Final Exam Pattern 11

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Possible Questions for final Exam

Very short Questions Short Questions

1. Define book keeping. 1. Define accounting. What are the limitations of
2. State any two objectives of booking keeping. 2. Write in brief about scope of accounting.
3. Define accounting concept. 3. Write any three differences between book keeping
and accounting concept.
4. Explain any two objectives of accounting. 4. State and explain process of accounting.
5. Is accounting an art or a science or both? 5. Define going concern and accounting period
Explain with reasons. concept.
6. Define accounting ethics. 6. Write the meaning of double entry system of book
keeping with mentioning its two objectives.
7. Define business entity concept. 7. Explain different types of cheque?
8. Write in brief about Money measurement 8. What are causes of dishnour of cheque?
9. Write the meaning of matching concept. 9. “Accounting is a language of business” Explain
10. Define materiality convention. 10.Write the feature and objectives of TSA
11. Write the meaning of conservatism
12. Why journal is called book of original entry?
13. Define bill of exchange.
14. Write the short note about trade discount and
cash discount.
15. Write in short note about debit note and credit
16. What is invoice?
17. What is cheque?
18. What are the different types of cheque?
19. Define contra entry with suitable example.
20. Define trial balance.
21. Define errors of omission.
22. Write the meaning of errors of commission.
23. Differentiate between one sided error and two
sided error.
24. What is journal proper?
25. Write in short about profit and loss account.
26. What is reserve?
27. What is provision?
28. Write any one difference between reserve and
29. What is depreciation?
30. What are the causes of depreciation?
31. Write the meaning of capital expenditures
giving at least two examples.
32. Write the meaning of revenue expenditures
with suitable examples.
33. Define capital receipts with suitable example.
34. Write the meaning of single entry system.
35. What is Government accounting?
36. State any two objectives of government

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37. Write any two differences between
government accounting and commercial
38. Write the meaning of new accounting system.
39. What is TSA?
40. Give the meaning of advance paid voucher
with suitable example.
41. What is bank cash book?
42. What is budget sheet?
43. What the major parts of budget sheet?
44. Write the meaning of statement of
45. Define central level accounting and operating
level accounting.
Question pattern for final exam
Question No. Marks Question No. Marks
Q.1 to 11 Theory 11×1=11 17. Multi step income statement 5
12. A. Theory 3 18. Accounting for non-profit making 5
B: Accounting equation 2 organizations
13. A. Cash book 3 19. A. Journal Voucher 3
B. Subsidiary book 2 B. Single entry systems. 2
OR Budget sheet 5
14. Bank reconciliation statement 5 20. Journal + ledger + Trial balance 3+4+1
15. A rectification of errors 3 21. Final account (Traditional approach) 8
B. Provision for bad debt 2
OR Adjusted Trial balance 5
16. Depreciation 5 22. A. Bank cash Book 4
B. Statement of expenditures 4

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