Ders - Modal Soru Çözümü

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• 1) Wetlands - - -"water droughts" both from the effects of a drier
climate, and also when excessive water is extracted.

• A) should suffer

• B) must suffer

• C) used to suffer

• D) might suffer

• E) had to suffer
• 2) Astronomers have speculated for decades that high clouds on
Venus - - - a home for microbes.

• A) must offer

• B) could offer

• C) used to offer

• D) should offer

• E) have to offer
• 3) People who want to learn a foreign language - - - to take advantage
of all opportunities to speak that language.

• A) should try

• B) can try

• C) may try

• D) had to try

• E) used to try
• 4) When combined with other sources, power - - - a person achieve
great success.

• A) must help

• B) would help

• C) can help

• D) ought to help

• E) would rather help

• 5) During the 1940s, with the development of new and more
powerful computing machines, mathematicians - - - more complex

• A) might make

• B) would make

• C) had to make

• D) had better make

• E) could make
• 6) We - - - the movies from the CDs, but now you can find whatever
you want online.

• A) used to watch

• B) should have watched

• C) could have watched

• D) must have watched

• E) might have watched

• 7) We - - - thoroughly the all outcomes of our actions instead of
acting quickly.

• A) are able to consider

• B) may consider

• C) used to consider

• D) would rather consider

• E) should consider
• 8) Recent researches have shown that our planet - - - life in 200 years
as long as we keep ruining the nature.

• A) will have to host

• B) will not be able to host

• C) must not host

• D) should not host

• E) would not host

• 9) As there is no water on other planets, life, as we know,- - - in other

• A) is not able to exist

• B) might not exist

• C) should not exist

• D) must not exist

• E) cannot exist
• 10) Rather than preparing the food for 20 people, we - - - a catering
company. It would be a lot easier.

• A) must have hired

• B) could have hired

• C) may have hired

• D) used to hire

• E) had to hire
• 11) Since the genetic structures of Neanderthals and Homo Erectus
share some common properties, scientist think that they - - - with
each other for a long time.

• A) should have interacted

• B) had to interacted

• C) used to interact

• D) must have interacted

• E) would have interacted

• 12) Because the officials did not care the oil leak in Atlantic Ocean, it
caused more harm than it - - - for the aquatic animals.

• A) would have caused

• B) should have caused

• C) must have caused

• D) had to cause

• E) used to cause
• 13) Although we do not exactly know what - - - the Australia forest
fires in the beginning of the 2020, it - - - because of the temperatures
which were higher than the seasonal average.

• A) had caused / must have occurred

• B) has caused / should have occurred

• C) was causing / could have occurred

• D) caused / may have occurred

• E) would cause / had to occur

• 14) Now that you have failed your exam, I - - - you. You - - - harder.

• A) cannot help / should have studied

• B) must not help / could have studied

• C) ought not to help / must have studied

• D) may not help / used to study

• E) do not have to help / would have studied

• 15) Since we found a nice hotel to stay, we - - - a house in Antalya.

• A) needn’t have rented

• B) can’t have rented

• C) could not rent

• D) did not use to rent

• E) would not rent

• 16) In case of emergency, everybody in the company - - - what to
exactly in order to prevent unwanted outcomes.

• A) can know

• B) has to know

• C) would rather know

• D) used to know

• E) is able to know
• 17) Nobody was expecting them to lose the game as they are far
more better than the other team. Something - - - them to lose their
concentration before the game.

• A) had to cause

• B) would have caused

• C) should have caused

• D) could have caused

• E) must have caused

• 18) Insects pollinate most plants which means people - - - crops
without them.

• A) had better not grow

• B) cannot grow

• C) should not grow

• D) mustn’t grow

• E) could not grow

• 19) The pyramids in Egypt is so fascinating that some people think
that ancient people - - - them just by themselves.

• A) should not have built

• B) must not have built

• C) needn’t have built

• D) can’t have built

• E) may not have built

• 20) DNA sequence of all people are unique and no two people - - -
the same sequence even if they are twins.

• A) can share

• B) must share

• C) may share

• D) should share

• E) need to share

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