Optimizing Hydrogen Transport

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Optimizing hydrogen transportation system for

mobility via compressed hydrogen trucks*

Amin Lahnaoui a,*, Christina Wulf a, Heidi Heinrichs a,

Didier Dalmazzone b
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute of Energy and Climate Research, Systems Analysis and Technology Evaluation
(IEK-STE), D-52425 Jülich, Germany
ENSTA ParisTech, 828, Boulevard des Marechaux, 91120 PALAISEAU, France

article info abstract

Article history: The use of hydrogen in road transportation is one of the promising alternatives to con-
Received 15 November 2017 ventional fuel. However, the definition of an adequate cost-effective infrastructure is still
Received in revised form the main barrier restraining its deployment. Therefore, this study aims to provide the
5 September 2018 minimum cost related to deploying hydrogen infrastructure based on the use of com-
Accepted 31 October 2018 pressed gas trucks (CGT) at different pressure levels ranging from 250 to 540 bar.
Available online 30 November 2018 The levelized cost of transporting hydrogen (LCOTH) is first formulated as a function of
the transported capacity and distance, and includes the costs related to compression,
Keywords: storage and road transportation. LCOTH is then minimized by optimizing the capacities
Hydrogen infrastructure transported by each CGT.
Transportation LCOTH decreased with the transported capacity and increased with the trip distance.
Storage This cost varied from 2.7 V/kg to 0.45 V/kg with an additional peak of 0.6 V/kg around
Compression 350 km due to labour cost. Furthermore, the share of CGT at 540 bar increased with both
Cost optimization distance and hydrogen demand from 15% below 100 km and one tonnes per day, to 99%
Compressed gas truck above 100 km and 50 tonnes per day.
© 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

the growing transportation demand increases the dependency

Introduction on conventional fuel and increases carbon emissions as well.
In fact, while total emissions of European countries have
One of the big challenges of the future of energy is to find a decreased by 17% in the last 25 years, the transportation sector
balance between the increasing demand for energy, the has been the only one that saw its emissions increase by 22%
limited fossil fuel resources and the necessity to lower carbon [7] during the same period. To deal with that, the European
emissions. This challenge is apparent in the transportation Union set a target to reduce oil dependency in transportation
sector. On the one hand, this sector has a high energy demand by 70% by 2050 compared to its 2008 level, in order to decar-
and its share of total energy demand is still increasing. In the bonise the transportation sector [6].
case of European Union countries, it represented 32% of the The use of low carbon Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) is
final energy demand consumed in 2014 [7]. On the other hand, one of the promising alternatives to conventional fuel.

Contribution to the 7th world hydrogen technology convention e WHTC2017 þ IJHE.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: a.lahnaoui@fz-juelich.de (A. Lahnaoui).
0360-3199/© 2018 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 9 3 0 2 e1 9 3 1 2 19303

Nomenclature Tha Total annual hours

Sa Average truck speed in km/h
CGT Compressed gas truck
nr:t Maximum number of round trips
FCEV Fuel cell electric vehicle
nT Number of CGT
TPD Tons per day
ndriver Number of drivers
i,j Locations
nw:h Number of driver working hours
S0,St Hydrogen state at atmospheric pressure P0 and
operating pressure Pt respectively Cost parameters
t Operated by a CGT where the hydrogen is at NPV Net present value in V
pressure level of Pt yn Economical life time in years
c Associated to compression cost idr Discount rate
s Associated to storage cost Can Total annual cost in V
T Associated to transportation cost CC Capital cost related to  in V
tube Associated to the tube cost CRF Capital recovery factor related to 
und Associated to the undercarriage cost CF Capacity factor related to 
Tra Associated to the trailer cost (both the tube and O&M Operations and maintenance costs related to  in
the undercarriage costs) V
Cab Associated to cab cost OM O&M as a percentage of CC
FC Fuel cost in V
Technical parameters
LC Labour cost in V
dij Distance in km between the locations i and j
LCOTH Total levelized cost of transporting hydrogen in
Dd Distance step in km
Cp Total hydrogen capacity transported in kg
LCOH Levelized cost of hydrogen related to  in V/kg
DCp Hydrogen capacity step in kg
_ DS/0 Ce Unit electrical energy cost in V 2015
W Adiabatic work in kWh/kg
_m TCe Annual cost of energy to operate the compressor
W Compressor electrical work in kWh/kg
in V
g Specific heat ratio of hydrogen
Cb;C Base compressor cost in V 2015
N Compressor stages
Fp Unit fuel cost in V 2015
hc Compressor electrical efficiency
TCdriver Driver wage in V
Pt Operating pressure in bar
P0 Atmospheric pressure in bar Mathematical parameters
T0 Ambient temperature in K floor function defined by:
Pb,C Baseline operating pressure for compression in 
1 if x2A
cð Þ Step function defined by: cA ðxÞ ¼
bar 0 if not
Sb,C Base compressor size in kg min LCOTH  Cpt Linear program formulated where Cpt
m Total transported capacity by one CGT in kg represents the vector variables to
Dm One CGT capacity step in kg determine minimize LCOTH*Cpt
Pb;S Baseline operating pressure for storage in bar subject to Cp ¼ Cpt and Cpt  0
P t
Sb;S Base tank capacity in kg min LCOTH  i Equivalent Integer linear program
ttl=u Total loading (l) and unloading (u) time in hours formulated where it represents the
ttl=u max The maximum total loading and unloading time in integer vector variables to determine
hours minimize LCOTH  it subject to n ¼ it
Av: Annual availability of the truck in hours it  0 and it 2 ℤt

However, defining and installing an adequate cost-effective is done by taking into account different hydrogen trans-
infrastructure is still the main barrier restraining its deploy- portation modes including different trucks and hydrogen
ment. Many solutions for hydrogen supply chains are likely to states as compressed gas, liquefied or chemically bound to a
emerge depending on level of demand, resource availability, liquid carrier. First, the minimum cost of transporting
geographic factors and progress on hydrogen technologies. hydrogen using compressed gas trucks (CGT) is calculated.
Currently, the main improvement comes from the research The associated levelized cost of transporting hydrogen
field, which is improving economic feasibility by reducing the (LCOTH) includes the transportation, the compression and
total cost of supply or by acting on different steps of the supply storage as well.
chain including mainly production, storage, transportation A literature review is presented in the first part introducing
and distribution. the different works on hydrogen infrastructure optimization
To address this research problem, this study aims to find along with the approach and the methodology behind optimal
the minimum cost for deploying hydrogen infrastructure. This hydrogen transportation via compressed gas trucks. Then, the
19304 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 9 3 0 2 e1 9 3 1 2

model components of the transportation optimization are potential operation pressure level ranging from 180 to 540 bar,
presented which include technical and cost evaluations of which could be used to minimize the cost of transportation.
compressed storage and transportation via trucks. Finally, the The two other parameters are further investigated by
mathematical model will be presented along with the main setting both of them as variables and extending the data range
results for different hydrogen demand and location distances. to a transported capacity up to 100 TPD and a trip distance
ranging between 1 km and 500 km. While the literature
reviewed investigated limited transported capacity and/or
Literature review fixed trip distance, this study gives flexibility to both param-
eters to investigate them simultaneously.
The literature review shows examples of optimizing the total
hydrogen infrastructure by limiting the analysis to one way of
hydrogen transportation (a) or by investigating a part of the Methodology
hydrogen delivery pathway that includes the stages of
hydrogen production, storage, transmission and distribution The model aims to find the optimum combination of CGT at
in separate studies (b). different pressure levels to transport hydrogen at the mini-
Analysis (a) is done either via trucks or pipeline system mum cost for different trip distances and different hydrogen
[3,21] or by including the two transportation systems in flow demand. For that, both production and distribution are
different scenarios [10]. Often the cost effectiveness of the taken as input parameters for the model based on the case of
whole supply chain was improved by analysing only one part France and Germany.
of the pathway (b) [4,19,30,33]. Concerning the choice of CGT, potential pressure levels
For instance [33], have developed models in order to iden- ranging between 180 and 540 bar associated with the current
tify the cost effective delivery mode and the results showed and future CGT market are considered for this analysis.
that the demand impacted the cost. For instance, small refu- The primary result showed that less than 0.001% of trucks
elling stations with low demand can be supplied using com- at 180 bar are needed for the hydrogen demand and trip dis-
pressed gas trucks, while moderate demand can be supplied tances set data. Therefore, the analysis is restrained to four
using liquid hydrogen, where the pipeline system could be pressure levels presented in Table 1, along with the total net
used for dense areas that have a larger hydrogen demand. hydrogen capacity that can be transported by each CGT.
[30] investigate the reduction of energy needs in industrial The choice was made by investigating current operating
electrolysers, while [4] focused on the hydrogen storage pro- CGT in the market, literature reviews and reports [8,27,29,32].
cess taking in account two different alternatives. The first As the study aims to build a scenario of hydrogen pene-
alternative consists of a conventional method, in which the tration by 2030, the analysis uses as well the target set by the
hydrogen is stored in high pressure tanks, and the second US DOE for the year 2020 to reach economic feasibility at a
alternative uses storage in hydro-methane form. filling pressure of 520 bar [14] along with other future pros-
Finally, [19], developed a mixed-integer linear program that pects [17,34].
optimizes the locations of the refuelling stations. Their model The focus of the use of hydrogen in this paper is mobility
considered the limited driving range of automobiles and via FCEVs that will be produced using excess wind electricity
necessary deviations likely to happen when the refuelling via electrolysis.
station network is sparse. For the case of Germany, the country has already a high
The different optimisations were performed by focusing on share of wind energy in the electricity mix [24] with high
one pressure level. For instance [33], investigate the cost of disparities. In fact, the main source of wind generation is
transporting hydrogen using a CGT at low operating pressure of located in the north, whilst the populated and industrial areas
162 bar pressure transporting a total net capacity of 300 kg when mostly located in the south of the country.
[10] investigate a higher operating CGT pressure of 486 bar but In contrast, France, by targeting a nuclear share of 50% by
only at a fixed round-trip distance of 100 km. The middle range 2025 [15], aims to reach an installed capacity of 45 GW onshore
pressure of 200 bar was investigated as well by developing a wind power by 2030 [13].
model based on life cycle cost for implementing a general The location of hydrogen production is supposed to be
refuelling station siting [31] or along the expressway [16]. fixed and not included as a decision variable, allowing to cover
The net transported capacity was chosen as either variable, the main fuel consumption for mobility. Results showed that
independent from the distance trip, and ranging between 250 at the national level and in case of a high hydrogen penetra-
and 460 kg [16], or fixed to 200 kg per trip [9]. tion of 2.4% with FCEV on the overall passenger car market by
This literature review showed that optimizing the overall 2030 an average hydrogen demand of 338 and 379 TPD will be
hydrogen supply chain shifted the focus away from the
transportation using compressed gas. In fact, this way of
transporting hydrogen could be further optimized by investi-
Table 1 e Variable parameters for CGT technical
gating three parameters: the pressure level, the transported
capacity and trip distance.
The first one is done by investigating a set of pressure Design pressure in bar Pt 250 350 500 540
Total net truck capacity in kg mt 720 907 1100 1350
levels instead of restraining the study on only one. In fact, the
current CGT market and future prospects give a range of five Source: [1,14,17,28,29,32,34].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 9 3 0 2 e1 9 3 1 2 19305

needed for France and Germany, respectively [20]. Therefore a For a pressure given in bar, the first term includes the unit
hydrogen demand ranging between 0.01 and 100 TPD is conversion from J/kg and Pascal multiplied by the specific vol-
feasible for a regional need. ume of hydrogen and gis the specific heat ratio of hydrogen [22].
The hydrogen is then transported to the hydrogen refuel- The annual energy to operate a compressor, which is
ling stations to refuel FCEV. In this analysis, only trans- driven by an electric motor, is deduced then from the elec-
portation via truck is considered to minimize the cost. First, trical work W_ m taking into account the total efficiency h as a
the hydrogen is compressed and stored at the production site, product of its adiabatic efficiency that varies between 75 and
then transported via gas trucks over a distance ranging be- 85% and electrical one of the order of 90% (typically a total
tween 1 and 500 km for regional use. In fact, France and Ger- efficiency of 70% of the adiabatic work W _ DS/0 [18]).
many present a maximum distance north to south of
respectively 962 and 853 km as well as a maximum distance Transportation via truck
east to west of 950 and 650 km, respectively. The maximum annual number of roundtrips nr:t t (Eq. (3)) be-
The transported hydrogen is finally refuelled at stations tween two locations iand j depends also on the availability of
with compressors, high pressure storage and dispensers. the truck, which is expressed in the number of hours when the
For the cost calculation and because the production and truck is available (Av:) for transportation during the year, and
consumption rates are assumed fixed, only the cost related to the average truck speed Sa .
transporting hydrogen LCOTH will be minimized. These costs 6 7
6 7
include compression at the production site LCOHC ; storage 6 Av: 7
ntr$t ¼4 2dij
5 (3)
LCOHS and transporting the compressed gas via CGT LCOHT as þ tttl=u
shown in Eq. (1).
In case of the use of one type CGT to transport a total
LCOTH ¼ LCOHC þ LCOHS þ LCOHT (1) hydrogen capacity Cp (in kg) the number of trucks needed is
defined in Eq. (4) by:
Input parameters ntT ¼
þ1 (4)
mt  ntr:t
The hydrogen gas is initially at a known location i and at an Finally, for transporting hydrogen, each driver cannot
initial state S0 where the hydrogen is a gas at ambient tem- exceed a maximum number of working hours nw:h defining the
perature T0 and atmospheric pressure P0 : The hydrogen is numbers of drivers ndriver t (Eq. (5)) needed to operate a CGT over
then compressed using a compressor of five stages delivering a distance dij by:
hydrogen up to 720 bar [18] to a state St , where the hydrogen is
6 7
a gas at ambient temperature T0 and pressure Pt : The com- 6 7
6dij 7
pressed gas at the state St is stored in different tube trailers of 6Sa þ tttl=u 7
ndriver t 6
¼4 7þ1 (5)
total capacity of mt (Table 1) and then loaded to be transported nw:h 5
by a CGT to a location j .
Once the hydrogen is transported to the final location j over
Cost assessment
a distance dij from the storage site i, the truck is supposed to
wait till it is unloaded adding a total loading and unloading
To compare investments with different economic lives of yn
time ttl=u t that depends on its hydrogen state of aggregation.
years at a specified discount rate idr , the net present value
Hence, over the distance dij ,each single CGT can perform a
(NPV) method is used (Eq. (6)). Taking the notation used in the
maximum annual number of roundtrips. The tube trailer
definition of LCOH, the net present value of the initial in-
transported is supposed to be filled to its maximum capacity,
vestment can be written [2]:
so that the annual number of roundtrips meet the
maximum nr:t t . The maximum capacity mt again depends on X
Can X O&M þ FC þ LC

hydrogen state of aggregation of the transported gas. Finally NPV ¼ y ¼ CC þ y (6)

ð1 þ idr Þ y¼1
ð1 þ idr Þ
each truck is operated by a number of driver ndriver limited by
working hours. The sum of the power series of variable year y can be
written (Eq. (7)) using the definition of the capital recovery
Technical assessment factor (CRF) [26].

1 1  ð1 þ idr Þ
Compression work
y ¼ ¼ (7)
A five stage (N ¼ 5) compressor delivering hydrogen up to y¼1
ð1 þ idr Þ idr CRF
720 bar is chosen as it work was find out to be close to the
Eq. (6) allows then to define the annual cost Can directly
practical one with less energy consumption [18]. The specific
from the capital cost CC, operations and maintenance
work W _ DS/0 t (Eq. (2)) in k Wh/kg is deduced from the adiabatic
costs O&M, fuel cost FC and logistic costs LC. And using Eq. (7)
work [18] of compressing hydrogen gas of specific volume
to replace the power series and the fact that O&M is a per-
equal to 11.986 m3/kg at 20  C [22].
centage of the capital cost OM, Eq. (6) is equivalent to Eq. (8):
_t g Pt g1
W DS/0 ¼ 0:3229N   P0 Ng 1 (2) Can ¼ CCðCRF þ OMÞ þ FC þ LC (8)
g1 P0
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The cost of transporting hydrogen is introduced via the The capital cost related to the purchase of truck compo-
Levelized Cost of Hydrogen Transportation (LCOHT) reflecting nents is defined as those for two components the trailer,
the annual cost of transporting one unit kg of hydrogen and as which includes the undercarriage plus the tube (Eq. 13, b), and
a sum of the different LCOHT of the hydrogen chain including the cab (Eq. 13, a):
the cost of compression, storage and transportation via truck.
CCtCab ¼ ntT ðTCCab Þ (13a)
Cost of compression and storage
The annual cost of compression (Eq. (11)) can be broken down CCtTra ¼ ntT ðTCtube þ TCund Þ (13b)
into the capital cost (Eq. (10)) and the annual cost of energy to In addition to the capital cost, the fuel cost to perform nw=b t
operate the compressor (Eq. (9)). The last term (Eq. (9)) is annual roundtrips with nT t truck depend on the roundtrip
derived from the cost of the compressors electrical work. This distance and the unit fuel cost Fp in euro/km shown in Eq. (14):
is calculated using its capacity factor CFC defined by the per-
centage of the annual working hour and the unit electrical FC ¼ 2ntT  ntr:t  Fp  dij (14)
energy cost Ce in euro/kWh.Kg:
And finally, the annual labour cost LC for nT t truck is
_t calculated by multiplying the numbers of drivers by the driver
TCe ¼
W DS/0  Ce  CFC h (9)
c wage TCdriver as shown in Eq. (15):
The first term (Eq. (10)) is calculated using a sizing factor of  
0.8 to adjust from the baseline size of 4000 kW and cost of 1164 LC ¼ ntT  ntr:t  ndriver  TCdriver þ tttl=u (15)
V/kW (2015V) determined by the energy and cooling water
requirements [12]. Eq. (16) shows the total annual cost, while Table 3 lists the
definitions and the values of the different parameters used for
 _ DS/0 t  Cp 0:8  0:18
W Pt the calculation:
CCC t ¼ Cb;C  Sb;C (10)
hc  Sb;C  CFC  Tha Pb;C
LCOHT  Cp ¼ CCtT;tra ðCRFTra þ OMTra Þ þ CCtT;cab ðCRFCab þ OMcab Þ
Eq. (11) shows the total annual cost while Table 2 shows the
þ FC þ LC
definitions and the values of the different parameters used for
the calculation:

LCOHC  Cp ¼ CCC t ðCRFC þ OMC Þ þ TCet  Cp (11)

Model calculations and results
The same methodology used above [12] is applied to
calculate the capital cost of storing hydrogen (Eq (12)) using a Mathematical formulation
base case size corresponding to the one at high pressure of
540 bar at 2444 V/kg (2015V), this corresponds approx- The mathematical formulation to identify the optimum
imatively to 1252.5 kg net hydrogen stored. combination of CGT giving the minimum cost of trans-
portation for a given total hydrogen demand Cp to be trans-
Pt !0:75
ported over a distance dij can be written as a minimization
CpPb;S Pt cost problem shown in Eq. (17):
¼ Cb;S  Sb;S (12)
Sb;S Pb;S X
CC dij ; Cp ¼ min Ctan (17)
Cost of transportation
The three main capital costs of the CGT go for the truck cab where Ct an is the annual cost associated with the CGT oper-
cost TCCab , the truck undercarriage cost TCund and the tube ating at the pressure level t.
cost TCtube . This can be calculated as a product of its total levelized cost
LCOTH and the capacity transported by each CGT Cpt , under the
condition that the sum of the capacities transported by the
trucks meets the total hydrogen demand Cp as shown in Eq.
Table 2 e Parameters for compression and storage capital (18).
and operation costs calculation. X
CCðCpt Þ ¼ min LCOTH  Cpt
Ce Variable electrical energy cost 0.055 V/kWh t
CFC Capacity factor 90% with
Tha Total annual hours 8766 h
hc Compressor efficiency 70%
Cb;C Base compressor cost 1164 V/kW
Sb;C Base compressor size 4000 kW
Pb;C Baseline operating pressure for 200 bar Table 3 e Fixed economic parameters for CG cost
compression calculations.
Sb;S Base tank capacity 1252.5 kg Undercarriage cost TCund 69,826 V
Pb;S Baseline operating pressure for 540 bar Cab cost: TCcab 104,740 V
storage Average speed Sa 50 km/h
Source:Adapted from [12] in V 2015. Source: [12] in V 2015 IEK-STE 2017.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 9 3 0 2 e1 9 3 1 2 19307

800 kg is chosen with the maximum loading and unloading

Cp ¼ Cpt (18) time of 2 h.
t The annual capacity step DCp (Eq (20)) is then the product
of one CGT capacity step Dm and the annual round trip (Eq. (3))
The total levelized cost LCOTH can be bring down to the
of a CGT of a maximum total loading and unloading time
sum of its three components associated to compression (Eq.
ttl=u max equal to 2 h:
(11)), storage (Eq. (12)) and road transportation (Eq. (16)).
Allowing the minimization problem of Eq. (18) to be equivalent Sa  Av:
of the problem of Eq. (19): DCp ¼ Dm with p2ℕ (21)
2  Dd  p þ Sa  ttmax
CðCpt Þ ¼ min Cpt ½LCOHT ðCpt Þ þ cðCpt Þ  ðLCOHC ðCpt Þ
The problem of Eq. (18) is equivalent then to the problem
shown by Eq. (21):
þ LCOHS ðCp Þ Þ 

X h
with CðnÞ ¼ min DCp  it  LCOHT ðit Þ þ c½1;n ðit Þ  ðLCOHC ðit Þ
it 2½1;n
X i
Cp ¼ Cpt (19) þ LCOHS ðit Þ Þ

cðCpt Þ is a function indicating if or if not a compression and ( X

n ¼ it
storage facility operating at a pressure Pt should be imple- with t (22)
mented. Therefore, it is equal to 0 when there is no capacity it 2½0; n
transported at this pressure level (i.e. Cpt ¼ 0) and equal to 1
otherwise. Model results
The simplification of this problem is done by considering
the capacity and the distance, like the cost function, as a Minimum cost results
discrete variable defined by a variable capacity step DCp and a To see the distribution of the total cost for different distances
fixed distance step Dd (Eq. (19)): and capacities, Fig. 1 shows the levelized cost of transporting
 hydrogen for different transported hydrogen capacities below
Cp ¼ DCp  n 5 TPD and trip distances ranging from 1 to 500 km.
with ðn; pÞ2ℕ2 (20)
d ¼ Dd  p It can be noticed from Fig. 1 that the LCOTH is in average
The distance step is independent of the cost optimization continuously changing over capacity and distance; decreasing
and is chosen constant equal to 1 km for a distance range with the hydrogen transported capacity and increasing with
reaching 500 km. The capacity step is assumed variable the trip distance.
depending on the distance step and ranges from 0.01 TPD to In fact, the way that costs decreases with greater hydrogen
100 TPD. demand shows the importance of achieving economies of
In fact the lowest capacities that can be transported by scale in order to reduce the total cost of transporting
one truck are 720 kg and 907 kg respectively corresponding hydrogen. As can be noticed, LCOTH is high below 0.5 TPD as it
to 250 bar and 350 bar. Therefore, a capacity step Dm of varies between 2.0 and 2.7 V/kg and decreases when the

Fig. 1 e Total levelized cost of transporting hydrogen LCOTH at low hydrogen demand.
19308 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 9 3 0 2 e1 9 3 1 2

demand increases. This is due to the fact that, at low levels of components (capital and compression work cost) and
hydrogen demand, the main cost results from installing the hydrogen storage cost.
different facilities including the storage and compression fa- These costs are compared for two different values of
cilities and the part of the capital costs of the different trucks. hydrogen transported capacity counting for 1 TPD at low
The cost increases as well with the distance trip because of hydrogen demand and 50 TPD at high hydrogen demand and
the increase of fuel cost and peaks with an additional 0.6 V/kg four trip distances of 20 km, 75 km, 250 km and 400 km.
around 350 km due to labour cost. In fact, the limiting working Fig. 2 shows that, at low hydrogen demand, the cost of
hours for the driver makes it necessary that two drivers are compression and storage accounts only for less than 30% of
needed from a certain distance, doubling the logistic costs the total cost regardless of the trip distance. The trip distance
consisting mainly of the driver's wage. impacts the fuel cost that increases over the capital cost when
To investigate the impact of the distance and the total the distance increases.
hydrogen transported capacity, Fig. 2 shows the share of At high hydrogen demand, the trip distance impacts both
different costs on the total cost of transporting hydrogen; in costs. In fact, the share of compression and storage on the
blue the share of the transportation cost components (capital, total cost of transporting hydrogen is decreasing with the
fuel and logistic costs) along with the total levelized cost distance when transportation costs increase. For instance, it
associated with it LCOHT ; in orange the share of compression decreased from a share of 70% at 20 km to a share of less than

Fig. 2 e Share of transportation and compression in total cost and absolute costs.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 9 3 0 2 e1 9 3 1 2 19309

30% below 250 km and equally account for the same share of distances below 200 km as their associated capital cost is
transportation costs at a trip distance of 75 km. lower. When the distance increases, the fuel cost increases as
It can be noticed as well that the general development of shown in Fig. 2. That suggests that fewer CGTs at higher
transportation cost is different at low and high compression pressure level will reduce the cost. As a consequence, the
levels. At low demand, the cost (as shown by LCOHT ) is mainly share of CGT at 540 bar is increasing from less than 15% below
constant, except at distances below 75 km and at 350 km, 100 km to half of the total used CGT between 400 and 500 km
when the cost for the second driver arises. At high demand, it even for a low hydrogen demand.
is constantly increasing until it peaks as well around 350 km At high hydrogen demand, on the one hand, at low dis-
as a consequence of the increase of wage costs. tance below 20 km, the main cost is due to the work of
This sudden increase of wage cost impacts on the share of compression, as shown in Fig. 2, suggesting the use of low
fuel cost as well. Even though fuel cost is more important at pressure levels. On the other hand, for distances longer 20 km,
400 km than at 250 km, its share decreases due to the rise in the transportation cost increases and is equal to the total
the wage cost. compression cost at 75 km suggesting the use of higher CGT to
For compression cost components, the compression work meet the higher hydrogen demand at lower cost. Taking that
accounts for the main cost at high hydrogen demand and into account, below 100 km a compromise between lower
round trip distances below 100 km due to the low cost of pressure level below 20 km and higher between 20 and 100 km
transporting hydrogen (LCOHT ). This cost decreases with the has to be found. On an average distance between 0 and
distance along with capital cost of compression due to the 100 km, this is reflected in a use of 22% CGT at 500 bar and
increase of costs related to transportation. more than 75% of GGT at 540 bar.
Finally, the average share of capital cost is unchanged be- At high demand and for more than 100 km trip distance,
tween low and high hydrogen demand suggesting that, even the hydrogen is transported using almost only CGT at 540 bar
at a high quantity of hydrogen demand, the cost decreased reflected by a share of 98e99% when the rest goes for CGT at
due to the economies of scale. lower pressure level to meet the fluctuation of hydrogen
Transported capacity using different pressure level
Fig. 3 shows the average share of different CGT used to Results comparison and future prospects
transport the hydrogen. This is done by taking the mean at
each 100 km to visualize the general distribution of the share First, some results obtained were compared to the literature,
of CGT with the distance and the demand. then a review of the cost of different transportation modes
Fig. 3 shows that, on average, and, at low hydrogen de- was performed in order to give future prospects to the current
mand, more CGTs at low pressure level are needed at work.

Fig. 3 e Share of CG transportation (CGT) and Compression in total cost.

19310 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 9 3 0 2 e1 9 3 1 2

Results comparison to the literature

Table 5 e Share of different cost components for a
For the optimal CGT [25], evaluated the impact of three CGT
hydrogen demand of 15 TPD over a distance roundtrip of
configurations (of 600, 690 and 790 kg capacity) on the trans- 50 and 300 km.
portation and refuelling cost. The simulation was performed
Distance 50 km 300 km
in order to deliver hydrogen over different transportation
Storage 08.3%/00.4% 02.9%/00.5%
distances of 100, 200 and 300 miles and to hydrogen refuelling
Transport CC 16.7%/18.2% 17.9%/15.5%
stations of various capacities of 250, 500 and 750 kg/day cor-
Transport OM 57.9%/51.8% 73.2%/59.0%
responding to low hydrogen demand (around 200 kg/day), Compression CC 03.0%/12.7% 01.5%/10.48%
medium hydrogen demand (around 400 kg/day) and high Compression OM 14.1%/16.9% 04.8%/14.0%
hydrogen demand (around 1000 kg/day).
Source: Own results compared to [33] * in V 2015.
Table 4 compares the results at low and high hydrogen
demand for two distances of 161 km and 483 km. The results
bolded correspond to the literature results [25] and show the 300 kg, when the study investigated a combination of four
CGT that gives the minimum cost. The results nonbolded, different CGT. This difference impacts as well the capacity
correspond to the study results and show the CGT that is used transported by a singles CGT and therefore the fuel cost.
the most to deliver the hydrogen demand. The share of storage cost varies as well because of the
For each configuration, the tube trailer cost contribution different tanks cost that were used to store hydrogen.
was find out to increase as well with the distance and to Finally, the difference in Compression CC and Compres-
decrease with the hydrogen demand. At high hydrogen de- sion OM is due to the use of higher pressure to transport
mand, the results correspond to the conclusion of the study hydrogen which impacts the energy use. For instance [33] uses
performed, as the CGT with higher capacity is find out to a compressor with energy use between 0.7 and 1 kWh/kg,
deliver the hydrogen at the minimum cost independently when the study performed has a compression work that var-
from the distance of transport. ies between 3.1 and 3.7 kWh/kg.
At low hydrogen demand, both studies show the impact of
the distance in the CGT used. In fact, CGT with lower capac- Future prospects
ities are used at 161 km distance trip, when the ones at higher As concluded in the results section, the use of CGT is mainly
capacities are used to transport hydrogen over 483 km dis- effective between distances ranging between 75 km and
tance trip. 350 km and a low to average demand over one TPD. This
To visualize the impact of the distance on the different suggests the use of other forms of transporting hydrogen and
costs, operations and maintenance costs for both compres- other infrastructure system than the road transportation
sion and transport were compared to the capital cost. For that, network.
the fuel cost, the wage cost and transport operation cost were A literature review gives an overview of other modes of
summed under transport OM; and compression work cost and transportation and which cost could be reduced and at which
operations cost under compression OM. The results were range.
compared to the work of [33] that gives the four costs in For instance, a study to support the transition towards a
addition to storage cost for a transported hydrogen capacity of low-carbon transport system in UK was done taking into ac-
15 TPD over two roundtrip distances of 50 and 300 km. count two discounts rate of 3.5% and 10% and two modes of
Table 5 show the different literature costs share bloded transporting hydrogen including pipeline system and com-
along with the study results for storage cost, transport capital pressed gas [23]. For the case of 10% discount rate, 10 scenarios
cost (transport CC), transport operations and maintenance were analysed that depend on different international
cost (transport OM), compression capital cost (compression hydrogen import and different pipeline capital cost and po-
CC), and compression operations and maintenance costs tential connexion. Thus, the average cost was taken excluding
(compression OM). the costs related to the imports and carbon emissions to allow
For both sources, the main cost comes from the transport the comparison between the transportation cost components.
OM, followed by the transport CC. The order of magnitude, on The results showed, on the one hand, that road transportation
the other hand, varies for both studi es due to different in- operations and maintenance costs were greater than pipeline
vestment cost of the tube for transport CC. In fact [33], in- costs and accounted for 13.95% instead of only 0.32% of total
vestigates only one type of CGT transporting a capacity of transportation cost. On the other hand, the capital cost to

Table 4 e CGT configuration giving the minimum transport cost at 161 and 483 km for low and high demand.
Low hydrogen demand High hydrogen demand

Refuelling station capacity of 250 kg/day/Hydrogen Refuelling station capacity of 750 kg/day/Hydrogen demand
demand of 1 TPD of 50TPD

Distance of 161 km Distance of 483 km Distance of 161 km Distance of 161 km

CGT at 600 kg/CGT at CGT at 790 kg/CGT at CGT at 790 kg/CGT at CGT at 790 kg/CGT at
350 bar(907 kg) 540 bar(1350 kg) 500 bar(1100 kg) 540 bar(1350 kg)

Source: Own results compared to [25]*.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 4 ( 2 0 1 9 ) 1 9 3 0 2 e1 9 3 1 2 19311

construct pipeline system was three times greater. This The analysis showed that the total cost of transporting
observation suggests, that, at very high hydrogen demand, the hydrogen decreases with the transported capacity. In fact, the
pipelines capital cost could be reduced thanks to the econo- total levelized cost of transporting hydrogen was high (be-
mies of scale, allowing as well the avoidance of the total op- tween 2 and 2.7 V/kg) below 0.5 ton per day (TPD) due to higher
erations and maintenance of compressed gas (including the investment costs associated with the truck components,
wage cost) that represent the main cost share. storage and compression facilities and decreased by more
The general study performed by [33] confirms the com- than 1 V/kg at transported capacity below one TPD due to the
parison between the two modes of transportation at larger economies of scale. In parallel, the overall cost increased as
scale, as it compared the costs at different transport distance well with the trip distance because of the fuel cost, and peaks
and hydrogen demand. For instance, the pipeline system was with an additional 0.6 V/kg around 350 km due to logistic
found out to be cost effective at 100 TPD and 300 km, when costs. In fact, the limiting working hours required the
CGT was cost effective at 50 km and 15 TPD. The study sug- deployment of two drivers simultaneously from a distance
gests as well, that liquid hydrogen could be a good transition trip above 350 km.
option between the two. For instance, at 300 km and 15 TPD, The analysis investigated the different pressure level dis-
even with high share of liquefaction work that counts for 29%, tribution as a function of distance trip and hydrogen demand.
the CGT total operation and maintenances costs were reduced The results concluded that the share of compressed gas trucks
from a share of 57% to only 8% due to the use of less cost operating at the highest-pressure level of 540 bar increases
wages and trucks. with the distance and hydrogen demand. In contrast, the
The use of liquefied hydrogen could be as well cost effec- share of trucks transporting hydrogen at lower pressure level
tive at high energy demand in long term perspectives [5] In of 250 and 350 bar is higher at trip distance below 200 km.
fact, the total liquefaction cost could be reduced by nearly 0.66 Finally, the use of CGT is found to be effective from 1 to 50
euro/kg when comparing current 50 TPD installed capacity TPD hydrogen-demand using mainly low to medium pressure
with optimized large-scale liquefiers up to 150 TPD liquefac- level between 75 and 200 km trip-distance, and high pressure
tion capacity. level from 200 km to 350 km.
At low hydrogen demand, another alternative should be
investigated as a trade-off should be found between higher
operations and maintenance costs when using CGT, and
higher investment cost in case of using liquid hydrogen or
pipelines [11]. For instance, at 4.37 TPD, liquid hydrogen
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