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NAME…………………………………….. PEN PAPER TEST-1
CLASS –XI (2024-25)
ROLL NO………………………………..
BANKING (811) [SET-1]
Duration: 1:30 hours Max. Marks: 40
General Instructions:
1. This a subjective question paper containing 17 questions.
2. Question 1-10 are objective type questions, carrying 1 mark each.
3. Question 11-12 are short answer type I question carrying 3 marks each. Answer to them should be in
60-80 words each.
4. Question 13-15 are short answer type II question carrying 4 marks each. Answer to them should be in
80-100 words each.
5. Question 16-17 and are long answer type question carrying 6 marks each. Answer to them should be
in 100-150 words each.
6. Answer should be brief and to the point and the above word limit be adhered as far as possible.
1. A bank is a financial intermediary because (1)
a. It act as the broker between depositor and borrower
b. IT act as the link between the saver and the borrowers
c. It is the finance industry
d. It is in the intermediate industry
2. RBI function is (1)
a. To give license to banks c. To act as a bankers Bank
b. To act as a banker to the government d. All of the above
3. Bank’s service include (1)
a. Net banking b. Mobile banking c. Phone banking d. All the above
4. ____ are not a part of the scheduled banking structure in India. (1)
a. Money lenders c. Public sector bank
b. Private sector banks d. Regional rural bank
5. RBI isn’t expected to perform the role of (1)
a. Acting as a clearing house
b. Working as a banker to the government
c. Managing forex
d. Accepting deposit from general public

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6. Which of the following is a role typically not performed by the central bank? (1)
a. Setting the official short term interest rate
b. Establish tax policies
c. Controlling money supply
d. Acting as a banker to the government
7. Which of the following is not a function of commercial Bank? (1)
a. Providing project final settling of payment on behalf of the customers
b. Deciding policy rates like CRR SLR and repo rate
c. Issuing credit /debit/ ATM cards
8. Reserve Bank of India is the____ of India. (1)
9. Banking services provided to a common man is known as (1)
10. ___ is the land of Last resort for the bank. (1)
11. What are the primary functions of bank? (3)
12. What are the general utility services rendered by commercial banks? (3)
13. Explain the public sector banks? (4)
14. What are the different types of bank found in India? (4)
15. What are the manager of foreign exchange and issue of currency function of RBI? (4)
16. What are the initiative taken by the RBI for the payment and settlement system? (6)
17. Explain the various instrument of monetary control available with RBI? (6)

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