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1. Describe a place you visited recently / Hãy mô tả một địa điểm mà bạn đã ghé
thăm gần đây.
I went to Hue Citadel last month. I traveled there by bus. I stayed there for 3
days at the hotel. What I like there were the ancient architecture of the buildings
and also the dishes such as Hue beef noodle soup, sweet soup,...
2. Describe a book you read recently / Hãy miêu tả một cuốn sách bạn đọc gần đây.
I read a book yesterday. Its name were Age of Wonders, a book about why dogs
and cats hate each other. The main characters in the story are cats and dogs.
What I like about it were the familiar, interesting plot, however what I don't like
about it were the deception of cats towards dogs.
3. Describe a person you met recently for the first time/ Hãy miêu tả một người mà
bạn mới gặp lần đầu tiên.
She's Ngan and she's 21 years old and lives in Ho Chi Minh City. I met her
yesterday afternoon at the park. Through the way she talked, I felt she was a
friendly and active person.
4. Describe a TV program you saw last week/ Hãy mô tả một chương trình truyền
hình mà bạn đã xem tuần trước.
Last week, I watched the movie Thau Chin on television. The film is about
Nguyen Ai Quoc's time of revolutionary activities in Siam. I felt very moved and
felt like crying because it was so good. I think television shows contain many
5. Describe a present you received recently / Hãy miêu tả món quà bạn nhận được
gần đây.
On my birthday, my lover gave me a card. In this card, there were best wishes for
me. There were no other feelings to describe it with the word happiness. Perhaps
I was the happiest person when I received it.
6. Describe a movie you saw recently/ Hãy miêu tả một bộ phim bạn đã xem gần đây.
Last week I watched the movie Thau Chin on TV. The film tells the story of
Nguyen Ai Quoc's revolutionary activities in Siam. I felt very moved and wanted

to cry because it was so good. What I like about it were the beautiful movie
setting, excellent character acting, and more than that, it shows the love for
national history.
7. Describe an outdoor market you went to/ Hãy miêu tả một khu chợ ngoài trời mà
bạn đã đến.
My hometown has an outdoor market called "Cong". Sometimes I go there by
motorbike, other times I can walk because it's quite close to my house. I bought
things to cook, clothes, etc. It was like an outdoor supermarket.
8. Describe a thing that you bought recently/ Hãy mô tả một thứ mà bạn đã mua gần đây.
I bought a pan last week. I bought it on the Shoppe online shopping app. I bought it
to cook because I'm a cooking enthusiast and I found it quite cheap.
9. Describe a famous product that you often buy/ Hãy miêu tả một sản phẩm nổi tiếng mà
bạn thường mua.
I usually buy Nike football shoes. These shoes are manufactured in many
countries including Vietnam by Pou Chen company. It is famous because it
were a large brand with a long history of development.
10. Describe a website that you often visit / Hãy mô tả một trang web mà bạn thường
xuyên truy cập.
My go-to website is lordicon. There are a lot of illustrations there that help me
design PowerPoint and that's what I like most about it, in addition it also allows
downloading in different formats.
11. Describe a famous historic site in your country/ Hãy mô tả một địa điểm lịch sử nổi
tiếng ở nước bạn.
The famous historical place I want to talk about is the Hue Citadel, which
contains architectural works and antiquities of the Nguyen Dynasty. That place is
famous for being the place to store the values of the Nguyen Dynasty.
12. Describe a popular online game.
The game I want to talk about is arena of valof. It is a fighting game between two
teams of 10 players. It is famous around the world for its beautiful game
graphics, rich gameplay and many attractive gifts and tournaments.

13. Describe a famous museum in your country/ Hãy mô tả một bảo tàng nổi tiếng ở
nước bạn.
The museum I want to talk about is the National Museum of Vietnamese History.
It is located at Hanoi city. You can see everything about Vietnamese history from
ancient to modern such as: working tools, costumes, jewelry,... It is famous
because it is a place that contains tradition and history. history of my whole
country and it is for all ages
14. Describe a time when there was an extreme weather/ Hãy miêu tả thời điểm có thời
tiết khắc nghiệt.
One of the harshest weather I have ever experienced was drought. It often occurs
from June to July during the hottest time of the year. To minimize the damage it
brings, I often actively plant trees, reduce electricity use, and walk to reduce
15. Describe a country you would like to live in.
The country I want to live is Thailand. This country is famous for its temples and
is known as: The Land of Golden Pagodas. I want to live here because the cuisine
and people here are very good, the people are friendly and hospitable and the
food is super delicious.
16. Describe a famous person you would like to meet/ Hãy miêu tả một người nổi tiếng
mà bạn muốn gặp
The famous person I want to meet is Cristian Ronadol, he is a famous Portuguese
soccer player. I want to meet him because I admire his heart and determination
and if I have the chance I will ask him about how much effort he has put into
17. Describe a thing you would buy if you won a lot of money/ Hãy mô tả một thứ bạn
sẽ mua nếu bạn thắng được nhiều tiền.
If I win a lot of money, the thing I want to buy the most is probably time because
it is something that once lost, cannot be regained. I would use it to spend more
time with my family because I didn't take the time to talk to them and then that
opportunity was gone. I'm so sorry about that.

18. Describe a popular park in your hometown/ Hãy miêu tả một công viên nổi tiếng ở
quê hương bạn.
A famous park in my hometown is Hoa Binh Park in Hanoi city. People can
enjoy playing games, reading books, exercising, sightseeing,...and it is famous
because it is for all ages and the air here is very fresh.
19. Describe an event that was important to you/ Hãy mô tả một sự kiện quan trọng đối
với bạn.
An important event in my life was my military term. It took place last May. It
is important to me because this is the first time I have been able to eat, live,
study according to military discipline and moreover, where I have met new
friends. It was a very happy experience for me
20. Describe a trip to a public place you had recently/ Hãy mô tả chuyến đi đến một
địa điểm công cộng gần đây của bạn.
Yesterday afternoon I went to a public location, the Square in Phuc Yen City.
There you can play games, eat food, exercise, etc. What I like there is that I can
interact with more people, the food is delicious and more than that, the bustling
atmosphere here. .

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