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B.Sc. (Engineering) Examination, 2003

First Year



Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Index No………………………..

Find out the correct option for each question and circle Department…………………………
without ambiguity the letter for the option you have chosen. Year………………………………….

Correct answers: 4 points Incorrect answers: -1 point

1. Which of the following statements are true?

I A passive element, which stores electrical energy in its electric field, will be represented by
II The voltage-current relationship for a passive element represented by a capacitance C is given
by i = C if i is shown to be entering the positive terminal.
III A passive element cannot generate energy.

A I and II only.
B II and III only.
C I and III only.
D I, II and III

2. If the current i (t ) = 1.5t 2 flows through a 2-H inductor, find the voltage across the inductor at t = 4 s
A 3.0 V.
B 24.0 V.
C 48.0 V.
D 64.0 V.

3. Which of the following statements are true?

I Superposition Theorem does not apply to nonlinear networks.
II Reciprocity Theorem applies to multi-source networks.
III Kirchoff’s Laws apply to both linear and nonlinear networks.

A I and II only.
B II and III only.
C I and III only.
D I, II and III.

4. Calculate the effective resistance between the terminals A and B of the circuit shown in Fig. 1.
A 1.73 Ω.
B 3.30 Ω.
C 1.65 Ω. 1Ω 3Ω
D 2.02 Ω. A

3.30  6Ω


Fig. 1

5. Calculate the effective resistance between the terminals A and B of the circuit shown in Fig. 2.
A 6.80 Ω.
B 6.63 Ω.
C 6.43 Ω. 6Ω
D 5.51 Ω.

5Ω 3Ω 3Ω

3Ω 3Ω 3Ω

Fig. 2

Use the circuit shown in Fig. 3 to answer questions 6 to 8 given that I 2 = 3 A, I 3 = 1A and I 4 = −2 A :

8Ω 6Ω
6. Calculate the source current I1 . I4
A -4 A.
B 4 A. 1Ω
C 2 A. 2Ω
D -2 A.
7. Determine the value of the source voltage E.
A 24 V.
B 25 V. I1 2Ω R
C 42 V. E
D 52 V.

Fig. 3

8. Find the value of the resistance R.

A 2.5 Ω.
B 5.0 Ω.
C 7.0 Ω.
D None of the above.

Use the circuit in Fig. 4 to answer questions 9 to 11:

4Ω 6Ω
9. What will be the reading of a voltmeter
connected across the terminals A and B?
A 1.33 V.
B 0.80 V. 6Ω 2Ω
C 0.67 V.
D None of the above. 8Ω Vo
12 V
10. Find the resistance seen between the terminals
A and B when the source voltage is deactivated.
A 1.67 Ω. B
B 1.74 Ω. Fig. 4
C 5.50 Ω.
D 5.57 Ω.

11. Assuming the answers to questions 9 and 10 to be 3 V and 5 Ω respectively, find Vo if a 10- Ω
resistance is connected across the terminals A and B.
A 2.00 V.
B 3.33 V.
C 4.00 V.
D None of the above

12. If an ammeter is connected between the terminals A and B of the network in Fig. 5, it reads 10 mA.
If a 10-k Ω load is connected across the terminals, the load current is 6 mA. Find the current in a 15-
k Ω load.
A 3.0 mA.
B 4.0 mA.
C 5.0 mA.
D None of the above.

Fig. 5

Use the information below to answer questions 13 and 14

Two batteries, A and B, are connected in parallel, and an 80-Ω resistor is connected across the battery
terminals. The e.m.f. and internal resistance of the battery A are 100 V and 5 Ω respectively, and the
corresponding values for battery B are 95 V and 3 Ω respectively.

13. Find the value of the current in battery A.

A 1.962 A.
B 1.069 A.
C 0.9062 A.
D 0.1145 A.

14. Find the current in the 80-Ω resistor.

A 1.02 A.
B 2.08 A.
C 1.98 A.
D 1.18 A.

Use the circuit in Fig.6 to answer questions 15 to 17:

15. Find the value of I1 if the 120-V source is deactivated.

A 7 A.
B 6 A. I2 3Ω I1
C 5 A.
D 4 A.

16. Find the value of I 2 if the 120-V 6Ω 6Ω 6Ω 7Ω

source is still deactivated.
A 1.00 A.
B 1.25 A.
C 1.50 A.
D 1.75 A. 120 V 60 V

17. Find the value of I1 if the two

voltage sources are all in circuit. Fig. 6
A 10.50 A.
B 7.00 A. v (V)
C 5.25 A.
D 3.00 A. 3

18. Calculate the rms value of the waveform

in Fig. 7. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 t (s)
A 1.414 V.
B 1.000 V.
C 1.732 V.
Fig. 7
D None of the above.

19. Find the rms value of the current defined by the expression
i (t ) = 3 + 10 sin(314t + 60o ) + 12 sin(628t + 80o ) A .
A 14.045 A.
B 18.556 A.
C 18.620 A.
D 11.446 A.

Use the information below to answer questions 20 and 21:

A voltage v(t ) = 230 sin t when applied to a circuit supplies a current given by the expression
i (t ) = 8 cos t + 8 cos(t + 60o ) + 6 sin(t + 30o ) + 2 sin(t − 30o ) A

20. Using phasor diagram or otherwise, find the amplitude or maximum value of the current.
A 14 A.
B 11 A.
C 10 A.
D None of the above.

21. Find the phase angle between the voltage and the current.
A 90.0o.
B 53.1o.
C 45.0o.
D 36.9o.

22. A coil has R = 10  and L = 0.1H . It is connected across a 100-V, 50-Hz supply. Calculate the
impedance of the coil.
A 8.33 Ω.
B 31.40 Ω.
C 32.95 Ω.
D 41.40 Ω.

23. The impedance Z = 6 − j8  is expressed at a frequency of 50 Hz. Write down the corresponding
expression at a frequency of 25 Hz.
A 6 − j16  .
B 12 − j16  .
C 3 − j4  .
D 6 − j4  .

24. Express in " a  jb" form a current of 25 A leading a reference voltage by 30o.
A 12.50 − j 21.65 A .
B 21.65 − j12.50 A .
C 12.50 + j 21.65 A .
D 21.65 + j12.50 A .

Use the information below to answer questions 25 to 27:

A voltage given by v(t ) = 230 sin 314t is applied to a series circuit and the resulting current is
i (t ) = 10 sin(314t − 30o ) .

25. Find the resistance of the circuit.

A 23.00 Ω.
B 19.92 Ω.
C 16.26 Ω.
D 11.50 Ω.

26. Find the reactance of the circuit.

A 19.92 Ω inductive.
B 19.92 Ω capacitive.
C 11.50 Ω inductive.
D 11.50 Ω capacitive.

27. The power drawn by the circuit is

A 2300 W.
B 1992 W.
C 1408 W.
D 996 W.

Use the information below to answer questions 28 and 29.

A capacitor of 400
 μF is connected in parallel with a 40-Ω resistor across a 200-V, 50-Hz supply.

28. Find the total supply current.

A 13.0 A
B 9.45 A.
C 5.00 A.
D None of the above.

29. Determine the power factor of the whole circuit.

A 0.625 leading.
B 0.615 leading.
C 0.530 leading.
D None of the above.

Use the information below to answer questions 30 to 32.

A small installation consists of the following loads connected in parallel across a single-phase 200-V,
50-Hz supply:
(a) a fan motor having an input of 1.5 kVA at 0.8 power factor lagging,
(b) a 1000 W heater operating at unity power factor.

30. Find the total power.

A 2.5 kW.
B 2.2 kW.
C 1.9 kW.
D None of the above.

31. Find the total reactive power.

A 2.5 kVAr.
B 2.2 kVAr.
C 1.9 kVAr.
D 0.9 kVAr.

32. Find the total current if the total active and reactive power are assumed to be 0.8 kW and 0.6 kVAr
A 7.0 A.
B 5.0 A.
C 4.0 A.
D 3.0 A.

33. A circuit consists of an impedance of j 4 ohms in series with two impedances of j 6 ohms and − j8
ohms which are parallel. Calculate the total impedance of the circuit.
A 20  90o.
B 28  -90o.
C 20  -90o.
D 28  90o.

34. The current in a circuit is given by ( 2 − j 2 ) A when the applied voltage is ( 100 − j150 ) V.
Determine the reactive power stating whether it is inductive or capacitive.
A 400 VAr capacitive.
B 400 VAr inductive.
C 100 VAr capacitive.
D 100 VAr inductive.

Use the information below to answer questions 35 and 36:

A balanced three-phase system has a load consisting of a balanced star in parallel with a balanced
delta. The impedance per phase for the star is 8 + j 6 ohms and for delta is 24 + j18 ohms. The
impressed voltage is 240 3 V line to line.

35. Calculate the line current.

A 48 A.
B 32 A.
C 24 A.
D None of the above.

36. Calculate the currents in the delta-connected load.

A 41.57 A.
B 24.00 A.
C 13.83 A.
D 8.00 A.

Use the information below to answer questions 37 and 38:

A 240 3 -V, 50-Hz, three-phase supply delivers 3.6 kVA to a balanced load which has a power factor of
0.6 lagging.

37. Calculate the line current.

A 8.66 A.
B 5.00 A.
C 2.89 A.
D None of the above.

38. Calculate the value of the reactance per phase assuming the load to be star connected.
A 6.44 Ω.
B 22.17 Ω.
C 28.80 Ω.
D 38.40 Ω.

Use the information below to answer questions 39 and 40:

A factory has the following load with power factor of 0.9 lagging in each phase: Red phase 40 A, yellow
phase 50 A and blue phase 60 A. The supply voltage is 230 3 -V, three-phase, 4-wire.

39. Calculate the current in the neutral.

A 150.0 A.
B 135.0 A.
C 30.0 A.
D 17.3 A.

40. Calculate the total power.

A 31.05 kW.
B 34.50 kW.
C 17.93 kW.
D 53.78 kW.


1 B 4 C 8 C 13 B 19 D 25 B 30 B 36 C
2 B 5 B 9 A 14 D 20 B 26 C 31 D 37 B
3 C 6 A 10 A 15 B 21 A 27 D 32 B 38 D
7 A 11 A 16 C 22 C 28 B 33 D 39 D
12 C 17 D 23 A 29 C 34 C 40 A
18 A 24 D 35 A

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