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Group Activity: Your task is to create a presentation ready dashboard in 2 hours.

Steps are
given below for your guidance. A dataset on Amazon Prime will be used.

1. Research and learn the difference between calculated columns and measures.
2. Calculate Total Titles
3. Calculate Total Ratings
4. Calculate Total Genres
5. Calculate Total Directors
6. Find the Start Date
7. Find the End Date
8. Display the above on your dashboard
9. Display genres by total shows. Use an appropriate visual type
10. Display ratings by total shows. Use an appropriate visual type.
11. Display total shows by country.
12. Show the distribution of movies and TV shows
13. Display total shows by release year.
14. Ensure you use appropriate visuals for all of the above
15. The dashboard should be a mix of different types of visuals, and no visual should be
used more than once.
16. Ensure your dashboard is formatted and ready to be presented.
17. You can represent any other visual that you see fit.
18. Add a heading to your dashboard (use a text box)
19. Add an image/logo to your dashboard.
20. Share your pbix files with the instructor by 9pm.

Good luck!

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