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### Section - A (CO-3)

#### Q.1: Answer all questions. Each question is of 2 marks. (2 x 7 = 14 Marks)

**a) Objectives of Activity Planning (BKL: K1 Level)**

The objectives of activity planning include:

1. **Defining Activities:** Breaking down the project into manageable tasks.

2. **Sequencing Activities:** Determining the logical order of activities.
3. **Estimating Resources:** Identifying the resources required for each activity.
4. **Scheduling Activities:** Allocating time for each task to ensure project
completion within the deadline.
5. **Risk Identification:** Highlighting potential risks and planning for

**b) Benefits of PERT (BKL: K1 Level)**

The benefits of PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) include:

1. **Time Management:** Helps in identifying the minimum time needed to

complete a project.
2. **Risk Reduction:** Highlights the critical path and potential bottlenecks.
3. **Resource Optimization:** Assists in resource allocation by identifying crucial
4. **Decision Making:** Facilitates better planning and decision-making through
visualization of project timelines.

**c) Objective Networks (BKL: K1 Level)**

Objective networks, also known as goal networks, are graphical representations
that map out the relationships between various project objectives. They help in
visualizing the hierarchy and dependencies among goals, facilitating better
planning and alignment of activities towards achieving the overall project aims.

**d) Limitations of CPM (BKL: K1 Level)**

The limitations of CPM (Critical Path Method) include:

1. **Complexity:** Can become cumbersome for very large projects with many
2. **Rigidity:** Assumes fixed time estimates and does not easily accommodate
3. **Resource Constraints:** Does not inherently address resource availability
4. **Risk Handling:** Less effective in handling uncertainty compared to PERT.

**e) Monte Carlo Simulation (BKL: K1 Level)**

Monte Carlo Simulation is a statistical technique used to understand the impact

of risk and uncertainty in project planning. By simulating a project many times
with varying inputs, it provides a range of possible outcomes and the
probabilities of different results, aiding in risk management and decision-making.

**f) Resource Allocation (BKL: K1 Level)**

Resource allocation is the process of assigning and managing assets, such as

personnel, equipment, and budget, to project tasks to ensure efficient and
effective completion of project goals. It involves prioritizing tasks and distributing
resources based on project needs and constraints.

**g) Risk Analysis and Risk Monitoring (BKL: K1 Level)**

**g) Risk Analysis and Risk Monitoring (BKL: K1 Level)**

- **Risk Analysis:** The process of identifying, assessing, and prioritizing

potential risks that could impact a project, and developing strategies to mitigate
or manage these risks.
- **Risk Monitoring:** The ongoing process of tracking identified risks,
reassessing their impact, and implementing risk response plans as the project

### Q.2: Attempt any THREE questions. Each question is of 6 marks. (3 x 6 = 18


**a) Formulating a Network Model (BKL: K2 Level)**

Formulating a network model involves creating a visual representation of the

project’s tasks and their dependencies. Steps include:

1. **Activity Listing:** Identify all project tasks.

2. **Sequence Determination:** Establish the logical order of tasks.
3. **Dependency Mapping:** Define the dependencies between tasks (which
tasks must precede others).
4. **Diagram Creation:** Draw a network diagram using nodes (tasks) and arrows
5. **Time Estimation:** Assign time durations to each task.
6. **Critical Path Identification:** Calculate the longest path through the network
to determine the project's critical path.

**b) Evaluating the PERT Technique (BKL: K2 Level)**

Evaluating PERT involves analyzing its effectiveness in project management:

1. **Accuracy:** Compare actual project completion times with PERT estimates.

2. **Risk Management:** Assess how well PERT highlights potential delays and
3. **Resource Utilization:** Evaluate if PERT helps in optimizing the use of
4. **Decision Support:** Review its effectiveness in aiding project decision-
making and planning.
5. **Flexibility:** Consider its adaptability to project changes and new

**c) Forward Pass vs. Backward Pass Technique (BKL: K2 Level)**

- **Forward Pass:** Calculates the earliest start and finish times for each task,
starting from the project’s beginning to its end.
- **Backward Pass:** Calculates the latest start and finish times for each task,
working backward from the project’s end to its beginning.
- **Difference:** Forward pass helps in determining the earliest possible
completion time, while the backward pass identifies the latest possible start
times without delaying the project.

**d) Factors Affecting Risk Identification in Software Projects (BKL: K2 Level)**

Factors include:

1. **Project Complexity:** Higher complexity increases the likelihood of

unidentified risks.
2. **Technology Changes:** Rapid technology evolution can introduce new risks.
3. **Stakeholder Involvement:** Lack of stakeholder input can lead to overlooked
4. **Experience Levels:** Team’s experience with similar projects affects risk
5. **Project Scope:** Broader scope increases the potential for risks.
6. **External Dependencies:** Reliance on third parties can introduce additional
6. **External Dependencies:** Reliance on third parties can introduce additional

### Q.3: Attempt any SIX questions. Each question is of two marks. (2 x 6 = 12

**a) Different Types of Contracts (BKL: K1 Level)**

Types include:

1. **Fixed-Price Contracts:** Set price for specific deliverables.

2. **Cost-Plus Contracts:** Reimbursement of costs plus an additional fee.
3. **Time and Materials Contracts:** Payment based on time spent and materials
4. **Incentive Contracts:** Payments linked to achieving performance targets.

**b) Benefits of Project Management Framework (BKL: K2 Level)**

Benefits include:

1. **Standardization:** Provides a consistent approach to managing projects.

2. **Efficiency:** Streamlines processes and improves resource utilization.
3. **Risk Management:** Enhances identification and mitigation of risks.
4. **Communication:** Facilitates better communication among stakeholders.

**c) Gantt Chart (BKL: K1 Level)**

A Gantt chart is a visual project management tool that displays project tasks
along a timeline. It shows the start and finish dates of tasks, their durations, and
overlaps, making it easier to monitor project progress and dependencies.
**d) Contract Management (BKL: K2 Level)**

Contract management involves the administration of contracts made with

customers, vendors, or partners. It includes negotiating terms, ensuring
compliance with contractual terms, managing contract changes, and addressing
any disputes that arise.

**e) Methods for Visualizing Project Progress (BKL: K1 Level)**

Methods include:

1. **Gantt Charts:** Visual timelines of project tasks.

2. **Kanban Boards:** Task management using cards and columns.
3. **Dashboards:** Real-time data displays showing key project metrics.
4. **Burndown Charts:** Track work completed versus remaining.

**f) Benefits of Cost Management (BKL: K2 Level)**

Benefits include:

1. **Budget Control:** Keeps project costs within budget.

2. **Resource Optimization:** Ensures efficient use of resources.
3. **Financial Planning:** Facilitates accurate financial forecasting and planning.
4. **Performance Measurement:** Assesses financial performance against
project milestones.

**g) Stages in Contract Placement (BKL: K2 Level)**

Stages include:
1. **Requirement Analysis:** Defining the need and scope.
2. **Market Research:** Identifying potential suppliers.
3. **Tendering:** Soliciting bids from suppliers.
4. **Evaluation:** Assessing and comparing bids.
5. **Negotiation:** Finalizing terms and conditions.
6. **Awarding:** Formalizing the contract with the chosen supplier.

### Q.4: Attempt any THREE questions. Each question is of 6 marks. (3 x 6 = 18


**a) Project Management Framework (BKL: K2 Level)**

A project management framework provides structured guidance for planning,

executing, and closing projects. It includes:

1. **Phases:** Defines project life cycle stages (initiation, planning, execution,

monitoring, closing).
2. **Processes:** Specifies processes and best practices for each phase.
3. **Tools and Techniques:** Recommends tools and techniques for effective
4. **Roles and Responsibilities:** Clarifies roles and accountability within the
project team.
5. **Governance:** Establishes policies and standards for project oversight.

**b) Software Configuration Management (BKL: K2 Level)**

Software Configuration Management (SCM) involves managing changes in

software products. Key aspects include:

1. **Version Control:** Tracking and managing different versions of software

2. **Change Management:** Handling changes systematically to avoid disruption.
3. **Build Management:** Automating the process of creating software builds.
4. **Release Management:** Planning and controlling the release of software

**c) Project Tracking (BKL: K2 Level)**

Project tracking involves monitoring and controlling project progress. It includes:

1. **Setting Baselines:** Establishing initial plans and schedules.

2. **Performance Measurement:** Comparing actual progress against baselines.
3. **Issue Identification:** Detecting and addressing deviations from the plan.
4. **Status Reporting:** Regularly updating stakeholders on project status.
5. **Corrective Actions:** Implementing measures to align progress with the plan.

**d) Visualizing Project Progress (BKL: K2 Level)**

Methods to visualize project progress include:

1. **Gantt Charts:** Show task timelines and dependencies.

2. **Kanban Boards:** Visualize task status and workflow.
3. **Dashboards:** Provide real-time project metrics and key performance
4. **

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