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University of California, Berkeley

This article examines outsourcing from the transaction cost economics (TCE)
perspective. The transaction is made the basic unit of analysis and the pro-
curement decision, as between make and buy, is made (principally) with
reference to a transaction cost economizing purpose. As sketched herein, the
ease of contracting varies with the attributes of the transaction, with special
emphasis on whether preserving continuity between a particular buyer–seller
pair is the source of added value. The basic regularity is this: as bilateral de-
pendency builds up, the efficient governance of contractual relations pro-
gressively moves from simple market exchange to hybrid contracting (with
credibility supports) to hierarchy. This last corresponds to the ‘‘make’’ deci-
sion, which, as viewed from the TCE perspective, is viewed as the organization
form of last resort. The article successively describes the lens of contract ap-
proach to economic organization, the operationalization of TCE, different
styles of outsourcing, qualifications to the foregoing and the main lessons of
TCE for the supply chain literature.

Keywords: contracting; outsourcing (make or buy); organization; supply chain


INTRODUCTION of TCE is discussed in the second section, with emphasis

This paper examines interfirm contracting by applying on the efficient alignment of transactions with alternative
the lens of contract/governance to the make-or-buy de- modes of governance — principally markets, hybrids and
cision, which is the canonical transaction for transaction hierarchies. The hybrid transaction is especially pertinent
cost economics (TCE).1 The supply chain management to the SCM literature and is singled out for further dis-
(SCM) literature also focuses on procurement. But cussion in the third section. Extensions and qualifica-
whereas TCE examines individual transactions, SCM in- tions are addressed in the fourth section. Lessons from
troduces a broader systems perspective in which related and for SCM literature conclude.
transactions are grouped and managed as chains.
These two plainly share a lot of common ground, but BACKGROUND
there are also tensions. Because my background in TCE is The lens of contract, the description of human actors,
extensive but is limited in SCM, I mainly emphasize the positive transaction costs and pragmatic methodology all
lessons of the microcosm (the transaction) for the system play key roles in the TCE treatment of interfirm con-
(the supply chain), yet recognize that there should be tracting.
give and take.
The first section briefly sketches some of the back-
ground out of which TCE works. The operationalization The Lens of Contract
James Buchanan advises that economics as a science of
contract (as distinguished from textbook economics as a
Like all invited papers and invited notes, the original version of this
science of choice) is underdeveloped and that this should
manuscript underwent a double-blind review process. be rectified — it being his view that ‘‘mutuality of ad-
Acknowledgment: This paper has its origins in the keynote address
vantage from voluntary exchange . . . is the most funda-
that I gave at the ‘‘International Conference on Large and Small
Business Cooperation’’ on August 4, 2007, in Seoul, Republic of mental of all understandings in economics’’ (2001, p.
Korea. 29). The quest for mutual gains of a win-win kind drive
For recent earlier discussions, see Williamson (2002, 2003). the argument.

April 2008 5
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Journal of Supply Chain Management

To be sure, efficiency gains from trade go back to when however, feasible foresight considerations apply. The
our ancestors traded nuts for berries on the edge of the readiness to defect can be mitigated by introducing cost-
forest, which exchanges were both transparent and sim- effective ex ante safeguards to deter ex post opportunism.
ple — akin to what we now think of as spot market ex- Credible interfirm contracting mechanisms are therefore
change. If and as, however, the exchanges in question will employed and, in the limit, transactions are taken out of
benefit from being of an ongoing kind, and inasmuch as the market and organized internally (under unified
all complex contracts are incomplete, additional gains ownership as mediated by hierarchy).
can be realized if order-preserving mechanisms are de-
vised that enable the parties to preserve cooperation
during contract execution. What Karl Llewellyn has de- Positive Transaction Costs
scribed as ‘‘contract as framework,’’ to be contrasted with The importance of making provision for positive
the more familiar concept of ‘‘contract as legal rules,’’ transaction costs becomes evident upon pushing the
applies (Llewellyn 1931, pp. 736–737; emphasis added): logic of zero transaction costs to completion. As Ronald
Coase showed when he reformulated torts (or, more
[T]he major importance of legal contract is to generally, externalities) as a contracting problem in his
provide a framework for well-nigh every type of famous article on ‘‘The Problem of Social Cost’’ (1960),
group organization and for well-nigh every type of externalities vanish if the logic of zero transaction costs is
passing or permanent relation between individuals taken to completion. Plainly, provision for positive
and groups . . . a framework highly adjustable, a transaction costs would thereafter have to be made if
framework which almost never accurately indicates externalities, and the study of complex contracting more
real working relations, but which affords a rough generally, were to be accurately described and assessed.
indication around which such relations vary, an Arrow’s (1969) examination of ‘‘The Organization of
occasional guide in cases of doubt, and a norm of Economic Activity: Issues Pertinent to the Choice of
ultimate appeal when the relations cease in fact to
Market versus Non-market Allocation’’ likewise made a
prominent place for positive transaction costs, both in
As discussed below, the ongoing cooperation to which general and with respect to vertical integration. Upon
Llewellyn refers needs to be supported by the mechanisms recognizing that vertical integration entails the ‘‘replace-
of credible contracting. ment of the costs of buying and selling on the market by
the costs of intra-firm transfers . . ., the existence of ver-
Human Actors tical integration may suggest that the costs of operating
Herbert Simon contends that ‘‘Nothing is more im- competitive markets are not zero, as is usually assumed by our
portant in setting our research agenda and informing our theoretical analysis’’ (Arrow 1969, p. 48; emphasis added).
research methods than our view of the nature of the But while it is easy to agree that zero transaction cost is
human beings whose behavior we are studying’’ (1985, a fiction, how does the analysis of positive transaction
p. 303). Cognition and self-interest are both relevant and costs get implemented? Upon opening the black box of
are herein described in a two-part way. the firm and the black box of the market, we are con-
With reference to cognition, we need to come to terms fronted with a vast buzzing, blooming profusion of
both with bounds on rationality, according to which transaction cost possibilities (Coase 1937), few of which
human actors are intendedly rational but only limitedly are easy to quantify. Among the variety of positive
so (Simon 1957), and with the capacity of human actors transaction cost candidates, prioritization, conceptual-
to display feasible foresight. By reason of bounds on ra- ization and operationalization are needed.
tionality, all complex contracts will be incomplete — so
there will be gaps, errors, omissions and the like. If, Pragmatic Methodology2
however, boundedly rational parties also have the ca- Describing himself as a native informant rather than as
pacity to look ahead, then potential maladaptations can a certified methodologist, Robert Solow’s ‘‘terse descrip-
be relieved by crafting mechanisms ex ante to deal with tion of what one economist thinks he is doing’’ (2001, p.
unanticipated disturbances as they arise, the effect of 111) takes the form of three precepts: keep it simple; get it
which is to facilitate adaptation, preserve continuity and right; make it plausible. Keeping it simple is accom-
realize mutual gain during contract implementation. plished by stripping away inessentials, thereby to focus
Self-interest is likewise described in a two-part way. The on first order effects — the main case, as it were — after
benign version is that most people will do what they say which qualifications, refinements and extensions can be
and some will do more most of the time. As, however, introduced. Getting it right entails working out the logic.
circumstances change and the stakes progressively in-
crease, defection from the spirit of an agreement to insist 2
This subsection is based on my paper, ‘‘Pragmatic Methodology: A
on the letter of the contract — thereby to force renego- Sketch with Applications to Transaction Cost Economics’’ (forth-
tiation or termination — cannot be disallowed. Again, coming in the Journal of Economic Methodology).

6 Volume 44, Number 2

1745493x, 2008, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-493X.2008.00051.x, Wiley Online Library on [11/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Outsourcing: Transaction Cost Economics and Supply Chain Management

And making it plausible means to preserve contact with Interestingly, both the economist Friedrich Hayek and
the phenomena and eschew fanciful constructions. the organization theorist Chester Barnard were in agree-
Solow observes with reference to the simplicity precept ment on this point, albeit with differences. Hayek (1945,
that ‘‘the very complexity of real life . . . [is what] makes pp. 526–527) focused on the adaptations of economic
simple models so necessary’’ (2001, p. 111). Keeping it actors who adjust spontaneously to changes in the mar-
simple requires the student of complexity to prioritize: ket. Upon looking ‘‘at the price system as . . . a mecha-
‘‘Most phenomena are driven by a very few central forces. nism for communicating information,’’ the marvel of the
What a good theory does is to simplify, it pulls out the market resides in ‘‘how little the individual participants
central forces and gets rid of the rest’’ (Friedman 1997, need to know to be able to take the right action.’’ By
p. 196). Central features and key regularities are uncov- contrast, Barnard (1938, p. 9) featured coordinated ad-
ered by the application of a focused lens. aptation among economic actors working through ad-
Getting it right entails ‘‘translating economic concepts ministration (hierarchy). The latter is accomplished not
into accurate mathematics (or diagrams, or words) and spontaneously but in a ‘‘conscious, deliberate, purpose-
making sure that further logical operations are correctly ful’’ way with the use of administration.
performed and verified’’ (Solow 2001, p. 112); and In effect, the adaptations to which Hayek refers are
plausible simple models of complex phenomena are autonomous adaptations accomplished in the market,
expected to ‘‘make sense for ‘reasonable’ or ‘plausible’ whereas the adaptations of concern to Barnard are con-
values of the important parameters’’ (Solow 2001, sciously coordinated adaptations accomplished through
p. 112). Also, because ‘‘not everything that is logically the use of management within the firm. To the widely
consistent is credulous’’ (Kreps 1999, p. 125), fanciful celebrated ‘‘marvel of the market’’ (Hayek) is now
constructions that lose contact with the phenomena are therefore joined the hitherto scorned ‘‘marvel of hierar-
suspect — especially if alternative and more veridical chy’’ (Barnard).4
models yield refutable implications that are congruent
with the data. Conceptualization
This last brings me to a fourth precept: derive refutable Adaptation of autonomous and coordinated kinds are
implications to which the relevant (often microanalytic) both evidently important. But if autonomous adaptation
data are brought to bear. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen had is the province of economics and coordinated adaptation
a felicitous way of putting it: ‘‘The purpose of science in is the domain of organization theory, and if economics
general is not prediction, but knowledge for its own and organization theory are as oil to water, how can these
sake,’’ yet prediction is ‘‘the touchstone of scientific two be joined?5
knowledge’’ (1971, p. 37). Indeed, most economists Look for common ground. Can markets and hierar-
know in their bones that theories that are congruent with chies (more generally, alternative modes of economic
the data are more influential. Milton Friedman’s reflec- organization) be examined through a common lens? Can
tions on a lifetime of work are pertinent: ‘‘I believe in a common unit of analysis be applied to each? Can a
every area where I feel that I have had some influence it common objective be discerned? By contrast with the
has occurred less because of the pure analysis than it has orthodox lens of price theory (prices and output; supply
because of the empirical evidence that I have been able to and demand), the lens of contract uncovers common
organize.’’3 ground between organization theory and the study of
exchange in all three respects.
PRIORITIZATION, CONCEPTUALIZATION Describing markets and hierarchies as alternative
AND OPERATIONALIZATION modes of governance, each with its distinctive strengths
Consistent with the first precept of pragmatic meth-
odology, keep it simple, prioritization serves to focus Interestingly, Laffont and Martimort (2002, p. 11) credit Barnard as
attention on what are taken to be the central forces, the ‘‘the first to define a general theory of incentives in management,’’
main case as it were. Conceptualization entails directing where they interpret Barnard’s views as broadly in the spirit of their
own agency theory work. Laffont and Martimort (2002, p. 13) also
attention to those aspects of the main case where the write that ‘‘Barnard recognized that incentive contracts do not rule
comparative institutional action is concentrated. And all of the activities within an organization.’’ In particular, ‘‘the in-
operationalization entails deriving refutable implica- completeness of contracts and the bounded rationality of members
tions. of the organization require that some leaders be given authority,’’
presumably to exercise ex post governance. Barnard advanced pre-
scient ideas that were pertinent both to the economics of ex ante
Prioritization: Adaptation as the Main Case
agency theory and to the economics of ex post governance.
Of the many purposes served by economic organiza- 5
Organization theory is often divided into three parts: rational sys-
tion, TCE holds that adaptation is the main purpose. tems, natural systems and open systems (Scott 1987). As among
these three, economics is most compatible with the rational systems
Personal communication, February 6, 2006, from Milton Friedman branch of organization theory, which is the branch of organization
to the author. theory on which TCE mainly relies.

April 2008 7
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Journal of Supply Chain Management

and weaknesses, is a promising start. Also, not only is the organization issue become engaging’’ (Williamson 1971,
transaction the obvious unit of analysis for describing p. 113). Uncertainty is the source of disturbances to
exchange in the market but, if and as internal organiza- which adaptation is required. Frequency is relevant in
tion is not one large in decomposable whole but is two respects: reputation effects and setup costs, the net
broken down into nearly decomposable subsystems effects of which will vary with the particulars.
(Simon 1962, pp. 474–475), then exchange within firms Asset specificity in conjunction with disturbances is
can also be similarly described. The upshot is that each where the main contractual action resides. Sometimes
make-or-buy decision reduces to ascertaining whether asset specificity can be traced to nonredeployable durable
the transaction should be mediated by an interfirm or by investments that are made immediately upon signing the
an intrafirm contract, where the first corresponds to the contract. But asset specificity will also evolve during
market (buy) and the latter to hierarchy (make). Econ- contract implementation if what had been a large num-
omizing on transaction costs is the common objective of ber of qualified suppliers at the outset is transformed into
both. a bilateral dependency condition between the buyer and
Note, moreover, that the standard presumption that initial winning bidder during contract implementation
technologically separable transactions should be medi- and at the contract renewal interval (Williamson 1985,
ated in the market is too glib. How best to organize such pp. 61–63). The fundamental ramification of asset spec-
transactions awaits an examination and comparative as- ificity is this: because transaction-specific assets can be
sessment of complications that reside in attributes of redeployed to alternative uses and users only at a loss of
separable transactions, as described below. productive value, continuity preserving governance for
such transactions is important.
Operationalization Governance structures are described as syndromes of
Operationalization is accomplished by naming and attributes that differ in discrete structural ways. Markets
explicating the key attributes of both transactions and and hierarchies are the polar modes to which hybrid
governance structures, by working out the efficient (long term) contracting is an intermediate mode (Wil-
alignments between transactions and governance and by liamson 1985, 1991). The salient attributes of governance
empirical testing. that bear on adaptations (of autonomous and coordi-
Dimensionalization: Of the endless number of attributes nated kinds) are incentive intensity, administrative
across which transactions and governance structures can command and control, and contract law regime. Differ-
be described, where does the key transaction cost action ent values and combinations of these attributes give rise
reside? It being vital to keep it simple, the institutional to adaptive strengths and weaknesses.
environment is usually taken as given (often by assuming Specifically, the market-mode features high-powered
that property rights are well defined and reliably enforced incentives, little administrative control and a legal-rules
by the courts). Also, as previously described, adaptation contract law regime, which combination is well suited to
(of autonomous and coordinated kinds) is taken to be implement autonomous adaptations but poorly suited to
the central problem of economic organization.6 The effect cooperative adaptations. The set of complementary
positive transaction costs of principal interest thus take attributes that describes hierarchy is antipodal to the
the form of maladaptation, which costs vary with the market mode (in that hierarchy uses low-powered in-
attributes of transactions — yet would vanish but for centives, considerable administrative control and the
bounds on rationality and contingent opportunism courts are deferential to the management), the effect of
(which give rise to incomplete contracts and defection, which is to reverse these adaptive capabilities.7 The hy-
respectively). brid is a compromise mode that is located between
The key attributes of transactions to which TCE calls market and hierarchy on all three attributes and works
attention are asset specificity, uncertainty and frequency. well, but not surpassingly well, in both autonomous
Although much of the explanatory power of the theory and coordinated adaptation respects. The viability of
turns on asset specificity (Williamson 1971, 1975, 1985; the hybrid turns crucially on the efficacy of credible
Klein, Crawford and Alchian 1978), which gives rise to commitments (penalties for premature termination,
bilateral dependency (or the absence thereof), bilateral information-disclosure and verification mechanisms,
dependency by itself would not pose a problem were it specialized dispute settlement and the like), the
not for the need for the parties to an incomplete contract
to adapt to disturbances. Indeed, the problem of con-
tracting under fully stationary conditions is uninterest- 7
Expressed in binary terms (weak or strong), the syndrome that de-
ing: ‘‘Only when the need to make unprogrammed
scribes the market is strong incentive intensity, weak administrative
adaptations is introduced does the market versus internal command and control, and strong contract law regime (legal rules)
whereas hierarchy is described by weak incentive intensity, strong
The implication is that choice of a different central problem will administrative command and control, and weak contract law regime
lead to a different dimensionalization. (forbearance, in that the firm is its own dispute settlement forum).

8 Volume 44, Number 2

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Outsourcing: Transaction Cost Economics and Supply Chain Management

cost-effectiveness of which varies with the attributes of however, costly breakdowns continue in the face of best
transactions (Williamson 1991; Menard 2004). bilateral efforts to craft safeguards at Node C, the trans-
Predicted alignments: The discriminating alignment hy- action may be taken out of the market and organized
pothesis out of which TCE works is this: transactions, under unified ownership (vertical integration) instead.
which differ in their attributes, are aligned with gover- Because added bureaucratic costs accrue upon taking a
nance structures, which differ in their adaptive strengths transaction out of the market and organizing it internally,
and weaknesses, so as to accomplish a transaction cost internal organization is usefully thought of as the orga-
economizing result. The simple contractual schema nization form of last resort: try markets, try hybrids and
summarizes. have recourse to the firm only when all else fails. Node
Thus assume that a firm can make or buy a component D, the unified firm, thus comes in only as higher degrees
and assume further that the component can be supplied of asset specificity and added uncertainty pose greater
by either a general purpose technology or a special pur- needs for cooperative adaptation.
pose technology. Letting k be a measure of asset speci- Note that the price that a supplier will bid to supply
ficity, the transactions in Figure 1 that use the general under Node C conditions will be less than the price that
purpose technology are those for which k50. In this case, will be bid at Node B. That is because the added security
no specific assets are involved and the parties are essen- features at Node C serve to reduce the contractual hazard,
tially faceless. Transactions that use the special purpose as compared with Node B, so the contractual hazard
technology are those for which k40. Such transactions premium will be lowered. One implication is that sup-
give rise to bilateral dependencies, in that the parties have pliers do not need to petition buyers to provide safe-
incentives to promote continuity, thereby to safeguard guards. Because buyers will receive goods and services on
specific investments. Let s denote the magnitude of any better terms (lower price) when added security is pro-
such safeguards, which include penalties, information vided, buyers have the incentive to offer credible com-
disclosure and verification procedures, specialized dis- mitments. Special cases aside, Node B is an inefficient
pute resolution (such as arbitration) and, in the limit, mode of governance in relation to Node C and thus, in
integration under unified ownership. An s50 condition the competitive scheme of things, will not be viable.
is one for which no safeguards are provided; a decision to Node D governance (hierarchy) involves (1) unified
provide safeguards is reflected by an s40 result. ownership of successive stages, (2) coordinated adapta-
Node A in Figure 1 corresponds to the ideal transaction tion at the interfaces by the application of routines (to
in law and economics: there being an absence of de- manage disturbances in degree) as augmented by the use
pendency, governance is accomplished through compe- of fiat (to manage disturbances in kind), (3) internal
tition and, in the event of disputes, by court awarded dispute resolution by a common superior (boss) for
damages. Node B poses unrelieved contractual hazards, disputes at the interfaces that cannot be resolved by the
in that specialized investments are exposed (k40) for parties and (4) the aforementioned bureaucratic cost
which no safeguards (s50) have been provided. Such burdens.
hazards will be recognized by farsighted players, who will Empirical testing: The logic on which this simple schema
price out the implied risks. relies thus assigns simple generic (k50) transactions to
Added contractual supports (s40) are provided at Node A (the market mode where continuity is of no
Nodes C and D. At Node C, these contractual supports importance and disputes are settled in court), more
take the form of interfirm contractual safeguards. Should, complex transactions (k40) to Node C (the hybrid

Simple Contractual Schema

A (Unassisted Market)

B (Unrelieved Hazard)


C (Hybrid
Market Support

Administrative Support

D (Internal

April 2008 9
1745493x, 2008, 2, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1745-493X.2008.00051.x, Wiley Online Library on [11/06/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Journal of Supply Chain Management

mode where continuity matters and adaptations are ac- nize that they will be at risk if things ‘‘go wrong.’’
complished with the support of credible contracting Accordingly, they will ask the buyer to provide safe-
mechanisms) and very complex transactions (k  0) are guards, thereby to mitigate the risks, or they will increase
taken out of the market and organized within hierarchy their price to reflect the added risk that they are being
at Node D. What is furthermore noteworthy is that em- asked to assume, as at Node B.
pirical tests of the predictions of the theory have ensued The muscular approach to the outsourcing of goods
and have been broadly corroborative. Indeed, ‘‘despite and services for which investments in specific assets are
what almost 30 years ago may have appeared to be in- made is myopic and inefficient. Real or imaginary power
surmountable obstacles to acquiring the relevant data is nonetheless a myopic trap for those who believe that
[which are often primary data of a microanalytic kind], unused power is a waste — which applies to that subset
today transaction cost economics stands on a remarkably of large manufacturers who lack the foresight to out-
broad empirical foundation’’ (Geyskens, Steenkamp and source in a more informed and restrained (Node C) way.
Kumar 2006). This applies, moreover, not merely to tests The benign approach assumes that the requisite coop-
of intermediate product market contracting (Whinston eration to deal with unforeseen contingencies, thereby to
2001; Lafontaine and Slade 2007) but to a vast variety of promote continuity and realize mutual gains, will reli-
other phenomena that are interpreted as variations on a ably be forthcoming. Trust supplants power as the key
theme (Macher and Richman 2006). There is no gain- concept. But while most people will do what they say and
saying that TCE has been much more influential because some will do more most of the time, the concept of
of its broad and varied applications and the empirical contract as reliably cooperative framework cannot be
work that it has engendered. stretched indefinitely. If and as outliers arise such that
there is a lot at stake, the aforementioned temptation to
defect from the spirit of cooperation and insist on ob-
STYLES OF HYBRID CONTRACTING serving the letter of the contract presents itself. The gen-
For the purposes of this section, both simple market eral proposition here is this: when the ‘‘lawful’’ gains to
exchange (at Node A) and hierarchy (Node D) will be set be had from insistence upon the literal terms of the
aside, thereby to focus on transactions of the middle kind contract exceed the discounted value of continuing
(Node C) for which continuity is important, yet not to the exchange relationship, defection from the spirit of the
the degree that integration of successive stages is war- contract can be projected.
ranted. The question to be examined is this: How should To be sure, reputation effects deter such defections. But
the interface between buyer and supplier be mediated for that is part of the calculus. If and as reputation effects
hybrid transactions? break down or work poorly, cooperation eventually gives
By way of an aside, note that outsourcing properly in- way to conflict and mutual gains are sacrificed unless
cludes outside procurement both for generic goods and countervailing measures have been put in place.
services (simple market exchange of a Node A kind) and The credible contracting approach differs both from
for more complex transactions (hybrid contracting of a benign contracting, in that it is hardheaded (hence does
Node C kind). By dealing here strictly with the latter, not project benign behavior when outliers appear), and
where continuity of the exchange has value, I do not in from muscular contracting, in that it is not mean spirited.
the least mean to be dismissive of the importance and Rather, out of awareness that all complex contracts are
widespread use of simple market exchange (which often incomplete and thus pose cooperative adaptation needs,
also gets short shrift in the supply chain literature). the parties exercise feasible foresight — by which I mean
The three leading styles of mediating the contractual that they look ahead, uncover potential hazards, work
interface for hybrid transactions are (1) muscular, (2) out the mechanisms and factor these back into the con-
benign and (3) credible. Consider each. tractual design. Credible commitments are thus intro-
The muscular approach assumes that one of the parties, duced to effect hazard mitigation.
usually the large buyer, deals with smaller suppliers in a Interestingly, history records that safeguards sometimes
peremptory way. Muscular buyers not only use their take very unconventional forms, as in Mesopotamia in
suppliers, but they often ‘‘use up’’ their suppliers and 1750 BC where self-inflicted curses were used to deter
discard them. The muscular buyer simply tells suppliers breach of treaties. One of these reads as follows:8
that ‘‘These are the specifications for the good or service
to be provided. Give me your best price.’’ Albeit a work- When you ask us for troops, we will not withhold
able style of contracting for generic goods and services, our best forces, we will not answer you with
hybrid transactions are those for which investments in evasions, we shall brandish our maces and strike
specific assets are required. That implies that the assets in down your enemy. . . .
question cannot be easily redeployed to alternative uses
and users if unexpected developments arise. Out of re-
spect for such nonredeployability, suppliers will recog- As reported in the China Daily, March 22, 1988, p. 1.

10 Volume 44, Number 2

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Outsourcing: Transaction Cost Economics and Supply Chain Management

As wasted seeds do not sprout, may my seed never great. The marvel of credible contracting notwithstand-
rise, may someone else marry my wife under ing, the hybrid too must be kept in its place.11
my very eyes, and may someone else rule my
country. Disequilibrium Contracting
Implicit in the foregoing is an assumption that the goods
This is not to suggest that credible commitments take
and services to be provided have reached an advanced if
this form today. It is, however, interesting that the need to
not mature stage of development. Does the same analysis
fortify agreements was recognized in ancient Mesopota-
apply to goods and services in early stages of development?
mia.9 Moreover, the possibility that credible commit-
In many ways the answer is yes, in that a transaction cost
ments take nonstandard forms should not be out-ruled
economizing purpose with emphasis on adaptive efficacy
today.10 Whatever the form, credible commitment gov-
carries over. The parties to some of these transactions will
ernance supports should everywhere be introduced in
often be confronted, however, with the need to craft ad hoc
cost-effective degree.
structures that differ from those that would be recom-
Critics of credible contracting nevertheless complain
mended if real-time events were less pressing. Capabilities
that efforts to provide graduated (cost-effective) supports
that, in the fullness of time, could be ‘‘home grown’’
that vary among transactions run the risk that a
(successively built up) may simply be unattainable (except
calculative orientation will develop and that the rela-
by creating alliances, joint ventures and the like) as the
tionship will spin out of control. That is a legitimate
urgency of real-time responsiveness becomes great.
concern and is illustrated by the widely repeated dictum
The high-technology sector where a race to be first is
to ‘‘never leave money on the table.’’ The rationale for
underway and few firms possess the requisite set of ca-
this dictum is that money left on the table is inefficient.
pabilities at the outset often displays these real-time re-
Because the elimination of the inefficiency is always
sponsiveness needs. Assembling a team that possesses
‘‘good,’’ money left on the table presumably reflects
those capabilities and providing the membership with
carelessness or ignorance. As discussed below, that over-
high-powered incentives that are geared to timeliness is
the challenge. These issues do not fall neatly into any of
the equilibrium modes of contracting set out in the
EXTENSIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS simple contractual schema.12
A related but less complicated intertemporal issue is
General posed by the problem of ‘‘nonconvergent expectations,’’
TCE holds that there is a place for each generic mode of as described by Harold Malmgren (1961). The issue here
contracting and that each should be kept in its place. The is that outsourcing is feasible but the parties are bilater-
strengths and weaknesses of each mode need to be un- ally dependent and need to coordinate their investments.
derstood and the overuse of any is to be avoided. The Lacking similar expectations and unable to communicate
widely celebrated ‘‘marvel of the market’’ thus needs to and pool information so as to reach agreement, an oth-
be joined with an appreciation for the ‘‘marvel of hy- erwise viable hybrid contracting relation may give way to
brids’’ and the ‘‘marvel of hierarchy.’’ unified ownership (hierarchy), added bureaucratic bur-
Given the burdens of bureaucracy to which internal dens notwithstanding.
organization is subject, the use of hybrid contracting —
as a means by which to support continuity while pre- Differences in the Institutional Environment
serving incentive intensity — can be thought of as a The foregoing assumes implicitly that the issues of
means by which to hold the burdens of bureaucracy governance under discussion occur within the bound-
(hierarchy) in abeyance. As, however, the needs for co- aries of an advanced western economy, such as the
ordinated adaptation build up, the efficacy of hybrid United States. That simplifies, in that the informal and
contracting is compromised. Taking transactions out of formal rules of the game are held constant and, as
the market and organizing them internally thus becomes compared with many other nation states, are known to
appropriate as these latter burdens are prospectively work reasonably well. Feedback aside, the play of the
game (governance) takes place within known rules of the
game. Figure 2 sets out the implied three-level setup
Indeed, I conjecture that many unusual, even strange, contracting where L1 is the embeddedness level where the informal
practices can be interpreted in part as efforts to reduce the escalation
of conflict. Revisiting arcane contracting practices through the lens Note that hybrid contracting is sometimes believed to be the ideal
of credible contracting can be a rewarding exercise. and that simple market exchange is a relic; hence, simple market
As I discuss elsewhere, many nonstandard practices that were long exchanges should be transformed into hybrids. TCE holds other-
believed to have anticompetitive purpose and effect often have cred- wise: it is not cost-effective, indeed can degrade generic transactions,
ible contracting purposes — as well or instead (Williamson to re-organize these as hybrids.
2007a, b). For a discussion, see Williamson (1991, 2008).

April 2008 11
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Journal of Supply Chain Management

Economics of Institutions
Level Frequency Purpose
( years )

Embeddedness: Often noncalculative;

L1 Informal institutions, 10 to 10 spontaneous
customs, traditions, (caveat: multinationals
norms, religion a nd “media ”)

environment: Get the
formal rules of the institutional
L2 game – esp. 10 to 10 environment right.
property (polity, First order
judiciary, economizing

Governance: Get the

Play of the game governa nce
L3 Esp. contract 1 to 10 s tructures right.
(aligning S econd order
governance economiz ing
structures with

L1: social theory

L2: economics of property rights/positive political theory
L3: transaction cost economics

rules (which change very slowly) are located, L2 is the private ordering supports for outsourcing (Williamson
institutional environment where the formal rules (espe- 1985, pp. 120–123).
cially the polity and judiciary) change gradually and L3 is The cumulative forces of competition nevertheless serve
the governance level, which is the play of the game where as a check upon excesses of muscular contracting. Thus if
transaction cost economizing realignments are made many firms lack an appreciation of the benefits of cred-
more frequently. ible contracting whereas some firms perceive that credi-
Suppose, instead of a common boundary, that the ex- ble contracting is more efficient for the transactions in
change in question is between a U.S. firm and a foreign question, then muscular firms will find that, here as
supplier or buyer. Additional complications arise if elsewhere, inefficiency invites its own demise. As U.S.
property rights are less secure and/or courts are less re- firms progressively lost market share, some learned that
liable in exchanges across boundaries. Such hazards need they both could and should outsource more components
to be factored into the transaction cost calculus (Ander- (rather than make to their own needs) and contract with
son and Gatignon 1988; Murtha 1991; Oxley 1999; their suppliers in a smarter (credible contracting) rather
Henisz 2000). than muscular way.
Differences in the organization of economic activity I do not, however, mean to suggest that outsourcing
among nation states also arise by reason of differences in is an elixir. As Steven Tadelis reports, a recent Deloitte
the institutional environments, an example of which is Consulting survey of 25 world-class firms found that
the difference between Japanese and U.S. automobile ‘‘many companies learned that unexpected com-
firms in outsourcing for parts. In comparison with Jap- plexity, lack of flexibility among outsource providers,
anese subcontracting practices for automobile parts in and other unforeseen problems added costs as well as
the 1980s, U.S. automobile manufacturers were much friction, ultimately translating into higher total costs
more muscular (Dore 1983). At least in part by reason than anticipated’’ (2007, pp. 261–262). One quarter
of L1 and L2 differences, Japanese automobile firms of the outsourced transactions were brought back
displayed greater confidence in and provided added in-house.

12 Volume 44, Number 2

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Outsourcing: Transaction Cost Economics and Supply Chain Management

Factors that contribute to such ‘‘disappointments’’ in- thereby to assuage concerns over relentlessly calculative
clude: (1) a failure to correctly assess the comparative strategic behavior. To be sure, efficacy will vary with
efficacy of self-supply (Node D) versus outsourcing at perceptions of authenticity, to which the behavioral
the outset; (2) a failure to provide outsourcing with the economics literature on face-to-face meetings can be in-
requisite supports (e.g., to provide Node C safeguards); structive. Also, little money will be left for Node A
(3) a propensity to look for a scapegoat whenever things transactions.
go badly, even if no superior feasible alternative can be The upshot is that, by contrast with one-sided muscular
described; and (4) the possibility that conditions have contracting and idealistic benign contracting, credible
changed, such that an earlier decision should be reversed. contracting is both more hardheaded and wise. The
To be sure, there could be other reasons as well. My point parties are hardheaded in that they expressly provide for
is that the TCE perspective can and frequently does help credible commitment mechanisms to which mutual
to uncover and illuminate the issues. benefits can be confidently ascribed. They are wise if and
as the parties forbear the introduction of mechanisms,
Excesses of Calculativeness which, in a world of asymmetric knowledge, invite the
Consider the economic aphorism to which I referred escalation of strategic behavior with net negative effects.
earlier ‘‘never leave money on the table,’’ because money
left on the table signifies waste that can be converted to
mutual gains by perfecting the bargain. That is an im-
portant lesson. As with many aphorisms, however, there LITERATURE
can be too much of a good thing. Some cross-referencing between the TCE and supply
Interestingly, the economists’ dictum never to leave chain literatures notwithstanding, these two are mainly
money on the table has been disputed by some invest- disjunct. Arguably, the complementarities and tensions
ment bankers and businessmen who advise ‘‘always leave between them should be more fully worked up, but that
money on the table.’’ But that sounds foolish. How could is too large a project to undertake here. What I do instead
this be? As sometimes happens, good theory (for one is look at SCM from the TCE perspective on the possi-
purpose) and good practice (for another) divide. bility that this could be the beginning of a constructive
Implicitly, these practitioners recognize that construc- conversation. I start with a sketch of the encompassing
tive and strategic contractual refinements are sometimes nature of SCM.
difficult to distinguish. If the latter is suspected, and if
real or suspected strategic ploys invite replies in kind, SCM as an Encompassing Perspective
then what could have been a successful give-and-take The encompassing nature of the SCM literature is
exchange could be compromised. widely regarded as a virtue, as illustrated by the influen-
Thus suppose that terms and mechanisms of three tial survey paper on ‘‘Defining Supply Chain Manage-
kinds can be distinguished: those that both parties un- ment’’ (Mentzer, deWitt, Keebler, Min, Nix, Smith and
ambiguously perceive to have the purpose of improving Zacharias 2001). Thus Mentzer et al. hold that the object
the bargain, thereby to realize mutual gains; those that of SCM is ‘‘to integrate and manage the sourcing, flow,
are deeply problematic in mutual gain respects; and and control of materials using a total systems perspective
those for which there is asymmetric knowledge of the across multiple functions and multiple tiers of suppliers’’
consequences. Plainly, terms and mechanisms of the first (2001, p. 6). Indeed, SCM ‘‘extends the concept of part-
kind will be approved by both. Mechanisms of the sec- nerships into a multiform effort to manage the total
ond kind that are perceived to benefit one of the parties flow of goods from the suppliers to the ultimate cus-
at the expense of the other will be priced out and with- tomer’’ (2001, p. 7). The ‘‘key processes’’ through which
drawn (or will not even be proposed). The third kind is SCM works ‘‘typically include customer relationship
where the opportunities for strategic behavior reside: one management, customer service management, demand
party proposes a contractual refinement the prospective management, order fulfillment, manufacturing flow
gains from which are skewed in its favor, yet represents management, and product development and commer-
otherwise, while the other party is unable to ascertain the cialization’’ (2001, pp. 10–11).
true ramifications. Out of concern that adverse strategic Others concur. Thus whereas the Council of Logistics
purposes could be lurking, the vulnerable party responds Management (1998) defined logistics as ‘‘that part of the
with a refinement proposal of its own where the asym- supply chain process that plans, implements, and con-
metry runs the other way. trols the efficient flow and storage of goods, services, and
Successive ploys and counterploys of this kind could related information from the point of origin to the point
plainly jeopardize the joint gains from a simpler and of consumption in order to meet customers’ require-
more assuredly constructive contractual relationship. Al- ments’’ (as quoted in Mentzer et al. 2001, p. 16), the
ways leaving money on the table can thus be interpreted scope of SCM goes further to include ‘‘planning and
as a signal of constructive intent to work cooperatively, control, work structure, organization structure, product

April 2008 13
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Journal of Supply Chain Management

flow facility structure, information flow facility structure, the degree to which buffer inventory outages (or quality
product structure, management methods, power and defects) at any stage in the supply chain ramify across
leadership structure, risk and reversal structure, culture other stages, the boundary of the firm could sometimes
and attitude’’ (Cooper, Lambert and Pagh 1997, p. 10). differ by reason of SCM considerations.
Indeed, SCM is referred to as an ‘‘integrative philosophy’’ My suggestion for proceeding with this last would be to
(Cooper and Ellram 1993, p. 13) by some and as a take the initial TCE assignments of make-or-buy as pro-
‘‘management philosophy’’ (Mentzer et al. 2001, p. 7) by visional and ask whether some of these should be revised
others. As reported in Mentzer et al. (2001, pp. 15–18), by reason of systems considerations. The simplicity pre-
this encompassing view of SCM is shared by many oth- cept will be served if attention is focused on what are
ers.13 Expansive reliance on ‘‘trust’’ is also featured regarded as the key systems considerations. Which are the
(Morgan and Hunt 1994; Mentzer et al. 2001, p. 12). And key features, what are their defining attributes, and what
the idea that the supply chain can be mobilized in the are the governance ramifications. My conjecture is that
service of collaborative innovation enjoys growing sup- some transactions that were originally assigned to Node
port. A will be provided with (reasonably simple) Node C
supports, that some at Node C will be taken out of the
The Simplicity Precept market and organized internally (as Node D) and that
The first precept of pragmatic methodology is to keep it the creation of ‘‘associations’’ that permit outside sup-
simple. The SCM literature not only makes no reference pliers to share their experiences will sometimes be per-
to this precept but, as discussed above, much of it ap- ceived to have mutually beneficial reputation effects by
proves of its encompassing character. Among the ques- suppliers and buyers alike.14
tions that arise in this connection are these: (1) Does the This pulls up well short of the encompassing perspec-
encompassing nature of SCM introduce so many degrees tive of the SCM literature. Such a simple setup could,
of freedom that any outcome whatsoever can be ex- however, help to provide SCM with predictive content
plained by SCM after the fact? (2) Were SCM to be re- (thereby to relieve the criticism that SCM has too ready
duced to its rudiments, which features would go and recourse to ex post rationalizations) and be an instructive
which would remain? And (3), how far can TCE be place to begin.
pushed to make allowance for SCM concerns? I leave the
first two questions for SCM community to address, TCE Queries for SCM
should it see fit. In a very preliminary and tentative way, I Given the foregoing description of TCE and its methods
focus on the last. and research agenda, I suggest that SCM confront the
I begin with the boundary of the firm issue as addressed following issues:
by TCE (Williamson 1985, pp. 96–98), where the ‘‘core
(1) TCE subscribes to pragmatic methodology. What is
technology’’ (Thompson 1967, pp. 19–23) is taken as
the methodology of SCM?
given. The question as posed there is whether the core
(2) What views of human nature are associated with
firm should integrate backwards into raw materials, lat-
SCM? What are the ramifications for the research
erally into components, and forward into distribution.
methods and research agenda of SCM?
Lateral integration into components is what I mainly
(3) TCE examines economic organization through the
emphasize here. lens of contract; the make-or-buy decision is the par-
As discussed in the second section and displayed in adigm transaction; and any issue that arises as or can
Figure 1, TCE aligns individual transactions (which differ be reformulated as a contracting problem can be ex-
in their attributes, of which asset specificity differences amined to advantage in TCE terms. What is the lens
are especially consequential) with modes of governance through which SCM works? What is the paradigm
so as to effect a transaction cost economizing match. problem? And does the approach have broad appli-
Buffer inventory differences are ignored for this purpose, cation to other phenomena that are viewed as vari-
although this does not imply that buffer inventories do ations on a theme?
not vary among transactions. For any given transaction, (4) TCE takes economizing on transactions costs, main-
however, buffer inventory differences are implicitly as- ly with respect to maladaptation, to be the main
sumed to be nil across modes. And buffer inventory in- case. What is the main case for SCM?
teractions among transactions are likewise set aside. (5) The unit of analysis for TCE is the transaction. The
Buffer inventories play a much more prominent role in corresponding unit of analysis for SCM is what?
the SCM literature. Rather than treat each transaction (6) TCE views governance as the means by which to in-
separately, the systems benefits of organizing clusters of fuse order, thereby to mitigate conflict and realize
related transactions as supply chains are introduced. In mutual gains. TCE also describes governance

13 14
The Wikipedia discussion of ‘‘Supply Chain’’ and related topics is Toyota’s use of supplier associations is mentioned in Williamson
very much in this encompassing tradition. (1985, p. 121).

14 Volume 44, Number 2

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16 Volume 44, Number 2

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