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NAME : linggesh

Thermochemistry is the study of the heat

energy which is associated with chemical
reactions or a phase changes such as melting
and boiling. A reaction may release or absorb
energy, and a phase change may do the same.

An exothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that

releases energy by light or heat.

An endothermic reaction is any chemical reaction

that absorbs heat from its environment. The
absorbed energy provides the activation energy for
the reaction to occur.
Example of


cooking an egg Photosynthesis

Heat energy is absorbed from the Plants absorb heat energy from
pan to cook the egg. sunlight to convert carbon dioxide
and water into glucose and oxygen
What is the function of cold pack

Cold packs are used for any injuries to numb

01 the affected area, which can reduce pain and

Cold packs could also reduce swelling and

02 inflammation which is very helpful during an
What is the function of hot


hot pack would increase your blood circulation

01 system and would recover from any injuries

02 Hot pack could also help relieve aches, pains,

cramps, and muscle stiffness
List of materials and tools

needed to produce a cold pack

Corn Starch
Water Blue Food Colouring
List of materials and tools
needed to produce a hot pack

Socks Rice Grains

Example of Endothermic and Exothermic

Endothermic Exothermic

* Melting ice cubes.

* Burning of a Candle
* Baking bread * Making of an Ice Cube
Cold pack flow chart

Then put alot of corn starch in the pan

and stir until a thick texture appears Put 2 cups of water and salt into the pan
and stir for 30 seconds

Once the thick texture appears put it in the

zip tie bag and remove any air from the bag

Close the zip tie bag and place it in the

fridge for 1 hour and it will be cold
Hot pack Flow chart

finally microwave the socks for

1 min and the socks will heat up

Get a socks

Tie the socks

Fill the socks with rice



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