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APU ACE Program 2022 Goal Setting

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Category Competency Definition
I… I… I… I… I…

The ability to further develop ・never stop to think about my personality or ・am trying to overcome my weaknesses and ・actively make decisions to overcome my
・am aware of my weaknesses and flaws ・am able to honestly and earnestly
personal strengths, overcome personal characteristics flaws weaknesses and flaws
Self-Development weaknesses, and cultivate ・don't take the time to reflect on past
・want to use my strengths to my advantage,
・consciously put myself in situations that ・always find a way to use my strengths to
encourage others to face their own
but am not sure how weaknesses by tackling mine head on
personal characteristics mistakes allow me to use my strengths to my advantage improve a situation, either directly or indirectly

・know that practicing self-restraint and using

・tend to go with the flow or whatever impulse ・can push myself through adversity to ・push myself to my limits to discover
The ability to practice self- ・believe that both lifestyle and time my time wisely will help me to achieve my
I have at the moment achieve my goals what I am capable of
Discipline control and perseverance in
・don't think about things like how to manage
management are important, but… goals
・steadily move forward while keeping my ・inspire and am inspired by others who
Self various situations ・lack the self-control to change my routine ・try to allocate my time and energy efficiently
my life or time effectively mind focused on the things I want to achieve are also striving to live their best lives
and effectively
The ability to understand the
・am aware of the importance of elevating ・take the initiative to reflect upon myself and ・find myself reflecting upon various past ・grow by learning from everything
value in your personal ・have no interest in self-reflection or trying to
myself through first-hand experience and my past experiences without external experiences and always trying to learn new ・naturally encourage others to work on
choices, thoughts, and improve my current abilities
Self-Reflection experiences, and using this ・am not proactive in studying or gaining new
knowledge, but... prompting things to improve myself their own self-development through my
・don't actively seek new opportunities to ・actively seek new opportunities to learn and ・know the value of my own experiences and reflective nature; together we are able to
understanding to forge a experiences
learn or experience different things grow use them to further develop myself foster further growth
greater future for yourself

・am able to understand high context

・make sure to convey my thoughts and ・communicate my own thoughts clearly and
The ability to understand a ・can explain my thoughts and opinions situations in most settings and can
・have no interest in conveying my thoughts opinions, sometimes to the detriment of others tactfully, fully aware of the listener's possible
person's intention behind their clearly change the atmosphere/mood for the
Communication words and convey your own
and opinions to others, nor in listening to what ・tend to zone out when other speak, so even
・use active listening skills to understand
reactions/emotions towards my words
others have to say after they've finished, I sometimes don't know ・aim to reach mutual understanding
thoughts effectively more about the current topic and speaker ・strive to understand others' intent even
what they've said regardless of who the person is
when their actions and words don't match
・demonstrate leadership amid difficult
・work well with others to the point that our
The ability to work well with ・am unaware of my role or workload when I ・am aware of my role and responsibility as a ・always have the team's shared goal in mind situations and help motivate my team to
bonds drive us forward to reach our desired
others in a team and am placed in a team team member but... ・keep a positive attitude when working maintain good performance
Teamwork contribute in a meaningful way ・do not contribute to my team in a ・am usually passive or indifferent in a team, towards the goal, conscious of my own role
・effectively engage my team so that we
・motivate my team even when we are faced
to drive the team to success meaningful way although I do contribute and responsibility in a team not only achieve good results, but also
with disheartening challenges
help encourage others around us

・am always aware of any problems and

The ability to identify problems ・don't pay enough attention to notice ・am aware of the problems that directly relate ・can clearly identify problems in matters ・always analyze problems and can identify
resolve them by finding the core issue
and proactively explore problems to myself, but... related to myself the fundamental, underlying issue
Problem-Solving possible causes in order to ・am uninterested in exploring problems to ・do not take the initiative to resolve any ・try to take decisive action to solve any ・can use the above analyses to effectively
・am able to help others improve their
problem-solving skills by sharing my own
solve them find a resolution issues issues that arise solve problems
・am determined to reach my goals, so... ・do not give up⁠—even in the face of
・have things I want to achieve, but... ・can overcome great difficulties to achieve
The ability to focus and strive ・don't have any aspirations ・put a great deal of effort into specific actions failure I continue to work steadily towards
・believe that these goals are out of reach, so my goals because of my strong resolve
Ambition to achieve goals despite ・tend to give up easily once I begin to think
I don't put any real effort towards achieving
to help me reach my goal, but…
・am confident in my own potential and
my goal
hardship or pushback something is difficult ・feel greatly discouraged when I encounter ・am able to motivate others through my
them continuously strive to reach success
any road bumps words and actions

・understand that by having mutual

・am able respect and accept others despite respect and acceptance, both myself and
The ability to understand and ・am aware that different value sets exist, so I
・have no interest in trying to understand the ・can understand the importance of different conflicts caused by our differing opinions and others can achieve a greater connection
accept values that are different do my best to be understanding, but...
Multicultural from your own and use these
different value sets others may have
・tend to judge things by my own
values from other cultures/perspectives values ・can use this understanding to help
Understanding ・am perfectly content to live and view the ・can find similarities and differences in ・welcome conflicts created by different others who struggle to see past their own
differences to achieve understanding of "good" and "bad" without
world through only my perspective everyone, but accept them all opinions in order to facilitate deeper mutual set ways of thinking, allowing them to
something greater reflection upon what makes it "good" or "bad"
understanding and respect accept and respect others even through

Global The ability to readily adapt to

・am hard-headed about my beliefs, so... ・much prefer familiar situations and safe ・actively try to understand others' ideas and ・strive to adapt to extremely unexpected
・find it hard to understand those who have ideas to thinking outside the box, but... values, even adopting some of their beliefs if I ・adapt to uncertain situations and challenges and adverse situations no matter how
Adaptability changing circumstances and
Cognitive Flexibility unexpected situations or
different opinions and oppose their ideas ・try my best to adapt to unfamiliar situations, agree with their way of thinking to make the best of what I am given, despite difficult, so as a result...
・feel incredibly stressed when faced with even though I feel great stress and resistance ・overcome my personal feelings to devise any hesitation I might secretly feel ・can rouse others to take action despite
problems fluidly
unfamiliar situations to change ways to adapt well to whatever situation arises any uncertainty they may feel

・can communicate well in another language

The ability to use languages ・am not very skilled in foreign languages but ・proactively communicate using foreign
・am not interested in learning another even if my actual language skills are not
other than your mother ・am interested in learning a foreign … languages to connect with others
language, and... strong
Foreign Language tongue, allowing for more
・do not see the merit in anything other than
language, but… ・am not afraid of attempting to use it
・am able to communicate and develop
・am able to positively influence those I
opportunities to communicate ・haven't put any real effort into studying yet ・am able to use my language skills to deal am around with my language skills,
my own language friendships regardless of the situation or
and widening your horizons with various situations one way or another creating positive relationships
people involved

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