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Nama : Sutiroh

NIM : 23105260050
Prodi : PGSD

1. Setelah membahas teks yang berkaitan dengan sekolah; mengenai pengalaman hari
pertama sekolah dan peristiwa perundungan, kajian selanjutnya adalah
mengenai recount text. Apakah Saudara sebelumnya pernah mendengar
istilah recount text sebagai salah satu bentuk genre tulisan?
Jawaban :
Yes, I have heard of recount text as a genre of writing. It is commonly taught in educational
settings to help students narrate past events and personal experiences in an organized and
engaging way.

2. Tulisan seperti apa yang termasuk ke dalam jenis recount text?

Jawaban :
Recount texts are narrative pieces that describe events that have occurred in the past. They
aim to inform or entertain the reader by recounting what happened. Examples include
personal diaries, autobiographies, historical accounts, and news reports.

3. Elemen apa saja yang membangun tulisan berjenis recount text?

Jawaban :
A recount text typically includes the following elements:
a. Orientation: Provides background information, setting the scene by introducing who
was involved, what happened, when and where it happened, and possibly why it
b. Events: Describes the events in chronological order, detailing what happened step-
c. Conclusion/Personal Comment: Often ends with a conclusion or personal reflection
on the events, summarizing the experience or expressing thoughts and feelings about

4. Saudara, dua teks yang telah kita bahas di bagian sebelumnya, yang berjudul “Memories
of My First Day at Elementary School” dan “Bullying at School” adalah contoh jenis
tulisan recount text. Bagaimana ciri-ciri sebuah tulisan dapat dikategorikan
sebagai recount text?
Jawaban :
These texts can be categorized as recount texts because they exhibit the following
a. Descriptive Language:
• Both texts use descriptive language to make the story informative and engaging.
Adjectives, verbs, and adverbs are used to paint a vivid picture of the events and
their surroundings.
• Example: "I was excited about my first day. I had my new uniform: a red skirt,
a white shirt, and a red jumper with a black line on it."
b. Chronological Order:
• Events are presented in the sequence they occurred, helping the reader follow
the timeline of the events.
• Example: "When we arrived that day, a teacher met some new children at the
school gate. Then, Pak Taufik, the vice principal, met us."
c. Time Connectives:
• Words and phrases that indicate the sequence of events are used, such as first,
before, after, next, eventually, and meanwhile.
• Example: "After the story, we drew pictures of the fruits from the story with
colored pencils and also made a caterpillar from clay."
d. Thoughts, Feelings, and Opinions:
• The texts include the writer’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the events,
providing a personal touch.
• Example: "I felt jealous. I wanted to paint and make a craft too!"
e. First Person:
• These texts are written in the first person, using pronouns like "I," "me," "my"
in personal recounts, and "we," "us" if involving a group.
• Example: "I remember my first day at elementary school very well."
f. Past Tense:
• Both texts describe events that have already happened, so they are written in the
past tense.
• Example: "She often carried a painting and also a handmade craft."
By following these characteristics, recount texts effectively narrate past events in a clear
and engaging manner, making it easier for readers to visualize and understand the
recounted experiences.
Nama : Sutiroh
NIM : 23105260050
Prodi : PGSD

A. Setelah mengkaji struktur dan ciri khas teks recount, Saudara dapat mencermati dan
menganalisis dua teks yang telah dibahas sebelumnya (“Memories of My First Day at
Elementary School” dan “Bullying at School”). Menurut Saudara, apakah dua teks
tersebut telah sesuai dengan struktur dan ciri khas teks recount?

Jawaban :
Analysis of Recount Texts
Do the two texts "Memories of My First Day at Elementary School" and "Bullying at School"
align with the structure and characteristics of recount texts?
1. Descriptive Language:
a. "Memories of My First Day at Elementary School": The text uses descriptive
language effectively, providing detailed descriptions of the writer's new uniform and
the school environment. For example, "a red skirt, a white shirt and a red jumper with
a black line on it."
b. "Bullying at School": The text describes the events and feelings involved in a bullying
incident, although it could use more adjectives and adverbs to enhance the description
of the events and emotions.
2. Chronological Order:
a. "Memories of My First Day at Elementary School": The events are presented in
chronological order, starting from the writer's arrival at school to the end of the day.
b. "Bullying at School": The events are also described in chronological order, detailing
the incident from the beginning to the end.
3. Time Connectives:
a. "Memories of My First Day at Elementary School": Uses time connectives such as
"When we arrived that day" and "Then, Pak Taufik, the vice principal, met us."
b. "Bullying at School": This text uses phrases like "At break time" and "After the
incident" to show the sequence of events.
4. Thoughts, Feelings, and Opinions:
a. "Memories of My First Day at Elementary School": Includes the writer's feelings
and thoughts, such as excitement and nervousness. For example, "I was excited about
my first day" and "I felt jealous."
b. "Bullying at School": Also includes thoughts and feelings, describing the victim's fear
and distress, as well as the writer's perspective on the bullying incident.
5. First Person:
a. "Memories of My First Day at Elementary School": Written in the first person,
using pronouns like "I" and "my."
b. "Bullying at School": Also written in the first person, using pronouns like "I" and
6. Past Tense:
a. "Memories of My First Day at Elementary School": The events are described in the
past tense, reflecting that they happened in the past. For example, "I remember my first
day" and "She often carried a painting."
b. "Bullying at School": Uses past tense to recount the events. For example, "The
students laughed" and "The teacher intervened."

Both texts, "Memories of My First Day at Elementary School" and "Bullying at School,"
align well with the structure and characteristics of recount texts. They:
1. Use descriptive language to make the events vivid and engaging.
2. Present the events in chronological order.
3. Include time connectives to show the sequence of events.
4. Reflect the writer’s thoughts, feelings, and opinions.
5. Are written in the first person.
6. Use the past tense to describe events that have already happened.
Thus, both texts effectively demonstrate the essential features of recount texts.

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