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Instructions on QBO for week 3

1. In the demo QBO account (accessible through, go to “Transactions” found

on the left side (the quick access menu) and select (click) “Bank Transactions.”

2. You will find three separate bank accounts looking like the one below:

Your task is to make sure to categorize and record all of these transactions (33 transactions total) in Quickbooks.
At the end of the task, your bank transaction page should look like this:

Specific Instructions:
a. For transactions involving “A Rental,” expand the transactions and add the following details:
- Vendor: Ellis Equipment Rental
- Account: Equipment Rental (Expense)
b. For transactions involving “Books by Bessie,” expand the transactions and add the following details:
- Vendor: Books by Bessie
- Account: Legal and Professional: Bookkeeping (Expense)
c. For transactions involving “Hicks Hardware,” expand the transaction and use the account “Supplies”
d. For transactions involving “Amazon,” expand the transaction and use the account “Refunds-Allowances”
e. For transactions involving “Lara’s Lamination,” expand the transaction and use the account “Stationery and
3. Once you are done with this task, DO NOT EXIT QUICKBOOKS. This will remove your progress. Your next task is to
generate a PDF version of both the BALANCE SHEET and the INCOME STATEMENT as of APRIL 30, 2024.
a. On the menu on the right, click “reports”
b. On the reports section, you will see “balance sheet.”
c. For balance sheet, use custom dates and enter January 1, 2024 on the first date field and April 30, 2024 on
the second date field.
d. On the “display columns by” dropdown, select “Months”
e. On the report page, click the icon below, and select “export as PDF”

f. Do the same steps C to E for Profit and Loss.

4. Your output will be the PDF files of the balance sheet and income statement.

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