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By default, EventValues (also known as ‘hot values’) have a range of (0,1). For
convenience, certain hot value names are associated with value ranges appro- ra
priate to their names (for example, it’s rare that you would want !Frequency to q
be in the range of 0 to 1). You can change any EventValue’s range in the Virtual sc
Control Surface. The following EventValue names are associated with initial sc
ranges other than (0,1). EventValue names are not case-sensitive.
!EventValue Range
angle -0.5 thru: 1.5
beats 1 thru: 16
boostcut* -12 thru: 12
bpm 0 thru: 2000
centervalue -1 thru: 1
coef* -1 thru: 1
cycles 0 thru: 100
dcoffset -1 thru: 1
direction -1 thru: 1
fmntshift 0.75 thru: 1.25
freqjitter 0 thru: 1
freqlow 0 thru: 1000
freqmid 1000 thru: 8000
freqhigh 8000 thru: SignalProcessor sampleRate * 0.5
freq* 0 thru: 10000
cutoff' 0 thru: 10000
gain 0 thru: 10
gaindb -128 thru: 128
'tune* -1 thru: 1
interval* -24 thru: 24
looplength -1 thru: 1
logfreq 0 thru: 127
keynumber 0 thru: 127
pitch 0 thru: 127
offset -1 thru: 1
onduration 0 thru: 30
panner -0.5 thru: 1.5
radius -2 thru: 2
distance -2 thru: 2
Kyma X Revealed 403

!EventValue Range
rate 0 thru: 2
0,1). For
s appro- ratio 0 thru: 100
uency to q 0 thru: 10
e Virtual scale -2 thru: 2
th initial scale02 0 thru: 2
smallInterval* 0 thru: 12
steps 1 thru: 128
swing 0 thru: 0.5
timeconstant 0.0001 thru: 5
timeindex -1 thru: 1
threshdb -60 thru: 0
upinterval 0 thru: 24


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