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Sona College of Technology (Autonomous), Salem -5.

SET - 2 Department of CSE
Continuous Internal Evaluation Test - 2
U19CS603 – Artificial Intelligence
Common to All sections (III Year / VI Semester)

Levels of

Date : 27.03. 2023 Marks : 50

Time slot : 09.15 To 10.45 am Duration : 1 ½ hours

PART – A Answer All Questions (6 x 2 = 12 Marks)

1. What is the key difference between minimax and expecti-minimax algorithm? LOTS 2

2. Whether hill climbing search guarantee to provide solution for n-queen’s problem? If so, how is HOTS 2
it possible?
3. Write the semantics of existential quantifier. LOTS 3

4. Whether the given sentence is a valid sentence? x P(x) V P(x) LOTS 3

5. Can you give at least one real time instance in which unification fails? HOTS 3

6. Why is it important to implement subsumption while creating knowledge base? Give suitable HOTS 3
PART – B Answer All questions (2 x 5 = 10 Marks)
7. Determine the Minimax value for the given game tree using minimax algorithm. HOTS 2



4 3 5 2 1

8. Which of the following are correct? Why? LOTS 3

a) False |= True
b) (A^ B) |= (A B)
c) A  B |= A V B
d) (A ^ B) => C |= (A => C ) V ( B => C )
e) True |= False
PART – C Answer All questions (2 x 14 = 28 Marks)
9. (a) (i) List and explain 7 steps in Knowledge Engineering process. 7 LOTS 2

(ii) Convert the following English sentences to First order logic sentences. 7 LOTS 3
a) Every person who buys a policy is smart.
b) No person buys an expensive policy.
c) There is an agent who sells policies only to people who are not insured.
d) Every girl student respects Shankar.
e) Victoria and Mathews are siblings.
f) A grandparent is a parent of one’s parent.
g) All pray for people of Kerala but army rescue them.
(b) (i) Solve the following crypt arithmetic puzzle using Constraint Satisfaction 7 LOTS 2
problem with Domain = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
(ii) What is unification? What is its importance in inference process using First 7 LOTS 3
order logic? Give example.

10. (a) (i) What is First Order Logic? List and explain the Syntax and semantics of FOL. 7 HOTS 3

(ii) The law says that “It is crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile 7 HOTS 3
nations. The country Iraq, enemy of America has some missiles. All of its
missiles were sold to it by Colonel West who is an American.” Can you deduce
the proof that Colonel West is criminal by applying forward chaining algorithm
for the above mentioned case?
(b) (i) There is a cave similar to a 4X4 grid in which a beast named Wumpus is living. 7 HOTS 3
Assume a robot which is in (1,1) is assigned the task of grabbing the gold
present in (3,2). Pits are is found in (1,3) and (4,4). Wumpus now in (3,1) is
identified by the stench from nearby grids. Can you create a knowledge base to
store knowledge about this case?
(ii) A = Refutation means proof by contradiction. B = Resolution is refutation 7 HOTS 3
complete. How will prove that A |= B?
Bloom’s LOTS HOTS To
Percentage 50 50 1

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