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1. Last month you had a holiday overseas where you stayed with some friends. They have just sent
you some photos of your holiday.
Write a letter to a friend in your letter
Thank them for the photos and for the holiday
Explain why you didn’t write earlier
Invite them to come and stay with you

Dear John,
Hope you are doing well.
What stunning photos that you took! You are an absolutely fantastic photographer, so please never
say you do not know how to use a camera anymore. It reminds me of the great time you and I spent
in your country, not only the speechless views and amazing foods, but also the joyful travel
experiences under your arrangements. I love your country more than anything else.
Do you remember that I extended my holidays for 5 days? So I am extremely busy after I get back to
work. Please forgive me for writing a thank you letter to you so late.
I would like to invite you to come to my country and treat you as if you did it for me. I recalled that you
told me you still have 2 weeks annual leaves? Please use that to travel to my country, I will prepare
everything you need, we will definitely have a great time! Cannot wait to see you.

Kind regards,

2. You are working for a company. You need to take sơm time off work and want to ask your
manager about this. Write a letter to your manager in your letter:
Explain why you want to take time off work
Give details of the amount of time you need
Suggest how your work could be covered while you are away

Dear Sir,

I am writing this letter to request you for 15 days leave off work starting from 14th January because my
exams are in the coming week. Furthermore, there are high chances of me securing the first position
in the university considering my previous papers went very well. Moreover, owing to the fact that my
thesis is on the latest technology, our organization will have far more benefits.

Honestly, even though the syllabus has been completed, I have not yet got enough time to revise
properly. Additionally, for the submission of practical assignments, there is a possibility that I might be
on a half-day leave tomorrow, which will be informed by the end of the day.

Although I realize that my temporary absence can cause an obstruction to the ongoing project, I give
my assurance that though I am away, my knowledge about the subject will be transferred to my junior
beforehand thereby not causing any inconvenience to the company.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and expecting your kind cooperation.

Yours sincerely,
Tahura Saiyed

3. You have recently started work in a new company. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend in
your letter:
Explain why you change this job
Describe your new job
Tell him/her your other news

Dear Sara,
Hope you are well. I am excited to hear that you have got engaged to Michael and I am so looking
forward to attending your wedding soon. Today I am writing to let you know that I have recently joined
Telco Incorporation, a reputed brand promotion company, as an assistant manager at their Bristol, UK
I was in the same position for the last 4 years at my former company and I was eagerly waiting for a
chance to advance my career. I sometimes felt stuck with my career and that is why I had to switch
jobs. Overall, I enjoyed my previous job except for the fact that I often had to work extra hours without
any compensation.
With regards to my new job, I think this is a big career move for me as it would enhance my
experience and let me work for bigger brands. This job comes with better remuneration, higher
position, performance bonus and a healthier work environment. I will have to plan strategic moves for
some of the clients to enhance their brand reputation and I am hoping that I will be able to earn their
I went to Italy last month with Patrick and this was a great experience. We stayed there for a week and
were thrilled to explore the country and its celestial food. Patrick and I are planning to celebrate our
2nd marriage anniversary this year and would be delighted to have you with us.

Take care and write to me sometimes.

Warm wishes,

You received an email from your English friend, Jane. She asked you for some information
about one of your friends. Read part of her email below.
I’ve just got an email from your friend, An. She said she’s going to take a course in London this
summer. She asked if she could stay with my family until she could find an apartment. Can you tell me
a bit about her (things like personality, hobbies and interests, her current work or study if possible)? I
want to see if she will fit in with my family.
Write an email responding to Jane.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, organization, vocabulary and Grammar.
Bài viết tiếng anh:
Dear Jane
I’m sorry that I couldn’t respond to your email soon because of the time zone difference. I’m surprised
that An sent an email to you for your permission to stay at your home. Surely I’m glad to tell you a little
about her.
An is a good girl. She is glad to make friends with everybody, especially with foreign friends. We have
been together for 3 years. I can completely guarantee that she is a very honest person so you may
have a point about her.
She likes sports, such as swimming, jogging. Also, she can play the guitar and the piano. She also
enjoys reading and she could spend all day reading a bunch of her favorite books.
As An’s friend, I hope that you will accept her offer. I and An will be glad to hear that.
Thanks and best regard
You received an email from your English friend, Susan. She told you about her two week trip to
Vietnam and asked for some advice. Read part of her email below.
I’m so excited about my trip because it’s my first time coming to Vietnam. Can you tell me about the
weather now in Vietnam? What kinds of clothes should I bring? Where should I stay? What are some
interesting places I should visit? What kind of food i should try? What souvenirs i should buy for my
parents and my youngest sister?
Write an email responding to Susan.
Bài viết tiếng anh:
Dear Susan
I’m sorry that I couldn’t respond to your email soon because of the time zone difference. I’m very
happy to hear that you will visit Vietnam for the first time, therefore, I’m glad to introduce some
interesting information about my country.
The weather in Vietnam is very special. Northern Vietnam has 4 seasons: spring, summer, autumn
and winter, but in Southern Vietnam, it has only 2 seasons: dry season and rainy season. It is summer
now so please, bring t-shirts and shorts in your luggage.
Vietnam is a friendly country so you can travel anywhere you want. But I suggest that you should visit
Nha Trang City and Da Lat City. Nha Trang is a beach city which has a beautiful coast and a lot of
delicious seafood restaurants. Otherwise, Da Lat City is located in the highlands, it is called “The
flower city” because the local people grow a lot of beautiful flowers, thanks to the warm weather here.
Each city has different cuisines and souvenirs so you can buy anything you like for your family
I hope you will enjoy your trip in Vietnam
Best regard
Yesterday afternoon you arranged to see one of your teachers at 3:00 in the staff room. An
accident happened and you couldn’t get there.
Write her an email apologizing and explaining the reason
Bài viết tiếng anh:
Dear Ms.Hoa,
I want to apologize for my absence in your class yesterday. Also, I would like to make an excuse for
what happened yesterday.
Yesterday before your class, about 30 minutes, I was riding my motorbike slowly, then suddenly a car
hit my motorbike in the back at a very high speed. My motorbike and I hit the road critically. I was
injured badly but luckily a man took me into the hospital immediately. After checking my body, the
doctor said my left leg bone was broken and I had to stay there for 4 days.
I have just woken up for a moment, trying to write an email for you to make you understand and be
pleased with my situation. Also, I want to ask you if you could allow me to be absent from your class
until my bone is better.
I hope to see your response soon
Thanks and best regard
You have been invited to the wedding in London by an English friend. Unfortunately your work
commitments make it impossible for you to go your friend’s wedding.
Write her/him an email as a polite refusal
Bài viết tiếng anh:
Dear Kim
I have just received your wedding invitation. But unfortunately, I have to apologize for my absence in
your wedding in next Wednesday
I would like to go to London to grace your marriage ceremony. But my work hasn’t been finished yet.
Also, my deadline is nearly close to your wedding day. Therefore, going to London and observing you
and your husband being together may be impossible.
I hope that you won’t be upset because of my awkward situation. I wish you and your husband will be
happy forever together. And please, send your wedding photos to me if you can. I would like to see
what will happen there.
Thank and best regard
Your sister abroad has just sent a gift on your birthday. it’s something that she remembers that
you said you liked
Write her a sincere thank-you letter.
Bài viết tiếng anh:
Dear Phuong
I have just received your amazing birthday gift for me. I just could tell you that I truly like them. How
could you know that I’m supposed to buy pair shoes? When I first received them, I was extremely
surprised, they are so expensive and fashionable. Also, I have to mention that they completely fit my
feet, and I feel very comfortable when wearing them and trying for a track.
You are my greatest sister I’ve ever had. Thank you very much for your gift. I wish that you will return
to me and our parents as soon as you can. I’m waiting for your response email.
Love you
You’ve been out of your home town for a few weeks and now you’re back home.
Write a letter to a friend saying how delighted you are be home again, back among friends, and
familiar things
Bài viết tiếng anh:
Dear Phuong
I write this email to notify you that the day that I will return to Vietnam is next Wednesday. I’m so
excited to meet you and my parents again.
After finishing studying in London, I waited to come back home every day. I miss you and my parents
very much. I almost forget my neighbor’s face because I haven’t seen them for a long time. I
remember when we were young you and I usually rode our bicycle around the town, ate ice-cream and
went to your house to play video games. Do you remember the time that we found a dog and fed that
puppy for 2 days before returning him to his owner? They are unforgettable memories to me.
If you have time, please pick me up when I take off the plane. I hope to meet you soon.
Sincerely, Anh
You received a wedding invitation card from your close friend
Write him/her a letter of congratulation and confirm your presence at the reception
Bài viết tiếng anh:
Dear Phuong
I write this email to confirm that I received your wedding invitation card yesterday.
I am so surprised and happy for you. Finally, you have found your true love after all. And I will attend
your marriage ceremony, absolutely, I don’t want to be missed at my best friend’s wedding party..
I am so excited and can’t wait till your wedding day. Can I bring my girlfriend with me to the ceremony?
I want to introduce her to you and your wife. Have you invited other friends in our university class? I’m
sure they will be happy for you, too.
If you need someone to help you prepare your wedding, you can call me anytime, I will give you a
hand as possible as I can.
Your English friend plans a two week holiday in vietnam and he wants to spend his time in
rural areas
write him a letter to introduce rural tourism in Vietnam with some suggestions for a good holiday.
Bài viết tiếng anh:
Dear An
I heard my friend say that you are planning a two day week holiday in Vietnam, especially, you want to
visit the countryside. In that case, I want to introduce rural tourism to you.
You should travel to the West provinces of Vietnam, which have beautiful countryside areas. The
weather there is perfect and ideal for growing fruits such as coconut, jackfruit, pineapple and so on.
The West people are very friendly and kind, you will feel their peacefulness when you meet them. One
other thing, you have to try the cuisine in the West, they are cheap but very delicious and various as
well because the local people grow vegetables and feed fish, animal there.
If you don’t mind, I would like to be your tour guide, so I could present to you a lot of interest thing
when you arrive in Vietnam
You have found a website with hotel job vacancies. As part of the online application, you have to send
your CV and a letter before clicking on the Apply Online Button
Write your cover letter a apply for the job of hotel receptionist
Bài viết tiếng anh:
Dear Ms Phuong
I wish to apply for the position of Hotel Receptionist that was advertised last week on the website.
I am at present working in a similar position for Royal Hotel, where for the last two years I have been
responsible for being the first point of contact for all guests visiting the hotel.
Apart from my superb customer service skills, I am also fully competent in front office operations,
dealing with guests queries, checking guests in and out, operating the telephone switchboard and
allocating guest bedrooms on the hotel booking system.
In addition to this, and as per your requirements, I am capable of greeting all guests in a professional,
friendly and courteous manner, and have extensive knowledge of a hotel’s facilities and services.
Right now I am at the stage in my career where I am ready to work for a prestigious and reputable
company like yours. I would also like to add that I am familiar with your Hotels high reputation and am
very eager to be associated with it. I enclose a copy of my CV and hope you will look favorably upon
my application.
Yours sincerely,
Topic 10:
Taking part in cultural festivals when travelling is attracting most of tourists
Write a letter to your English friend and tell him about Tết Holiday in Vietnam as an interesting cultural
festival which is attracting foreign tourists
Bài viết tiếng anh:
Dear Helen
I would like to introduce a special native occasion in my country, which is called “Tet” holiday, so that
you can understand more about our tradition.
Tet often begins in late-January and ends in early-February. With the meaning of seeing the old year
off and welcoming the New Year, Tet becomes a special occasion of reunion for Vietnamese families.
At that time, all family members try to come back to their home and get together to make preparations
for Tet such as buying new clothes and cleaning their house. A branch of apricot blossoms or a
Kumquat tree is an indispensable decoration for every family these days. They seem like fresh air to
the house. We display a tray full of fruits and vases of flowers on the ancestral altar. Some typical
Tet’s food are sweets, coconut jam, fruit candies, melon seeds, stew pork with eggs, and especially
sticky rice cake. Tet meals are usually bigger and more delicious than our daily ones.
On Tet holiday, people have many recreational activities. Many people visit relatives to wish a happy
new year. Adults will give lucky money to children. Women like to go to the pagoda to wish good
things for their family.
If you have time, please visit Vietnam during Tet period to enjoy the best time here.
1. Buying things on the internet, such as books, air tickets and groceries, is becoming more
and more popular. Do the advantages of shopping in this way outweigh the disadvantages?
Online shopping and E-commerce is becoming increasingly popular. The popularity of using
the Internet to acquire products like books, air tickets and groceries continues to grow. This essay
will discuss the positive and negative aspects of online shopping.
On the one hand, online shopping is advantageous to people because it's more
convenient and time efficient. People find online shopping convenient as it allows them to
have access to all kinds of products from the comfort of their home. Using online websites
such as Amazon, allows people to shop for a vast array of products from home produce to
furniture,to electrical goods. It's also time efficient for the people who may not be able to
access specific stores due to work or family commitments. So,having online shopping is more
convenient and time efficient as it can be accessed anywhere and allows access to a large array of
On the other hand,the disadvantages of shopping online are not knowing whether the quality of
products is good, and risk of loss or damage to products. With online companies dealing with a
vast number of online orders everyday, it’s very easy for items to be damaged or lost, either
in transit or while in the warehouses. In addition, shopping in person allows people to hand pick
their own items,whereas online you don't have this choice.So,sometimes online shopping can
result in damaged or lost products and it does not allow people to check the quality,as they rely on
companies to do this for them.
To sum up, the pros of online shopping is that it is convenient and time efficient.
However , occasionally there is the risk of products not being of great quality,or even
worse,damaged or lost. In my opinion the advantages of online shopping do outweigh the
disadvantages, therefore benefiting people more than being a burden.

2. Some suggest that young people should take a job for a few years between school and
university. Discuss what the advantages and disadvantages might be for people who do
Some people recommend that the school graduates should work for a few years before enrolling in
universities. This essay will suggest that self-identification is the biggest benefit of this and losing
belief to study is the principal drawback.

These days the quality of tertiary education is suffering due to its students who could not choose
their occupation properly. According to a recent student satisfaction survey of universities
conducted by the Mongolian National Statistical Agency, two third of the respondents answered
that they are dissatisfied with their current study because of their incorrect choice of the profession.
Additionally, it is expected that after their graduation, most of them might not work as their
professional major. However, gap years may allow younger people to recognize themselves by
knowing their real interests as well as needs while experiencing different jobs. In my case, one of
my university classmates used to work prior to studying at the university. Therefore, he could
understand the profession which is highly suitable for him, and graduated from the university with
high distinction along with several job offers.

Despite these advantages, some students are persuaded to get a job instead of going directly to
higher education. Although they wish to initially acquire a bachelor degree after working for a time,
most of them gradually lose their hope to study at a higher level of education due to workplace
adaptation. An illustration of this is that one third of students who take years off never study at
universities, as stated by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Mongolia’s annual report.
Moreover, my grandfather could not enter tertiary education because of a year off even though
receiving an unconditional offer from Lomonosov Moscow State University.

In conclusion, taking years off might be advantageous if students use it for identifying themselves
effectively, however, they should be careful since it can reduce their motivation to study for further
3. Some people say that the purpose of businesses is to make money and they should
concentrate on this. Others argue that businesses should also contribute to the local
community’s development and protect the environment. Discuss both viewpoints and
provide your own opinion on this matter.
Businesses have always sought to make a profit, but it is becoming increasingly common to hear
people talk about the social obligations that companies have. I completely agree with the idea that
businesses should do more for society than simply make money.
On the one hand, I accept that businesses must make money in order to survive in a competitive
world. It seems logical that the priority of any company should be to cover its running costs, such as
employees’ wages and payments for buildings and utilities. On top of these costs, companies also
need to invest in improvements and innovations if they wish to remain successful. If a company is
unable to pay its bills or meet the changing needs of customers, any concerns about social
responsibilities become irrelevant. In other words, a company can only make a positive contribution to
society if it is in good financial health.
On the other hand, companies should not be run with the sole aim of maximising profit; they have
a wider role to play in society. One social obligation that owners and managers have is to treat their
employees well, rather than exploiting them. For example, they could pay a “living wage” to ensure
that workers have a good quality of life. I also like the idea that businesses could use a proportion of
their profits to support local charities, environmental projects or education initiatives. Finally, instead of
trying to minimise their tax payments by using accounting loopholes, I believe that company bosses
should be happy to contribute to society through the tax system.
In conclusion, I believe that companies should place as much importance on their social
responsibilities as they do on their financial objectives.
4. What makes a great leader?
Good leadership is about acquiring and honing specific skills. Leadership skills enable you to
be a role model for a team in any environment. With great leadership qualities, successful leaders
come in all shapes and sizes: in the home, at school, or in the workplace. The following are some of
the many characteristics great leaders exhibit.
Firstly, great leaders know that they won’t have a happy and motivated team unless they
themselves exhibit a positive attitude. This can be done by remaining positive when things go wrong
and by creating a relaxed and happy atmosphere in the workplace.
Secondly, Confidence is one of the most important leadership qualities you must have because
people will be looking to you on how to behave, particularly if things aren’t going 100% right. If you
remain calm and poised, team members are far more likely to as well. As a result, morale and
productivity will remain high, and the problem will be solved more quickly.
Lastly, The best leaders need to be able to communicate clearly with the people around them.
They also need to be able to interpret other people properly and not take what they say personally.
Leadership traits are learnable. If you practice consistently, you can be a great leader, too.
Make small changes to your habits when you work with your team, wherever that may be. Most of us
aren’t presidents or CEOs, but we all work with other people, and our actions always impact others.
5. Great leaders are born or made?
“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard
work.” So whether you were born with the “special sauce” or not, if you want to be a leader you’re
going to have to work to develop and refine the characteristics of the greats.
True leaders have the capacity to develop a big vision—one that inspires and motivates their
team—and turn it into reality. Once you have your inspiring goal ahead of you, lay out some baby
steps or set up some habits to help you actually do it. The more you practice setting and achieving
goals for yourself, the more you’ll be able to lead others to do this down the road.
Good leaders know how to rally the people around them toward the same overarching goal.
Whenever you’re pitching an idea or talking about something you’ve worked on, see it as an important
opportunity to practice this skill. Take some time to carefully plan out how you’re going to both help
people emotionally connect with your idea and also convince them that it’s totally feasible with the help
of some tactical steps for moving forward.
A constant desire to learn and grow is an important personal and professional characteristic,
whether you want to be a leader or not. Leaders are curious, open-minded, and invested in their
growth—the very best of them are always working to be better! In your daily life, seek out opportunities
to learn more about how to be a leader.
True leaders must “earn your leadership every day.” Doing this is a lifetime pursuit, and as with
all personal and professional development, there will always be new skills to learn, new ways to
strengthen your character, and new opportunities to put your leadership into practice. Here’s to
becoming more of a leader every day—whether you consider yourself to be “born with it” or not.

6. Differences between manager and leader

While the words manager and leader may appear to mean the same thing, they do not. A
manager is someone who manages and is responsible for the important aspects of a job, project, or
team. A leader is someone who is influential, takes charge, and is an example for others.
Managers have different responsibilities based on what they do and who they are managing.
They have the ability to delegate and implement plans for a business or team. Managers are
necessary to keep a consistent understanding of who is in charge in a group. A leader is a person
who takes the lead in a group and chooses to perform to the best of his ability and helps others do the
There are also different responses to certain situations which are typical of a manager and a
leader. A manager strives to obtain results by making rules, remaining in control, and reacting to
situations they may encounter. A leader chooses to achieve goals through passion, heart, and
charisma. The leader is said to have better people skills than a manager, so they tend to focus on
human emotion and desires. Managers do not incorporate human emotion or desire into their
decisions; they prefer to use concise, scientific methods of managing a group.
Additionally it is believed that a manager, because they are considered superior, has
subordinates. Subordinates are people who should follow and do what they are instructed to by their
manager. A leader does not have subordinates, a leader has followers. Followers are people who
believe in what the leader teaches or does because they have earned a certain amount of reverence.
A follower is not forced to follow the leader, unlike a manager and his subordinates.
While a manager and leader have very different characteristics which help them succeed, it is
those leadership and managerial qualities which come together to make a good manager, who should
also be a leader.

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