Improve Your IELTS - Writing-6-13

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•• 1 Change and conseqLlences

Unit aims
Task t Tas~ 2
Descnl:lIng trends Understandmg questIOns
Related verbs and nouns ExpreSSing soluttons
Understanding data Linking phrases
USing trigger wards

Task 1 Describing trends

1 The gTaphs relate to sales of media technolog . .
Which graph a- h d o au think shows sales for each
item in the p hotos 1-4?
iii -
2 Match each grapb (a-h) w ith the most appr p riate
description below (1- 10).
] Sales of auelio cassettes fell steaelily. .......... ~...... .~
2 iPo sales rose gradually . .................. II
3 Plasma TV sales fluctuated wildly, but the trend
was upward . ..................
4 Sales of video cassettes nuctuated wildly, and the
tTend was downward ............ _.. ... _
5 Total digital camera sales dropped slightly.
....... - ..........
6 Sa es of audio cassettes fell and then levelled off. m
7 The sales of MP3-players rose gradually and then

climbed sharply. ............. _....
B Purchases of video casse tte recorders d lined
dramatically . ......... ,' .......
9 Sales of games consoles decreased and then
levelled off ................... m.---------------
10 CD sales dropped suddenJy............ .......

II 3 Underline the verbs in 2 used to describe tren d

Example iii ~
I Sales of audio cassettes kU steadily.

4 The verbs in 2 are modified by adverb such as

steadily. Find the adverbs and decid e wheth r they
mean slow or fast changes. Complete the lists below.
Slow .. ~~~!~~ .,

6 ••••
UNIT 1 Charlge alld COli eqllell"s
••• • •
Related verbs and nouns

5 S en tc'n Cf:~ containin g verb phrQs es s uch as jeJl steadily call often b e re\-\'J.iLLen
u sing the correct form of there islare and a related noun. Read the examples.
Th en rewri te sentences a-j below.
Th co nsumption of cho colate fell steadily. (verb + adverb)
There was a steady fall in the consumption of chocolate . (there was a + adjective +
n oun )
There has been a dramatic rise in the produ crioD o f films . (there has been a +
adjeCtive + n oun)
Th production of film has risell dramaticalry. (verb + adverb)
a Spice expons fr om Afri ca fl uc tuated wildly over the p eriod.
There were ........................................ ................................. .. ..................................... .
b Th e development of n ew products fell gradually.
Ther was ...... ............. ..... .......................................................................................... .
c There has been a noticeable decrease in res ~a r ch investmen l.
Research ......................... ............... ........... ........ ... .. .................................................. ..
d The purchases of ti.cket dropped significantly last month .
Th ere ~,v as ............................................................................................................ ..
e On the Internet, th e illu rober of sites rose significantly.
There wa .................................................................................................................. ..
There was a su.dden decrease in th e sale o f mangos.
The sale .... ...... ........................................................................................................... .
g At the them e park. there "vere very slight fluctuations in the number of
The number ................................................................ ............................................... .
h There was a gradual declin e in sugar impons.
Sugar .......................................................................................................................... .
The quality of food in supermarkers has tncreased slowly .
Technique •• Th ere h as ................................................................................................ .......... ......... .
• Include a variety of Th e number of air travellers fluctuated remarka bly.
• structures In your
• writing. Use both There ........ .. ................ ................................. .. ........................................ ..................... .
• verb +adverb a 1d

• adjective + noun

6 Phrases such as the consumplion oj chocolate can often be rewritten as just two
• structures In '{our nouns. Read the examples. Th en find and revyTitt' olh J examp les in 5 .
Task 1 answer.
• Express nouns as
The . of or as TWO The consumptioll oj chaco/ate can become Chocolate cOllsumption .
• nouns The production offt/lns can become Fillll production . (not Films production).

••••• 7
Understanding data

7 Read the graph and th e Ta sk 1 q uesli.o n. Wh l was the in me in dollar for:

a The Tea Room in January? $160,000
..... .. ......... . .. ..... .....

b Internet Express in Jul y?

c Wi-fi Cafe in November?
d are Co I in D eember?
e The Tea Room in February ?

Task 1 Changing trends in cafe income

.200 - . - - - - - - - - - - - --
Y0 1/ should spend about 20 111 in lites 011 this task.
180 + - - - - - - - - - - - + _
160 -I--.or--~-------_I__
The graph sholt·,\, I lJe income of faLl r cafes
i/l Ne w York over lasl year. 140 -l--'rl'---1.---I.------.--- I - -
Sutnmal'iZl! the informalion by selectil)D - ------c ~..,....,.,-A__+_
;3 100 -+-:..:---
Technique and reporliJ.ID the maill featt/res, and g"' 80 +---~.""""~--->.,_.-.,1'-~-
m a ke com pllri ons wh ere relevallt. 60+----~~-----~~~~
To l1el~ you read
the graph. write the Write at least 150 words. __ The TeB Room
2 0 +-~~~-~------
• Ilames nt tile t.afes -+- Internel Express
at the end of each --- WI ·II Ca fe o +--.--~r_r_~~~~~-r~
- - Cafe Cool J F M A M J J A SON D
Il n~

8 Answer these questions about rhe graph.

a Wh at do the lett ers , F, M, etc along th b llom of the graph mean?
b Wh a t do s OOOs mean .
e What P Ite m an yo u s 'C?
d What comparison s can you make?

9 Read the model text and decide wherher each missing phras
n oun, or an adverb.
1 adverb
Model text

me graph providef, informa1ion about the increase to $120,000 , furthermore, the 10 March options
inc.ome trend~ of fo ur c.afe~ over the la5t inc.ome for both Internet £,y.pre5s and the a-g w ith gaps
1- 7 in Ib e model
i ear Wi-fi Gafe'J ............ in Duember. The
There are two baf,ic. general trendf,: former ey.perienc.e.d 4 .... ... ..... to June, but
after Ihat, inc.ome rose S .. .. ..... ... ending a I adily
downwar and upward. As regards the
the ~ear at approy.imate\~ $1'30,000. b then rocketed
fir5t, the earning5 for The Tea \Zoom, \~ere
down over the ~ear, falling I ... ... .. .. .. from UKe\o ise, the trend for Wi-fi waf, upward, e dou bled
alm05l $ \ ~O,OOO earning5 a month tO jU5t Between Janua'1 to :ru\~, earnings d significant 11'
under $50,000 in December, I. .... ........ from $')0,000 to nead'j $100 ,000
e also ended the
and I .. .......... to around $lqO,ooo.
B-t contrast, the inc.ome for ihc other thre.e year lip
, ak5 went up b'j vat"(ing degrees,There It if, noticeable that the inc..ome fo r The a steady fall
"las :2. ., ... ....... in Gafe c.ool' (') 5ale5 over i ea \Zoom i5 lowel' in tne winter montho il ris '
the fir~t ten month5, followed b'j a sudden than for the. olne.r tnree. c.afes. ""

8 ••••
ur~ rT 1 Cill7.llge mId cOllSeqllellCl!s

Task 2 Understanding questions

1 Task 2 questions cOlltdin a gen eral subject and ofte n in cl ude a spe jfic
organizing word to help y ou org an ize yo ur t: ssay. In each group a-d belo w,
'o.vhich organil'Z ing word has a different m e an i n g fx JJ1 th e lher two?
a ad\ anlages dr aw back s benefits
b measu res st eps reasons
c ause eHecls consequences
d disadvanta ges drawbacks solutions

2 Cmnpkt ~ e,lCh Task 2 question below v-'" li ih words 1t! n!)] th e b ox .
You may use each item more th an nce.

agree or disagree advantages disadvan tages causes

solutions measures benefits

a ..
Wh at a re the ~~~~0. of learning skills jn th e mod rn vvo dd?
b An y attempts to preserve the n a tural w orl d will a lvva is h inder economi c
developmenL. The benefit will howe v r far outwe igh th e
.................. . Do you .................. ")
c What are the .................. and .................. of laking a eal" 0[[ b tween school
a n d univcrsit y?
d Stu dent s sh ould be trained on ho w to ope wit h ha nge in the modern
world. How far do you .................. ?
e Volunteer work with disadvantaged groups like underpr ivileged children is
[he best way for you ng p eople to learn about th e real world . ' '''hat are the
.................. of such work ?
Every day, anim a ls are becoming extinct throughout the world . What do
you think th e .................. of this are? What .................. can you uggest.
g Ov rcrowding in large ci ties h as always been a problem, bu t with
popula tions a ro und the w orld a out to double, th e social pro blems are
certain to multip ly. What ............ can y o u suggest to control th e p roblem s .

3 H ow many p ans are [here in each quest ion in 2? For example, (a) bas one
p art. If there are two or th ree p arts, how are th ey related?

• •• 9
Expressing solutions

4 Change is more rapid in the m odem world than it was in th e pasl. umber
each category b elov 1- 5 accord 'ing to how rapi d ly each is changing in your
opinion (1 = most rapid; 5 = least rapid). Tltink of an example ofrapid
h ange for each catego ry.
Work Technology Travel Communication Health

5 Look at the Task 2 ques tion below and answer the q uestion

Jou should spend about 40 minutes 0 11 this task.
Write about the following topic.

/.ore lind. /}l o re people claim ti m " Hl O"~'''''1 1\" rk pa tterns a re a SOlI/'ce of s l r ess.
What do YOII think are the causes of this? Can you sllggest some possible

Give reasons for your anS'lver and inc/ude any relevant examplf!s from your own
knowledge or experienCe.

a Which part of the question states a problem?

b Which t wO words in the que lion are important for the organization of your

6 Read the Shen : How do you t hink people can deal with t heir
conversati on stressful lives, especially at w ork?
bel ' een rw o Tina: Firstly, I think employers should encou rage
workers to relax.
students d iscuss ing Shen : How?
the prob lem of s tress Ti na : Well. in so m e co m pa nies, gym facilitie s o r
at work . w hich p ar t m assa ge thera pies are available.
of the question in 5 S hen: Massage?
are they ans w ering? Tina: Yes . If you help yo u r employees to re lax, th is
im prove s their effi ciency and prod uctio n.
Wh at so lut ion s Sh an : A re t here oth er so lutions?
and resu lt s d o they Ti na: Of co u rse. Employees cou ld be trai ned in
suggest? how to plan t heir ti me mo re effectively.
On e w ay is to stop peop le taking w o rk
home. And then the workp lace w ill beco me
a lot happier.

7 This p aragraph
for employers to encourage workers to relax .
1 .. .. .. ......
. suggests a solution
in some companies, gym facilities or
- - - - -...... to [be Task 2 2 ....... .. " . ,
massage therapies are available . 3 .' .......... , this
Technique que llon in 5 .

Identlf the type 01 • Com plete each gap improves their effiCiency and production. 4 .. .. .. . .. . .. train
with th e phrases in employees in how to plan their time more effectively,
que lion For cause/ -

- a-f for p r Selliing

so l utions, examples,
and res ults,
5 ............ , by stopping people taking work home.
6 ............ , the workplace will become a lot hapPier.

a A further step is to d As a result

b for example e By doing this
I think the mos t obvious For instance
solution is

10 •
U NIT 1 Ch al1!J~ (/lId coIIseqllellCe!

8 There axe several w ay s to express sol u tjon s. Should is u sed for SIl'ong
sugges tion s; could is used for possible s ugge (i on s. Other ph rases can also b e
used to express solution s. Read the example [rom 6 and 7 on page 10. Then
rewri te the sent ences in a- f.
Examp les
Employers should eJ/courage workers to relax .
[ think the most obvious solution is/or employers to ncouTage workers [Q relax .
Employees could be [rai/led in how to plan their Lime more effectively.
A further step is to train employees in h ow [Q plan Ih eir li me more dfe [i vely.
a 1 think the most obvious solution is to encourage people to exercise mo re .
PeopleshouJd ......................................... ,............................. ,... ,.,. ,....... ,.... ,.......... ,... .
b The obvious answer is to reduce the number 0 wo rking hours ,
The number of working hours ...... ,....... ....... ,............ ,................................. ,.......... .
c The government could provide each employee with their own computer.
One possibility is ....... ,.... ... ....................................................................... ... ...... .... .... .
d One option is to persuade parents to spen d more time with [heir children .
Parents could .............. ,............................................ ..... .............. ,.. .. .............. ,
e A good idea is to restri ct the number o f ars coming into iries,
The number of cars coming into cities .... " . ....... ..... .. ,' .......................................... .
f The go emmenl should build more sky rapers to solve the problem.
A good ide a is .................................................................. ..." ... ..................... .

9 Which problems ('[modern life do (he SentenceS in S rein Ill?

overcrowding traffic congestion obesity

lack of discipline stress technology

10 Use·the follo wing phrases (0 add re ults to the Solul ions ab ove. Use YOUT
own ideas an d w ords.

Examp le
a I think the most obvious solution is to encourage people to exerdse more ,
By doing this, they would lose weight and would feel better generally.

As a result, This would enable/help them to This would lead to

This means that they would By doing this, Consequently,

• •• 11
Linking phrases

11 Linking phrases mark the ftloctions 01 other s ent e nt: es i1n d phrases, s u c l~ as
solutjons, results, and examples. Match each linl(ing p h rase ' ' ,Itch th e cor Cl

p urpose 8ftt! conseq uentJy,

addi rion a nd
and so since for instance,
condition reason because in order to
exarnp1e resuIt therefore, if fu rth crmore,
as a result. for example,

Usin g trigger words

12 Read the paragraph from a Task 2 essay on overcrow de d cities and find the
UnkLn g phr ases which m a tch these functions.
Reason Result Example Solution

M an\' citie in th e worl d have now b ecome very

ove.r~rowded because people are migrating in fro m the
counrrysid e in search of work. As a result , fa cilities like
wate r supp lies an d public transport can no t cope with
the demand s from increased numb ers of people, and
so th ey are under severe stra in. The obviol1s an swer is
to en courage the creation of jobs outside the cities . For
example) we could encourage certai n business s to set
up branch es in rur al areas.

13 Lin~",ing phrases can be used to tr.i gger id eas becau e th ey mark fu n ctio n s .
When you plan a Task 2 answer, write down some trigger words to h elp you
dev d QP YOUT basic idea. Use [11e trigger w o rds below (a d eve lop th e ideas
lfpeople migrale 10 cilies, they be come ................ ..
And so ................ ..
And as a restill .... .. ........... .
A good idea would be to ................. .
By doing this, ................ ..
People spend 100 /lllIch time watching TV.
For example, ................ ..
Con equemly, .. .. ,......... .. ..
If .................. , then ................ ..
This \vill lea d to ........ .. ...... . .
The development of tourism ofTell creates resentment among local people because
For example, ......... .. ...... .
The obvious ans wer is to ...... _._ .. .... __
Furthermore, ....... _.. ....... .

12 •• •
UNIT 1 Cil(l11g e and cO lIst:q uenus
•• • • ••Practice Test 1 • •••••

Task 1
You should spend aboUl 20 minutes on this task.

The 9rtJph belDH' shows il1 percentage terms tlu changing patterns of domestic aeee s
to Jil(){il'm tecJl11vlo9.\Jil1 homes in the UK

SIUJllII{//";ze flu "information by selectil1g and rep(wtillij tI,e IJ1l1in /catllres, anrl make
comparisons where relevant.

Write alleasl 150 words.

100 - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

CD pl ay er
80 ~--------------------------~~~~=----=====~
MObile phone
.... .
40 - -- ---
....... ".:.-.--------

o I I
1996/97 1998199 2000/01 2002/03

Task 2
Yo u shou ld spend about 40 II/inures on this Jask.
Write about the followil1g topic:

People naturally resist making changes;n their lil'e~..

What kind of problems can this calise? What solutioJls can you suggest?

Give reasons for your allswer and include any relevanr examples from your OHI1"1 knowledge
or experimce.
Write at least 250 words.

• •• 13

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