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1. Property (mal, mülk, xüsusiyyət)- a thing or things that are owned by somebody; a possession or
possessions, a quality or characteristic that something has
2. Gamble (qumar)- to risk losing something in the hope of being successful, to risk money on a
card game, horse race, etc.
3. Decline (enmək, düşmək)- to become smaller, fewer, weaker, etc., to refuse politely to accept or
to do something
4. Expand (genişlənmək)- to become greater in size, number or importance; to make something
greater in size, number or importance
5. Decrease (azaltmaq)- to become smaller in size, number, etc.; to make something smaller in size,
number, etc. (syn- reduce, opp-increase)
6. Supply (təchiz etmək, təklif)- the things such as food, medicines, fuel, etc. that are needed by a
group of people, for example an army or expedition, an amount of something that is provided or
available to be used (syn – provide, equip)
7. Demand (tələb etmək)- the desire or need of customers for goods or services that they want to
buy or use, to ask for something forcefully, in a way that shows that you do not expect to
be refused (syn- requirement, require)
8. Export (ixrac etmək)– to sell and transport of goods to another country
9. Duty (vəzifə, borc)- something that you feel you have to do because it is your moral or legal
responsibility, the work that is your job
10. Drop (düşmək, əlindən salmaq)- to allow something to fall by accident; to fall by accident (syn-
11. Import (idxal etmək)- a product or service that is brought into one country from another
12. Heir (varis)- a person who has the legal right to receive somebody’s property, money or title
when that person dies
13. Condition (şərt, vəziyyət)- the state that something is in
14. Exploit (istismar etmək)- to use something well in order to gain as much from it as possible, to
treat a person or situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself
15. Overtime (artıq işləmək)- time that you spend working at your job after you have worked the
normal hours
16. Postpone (texirə salmaq)- to take place at a later time or date than originally planned (syn -put
17. Recruit (işə götürmək)- to find new people to join a company, an organization, the armed forces,
18. Redundant (artıq, lazımsız)- without a job because there is no more work available for you in a
company, not needed or useful
19. Resign (işdən çıxmaq)- to officially tell somebody that you are leaving your job, an organization,
20. Dismiss (işdən çıxarmaq)- to officially remove somebody from their job
21. Strike (tətil, vurmaq)- to refuse to work because of an argument over pay or conditions (to go on
a strike), to happen suddenly and have a harmful or damaging effect on somebody/something, to
hit somebody/something hard or with force
22. Vacancy (vakansiya)- a job that is available for somebody to do
23. Accountant (mühasib)- a person whose job is to keep or check financial accounts
24. Capacity (tutum)- the number of things or people that a container or space can hold
25. Commerce (ticarət)- trade, especially between countries; the buying and selling of goods and
services (syn – trade)
26. Commercial (ticari)- connected with the buying and selling of goods and services
27. Failure (uğursuzluq)- lack of success in doing or achieving something
28. Competitive (rəqabətcil)- used to describe a situation in which people or organizations compete
against each other
29. Consumer (istehlakçı)- a person who buys goods or uses services (syn-buyer)
30. Distribution (paylanma)- the system of transporting and delivering a product
31. Cooperation (əməkdaşlıq)- the fact of doing something together or of working together towards
a shared aim
32. Negotiate (danışıqlar aparmaq)- to try to reach an agreement by formal discussion
33. Franchise (şirkətlərin fəaliyyət göstərmək icazəsi)- formal permission given by a company to
somebody who wants to sell its goods or services in a particular area; formal permission given by
a government to somebody who wants to operate a public service as a business
34. Launch (başlamaq)- to make a product or service available to the public for the first time; to
become available for the first time
35. Forecast (proqnoz vermək)- a statement about what will happen in the future, based on
information that is available now, predict or estimate.
36. Promote - to help sell a product, service, etc. or make it more popular by advertising it or
offering it at a special price, to help something to happen or develop (syn – encourage)
37. Promotion (reklam)- a move to a more important job or rank in a company or an organization,
activities done in order to increase the sales of a product or service; a set of advertisements for a
particular product or service (syn-advertisement)
38. Occupation (peşə)- a job or profession, the way in which you spend your time, especially when
you are not working
39. Employment (iş)- work, especially when it is done to earn money; the state of being employed
40. Employ (işə götürmək)- to give somebody a job to do for payment (syn – hire)
41. Qualified (ixtisaslı)- having passed the exams or completed the training that are necessary in
order to do a particular job; having the experience to do a particular job
42. Retire (təqaüdə çıxmaq)- to leave your job and stop working, especially because you have
reached a particular age or because you are ill; to tell somebody they must stop doing their job
43. Supervise (nəzarət etmək)- to be in charge of somebody/something and make sure that
everything is done correctly, safely, etc.
44. Attorney (hüquqşünas)- a lawyer, especially one who can act for somebody in court
45. Appreciate (qiymətləndirmək)- to recognize the good qualities of somebody/something
46. Workforce (heyət)- all the people who work for a particular company, organization, etc. (syn -
47. Workmate (iş yoldaşı)- a person that you work with, often doing the same job, in an office, a
factory, etc.
48. Fee (haqq) - the amount of money that a person or organization is paid for a particular job or
service that they provide.

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