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VOL. No.

Cosmic Chronicle COSMIC CHRONICLE MAY 2022


Cosmic Chronicle The Hunger at
Introduction the Friendly Feast
Welcome, dear reader, to the first issue of the By Jayce Jones
Cosmic Chronicle. My name is Jayce Jones, re-
nowned bardic scholar and interplanar journal- The gates of Nexus are open to all, and every
ist. It is my great pleasure to introduce the new- now and again someone truly unique passes
est and greatest adventuring newspaper making through one of its portals. Today I had the…
its way onto the streets of Nexus, the City of honor…of meeting just such a being. While
Legends! As a multi-versal hub to countless this writer takes no issue with warlocks and
worlds, our metropolis is always encountering their dubious bargains, this encounter certain-
new and spectacular lore from lands that defy ly challenged my neutrality. I found this par-
imagination. This paper and its humble contrib- ticular individual halfway through his fifth en-
utors are determined to catalogue these findings trée at the Friendly Feast, an all-you-can-eat
so that you, our readers, can learn about the restaurant in the Velvet Alleys. He was happy
countless secrets and wonders in our fair city. to answer questions so long as doing so would
Follow along as we study monsters to terrify and not disrupt his meal, and in between mouth-
inspire, speak with unique adventurers from dis- fuls explained that he was “eating for two.”
tant lands, illuminate dungeons waiting to be Further questioning revealed that his other-
plundered, and oh so much more. Our team of worldly patron was some kind of all-devour-
elite journalists are determined to bring you the ing ooze-like entity whose hunger threatened
finest reporting on any and all matters of the to consume worlds. When pressed, the warlock
multiverse. No matter your taste or lifestyle, the humorously intimated—with an unmistakably
Cosmic Chronicle guarantees quality articles for Mysteriaxis by Jason Strutz
sinister undertone and gluttonous chuckle—
you to enjoy, all for a modest subscription well that he was used to consuming far less “well
worth the gold.
– Jayce Jones, Lead Editor
prepared” fare. It remains to be seen whether
this warlock was aiding the entity in consum- The Impossible Lair of Mysteryxis
ing realms or preventing calamity by satisfying
his patron’s gluttony. Regardless, the restau- By Jayce Jones
Balor rant has yet to financially recover.
Dragons are no strangers to Nexus, and we here vors of their latest expedition, who had just failed

Introspective Read More on Page 5 at the Infinity Chronicle are always eager to learn
all we can about these mysterious beings. Our con-
to burgle the home of a devious copper dragon.
They described to us in great detail the lair of one
tacts within the Hive put us in touch with a gang Mysteryxis the Enigmatical, a magical puzzle of a
By Jayce Jones of thieves known as the Hoardstealers who spe- place that thwarted even these expert looters.
cialize in robbing dragon lairs. Eager to hear more
It is not often a demon graces our fair city, but
about their adventures, we met with the survi- Read More on Page 10
last week I was given the dubious pleasure of
interviewing a relatively even-tempered ba-
lor that was on “business trip.” The fiend was
spending its days lurking inside a factory with-
in the Towers of Thul consulting on a mysti-
Elder Xorn Examination
cal device being manufactured in its name. Our By Talien vos Karven
discussion covered topics from demonic poli-
tics to their favorite food. As horrible as its life Last week, the Golden Path of Prosperity was der xorn who had come to Nexus seeking one-
sounded, what astounded me most is that the the victim of a series of rampant thefts. Several of-a-kind gemstones. The thief led our city’s law
balor was happy. Even when its life was filled jewelry stores were completely ransacked, and enforcement on a merry chase, passing through
with violence, pain, and depravity, the creature their contents stolen. One poor janitorial em- the stone of streets and buildings as though it
found reasons to smile. Its fondest memory was ployee went missing, and her body is yet to be were water. Thanks to the great work of our
the act of force-feeding an ogre to a giant, a feat found. The authorities immediately suspected sheriffs, the criminal is now behind bars pend-
of physical prowess I’d prefer to leave to my the criminal element within the Hive but turned ing trial.
imagination. up empty-handed. The culprit was later revealed
to be a strange elemental visitor known as an el- Read More on Page 7
Read More on Page 2 Elder Xorn by Ambrose Hoilman

Quest Board Classifieds

Adventurers needed for this month’s missions, was enough to send the Large, rubber sphere types. With four different events for various has not arisen, causing the undead members to
featuring dangerous monsters, mystical lands, hurdling to the ground below. The child has sizes (Small, Medium, Large, and Huge), many seek out one who can end the deceased’s peace-
and shiny loot! been having tantrums ever since, so expedien- champions take to the field. The tournament is ful rest.
Special Order The bone devil Ostiogran is cy will be rewarded. seen as a productive way to resolve major dis- Dragonmeet Three ancient dragons are hav-
looking for worthy heroes to recover his ship- The Fugitive The celestial planes have put putes between warring nations, angry dragons, ing a territorial dispute and have requested
ment of premium souls lost en route to the hells. out a bounty on one of their number who has and others in conflict, with champions spon- non-draconic mediation. While the dragons ar-
A rival ice devil is the primary suspect and is abandoned the cause. This wayward angel has sored to represent competing interests. Heroic en’t violent (yet), a conflict between them would
thought to lair on one of the lower planes. This forsaken the ways of goodness and seeks refuge adventurers are always needed to serve the surely cause calamity in the surrounding lands.
“ice fortress” is said to be populated by a me- among mortals. Fearing the consequences of cause of many a client. No matter the resolution, one of the dragons
nagerie of frigid creatures, including a fiendishly one of their number falling even further, the ce- Death in the Family An old manner is haunt- will be unhappy enough to start a fight, with the
possessed white dragon. lestials are eager to resolve the situation, even if ed by generations of undead from a single fami- arbiters of the dispute being the primary targets
Favorite Toy A resident of the floating cloud violence is the only solution. ly. It is tradition that upon one’s death, the fam- of their wrath.
giant city of Nimbarus is missing his favorite The Great Green Gobsmack A tribe of mus- ily member rises to take up residence in the old
toy. The precocious toddler lost a ball given to cular orcs is holding a spectacular wrestling home, sharing eternal unlife with their loved Read More on Page 9
him on his 50th birthday. A single mighty kick tournament that welcomes competitors of all ones. However, the most recent member to pass
Balor Introspective
By Jayce Jones

th Edition is filled with all manner of dangerous
foes, but one stands out from the crowd as the pin- Balor
Huge Fiend (Demon), Chaotic Evil
nacle of the system’s monster design. Open your
Monster Manual to page 55 and you will discover what Armor Class 19 (natural armor)
I consider the best statistics block in all of official 5e: the Hit Points 262 (21d12 + 126)
balor. Putting aside the balor’s spectacular lore and icon- Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
ic “Balrog” design, we are left with a robust creation
that exemplifies 5e’s greatest design principles in one ti-
26 (+8) 15 (+2) 22 (+6) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 22 (+6)
dy package. You may think this hyperbolic, but this au-
thor is firmly of the opinion the balor is the gold stan- Saving Throws STR +14, CON +12, WIS +9, CHA +12
dard of creature design to which all other 5e creations Damage Resistances Cold, Lightning; Bludgeoning,
Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
should be held. Why is this, you may ask. Well, let us Damage Immunities Fire, Poison
count the ways. Condition Immunities Poisoned
As we examine the balor, we are looking for four key Senses Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 13
elements that make it worthy of the title of “best mon- Languages Abyssal, Telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +6
ster design:” variety in its features, efficiency of its design,
effectiveness of its abilities, and the style of its design. For TRAITS
reference, the balor’s statistics are provided here, courte-
sy of the 5e SRD (thank you, WotC). Also, massive cred- Death Throes. When the balor dies, it explodes, and
it is due to the team behind this creature and the entire each creature within 30 feet of it must make a DC 20
Dexterity saving throw, taking 70 (20d6) fire damage on
Monster Manual. Thanks to Christopher Perkins, Chris
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
Sims, Rodney Thompson, and Peter Lee for designing one. The explosion ignites flammable objects in that
such a spectacular book. area that aren’t being worn or carried, and it destroys
Disclaimer. This article isn’t trying to argue the balor the balor’s weapons.
is flawless. In fact, relative to the 5e meta almost every Fire Aura. At the start of each of the balor’s turns, each
monster in the Monster Manual is lagging woefully be- creature within 5 feet of it takes 10 (3d6) fire damage,
hind. But that book was made to be an introduction to and flammable objects in the aura that aren’t being
worn or carried ignite. A creature that touches the balor
D&D, with a suite of monsters that would be easy for
or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it
both new and experienced DMs to use effectively. The takes 10 (3d6) fire damage.
quality of the balor’s design is measured by the degree at
Magic Resistance. The balor has advantage on saving
which it succeeds at its intended purpose as a 5e monster throws against spells and other magical effects.
and a high-tier threat.
Magic Weapons. The balor’s weapon attacks are
5th Edition design principles hold that a monster
Multiattack. The balor makes two attacks: one with its
should be as efficiently designed as possible to allow for longsword and one with its whip.
ease of use and comprehension by a DM. This doesn’t
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10
mean a monster can’t be complex, but it should only be
ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) slashing damage plus 13
as complex as it needs to be to accomplish its design goals. (3d8) lightning damage. If the balor scores a critical hit,
The balor exemplifies this principle to an extraordinary it rolls damage dice three times, instead of twice.
degree. Its statistics block is simple but highly function- Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 30 ft.,
al. A DM knows what they are getting when they field one target. Hit: 15 (2d6 + 8) slashing damage plus 10
a balor. You can quickly assess what it can and cannot (3d6) fire damage, and the target must succeed on a
do. Whether you are running a spur-of-the-moment en- DC 20 Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 25 feet
toward the balor.
counter or a laboriously crafted tactical battle, the ba-
lor will be one of the easiest monsters to manage on the Teleport. The balor magically teleports, along with any
equipment it is wearing or carrying, up to 120 feet to an
battlefield. This simplicity covers a lot of bases. The ba-
unoccupied space it can see.
lor has mostly excellent features that are easy to track,

with a strong array of obvious strengths and weakness- that can be exploited by clever players. Its saving throws
es that make it an ideal encounter tool. are strong, possessing key saves like Constitution
Because the balor is not a legendary creature, it can be and Wisdom to avoid losing turns. Its robust Charisa
easily paired with other monsters for awesome results. save defends against banishment, one of the most abu-
Normally, introducing a legendary creature into a battle sive spells in all of 5e. But the lack of Intelligence and
dramatically increases action economy and bookkeep- Dexterity saves provide great weaknesses for the party
ing, but not so here. What is more, demons are a type to exploit. Even its attacks have some spice. The Whip
of monster that are often used in groups. Where there is attack has both range and a nice rider to pull characters
one, there are often many. The balor can head a demon- closer on a failed Strength save, a terrifying prospect for
ic swarm, providing an awesome boost to the encounter a character with low AC. What is more, this whip can
without overwhelming the DM with responsibilities. pull characters into hazards and other dangers, made all
Special mention goes to the balor’s lack of a spellcast- the more possible by the balor’s terrific speed, allowing
ing feature. Many high-tier monsters have one of these, for optimal positioning. Despite its unassuming name,
and it is often unnecessary. Such a feature adds a ton the Longsword is a spectacular attack with a fantastic
of complexity to a creature, often for very little benefit. modifier for when the balor scores a critical hit. Not on-
This forces the DM to look up spells, track spell compo- ly is this a terrifying effect when it happens, it allows for
nents, and manage concentration (a complexity night- synergy with other monsters that may improve a balor,
mare, especially if the spells are not a meaningful part of like advantage or powerful spells like haste.
a monster’s arsenal). A balor has no need for such things
to be effective, and the designers wisely opted to forgo Effectiveness
its inclusion. This is why the balor outshines its devil-
ish counterpart, the pit fiend. While similarly designed, No tool in the balor’s arsenal is completely wasted, al-
the pit fiend can cast fireball, hold monster, and wall of fire, though Magic Weapons is pretty useless against charac-
terribly inefficient uses of its action that are traps for the ters and exists only to allow the balor strength against
DM to fall into and waste their creature’s precious ac- monsters with damages resistances that the characters
tion economy. summon or take the shape of. Its attack bonus is strong
with a +14, hitting an AC of 24 roughly 50% of the time.
Variety While these days that is not impressive against high-AC
builds, for a CR 19 against PHB-only characters with no
One of the biggest challenges for a monster designer feats/multiclassing (as was intended), it’s quite reason-
is creating a creature that is both simple and diverse. able. Death Throes is likely one of the balor’s most in-
Variety provides players with a great mix of the fa- teresting and powerful abilities. Not only is its
miliar and the new, allowing them to employ past
skills and experiences while still providing a new
challenge. A balor possesses many of the traits
players are familiar with from fac- ing
other, lower-level demons, but
not too many as to feel stale. Its
excellent movement options are
further augmented by the Teleport
action, which can be used to escape
from terrible situations such as the
notorious forcecage spell. With three
main damage types (slashing, fire, and
lightning), the balor possesses a reason-
able degree of options when attempting
to harm the party. No one defense pro-
vides complete protection. This damage is
further balanced by being sourced from its
Longsword and Whip attacks, along with its
Fire Aura and Death Throes traits, an offen-
sive mixture that tests a multitude of defens-
es. However, we aren’t looking for infinite op-
tions here. The balor’s limits are what make its
design so great. It has weaknesses and vulnerabilities Balor by Jason Strutz

damage impressive, it can make slaying the creature a Style
strategically bad decision. Yes, leaving the balor alive is
bad, but hitting the entire party for 20d6 fire damage is This factor is difficult to judge, but we at 2CGaming con-
arguably worse. Inexperienced or inattentive players are sider a monster’s style to be how well it communicates
in for a rude awakening when half their party gets KO’d its personality and themes on the battlefield. Do the me-
by a fallen balor, leaving several healthy, fire damage– chanics evoke the reactions from players that are con-
immune demons alive and well to finish them off. sistent with its design? In the balor’s case, we see a crea-
It is no secret the recommended monster statistics pre- ture that is clearly a copyright-free Balrog meant to hit
sented in the DMG are wildly different from that of the like a truck, wreck plucky heroes with fire, and gener-
Monster Manual. By following DMG guidelines you typ- ally stand as the apex of demonkind. Fighting a balor
ically end up with a stronger monster. However, the ba- feels true to this theme. A DM could simply describe its
lor is interesting because it meets and even exceeds the effects and actions in combat with little embellishment
DMG’s guidelines in almost every category. It lags slight- and get strong reactions from the players. Even attempt-
ly behind in damage (assuming it only gets two or three ing to injure the balor risks your character’s life thanks
interactions of Fire Aura every round) and hit points, but to Fire Aura, while each swing of its Longsword has
it has a superior save DC and attack bonus. Remember, players holding their breath and begging for no natu-
the balor accomplishes all this despite not being a leg- ral 20. The Fire Whip excels at pulling wizards and oth-
endary creature, nor having to take more than two ac- er vulnerable characters to their doom, reminiscent of a
tions every turn. Awesome stuff. A DM will never find classic scene from The Fellowship of the Ring. Should the
so much power for so little effort almost anywhere else in characters achieve victory, the balor explodes in a terrif-
5e, even with unofficial materials. The result is a monster ic climax that will draw gasps from players as they roll
that cannot be ignored or trivialized by characters with- their Dexterity saving throws with crossed fingers. In
out expending tremendous resources—exactly what you short, the balor has a unique style that always makes an
want from a tier-4 threat. impression.

Fewer Legendary Monsters Please

We would never argue the balor is perfect, but for with a single modest attack to counter characters’
a monster in the 5th Edition core rules, it really is actions, but this is a veritable wall of pain the par-
something special. The balor is one of the few ti- ty cannot afford to ignore. The DM has no need
er-4 monsters in the Monster Manual, if not all to constantly interrupt the flow of the fight to use
of 5th Edition. However, unlike the overwhelm- a legendary action, nor do they need to track how
ing majority of its neighbors that occupy this ti- many actions the balor has. Simply roll that 3d6
er, it is not a legendary creature. This is a bold and and move on. Clean, elegant, and fair.
wise design choice. Tier 3 and 4 D&D is plagued Death Throes is spectacular because, like Fire
by an endless parade of legendary monsters, forc- Aura, it provides damage at no cost to the balor’s
ing characters to encounter far too many and re- action economy. It’s also easy to remember, as it’s
duce the significance of the term “legendary.” Why hard to forget an opportunity to have your big bad
is this bad? Legendary creatures are complicat- go out with a bang. The damage is among one of
ed. DMs often struggle to juggle the action econo- the largest dice pools a party can experience from
my and multitude of features a legendary creature a monster. Every character winces when the DM
possesses. This action economy is often seen as re- grabs a fistful of d6s.
quired to challenge high-level players, but that is But we cannot underestimate the balor’s Whip.
a false assumption. While more actions can be a As described, this attack has incredible synergy
quick fix to a struggling creature, an innovative de- with the balor’s Fire Aura, but it’s significant here
sign can solve the same problem while reducing the because of its terrific range and the ability to pull
DM’s workload. The balor accomplishes this with creatures closer. Many monsters struggle to make
three key features: Fire Aura, Death Throes, and meaningful use of their reactions, but a balor less
its Whip attack. so because of how easy it is to provoke an oppor-
The Fire Aura provides a perpetual source of tunity attack from it. The pull from the Whip cou-
damage that occurs primarily when the balor is not pled with the balor’s formidable movement means
taking its turns. Monk making four attacks a turn? there are likely always some characters who are too
That is 3d6 unavoidable fire damage on each hit! close for comfort, increasing the likelihood of an
Most legendary actions only provide a monster opportunity attack occurring.

The Hunger at the Friendly Feast
By Jayce Jones

New Warlock Legendary Subclass: Foul Offerings

The Hunger Otherworldly Patron Starting at 1st level, the all-consuming appetite of your
patron demands you make offerings of the slain. As an
You forge a profane pact with a disgusting entity few action, you may touch the body of a flesh-and-blood
would dare name let alone bargain with. This glutton- creature and feed it to your patron. When you do so, the
ous entity is known as The Hunger and lives up to its body vanishes with a sickening crunch as your patron
name with an insatiable appetite for the organic matter feasts upon the remains. As a reward for your offering,
of mortal worlds. As an agent of such a being, you must your patron grants you a special die known as a gluttony
try in vain to satiate its hunger. The gifts afforded by this die. A gluttony die is a d20 that lasts until you finish a
patron make you more than just a warlock—you are a long rest. You can have a number of gluttony dice equal
vicarious mouth, satisfying your patron’s gluttony in re- to your proficiency bonus. Any excess dice gained from
turn for greater power. The Hunger can be nearly any this feature are lost.
creature of sufficient power, so long as the need to feed is When you make an attack roll, saving throw, or abili-
its primary concern. An unintelligent being such as the ty check, but before the result is known, you can choose
tarrasque or a titanic world-devouring ooze are well suit- to expend and roll all of your gluttony dice and choose
ed for this role, forming an instinctual agreement that is any of the rolled dice to be the result.
no less binding. No matter your patron’s nature, from
this moment onward its hunger gnaws at your every ac- Predatory Senses
tion and finds you salivating at the chance to devour When you reach 6th level, the hunger of your patron
those who dare stand in your way. enhances your senses, allowing you to detect food with
ease. You can smell the presence of flesh-and-blood crea-
The Hunger Features tures within 120 feet of you.
Additionally, when you take the Search action you
Warlock can attempt to learn additional information about a
1st Expanded Spell List, Foul Offerings

6th Predatory Senses What Are Legendary

10th Digestive Infusion

14th Eaten Alive Not all character options are created equal,
but among even the mightiest of them, there
are those that are truly extraordinary. Such is
Expanded Spell List the case with legendary subclasses, which are
The Hunger lets you choose from an expanded list of not only significant in power, but also in story.
Sometimes a detailed background is not enough
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following
to tie a character to a setting. In such cases, a
spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
legendary subclass may suffice, guiding char-
acters along a story of legend and significance.
The Hunger Expanded Spells Players hoping to experience such subclasses
must do so with the cooperation and collabo-
Spells ration of their DM. Additionally, such players
bear a greater burden of responsibility to their
1st bane, caustic brew
game’s story due to their characters’ increased
2nd acid arrow, enhance ability significance. They should not expect special
treatment or even fair play from their DM, who
3rd slow, tongues is obligated to not only make things more diffi-
4th black tentacles, vitriolic sphere cult for the character but integrate them more
heavily into the world.
5th cloudkill, contagion

single creature you detect with this sense. When you do Once you have used this feature, you must finish a
so, your Wisdom (Perception) check is contested by the long rest before you can use it again.
target’s Dexterity (Stealth) check. On a success, you learn
the creature’s type, what it tastes like, and its hit point Epic Otherworldly Patron:
maximum. If you fail this contest, you cannot use this The Epic Hunger
feature against that creature again until 24 hours have The Epic version of The Hunger provides additional
passed. spells as well as a 26th-level class feature.

Digestive Infusion The Epic Hunger Expanded Spells

At 10th level, your patron allows you to physically man-
ifest its hunger through your magic. When you cast a Spell Level Spells
spell that deals a type of damage other than acid dam- 6th disintegrate, heroes’ feast
age, you may instead have it deal acid damage for its du-
ration (when applicable). 7th regenerate, sequester
Additionally, this acid is highly corrosive and eats 8th antimagic field
through the physical form of a creature it damages. Until
9th wish
the start of its next turn, a that creature takes acid dam-
age from one of your spells loses immunity to all types
of damage and instead has resistance to those types of Epic 26th Level Class Feature:
Ravenous Appetite
Eaten Alive You bring the ravenous appetite of your patron to bear
on the battlefield. When you cast a spell that deals acid
When you reach 14th level, you can send living enemies
damage on a failed saving throw, that spell deals double
directly into the hungry maw of your patron. As an ac-
damage against creatures that fail that saving throw by
tion, you can make a melee spell attack against a crea-
10 or more.
ture within reach. On a successful hit, the target is ban-
Additionally, as a reaction when a creature you can
ished to the inside of your patron. While banished in
see within 120 feet of you is slain by acid damage dealt
this manner, a creature is trapped within your patron’s
by you, you can send its body to your patron via your
body and takes 10d6 acid damage at the start of each of
Foul Offerings feature. If the target is an Epic creature,
its turns. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this
you gain additional gluttony dice from this effect equal
feature, it is slain instantly, and you gain a number of
to your Charisma modifier.
gluttony dice equal to your proficiency bonus.
A banished creature can use its action to attempt a
DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check at the start of each of
its turns, freeing itself and reappearing in the nearest un-
occupied space to you on a success. The creature’s only
other method of escape is a wish spell.

Elder Xorn Examination
By Talien vos Karven

ost seasoned adventurers have encountered
the peculiar elemental beings known as xorns.
While far from harmless, even the most can-
tankerous specimen can be placated with a modest offer
of gemstones to satisfy its hunger. Over the course of its
infinite lifespan, a xorn’s palate will have sampled count-
less varieties of gems. However, there is one extraordi-
narily rare stone xorns prize above all others. Known as
titan tears, these brilliant, priceless gemstones spark a star-
tling transformation when consumed by a lucky xorn.
The creature immediately enters a state of hiberna-
tion, and after a century emerges as the far larg-
er, more formidable elder xorn. While similar in
shape to its lesser cousins, the body of an el-
der xorn sports many noticeable differ-
ences. Its skin becomes as obsid-
ian, accompanying a greater size
and strength. Its hunger for gem-
stones reaches gratuitous levels.
To satiate this craving, the xorn
can transform organic matter into
delicious gems, which it then con-
sumes with gusto. With this power
any creature the xorn encounters
can be a potential meal.

Elder Xorn
FAVORS: Attacks (ranged), Constitution
(high), flight; fighters, monks, sorcerers
FOILS: Cover, hit points (high), material
components (gems); barbarians, paladins,
Elder Xorn by Ambrose Hoilman

Titan Tears
Said to be the crystalized tears of progenitor one. Unfortunately, there is no known source of
beings, the gems known as titan tears are a titan tears. They are found seemingly at random
deep, mysterious blue. No matter how they are across the multiverse and on every plane, though
cut, titan tears refuse to hold an edge or angle, always in frustratingly small numbers. While few
resulting in perfectly smooth, fluid gems. This who understand a titan tear’s true value would
property makes them exceptional for artistic ever part with it, a typical evaluation of its price is
jewelry and display, as if liquid and solid were estimated to be 100,000 gp.

A character can learn the following information about an elder xorn with a successful Intelligence (Arcana)
ability check.

Elder Xorn Lore

DC Information

Elder xorns are larger, more powerful xorns, as their name suggests. However, with this increased
13 strength comes a correspondingly greater hunger for gemstones and precise senses that can smell the
presence of “food” at terrific distances.

Beware an elder xorn’s petrifying powers. When no gemstones are available, it may decide to create a
18 sparkling statue from your body and consume you on the spot. This attack can even pierce through stone
walls and other earthen obstructions with ease, allowing the xorn to fight from beneath the ground.

When faced with troublesome foes, an elder xorn can open up an earthen pit that is difficult to escape.
23 Victims of this effect are easy prey for the xorn. However, an elder xorn’s attacks are only especially
effective against gemstone. Avoid getting petrified and the creature poses little threat.

Elder Xorn
Huge elemental, neutral

Armor Class 21 (natural armor)

Hit Points 264 (23d12 + 115)
Speed 20 ft., burrow 40 ft. Multiattack. The xorn makes five Claw attacks. It can
forgo making three of these attacks to instead use its
Feast or Petrification Ray action.
24 (+7) 8 (−1) 21 (+5) 12 (+1) 19 (+4) 13 (+1)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 25 ft., one
Saving Throws Str +10, Con +8 target. Hit: 21 (4d6 + 7) slashing damage.
Skills Stealth +11, Perception +10
Feast. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
one restrained or petrified creature. Hit: 85 (10d12 + 7)
slashing from nonmagical attacks
piercing damage.
Damage Immunities psychic
Condition Immunities stunned Petrification Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range
Senses tremorsense 300 ft. (blind beyond this radius), 60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target must succeed on a
passive Perception 20 DC 21 Constitution saving throw or become restrained
Languages understands Abyssal but can’t speak as it begins to turn to gemstone. At the end of each of its
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) turns, a creature so restrained must repeat the saving
throw or be turned to gemstone and petrified on failure.
TRAITS Once a creature has succeeded on three Constitution
saving throws against a single instance of this effect,
Improved Earth Glide. The xorn can burrow through any the restrained and petrified conditions end (when
earth and stone as though it were moving normally. While applicable).
doing so, the xorn doesn’t disturb the material through
Create Pit (Recharge 5–6). While burrowing, the
which it moves.
xorn creatures a pit above itself in a 30-foot-radius
Additionally, creatures do not gain cover against the
cylinder that is up to 60 feet deep. When the pit appears,
xorn’s weapon attacks from objects, structures, or terrain
each creature in the affected area must succeed on
made of earth and stone.
a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or fall to the bottom,
Loot Finder. The xorn can detect and pinpoint the exact landing prone. On a successful save, a creature moves
location of any gemstone or precious metal (including to the nearest unoccupied space at the edge of the
collections of multiple items) worth at least 500 gp within pit. Climbing out of the pit requires a successful DC 21
500 feet of it. If something the xorn is aware of via this Strength (Athletics) check.
feature is being worn or carried by a creature, the xorn can
pinpoint the exact location of that creature as well.

Quest Board Classifieds
Adventurers needed for this month’s missions, featuring dangerous monsters, mystical
lands, and shiny loot!

Special Order, Tier 3: The bone devil wrestling tournament that welcomes com-
Ostiogran is looking for worthy heroes petitors of all types. With four different
to recover his shipment of premium souls events for various sizes (Small, Medium,
lost en route to the hells. A rival ice dev- Large, and Huge), many champions take to
il is the primary suspect and is thought the field. The tournament is seen as a pro-
to lair on one of the lower planes. This ductive way to resolve major disputes be-
“ice fortress” is said to be populated by tween warring nations, angry dragons, and
a menagerie of frigid creatures, includ- others in conflict, with champions spon-
ing a fiendishly possessed white dragon. sored to represent competing interests.
Rewards: 22,781 gp, a sword of sharp- Heroic adventurers are always needed to
ness, and the contractual release of a sin- serve the cause of many a client.
gle soul from among those recovered Rewards: The Champion’s Belt, a belt of
frost giant strength studded with ten ada-
Favorite Toy, Tier 1: A resident of the float- mantine plates, worth 1,000 gp each
ing cloud giant city of Nimbarus is miss-
ing his favorite toy. The precocious tod- Death in the Family, Tier 1: An old man-
dler lost a ball given to him on his 50th ner is haunted by generations of undead
birthday. A single mighty kick was enough from a single family. It is tradition that up-
to send the Large, rubber sphere hur- on one’s death, the family member rises to
dling to the ground below. The child has take up residence in the old home, shar-
been having tantrums ever since, so ex- ing eternal unlife with their loved ones.
pediency will be rewarded. However, the most recent member to
Rewards: 38 pp and a personal favor pass has not arisen, causing the undead
from the concerned parents, redeemable members to seek out one who can end
for up to 100 years the deceased’s peaceful rest.
Rewards: A loyal zombie dog that follows
The Fugitive, Tier 3: The celestial planes any verbal command
have put out a bounty on one of their
number who has abandoned the cause. Dragonmeet, Tier 4: Three ancient drag-
This wayward angel has forsaken the ons are having a territorial dispute and
ways of goodness and seeks refuge among have requested non-draconic mediation.
mortals. Fearing the consequences of one While the dragons aren’t violent (yet), a
of their number falling even further, the conflict between them would surely cause
celestials are eager to resolve the situa- calamity in the surrounding lands. No
tion, even if violence is the only solution. matter the resolution, one of the dragons
Rewards: Guaranteed forgiveness for up will be unhappy enough to start a fight,
to three acts of evil upon death, increasing with the arbiters of the dispute being the
the likelihood of a better afterlife primary targets of their wrath.
Rewards: 10 acres of land within one of
The Great Green Gobsmack, Tier 2: A tribe the dragon’s territory where the dragon
of muscular orcs is holding a spectacular will serve as steward and safeguard

The Impossible Lair of Mysteryxis
By Jayce Jones

ncountering dragons is a huge component of 5th book along with a few extra design elements we have in
Edition—it’s right there in the name! Presented the works. The lair is built to be easily dropped into your
here is a thematic and easily integrated lair belong- campaign, serving as a challenging dungeon or curious
ing to the dragon Mysteryxis. We have designed both the puzzle to solve. The dragon is similarly versatile, provid-
dragon and the lair using the rules from our Dragonflight ing a tricky and enigmatic character to mystify and be-
devil your players.
The lair of Mysteryxis lies atop a tall, thin mesa
Delve Information plateau that once served as an ancient stellar obser-
vatory. The landmark is difficult to ascend, requiring
Location Name: The Impossible Lair of an 800-foot climb the top. The lair is encased within a
Mysteryxis great stone cube with no discernable markings or ap-
Terrain Tags: Stone, Dungeon, Lair ertures save for a single heavy steel door (AC 18, 500
Average Check DCs: hit points) upon which Mysteryxis’s name is written
• Easy – 13 in Draconic. The door is not locked but is extreme-
• Medium – 18 ly heavy and difficult for creatures smaller than Huge
• Hard – 23 to open.
Environment: The lair is composed of dry
stone covered in a layer of stucco engraved with
draconic carvings. The area of the lair is lit with
dim light from magical globes that drift through
the air. The average ceiling is 40 feet high, and This entrance is worn smooth by the passage of many travel-
each 10-foot section of wall has an AC of 15 and ers, leaving behind polished stucco floors. The walls are carved
100 hit points. with what appears to be a crude registry of the names of visitors
Special Effects: The lair is warded against in dozens of different languages and dialects. It smells of ros-
magical teleportation by creatures other than es and sage, a consequence of the many scented candles littered
Mysteryxis. When a creature attempts to about in various states of melting.
magically teleport into or within the area of the This entrance is guarded by a single stone golem
lair, it must succeed on a DC 20 Charisma saving
throw or be stunned for 1 minute immediately
named Butler. This golem is composed of brilliant ver-
after they teleport. million crystal, granting it an AC of 21 and maximiz-
Regional Effects: The region containing
ing its hit points from its Hit Dice (255 hit points). Butler
Mysteryxis’s lair is warped by their magic, which is not immediately hostile but telepathically queries any
creates the following effects within the area. visitors with a single, simple riddle: “I’m the rare case when
• Clever Tongues. Unless Mysteryxis chooses today comes before yesterday. What am I?” The answer is a
otherwise, creatures within the area have dictionary, but the purpose of the riddle is to test the intelligence
advantage on Charisma ability checks when
telling jokes or making insults.
of any visitors to determine if they are worth talking to. Those
• Dragon Dreams. Whenever a creature that unable to solve the riddle within 1 minute are politely asked to
can understand a language sleeps or enters a leave by Butler, who will not allow them to proceed if they fail
state of trance or reverie within the territory, to solve it.
Mysteryxis can establish telepathic contact The door (AC 18, 500 hit points) at the end of the
with that creature and converse with it in its
dreams. The creature always remembers its
atrium leads to area A-2 and is composed of a steel ada-
conversation with the dragon upon waking. mantine alloy that has resistance to damage from spells
• Tricky Mirages. Images of Large or smaller and magical effects. The door is locked for creatures
monsters haunt the land within the territory. who have not solved the riddle asked by Butler.
These illusions move and appear real, although
they can do no harm. A creature that examines
an image from a distance can tell it’s an A-2
illusion with a successful DC 18 Intelligence
(Investigation) check. Any physical interaction The sounds here in this grand maze, large enough for a giant
with an image reveals it to be an illusion, as to navigate, echo ominously, as if the space is far larger than it
objects pass through it. appears. The smell of ozone is potent, as if an intense force had
scoured the surrounding surfaces.

This maze is a cunning trap set by Mysteryxis for those enters the area. The only door from the atrium leads
who enter without the dragon’s permission. When a to the dragon’s hoard chamber (A-4), which is locked
creature enters the maze, a magical wall of disintegrating with a potent mechanism that requires 1 hour of work
force stretching from floor to ceiling appears 5 feet be- and a successful DC 30 Thieves’ Tools check to bypass,
hind it, preventing the creature from retracing its steps. unless one knows the password. The password is “in-
The wall is permeable, though anything that passes significance,” which is known only to the dragon and
through it takes 66 (12d10) force damage. Additionally, their most trusted allies.
creatures and objects reduced to 0 hit points by this dam-
age are reduced to dust. As a creature moves through the A-4
maze, the wall follows 5 feet behind it until it leaves the
maze. The maze has no physical exit other than return- The hoard of Mysteryxis is an unusual collection of lit-
ing to the entrance. Instead, a creature traveling through erature and evidence detailing unsolved mysteries and
the maze must touch four different gemstones placed enigmas that defy explanation. From murders with the
throughout the area. Once the fourth stone has been killer still at large to magical phenomena that befuddles
touched, a portal opens in the maze’s center that leads to the world’s greatest minds, Mysteryxis has gathered as
unoccupied spaces nearest to the center of A-3, the drag- much lore as possible so that they may attempt to solve
on’s atrium. them. While the dragon has met with many success-
es, they do not share the fruits of their labor. To many
A-3 scholars, investigators, and collectors, this collection is
worth a hefty sum of at least 25,000 gp. Aside from this
Polished marble coats the walls and floor of this grand atrium. curious assortment, Mysteryxis’s hoard contains the fol-
The space above is a mystical projection of the night sky, free lowing items.
from the obscuring light of the sun regardless of the hour. The
perimeter is ringed with short stone daises sized for various crea-
• Valuable Metals: 28,931 cp, 4,231 sp, 3,967 gp,
and 2,143 copper bars (worth 10,715 gp)
tures of all types. In the center of these smaller platforms is the
largest dais upon which are littered dozens of copper dragon • Art Objects: Fourteen untitled masterwork
scales. The air tastes clean, as if washed by a caustic agent that paintings from an unknown artist, worth 800
is far too strong for the job. gp each to a collector
The atrium of Mysteryxis is where the dragon meets
guests who are invited (or intruders who have come
• Gemstones: 471 jets, polished into perfect spheres
this far). The room is rigged with a magical alarm in- • Objects of Significance: bag of holding, cape of the
stalled by a wizard who owed Mysteryxis a favor, which mountebank, helm of brilliance
telepathically alerts the dragon the instant a creature

Lair Actions. On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), • Spell Drain. Mysteryxis chooses a creature with spell
Mysteryxis takes a lair action to cause one of the following slots from a spellcasting feature within 120 feet of
effects. Mysteryxis can’t use the same option twice in a row. them that they can see and drains the target’s magic.
The target can choose to expend a spell slot of 4th
• Glamour. Mysteryxis becomes invisible until they level or higher. If it chooses not to, it takes 45 (10d8)
make an attack, use an action, or leave the lair.
necrotic damage.
• Precognition. Mysteryxis glimpses the future, gain-
ing advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, and
ability checks until the next initiative count of 20.

Mysteryxis the Enigmatical

Huge dragon, chaotic good

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Hit Points 325 (26d12 + 156) target. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) acid
Speed 50 ft., burrow 50 ft., fly 80 ft. damage. When Mysteryxis scores a hit with this attack,
they can expend up to 12 spell points to add bonus acid
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA damage to the attack. This bonus damage is 1d6 for every
20 (+5) 8 (−1) 22 (+6) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 24 (+7) 2 spell points expended in this manner.
Saving Throws Str +10, Con + 11, Wis +8, Cha +12 Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Skills Arcana +7, Deception +12, Insight +8, target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Perception +8, Stealth +9
Damage Immunities acid Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
Perception 18 Frightful Presence. Mysteryxis exerts their frightful
Languages Draconic presence on creatures of their choice within 120 feet of
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) Proficiency Bonus +5 them. Affected creatures must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A creature
TRAITS can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
ending the effect on a success. If a creature’s saving throw is
Draconic Magic. Mysteryxis is a 13th-level arcanist. Their successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 20, +12 to to Mysteryxis’s Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours.
hit with spell attacks). They have 92 spell points, which
can be used to cast the following spells, requiring no Breath Weapons (Recharge 5–6). Mysteryxis uses one
somatic or material components without a listed gp cost. of the following breath weapons.
Cantrips (0 points): minor illusion, shape water, Acid Breath. Mysteryxis exhales acid in a 120-foot line
vicious mockery that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in the affected area
1st level (2 points): dissonant whispers, shield, must attempt a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking 60
silent image (11d10) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much on a
2nd level (3 points): magic mouth, suggestion successful one.
3rd level (5 points): bestow curse, slow Dispelling Breath. Mysteryxis exhales a blast of
4th level (6 points): greater invisibility, phantasmal killer antimagic in a 120-foot line that is 5 feet wide . Spell
5th level (7 points): dream, scrying effects in the affected area immediately end if 10 + the
6th level (9 points): guards and wards, mental prison spell’s level is less than 17.
7th level (10 points): symbol
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). When Mysteryxis fails a
saving throw, they can choose to succeed instead. Spellflurry. When Mysteryxis casts a spell with a casting
Mysterious Stranger. If a creature with a challenge rating time of an action, they may expend spell points to cast
or character level of 6 or lower spends 1 hour or less in additional cantrips. They cast one additional cantrip for
Mysteryxis’s presence, the dragon can attempt to erase every 3 spell points they expend in this manner, up to a
all memory of the encounter. When the creature leaves maximum of two cantrips.
Mysteryxis’s presence, they can force the creature to
attempt a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw, causing it to forget
the events that transpired during its encounter with them
Mysteryxis can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
on a failure. This effect occurs over the course of 24 hours.
the options below. Only one legendary action can be used
The affected creature’s mind fills in the gaps this may
at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn.
leave in its memory with harmless, mundane memories.
Mysteryxis regains expended legendary actions at the
ACTIONS start of their turn.
Cantrip. Mysteryxis casts a cantrip.
Multiattack. Mysteryxis makes one attack with their Bite
Bite (Costs 2 Actions). Mysteryxis makes a Bite attack.
or Tail, and two with their Claw. They can forgo making a
Bite, Claw, or Tail attack in this manner to instead use their Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). Mysteryxis cast a spell of
Frightful Presence feature. 3rd level or lower.


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