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Mad Street Den Interview Experience

Name M.P.S.Guhan
Offer Type Intern Cum Full Time
Package 10 LPA
Role Platform Engineer
Location Chennai
Difficulty Medium
Rounds 4
Mail -
Phone - 6374914554

Initially all of us were asked to upload our resume along with our preferred
top 2 roles (from Engineer Trainee -Generalist, Engineer Trainee - Platform
Engineer, Machine Learning Trainee, Data Analyst Trainee, Tester) in a
Google form. The techstack knowledge needed for each role was given in
that Google form. There was a resume based shortlisting where they
shortlisted based on the techstack worked on by a person and only the
shortlisted students were allowed to take the Round 1. Resumes that had
projects with ReactJS and NodeJS were preferred by them for Generalist
and Platform Engineer roles. Totally 74 members were shortlisted for
attending Round 1.
Round 1: Aptitude +Coding (Online- 2.5 hrs)
● 25 MCQS + 2 Coding + 2 SQL Queries
● MCQS were all technical and were about ReactJS Hooks, DBMS,
Javascript, Networking and Python.
● Coding - 1 Easy + 1 Medium codes
● SQL Queries- 1 Easy + 1 Medium queries
● This round happened in hackerearth platform and contains negative
Round 2: Technical Interview 1 (Online- 30mins)
● There were two interviewers who introduced themselves and I began
my self introduction.
● Asked me to choose one of the projects that I have worked on and
explain it to them. (Preferably say about a project involving ReactJS for
this role).
● Asked me to say the approach for finding whether two strings are
anagrams and about the data structure that needs to be used for this
● What are APIS, its uses and describe about connecting our project to an
API used by me.(like what are the endpoints present in that API, HTTP
methods used for invocation etc.)
● Describe any 5 HTTP methods.
● Describe about any 3 packages in python(like tkinter,numpy).
● Taking a case study of a login page API, tell about the functionalities to
be included in that API, HTTP methods used, API endpoints to be
present so as to include the login page API into other projects.
● Difference between synchronous and asynchronous API.

Round 3: Technical Interview 2 (Online- 30mins)

● Started with self introduction.
● He explained to me about the working environment in Mad Street Den.
● Asked about my familiarity with python and asked to give an example
of work done by me in python.
● Asked if I am comfortable doing a project with a team and asked about
an instance of me doing a group project and how work was segregated
and coordinated among the team members.
● Questions were asked based on the projects done.
● Asked why I am interested in this Platform engineer role.

Round 4: HR (Online- 15mins)

● Started with self introduction.
● Asked about my view on their entire interview process.
● Do you have any plans to do higher studies?
● Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
● Is the work location preferable?

After I was confirmed shortlisted, there was an individual video

conferencing where HR revealed the type of offer(either intern or intern cum
full time), my role, the stipend during internship and the CTC after full time
conversion. I was explained about the benefits that can be gained from the
Overall, if you have good knowledge in the techstack that the company
needs for that role (ReactJS and SQL for both the Engineer Trainee role) you
can crack the interview. Your communication isn't an issue during the
interview process.

All the best !!

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