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mark Five identical spheresare placed between two blocks inorder to measure their diameter. lock, Whatiethe diamaterot asingle sphere? A.22em 820m ©. 21em D.230m mark Astudent wants to take a particularly accurate measurement of the volume of iquidina measuring cylinder. Which ef the following procedures would makeher measuremantless accurate? A Putting hereyes level with the height of the measurement tobe taken B. Reading the liquid level from the bottom of the meniscus. C. Using the largest measuring cylinder she could tnd, D. Usinga set-square to make sure the cylinders perfectly vertical mak Extended Only Ieentity the physical quantity thatis mt colar. A spec B. time ©. weight D. energy mark Astudentis timing the rate of cooling of abeakerof water. Onarepeatninofthe investigation, the student forgets to zoro the stopwatch. ‘The readings on the stopwatch atthe start time and the end time are shownin Fig. 17 Start time Fig. 1.4 Calculate howiong tock thebbesker 10 C00 ‘A. limmutes BB. Tmiutesand8 seconds ©. 12einutos D. 2minutesandS seconds Extended Only Identify the physical quantity that is scalar. A. weight B, distance C. velocity D. acceleration End time mark 1 mark Iwish to roast a chicken for Sunday lunch. The chicken requires 1 hour and 20 minutes in the coven to be properly cooked. ‘Tne oven mustbe switched on10 minutes before any foods put in, in order to pre-heat, and reach the correct temperature for cooking. Iwish the chicken tobe ready at 4:30pm. Atwhat time must switch the oven on? A. 2.10pm B. 3:10pm ¢. 2.00pm D. 5:00pm 2 mark Aparticularly diligent student wantsto measure the volume of someliquid for an experiment. ‘Shehas two measuring cylinders available, alarge 250 mlone anda small 50 mlone. Tho liquid vill ft into either of the two measuring cylinders. ‘As expected, the liquid forms ameniscus where it touches the sides of either measuring cylinder. Which cylinder shouid the student use to get the most accurate result, and from where shouldshe measure the liquid level? eine Reading taken from A large. ‘Top of meriscus B large _|Bottomofmeniscus c ‘small Top of meriscus D small |Bottomofmeniscus Choose your answer A Bc OD Ageologist wants to measure thevolume of particulaly interesting pebble she has foundin ‘She uses the apparatusshown below. \whatietne volume of the pete? A Memé B. 25cm" ©. bem? Diem ‘Agclentet ie tying lodatermine tne volume! three dentical pieces of anew material. She places themina measuring cylinder esshownin the cisgram ‘The festeyinder shows thelevel of waterin hemeasuring cylinder before the place are added. and the second cyindershows themeasuring eyinder with the places thenew materiatnsice ? 7 |Whatisthe volume of each piece of the new materia? A. 300cm* 8. 1ssen* ©. 167m? D. 40.0em" \Whichor the ciagrams below conectlyshows twoforces, Wand Xwiththeirresutant? Treebiocks ae placedinto three measuring cylinders. These are shown below. \Whichrowin he table shows the biocksin order increasing volume? ‘Swaleet largest voume volume ax Y z BY x z e2 Y x Dz x ¥ 2 mare Astudentis trying to see how quickly they ean un 5.0 kmon astandetd 400 m uaning track “They reason that if they knownowfastthey can unonelap, they an assume they win st the same speed for5.0km,andcancaleulate thelr predicted time, “They, correctly, reason that they willnotbe able to maintain thal intial pece tnioughoutthe “whole §.0km, so they cecide totime laps. ‘The diagram showsthe reading onthe stopmatch at the begining anc theend oflap5. {91300))) | {i1-10:00) Stat fap End of ap Calculate howlong tshouts take the stucenttorun.0 km. A. Zé minutes 52.5 seconde B24 minutes 22 5seconds . 1Smnuesoseconae D. Pminutes-45 seconds ‘An Olympic eyciatridesrourdavelodrome tracks times. ‘Tne iagrambelow shows the reading on the stopwatenwtich wacusadte time thelaos. Unfortunately the person ung the stopwatch startad talitie cary. ‘Authe ‘Ate Ae eof ‘ut one ert fe orcs ‘Whatis the average time to complete onelap oftheveloctome? A wate B Mots 1584s b.w2ie mare Astudent useea rulertodetermine the circumference of a woeden dowel. She puts mark ontothe dowel, then ollsit long the uler three times. before readinathe position on therular st which it stopped. Starting Final pesition position Mark on can: ‘Whats the circumference of thedowel? A. Rem B.23em ©. em D. Sem 5 mark Two forces act onan object at right angles to each other: a6N force and an8N force. The diagrams below show the two forces. Which diagram also shows the correct resultant force? A B Cc on ow . on \a on wo [4 . vA ow we 2marks ‘Some students observe diops of water falling from a tap that leaks, as shownin Fig. 11. Fig. 1.4 ‘The students measure thetime for 30 dropsto fallfrom thetap. The time for 50 drops to fall 1820s. Calculate the average time between twodrope faling. average time : > amare ‘The students colect some drops of water. () The studentemeasuretthe velume of thewaterthey collect, State the term for the equipment thatis suitable for meesuring the volune accurately. Ing simlarexpenment. anotherstudent collects 0.21kgof water Calculate the weight of this water. weight of water: NG FourstudentsP.@, Rand Seach atiempt tomeasurethe timepetied|the tne forone complete oscilaion)of apendulum, The attows nFig.2.1show tre movernenisof the ‘pendulum hat each student times. wrk d Pao Sad 2 ¢ b baoe 9 2 ee Fig 2 ‘State the student who nas chosen the comect movement or one perodof apenculum, Anotherstudentusesa stopwatch to mensurethetine kan fr 50 periods of apendkiue, Fig. 22srowsthetime takenonthe stopwatch Fizz Calculate the time for ene peiodof the pendulum. Sve yourarswerto Ssigniicant gues ‘tmetorone period = * “The student measures the cisplacement of he pencuumob fom tsest poston The depiacementist6.Sem,asshonninFg.23. ‘State the ssplacementinmilimetes. Astudemtmeasures thelength of the sides of ametal cuboidusing 230 cmruler. err loci 23456789 9S + CZ tod Fig. 4.2 Fig. 1.3, State the measuredlengths of the follawing sides. Include the appropriatauniteinyoursnswer @ SideainFg.11 length of side m1 (i) SideBinFigh2 lengthetzise m1 (i) SideoinFig 3 length ef side 30 Smarks Calculate the volume of the metal cuboid. Give your answerin cubie metres. “The stucient measures the mass of the metal cuboid ona scale. Te measurementis shownin Figure. 1689 Fig. 1.4 ‘State the reading formas. Give your answerinkg ‘Smarts ‘The densities of iferentmetalsarelistedinthe folowing table Metal Densityka/m ron 7870 Magnesium 1740 Tranum 4510 ‘Aluminium 2600 Use thoinformationin the table to identity the type.of motal wich the cuboidismade of. da Irak Extended Only Identify the unitof velocity. Tickone box. om oeys anys? 4 2mares Extended Only Explainhow a scalar quantityisdifferent to avector quantity Extended Only Fig, 1 shows avactor diagram fortwocomponent velocities. wr mis Fig. Determine the velocity ofthe vectorlabeliedy, 4d 2merks Extended Only Calculate the magnitude of the resultant velocity of the components shown in Fig. 1. Give your answer te 2 significant figures. 5b 2marks Extended Only Identity the scaler quantities Tickallthe boxes that apply. Dtime Oweight acceleration distance 5c 2marks Extended Only ‘State another example of a vector quantityand a scalar quantity, 5 2mane Extended Only Fig. shows a vector diagram forthe effects of two forces. Fig.13 Calculate theresultant force. resultantforce = te nak student has apile of M4 paper forhis computer printer. Fig. LI shows the dimensions ofthe ple of paper. Fig. (otto seal) ‘The ple contains S00 sheets.t paper. Calculate the average thickness of one sheet of paper. average thickne te mark ‘Show that the pile of paper hasa volume of*. Use theinformation shown inFig.11 1c Imark ‘Thestudent measures the total mass of the paperin the pile. State the name of adevice used tomeasure mass. 1 Smatks ‘The mass of the paperinthe pile is 2400 a. Calculate the density of the paper. ensity= o a gfe 2a 2marks ‘teacher investigates the reaction time of fve students. AO. 50 mruleris held above the hand of a student before being allowedto fall. The arrangementis shownin Fig. 3. teacher's ened ‘student's hand Fig. 3.1 Assoonas the ruler falls the student closes theirhand, catching the ruler. The further the ruler falls, the greater the reaction time of the student. Theresults obtained are shown in Fig. 3.2. ‘As soonas the ule’ falls the student closes their hand, catching the ruler. The further the ruler falls, the greater the reaction time of the student. The results obtained are shown in Fig. 3.2. stance fuer fatsiem Fig. 32 Using the results showin Fig. 5.2, calculate the average distance that the ruler drops. average distance = cm 26 2marks Listthe studentsin order of their reaction times, with the shortestreaction time at the topof thetable. One has been done foryou. oder student 4st 2nd od 8 ath sth 2 3marks Ina similarinvestigation, a ruler drops a distance of 11.0 cm and has an averagespeed of 16 m/s. Calculate the reaction time. reactiontime = s Fig. shows alarge tank containing water. The tankleaks. Drops of water falfrom the tank Thecropshitthe ground at aregularate Fig.t Astudent measures the timeinterval betwoon two drops of water hitting the ground. She usesa stopwatch and repeats the procedure threetimes Fig. 2shows each stopwatch reading. Fig.t2 @ Onthetine below each stopwatch, state the time readings shown. jnseconds, 0 (i). Calculate the average tine interval between two drapscf waterhitting the ground average time = sa 30 Sma “Another student moasuras the avorago ime taken fora drop of watortofallfromthe tank to the ground. The tins takonis.6s. Calculate the average speedot this drop of water. average speed= mys ‘Astudonthas apiece of metal that hasani Caleulatothomass of hometal mase= kg ap marks Fig. 2.1shows the piece of metal, ameasuring cylinder anda beaker cantaining water. water Tnetal Tmeasuring eaker cinder Fig. 24 (0 Deseribe how to determine the volume of the metal, using the equipment in Fig. 2.1 4 Explain why the procedure in (p){) isnt suitable for finding the volume of apiece cf low-density wood that sof similar shape and size to the piece of metalin(a) a (@) Themass of another piece of metalis 405g andits volime is 150 er? Calculate the density of the metal. State the unit. ii) Themass of another piece of metalis 405 g anditsvolumeis 150 em?, Calculate the density of the metal. State the unit, density (31 5 Saks Extended Only ‘Two students are discussing mars and weight ‘Student Iclaims that a person's weight willbe different on Mars thant is onEart. Describe the aifforance betwoenmassand woight, and oxplainwhether youagree with Student Extended Only ‘Tekalihoboneethat app espace Edstance Byeoety fe Smais Extended Only ‘Two forces act aright angles tone another:2 35 N force acts to theright anda 42N force acts sown CConstructa scale diagram showing the effect of these two forces, andlabelthe resultant force ask. UsethescaleTON=Tem 53 Amarks Extended Only CGaiculate the magnitude and direction of the resultant force ofthe fercesacting from part © “magnitude of resultant farce = Girection of resultant force = tothe horzontal la ‘2marks Astudentusesa stopwatchin a timing experiment. Fig. 1.1 shows the stopwatchreadings. reading atthe start reading at the end ‘of the experiment of the experiment Fig. Calculate the time interval between the two readings, time interval = s te 4marks Adevice has a light-emitting diode (LED) that flashes briefly atregular intervals. Describehow to determine accurately the average time for eachinterval, using a stopwatch. 2a 2marks Astudent places8 similar coinsin apile, as shown in Fig. 1.1. lef B om NI Fig. 44 (rot b scale) ‘Theheight of thepile of coinsis 2.4cm. Calculate the average thickness of one coin, average thickness = cm 2b 4marks Fig.1.2 shows the pile of coins, a measuring cylinder and a beaker containing sore water. Fle of 8 oie eslincer Fig. 12 (noc to scale) Describe how the student canmeasure the volume of one of the coinsusing the set-up showninFig. 12. An object of weight W is suspended by two ropes romabeam, as shown in Fig. 1. ‘81.1.N 456N Fig. 1.1 ‘Thetensions inthe ropesare 45.6Nand81.1N, asshown. Using a scale of cm =10N, make a scale drawing to show the resultant foree of the two tensions, Clearly label the resultant force. 3 mares Extended Only Using yourscole ciagram from part (a, find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force. magnitude of esutant force = direction of resultant force= ae Tak Extended Only State the value of W, 4a math Extended Only State thedafintionof avector quanti. ® amas Extended Only Alistof vector quantiies and theirSlunits are givenin the following table uantty ‘Stunt weight ws tami ‘gravitational eld strength CComolete the information missing trom the table, Extended Only Anorzantalirce of 26N a therght, anda vertical downforce ot S4Nactonancbect ‘Perpendeutaytoone another. Dyuseotascale gta not cleltion determin the magne of thereeutant magnitude cesta foc a mais Extended Only Using the information rom part(c),dotermine the direction of the resultant force. Girection ofresutant force = fromthe horizontal ‘Abucket of waterhangs froma rope attached toa pole as showninFig. 1. Fig. 11 The tension force, T = 31 Nand the ropes are perpendicular to one another. Calculate the magnitude of the downward force acting on the bucket of water. magnitude of downward forct 5b Imari State thename of the downward force acting on the bucket. Be Timark Extended Only Weight isa vector quantity. Name one other vector quantity. 50 ‘Smarks ‘The buckethas a mass of 0.65kg. Calculate themass of the waterin the bucket. 1 Ima Whichof the quantities belowis weight an example of? A. Fioldstrength B. Accoloration ©. Mass D. Force: Which ofthe following statements about mass or weight is true? ‘A. weightismeasuredin klograms B, mass = weight gravtational fold strength ©. weightismessuredinNewtons D. massis aforce Howris the weight of an object defined? A. The force of the ground pushingon anobject B. Ameasure of the quantity of matter of an object atrest to the observer . Themass perunit valume of anabject D. The gravitational force acting en an object with mass Which rowin the table gives the comect units for mass and for weight? Mass | Weight alia | 49 Bf oN ke clon N o| N 5 Imatk ‘Whichof the folowing quantities is measuredinklograms? A. weight BL mass C. pressure D. density 6 marc Astudontis given four objects, amass balance anda metre ruler. 9+ 2 ‘Which ofthe objects cane determine the density of . using only the metre ruler andthe mass balance? A. Bolt, aluminium andpiastic B. Wood, bolt and plastic . Aluminium, wood and plastic D. Aluminium, wood and bot 1 Imark Which piece of equioment is used to measure the mass of an object? A. Aburette B. Abalance C. Amanometer D. Atrundle wheel mark Abaker uses abalance to weigh outsome ingredients tomake bread, ‘She weighs out some white ficur, then she weighs out some wholemeal flour. Shenotices ‘that the reading on the balance is the same for bothtypes of flour. ‘The baker can conciude that the two flours have thesame’ A. volume B. density C. weight D. internal energy ‘The diagram shows a measuring cylinder containing aliquid , and that same measuring cylinder whenitis empty. ‘What is the density of the liquid? A. 6.30g/em* B. 3.00 g/cm ©. 0.55 g/em? D. 0.16 g/cm? Ageologist warts to determine the density ofthe object shown below. \What needs tobeknovin der tocalculate its density? A. The radius of the base of the cone and the we ght of the cone B. The surface areaot the base ofthe cone and the height 0 the cone C. Thevolume ot the cone andthe mass of the cone. D. The height of the cone and the mass of the cone. 5 Imark ‘Two beams have the same rectangularcross section, butone is longer than the other. Both beamsare made from the same material, Which quantityis the samein both beams? A. The volume B, Theweight ©. Themass D. The density 6 Ta student wants 19 measure the density of piace of rock She starts by measuring its mass . ‘and finds that itis 25009, Noxt she puts $00 em? of watorinto a large measuring eylindor then adds tho rock. The evel Intho measuring cyindar isos 10800 om:. Whats the density of therock? A. B33ofem* B, 3125 q/em? ©. Ol2a/em* D. 0.32a/em* 7 Tmatk ‘Some urknownliquidina beaker has a mass of 200 g anda volume of 230. em The density of wateris1.0 g/cm? How does the density ofthe unknownliquid compare with the density of water? ‘A. Itsdonsityis groatorthan tho dansity of water B. lisdensityislessthan the density of water C. Itsdenstyis the same asthe density of water . With the information civen,itisimpossible to tel 9 mark Alumpof butter hasa volume of 350 em?and amass of 319 g What is the density of thebutter? A. 3ig/om? B. 110 g/em* . 100 g/em> D. O9tig/em? ‘The two diagrams below show a measuring cylinder Inthe diagram on theloft, the measuring eyinderis empty. Inthe diagramon theright, the measuring cylinder contains aliquid \Whatis the density of the quis? ‘A. 0.20¢/em> B. 5.00g/em* ©..0.28g/em! D. 357¢/em3 0 Tmark [cube ot sidelength Semis placed.on amassbalance Som Balance 25.69 e What isthe densityof the cube? A 1Da/em* 8. 0.20g/em? c. 5 12g/em* D. 488 g/em* n mark Anastronaut has a mass of 80 kgon the Earth. ‘The gravitational eid strengthon the Moonis 1.6N/kg, ‘What is the weight of the astronaut on the Moon? A. S0kg B.128N, Cc. 800N D. 80kg w mark Anastronaut has amass of 80 kg on the Earth. The gravitational feld strength on the Moonis 1.6 N/kg, Whats the mass of the astronaut on the Moon? A. 50kg B. 128N c. BOON D. 8Okg 3 mark The density ofa block of wood is2.7 g/cm’ and amass of 583.8 g What isits volume? A. 0.5cm* B. 21.6cm> ©. 2162cm* D. 1574.9cm? Imark Ateacher hasa hot cup of tea. Some of the liquid in the cup evaporates. Choose the line from the table below that correctly describes whathappens to the mass and theweight of the tea in the cup. Mass, Weight A | increases | decreases B | increases | increases C | decreases | decreases D | decreases | increases Tmark Adummy,named Starman, cressedin a white racing sult, was launched into space by Elon Musk’s first Falcon Heavy rocket. Starmanwas sent on ajourney towards Mars. ‘Compared with being on the Earth's surface, howd Starman’s mass andweight change. when he is on his journey to Mars? Mass Weight ‘a | Staysthesame | decreases p | Staysthesame | stays the same c | decreases decreases p | decreases | stays the same ‘The diagram shows a ball of bread dough, before and afterit has been compressed (had the airknocked out of it) Before compression ‘What happens to the mass andthe weight of the dough when itiscompressed? After compression Mass Weight staysthe A a decreases Slaysthe B a stays the same same © | decreases | decreases D | decreases | staysthesame An astronaut buys a 5.0 kg tin of Quality Street chocolates on Earth. She takes that 5.0 kg tin of Quality Street chocolateto the Moon. What is the mass of the tin of Quality Stroot chocolate on the Moon? A. More than 5 Okg B. Less than5.0 kg, but more than 0.0 ka C.5.0kg D. 0.0kg mark ‘Anobjectsputontheletthangsideoftnenalance shownalaw sarcertodetarnine ts weight Masses areadsedto the ight anda uti “Thetablebelowshowathe atfact of varouswelght sorbinstons Masses ontherigithand ade eat 009.508.503.703 50.20 alarcetos sigh totheriokt 7096s 109-89 Tanceipsaighay OTST whicn ofthe masses belowiamartiaytabeteaseatina cojest? A269 8. 2109 ©2000 6 mark Acheesemonger uses anewton meter to measure the weight of ablock of cheese. ‘The cheese has a weight of 5.0N What is the approximate mass of the cheese? A. 0.05kg B. 0.5kg ©. 5kg D. 50kg, Ablock of anunknown materialis shownin the diagram. Wsmassis 5009. 7om_. 150m Vihatisthe density ofthe block? A THIET age B. 7x15 Song em c._5t0 Trae D. 300x7, “pars even? Ateacher wants to measure thedensity of awoodencyinder, ‘She measures the radius, height and mass of the cylinder. marie Which of the measurements that she has taken are required to calculate the density of the eyliner? A Radius. height and mass B. Radius andheightonly . Massand heightonly D. Mass only ‘The masses and volumes of four different objects are givenin thetable. Which of the objects has the lowest density? Mass/@_| Velume/em® a | _100 100 B | 10 50 c 5 7 D 0 20 10 Ablockis shown inthe diagram Ithas a mass of m. \Wihich expression, below could be used tocaiculate the Gensity ofthe block? A.mexxy ee <—__~_*___> marke mark 0 marie Fourblocks, W, X, Yand2 are shown below. w a x soem) 209 soem || soo Sem Sen De 80cm Y z oea| 200 sven|| 109 “en ne wom rr Which ofthe two blocks have the same dersity? A. WandX B. Wang ©. Yanez D. Wanaz 1a imate Fig. 1.1 showsa set of masses made fromthe same material. Fig. 1. Identify the quantity thatie the came forall themasees. Tickonebox. density volume weight » imate The largest mass ie2.5kg. State the number of grams in2.5kg. 25k te amanks ‘The three largest masses are2.Skg, 1.0 kg andO.5kg, Calculate the combined weight of these three masses. Include the unit. weight= 2a marks Fig. 2.1shows awooden aft. The raf tis made from Blogs. ‘Thelogs ae allof the same type of wood, log of wood Fig. 2.4 ‘The average mass of eacrlag is 65.049, Calculate the total weight of the aft, total weight of the raft 2 monks |i) The mass of one of the logsis 66.0ka. Itis 3.0m ong andhasa cross sectional area of 0.040m2, Calculate the density of thewoodin thelog densi kg /m3(3] ) Explainwhy the login (b)il) flozts on water. Be wat Identify the unitthatisused formas. Tekone box ko. aN am Astudentisaskes to write detnitions formas ane weight Foresch of ther answers insert themissing word, selected forthe istbelove force gravity kilogram mass matter newton rest o Mass is a mesure of the quantity of ccm on abject at. lative to the observer. a o Weight ise gravitational onan object ‘that has a Astudertnedstodeternine the densiyofasamie ofl Treymessure 0,001 ol andfnd thasamassof 07549 1) Statethe aquamentinestasentusestofind thames efit A () Caleuatetne denstyortnect a a one Extended The olinpert(e}ispouredinte abeaker of water. Assuming thatthe lquide do not. explain whichliquid oats 4a marie An astronaut travels fromEarthto theMeon, Gravitational field strength onEarth=9.8N/kg Gravitational field strength on the Moon éNikg Identify the quantity thatie the different forthe aetronaut on the Meoncompared to the Earth, Tickonebox. mass ‘weight UO censity 4 mars ‘The mass of the astronaut is 65 kg on Earth, () Caleulstethe astronaut'e weight on Earth 2 (il) Calculate the astronaut’e weight en the Moon m 4c marks Complete the following sentence. ‘The astronaut's weight on Earthis move than theirweight on the Noon because, although their isthe same, the ou fOree on Earthis 4a, Imari What piece of equipment can be used to compare themass and weight of theastronaut while theyare stil on Earth? marks Fig. L showslaboratory equpment used to find the density of an irregularly shaped solid, 0 ‘ Name: Name: Quantity measured: Quantity measured: Fig. 1. For each piece of equioment add a labelstating the name and the quantity measured. 5b Amnaske Explainnow astudent canting the volume of apiece of modeling clay of iregular shape using only the equipmentin part (a) mark ‘The volume of the modellingclay is found to be 64.em State the volume nm? sd mats ‘Themass of he mogeling clays 60.9 ) Determine tne massing 0 li). Caleulatethe density of tha modeling clay stating your aneworintermsor S unt, 8 Fe 1istowsacatot ie Iona etcot Fe 11 ttoseao) ‘Thare21020 une of wits inthe col Thastudent vee ie msswementto calcul averagethennessatthe wie 1) Showman average tNeuressot neweeiesbeutD.2em, average mennessotwie= a emt2) (0) Testun sessuremert ots Semisinsceurate ‘Suggest onereason why the measurement sinaccurate o ‘Thevokime of hewseinthecolistésem anditsmassis128.. CCatultotho density therotalused forthe wiein tecolt sensty= gfen? te “rors ‘Tnestudenthas 2 measuring cylinder and.a beaker of water, cel wessutbg beaker of water ‘indo Fig. 12 Describe how the student can determine the wolime ofthe call byusing theecuipment shown inFig 12. A250 cm® beaker containing some liqudis showninFig. 21 beater uninown volume ot qua () Astudenthes ameasuring cylinder anda balance, Deseriboan experiment to determine the doneity of the liquid. (Suggest heunt of densityused by the student. Fig. 22 showsa block of polythene. potyinene F922 (0 Polythene floatsin water. Explan why polythene floats. (i) The weightof the polythene blockis 0.84N, Calculate the mass of theblock érmarks 6 marks kg] sa Amauks Astudent hasaniegulatly shaped piece of metal, abeaker of water anda measuring cylinder, as shown inFig. 21 _Peasuring oliner piece of meta. Describe how the student can accurately determinethe volume of the piece of metalusing the equioment provided. 3 Smares ‘The student measuresthe mass ofthe piece of mate. Its massis146 g. (State the name of theinstrument used to measure the mass. (i) Thevolume of the piece of metal is 20m" Calculatethe density of themetal. State the unit, density = wi Fig. 21 showseaft floatingon water. Fig. 24 ‘A force of 20 000N actsan the raft intheciraction of the arowshowninFig. 21 ()Statatne name given totne force shawn inFig. 2.1. (Calculate thomassof the raft. mess: kof ae 2merke Asallis added to theraft, as shownin Fig. 2.2. ‘800N 1200N Fig. 22 Fig. 22shows the horizontal forces acting onthe aft atone moment. Calculate the resultant horizontal force acting on the raft and'state the ditectionof this force. force= N cireetion. 50 mai Explain, intemsof their molecules. why the density of wateris greater than that of ol 5p marie State the difference between mass and weight. 6 mare ‘The mass of abucketie1.2ke, When the bucket is filled with oi the total massis foundto be 14.1kg. Calculate theweignt of the oll. weight of oil= 5d 2emarks Tne volume of the ollinthe bucket is 0.0163 m?, Calculate the density of the oil censity: te Smarks Fig. 11 showsa plastic water barrel, The bareelis full of water. banel Fig. 1-1 ‘The water barelcontains 0.050 m* of pure water. The Gersity of pure water's 1000 kg/m*. Calculate themass of pure waterin the barrel. mace of water= soe kg 1b 2marks ‘The density of sea water is 1030kg/m*. The density of the plastic is 10OOkg/m>, Use ths information and the informationin(a)to state endlexplain whether the fullbarrelwillficat in seawater. za omancs Astudent hasa metal object, (The student measures the mass of the object. ‘Slate the name of the equipment used to measure the mass. 0 {il The mass of the metalobject is1260 g. The volume cf the metal s 150 cm?, Calculate the density of the metal Include theunt. density = . ro i) The mass of the metalobject isgivenin grams, State the mass inkg. mas: kg) 2 maths Avaseis placedone table. ForcesX end Y act on the vase, as shown in Fig 11. Fiat ‘Themess of the vase is O.25kg, The vaseis not moving, Calculate the valueor force Kand thevaueof force. Fig 2] showsasignthatextends avers/oad, sppe" post | ACCIDENT tear vi \ en Dock oem" Fig.24 The mass of thesign ie 3.4 «10g Calculate he woight W of tho sign w. . ‘Thewsightof the sign acts at zhorizontal stance of 1.8m fromthe centreaf the support post andit produces tuning effect about point. Point Pisahorzonta distance ot 3mfrom the centre of the support post (Calculate the moment about Pdustathe weight ofthe sign 6 i) Aconcreteblackis positionsdan heother sid ofthe support past withitscante ‘of mass shor zontal distanes of70 em from the cantreof the support past 1. Statewhatismennt by centre of gray a 2. Theweight ofthe concrete lack produces amoment about point Pthat exactly cancels the moment eausedty the weight W. Calculate the weight of the concrate block 3c 2marks The concrete blockis removed. Thesign and suoport post rotateabout point Pina clockwise cirection. State and explain what happensto the moment about point P due to the weightof the sign asitrotates. 42 ‘Smarts Agroup of students aleasked to find the volume of thelr Physics Laboratory. Fig. Lis atop viewoof the room and showsthe measurements of each wall 10.2m 475m 60m 21m Figl. The abnas a celing whichis at constant neigh, founctobe 3.5m. (i) State an instrument thet would be sultableto make thesemessurements, m (i) Deserine amethodithe students could use toreduceerrors nthe measurements 2 i) Explain how they should ensure theresuits are reieble 2 4 ‘Ara Calculate the volume ofairin the room, 4 Brae ‘Thecenstyofthe ais12hg /m!.Caleulate the mass f atin theraom. 4a, marks Describe amethodthe students could use to find the density of sir. You do not need to. include datails of the caleulation. ‘The studentshave been povided with the following equipment: Balloon Large measuring cylinger Bucket water Digitalscales 5 marke Ina carboot salea student sees what the seller says ie amedel seldiar made from copper. ‘The etucent buys the model, hoping thatit ie really made fromgoid. AtScience Club the studentis alowed toimvestigatetheir theory. Describe howthe volume of the model could be measured. Youmay use adiagramif youwish. es monks ‘The student used a force meterfor the nextatage of theirinvestigation, |) Describe how the force meters used to find mass. |i) Explainhow the student reduces errors i theirreading, se “maths ‘Themes of themedelie425 g and the valume ie 72m’. ‘The densities of various metals commonly used in model-making are: brass B.73g/em* copper 9.0g/em* gold 19 q/em> lead Tafem3 By comparison with values in the dats table, discussthe student's findings and whether the modelis made from etther copper orgoid. 50 mares Anotherstudent decides to find the density of a table-tennis ballusing the same apparatus. Diseusea change the student haveto make before making theirmeasuramente,

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