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Comsat OF nony Gs He 7 Lt e- £0 pro 4 AD Conais nidenares PrOMs CE ) ai increase in number of cells an increase in the size of an individual organism @) at increase in the mass of an individual organism va b) TRUE/FALSE Questions (5 marks), For each of the root statement provided for questions 26-30, state if the statement is true.or false with respect to microbiology of medical importance. 26. Chitin, cellulose, or hemicellulose are the cell wall structural components of fubgi7f a! 52 2}. 27. Js 1796 Jenner first vaccinated an ‘old boy with material removed from cow and it gave protection agzinat the smallpox virus. 15 2A. Streptococcus $d Lactobacillus bul are arsong, the principal microorganisms responsible for producing yogurt by fermentation’ © Trae 2, Tie cpoplastic membrane is @ hydcophobic barrier to penetration Wy most water-soluble %, 29. Craxseneggtisve bacteria lave cell walls that contain teichoic acids Plate Fal ie / les ThE ©) Short answer questions/ SAQs (10 marks) 31. With an aid of an annotated diagram, describe the structure of a bacterial cel) (5 marks) 22. Briehry describe the procedure for Z-M stain (Ziel-Neelsen acid-fast stain) (5 marks) ee mdb One 4 Bronchoscopy 18, 2, Who is known asthe fier of Microbiology? 2) Bawin Yohn Butter ') Ferdinand Cohn ©) Robert Kosir Ay Ratoni van Leouwenhock 19. Which ofthe following ar produced by mgroorgunisos? 4) Alcoholic beverages +) Fermented dairy products 6) Breads” 47 All ofthe mentioned 1 ‘mio in djaméter 3) 0.5 to 1,0 micrometer in dimetor ©) 2mm ie diameter 4) 2mierometer in 20, sige er netecion lnmetor 21, Which among the following are “Splrochets™ 4) Streptomyces sp. eponema pallidum 9) Splrillum volutans &) Corynebacterium diphiherta Bacteria having clusters of Magellan oth poles of ells are known ax? hitichous L7/Moretsrovs ©) Peritichous 4) Lophoteichous 23, 124 Glycolyis can coeur in, serobi cells obi ell 6) either aerobic nnd wnneroble cela «Both serobje tnd annrobic cls 6 bucteciom Staphylococcus wuroun In which typeof bacteria (ay Mevoptile ~~ b) Mesophile and prychrophilo 6) Paychrophile ATermophil 25, Groyth of bacteria or microorganism refer to _aYhges inthe total population ©) Cytoplasmic membrane Lipoprotein bilayer without sterols Outer membrane of gram negative bacteria Teichofe acid Which ofthe flowing semen TRU resin bata el wall Triste temo conone’ fal buster, vee and fing ‘arin the mod important struct element ofthc wal ©) Mocohactrum hve high cocentton of ip called he poptiopyean yer, 4} Thecel yall ot myeopasa a prinarly de of peptidoglycan 9. Which ofthe following bacteria aroNOT Magtlate?-b bo nck vwe ¢laglls 2) Senna entre Ph) 8) Buerohemorrhagoe Bolt 4, BSC slong erin ©) Neterta gonorrhea SS et ‘Staphylococcus aureus Cit ers Raye Wich ofthe flowing baterlyruence eto it ncomety mathd wth its faction? 2) -Hemalyeins -cane yi of od blod cells, and damage oer body eas 28 Leukocidins -Kill red blood cells, 0) Hyaltonidtse- breaks down connective tae extracel rei iting striped, i 6 Calgrise tes dom colage, asc prota 1, White ioning ta we NOT gram eave 4) icherchia Ca ; BY Salmonella typhi aha: ) AP Clostridium difficile U/'-Prndomonat eoeginoee Axl actin bus Coll wall encerpB Mycgfhinny dpcice 12, Which ofthe following organisms are UO? pai of he jora found in the mouth? 2) Viridans Candida albicans #3 \ Lactobacillus species “@) \Enterococeus faecalis 13. Which ofthe following listed baotera are NOT gram positives bacteria? a epidermidis meningiides 9 Sepece a 14, fhe sage blw ich semen ore dae iin mutant § Cm va on bnew ap otter Wheat branes ts ne on Oat ln chile mie eld ened 5) Naso tnt cor won csr etn pge eee ke ac unpenn orien eee ene in” oy Bihost ffs ly een to ip it ty hom Wer coctiton cholces given, 1k). Louse tne correct response among the fous 1. Who smong the ftlowing pioneer mirobilogits demonstra! that anthrax is caused by bletra bi anthrax fi, wot re 2, Lotte Pastour_/A's | & faci Menscrseo4 "flan 8 ft Seen ioe at a i ee fd Linma esse Cy yh af erg dt ie isin al 2. Which ofthe following statements in{@i@of pro eo nist | euyanansdll it “te \Phey have 808 ribosomes. «y Euvnny to! thoi gO Wy Kony bve el wal eompotd of eos and olenl? "CHES cd gt Tus diploid with single chromosome ee ae hig ‘Trac Yew! Feet ein all Tandab a) 28} Pathogens that rarely, ifever, cause disease i 1 ‘infection i iramunocompromised patients smunocompetent people but can caus serous 3 Sly Kanchid dd) Cap ‘c) Viruses that infect healthy people Sy ln tt eee nated | dete 8) Anton tits wns ih pina act Tp Oc Dimes rane rete) and menue KY nat 4. With pect t(vrulenog of nidtodganish whic Sateen! eure? a “Theat dese norman equ en dena ong the pathogenipteckea, Wi Nyngan me cae Fee uanes Brena ») 50% ose D3) ist une edo nse ian in athe bast a 0% lethal dose (LDS0) is the number of organisms neoded to Kill half the hosts" iene iain en of pgs ad end ye sae of pi Ree C10509'$ Me numba Real a “caine aie: hat 5. Which of the following terms eee ‘sfgang? ‘a Aminféction is gpideniic ifit o¢eurs much more‘ frequently then usual b. Aninfistion is pando it ha 4 worldwide dstibution | = Bese infection ié constaitly present at a high level in a specific population ramunicableinfetions are spread om host t host: 6 Bacteria ar grouped in taxonomy groupings wing ths espiraton and metabolic properties, which oft following atsneat is fli? 8) Obligate robes must Have oxygen for respetion 1) _Captiophitic bactria mist have Carbor dioxide for respiration ‘acltaiveanarobo grown in i, and dannot grow witout oxygen 4 48) Anserobes grows without oxygen, and most species do not grow well in ar as 02 is toxic for them 1 ‘of the following essoata! bacterial componotis i rongiy)ptired with ts chomical composition? Phpidplyean yer ~ Suan backbone wih pote cain that ere cos linked 3) Riborome “RNA and pote in 50S and 305 subunits nae

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