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● An inequality indicates that two quantities are not of the same value
Example: 2x - 1 < 0 is an inequality
● The inequality signs are:
Greater than (>)
Less than (<)
Greater than or equal / “at least” (>)
Less than or equal / “at most” (<)
Not equal (≠)


● An inequality has a left-hand side and a right-hand side just like an equation.
Example: In 2x + 1 < 0, 2x + 1 is the left-hand side and 0 is the right-hand side.
● The solution to an inequality is not just a single real number but a set of
Example: The solution for 2x + 1 < 0 is x < -½ which means that all numbers
less than -½ satisfies the given inequality. It is incorrect to state that only -½ is
the solution of the inequality.

Properties of Inequality

● Trichotomy Property of Inequality: Only one of these can occur: A number can
only be less than (or equal), greater than (or equal), or equal to a number

● Reversal Property of Inequality: If a quantity is less than (or equal), to another

number, then the latter is greater than (or equal) to the former and vice versa
Example: If 3 < x, then it also means that x > 3

● Transitive Property of Inequality: If a > b and b > c, then a > c

Example: If 100 > 50 and 50 > 30, then 100 > 30


Linear Inequalities in One Variable

A Linear Inequality contain only one variable and the exponent of

that variable is 1

Example: 2x + 1 < 0 is a linear inequality


Solving Linear Inequalities in One Variable

Solving a linear inequality is just like solving a linear equation. However, the
solution will be a set of real numbers and not just a single real number.
Example: Solve for 2x + 1 < 0
2x + 1 < 0
2x < -1 Transposition method
x < -½ Divide both sides by 2
Hence, the solution set of the inequality is x < -1/2


Dividing a negative number in a linear inequality

If you divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, then the sign of
the inequality reverses (Example: from “>” it becomes “<”).
Example: Solve for x in -3 - 2x > 3
-3 - 2x > 3
-2x > 3 + 3 transposition method
-2x > 6
-2x/-2 > 6/-2 divide both sides by -2
x < -3 reverse inequality sign


Multiplying a negative number in a linear inequality

If you multiply both sides of an inequality by a negative number, then the sign of
the inequality reverses (Example: from “>” it becomes “<”).

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