Shop Up 19 C024

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Round 1 : General Aptitude

27 Math and Reasoning Aptitude questions

No negative marks
50 minutes

Round 2 : We had a choice between Aptitude and Coding

For Coding
2 coding questions
50 minutes

Round 3 : F2F Round

Self Introduction
3 aptitude questions from round 1 were asked to be explained.
1 coding question: (Asked to code in a text editor of your preference)

Two sum Problem

Given an array nums = [1,2,4,8] and target = 10
Return a pair of number that results in target sum

First i have given bruteforce solution and was asked to reduce the time complexity and have
given hashmap approach

Went on for 40 minutes

Round 4 : F2F Round

Self Introduction and was asked about my Area of Interest and Hobbies
Totally 5 Questions in this round (was allowed to use anything, even google search was
allowed for syntax references in this round)
1. (Puzzle) Water Jug Puzzle - Given 3 Litre Jug and 5 Litre Jug and measure 4 Litres
using it
2. (Coding) Count the number of Digits in a number - Eg. 1012 = 4 digits
3. (Coding) Find number of occurrences of a string in a sentence - (Was allowed to use
inbuilt functions, so i have used python inbuilt function and completed in 3 lines of
code, Then again i was asked to do the same without inbuilt function, Then tried in
C++ and i was not able to get the correct output, the interviewer asked to Explain the
approach i was trying, then he accepted that approach)
4. (Hard-Apti) A,B,C can do a job in 10,20, and 40 days. In how many days A can
complete the job if he is assisted by B and C on every third day ?
5. (Coding) There is a machine that can fix potholes along a road in 3 units in length. A
unit of road will be represented by a period in a string. For Example, “...” is one section
of road 3 units in Length. Potholes are marked with “X” in the road and also count as 1
unit of length.
The task is to take a road of length N and fix all potholes with the fewest possible
sections repaired by the machines.

Input and outputs:

.X. -> 1
.X…X -> 2
.X.XX.XX.X -> 3

Went on for 1 hr 30 minutes

Round 5 : F2F Round

Self Introduction and was asked about my Project and few questions related to the project.

Two puzzles were asked :


And 3 Pattern printing programs :

1. *

2. 1****

3. *

Went on for 1hr 30 minutes

Round 6 : F2F Round

Self Introduction
(Coding) - Given a MxN matrix, find the each row and column sum and store it in an array
and it must be sorted
(Puzzle) - Same 8 marble puzzle with some modifications, the defective ball may be either
weighs higher or lower that the normal ball

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