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Trimble Interview Experience:

Name Lokesh D
Offer Type Internship(6 months)
Job Title Graduate Technical Intern
Location Chennai
Package 7 LPA
Number of rounds 4
Difficulty Medium

Round 1: Aptitude + coding (Offline)

● 5 aptitude questions + 2 coding questions

● Difficulty level is medium and it was conducted on hacker earth

Round 2: Technical interview 1 (Offline)

● First she introduced herself and asked me to introduce myself.

● Then she wanted me to explain my projects,techstack used.
● After that , she gave me four puzzles to solve
Puzzle1 , Puzzle 2, Puzzle 3, Puzzle 4
● A coding question was given and asked to write the pseudo code
Coding question
● Then a graph was given and asked me to find the shortest path. Use
shortest path algorithms like Dijkstra's algorithm , UCS etc,.
● Then she asked some basic questions in OOPS,DBMS,DSA
Multithreading , Difference between SQL and No SQL database,
and about some algorithms like Greedy algorithm.
● Then she asked whether I had any questions , I asked some
questions related to trimble and her role in trimble
● This round went for about 1 hr 10 minutes and she ended with a
positive feedback

Round 3 : Technical interview 2 (Online)

● This round is optional only few students attended this round

● The interviewer introduced himself and asked me to introduce
● He gave me some aptitude questions like
1. Find the missing number
2. Work time problem
3. Probability
4. Set theories(intersection , union , difference)
● Then he asked about my area of interest, after that he started to
ask technical questions from Oops, Dbms , Dsa
● He asked to implement multiple inheritance using the java
● Then he asked about abstraction , encapsulation and the
difference between abstraction and encapsulation.
● What is exception handling? Why is it necessary and asked for
some type of exceptions.
● He gave me a exception handling code and asked me to predict
the output
● The code :
Int a = 10/0;
}catch(Exception e){
print(“inside catch 1”);
}catch(DivideByZeroException e){
print(“inside catch 2”);
print(“Inside finally”);

It will throw a compile time error because it is not a problem

when there is more than one catch but it is necessary that the
first catch block should contain more specific exception and
second catch block should contain more generic exception.
Here it is opposite hence it will throw a compile time error.
● Method overloading and method overriding implementation.

● Asked me a query in SQL
1. Finding second highest salary in the table (Do not use not
in and subquery method) .
SELECT emp_name AS Employee, salary AS Salary
FROM employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT N-1,1;

● Asked about triggers

● What is indexing in DBMS, Why it is important , How many
indexes a table can have.
● And some basic questions in DBMS.

● Various sorting algorithms and its time complexities.
● Asked me to implement binary search code.
● Asked about AVL trees and types of rotations.

Then he asked whether I had any questions, I asked some questions

related to trimble and his role in trimble.
This round went for about 1 hr 20 minutes.
Round 4 : Managerial HR (Online)

● This round was purely managerial for me.

● He gave me enough time to introduce myself and he introduced
himself too.
● He had gone through all my projects and asked some questions
related to that.
● Then he asked how to manage team members if you have any
disappointments with them.
● He asked about my teammate and the issues we faced while
building our project. What can be your role in an industry?
● He then checked my hackerrank profile and certifications I had
● And some managerial questions . (Answer whatever you think
but in a positive way)
● This round went for 1 hr 30 minutes and ended up with a positive

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