QUESTION BANK UNIT 3 - Computer Organization and Architecture

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Semester: IV

Subject Name: Computer Organization and Architecture

Unit 3

1a. Explain different addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor.


1. Immediate Addressing Mode:

o The operand is specified in the instruction itself.
o Example: MOV AX, 1234H (1234H is directly moved to AX)
2. Register Addressing Mode:
o The operand is in a register.
o Example: MOV AX, BX (content of BX is moved to AX)
3. Direct Addressing Mode:
o The operand's memory address is specified directly.
o Example: MOV AX, [1234H] (content of memory location 1234H is moved to
4. Register Indirect Addressing Mode:
o The operand's memory address is in a register.
o Example: MOV AX, [BX] (content of memory location pointed to by BX is
moved to AX)
5. Based Addressing Mode:
o Combines a base register and an offset.
o Example: MOV AX, [BX+1234H] (content of memory location BX+1234H is
moved to AX)
6. Indexed Addressing Mode:
o Combines an index register and an offset.
o Example: MOV AX, [SI+1234H] (content of memory location SI+1234H is
moved to AX)
7. Based-Indexed Addressing Mode:
o Combines a base register, an index register, and an offset.
o Example: MOV AX, [BX+SI]
8. Relative Addressing Mode:
o The effective address is obtained by adding a constant value to the current
value of the program counter (PC).
o Example: JMP LABEL (the jump is to the address specified by LABEL, relative
to the PC)
1b. Explain the concept of segmentation and its importance in 8086.



• Segmentation divides the memory into different segments, each having a specific
• In 8086, memory is divided into four segments: Code Segment (CS), Data Segment
(DS), Stack Segment (SS), and Extra Segment (ES).
• Each segment has a base address stored in a segment register.


1. Modularity: Allows logical separation of code, data, and stack.

2. Memory Management: Facilitates efficient memory usage and management.
3. Security: Segments can be protected, allowing control over access permissions.
4. Large Programs: Enables handling of programs larger than 64 KB by dividing them
into manageable segments.

2a. Explain the instruction set of 8086 microprocessor.


The instruction set of the 8086 microprocessor includes several categories:

1. Data Transfer Instructions:

o MOV: Move data.
o PUSH: Push data onto the stack.
o POP: Pop data from the stack.
2. Arithmetic Instructions:
o ADD: Add.
o SUB: Subtract.
o MUL: Multiply.
o DIV: Divide.
3. Bit Manipulation Instructions:
o AND: Logical AND.
o OR: Logical OR.
o XOR: Logical XOR.
o NOT: Logical NOT.
4. Control Transfer Instructions:
o JMP: Jump.
o CALL: Call a procedure.
o RET: Return from a procedure.
5. String Manipulation Instructions:
o MOVS: Move string.
o CMPS: Compare string.
o SCAS: Scan string.
6. Processor Control Instructions:
o STC: Set carry flag.
o CLC: Clear carry flag.
o HLT: Halt the processor.

2b. Explain the memory interfacing with 8086.


Memory interfacing with the 8086 involves connecting memory chips to the microprocessor
in a way that ensures data can be read and written correctly.

Key Points:

1. Address Bus: 20-bit address bus (A0-A19) to address 1MB of memory.

2. Data Bus: 16-bit data bus (D0-D15) for data transfer.
3. Control Signals:
o RD (Read): Indicates data read operation.
o WR (Write): Indicates data write operation.
o M/IO (Memory/Input-Output): Differentiates between memory and I/O


1. Address Decoding: Ensure the correct memory chip is selected based on the address.
2. Control Signal Generation: Generate appropriate control signals to perform
read/write operations.
3. Data Transfer: Facilitate data transfer between the processor and memory.

3a. Explain how to interface I/O devices with 8086.


I/O Interfacing involves connecting input/output devices to the 8086 microprocessor.


1. Memory-Mapped I/O:
o Uses the same address space for memory and I/O devices.
o I/O devices are treated as memory locations.
o Example: MOV AX, [IO_ADDRESS]
2. I/O Mapped I/O (Isolated I/O):
o Separate address space for I/O devices.
o Special instructions IN and OUT are used.
o Example: IN AL, DX


1. Address Decoding: Ensure correct I/O device is selected.

2. Control Signals: Generate IO/M, RD, and WR signals.
3. Data Transfer: Use data bus for data exchange.


Copy code
MOV DX, PORT_ADDRESS ; Load port address into DX
IN AL, DX ; Read from the port
OUT DX, AL ; Write to the port

3b. Explain the function of 8255 PPI with its pin diagram.


The 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI) is used to interface peripheral devices
with the microprocessor.

Pin Diagram:

Copy code
| D0 - D7 | Data Bus
| RD | Read Signal
| WR | Write Signal
| CS | Chip Select
| A0 - A1 | Address Lines
| PA0 - PA7 | Port A
| PB0 - PB7 | Port B
| PC0 - PC7 | Port C
| RESET | Reset Signal


• Ports: Three 8-bit ports (A, B, C) which can be programmed as input or output.
• Control Word: Determines the mode of operation for the ports.

1. Mode 0: Basic input/output.
2. Mode 1: Strobed input/output.
3. Mode 2: Bi-directional data bus.


Copy code
MOV AL, 80H ; Set port A as input
OUT CONTROL, AL ; Send control word to control register
IN AL, PORT_A ; Read data from port A

4. Explain the concept of DMA with a neat diagram.


Direct Memory Access (DMA) allows peripheral devices to transfer data directly to/from
memory without CPU intervention.


Copy code
+-----------+ +-------------+
| CPU | | Peripheral |
| | | Device |
| +-------+ | | +---------+ |
| | | | | | | |
| | Memory|<--------->|DMA | |
| | | | DMA |Controller| |
| +-------+ | | +---------+ |
+-----------+ +-------------+


1. DMA Controller: Manages the data transfer.

2. Bus Arbitration: DMA controller takes control of the bus.
3. Data Transfer: Data is transferred directly between memory and peripheral.


1. CPU Initiates: CPU configures DMA controller.

2. Bus Request: DMA controller requests bus access.
3. Bus Grant: CPU grants bus control.
4. Transfer: DMA controller performs the transfer.
5. Interrupt: DMA controller signals the completion to CPU.

• Reduces CPU overhead.

• Faster data transfer.
• Efficient for large data blocks.

5. Explain the architecture and function of 8257 DMA controller.


The 8257 DMA Controller manages DMA operations for data transfer between memory and


• 4 DMA Channels: Allows up to 4 devices to use DMA.

• Address Registers: Stores address for data transfer.
• Word Count Registers: Stores the number of bytes to transfer.
• Control Logic: Manages the DMA operations.


1. Initialization: CPU initializes DMA controller.

2. Request: Peripheral requests DMA service.
3. Address Generation: Generates address for memory access.
4. Data Transfer: Transfers data between memory and peripheral.
5. Interrupt: Notifies CPU after completion.


1. Single Transfer Mode: One byte at a time.

2. Block Transfer Mode: Block of data.
3. Demand Transfer Mode: As per peripheral demand.
4. Cascade Mode: For multiple 8257s.


Copy code
MOV AL, 100H ; Set DMA mode
OUT DMA_CONTROL, AL ; Send to control register
BY Laxmikant S Doijode
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