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Fee Sd 8 Jha at mr Pe. Taree IY 1. Text Analysis (10 marks) Read the article on pages 2 and 3. As you do so, answer the following questions. 1. What do the following words'phrases refer to? (2 marks) a. ‘its’ (paragraph 1, line $) b, "stark divide" (paragraph 3, line 2) . “their” (paragraph 6, line 4) ‘they’ (last paragreph, line 1) 2. What fs the social class of he students enrolled inthe ‘sinall school"? (1 matk) 9 Avcording to the author, how do small schools compare with private cies? (1 mark) 4 Which skills does the North Star Academy first emphasize ? (1 mark) 5 What does the three-way contract require parents to do? (1 mark) 6. What is Mr. Verilli defensive about? (1 mark) 7-Whatis meant by ‘staucture’ inthis context? (Paragraph 8, line 4) (1 mark) 8. What does ‘to do so’ replace? (paragraph 10, line 3) (1 mark) ‘9. What is the author's intent in this article? (1 mark) DHS TG) Sina Gen Sd A duet oe pre Aten Has anna Every child who attends the Kipp (Knowledge is Power Programme) academy’ in south Bronx, New ‘York, plays i its orchestra, the best school ensemble in the city. Every child can read musie. Shizley Lee, a dircotor of the Kipp academy in the Bronx, says it works because there is a consistent approach aeross every part of the school. "The truth anc reality is that kids like structure,” she said, "It's about {ciling hem what's appropriate and them learning when to use it, I wouldn't talk to you like Lam nowif | ‘as out in some of these areas. But if we teach them {0 took in my eyes when I'm speaking to them, they will use thet if they get stopped by the police and that will protect thems.” Ack, a eesdemy sponsor in the UK faded Uy hedge fund millionaires, is taking key planks of the small school model into London academies. Lucy Heller, managing director of Ark, says: "There's something in the sir: i's small schools, tough behaviour management and an adamant belicf that inner city children ‘can do just as well." The schools minister, Lord Adonis, says small schools can ieach disadvantaged children the skills that their middie class peers take for granted: "High ambition, zero to erance of failure, an expectation that children will go to university and that schools will give them the ccucation to do so.” Ark is also part= finding the 30 "Puture Leaders” on the schoo! leadership waining scheme visiting the US. They are expected to toke some of the ideas they witnessed home. There are high hopes the two-ycer-old Programme will help to fill the leadership deficit in the UK. Is chic executive is Heath Monk, a former top schools civil servant. Among the Future Leaders is Peter Hyraan, onetime spin doctor to a former prime minister, turned classroom assistant, tuned teacher. They are being mentored by two respected “superheads”, Sir lain Hall and Dame Sharon Hollows. Many of the trainees see Himits in how tra most of the US schools aze middle schools, fe secondary schoo! age group (11-18). They also ask how smaller Port oui the fact that in the US faciliticg axe basic. Unlike L winning arenitectural designs. Just classrooms, le the mode is to the UK. They talk about the fact hat 30-14-year-olds. The model has been tested! Hess tus she ‘sovis can be afforded, though others h academies there are'no award- "They don't even have interactive whiteboards,” says Sir Ian. "They just teach. Small schools might not be practical in the UK, but what I really want these new school leaders to take back is the sense of couture in these schools" (Source : hup// 2. In the sentences below, identify the one underlined phrase that is incorrect (5 marks) 1, The training of performance directors and designers been the purpose of the National A B c ‘Theatre and Academy for aver 50 years. D In analyzing literature, theorists often take into consideration the author's intentional « A B i D as well as the work's effect on the reader: 3, Forthe highly competitive, doing good grades can be more important than learning. A B c D 4, Tincyelopedias may be used to answer question to solve problems or to obtait: A B ¢ information on a particular topic. D 5, Shorthand is a method of recording words rapid by using symbols or letters a B c to.mepresent sounds D LL. Writing (10 marks) ‘The Intemet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of mankind, As with every single innovation, the Internet has its own advantages and disadvantages. Write a newspaper article persuading readers that its advantages outweigh its disadvantages?

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