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A. Pengertian
Asking (Menanyakan), Giving (Menjawab), Opinion (Pendapat/Opini) Asking and Giving
Opinion ialah salah satu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan maupun menjawab/
menanggapi suatu pendapat.

B. Ungkapan Asking and Giving Opinion

1. Asking Opinion
 What do you think about…?

 What are your thoughts on…?

 How do you feel about...?

 What’s your opinion about…?
2. Giving Opinion
 I think…

 I believe…I feel…
 In my opinion…I would say…
 I really think…
 I strongly believe…
 I truly feel…From my perspective… In my view… It
seems to me that…
 In my honest opinion…
3. Agreeing with an Opinion

 Of course.
 This is absolutely right.
 I agree with this opinion.
 I couldn't agree more.
 I agree with what you are saying.
 I agree, I never thought of that.
 Neither do I.
 That's a good point.
 I think so too.
4. Disagreeing with an opinion
 I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
 I am not sure I agree with you.
 I don't agree with you.
 I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
 I do not believe that.
 I disagree with you.
 I think you are wrong.
 That's not the same thing at all.
 It is not justified to say so.
 I am not convinced that.....
 I can't say I agree with this, and here's why.....


C. Contoh Percakapan Asking & Giving Opinion

Vic : Hi Kev, have you heard about the new bakery

store? Kev : Yes, I have
Vic : What do you think about it?
Kev : Personally, I think the flavor is little bit too sweet
Vic : Hmm, I disagree with you.
Kev : Then, what is your point of view?
Vic : In my opinion the cake and bread is delicious.
Kev : Fair enough, as far as I am concerned they’re still new so they can still develop.
Vic : Yes, I totally agree with you

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