that makes this stand out and I like to do this with my business cards and
gives you so many options of how you get some designs drawn on the back. You aren't
your information. limited to just doing this for walkaround, as
I have also done this in a parlor setting. For
It also has iPhone/Android Integration, Visual stage I use PenSense by Illuminati because it
Notification on Notifier, Thumper/Vibrator, uses regular Sharpies.
Audio Announcements via earpiece, can
operate in "Registered Mode" - which means When it comes to using anything that is
the Notifier/Thumper only reports from the electronic, I can't risk it not working or

Explain that you like to start your demonstrations with a little trick that (empty) hand inside the jacket to pull out a card ...the signed card.
is a warmup exercise. One person picks a card, signs it and the card is
then lost in the deck. You explain that the demonstration is simple: find This presentation is inspired by the routine "The Card in the Wallet"
the card behind your back. You place the deck behind you and after published in "SIX BITS" (1936) by Frank Chapman.
some gesticulation, you announce that you have found the card and
even turned it over and placed it back in the center. To prove it, you
spread the cards (face up), and show that in the middle of the spread,
only one card is turned over. You ask the person, if among all the faces
of the cards visible, if he sees his selection; his answer will be "NO! In
this case, logically the card turned over should be the selected card.
Finally, you close the deck and announce that the card will disappear
from the pack. You snap your fingers and spread the deck again (face
down) to see if the turned over card is still there, but no, it is really
gone. You conclude the exercise by saying... "Every good magic trick
ends with a surprise!" You show the empty hand, slide it under the
jacket, and emerge with a card... the signed card. Surprise!

The secret of success for this routine is mostly, rhythm. The suggestion
of demonstrating an unpretentious warm-up exercise helps distract
from the final surprise. You need a regular deck of cards (full or not), a
"double back" card of the same design. Place the special card on top
of the deck. Finally, you need a marker of your choice. Have the player
choose a card, then turn it face up on top of the deck. Have the card
signed, and finally return it to the center of the deck. You are in position
to begin the routine. Note: If the person chooses the top card of the
deck (double back). Do a double trick; with the first and second card.
Then continue as normal. This manipulation keeps the signed card on
top and places the special card (double back) in the center of the deck.

When the card is returned to the deck, put your hands behind your
back (under your jacket) and when you are ready, simply take the first
card on top of the deck (the signed card), and place it under the armpit
of the opposite arm (right hand under the left armpit and vice versa).
Note: to help you retain the card in position. Press the elbow on the
rib cage. Move slowly during the maneuver and the movement will be
almost invisible. It is possible to do the "loading" sequence with one
hand behind the back, but the maneuver is more complex than the
two-handed version.

When the card is "loaded" under your arm, come back to the front with
the deck and explain that you have found and turned over the card in
the center of the deck. You then spread the cards (face up) until you get
to a face down card (double back) and continue to spread the rest of
the cards to show that there is only one face up card in the whole deck.

Logically, the turned over card is the signed card. Immediately, you
"snap your fingers" and say that you have just made it disappear. As
proof, you spread the cards out again (face down) to show that the
"flipped" card is now gone. You end the sequence, dipping a free

74 FEBRUARY | 2023
VIDEO WALK THROUGHS for Louie's Magic can be watched on Vanish
Magazine Bonus section of his blog at: and use the password: vanmag

on the inside and stick it to the half split four SET UP: Put a four of
of diamonds. diamond in each side
of the envelope and
A few magicians that I’m in a text group with seal the envelope. Put
were bouncing around ideas for routines that the gimmicked card
involve a card split. That’s where you have a card face down on the top
and it turns into two cards and the value of the of the deck.
two cards equal the original card. I was first
introduced to this premise in Paul Harris’s trick WORKING: Set the
Las Vegas Split from the book Super Magic. It’s envelope on the table
an interesting premise that leads itself to a lot of and tell the audience
novelty ways to split the cards. you have a prediction.
Force the gimmicked
EFFECT: You start with a prediction envelope card (8 of diamonds) using any force where
on the table and a deck of cards. You drop cards you completely handing the cards. So a riffle
onto the table and someone from the audience force, drop force, dribble force would work. I
stops you at any point and you show the card personally use a drop force, but do whatever
they stopped at. It’s the eight of diamonds. you’re comfortable with. When the spectator
stops you at the card, you turn the gimmicked
You open the envelope and take out a card, it’s 8 of diamonds face up on the deck and set the
the four of diamonds. You admit you messed up pack on the table.
and that it’s a trick envelope and you opened
the wrong side. You flip the envelope over and Open the envelope and remove the prediction
open the other side, but that side also has a four and show it to be the four of diamonds (the
of diamonds! wrong card).

You admit you really screwed up the trick and You admit your mistake and explain that there
put the same card in both sides of the envelope! are two possible outcomes and opened the
You then realize that an 8 is actually two 4’s, so envelope to the wrong side. You flip over the
technically you got it right! envelope to show the other side and remove
the card and show it to also be the four of
You then rip the eight of diamonds in half and diamonds, which is the same card you had just
each half then turns into a four of hearts! shown.
Coat the exposed,
You can watch a demo of the trick here: split half of the of the Admit you totally messed up, however you four of diamond with notice the two cards added together equal the
glue and stick the selected card!
NEEDED: Four 4 of diamonds, one 8 of eight of diamonds to
diamonds, a glue stick, two envelopes and a that. You now have a Then pick up the 8 of diamonds, with its face
deck of cards. card that’s kinda shaped towards the audience and rip in half down
like an X. you can the middle. Then unfold the “half cards” so
SET UP: You will split one of the four of casually show the back that the faces of the fours open up toward the
diamonds and the eight of diamonds, removing and the front to be an audience!
the backs (and you can throw away the backs). eight of diamonds. Notes: I have some thoughts as to whether
Split another four of diamonds halfway. showing the envelope to have two sides is
Fold back the half split four of diamonds can Finally, you will glue the “exposure” and I wrote a blog post about it,
coat the split side with the glue stick. Fold the two envelopes back to you can read it at:
fully split four of diamonds in half with the face back.
76 FEBRUARY | 2023

The special day diary WOW!! The diary trick just arrived - you hit
this one out of the ball park my friend. It is

By Ari Phillips FANTASTIC!! Well done on this -

I’m going to use it!
Paul Romhany

The Effect: The beauty of this routine

Each and every day of the year has a card linked is that there is
to it. A thought of special date is chosen by a NO memory work,
spectator who finds a card assigned to it. This NO card to force,
card corresponds to a card in a deck that is the Quick and easy reset ready
only card in the entire pack that is a different for your next performance.
Spectator easily describes the effect
colour back and has the word “SPECIAL DAY “ Touches them emotionally.
written in permanent marker on the back! This is a real ‘worker’!

Perfect for strolling magic, table magic and even RRP£55.00

cabaret style magic and takes up very little room LAUNCH SPECIAL
in your pockets too! It packs small but plays big! £45.00

FEBRUARY | 2023 77
ast year, I finally had some time to myself
to start chipping away at my life’s “To Do”
list. One of the things that I had promised
myself I would do was head over to Europe.
The impetus of my journey was to visit Munich
and attend the world famous Bavarian festival,
Oktoberfest. As I started planning out my trip,
I reached out to fellow magicians that I had
the chance to connect with over my magic
life and made plans to meet up with a few of
them. Through my European adventures, I had
the opportunity to head over into Switzerland
and have dinner with Roberto Giobbi. I had
connected with Roberto through emails and sipped, more than Roberto, delicious sherries. branch of card magic that I have devoted study
over the phone, but I was excited to be able to We talked about everything other than magic. for. Again, with his sage wisdom, Roberto
sit down and break bread with the man. quickly gave me another version to be able to
We walked down the roads of the village to the
Roberto’s incredible volume of work had delightful restaurant. The chef that owned the
allowed my magic to grow very quickly. His restaurant was famous for serving the game When I arrived back home, while going
works were easily digestible and included in that he hunted. We ate venison and Roberto through Roberto Giobbi’s Secret Agenda,
depth technical descriptions and the detailed educated me on the spaetzle the staff kept I came upon another unique technique
artwork from his wife Barbara. His work also spooning onto my plate. that I would be able to combine with the
dove deep into the theoretical aspects of technique that he told me about while I was
magic, which was of particular interest to me. in Switzerland. When I put the two techniques
After dinner, as we walked back to Roberto’s
I have always been fascinated as to the why together, I discovered upon a routine that has
home our conversation turned to our beloved
magic affects people that way it does and what had the most powerful impact on an audience
craft. I explained to him a problem I was
we can do as magicians to create the most that I have ever experienced with previous
working on for the past two years and with
powerful magical moment for our audience. versions of ACAAN
the span of half a block, he explained a simple
solution. When we arrived back at Roberto's
When I arrived in his village, Roberto and home we poured ourselves some more whisky Start with the shuffled deck ribbon spread
I started our visit with some coffee, which and retired to the living room. We spoke, in across the table in front of the spectator.
then led to some seasoned ham, truffles and depth about the table faro, the double lift and
cookies. Then he broke out the sherries as an delicately talked about some of the politics of
Explain that the deck of cards as we know
apéritif. Roberto brought out a different bottle magic.
it today is based on the Gregorian calendar.
to pair with each plate of delicious snacks. Black represents night and red represents day;
We talked about watches and about the local Eventually we broached the subject of Any 4 suits represent the 4 seasons; 13 weeks in
history and architecture of the village as we Card At Any Number (ACAAN), a particular each season, 13 cards in each suit. 52 cards in

78 FEBRUARY | 2023
a complete deck and 52 weeks in a year. Flip the cards face up until you are three
At this point, ask the spectator to think away from the number. For example, if they
of any card that calls to them. were to call out the number 15, deal the
Once I am finished with my story, I cards facedown on the table until you get
gather up the cards face up in my hands, to the number 12. Then, “accidentally” drop
prepared to quickly go through the the twelfth card face down.

Then ask them to call out the card that When you stop here, casually rotate the left
they would like in the deck. For this hand ALMOST perpendicular to the table.
example let's say they have chosen the
five of hearts.

At this point, it's important to break state,

Once the card is called out, I spread you have to break the rhythm of the
through the deck quickly until you spot conversation in order to ensure that the
the five of hearts and move to two cards spectators all break eye contact with the
past it on its left side. This move is from deck in the left hand. This technique is
The Secret Agenda January 15th. broken down in greater detail on January
23rd, Actus Interruptus, The Secret Agenda.
I am going to make the five of hearts This is where I change the tone of my voice
invisible and hand it to you to hold on to slightly and say, "Remember, you could
for just a minute. have chosen any number and I even gave
you the opportunity to change your mind."

Mime pulling a card out of the deck and

hand it to the spectator.
I then casually cut the spread and put Acting as if you have made a minor mistake
the five of hearts three down from the in the presentation, state that the cards
top of the deck. you were dealing off of the deck should
have been face up.
I turn the deck face down in my left

"Could you please, now that you are At the same time as you say, "should have
holding on to your invisible card, think been face up", complete the half rotation of
of a number between 1 and 52" the deck and place the deck onto the table
so that the block of ten(ish) cards that were
face up at the bottom of the deck are now
As they are considering the number, I face up, with the chosen card third from
casually get a break under about ten or the top. Quickly reach over to the dealt off
so cards and perform a rolling half pass. cards and turn them face up on the table.
The block of ten cards is moved, under
the cover of the right hand, face up onto
the bottom of the deck.
Leaving the deck on the table, cleanly
continue your count. "Thirteen, fourteen..."
Once they have confirmed that they
Just before you call out the number fifteen,
have a number in mind, take back the
while holding the card face down over the
invisible card and “place” back into the
discarded cards, ask the spectator once
deck. Once that is done, ask them to
again what their card was. When they say,
call out the number that they were
"Five of hearts," drop the card so it flips face
thinking of. Ask them if they would like
up on the table.
the opportunity to change their mind.
Whatever number they decide on, start
dealing the cards down to that number.


which has the playing cards already printed on each day of the year.
The diary is also designed without any days/years so it can be used year

on end.

The method is extremely clever and self-working. Having performed

this in a strolling situation I can tell you it makes the perfect walk-
around routine. It takes up little pocket space and the reset is instant!
When working walk-about reset it always important to think about and
here it is instant. When you finish the trick and put the pack away you
set it up right Infront of the audience ready to do it again for somebody
else. The diary has a nice addition at the back where it talks about
the coincidences between playing cards and the days and months
of the year. This makes for a great routine and makes sense in the

Everything comes in a professional package, and it is easy to keep both

ONE FOR THE DIARY the card and diary together in your case with the slipcover provided.
You get video instructions plus written instructions.
There is nothing to memorize and all you do is get any date from a
Price: £45.00 spectator, look at the card on that day and find it in the deck. It really
Available: is THAT easy. The card will end up being the only one with a red back
in the blue back deck and has written on it SPECIAL DAY. This type of
THE WORKING MAGICIANS POCKET DIARY TRICK routine can have an impact to your spectator because that is a day
that means something to them. I love this type of routine that has a
The Effect: connection with your audience.
Each and every day of the year has a card linked to it. A thought of
special date is chosen by a spectator who finds a card assigned to it. I love the reaction this has been getting and for anybody who does any
This card corresponds to a card in a deck that is the only card in the type of close-up magic I can't recommend this enough. It's the perfect
entire pack that is a different colour back and has the word “SPECIAL routine that you will add to your repertoire and become a staple. It has
DAY “ written in permanent marker on the back! in my act!

Perfectly for strolling magic, table magic and even cabaret style magic You can get this in red or blue back deck. It is one of the most
and takes up very little room in your pockets too! It packs small but commercial tricks I've reviewed in a LONG TIME! Great for the amateur
plays big! or full time professional.

Bespoke Leather Like Mini pocket Diary.

Bicycle cards come in choice of Blue or Red back.

The beauty of this routine

is that there is
NO memory work,
NO card to force,
Quick and easy reset ready
for your next performance.
Spectator easily describes the effect Touches them emotionally.
This is a real ‘worker’!

I LOVE diary tricks and this one has been so much fun to perform it
has quickly become one of my favourites. It is small enough to put in
your pocket a long with the deck of cards. You receive the regular diary

82 FEBRUARY | 2023
props involved. Here were a series of items

02 that could fit naturally in my pockets without

looking like I had raided a Dollar Store!
Everything was classy and top notch as I have
come to expect from Regal.

Of course, a trick isn’t just defined by the

quality of the props it stands and falls on
the routine. Regal has made two major
improvements in Mental Selection; the first
is the decision to significantly increase the
number of choices from Mental Choices’
three-color selection. I like this a lot better and
feel it adds greatly to the impact of the trick.
The second improvement is subtle but very
strong; he has replaced the three-color choices
to a series of simple but evocative symbols
printed on seven cards. This simple alteration
allows for some nice ways to emphasize the
psychological implications in the spectator’s
DECISION POINT BY DAVID REGAL There are quite a few other small but key
touches that David has added to the routine.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating, and

Cost $59 I never review an effect until I have performed
Free Shipping to Continental U.S. it to a lay audience. I watched Regal’s clear and
Shipping to Canada $7.50 thorough video and then practiced Decision
Shipping International $15 Point until I was very comfortable performing
Video at it. This is not a difficult routine to present, but
Available from various magic dealers and from to do so smoothly you need to become very comfortable with the various choices you
must make during the handling. David has
put a lot of thought into the dialogue that
Review by Nick Lewin. accompanies this trick and I strongly suggest
you learn it carefully before personalizing it.
Many years ago, British magician Len Belcher How did my test run with the routine work
created a simple and direct close-up routine out? Just great! This is a powerful piece of
called Mental Choice. It has been marketed magic that proved to be both entertaining and
and bootlegged many times over the extremely practical and I will be using it a lot.
years with many tweaks and twists having I can highly recommend this effect and give it
been added to the basic handling by other an enthusiastic five-star rating.
magicians. Back in the day, I bought Mental
Choice and tried it a couple of times and
in honesty wasn’t particularly impressed.
Looking back, I suspect I was uneasy with
the simplicity of the handling and failed to
grasp the direct impact of the plot and effect.
I couldn’t really grasp why Mental Choice
was as highly regarded as it was by so many
magicians. In the end, I just chalked it up to
the very valid realization that not every trick
was right for every magician. I now have a
reason to update my opinion.

Let me begin by saying I am a huge fan of

Regal’s magical thinking. When David puts his
mind to creating a new trick or streamlining
a classic he is almost without equal. His skill
in analyzing an effect inevitably results in a
routine that cuts out the unnecessary and
adds subtleties that result in pure performing
gold. When I saw David had released a “deluxe”
version of Mental Choice I clicked that PayPal
button and was anxiously awaiting to see
exactly how Regal had reimagined the routine.
The moment the beautifully boxed trick
arrived I was impressed by the quality of the
World Class Magic! type of performance without the expensive cameras and set-up. Stay
EXCLUSIVE ONLINE CONTENT tuned in VANISH in the very near future to find out more.

Created by the man behind the magic on Britain’s Got Talent. This download includes routines direct from Jamie's shows complete
The rsvpmagic online video library is one of the very best in the magic with live performances in theatres. Here is where you can see where this
world. Now it's available to you as an online streaming service at a type of performance really shines. This first volume is mixed with card
truly unbeatable price. Long before Russ became one of the official magic and a rope routine which is version of Professor's Nightmare.
producers for Britain’s Got Talent, he was one of the busiest performing Not all the magic needs a camera as this download is about magic that
magicians in the UK. His work took him around the world and lead to a can pack small and play big. Jamie's rope routine certainly plays big,
passion for filming and editing. As he told me it came about on cruise and the live performances prove this. I really love the use of the WOW
ships as he had so much down time. For the longest time he produced gimmick in the opening of the download - it shows how something that
ground-breaking videos and DVDs which contained amazing magic usually only works one-on-one can play for a 1500 people.
and features magicians who were all professional entertainers.
Anybody who wants to incorporate close-up into their performance in a
Recently Russ decided to do something with all the material he filmed theatre show needs to own this. Jamie has done all the work and shares
and has released an online product that features individual routines a lot of information in volume 1. For me the key element and take-away
and tricks from the entire product range. He is also filming and adding from watching him is how much his personality comes through in this
new downloads as time permits. Think Netflix but for magicians. type of magic. It just proves how important having personanlity and
knowing who you are and getting that across to an audience is vital in
Unlike a lot of other things like this Russ has the material at hand and the success of any show. You can push around as many large illusions
has already uploaded over 100 videos - and I know has hundreds more. as you want, but what the audience remembers is WHO you are rather
The material he has filmed covers everything you can imagine from than what you did.
close-up to comedy to stage. Vanish is pleased to be able to offer
monthly reviews of some of the downloads.

The list of performers is so vast but some names to whet your appetite
include; Jamie Allan, Mark Raffles, Wayne Dobson, Martin Sanderson,


Download from

Jamie Allan is the master when it comes to packing small playing big, CARD IN KITKAT BY KIERON JOHNSON
especially on cruise ships and large threatres. This download includes Download from
all you need to know on using camera's and choosing magic that can fit
in your backpack yet fill a stage. This is a chosen card to impossible location. Nothing becomes more
impossible than having something end up inside a sealed chocolate
Jamie was one of the first to really utlise cameras with magic and bar. In this instance it is a Kit Kat bar which has been inside a spectator's
develop a full show on ships with this technology. He realized that this pocket. This 30-minute download includes a full performance in a close-
type of show had just as much, if not more impact on an audience than up situation plus the full explanation by Kieron. The method is certainly
the larger illusions. In this two-hour download Jamie shares all secrets within the reach of all levels of performers, but the set-up will require a
on the set-up, lenses, cameras, and lights, etc. Having a great camera is little bit of work. Keiron has always reminded me a little of Max Malini
only one part of the story when it comes to this type of magic - you also because some of his set-ups do take a while but in the right moment
need a way to project it and Jamie discusses that too. can create miracles people will talk about forever! This is one of those
While this was filmed some time ago a lot of the information still holds
true today. I do know that Jamie is currently working on something The prep-work is straight forward and probably only takes about 5
truly remarkable that will open this field and make it so easy to do this minutes with some large Kit Kats. I can't see why this wouldn't work
84 FEBRUARY | 2023
with other brands of bars that you might find people off the method. For a little card trick performance and then full explanation.
at your local store. The method to load into the this one really packs a punch and it's the The method is extremely clever, and a lot
bar can be used for other things such as bills. type of routine you really want to know and of thought has gone into the handling to
There is also an alternative version using gum, have in your arsenal if somebody wants you make the moves natural and completely go
which is much cheaper and keeps forever. With to show them a trick with a borrowed pack. unnoticed by your audience. This has become
chocolate you need to use the bar quickly but There is a nice sneaky addition at the end of something I really want to perform and will go
with gum you can make a lot up and keep the download which hides a crib should you into my formal show.
them handy. In this version the torn card ends want to, and you are literally looking straight
up wrapped up inside a wrapper of chewing at it without the spectator being aware. The You will need to be able to handle the cards
gum. crib isn't necessary but is helpful when first and have some skill with them, but there is
performing this. I would recommend this to no finger flicking and I would say this is well
This is an impossible card to location with an somebody who is familiar with cards and able within in the reach of most magicians. This is
ending they won't see coming. If you don't to count and memorise a few things. It's not an interesting routine in the way it fits with the
mind doing a little preparation this would for the novice but for a person who has some audiences’ thoughts and how you condition
make a killer trick. Kerion teaches you a insight in to card magic and math. them. You will learn a few different 'shuffles' so
technique to force a playing card, you can't do you have choices if you don't want to use what
a signed card to impossible location, and how Will does in the routine.
to vanish the torn card.
This is the type of card routine I really love. It
LUCKY CARD BY WAYNE DOBSON has great structure, a great story line and a
Download from killer ending nobody would see coming!

This 13-minute download is Wayne's signature

effect that is completely hands off. This is
Wayne's handling based on the Dai Vernon
Card Trick that Can't be Explained.

I love the premise of having YOUR lucky card in

your wallet and you can use a borrowed deck ORDER AND CHAOS BY WILL HOUSTON
to perform this. This way it really does look like Download from
you have a lucky card you carry around with
you. You can play with the spectator asking I had to watch this one several times and still
if they have a lucky card and getting them couldn't figure it out!! This card routine is a
to think of one. This requires a little practice real killer, quite possibly as strong as Out of
and work, but they do a great job working This World! This type of card routine is best
through a performance explaining the performed in a more formal situation where
different outcomes. I can see why this would people are seated.
easily fool anybody including magicians.
There are so many little fine points that throw This 26-minute download has a live

FEBRUARY | 2023 85
This is one of the strongest pieces of magic in the entire series. A signed
coin vanishes only to appear trapped inside several 'flying saucers'
and wrapped in a bag. As with all the magic in this series the quality
of the product is excellent. It's not your cheap knock off type trick but
really well-made prop. There is something that makes you feel good
when you have a prop that is quality. This is a good trick for beginners
because it teaches them a little sleight of hand and how to vanish a coin
using a French Drop. Once the young magician masters this they will
have a routine that they will want to perform all the time.

The quality of video production is excellent and everything you need

to learn is taught on here. I would say this would make a great trick for
somebody 11 years or older. My son who is 11 loves this trick and it's
become one of his favourites to perform on friends.

UFO - The Apprentice Series by Murphys Magic

PRICE: $8.95
AVAILABLE: All magic dealers

In this version, You ask an audience member to borrow a coin. The coin
can be signed to signify it is the only coin like it in the world. You tell a
story of a person (with the same name as your audience member) what
was beamed up into a UFO! You hold their signed coin in your hand and
it VANISHES completely! Then you show your hands to be 100% empty!
you reach into your pocket and remove a Flying Saucer (UFO) that has
been secured with rubber straps! you ask your audience member to
take it apart. Inside the UFO is ANOTHER UFO with straps on it! inside
the second UFO is a small Pouch secured with yet another rubber strap!

All Apprentice products come complete with all necessary props, online
instructions as well as a great storyline to capture the imagination
of your audience. The Apprentice Line of magic is focused toward
beginners yet, many professional magicians around the world use
these same tricks in their live shows. Learn magic the right way with the
Apprentice Line of magic!
THE GENII- The Apprentice Series by Murphys Magic DICE BOMB - The Apprentice Series by Murphys Magic
PRICE: $8.95 PRICE: $8.95
AVAILABLE: All magic dealers AVAILABLE: All magic dealers

In this version, You show an empty Genii's bottle.. well it's almost empty. In this version, You show a clear plastic chamber with a single die inside.
There is a Genii inside and it is impossible to see him however, you You place the lid on top of the chamber and secure it down.
prove he is there by placing a piece of rope into the bottle. You tell the story of a mysterious explosion. With a single shake of the
THE GENII grabs the rope and does not let go! you hold only the tip chamber, the die EXPLODES and becomes EIGHT MINI DICE!
rope and the bottle is floating in air!! You ask THE GENII to let go of the Super easy to perform and extremely visual!
rope and he does! the rope can now be taken out of the bottle by your
audience member! There is nothing to be found inside the bottle, THE All Apprentice products come complete with all necessary props, online
GENII really does exist! instructions as well as a great storyline to capture the imagination
of your audience. The Apprentice Line of magic is focused toward
All Apprentice products come complete with all necessary props, online beginners yet, many professional magicians around the world use
instructions as well as a great storyline to capture the imagination these same tricks in their live shows. Learn magic the right way with the
of your audience. The Apprentice Line of magic is focused toward Apprentice Line of magic!
beginners yet, many professional magicians around the world use EASY TO PERFORM!
these same tricks in their live shows. Learn magic the right way with the SELF WORKING!
Apprentice Line of magic! NO SLEIGHT OF HAND!
GREAT QUALITY! This was one of the first tricks I bought my son a few years back. The
quality of this version is far superior, and he loves it because it is all
MY THOUGHTS: self-contained and easy to perform. It is the perfect trick for a beginner
This is a real classic of magic and I remember how much I enjoyed it to show somebody and without any skill create a piece of magic. Like
when I started learning magic. It's a great story line with the rope and all the Apprentice series this teaches the student the importance of
the Genii inside the bottle. As well as being a great little magic trick creating a story around the trick. As mentioned, the props are of a high
it's the story element I love about this one. This is a great use of a prop quality and built to last.
and a theme that make sense. It looks just like a little vase a Genii
would live in and with a little imagination a child could really make this One of the things I do like about the entire series is the packaging.
a great piece of theatre. Therefore, I love this series so much ... it's not Quite often in magic sets tricks are lost over a period, but with these it
just about the trick but teaches the students about presentation and is far better to keep the boxes and put each trick in them when finished.
how to create a little bit of theatre. This is the right direction to take any This way you won't lose any of the pieces.
beginner magic trick to.
As far as visual magic goes this one is about as visual as you can get. In
The quality of the props is first rate, with the secret gimmick able to an instant the large die becomes 8 mini dice! I like the fact you can take
easily go in and out of the vase which makes this examinable. Again, the lid off and let them handle the mini dice. Even though this was my
depending on the age and level of the performer you could perform son's first trick it is still one of his all-time favorites. The video explains
as is or enhance it with a little skill. The video training is first rate and everything you need to know and is super easy to do.
another winner by Murphy's Magic.

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